Orthopedic Products

Balm of dikul for the spine and joints

Content 1Treatment of joints and spine with balm Dikul 1.1History of creation of balm 1.2Composition of balm 1.3Purpose of balm 1.4Reviews about balm 2Balsam (ointment) Dikul for the treatment of the spine and joints: species, application 2.1Characteristics of the preparation 2.2Composition 2.3Indications 2.4Efficiency 2.5Different types of balsams 3Overview of Dicul balm for treatment and for massage of joints and spine 3.1Composition of balsam Dikul for the treatment of ...

  • 27-Aug-2018
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Orthopedic Products

What if the hernia on the spine?

Content 1Vertebral hernia: who is to blame and what to do 2Herniated spine - causes and symptoms, treatment and exercises, surgery to remove 2.1What is a spinal hernia? 2.2Types of herniation of the spine 2.3Herniated hernia - symptoms in women 2.4Herniated spine - symptoms in men 2.5How to recognize a spinal hernia 2.6Treatment of a hernia of a backbone 2.7Treatment of a hernia of a backbone on a method of Bubnovsky 2.8What physiotherapy procedures for a hernia of the spine 2.9...

  • 25-Aug-2018
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Orthopedic Products

Human joints: structure, classification, function

Content 1Consider the types and structure of joints 1.1Basic elements of the joint 1.2Classification and types 1.3By structure 1.4By the shape of the surfaces 1.5By the nature of the movement 1.6"Demonstrative review of anatomy" 2Structure and function of joints 2.1Shoulder joint 2.2Hip Joint 2.3Knee-joint 3Joints in man 3.1Species, their anatomy and structure 3.2Functions and tasks 3.3Classification, its principles 3.4Connection types 3.5Basic joints in the human body...

  • 29-Jul-2018
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Orthopedic Products

Corset for the lumbosacral spine

Content 1Corsets for the lumbar spine 1.1Purpose of lumbar corsets 1.2Lumbar corset functions 1.3Types of orthoses for the lumbosacral department 1.4By function 1.5By the degree of rigidity 1.6At the place of wearing 1.7How to choose a lumbar corset 1.8The best models of corsets for the spine 1.9Rules for the operation of such products 1.10Contra-indications to use of a corset 1.11The rules for wearing such devices 1.12Care of orthopedic products 2Corsets for the lumbosacra...

  • 03-Aug-2018
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Orthopedic Products

Royal disease: gout

Content 1"Disease of kings." Symptoms and methods of treating gout 1.1Features of the disease 1.2Causes of gout 1.3Gout: symptoms of the disease 1.4Methods of diagnosis of gouty arthritis 1.5What threatens gout? 1.6Modern methods of treating gout 1.7Diet for gout 1.8Prophylaxis of gout 2Royal disease: symptoms of gout and its diagnosis 2.1Causes 2.2Start 2.3Development of the disease 2.4Attack on internal organs 2.5Diagnostics 3Gout is a "royal" disease 4Gout 5Gout is...

  • 14-Aug-2018
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Orthopedic Products

Corrector posture, orthopedic reklinator

Content 1How to choose posture correctors - physicians' advice 2What is an orthopedic reklinator and why is it needed? 2.1Appointment 2.2Return health 2.3Types of recliners 2.4How to use 2.5Cost 3Orthopedic reklinator: types, benefits, price, popular models 3.1What is a posture corrector 3.2Types of proofreaders 3.3Popular Models 3.4How to wear 3.5How to choose 3.6Benefits of corsets 3.7Appointment 3.8Can recliners do harm 3.9Where can I buy 4Posture Corrector (reclin...

  • 01-Aug-2018
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Orthopedic Products

Ankle bandage: how to apply a bandage?

Content 1Fixing bandage on ankle joint 1.1Rules for the use of an ankle bandage 1.2Types of clamps 1.3Learning to properly fix the ankle 1.4Ankle joint anaplation rules 2How to bandage a leg with an elastic bandage when stretched? 2.1When bandages of elastic materials are needed 2.2Advantages and disadvantages 2.3How to choose a bandage 2.4How to apply an ankle bandage 2.5Scheme of bandaging: instruction for beginners 2.6Care of bandages and prolongation of service life 3H...

  • 27-Aug-2018
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Orthopedic Products

Exacerbation of intervertebral hernia: treatment

Content 1How is the treatment of intervertebral hernia in the lower back during an exacerbation? 2Exacerbation of the intervertebral hernia (lumbar spine): what to do? Treatment 2.1What is an exacerbation of the intervertebral hernia? 2.2Causes of exacerbation: when and why is it manifested? 2.3How is the exacerbation of the hernia manifested? 2.4Exercises for disc herniation (video) 2.5Than it is dangerous? 2.6What to do if you have an exacerbation of the intervertebral hernia? ...

  • 02-Aug-2018
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Orthopedic Products

Neuropathy: what is it?

Content 1Neuropathy: Symptoms and Treatment 1.1Etiology 1.2Varieties 1.3Symptomatology 1.4Diabetic form 1.5Lesion of the facial nerve 1.6Lesion of the peroneal nerve 1.7Healing measures 2Causes of development and symptoms of neuropathy 2.1Causes 2.2Clinical picture 2.3Types of disease 2.4Diagnostics 2.5Methods of therapy 2.6Prevention 3Peripheral neuropathy: symptoms, causes, treatment 3.1Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy 3.2Causes 3.3Common diseases 3.4Injuries 3....

  • 11-Aug-2018
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Orthopedic Products

Contracture of the knee joint: joint

Content 1Contracture of the knee joint 1.1Classification 1.2Symptoms of contracture of the knee joint 1.3Forecast 2Contracture of the knee joint 2.1Features 2.2Causes 2.3Kinds 2.4Temporary 2.5Stable 2.6Symptomatology 2.7Diagnostics 2.8Treatment 2.9Conservative 2.10Operational 2.11The people's 2.12Complications 2.13Prevention 2.14LFK (video) 2.15Books 3Contracture of the knee joint 4Treatment of contracture of the knee joint 4.1Epidemiology, symptoms and causes 4...

  • 02-Aug-2018
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