Corticosteroids - what is it? list of drugs and their effect


  • 1What is corticosteroids: list of drugs, indications for use
    • 1.1Corticosteroids - what is it and how do they work?
    • 1.2Indications for use
    • 1.3Classification of corticosteroid ointments and creams
    • 1.4Weak
    • 1.5Moderate
    • 1.6Strong
    • 1.7Very strong
    • 1.8Combined
    • 1.9Forms of release
    • 1.10How to apply
    • 1.11Methods of treatment (types of therapy)
    • 1.12Use by children and women in pregnancy
    • 1.13Contraindications and side effects
  • 2List of corticosteroids, types and forms of release with description
    • 2.1Forms of production of synthetic corticosteroids
  • 3Corticosteroids: what it is and what it is used for:
    • 3.1Classification of corticosteroid hormones
    • 3.2Act
    • 3.3Indications for use
    • 3.4Glucocorticoids - what is it?
    • 3.5Mineralocorticosteroids
    • 3.6Contraindications
    • 3.7Adverse Events
    • 3.8Application features
    • 3.9Form of issue
    • 3.10Corticosteroids: list of drugs
  • 4Corticosteroid - what is it? What are the indications and effects of corticosteroids?
    • 4.1Basic Terminology
    • 4.2Indications for use
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.3Appointment of drugs
    • 4.4Scope of application
    • 4.5Danger when used
    • 4.6The most well-known means
    • 4.7Topical application of corticosteroids
    • 4.8Systemic corticosteroids
    • 4.9Inhalations with hormonal agents
    • 4.10Nasal forms of glucosteroids

What is corticosteroids: list of drugs, indications for use

Patients suffering from severe skin, including chronic diseases, are well aware of the existence of corticosteroids (corticoids or CS).

The drugs of this group are treated for the treatment of allergic rashes, various dermatitis.

Those who get corticosteroids for the first time are afraid: is the doctor advising a doctor too much?

Known to the Russians on popular TV shows Dr. Myasnikov is convinced: if the problem is serious, hormone-containing drugs should be used, and only then, gradually, go to easier medicines. The main thing - to strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor.

Corticosteroids - what is it and how do they work?

Corticosteroids are in every organism, they are produced by the adrenal glands and participate in metabolic processes.

Pharmacists managed to synthesize this substance and create drugs aimed at suppressing various painful symptoms in the body.

Corticosteroids are conditionally divided into two groups, the difference between which is in the sphere of their impact.

The first group is represented by glucocorticoid hormones, they are responsible for carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism. You can find out more about what glucocorticosteroids are, and also see the list of drugs here.

The second group includes hormones mineralocorticoid, they participate in water-salt metabolism. When a patient is prescribed corticosteroid drugs, the doctor usually means glucocorticoids.

Corticosteroid therapy aims to block the formation in the body of substances called "prostaglandins which give rise to the onset of the inflammatory process.

The difficulty in the work of pharmacists was that prostaglandins are found in different cells and tissues organism, are endowed with all sorts of functions, not all of which cause human health harm.


The main plus of modern medicines -their selective effect on the body, aimed only at those sites that require medical intervention.


By the way, corticosteroids injections are now successfully used in veterinary medicine for dogs and cats, if one has to deal with severe inflammation.

Indications for use

Due to the ability of drugs-corticosteroids to remove swelling and inflammation, to soothe itching, they are often prescribed for the treatment of skin diseases.

These medications are recommended:

  • with atopic dermatitis;
  • with allergies;
  • with psoriasis;
  • with chicken pox;
  • with different forms of lichen (for example, shingles, pink);
  • with hives;
  • with red lupus (for the lips on which the sores are formed);
  • with vitiligo (a violation of pigmentation associated with immune problems).

Another area of ​​application of drugs in this group is urology. Used for phimosis (the so-called disease in which the foreskin is significantly narrowed), corticosteroids help the patient to do without surgical intervention.

When esophagitis (esophageal disease) is faster recovery of the damaged mucous membrane, symptoms of heartburn and pain during swallowing are eliminated. Effective drug and gastritis.

Corticosteroids are prescribed for rheumatism, for arthritis, for sinusitis, for bronchial asthma and pneumonia, for certain blood diseases and for the presence neoplasms, for the treatment of otitis and eye diseases (for example, with conjunctivitis, iritis, iridocyclitis), various viral infections and neurological problems.

Drugs of this group are actively used in dentistry, as well as for the treatment of patients with a diagnosis of facial nerve palsy.

Classification of corticosteroid ointments and creams

Ointments and creams, made on the basis of corticosteroids, are divided into 4 groups, depending on what hormones are part of the drugs.

These are the classes: weak, moderate, strong and very strong. Combined preparations are highlighted in a separate category.


Ointment and cream of this class are produced using prednisolone and hydrocortisone.


At the heart of this class of drugs are such components as prednicarbat, flumethasone.


Strong-acting drugs of this class are based on synthetic hormonal drugs halomethasone, metazone, betamethasone, methylprednisolone.

Very strong

This group of drugs is based on clobetasol propionite.


This group (or more precisely - a subclass) includes funds in which, along with corticosteroids, the content of substances that can resist bacterial and fungal infection is noted.

Examples of the combined preparation are ointments "Flucinar "Belosalik".

Forms of release

Given the wide range of uses of corticosteroids for the treatment of various diseases, pharmacists have provided a sufficient variety of forms of these drugs:

  • oral corticosteroids (for oral administration) - tablets, capsules;
  • for injections - liquid preparations in ampoules;
  • for topical use (topical preparations) - ointments, creams, gels, liniments, powders;
  • Inhalation corticosteroids - aerosol, spray;
  • nasal and intranasal means - spray, drops in the nose;
  • for the eyes - eye drops.

The choice among a variety of corticosteroid drugs should be left to the doctor: he understands the patient's health better and knows what effect the medicine will have on the body, what is the mechanism of action, possible consequences and complications from the use of drugs in this group, especially if their long-term reception.

However, treatment can become more effective if the patient is sufficiently fully informed about the drugs that are prescribed to him.

Here are the best drugs most often prescribed:

  • Advantan - effective for allergic skin manifestations, systemic effects are poorly expressed, which allows use the drug repeatedly and on large surfaces; indications and instructions for use for children find here.
  • Belogen - destroys pathogenic microorganisms, practically has no side effects; more about the indications for the use of ointment and cream Belogent read in our article.
  • Hydrocortisone is one of the best in the category of "anti-inflammatory drugs however it is contraindicated if there are fungal or viral infections; from what else helps ointment Hydrocortisone learn here;
  • Lorinden S - removes swelling and itching, has an antifungal, antibacterial effect;
  • Prednisolone - is intended for local treatment, the course of which should not exceed two weeks;
  • NAZONEX - recommended for allergic forms of rhinitis;
  • Cinaphlan and its analogue Flucinar - an effective anti-inflammatory effect gives a quick result, with use for children and adolescents noted stronger than in adults, absorption through dermal integument;
  • Ftorokort - well removes puffiness, can be used no more than 10 days;
  • Futsidin G - relieves itching and inflammation, is prescribed to children from two years of age.

When purchasing medicines in a drugstore, their names should be clearly indicated.

For example, in addition to the drug Fucidin G, there is simply Fucidin. And these are not substitute drugs, each of them has its own special purpose.

How to apply

About how to properly take medicine, how to use it, so that the benefit is maximum, the doctor will tell. But some general rules are worth remembering.

If the doctor prescribed the pill, the first should be taken at 6 am, the next - no later than 14: it is for this "schedule" that natural corticosteroids would enter the bloodstream.

The medication should be combined with food intake. By the way, the menu needs to make some changes, enriching it with proteins. But carbohydrates and salt in dishes should be a minimum amount.

In addition, calcium preparations and with vitamin D will be needed - this will help to protect the body from osteoporosis. Liquids should be drunk a day to a half liters. Alcohol is absolutely contraindicated.

The injections are done strictly according to the instructions of the doctor - in the dosage and in the amount indicated in the prescription. Overdoses are especially dangerous, since they can lead to adverse reactions.

The optimal duration of treatment with corticosteroids is five to seven days, and the longest - up to three months.

However, doctors treat such long terms with great care, so that the body does not start irreversible processes, do not violate the functions of any organs.

Methods of treatment (types of therapy)

Individually for each patient, the physician selects the treatment technique. She may be:

  • intensive - if the patient is in an extremely serious condition (medication is administered intravenously);
  • limiting - for people with chronic forms of the disease (usually treated with pills);
  • alternating - drugs take on a special, sparing scheme, intermittently;
  • Intermittent - taking drugs in courses of 3-4 days with a mandatory break in 4 days;
  • pulse-therapy is an urgent help to the patient (a large dose of the drug is administered intravenously).

Use by children and women in pregnancy

The risk of adverse reactions to the drugs of this group is especially great in children. If the doctor prescribes a corticosteroid ointment for the child, then the course is minimal in duration and for treating very small areas of the skin.

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Children up to a year are allowed drugs containing not more than one percent hydrocortisone.

Since the age of two, you can use Metazone ointment - it has a prolonged effect, so it is enough to lubricate the diseased skin area once a day. Atopic dermatitis, Advantan ointment is effective.


In pregnancy, hormonal drugs are used only in situations where the expected result of treatment will "block and significantly, the possible risk from the use of this medication.


It is advisable to use less harmful to the future mother ointment of mild to moderate strength.

We offer you a video about the use of local glucocorticosteroids in atopic dermatitis in children:

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to the use of corticosteroids are:

  • stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
  • epilepsy;
  • mental disorders;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • heart diseases.

Problems can also be obtained with illiterate use of drugs, disruption of dosages and the timing of treatment.

Among the side effects: loss of skin elasticity, acne eruptions, active growth of facial hair, the formation of stretch marks, areas lacking natural pigmentation.

There is also a risk of weakening immunity, increasing body weight, swelling, increasing blood sugar levels, and in women - menstrual cycle disorders.

Sometimes uncontrolled use of corticosteroids leads to eye diseases, depression, may even change the appearance of the patient as a result of the atrophy of individual muscles or fat deposits on face.

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List of corticosteroids, types and forms of release with description

The adrenal cortex performs a secreting function,producing corticosteroids. These are biologically active hormones, including the mineral (aldosterone) and glucocorticoids (hydrocortisone, cortisone).

Natural corticosteroids control the following processes in the body:

  1. metabolism of minerals (retard sodium ions and remove potassium);
  2. the process of puberty;
  3. exchange of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates;
  4. reactions of stress;
  5. course of pregnancy;
  6. block the production of inflammatory mediators.

Synthetic corticosteroids have properties similar to natural hormones.

Theycan eliminate the symptoms of the inflammatory process(anesthetize, remove swelling and redness, locally reduce the temperature).

Synthetic molecules of corticosteroids are built into a cycle of reactions natural to the body metabolism, removing from them natural hormones, which disrupts the work of the adrenal cortex and hormonal balance whole.

In this regard, drugs based on synthetic corticosteroids are prescribed by a doctor when non-hormonal medications are not effective.

Forms of production of synthetic corticosteroids

Synthetic corticosteroids have the following release forms:

  • tablets (capsules);
  • solutions in ampoules for injection;
  • topical corticosteroids, which are applied externally (ointments, creams);
  • form for inhalation.

Let us dwell in detail on the most popular and prescribed drugs.

Prednisone tablets

They have a powerful anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug is contraindicated in case of ulcer pathology of the stomach and intestines, during vaccination, with hypertension and propensity to form blood clots in the vessels.

The price for a package of 100 pieces is about 120 rubles. Prednisolone may have a liquid form for the injection of corticosteroids.


Betamethasone is an active ingredient. Tablets are not prescribed for the following pathologies: after myocardial infarction, with hypertension, endocrine disorders, with glaucoma, with severe infections (syphilis, tuberculosis), osteoporosis, poliomyelitis. Inhibits natural immune responses.

Anti-inflammatory effect is 30 times more effective than hydrocortisone.

Kenacort tablet

The drug acts as a stabilizing cell membrane, eliminates the symptoms of inflammation and allergies. Do not use for psychosis, chronic nephritis, complex infections and fungal lesions.

50 tablets of 10 mg cost about 200 rubles.

Metipred (methylprednisolone) tablets

In case of vital necessity, the only contraindication is individual intolerance. Cautiously appoint at pregnancy, an acute psychosis, endocrine deviations, diseases of a digestive tube and complex infections.

The cost of the drug starts at 150 rubles.

Lemon Tablets

Effective for endocrine, musculoskeletal, allergic, systemic, hematological and oncological pathologies. Contraindicated in: corneal herpes, acute psychosis, active form of tuberculosis, severe diabetes, fungal damage to the body.

The average price for the drug is 450 rubles.

Corticosteroids in the form of solutions for inhalation are effectivereduce the permeability of membranes, limit the yield of proteolytic enzymes beyond the limits of lysosomes. High concentration of the substance is created locally in the walls of bronchial action, which allows to minimize the systemic effect.

If long-term use of corticosteroids,side effects developIn most cases.

Topical corticosteroidsprescribe to children with caution.

The smaller the child, the greater the ratio of surface area to body weight and the risk of developing systemic pathologies (delay in development, disruption of hormonal balance, suppression of the adrenal glands).


Children up to one year are prescribed ointments that contain no more than 1% of active hydrocortisone, Dermatol can be used.


During pregnancy, corticosteroids are prescribed in exceptional cases, when the result of application exceeds possible risks for the fetus.

Corticosteroids with local short-term use almost do not penetrate into breast milk

Corticosteroids are effective in bronchial asthma. They relieve the symptoms of inflammation, but do not enlarge the bronchi. These medications are used during attacks, when other drugs are not effective.

After stopping the attack, the dose of the active ingredient is reduced gradually (2 times every 4 days). In bronchial asthma, corticosteroids are shown in the form for inhalations.

They are: Beclozon Eco, Budesonide Forte, Pulmicort, Pulmicort Turvuhaler, Fluticonazole Propionate.

When complex forms of allergy are effective corticosteroids, they are prescribed systemically and locally. List of drugs: "Betamethasone "Prednisolone "Dexamethasone as well as their analogues.

Corticosteroids in psoriasis are prescribed topically, systemic drugs exacerbate the severity of the pathology. Creams and ointments are applied twice a day.


Corticosteroids are used with great caution, when the symptoms abate, they switch to a less active or non-hormonal drug.


Means of the last generation, used in psoriasis: "Elokom "Advantan "Lokoid."

Rules for the abolition of corticosteroids

Drastic withdrawal of the drugcan lead to adrenal insufficiency, the dose of the drug should be gradually reduced.

For example, if you use Prednisalon in tablets, every 3 to 5 days the dose is reduced by half the tablet.

The longer the course of corticosteroids, the slower the concentration of the active substance decreases. Cancellation should take place under the control and according to the scheme of the doctor.

Medicines based on corticosteroids are used only in cases when a drug without hormones is not effective. They are not used and do not cancel themselves without consulting a doctor.
Be sure to watch the video on the topic

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Corticosteroids: what it is and what it is used for:

What are corticosteroids? This is the collective name of a whole group of hormones produced by the adrenal cortex. Preparations based on them are actively used in modern medicine.

They are divided into two groups, the first - glucocorticoids, which include, in particular, cortisone (oral glucocorticosteroid, used for chronic adrenal insufficiency) and hydrocortisone.

The second group - mineralocorticosteroids - regulators of water and sodium metabolism in the body.

The first time about their advantages and importance for the human body doctors and scientists began talking in 1886. Corticosteroids are necessary for a person to normalize metabolism, control kidney function, and also puberty.

Classification of corticosteroid hormones

In modern medicine, natural hormones are not used, they were replaced by synthetic substitutes, which affect a person in a similar way. Doctors classify them according to the level of activity:

  1. Steroid hormones produced exclusively by the adrenal cortex with reduced activity ("Hydrocortisone" and "Prednisolone").
  2. Steroid hormones with an average activity, they include "Flumethasone" and "Fluorocortolone."
  3. Hormones with strongly pronounced activity are the most common steroids at the present time ("Betamethasone" and "mometasone").
  4. Hormones with very high activity, they include "Clobetasol" and "Halcinonide."


So what is this - "corticosteroids" - and what effect do they have on the human body? Those drugs that sell in the pharmacy are synthetic compounds, they can be produced under different trade names, but the active substance of each group is the same. The action of corticosteroids manifests itself in the following:

  • anti-inflammatory effect without affecting the infectious origin and pathogens;
  • the ability to influence all forms of metabolism: water-electrolyte, lipid, protein and carbohydrate;
  • anti-allergic effect;
  • the effect on the cardiovascular system, the increase in the sensitivity of the walls of blood vessels and cardiac muscles to adrenomimetic and epinephrine, the effect on blood pressure;
  • the ability to stimulate the formation of blood platelets, fragments of megakaryocytes and red blood cells;
  • ability to suppress the production of sex hormones, as well as reduce the sensitivity of organs and tissues to steroids, which are produced by the thyroid gland.

Indications for use

Corticosteroids are used where conventional drugs (anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-allergic) are powerless. Between themselves, glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids differ in the nature of the effect on the body.

The first are most relevant in the treatment of bronchial asthma, rheumatism, pancreatitis, viral hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. Have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Mineralocorticoids are used in diseases, the occurrence of which is associated with a violation of mineral metabolism.

Glucocorticoids - what is it?

Corticosteroids produced by the adrenal cortex. This type of hormones most effectively affects carbohydrate metabolism.

Steroid hormones derive their name from the ability to increase blood sugar and lymph by increasing the process of combining glucose in the liver. And they also affect the metabolism of fats and proteins.


The most effective of them is cortisol (a biologically active glucocorticoid hormone of a steroid nature, that is, in its structure has a sterane nucleus).


Containing its medicinal products are prescribed in the presence of the following diseases:

  • all forms of arthralgia (joint pain);
  • deposition of salts in chronic metabolic diseases characterized by a breakdown in purine metabolism and inability of the kidneys to excrete uric acid;
  • chronic systemic diseases of the joints with the predominant localization of the inflammatory process in the spine.
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Important! Doctors prescribe steroid drugs in the event that for fourteen days the use of other anti-inflammatory drugs has not yielded a positive result.

In addition to painful abnormalities from the normal condition in the joints, corticosteroids are often prescribed at disorders in the work of other organs and tissues (autoimmune diseases, bronchial asthma, severe allergic reaction).


Finding out what it is - corticosteroids, it is not superfluous to learn about their classification.

This group includes hormones of the adrenal cortex, affecting the mineral metabolism, mainly on the exchange of sodium and potassium. These steroids are responsible for the ordering of the water-salt balance.

Unlike other corticosteroids, this species is not in great demand in medicine. Mineralcorticoids are prescribed for:

  • chronic adrenocortical insufficiency, or hypocorticism (a rare endocrine disease, in the result of which the adrenal glands lose the ability to produce a sufficient number of hormones, primarily cortisol);
  • a syndrome of severe muscle weakness, accompanied by a significant reduction or complete cessation of motor activity;
  • Addison's disease.


Despite the high activity of many drugs with corticosteroids, there are no contraindications. Nevertheless, there are conditions in which medical workers prescribe them with caution. Such diseases and disorders include:

  1. Diabetes mellitus (a disease of endocrine origin, developing due to lack or absence of insulin in the body).
  2. Gastrointestinal ulcer during exacerbation.
  3. Heart failure.
  4. High blood pressure.
  5. Acute renal or hepatic insufficiency.
  6. Glaucoma (eye disease, which is characterized by a constant or periodic increase in the ophthalmotonus).
  7. Cataract (a physiological condition associated with clouding the lens of the eye and causing various degrees of visual impairment until its complete loss).
  8. Varicella (acute viral infection, transmitted by airborne droplets).
  9. Tuberculosis (an infectious disease, the occurrence of which is provoked by mycobacterium tuberculosis).
  10. Thrombosis.
  11. Epilepsy (a common chronic neurological disease of a person, manifested in the predisposition of the body to sudden occurrence of convulsive attacks).
  12. Mental diseases.

Adverse Events

Explication of undesirable reactions with corticosteroids is due to the class they belong to.

Glucocorticosteroids of the first type (Cortisone) provoke side effects more often than new, more modern drugs ("Mometasone" and "Betamethasone"). In addition, the strength of the effect is directly dependent on the dose and duration of administration.

The higher the dosage and the duration of the course, the higher the likelihood of occurrence of adverse reactions. In most cases, such medications cause:

  1. Swelling, which is caused by sodium retention.
  2. Increased blood pressure and increased blood glucose.
  3. Inflammatory disease of the gastric mucosa, leading to its dystrophic changes.
  4. Dermatitis, acne, and in especially severe cases - atrophy of the skin.
  5. Inflammatory skin lesion, resulting from the impact of damaging factors of a chemical, physical or biological nature on it.
  6. Depression, stress, mental disorders.
  7. Adrenal gland failure.

Important! To prevent the occurrence of adverse reactions, it is necessary to correct the dose and duration of steroid hormones in time.

Application features

Corticosteroids are recommended to be taken from six in the morning to twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

These conditions are as close as possible to the physiological production of adrenaline and norepinephrine (adrenal hormones) in the body.

As a rule, the medicine should be taken during meals or after it.

Treatment with corticosteroids, especially with prolonged courses, must be supplemented with calcium intake to protect itself from its deficiency, as well as food rich in protein.

Form of issue

Synthetic steroid hormones are produced in several forms:

  • tablets or capsules;
  • injectable solutions in ampoules;
  • topical corticosteroids, which are applied externally (ointments, creams);
  • solutions for inhalation.

Corticosteroids: list of drugs

The most popular steroids in the form of tablets are:

  1. "Prednisolone."
  2. "Celeston."
  3. "Kenakort."
  4. "Metipred".
  5. Lemod.

"Prednisolone" - a drug that has a strong anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect.

It is forbidden to take medication with ulcer of the stomach and intestines, with vaccination and persistent high blood pressure.

The cost of "Prednisolone" (100 tablets) is about one hundred and fifty rubles. The drug is also available as a solution for injections.

"Celeston" - an anti-inflammatory drug, which includes betamethasone, heart attack, high blood pressure, endocrine system diseases, glaucoma, osteoporosis, venereal diseases.

"Kenakort" - a pill to stabilize the cell membrane, eliminate the symptoms of inflammation and allergies.

Contraindicated in psychosis (a pronounced violation of mental activity, in which mental reactions are grossly contrary to the real situation), as well as with neuritis (inflammatory a disease of the peripheral nerves, in which, along with pain, symptoms are identified, so-called loss, that is, loss or decrease in sensitivity, as well as paralysis and paresis) and fungal infections. The cost of packing tablets (50 pieces) - about two hundred and fifty rubles.

"Methylprednisolone" - a hormonal drug, refers to glucocorticosteroids. The only contraindication is individual intolerance.

In emergency situations, appoint pregnant women, with psychosis and diseases of the endocrine system, as well as with violations of the gastrointestinal tract.

The cost of Metiprednisolon varies from 160 to 300 rubles.

Lemod is a medicinal product that is effective in combating abnormalities that have endocrine, allergic, musculoskeletal, oncological nature.

It is not recommended to take corneas with herpes (a viral disease with a characteristic rash of grouped vesicles), tuberculosis (infectious infectious disease, the main cause of which is the infection of the body with Koch chopsticks), as well as diabetes and fungal diseases. The cost of the drug is about 500 rubles.

The list of corticosteroids is extensive, hormones are also available in the form of injections:

  1. Hydrocortisone.
  2. "Diprospan".
  3. The Kenalog.
  4. "Flosteron."
  5. Depo-Medrol.

"Hydrocortisone" is a hormonal steroid medicine. The drug suppresses inflammatory, allergic and immune reactions. The price of "Hydrocortisone" (10 ampoules) is about 150 rubles.

"Diprospan" is a hormonal drug that, according to its pharmacological action, belongs to the group of glucocorticoids. As the active ingredient is betamethasone. Injections are effective in the following cases:

  • pathological process, manifested by excessive accumulation of fluid in the cells of the brain or spinal cord;
  • shock;
  • adrenal insufficiency.


  • excessive sensitivity to one of the components;
  • infectious disease;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • high blood pressure;
  • kidney and liver diseases.

The cost of one ampoule of "Diprospan" is about 210 rubles.

"Kenalog" is a medicinal product for relieving inflammation and severe attacks of allergy. The active substance of the medication is triamcinolone.

"Kenalog" is characterized by a slight impact on the human body. Does not affect the functioning of the pituitary gland and metabolism.

Five ampoules of the drug cost about 450 rubles.

"Flosteron" is a medicinal preparation of anti-inflammatory, antitoxic, desensitizing, immunosuppressive action. The active substance in the composition is betamethasol (has a prolonged action). The price of five ampoules of "Flosteron" is about 250 rubles.

"Depo-Medrol" - this is what a corticosteroid drug? Medication belongs to the group of glucocorticosteroids (hormones of the adrenal cortex), it is used to treat diseases of almost all internal organs, including the spine. Produced in the form of a suspension. The cost of the Belgian drug is about 500 rubles.

The most common ointments with corticosteroids are:

  1. The Lokoid.
  2. "Lorinden S".
  3. Fluorocort.
  4. "Fucidine G".
  5. "Sinflan" ("Flucinar").

"Lokoid" is a synthetic glucocorticoid ointment for external use, widely used for the treatment of psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema. The drug has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic effect. The cost of "Locoid" is within 350 rubles.

"Lorinden S" is an external preparation with antimicrobial, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory action. The price of the drug "Lorinden S" varies from 350 to 600 rubles.

Steroids in the form of inhalations reduce the permeability of cell membranes, and also limit the release of protease beyond the limits of cellular organelles. Inhaled corticosteroids are:

  1. "Beklamitozone" (analogues: "Alzedin "Bekotid "Beklokort").
  2. "Baconaz".
  3. "Flunisolide" (analog: "Inhacort").

"Beclocort" - the active substance of the drug inhibits the process of isolation of chemical compounds from the group of physiologically active lipids, which are formed in the body by enzymatic means.

And also the drug reduces the production of pathological fluid that is released into the tissue or cavity of small blood vessels during inflammation. The drug is contraindicated for children under six years of age, as well as with individual intolerance.

The cost of "Beclamithozone" varies from 300 to 450 rubles.

"Baconase" is an antiallergenic agent that reduces the swelling of the epithelium and the secretion of mucus by the bronchial glands. Used as a nasal corticosteroid. The price of the drug is approximately 350 rubles.

"Flunisolide" - an anti-inflammatory drug, effective for chronic respiratory disease, obstructive bronchitis and runny nose. The drug is not recommended for use in the first trimester of pregnancy, children under five, with tuberculosis.

A source:

Corticosteroid - what is it? What are the indications and effects of corticosteroids?

One of the recognized highly effective anti-inflammatory drugs are corticosteroids. But before they are appointed, the doctor must necessarily evaluate the expected outcome of treatment with possible risks and side effects.

Basic Terminology

Trying to understand the doctor's prescriptions, many patients are interested in finding out the meaning of the concept of corticosteroids. What is this from a medical point of view, can explain any endocrinologist.

After all, it is a hormone produced in the adrenal cortex, which is a regulator of metabolism in the body.

In addition, it is he who is responsible for adequate reactions to stress, various inflammations or infections.


If you look from the perspective of a pharmacologist on a corticosteroid, what is it, it will be somewhat more difficult to find out.


It's a synthesized hormone with a complex formula that helps the body temporarily suppress the inflammation focus.

But with many diseases without these funds can not do, and doctors, assessing all the risks, appoint patients to use corticosteroids.

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Indications for use

Corticosteroids are taken with various inflammatory diseases, problems with the respiratory system and a number of autoimmune processes. Doctors recommend them for psoriasis, systemic lupus erythematosus, neurodermatitis, eczema, asthma.

In addition, they are used even with organ transplants to prevent possible tissue rejection. Most people do not know anything about such a drug as a corticosteroid.

What is it exactly is not entirely clear to them. But, having heard from neighbors or friends that with the help of them you can cure eczema, allergies or even asthma, they quickly get together in a pharmacy.

In fact, self-medication, using this group of drugs, can not. Their use should be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician.

This is due to the possibility of various adverse reactions or other health problems. It is also important not only to choose the right drug, but also to choose the right dose.

Depending on the problems, corticosteroids can be administered in the form of tablets, injections, inhalants or ointments for external use.

Appointment of drugs

To avoid possible problems and the occurrence of adverse reactions, doctors prescribe corticosteroids with great caution.

First and foremost, it is important to confirm the diagnosis and make sure that these drugs are effective with the problem identified.

It is recommended to prescribe such drugs initially in the lowest effective dose, correcting it if necessary during treatment.


One of the important nuances that all patients need to know about is the duration of taking these drugs. As a rule, they are appointed for no more than 5-7 days.


If longer treatment with corticosteroids is required, then they are used every other day.

In addition, with a long use of the patient must be examined to exclude glaucoma, cataracts, gastritis or osteoporosis.

To abolish the use of these funds drastically, if they have been used for a long time, is prohibited.

Scope of application

Currently, there is much talk about the dangers of corticosteroids and that these drugs have too much side effects, they are addictive, and after their cancellation the patient can only become aggravated disease.

At the same time, many people forget that many people managed to be cured only due to these means. So, the action of corticosteroids is aimed at eliminating inflammation. After this, pain passes, swelling subsides.

After removal of the inflammation focus, further treatment can be provided.

With the proper use of hormonal drugs, including corticosteroids, nothing terrible will happen. They only help to mobilize the strength of the body, stimulate the activity of the immune system.

But their long-term use is fraught with the emergence of a number of side effects, one of which may be a hormonal failure. They can cause a change in the weight of the patient.

But before you refuse to use them, it is worth remembering that the action of corticosteroids is aimed at eliminating inflammation, and without it many diseases can not be cured.

In addition, many diseases can not be cured without a systematic, long-term use of these funds.

Danger when used

Before prescribing medicines, the doctor must necessarily warn the patient that it is he who prescribes, tells what action the recommended remedies have, and what side effects they cause. It should be remembered that in most cases, danger lies only in those who are shown long-term use of these drugs.

In such situations, there is a risk of addiction to medicines. Hormonal glands are deceived and stop producing corticosteroids on their own. Drugs temporarily replace the work of the adrenal glands.


But in the end, this can lead to an imbalance in the level of hormones in the body, because the corresponding glands begin to function in a different mode.


This leads to various side manifestations, among which there is an intensive weight gain, appearance propensity to edema, increased pressure, the appearance of acne, reduced immunity, and many others.

The most well-known means

Despite the dangers, the drugs of this group are very popular.

An adequate doctor will monitor the patient's condition and will not allow him to independently find out everything about the corticosteroid. What is this drug, the doctor will explain himself.

He will tell you about how and how often it should be used.

The most well-known in the population means of this group include drugs "Dexamethasone "Diprospan " Flosteron, Prednisone, Methylprednisolone, Cortef, Triamcinolone, Kenalog and many others facilities.

Depending on the location of the inflammation and the course of the disease, the physician must choose both the required dosage and the form of the corticosteroid release.

For example, with dermatological problems, ointment is usually prescribed, with inflammation in the eyes - drops, with Rheumatic diseases, joint damage and surrounding tissues - injections directly into the foci inflammation.

If the patient has connective tissue disorders, acute allergy, rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma, which does not work get rid by other methods, hemorrhagic diathesis or other problems requiring hormonal correction, the funds can be prescribed in the form tablets.

Topical application of corticosteroids

If the inflammatory process is not inside the body, but is visible on the skin, then most often prescribe medications in the form of ointments. If the doctor considers it necessary to carry out treatment with the help of hormonal means, then topical corticosteroids are used.

They are designed to fight various dermatoses, these drugs help in cases where the body is already unable to cope with the problem.

Of course, it is the drugs for external use that are the most safe, but it's also not worth underestimating the risk of their uncontrolled use.


If a hormone ointment is prescribed to you by a doctor, you must accurately remember or write down all the recommendations regarding frequency and duration of use, it is also important to find out how much ointment should be applied to the affected plot. All these nuances are very important, because following all the rules, you can avoid the appearance of side effects and prevent the development of insensitivity to other means.


Corticosteroids, applied externally, are divided into four classes depending on the activity of the exposure. To the weak carry the drug "Hydrocortisone which is available in the form of an ointment or cream.

Means of moderate action are preparations "Prednisolone "Dermatop "Emovite "Deperzolone "Lorinden "Sinalar "Flucinar" and a number of others. To strong preparations carry means "Diproderm "Advantan "Laticort "Sicorten "Esperson".

The most effective are ointments "Dermoveit" and "Halciderm".

Systemic corticosteroids

Skin diseases - this is not the only indication for the appointment of hormonal drugs. With various rheumatic diseases, respiratory problems, with leukemia, mononucleosis, allergic diseases, systemic corticosteroids are often prescribed.

They are divided into natural (for these drugs include drugs "Cortisone" and "Hydrocortisone") and synthetic (drugs "Dexamethasone "Prednisol "Methylprednisolone"). Also they are distinguished by the term of validity, which can last from 8-12 to 54 hours.

This time depends on the dosage form of the preparation, on the method of its administration and the dose.

When they are appointed, it is important to try to achieve the effect by using the minimum doses of the remedy. This takes into account not the age or weight of the patient, but the history of the disease and the condition of the person applying for help.

Inhalations with hormonal agents

One of the most effective ways to treat bronchial asthma, severe pneumonia, interstitial diseases of the lungs and chronic obstructive diseases in the period of exacerbation is the application of corticosteroids. They include such means as "Mometasone "Budesonitis "Beclomethasone "Triamcinolone "Fluticasone". Inhaled corticosteroids quite quickly inhibit the inflammatory processes that occur in the lungs and bronchi, reduce their secretion. In addition, the use of these hormonal agents in this form reduces the need for tablets with a similar effect.

For their use, the necessary special apparatus - powder inhalers or nebulizers. It is also important to know, when using such forms of drugs, side effects can also occur.

For example, with prolonged use, the appearance of oropharyngeal candidiasis is often observed, less frequently - the analogous fungal disease of the esophagus, dysphonia (the appearance of problems with the voice, it becomes hoarse and weak), coughing.

Nasal forms of glucosteroids

Hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for problems with the nasal cavity.

They are used not only to combat rhinitis, including its allergic form, but also to prevent the appearance of polyps after their removal, with hemorrhagic diathesis (a tendency to bleeding, including nasal).

The wide use of corticosteroids in otorhinolaryngology is due to the fact that they are able to stop the symptoms of diseases or significantly increase the period between exacerbations. In this case, the use of their topical forms helps to reduce possible side effects and at the same time increase the effectiveness of treatment with them.


As a rule, nasal corticosteroids are well tolerated, only in some patients at the beginning of treatment there is dryness in the nose, itching, and possibly the occurrence of nasal bleeding.


Before you begin to receive them, you must prepare yourself for the fact that they start acting relatively late. The effect appears, as a rule, only on the third day, it reaches a maximum not earlier than on the fifth, and even on the seventh day.

Intranasally use such types of corticosteroids as preparations Budesonid, Beclomethasone dipropionate, Fluticazone, Furoatomomenana.

A source: http://.ru/article/141970/kortikosteroidchto-eto-kakovyi-pokazaniya-i-deystvie-kortikosteroidov