How to relieve pain with otitis

Anesthetics for otitis in children and adults

/Treatment of otitis reduces to the use of antibacterial, antiseptic and analgesic drugs. The pain syndrome in this inflammatory process is often so strong that it is impossible to do without an anesthetic in otitis. It can hurt not only the ear, but also the head, since the human auditory canal is located in the temporal bone of the skull. Pain can be firing, aching, harsh or stupid, if a person can not tolerate it, take painkillers.

How to reduce pain in otitis in adults

When diagnosing the inflammatory process in the tympanic cavity, a specialist will tell you how to relieve pain in otitis in adults. Especially without pain medication, it is difficult to manage with moderate and severe forms of this disease.

Painkillers for otitis for adults can take the form of drops or tablets. There are several types of medications that eliminate the pain syndrome that occurs with this infectious disease.

Among the analgesics in otolaryngology, NSAIDs are usually used - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

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Such funds are considered relatively safe, as they are not addictive, effective and at the same time they can be purchased at an affordable price. After the use of nonsteroidal drugs, the swelling of the tissues is reduced, the stagnation of blood is eliminated and the temperature in the inflammatory focus decreases.

The group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs includes more than 50 different medications. They all have the same mechanism of action, but, nevertheless, differ in the degree of expression of analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.


The highest analgesic effect is given to such drugs as ketorolac, analgin, paracetamol, propifenazole. It is on the basis of these active substances that pain medications are prescribed for otitis in children and adults.

If, in order to reduce the pain in otitis, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, adults should be aware that with a high dosage they can cause a number of side effects. In order for the treatment not to cause some complications, it must be performed according to the appointment of a specialist.

Another group of drugs that relieve pain in the inflammatory process in the ear canal are local analgesics. In otorhinolaryngology, such remedies-ear-ear drops for otitis are used in the treatment of the external form of this disease. Most often, these drugs contain lidocaine, which has a powerful analgesic effect. The pain is removed after 10-15 minutes after instillation of the drug in the ears, lidocaine is recommended to be taken only with a severe pain syndrome. However, the remedy has its drawbacks - short-term action and toxicity of the drug.

Painful ear drops and pills for otitis

When developing the inflammatory process that occurs in the ear canal, you should know what to anesthetize with otitis, since pain can occur suddenly. Recently, such drops as Anauran, Garazon and Normaks have proven themselves well.


Otolaryngologists in the treatment of otitis in adults often prescribe such an anesthetic drops, as Anauran. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of external acute and chronic otitis media, exudative otitis media. It contains lidocaine. Drops should be instilled in the external ear canal with a special pipette, which comes complete with drops. It is used not only for the treatment of adults, but also for children. Adults drip 4-5 drops two or three times a day, children - 2-3 drops at least 3-4 times a day. Anaurans can not be used for longer than a week, prolonged use of the product can cause side effects such as peeling and itching in the area of ​​the external auditory canal. In addition to analgesic action, Anauran has an antibacterial effect.


Garazon also helps to cope with the pain in the development of the inflammatory process in the middle ear. The composition of the drug includes gentamicin and betamethasone. The drug belongs to the number of potent drugs, so an overdose can cause serious consequences.

In addition to ear drops, pain pills can also be prescribed for otitis in adults. These are tablets based on components such as paracetamol and ibuprofen. How does this substance work on the patient's body? Ibuprofen suspends the production of substances that cause the inflammatory process and the development of pain syndrome. When the paracetamol enters the human body, pain signals to the central nervous system are blocked. "Paracetamol" - the most affordable and popular painkillers for otitis for children and adults.

What and how to anesthetize the ear with otitis in a child

With the development of the inflammatory process in the tympanum, parents must know how to relieve pain in otitis in a child at home. Treatment of this infectious disease in children is carried out with the help of safe drugs. Analgin-based drugs are rarely prescribed, and they should be used with extreme caution.

As a rule, an anesthetic for otitis in children is prescribed in the form of drops, since this method is considered the most convenient and safe for the child's body.

The most popular drugs widely used in pediatrics are the following drops:


Otypaks.These drops are endowed with a double effect - analgesic and anti-inflammatory. The composition of the drug includes lidocaine and phenazol, so it still has a disinfecting effect. Bury the medicine in the baby's eye two or three times a day for 3-4 drops. The course of treatment is 10 days. Observing the rules of the drug, without violating the dosage and course of admission, the drug does not cause side effects. The main advantage of otitis Otipaksom treatment is the possibility of using the drug to patients of all age groups - newborns and the elderly, in addition, the remedy is not contraindicated for pregnancy. Otypax is prohibited for use with perforation of the tympanic membrane.


The otinum.Has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, which is achieved due to such a component as choline salicitate. The drug also has antibacterial and antifungal action, so it is effective in all forms of otitis.

To anesthetize a child with otitis inflamed auditory canal and with the help of ear drops Anauran. Ear drops should be at room temperature, so you can hold the cold bottle in your hand before use.

How to anesthetize the ear with otitis, without using ear drops?Eliminate the pain syndrome caused by the inflammatory process in the ear canal, using syrups based on ibuprofen or paracetamol. It can be Nurofen, which is indicated for use even by newborn children. Patients older than 12 years can be given Saridon tablets, which have a pronounced analgesic effect. Dosage of this drug is 0, 5-1 tablet two to three times a day.

Anesthesia in otitis is one of the mandatory therapeutic actions in the treatment of this disease in the case when it causes severe pain syndrome.

Help with otitis. How and how to reduce shooting pain in the ear in a child (otitis after SARS) ?.



Menovazin has saved us
rub around the ears and cover with warm wool, wool


do not practice self-medication! and take the child to a specialist. On-duty hospitals with an ENT department are in every city

Sergey N

compress to do with vodka heated (only to the ear did not hit). Wrap a warm scarf and put to sleep

earth compass

Make a turundochku (tamponchik0 dipped in vodka warm and put in your ear for five minutes, the pain will quickly pass, but everything should be exactly to the doctor.

Marya Dunaeva

Burying ammonia, grazon, sofradex. Often, I simply twist the fleece with turunda, dip it into alcohol, and lay it down. Top with dry fleece. Passes by. Well, pierce antibiotics from inflammation.

not an angel...

I in the childhood have had been ill with it or him. pus tech, shot a nightmare like. favorite medicine pricked vitamin B6 in zhopku. but I was saved only by the scarlet three-year-old, squeezed juice out of it, into a glass, put in water to warm up and drenched into a sick ear, the pain was gone in 10-15 minutes


Acute otitis media is an absolute "leader" in the frequency of occurrence among pathologies of the organ of hearing. This disease often occurs against the background of SARS (as its complication) in children with weakened immunity. It is necessary to regularly use drugs for vasoconstriction (vasoconstrictor drops in the nose), which supports the patency of the auditory tube and - local treatment: effective dry thermal procedures in the ear area, because heat activates blood and lymph circulation in the inflammation focus, as well as additional development of protective blood cells. For example - heating the blue lamp (reflector), semi-alcohol (1 part of alcohol and 2 parts of warm water) or vodka compresses, as well as dry heat, warming compresses. It is required to take a four-layer gauze napkin, the size of which should extend beyond the auricle by -2 cm, in the middle to make a cut for the ear. The napkin should be moistened with alcohol solution or vodka, squeezed, put on the ear area (place the auricle in the slot). On top, apply a compress (waxed) paper, a size somewhat larger than the gauze, and cover with a piece of cotton wool in a size exceeding the size of the paper. All this can be secured with a handkerchief tied to the child's head. The compress should be kept while it has a thermal effect (3-4 hours). Ear drops for children with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, for example, OTIPAKS. Treatment of acute middle catarrhal otitis takes an average of a week. Do not be ill!

Zaytsev Artem Valerievich

sinusitis is not present

Daria :)

Otipaks ear drops are very good :)))) And ear funnels!

Angel in the flesh

agrees with Daria, escaped otypaksom or warm camphor oil, a couple drops in each ear and a pack of cotton wool

Victoria Lobanova

Well helps ATIPAKS, juice ALOE and many all sorts of recipes are.

Christina Mel'nik

If there is no possibility to get to the doctor and the baby for 4 years, then you can start treatment with folk remedies:
Drink a large amount (at least 2 liters per day) of warm drinks (cranberry juice, rose hips, sea buckthorn, raspberries, breastfeeding),

do inhalations with fir, eucalyptus (pronounced antibacterial and antiviral effects), vegetable (to avoid hoarseness of the voice) with oils,

a child's favorite remedy, several procedures with ear phytochemicals reamed (perfectly cope with banal otitis, disinfect, pull the pathological contents of the auditory canal, greatly facilitate breathing, relieve pain in the ear, warm up well and lull) ,

homeopathic preparations such as echinacea (it can be taken and infants - to raise 8 peas in 200 ml and give frequent medications - 5-6 times per day) and ocilococcinum.

How to treat otitis in a child

How to treat otitis in a young childIf your child complains of ear pain, which is accompanied (in some cases) by a runny nose, sore throat and fever, it is likely that the cause of this condition is the ear infection.

Often it occurs against the background of an already existing inflammatory disease, such as ARVI or sinusitis.

Than to treat an otitis at the child? It depends on the causative agent of the disease.

  • Ear infection is often caused by a virus, in which case the doctor can suggest a remedy for the treatment of symptoms, usually acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
  • Aspirin should not be given to children because of the threat of developing Reye's syndrome.
  • Unpleasant sensations can also be reduced with a warm compress placed on the area around the ear.

How to treat otitis media without antibiotics? This is possible if the nature of the disease is not of a bekterial nature. If the infection of the ear is caused by a bacterium, then treatment of otitis in a child with an antibiotic is required. The debate about the use of antibiotics to treat otitis media in the middle ear arose in the 1990s, as many bacteria developed resistance to antibiotics. Some doctors initially treated only the symptoms of middle ear inflammation, without antibiotics.

It is worth noting

Many doctors are concerned that without antibiotics, the number of bacteria lurking inside the middle ear can increase significantly, which can lead to hearing loss or mastoiditis. They indicate that these complications have become rare, mainly as a result of antibiotic therapy. To prevent complications, many otolaryngologists treat all ear infections as if they are caused by bacteria.

A child with otitis media should feel better within a few days after visiting a doctor.

  • If several days have passed and the baby still feels pain in the ear, you should consult a doctor again. Perhaps then, how to treat otitis in a child tried by a doctor, it turned out to be ineffective and another antibiotic will be needed.
  • After the infection "left in the middle ear can remain liquid. Usually it disappears within three to six weeks.

Surgical treatment of chronic ear inflammation in children

To prevent re-infection of the middle ear, it is necessary to avoid factors that cause otitis media. For example, do not smoke in the presence of a child and do not let the baby sleep with a bottle in his mouth.

Despite these precautions, repeated inflammation of the ear in a child is not uncommon, especially in five-year and six-year-olds. What to do in case of repeated otitis media?

Your doctor may choose to wait and see tactics to see if the otitis media of the middle ear will disappear. However, if the infection continues to return, and antibiotics do not help, many doctors recommend surgical intervention. The operation is called "tympanostomy."

  • In the tympanic membrane small tubes-shunts are put, which allow to improve the airflow and prevent the accumulation of fluid in the middle ear. In the case of an adhesive process, they improve the hearing of a small patient.
  • Such tubes remain in the ear for six to nine months. They usually drop out without outside interference as the opening in the tympanic membrane closes.
  • Timpanostomy rarely leads to infection or scarring and, as a rule, provides a long-term positive effect. If, after the tubes have come out of the ear, the infection has returned, this means that your child has not outgrown the problem and the specialist can recommend a re-shunting of the tympanic membrane.
  • If the installation of pipes does not help prevent ear inflammation in the child, the doctor may consider the removal of adenoids to prevent the spread of infection into the auditory tubes.

How to treat otitis in a child with antibiotics

How to treat otitis in a child with antibioticsAmoxicillin is an antibiotic, which is usually prescribed for the treatment of bacterial ear infections. The drug is very effective: a single course of amoxicillin cures an ear infection from 7 to 10 days.

Nevertheless, some species of bacteria are resistant to amoxicillin. Critics of intensive use of antibiotics believe that millions of recipes with amoxicillin in otitis have helped to "remove" strains of bacteria resistant to this substance.

  • Some of the substitutes for amoxicillin are included in the class of drugs called cephalosporins.
  • There are also combinations of drugs, for example amoxicillin and clavulanate.
  • Before treating otitis in a child, the doctor will definitely ask if he has any allergies to this or that substance.

Than to treat an ear at the child with an allergy on amoksitsillin? The doctor may prescribe sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim or azithromycin.

Doctors sometimes prescribe antibiotics to prevent infections in children prone to repeated infections of the ear (recurrent otitis media). But not all experts agree that such tactics are useful.

Antibiotics are effective in most cases of ear infections caused by bacteria. But only 1 in 5 children with ear infections need antibiotics. In 4 other children, the disease will pass by itself.

It is important not only how to treat otitis in a child, but how much treatment should take. A child with an ear infection should feel better within 48 hours after taking antibiotics. If the condition remains the same, you should re-register with an otolaryngologist. Most likely, he will prescribe another drug.

It is important to know

It is impossible to prescribe antibiotics to a child without the consent of an otolaryngologist. If the disease is caused by a viral infection, the antibacterial drug is useless.

How to relieve pain in a child's home remedies

How to relieve pain in acute otitis in a childIt is often possible to alleviate the symptoms of otitis in a child without resorting to analgesics.

How to relieve pain in otitis in an infant? Heat, for example, from a warm compress, reduces discomfort and helps to calm the child, capricious because of pain in the ear.

Dilute vodka in half with water, moisten a soft cloth, wring out and apply to the area around the diseased ear. Wrap the top with a dense cloth. Leave for 40-60 minutes.

For a compress, you can also use a warm infusion of chamomile. You can not put a compress if the child has a fever higher than 3 degrees.

  • Steam inhalation can also help, but make sure that the baby does not burn, and protect the area around the eyes.
  • If you are breastfeeding from a bottle, make sure that the baby is in a relatively upright position. Never put a child to sleep with a bottle or a pacifier. Otherwise, there may be a so-called "infant caries".
  • How to relieve pain in otitis in an older child? You can rinse your throat with salt water. This helps to clean the Eustachian tubes.
  • Smokers should refrain from smoking in the room where the child with otitis is. Smoke and other irritants can aggravate the condition of the patient.

What will help relieve pain in otitis?


Alexander Barashkov

Otypax can be. Contains lidocaine - a local anesthetic.
Otipax has a local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect.

For local symptomatic treatment and analgesia with:
- acute otitis media;
- Otitis, as a complication after the flu;
- barotraumatic otitis;
- Post-traumatic otitis and conditions after removal of foreign bodies.

Dosing regimen

The solution-drops are instilled into the external auditory meatus by 4 drops 2-3 times / day.
The course of treatment is no more than 10 days.

Online Therapeutic Help 03

In the ear, then you need an antibiotic - Anauran. Take 5 drops 3 times a day. In the nose ximelin (xelenium) 1 dose 2 times a day (to reduce edema mucous eusta. pipes). and urgent consultation of the doctor of ENT. !
Presumptive DS: Acute catarrhal 2-sided otitis media.

Before using Anauran, consult a pharmacist

Painkillers for otitis media for children

Tablets from otitis with painPain medications such as paracetamol and ibuprofen can not cure ear infections and other inflammatory diseases such as sinusitis, frontal and cold. But they will probably help the child feel better by reducing pain.

There are many different types of analgesic tablets from otitis. Very often doctors recommend for children suffering from otitis media, paracetamol and ibuprofen.

Children's paracetamol is available as:

  • syrup (5 ml of solution contains, 2 g of paracetamol);
  • conventional tablets (, u, d);
  • soluble tablets (, g);
  • suppositories (suppositories that should be placed in the rectum).

Paracetamol relieves pain and has antipyretic effect on the body.

  • Babies from 3 to 6 months a day can give no more than 350 mg of paracetamol in tablets.
  • For infants from 6 months to 1 year, the maximum dose is 500 mg.
  • Children from 1 to 3 years - 750 mg.
  • From 3 to 6 years - 1 g.
  • From 6 to 9 years - 1.5 g.
  • From 9 to 12 years - 2 years.

The drug is taken up to four times a day with a 4-hour interval. Before using paracetamol for a child should always consult with an otolaryngologist or therapist.

Ibuprofen is included in the number of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (for short, NSAIDs). In small doses, NSAIDs have an analgesic effect with symptoms of otitis media and other diseases. In higher doses, they also reduce inflammation (swelling and redness).

Produced as:

  • tablets (, u, d);
  • tablets of prolonged action (, d);
  • tablets for resorption (, g);
  • capsules (, g);
  • gel (5%) for external use;
  • cream (5%) for external use.

His children are appointed from the age of three months. Children from 12 years of age or older take 150-300 mg of ibuprofen initially three times a day. Then the dose is reduced to 100 mg three times a day. The maximum dose of the drug is 1 g.

How do these drugs work?

When your child's ear is infected with bacteria or viruses, the body produces chemicals to fight infection. This causes inflammation. In inflammation of the external ear, inner or middle ear, its areas are painful, red or swollen.

  • Ibuprofen stops the production of substances that cause pain and inflammation.
  • Paracetamol blocks pain signals in the central nervous system, so your baby's ear will be sick less. But these pills from otitis will not reduce swelling and redness in the ear.

Potential injury to health:

  • Some children complain of stomach pain or vomiting after taking these painkillers. As a rule, these problems are short-term.
  • You can prevent these problems by giving children painkillers after meals or with food or milk.
  • If your child is taking paracetamol, do not give him any other products containing paracetamol. A large amount of paracetamol negatively affects the liver and kidneys.

It is important to know

Very carefully read the labels of other medicines or ask a pharmacist if you are not sure if there is paracetamol in one or another agent. Make sure that your child takes the recommended dose for their age.

Tablets for acute otitis in adults

Bactrim and other tablets for otitis in adultsSulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim (Bactrim).Has a bactericidal effect against all pathogens of the middle ear, influenza, pneumonia, staphylococci and streptococci.

Acute ear infections and chronic otitis respond well to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. In addition, it is safe for children.

Dosage is 960 mg tablets in otitis in adults once a day. The course of admission is from 10 days to two weeks.

Cefuroxime ("Ceftin").It is considered the choice of the second line for the treatment of ear infections, in which amoxicillin or amoxicillin and clavulanate are ineffective or can not be used. Usual Adult Dose: 250 mg, twice daily for 10 days. In more serious infections, the dose increases to 500 mg twice a day.

Cefpodoxime proxetil ("Vantin").It is one of the recommended tools for choosing the second line of otitis treatment. This remedy is effective against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Frequent side effects of "Vantine" are gastrointestinal and dermatological disorders. Dose for adults: 100 to 400 mg every half day.

Tsefdinir ("Omnitsef").These tablets with otitis in adults are a possible choice of the second line of treatment. The benefits of the drug include a pleasant taste, a single or double dose and a five-day course for the treatment of acute ear infection. Dosage for adults: 300 mg every half day (course from 5 to 10 days) or 600 mg once for 10 days.

It is important to know

Do not prescribe yourself a cure for otitis independently, otherwise you can "translate" the disease into a chronic one.

The causes of otitis and its treatment with folk remedies

Ear structure and otitis treatment with folk remediesEar infections are caused by bacteria or viruses. Often they occur against the background of already existing inflammatory diseases, such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, SARS, etc.

Ear infections are more common in children than in adults.

The ear consists of three parts: the outer, middle and inner. Ear infection can occur in any of these parts. Inflammation of the inner ear is the most serious ailment, in contrast to the otitis media of the middle ear, the symptoms and treatment of which are somewhat different.

When treating otitis media it is very important to prevent complications, including damage or rupture of the tympanic membrane. An untreated ear infection can lead to deafness, so if you have earache, it is important to consult your doctor as soon as possible. And for immediate relief of the symptoms of otitis, you can try some natural methods of treatment.

With otitis treatment with folk remedies is a good addition to drug treatment.

Salt- the most easily accessible home remedy.

  • Heat one cup of salt in a microwave, saucepan or steamer for about three to five minutes.
  • Put hot salt inside a dense fabric or sock. Tie with a knot.
  • When the fabric is still hot, but not burning, attach to the area next to the patient's ear and hold for 5 to 10 minutes. Do not apply the tissue with salt directly to the ear.
  • Repeat this procedure on a daily basis, as many times as necessary. The heat released from the bag will help draw out excess fluid from the ear and relieve swelling and pain.
  • Alternatively, you can use one cup of rice in the order described above.

Garlichas antimicrobial and analgesic properties, which makes it very effective in the treatment of ear infections. There are several ways to use garlic when treating otitis with folk remedies.

  • Boil two or three fresh cloves of garlic in water for five minutes, then grind them and add a little salt.
  • Place the mixture in a clean cloth and attach the pouch next to the diseased ear.
  • Using 2-3 cloves of raw garlic daily also helps to speed up the healing process.

Apple vinegarhelps to get rid of the fungus, which can cause ear infections.

  • Mix one part of apple cider vinegar with an equal amount of water or alcohol. Dip into the mixture a cotton swab.
  • Put a cotton swab in your ear and leave it for about 5 minutes.
  • Remove from the ear a cotton swab and lie on the opposite side to "drain" liquid from the ear.
  • If apple cider vinegar is not, you can use white vinegar.
  • If the cause of an ear infection is in the Eustachian tube, try gargling with apple cider vinegar.

Pain in the child's ear: treatment with folk remedies

Careful monitoring of the child's condition (expectant management) along with home remedies can be a viable alternative to antibiotic treatment in otitis media. However, in some situations, parents should immediately seek medical attention:

  • Immediately consult a doctor if the child has a fever, severe ear pain or other signs of a complication of the disease.
  • Immediately consult a doctor if the child has a fever, regardless of other symptoms of ear inflammation.

Previously, antibiotics were often prescribed for ear infections. Now many parents express concerns about the excessive use of antibiotics and prefer to use folk remedies for pain in the ear. How to treat otitis at home?

  • Attach a bottle of warm water or a warm bag of salt behind the ear. Such, albeit old-fashioned, remedies help to ease the pain in the ear.
  • You can also bake the onion for half an hour, cut it into halves and place one half in a dense cotton fabric. Attach the tissue with the bulb to the area next to the diseased ear and hold for five minutes. Then wait 10 minutes and repeat the process.

With mild or severe pain in the ear, treatment with folk remedies (including herbal remedies) should be carried out with the approval of the doctor. Do not engage in treatment of otitis in the child yourself, you can cause irreparable harm to the health of the baby.

Essential oils as folk remedies for otitis

The antibacterial properties of tea tree oil can give instant relief from ear pain, so it is one of the most effective folk remedies for otitis.

Here's how to use it:

  • Mix three drops of tea tree oil, two tablespoons of olive oil, a teaspoon of colloidal silver and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.
  • Lightly heat the mixture.
  • Using a pipette, drip 4-5 drops in a sore ear and leave for five minutes. Then turn around and lie down on the other side so that the glass mixture from the ear completely.
  • Apply this remedy two to three times a day for two days.

Those who do not like to drip anything in the ear, can use the following folk remedy for otitis.

  • Pour the boiling water in a large glass bowl (do not use plastic).
  • Add 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil (it should not be confused with camphor alcohol in the ear, eucalyptus oil should not be ingested, it should be applied directly to the skin) and lavender.
  • Cover your head with a towel and breathe the steam so that it reaches the areas connecting the ears, nose and throat.
  • Be careful not to use too much oil and do not lean too low over the bowl.

Before using essential oils for otitis treatment, consult your otolaryngologist.

How to treat external otitis with folk remedies

How to treat otitis with folk remedies and prevent itWhat is the "swimmer's ear"? This is a bacterial infection that "settled" in the external auditory canal.

Medically, it is known as acute external otitis or otitis media of the external ear.

"Swimmer's ear" usually arises from excessive accumulation of moisture in the ear canal, which facilitates the penetration and reproduction of bacteria.

As the name implies, this problem mainly affects swimmers, as when swimming water directly reaches the ear canal.

Excessive accumulation of earwax, a narrow ear canal and bathing in water containing bacteria are the main risk factors for the development of this condition. Otitis of the external ear is accompanied by a feeling of pain, stuffiness and itching in the ear. It is not a serious problem and can be treated well.

Treatment of ear pain in adults can take place under the supervision of a doctor, and at home.

How to treat otitis with folk remedies:

Hydrogen peroxide in the ear.Put a cotton swab dipped in a solution of hydrogen peroxide (,%) into the ear. Leave for 5 minutes. This procedure will remove the sulfur from the ear, which keeps dust, dirt and bacteria trapped inside the shell.

White vinegar.Mix a few drops of vinegar with a little water, soak a cotton swab in the resulting solution and place it in your ear. White vinegar gives quick relief from pain and itching.

Garlic oil. It is another good natural way of treating the "swimmer's ear."

  • Rub garlic on a grater and put it in olive oil.
  • Leave it overnight.
  • The next day strain, lightly heat the mixture and in a warm form, pour 2-3 drops into the sore ear.

It is not enough to know how to treat otitis with folk remedies. It is more important to know how to prevent it.

  • Do not bathe in pools, ponds or lakes with muddy water.
  • You can prevent the infection from entering your ear by immediately removing water from your ears after bathing or visiting the bathroom. Tilt your head down to drain the water. Then gently wipe the ear with a clean cloth or a soft towel.
  • Wear a shower cap while bathing or taking a bath.

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