Orthopedic Products

Corticosteroids - what is it? list of drugs and their effect

Content 1What is corticosteroids: list of drugs, indications for use 1.1Corticosteroids - what is it and how do they work? 1.2Indications for use 1.3Classification of corticosteroid ointments and creams 1.4Weak 1.5Moderate 1.6Strong 1.7Very strong 1.8Combined 1.9Forms of release 1.10How to apply 1.11Methods of treatment (types of therapy) 1.12Use by children and women in pregnancy 1.13Contraindications and side effects 2List of corticosteroids, types and forms of release w...

  • 15-Aug-2018
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Orthopedic Products

Operation to remove a hernia of the lumbar spine

Content 1Removal of a herniated lumbar spine - a description of the operation 1.1Indication for the operation 1.2Features of surgical treatment 1.3Types of surgical treatment 1.4- Microsurgical removal of a herniated intervertebral disk in the lumbar spine 1.5Possible complications 1.6How Rehabilitation Works 2Operation to remove a hernia of the lumbar spine 2.1In what cases is surgical intervention prescribed 2.2What you need to know about surgical intervention 2.3Removal of ...

  • 20-Aug-2018
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Orthopedic Products

Tendonosis of the hip, knee joint: what is it?

Content 1What is tendonosis: how to treat the tendon of the joints (hip and knee) 1.1Why there is a tendonosis 1.2Types of tendinosis 1.3Symptoms of tendonitis 1.4Diagnosis of the disease 1.5Treatment of tendinitis 2Tendonosis of the hip joint: what is it, the symptoms, treatment 2.1Tendinosis - what is it? 2.2Tendonosis of the hip joint - what is it 2.3Tendonosis of a large trochanter of the femur 2.4Tendonosis of the hip joint - treatment 2.5Forecast 3Why there is and ho...

  • 04-Aug-2018
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Orthopedic Products

Tumor of the spine of the lumbar, thoracic, cervical: symptoms

Content 1Tumor of the spine 1.1Causes 1.2Symptomatology 1.3Classification 1.4Types of tumors 1.5Diagnosis and treatment 2Symptoms and manifestations of cancer of the spine 2.1Cancer of the spine: symptoms 2.2Symptoms of cervical spine cancer 2.3Symptoms of cancer of the thoracic spine 2.4Signs of a cancer of the lumbar spine 3Treatment of a tumor of the spine begins in the early stages, when the cancer cells did not start up metastases 3.1Causes of a tumor 3.2Classificati...

  • 24-Aug-2018
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Orthopedic Products

"Master of posture" - electronic instrument-corrector

Content 1How to choose an electronic posture corrector 2Master of Posture (electronic proofreader): instruction 2.1What is the "Posture Master a general description 2.2Overview of the corrector Posture master (video) 2.3What is included? 2.4Operating principle 2.5Where to buy and how much does it cost? 2.6Why and for whom is it necessary? 2.7How to use? 3Electronic posture corrector: user manual, feedback 3.1What is the correct posture for? 3.2What is an electronic proofreade...

  • 12-Aug-2018
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Orthopedic Products

Lumbago with sciatica: what is it?

Content 1Lumbago with sciatica (lumboschialgia) - what is it? 1.1Features of this ailment 1.2Symptoms 1.3Kinds 1.4How to treat lumbago with sciatica 2Lumbago with sciatica - what is it, symptoms and treatment 2.1What is lumbago with sciatica (lumboschialgia)? 2.2Types of disease 2.3Causes 2.4Symptoms of lumboschialgia 2.5Diagnostics 2.6Treatment of lumbago with sciatica 2.7Prevention of disease 3What is lumbago with sciatica: how to treat the disease and prevent its furth...

  • 20-Aug-2018
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Orthopedic Products

Dorsal anesthesia: anesthesia in the spine

Content 1Spinal anesthesia, contraindications, reviews 1.1What is the difference between spinal anesthesia and epidural 1.2How is analgesia performed? 1.3What the patient feels with spinal anesthesia 1.4What drugs are used 1.5Self-preparation of the patient 1.6Advantages of the method and why it is used 1.7Possible complications of spinal anesthesia 1.8Who should not carry out such anesthesia 1.9Who should be treated with caution 1.10Reviews 2Spinal anesthesia 2.1What is the...

  • 25-Aug-2018
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Orthopedic Products

Polyostoarthritis: Symptoms and Treatment

Content 1Overview of polyostearthrosis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis 1.1Causes of the disease 1.2Symptoms 1.3Four methods of diagnosis 1.4Medicines 1.5Physiotherapy 1.6Exercise therapy 1.7Operation 1.8Forecast 2Polyostoarthrosis - what is it and how to treat the pathology 2.1Polyostoarthrosis, general view 2.2What are the causes of the pathology? 2.3Symptoms, multiple osteoarthritis 2.4Diagnostic study 2.5The treatment of polyostearthrosis 2.6Dietary recom...

  • 21-Aug-2018
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Orthopedic Products

Tumor of the spinal cord: causes, symptoms, treatment, prognosis

Content 1Spinal Cord Tumor 1.1Types of neoplasms 1.2Causes and signs of tumors 1.3Radicular-shell disorders 1.4Segmental disorders 1.5Conducting disorders 2Tumors of the spinal cord symptoms, treatment, diagnosis and prognosis 3Why does the tumor of the spinal cord arise and what is dangerous? 4Tumors of the spinal cord: symptoms, classification, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, prognosis 4.1Intramedullary type 4.2Extramedullary 4.3Benign and malignant species 4.4Spinal...

  • 06-Aug-2018
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Orthopedic Products

Bruising your toe: treatment, what to do with a strong bruise?

Content 1How to treat a bruised toe on the foot at home? 1.1Clinical picture 1.2How to distinguish a bruise from a fracture? 1.3Healing procedures 1.4What can not be done with a bruise? 2Bruising your toe: symptoms and treatment 2.1How to distinguish a bruised toe from a fracture? 2.2Degrees of heaviness of finger bruises 2.3Emergency care for finger bruises on the leg 2.4How to treat a bruised toe on the leg 2.5What can not be done with a bruised finger? 2.6Complications aft...

  • 27-Jul-2018
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