Bruising your toe: treatment, what to do with a strong bruise?


  • 1How to treat a bruised toe on the foot at home?
    • 1.1Clinical picture
    • 1.2How to distinguish a bruise from a fracture?
    • 1.3Healing procedures
    • 1.4What can not be done with a bruise?
  • 2Bruising your toe: symptoms and treatment
    • 2.1How to distinguish a bruised toe from a fracture?
    • 2.2Degrees of heaviness of finger bruises
    • 2.3Emergency care for finger bruises on the leg
    • 2.4How to treat a bruised toe on the leg
    • 2.5What can not be done with a bruised finger?
    • 2.6Complications after a bruise of the toe
  • 3Injury of the toe
    • 3.1How to determine the nature of the injury
    • 3.2Urgent measures in case of injury
    • 3.3What to do next
    • 3.4How to heal bruises
    • 3.5When surgical intervention is indicated
    • 3.6What is not recommended for a bruise
    • 3.7What does alternative medicine offer?
  • 4Bruised toes: first aid and treatment
  • 5Injury of the little finger on the leg: what to do at the first moment and further treatment
  • 6Bruising your toe: what to do at home and how to distinguish from a fracture
    instagram viewer
    • 6.1Clinical picture
    • 6.2How to distinguish a bruise from a fracture
    • 6.3Degrees of severity of injury
    • 6.4First aid with a bruise
    • 6.5Therapy plus treatment procedures
    • 6.6What to do is not recommended
    • 6.7Folk remedies and recipes
    • 6.8The duration of the period of restoration of the toe
    • 6.9When to see a doctor

How to treat a bruised toe on the foot at home?

Toes of the toes are one of the most common household injuries. In this case, there is damage to the soft tissues - ligamentous apparatus, skin, muscle tissue.

Such injuries are usually associated with falls, bumps against hard objects or weight drops on the foot.

What should I do if my toe is bruised at home?

Clinical picture

Before treating a bruised toe on the foot at home, you need to analyze the clinical picture. The main symptoms of this condition include:

  1. A few hours after the injury appears swelling.
  2. The intensity of pain is gradually decreasing, and after the onset of swelling again increases.
  3. With a small bruise, there are pinpoint bruises. If the finger turns blue, this indicates more serious damage. The bruise of the nail is often accompanied by delamination of the plate.
  4. After injury, the mobility of the damaged area is preserved. When swelling occurs, it may be disturbed. However, at the initial stage the finger movements do not change.

How to distinguish a bruise from a fracture?

Many people after getting injured are interested in how to distinguish a toe fracture from a bruise. For this you need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  1. Very severe and acute pain usually indicates a fracture. When getting an injury, discomfort passes after 3-4 hours, whereas in case of bone damage, it only intensifies.
  2. With a strong injury there is a risk of hematomas, tumors, swelling. Sometimes soft tissues and adjacent fingers are affected. In case of a fracture, this process is started immediately, whereas with a bruise it can occur after a day.
  3. With a fracture of the finger is extremely difficult to bend. This is due not only to the appearance of swelling, but also to intense pain.
  4. Indirect symptom of a fracture is a hemorrhage under the nail. He gets a bluish shade, and then blackens. In addition, a person can feel bursting and pulsating.
  5. To suspect fracture it is possible and on unnatural arrangement of a finger. With pressure, a person can feel the movement of bone fragments or hear a crunch.

If you suspect a fracture or a crack, you should immediately contact a surgeon or traumatologist. To identify this problem, X-rays are performed.

First aid in case of a toe injury is to perform the following actions:

  1. Inspection of the affected area. First of all, you need to examine the patient's finger and check its function. If a person can bend and unbend it, then only a bruise is present. In case of impaired mobility, consultation with a traumatologist is required.
  2. Cold compress. It provides pain relief and vasoconstriction, which helps to prevent the formation of a hematoma. To prevent hypothermia, you need to apply cold compresses through the fabric. For this you can use a towel.
  3. Disinfection. If external skin lesions are observed, they should be washed and treated with disinfectants. It is forbidden to use iodine because it has a warming effect.
  4. Bandage Overlay. In addition, it is worth using a tight bandage. This will help immobilize the affected joint.
  5. Prevention of circulatory problems. For this, the affected leg is slightly raised.
  6. Use of painkillers. You can also apply a special ointment from a bruise. Do not use aspirin as an analgesic, as this means leads to increased bleeding.
  7. Pressing bandage or use of disinfectant adhesive plaster. This measure is required when the nail plate is damaged.
  8. Securing the rest of the damaged area.

Healing procedures

If a long time there is severe pain or severe swelling, you need to see a doctor. The specialist will tell you how to quickly cure the affected finger. In more simple cases with the consequences of a bruise can be managed independently.

If there is severe pain, you should use painkillers.

If the bruise is not very strong, the treatment will be helped by folk remedies. The most effective include the following:

  1. Compress of leaves of plantain. They need to grind to the state of gruel and attach to the affected area. It is recommended to change the compress every 3 hours
  2. Powder of the body sponge. This product should be mixed with water to achieve a consistency of sour cream. After that, apply to the affected area and bandage your finger. This bandage should be changed every 12 hours.
  3. Compress from potatoes. To do this, the vegetable must be cooked, then mash and cool a little. Then the gruel should be wrapped with gauze and applied to the affected area for 4 hours. After the end of this period, the bandage is changed. It is important to take into account that it is not necessary to impose a compress on the damaged nails.
  4. Compress from marigold broth. Iodine can also be applied to the surface of the injured thumb.

Many people are interested in how much the bruise passes. If pain persists after 2 weeks or bleeding and purulent discharge are observed from the damaged area, it is necessary to get a specialist consultation. Otherwise, there is a risk of dangerous complications.

What can not be done with a bruise?

When injuring your toe, you should not perform such actions:

  1. Rinse or massage the affected areas. Such actions can cause thrombophlebitis, which is the clogging of veins.
  2. Warm up injured areas in the first day after the injury.
  3. Try to forcibly bend or unbend fingers, try to put them in place.
  4. Take medication without medical advice. This is especially important for serious injuries.

A toe injury is a common trauma that is accompanied by pain and swelling. In simple cases it is quite possible to cope with the consequences of the damage yourself, using medicinal and folk remedies.

If there are suspicious symptoms, you should get a doctor's consultation.

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Bruising your toe: symptoms and treatment

A bruised toe is a serious enough injury, requiring prompt treatment, without which serious complications can not be avoided. In today's article, we will tell you what is the difference between a bruise from a fracture, how to diagnose it and how to treat it correctly?

How to distinguish a bruised toe from a fracture?

The symptoms of a fracture of the finger and fracture are markedly different, so that it is not difficult to distinguish them. Determine the severity of the resulting injury on the toe and distinguish it from a fracture can be according to the listed characteristics:

  1. Continuous intense pain after a stroke can indicate a fracture. In case of a bruise, the pain syndrome disappears in a few hours, and if it breaks, it only worsens.
  2. With a strong bruise and fracture, edema, hematomas and tumors are formed. In some cases, puffiness surrounds the surrounding injured finger area. The difference between a bruise and a fracture is that in the second case, the edema is formed immediately, and with a bruise later time or even the next day.
  3. If you fracture your finger, it will be difficult for you to bend it not because of a tumor, but because of severe and acute pain.
  4. The appearance of blood under the fingernail is one of the indirect symptoms of fracture, which is considered together with other symptoms. The nail turns blue, and after a while it gets black due to blood clots. The victim feels bursting and pulsating.
  5. To distinguish the bruise of the toe from the fracture is possible by its unnatural position: if the finger is strongly protruded, has unusual mobility, and when pressed, the crunch of bone fragments is heard, you have a fracture.

If on the listed symptoms you understand that you have not bruised your toe, but more serious damage, treatment should be entrusted to a traumatologist or surgeon who, according to the results of an X-ray, will determine the exact picture of the character damage.

Degrees of heaviness of finger bruises

Finges of the toe on the leg can be divided into several categories according to the severity of the injury. There are four degrees of heaviness of the toe injuries.

Injury of finger 1 finger

It is characterized by slight damage to the layers of the skin with external manifestations in the form of scratches or abrasions. Such a bruise, as a rule, takes place within a few days without special treatment.

A bruised finger of the 2nd degree

In this case, there may be swelling and bruising on the background of damage to muscle tissue. The pain is strong enough.

Third degree bruise

Such a trauma can be obtained because of a severe blow that damages the tissues (you can get a dislocation).

Fourth degree finger injury

This is the most severe injury of the toe, in which the functioning of the injured area is disturbed. Often accompanied by cracks in the bone, dislocations and even fractures.

Emergency care for finger bruises on the leg

When the finger is bruised, pathological changes concern only soft tissues, including tendons, muscles and skin. Trauma manifests itself in the form of progressive edema and significant pain in this area.

A severe bruise of the thumb on the leg can lead to the appearance of bruising and the death of the nail plate, which darkens, flakes off the finger and eventually disappears completely.

When getting a bruise of the toe, the injured person must immediately provide first aid:

  1. Apply cold. The leg should be lowered into a container of cold water. You can put on the bruised finger ice compress, using ice from the freezer and massaging the damaged area. This is required to prevent swelling, so that the tumor does not transmit nerve endings and does not cause long-lasting pain.
  2. Use ointments. After a cooling compress to the place of injury of the thumb or any other, an anti-inflammatory or anesthetic ointment should be applied.
  3. Take the pill. If the pain is so severe that it can not be tolerated, you can drink analgin, solpadane or ketorol.
  4. To provide peace. To treat the bruise of the toe, it is necessary to provide a foot rest. In the early days it is better not to leave the house. So that the blood does not flow to the finger and the swelling does not increase.

How to treat a bruised toe on the leg

So, you hurt your finger - what should you do? First of all, with a strong injury, you should go to the trauma clinic for diagnosis.

As a rule, the doctor will offer to make a rent, whose health damage is greatly exaggerated (except for rare cases of contraindications such as pregnancy, individual intolerance to iodine or some other disease). If necessary, you can resort to a computer tomography to detect the absence of changes.

It should be noted that even minor abrasions on the foot can be festered, so before disinfection the finger should be thoroughly rinsed with cool water to remove contaminants.

If you want to quickly cure a bruised finger on your leg, you can not open the hematomas by yourself.

At treatment of bruises of a finger of an average and high degree of gravity doctors use the following methods:

  1. Treatment with medicines. To eliminate the consequences and prevent complications, doctors prescribe special ointments with ibuprofen, ketoprofen or diclofenac sodium in the composition. They remove inflammation and reduce puffiness. In the case of severe pain, the specialist prescribes the painkillers to the victim.
  2. Physiotherapy treatment. This includes the treatment of bruises with the help of magnetotherapy, ultrahigh-frequency devices and electrophoresis. Procedures provide rapid resorption of hematomas and repair damaged tissue.
  3. Operations. Surgery is required if serious bruising occurs.
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Sometimes, with strong bruises of the thumb after the removal of pain and swelling impose a plaster, which ensures maximum rest of the affected area. On average, the treatment of such trauma takes from a week to three.

What can not be done with a bruised finger?

If a finger is bruised, the feet are forbidden:

  • Rinse or massage the affected area. These actions can lead to thrombophlebitis, that is, clogging the veins.
  • On the first day after the injury, you can not steam out the affected area or apply a heating pad.
  • Try to bend or unbend fingers forcibly, and put them in place. Do this only an experienced doctor.
  • Take medication without consulting your doctor. This is especially true of serious degrees of severity of the injury, accompanied by other injuries.

Complications after a bruise of the toe

Many people believe that a toe injury is a minor injury. Pain syndrome sometimes passes quickly, and the victim believes that he has fully recovered, but this is not entirely true.

With strong bruises of the thumb of the foot, in addition to soft tissue, tendons can be damaged. After a certain time, the trauma reminds oneself of pain during exercise, weather changes or wearing certain shoes.

With a severe injury, insufficient or incorrect treatment can trigger the development of arthritis of the toes.

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Injury of the toe

The bruise of the toe in the ICD 10 has the code S90.1. Trauma is considered serious and requires immediate first aid, emergency treatment. Without decisive actions, the bruise will lead to the development of a number of complications.

Consider how to diagnose a bruise, conducting differential diagnosis of bruise and bone fracture, emergency care and therapeutic approaches.

How to determine the nature of the injury

A bruised toe and fracture have a number of significant differences. Differential diagnosis is not difficult. The following are the symptoms that make it possible to distinguish a fracture from a severe injury.

  1. A strong, lasting pain after a massive stroke serves as a sign of a fracture. If a bruise of the big toe is received, the pain subsides after a while. With a fracture of the bone or joint, the intensity of pain increases.
  2. Both a bruise and a fracture can lead to the formation of edema, cause symptoms of an increasing soft tissue tumor and subcutaneous hemorrhage. Differences: a fracture immediately leads to the development of edema, with an injury, tissue swelling occurs gradually.
  3. Fracture of the finger leads to difficulty or impossibility of movements in the joint area. This is due to the presence of edema and severe pain syndrome.
  4. The appearance of blood under the nail plate indirectly indicates a fracture. However, the symptoms are treated only in conjunction with the others. Nail plate becomes blue, a couple of days later due to the accumulation of blood gets black. The bruise of the little finger on the leg sometimes produces similar clinical symptoms. When a fracture develops and has a code in the ICD 10 of S92.4, the patient complains of the presence of pulsating pain and a feeling of raspiraniya in the finger, the inability to move in the joint area.
  5. To distinguish a fracture from a bruise can be due to an unnatural position of the finger in the joint area with a fracture. The injured finger sticks out unnaturally, its mobility goes beyond the normal. When palpation, a characteristic crunch is heard due to the friction of the bone fragments.

If, when examining a patient, the described signs are found, there is a fact of a fracture, first aid measures are a traumatologist or a surgeon.

To verify the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an x-ray study.

According to the picture, the doctor will determine the presence of damage to the bone or soft tissues, appoint help and appropriate treatment.

Urgent measures in case of injury

If a finger injury is obtained on the foot, first aid is to apply cold to the affected area. At home, remove ice from the refrigerator or frozen product. You can lower the affected part of the foot in a bucket with extremely cold water.

Perhaps the imposition of an ice compress. The affected area can be gently massaged to partially remove the growing symptoms of swelling of soft tissues. Thus, the edema will not squeeze the nerve endings and will avoid the expressed pain syndrome.

You can apply topical ointment.

When a cold compress is removed, it is permissible to impose a bandage on the affected area of ​​the foot using an anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointment.

If the pain becomes unbearable, they are treated with painkillers from the category of non-narcotic analgesics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The injured lower limb in the foot and ankle will necessarily require peace and stillness.

It is better to place the leg in a raised position. This will reduce the flow of blood to the affected area and the clinical symptoms of swelling and pain.

In the first days the patient is not recommended to leave the house.

What to do next

The first urgent help to the patient is in the conditions of a traumatological station or a surgical room. The doctor will examine the injured place, assess the symptoms and prescribe an X-ray study.

Contraindications to the state are: pregnancy, individual intolerance to iodine, certain chronic diseases.

If necessary, the patient is provided with CT or magnetic resonance imaging.

If small injuries to the skin in the form of abrasions or scratches are obtained during the injury, they should be thoroughly washed and treated with antiseptic solutions.

Before treatment, remove contamination from the skin with running water. It is forbidden to resort to independent opening of a hematoma at home.

This will result in suppuration and lead to the development of a number of complications, before losing a finger on the leg.

How to heal bruises

Treatment of a bruised toe on the foot includes medication.

To treat pain syndrome, edema and inflammatory symptoms, to alleviate the condition of the patient, a traumatologist has the right prescribe at home a compress that includes an ointment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicinal preparations.

Medications will reduce pain and treat swelling. If the pain syndrome is severe, the doctor prescribes the oral or parenteral intake of appropriate medications.

Administration of medicines

Treatment of soft tissue injuries on the toe is possible with the use of physiotherapy methods.

Effective treatment methods include magnetotherapy, ultra-high frequency currents, or the use of electrophoresis with drugs.

The procedures ensure an early resolution of swelling, bruising and help restore the structure and normal functioning of damaged tissues.

If the bruise is large and painful, the patient is advised to hold the damaged part of the foot for several days in an elevated position to ease the condition and accelerate recovery.

When surgical intervention is indicated

In the presence of severe hematoma with a tendency to suppuration is performed surgical treatment. Under a local anesthetic, the nail plate or soft tissue covering the hematoma is opened, the contents are removed. The remaining cavity is drained and drained.

The nail plate is removed. In place of damage to the foot, an aseptic dressing is applied with therapeutic antiseptic solutions. In addition, antibacterial drugs are prescribed. The operation is possible in an outpatient setting in a surgical room.

With severe bruises, sometimes the doctor decides to impose a cast bandage.

This will quickly provide the damaged area of ​​the foot with maximum peace and stillness. Treatment of injury requires a period of time from one to three weeks.

During this period, it will be possible to completely cure the affected area of ​​the joint and foot.

What is not recommended for a bruise

In the event of an injury, a number of measures are highlighted, which are not recommended:

  1. Do not rub or massage the affected area. The action can lead to microthrombosis of the veins and development of thrombophlebitis.
  2. In the first day after a traumatization it is forbidden to use a warm water bottle or steam out the affected area in hot water.
  3. You can not forcefully try to bend or unbend the injured fingers, try to set it yourself at home. Do this only a qualified medical professional.
  4. Do not resort to the use of medications, without consulting your doctor in advance.

What does alternative medicine offer?

If there was a bruise, it is necessary to quickly ensure the rest of the injured leg, it is permissible to do a pressure bandage and treat for three days.

When the specified period passes, it is possible to use warming compresses, all kinds of lotions. It is possible to gently massage the finger, in the absence of violations of the integrity of the skin. The help is spent before convalescence. At home, people's means are used.

Several tablespoons of powder are mixed with a small amount of warm water. The resulting composition is used in the form of a compress.

Change the compress twice during the day.

Bodyig has long been considered a miracle cure for the healing of various kinds of injuries, treatment has been practiced for a long time.

A good curative effect is the onion. Grate a large onion on a large grater, attach the resulting gruel to the affected leg area. Leave the bandage for several hours. It is acceptable to use lotions with fresh onion juice.

A few fresh leaves of bitter wormwood ground into a slurry, add a little water and attach to the site of the bruise. Compress should not dry out. Periodically it will be necessary to moisten with clean water. Continue treatment is possible until complete recovery.

For ingestion, tincture from the arnica plant is suitable. Simultaneously take inside 30 drops of infusion and apply lotions to the sore spot. Treatment will greatly accelerate the reparative processes in the body.

A traditional way to treat injuries in folk medicine is the fresh leaves of plantain. It will be necessary to grind to a gruel-like condition and apply to the injury site. You can use to apply lotion with freshly squeezed plant juice.

A good therapeutic effect is the available remedy - sea salt.

Her application will help in the first hours after getting an injury on the little finger or other toes.

With a therapeutic purpose, you can prepare a solution of three teaspoons of sea salt and 500 ml of cool boiled water. You can make baths or lotions from the solution.

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Bruised toes: first aid and treatment

A bruise of the toe is a common occurrence, which is a closed trauma with mechanical damage to soft tissues. Such injuries arise from a blunt object or a fall.

Most victims seek medical help in the summer, when the entire population is open shoes, and, consequently, and limbs are more injured when you hit or fall something on them.

What to do with bruises on the toes, if there is no clinic nearby? Let's try to understand.

There are 4 degrees of severity of the injury. At the mildest degree, small abrasions may be present on the skin, but the pain is tolerable and does not last long, the toes quickly heal.

No special treatment is required here. A more serious injury is accompanied by hemorrhage and swelling of the toes, severe pain.

The heaviest are the third and fourth degrees of bruising, arising from a powerful blow. Such injuries, as a rule, cause a dislocation or fracture.

It is worth noting that the injury of the big toe requires special attention, since it takes more time to restore its functions.

What symptoms may accompany damage:

  1. pain - right after the injury sharp, sharp. Gradually, the pain subsides, but after a few hours because of the soft tissue swelling it returns;
  2. edema - appears in the form of swelling on the foot 2-3 hours after injury;
  3. hematoma - occurs as a result of vascular damage. It can act as a slight reddening of the skin, if the bruised toe is insignificant. Serious injury is accompanied by a severe hemorrhage. In this case, the finger acquires a crimson hue and is highly swollen. All this can lead to the rejection of the nail;
  4. movement is limited. Because of the swelling and severe pain, the joint is almost impossible to move. But the ability to do this is preserved (if there is no fracture), and as soon as the pain and swelling begin to subside, you will be able to exercise movements.
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The first question that worries a person when he encounters a foot injury: "How to distinguish a bruise from a dislocation or fracture of a toe?". To do this is quite difficult, because pain and stiffness in motion characterize any of these cases. Symptoms of injury we have already considered.

Fracture and cracks are injuries with damage to bone tissue, and they have their own characteristics:

  • acute pain;
  • the finger can not be bent in the joint, when you try to stand on your foot, there is a cutting pain;
  • Sometimes you can notice the unnatural position of the phalanx or hear the splinters of a bone crackle;
  • painful sensations, if not applied for medical care, do not abate in the following days, but only grow;
  • a few days after the fracture, the swelling of the tissues does not go away, as with a normal injury, but remains or even progresses.

With a dislocation, you can see the displacement of the finger in the joint.

Your first actions if you are injured:

  • to examine a finger;
  • take the position that the foot is on the dais;
  • apply cold;
  • if necessary - treat with an antiseptic;
  • to fix with a bandage.

We'll figure out why all this should be done. After examining your limb, you will be able to assess the degree of damage and decide whether to go to the hospital or not.

If you notice damage to the nail or skin, be sure to disinfect these places to avoid infection with the infection.

To give the injured leg an elevated position is required in order to reduce edema, and also to create conditions for normal blood circulation.

Check that the leg is soft and comfortable, it should be quiet.

A cold ice pack compresses 3 main problems - pain, swelling and bruising, as it narrows the blood vessels, and this helps stop bleeding. To avoid frostbite, put ice wrapped in a towel for 10 minutes.

Take breaks in 20 minutes and again apply cold. To immobilize a damaged finger with a bandage is recommended in case of dislocation or fracture.

Strong pain is removed with ointments: Ketoprofen, Diclofenac, or tablets: Analgin, Sedaptin, Ketorol.

To distinguish a bruise from a fracture in the first day is almost impossible, so doctors perform X-ray examination. The structure of the bone is displayed in the picture.

If the integrity of the bone tissues is preserved, doctors will be able to exclude the formation of a fracture. Dislocation will also be visible on the x-ray.

But with a bruise of fingers in the picture there will be no changes.

Injuries always happen at the most inopportune moment. But, despite this, try to just sit down (lie down) and relax, remove the tight shoes and give your foot peace. Continuing to carry out active movements, you will only aggravate the condition of the finger and cause even more swelling at the site of the injury.

If the pain is tolerable, then do not take pain medications. Especially if you are going to the doctor for an examination.

Focusing on your feelings, a specialist can quickly diagnose and prescribe the right treatment.

Move the arms of the joint, and even more so try to fix it - the doctor's work, but not yours.

What you really should not do, is to steam out the place of damage or apply a heating pad to it. There are also people who like to rub, massage the damaged places - this can not be done, you can move the bone, fracture the hematoma and swelling with a fracture.

In the absence of complications, the treatment of finger bruises on the legs consists in the following stages:

  1. drug therapy - anti-inflammatory and resorptive ointments, analgesic tablets;
  2. physiotherapy - electrophoresis, UHF, magnetotherapy. Such treatment promotes rapid resorption of hematoma and restoration of damaged tissues. Warming procedures with the use of dry heat can be performed after about 3-4 days, when the edema of the foot decreases.

Treatment of the fracture will depend on the location of the injury.

If the big toe is damaged, a plaster bandage is applied from the ankle joint to the end of the affected finger. Restoration of bone structures in this case lasts about a month and a half.

To rehabilitate any other toe of the foot, a gypsum longi and a little less time to repair the tissues will take 4-6 weeks.

If the affected area of ​​the nail phalanx, then it is only to fix it with a neighboring healthy finger, using a band-aid.

However, before fixing, you need to remove the formed blood from under the nail, if it is.

It happens that not one finger gets hit. What to do if several fingers are bruised and the leg is swollen? Symptoms speak of a severe injury, when both hematoma and puffiness pass to the foot. It is better to consult a traumatologist, take a picture and immediately start treatment.

Many victims are also interested in what to do, if a bruised fingernail is injured when a thumb is bruised on the leg. First, treat the nail plate with a 5% solution of iodine or another antiseptic that is at hand.

Apply a pressure bandage. Try to remove swelling as soon as possible with a cold compress.

In order to reduce the area of ​​growth of the hematoma, accelerate the healing process and reduce pain, treat the injured area with emulsion of Ricinol.

When the hematoma expands, it seems to "burst" the skin, leading to the rejection of the nail, and increases the pain by its pressure on the nerve endings.

To relieve pressure, when treating the bruise of the thumb nail on the leg, a puncture of the nail plate is performed, or it is generally removed to release the blood.

Do this right away, until the blood coagulated, turning to a medical facility.

Although it hurt your finger and it seems a minor problem, you need to take it seriously.

Well, if the injury is insignificant and will pass by itself.

But, having received a severe blow to the limb, with the refusal of the help of doctors and the failure of first aid, complications may arise: osteomyelitis, panaritium, purulent inflammation. And the complications are much harder and more painful. Remember this, take care of your health.

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Injury of the little finger on the leg: what to do at the first moment and further treatment

If there was a bruise on the toe, a person immediately begins to look for possible options for alleviating his condition. It is worth noting that a bruise in this area of ​​the body is a frequent occurrence and happens with almost every person.

Despite the small scale, the bruise of the little finger on the leg is a serious trauma.

In the case of a severe injury, the consequences can be very serious, for example, severe pain or dislocation, as well as the appearance of tissue necrosis, the dying of the nail.

It is necessary to observe the symptoms with a bruised finger to avoid serious complications.

Be serious about the injury of the little finger, do not allow further damage to the tendons, bones and joints, timely treat the problem.

Everyone can earn a bruise of the little finger. As a rule, this happens at the most inopportune time.

There are several main reasons for which a person can overtake the bruise of the little finger on his leg:

  • A domestic trauma, for example, bruising a leg against the edge of a table or sofa, can also stumble or knock against the door;
  • The falling of a heavy object on the toes;
  • Sports injuries occur in sports, especially those who engage in football or various types of martial arts.

Symptoms of a bruise usually develop right after the impact or appear after a few hours. In the event of a trauma, the body will for some time stop pain and symptoms.

The main sign of a little finger on the leg is strong pain in the place of impact or around this area. The pain can be sharp, and eventually it grows into a aching, or after a couple of hours passes. It returns when palpation and during movement, when putting on clothes and shoes.

If the damage was severe, the treatment may be long-term. In general, the symptoms will depend on the degree of injury. A bruise can be regarded as light, medium or heavy.

Injury can accompany dislocation of the joint, soft tissue damage, and in especially severe cases - bone fracture.

That's why you should not neglect to damage the limb and hesitate to consult a doctor.

The main symptoms of the injury are as follows:

  • Minor bleeding;
  • Minor bruising and swelling in the area of ​​impact;
  • Violation of the structure of the nail;
  • Loss of sensitivity of the damaged finger;
  • Occurrence of a hematoma;
  • Cyanosis of the nail in connection with subcutaneous bleeding;
  • Strong puffiness, which can last for several days.

It should be noted that severe swelling is a serious sign of a serious course of the problem. If you notice symptoms such as swelling and puffiness in the area of ​​the stroke, you need to see a doctor, since the injury can be severe, and this can lead to serious consequences.

The first help when hitting a finger is to reduce puffiness. For this it is enough to impose a cold on the area of ​​damage. This can be running water, ice or frozen foods.

Remember that the cold does not overlap the naked body, you need to use gauze or cloth. Make compresses with cold need every 10 minutes.

It is important to ensure limb rest, regularly spread the area of ​​the injury with anti-inflammatory ointments. If the trauma is accompanied by cyanosis of the nail, it is necessary to observe the condition of the skin in the damaged area.

The main task is to prevent the occurrence of purulent inflammation.

Thanks to folk methods of treatment, it is possible to restore the motor activity of joints, increase the resistance of the body to inflammatory processes, and remove painful sensations.

Onion gruel

To make such a medicine is simple enough, and its effectiveness leaves no doubt. You need to grate the onion on the grater and squeeze out excess juice.

Add 1 tablespoon of sugar to the gruel. The product is applied to the damaged area and fixed with a bandage. Such a compress is convenient to do before bedtime.

The drug lasts at least 2 hours.

Kalina with bruises of the extremities

Fresh grapes of viburnum make a gruel. To the mixture is added 20 ml of aloe juice and several leaves of celandine. The mixture is applied to the affected finger for at least 12 hours.

Treatment of the problem medically

When the bruise of the finger is accompanied by severe pain, you should take an anesthetic, for example "Analgin "Ibuprofen "Solpadein" or "Ketorol".

Tablets "Ibuprofen" are taken on 200 mg 3-4 times a day.

To accelerate the process of recovery, you can increase the dose of the drug to 400 mg 3 times a day.

As soon as there comes relief, it is necessary to reduce the dose to 600 mg per day. The medicine is taken before meals and washed down with a glass of water or juice. The course of treatment is no more than 5 days.

Extend it can only specialist.

It is also worthwhile to perform local treatment with an anti-inflammatory ointment. An excellent option will be ointments with heparin.

This component prevents the appearance of thrombi, relieves inflammation, increases blood circulation. Effective ointments - "Lyoton "Dolobene."

Ointment is applied 4 times a day, and the course of treatment is approximately one week.

Do not forget about compresses based on medications. To make lotions on a bruise it is possible by means of such means as "Dimexid "Traumeel". These drugs can quickly get rid of puffiness. Such treatment is carried out only on the second day after the stroke.

If, with a bruise of the little finger, the nail is shifted or broken, it should be fixed with adhesive plaster. This is done so that the nail has the opportunity to grow together.

If this does not happen, you need to carefully cut off the nail. With a complete breakdown of the nail, it is necessary to treat it with a zebra or iodine and seek medical help from a doctor.

If you injured your finger, do not try to rub the limb. It is inadmissible to apply warming compresses, and also to bend or unbend joints in a place of a trauma.

If you decide to be treated at home, consult a doctor about the use of certain medications and ointments. Do not treat the problem irresponsibly, as this is fraught with serious consequences.

Injured fingers should be protected, in no case do not make sudden movements.

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It is necessary to observe safety precautions to avoid the occurrence of bruises. If you work at a construction site, wear special shoes.

Special care should be taken when closing doors, do not put your feet in the doorways. When lifting heavy objects, be alert, when the object falls, go aside.

While doing sports, do not make sudden movements.

A bruised toe does not pose a serious threat to life, but sometimes serious injuries of the limbs occur which require immediate medical attention.

Do not take care of injuries, do not try to treat yourself a bruise with strong pains, which, as a rule, indicate a serious injury to the limb.

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Bruising your toe: what to do at home and how to distinguish from a fracture

Traumatization of the toes in the form of a bruise occurs due to mechanical stress.

Strong or medium strikes with heavy objects lead to damage to soft tissues, bones and a ligamental system of joints.

Falling from a height, a simple stumbling over objects, preventing free movement, are also a trigger mechanism for traumatism of the fingers of the lower extremities.

This trauma requires prompt intervention, plus a specialized examination and appropriate treatment. If you do not react in time, the damaged fingers will lead to a disruption of the motor function of the legs or to some complications like gangrene of the fingers followed by amputation.

Clinical picture

A bruise of the finger (or fingers) of the lower limbs is clinically manifested in the form of the body's reactions to pain, a violation of the motor function of the affected fingers and a change in the anatomical parameters of the locomotor organs apparatus.

All of the above depends on the degree of injury (1, 2, 3 and 4 degrees). With the resulting injury, several fingers can be hit simultaneously or only one finger.

And also bruises in the fall, impact, compression appear on both extremities or only on one foot with a bruise of one or more phalanges.

With a slight injury, the symptomatology is meager: the pain is insignificant, there is no edema, the fingers are completely mobile, but it hurts to walk. All symptoms disappear after an overnight rest.

A deeper bruise of phalanges is characterized by acute pain, swelling, significant hematoma, bruising under the nail plate, complete or partial organ dysfunction.

At palpation, the patient reacts painfully, the affected area is compacted, the bluecoat over the hematoma. Pain with a bruise of the finger with proper treatment lasts a day, then gradually subsides.

And with a fracture, the pain becomes unbearable, the swelling increases, the motor function is paralyzed.

How to distinguish a bruise from a fracture

A bruise is a mechanical damage to the muscles, ligaments + ligaments in the form of ruptures + microcracks, after which there is a violation of their anatomical structure with interstitial bruising. This pathology is accompanied by an inflammatory process and edema.

Puffiness and bruising are characteristic not only for bruises, but also for fractures of the phalanges of the lower extremities. The difference in the manifestation of these symptoms is obvious: puffiness + hematomas after a bruise appear in a day, and after fracture of the bones are immediately visible.

Biomotorics are preserved, and after a bone injury it is completely broken.

The displacement of the bones of phalanges during a fracture changes their correct anatomical location, the locomotor organ applies a variety of positions in the form of unnatural poses.

The toe in the fracture can be spread out, dangling + raised, shortened, elongated. After trying to straighten the broken bones, the pain threshold is increased to unbearably acute pain.

It has a bursting + pulsating character. For fracture, a characteristic feature is the crunch of bones.

In case of doubtful signs of fracture, bruise, dislocation, edema and pain of the injured toes on the leg, there is a direct need to consult a surgeon or traumatologist at the place of residence. Execution of X-ray images in three projections will help in the correct diagnosis and selection of tactics of medical measures.

Degrees of severity of injury

Closed injuries of the fingers of the lower limbs with a soft tissue injury + bruising and damage to the nail hole with nail exfoliation, are conditionally divided into several degrees, that is, into 4 types. This fact is confirmed by the depth of the lesion involving the anatomical components of the foot (bones, skin, fatty tissue, muscles, ligaments).

Bruised toe - severity:

Degree of a toe injury Description of clinical manifestations
First degree Externally, after a first degree injury, the finger does not have significant damage. Skin of ordinary shade, there may be a few scratches. The motor function of the finger is fully preserved, there is discomfort during long walking. The pain is insignificant, it disappears after an overnight rest or rubbing the affected area with anti-inflammatory gels.
Second degree The presence of bruising, edematous fluid, plus pain when trying to move a finger, are symptoms of a second degree of injury. The pain persists for 2-4 days, increases at night. The biomechanical ability of the locomotor organ is limited. Compresses, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments + rubbers on the affected area, will help in the fight against inflammation. Movement is quickly restored, there are no complications, unless the patient has a history of diabetes or oncology.
Third degree This degree is characterized by damage to the skin, muscle tissue, as well as the ligaments of the phalanx. Over the bruise there is a vast bruise, the foot swells, the motion is paralyzed. When trying to move a sick finger, there is an intolerable pain. This degree of injury requires consultation of a traumatologist in eliminating a fracture, dislocation.
Fourth degree Symptoms are identical to the third degree of injury plus there may be dislocations or cracks. Pain syndrome occurs only after anesthesia. Puffiness spreads to the entire foot. Immediate hospitalization is required.

The first two degrees of a finger injury are treated at home, complications with these degrees have almost never been observed.

The only exception is the loss of the damaged nail.

The remaining two degrees are clinically more difficult, they are burdened by complications, which are eliminated only under stationary conditions.

First aid with a bruise

A bruise of the toe is eliminated without a trace in the case of the first or second degree of severity. If the injury is not burdened by other diseases, then it is easy to cure by means of the first medical aid, namely:

  1. Apply the ice compress on the injured finger.Cold must envelop the phalanx from all sides. It prevents bleeding and the spread of edema + inflammation of the tissues. Cold procedures do not allow the development of bursitis, tendinitis, myositis. The compress lasts about 20 minutes.
  2. Rubbing of the affected area with light movements without pressure.Gels, ointments or tinctures are used based on analgesic, anti-inflammatory + antiplatelet agents like Feloran, Heparin, Movalis. These drugs have a high degree of penetration through the skin, muscles. It is recommended to rub 3 times a day.
  3. With a strong pain syndrome, take Analgin, Orthofen tablets.
  4. Keep the leg up.
  5. Damaged nail plate with adhesive tape.

In case of severe contusions, analgesics should be taken, as well as medicines of the NSAID group, immobilized by the limb and waiting for an ambulance. To bandage a foot or a finger is not recommended.

Bone fragments during bandaging will damage the vessels, and the hematoma will acquire a larger volume, which will complicate the process of recovery.

Plus, if there are scratches, the microbial flora can join, which will aggravate the situation of the injury.

Therapy plus treatment procedures

The most vulnerable with a bruise is the thumb + little finger. Their traumatization is 90% of the cases of bruises.

The treatment method for 1-2 degrees is rubbing with ointments based on analgesics and NSAIDs plus the rest of the injured leg.

In a day - two, the leg becomes absolutely capable, without signs of pain and swelling.

Treatment of 3-4 degrees of a bruise of the lower extremity finger is completely different, in this case it is necessary to eliminate edema and promote the restoration of damaged tissues, as well as restore the motor function finger. Therapeutic tactics consists of:

  • drug therapy (Analgin in tablets and injections, Orthofen, Diclofenac, Ketoprofen, Movalis, B vitamins: Neurobion, Nerobex Forte, means of topical application: Ketonal-Emul-Gel, Feloran, as well as chondroprotectors plus resorptive medicines, muscle relaxants);
  • Administration of drugs dissolving blood clots (Heparin, Thrombopop);
  • physiotherapeutic procedures (magnetotherapy, ultrasound treatment, electrophoresis);
  • as a last resort - in an operative measure.

Physiotherapeutic procedures contribute to the resorption of bruising, they enhance the regeneration of damaged tissues, improving the metabolism.

A severe bruise of the finger may require the imposition of an aseptic bandage or gypsum.

Surgical intervention is required for life indications, as well as for complicated bruises with large hematoma + pus.

What to do is not recommended

To avoid many complications like blood clots, gangrene and sepsis, there are a number of rules prohibiting the use of certain manipulations. To these forbidden rules with a third-degree finger injury are:

  1. The imposition of warm compresses that aggravate edema will increase the risk of intracanial hemorrhage, and in the presence of purulent agents heat will increase the risk of sepsis. Warming compresses can be put after a decline in inflammatory reactions and swelling.
  2. Massage procedures are categorically forbidden due to the threat of thrombus formation.
  3. It is forbidden to direct sprains independently. In this case, you can provoke fractures.
  4. It is not recommended to take strong painkillers or NSAID preparations in the presence of chronic pathologies + diabetes + oncogenes.

After carrying out an X-ray, a computer tomography doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment for individual indications. More serious cases of toe injury are treated permanently under strict doctor control.

Folk remedies and recipes

Remove the swelling, stop the inflammation and pain in the case of bruises of the toe of a light form will help recipes of traditional medicine.

Popular recipes:

  1. Spirals compresses:a piece of gauze wet with vodka, wrap the diseased finger and the surrounding areas of the foot. At the top of the gauze, put a bag. Wrap a warm handkerchief. Hold for about 20 minutes. The procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a day.
  2. The hard-boiled.The powder is diluted with water. The resulting gruel is applied to the diseased finger. Use twice a day.
  3. Kashitsa from the leaves of plantain or cabbage:plant mass is applied to the finger and foot. A polyethylene film is put on top. It is recommended to keep the hour - an hour and a half.
  4. Tincture of burdock root:crushed burdock roots (200g) pour 400ml vodka, insist 6 hours. Rub the area of ​​the injury. Repeat the procedure 5-10 times a day.
  5. Compresses from chamomile, mint, dandelion, St. John's wort.Steep tincture of these plants make compresses, keep for about an hour. Apply 2 times.

The listed medicines can be used in parallel with drug therapy. With severe forms of injury, these methods of folk healing are used after the decline of edema, inflammation and the absence of pus, wounds, scratches, erosion.

The duration of the period of restoration of the toe

Light bruises pass for several days, that is, from a day to three. Weighed forms of injuries to the toes are completely cured within a month, it all depends on the depth of the lesion and on the attachment of the secondary infection.

If the bruise is accompanied by a fracture or dislocation, then the rehabilitation period varies within 1 a month. This is due to the removal of gypsum, the development of joints and restorative procedures (exercise therapy, massage, baths, physiotherapy).

When to see a doctor

An easy form of injury does not require hospitalization, it is quickly recoverable at home.

Concerning severe forms of bruises with strong not passing pains, extensive hematomas + swelling lesions are direct indications for contacting a doctor at the place of residence or calling an ambulance assistance.

Self-treatment can lead to unforeseen complications up to disability.

Bruises of the toes of the lower extremities are a serious injury. Acute pain, swelling, and limitation of motor function give people serious discomfort.

If you do not respond in time, bursitis, tendonitis, destructive arthrosis or gangrene of the finger can develop.

Therefore, such a trauma should be treated in a timely manner, and it is best to prevent it, knowing thoroughly about the injury finger on the leg what to do at home and how to distinguish from a fracture, and at the same time perform all movements Caution.

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