Content 1Sirdalud 1.1Composition 1.2Form of issue 1.3pharmachologic effect 1.4Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics 1.5Indications for the use of Sirdaluda 1.6Contraindications 1.7Side effects 1.8Instructions for the use of Sirdalud (Method and dosage) 1.9Instructions for use of Sirdalud MR 1.10Overdose 1.11Interaction 1.12Terms of sale 1.13Storage conditions 1.14Shelf life 1.15special instructions 1.16Analogues of Sirdalud 1.17Midokalm or Sirdalud: what is better? 1.18R...
Content 1Gymnastics of Tibetan monks. Complex of exercises: 5 minutes every morning 1.1Causes of mass interest in Tibetan gymnastics 1.2Who is useful for the Tibetan system of exercises 1.3The positive effects of Tibetan gymnastics 1.4Five minutes every morning for the gymnastics of Tibetan monks: features and rules of performance 1.5Technique of performing exercises 1.6When is Tibetan gymnastics not suitable? 1.7Useful video-clips about the gymnastics of Tibetan monks 25 exerci...
Content 1Arthralgia 1.1Types of arthralgia 1.2Treatment and prognosis of arthralgia 2Symptoms, causes and treatment of arthralgia syndrome 2.1Types of arthralgia and accompanying symptoms 2.2Diagnostics 2.3Prognosis and prevention 3Arthralgia: symptoms and treatment 3.1Etiology 3.2Kinds 3.3Symptomatology 3.4Treatment 4Arthralgia: what is it, the causes, symptoms and treatment 4.1What it is 4.2Types of arthralgia 4.3Causes 4.4Symptoms of arthralgia 4.5Treatment of ar...
Arthritis is a different kind of inflammation of the joints, accompanied by the defeat of the synovial membrane (snowball), capsule or articular cartilage, other elements. The most common forms of arthritis are rheumatoid, ankylosing spondylitis and gouty. This disease can be acute, subacute and chronic. Content 1Arthritis of the hands: what is it? 2Methods of treatment 3Arthritis of the fingers: causes and symptoms 4How to treat arthritis of fingers: traditional methods and folk remed...
Content 1Exercises for pumping the widest muscles of the back (wings) 1.1Anatomy of the back muscles 1.2Exercises on the widest back muscles 1.3Exercise # 1 - Thrust of the upper block in front of you 1.4How to pump your back with a dumbbell 1.5How to pump your back on a horizontal bar 1.6How to pump up your backs with push-ups 1.7Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back 2How to pump the latissimus muscles of the back or wings 2.1Back muscles training system 2.2Power se...
Content 1What is tetraparesis: diagnosis and treatment 1.1Factors provoking paresis 1.2Species of a symptom 1.3Clinical picture 1.4Spasticity - as a special form of a paresis 1.5Diagnostics in a medical institution 1.6Complex of therapeutic measures 1.7Surgery 1.8Rehabilitation period 1.9Prognosis and complications 2Spastic tetraparesis (cerebral palsy) in children, tetraparesis treatment, mixed, central, flaccid, reflex tetraparesis, tetraparesis symptoms, how to treat tetrap...
Content 1Radicular syndrome: symptoms and treatment 1.1general description 1.2Causes of radicular syndrome 1.3Radicular syndrome: symptoms 1.4Diagnosis of radicular syndrome 1.5Treatment of radicular syndrome 2Lumbar lumbar syndrome: symptoms and treatment 2.1What is radicular syndrome? 2.2Pathogenesis of the disease 2.3Causes leading to the development of the disease 2.4Classification 2.5The reasons for the defeat of this department 2.6Clinic 2.7Diagnostics 2.8Treatment o...
Content 1How to treat shoulder plexitis 1.1Causes of Shoulder Plexitis 1.2Symptoms of the disease 1.3Treatment of plexitis of the shoulder joint 1.4Outdoor folk remedies 1.5Folk recipes for ingestion 1.6Physiotherapy exercises for the shoulder joint 1.7Prognosis and prevention 2About plexitis of the shoulder joint, characteristic symptoms and methods of treatment 2.1Types of plexitis of the shoulder joint 2.2Causes of inflammation 2.3Diagnostic tests 2.4Methods of treatment ...
Content 1Procedure for receiving a referral for a free MRI on the MHI policy 1.1How to make an MRI on a policy 1.2What is needed for this? 1.3How much to wait for an MRI on a MHI policy 2How to make a free MRI of the spine, brain or other organs in the state polyclinic? 2.1Tomography by policy 2.2How to pass a survey without money? 3Мрт diagnostics by oms policy: whether tomography enters into it and whether it is possible to make procedure without a referral of the doctor? 3....
Content 1Causes, symptoms and effective treatment of spinal arthrosis 1.1Causes of the disease 1.2Methods of treatment 1.3Physiotherapy 1.4Correction of a way of life 1.5Exercise therapy 1.6Diet 1.7Folk, non-traditional methods 1.8Surgical intervention 1.9Preventive measures 2Osteoarthritis of the spine: symptoms and treatment of intervertebral joints 2.1Causes of the disease 2.2Symptoms of spinal arthrosis 2.3Methods of diagnosis and treatment 2.4Medications 2.5Treatment...
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