Sumamed in otitis in children

Sumamed at otitis: indications for use

Otitis is a disease of the ear canal, which is concomitant with sinusitis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis and caused by penetration of infection in the ear canal, which produces the development of purulent deposits in different areas of the ear sinks.

A competent doctor will immediately appoint Sumamed at otitis.

This preparation is good in that it is produced not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of a suspension.

Suspension is a dry substance, similar to a powder that does not dissolve completely in water. Since it remains suspended in suspension due to solid particles in the dispersed phase, it is digested better and is no longer excreted from the body.

Sumamed is recommended for:

  • Respiratory tract infections (otitis media, tonsillitis or angina, pharyngitis and other viral and bacterial diseases).
  • Infections of the epidermis and infections of soft tissues.

Contraindications to the use of the drug Sumamed in otitis:

  • sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • with kidney and liver disease;
  • pregnancy and lactation.
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It is important to know

The use of Sumamed in otitis and the use of alcohol is strictly forbidden.

When alcohol is taken, the effect of two substances on the liver is intensified (to be more precise, one substance reinforces the other). The effect of toxins on the liver can occur unnoticed for the patient, but it will seriously affect the liver, which will entail a new course of treatment. In addition, the annotation to the drug shows the side effects of using Sumamed alcohol. This is a possible necrosis of the liver (usually with a fatal outcome) and a violation of the liver.

Many people neglect the innovations of modern medicine and are inclined to treat otitis with folk remedies. Some of these recipes may be effective, but it should be noted that most of them were not certified and scientifically diagnosed as effective. It is worth pondering before choosing a method of alternative medicine.

Features of Sumamed use in otitis in children

Sumamed in otitis in children in a suspension form is much easier to take, because not all children like to drink tablets.

Sumamed is a wide-spectrum antibiotic from the group of macrolides-azalides. The active substance in the antibiotic is azithromycin of semi-synthetic origin. Because of its semi-synthetic origin, it very quickly penetrates into the blood and is absorbed. Within 2-3 hours the antibiotic is already fully absorbed into the blood, tissue cells and foci of infection.

It is important to know

The drug has a rigid scope of admission. The drug should be taken 2 hours before meals or an hour after eating once a day.

Sumamed in otitis in children is recommended to use in the form of suspensions for children from six months. After three years, children can take the drug in the form of tablets, but the form of release of the drug remains at your discretion. The substance has a citrus and sweet aftertaste, which greatly facilitates its reception. A measuring spoon, a syringe and an instruction are attached to the preparation. The doctor will determine the dosage of the drug.

Use of Sumamed in otitis in adults

Timing and reception during food Sumameda in otitis in adults are the same as in the application for children - two hours before meals and one hour after once a day. The dose is prescribed by the doctor taking into account your weight. Children after 12 years and adults weighing more than 45 kilograms should take 500 mg.

There may be some side effects, most often associated with an overdose of the drug:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • allergic reactions;
  • increased work of liver enzymes.

Sumamed is not recommended for use with other antibiotics, as this will lead to a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract and can greatly affect your immune system. The use of other medicines together with Sumamed should not occur until two hours after the use of the antibiotic.


The child 3 days receives sumamed-from postgrippoznogo an otitis on a background sumameda the temperature is raised or raised hojazh now to give ??


Babtist Romeo Yaytsev Peklistov

If this is a purulent otitis media, then it pushes out, so the temperature jumps-he needs open access-make a paracentesis-a small hole in the eardrum-pus will come out and immediately come relief. Just do not try to do it yourself... Laura is at it... Sumamed more than 3 days can not be given, and then they will sue here... Drops in the ears with average otitis are generally useless, the only thing that can somewhat reduce the pain is Otypax, because it has lidocaine.. .
There is still one doubt, why exactly-Sumamed? Usually, when otitis is common enough antibiotics, Sumamed is toxic... He is usually prescribed to adults with mixed infections, more often with genital infections. Children with the first antibiotic prescribed Amoxicillin (sometimes with Clavulanic acid), and the second-Clarithromycin... What does Azithromycin? (Sumamed)

Natasha Shkir (Shpakova)

Like that, antipyretics give.

elena m

rule of life:
drug-substitution therapy, not curing

Anastasia Dmitrieva

If the temperature is subfebrile (37; 3,), then you do not need anything - the medicine works and fights with the inflection. But if the temperature rises to 38 or higher against the background of taking antibiotics, then you need to inform the doctor, maybe you they will be replaced by an antibiotic, possibly inpatient treatment - they put droppers to remove intoxication, etc.

marusya klimova

Well if there was an otitis, that is good drops "otinum" well and quickly help or assist. And sumamed to me appoint or nominate at an exacerbation of a chronic genyantritis plus sinupred.


His temperature rises due to illness, not from sumamed. Continue to drink antibiotic up to 5-7 days. if the temperature is above 3, -nurofen (in the age-related dosage). Ear drops containing alcohol do not apply (possibly perforation of the tympanic membrane), use Otof drops.


Shake Otypax in your ears. If Sumamed did not help (my son with adenoiditis and sinusitis appointed, very well helped), then it is better to consult a doctor and an antibiotic in the injections to do (effect faster). When the temperature drops, physical therapy. And with the appointment of such a strong antibiotic necessarily appoint in parallel to drink prebiotics (to restore the immune system) -Bifiform, Lineks. Drink the course of immunomodulator Ribomunil.

Anna Borisova

Do not knock down to 38, but drink more liquids. Call a doctor, do not pull.


can sumamed does not fit. It is necessary to pass the analysis on sensitivity to antibiotics. And in general it can be and a virus etiology, then it is necessary still something antiviral to submit.

*** just me

in the anomaly of sumamed it is written that it can be given to children for no more than three days. and your doctor where he looks ??

Advise a strong antibiotic to cure otitis media



Only an ENT doctor can prescribe a special antibiotic, I do not advise you to self-medicate, if you do not want to remain without hearing!

Olga Pavlova

For anesthesia at the initial stage, otitis is prescribed Paracetamol (1 g 4 times a day for adults, for children, doses are selected depending on body weight). An anesthetic effect is possessed by ear drops otypax (composition: lidocaine hydrochloride, phenazone, sodium thiosulfate, ethyl alcohol and glycerin). Otipaks are buried in the outer ear canal for 4 drops 2-3 times a day. In order to reduce the pain syndrome, the Cytovichi compress is used (the gauze swab is impregnated with 3% alcohol solution of boric acid and glycerin and inserted into the external auditory meatus). Such a compress can be left in the ear for 3-5 hours.

In order to reduce the swelling of the auditory tube and improve the outflow of pus from the middle ear Assign drops in the nose: Naphthyzine, Santorin, Tizin, Nazivin. Nazivin prescribe to children 1-2 drops in each nostril 2-3 times a day.
Reducing swelling of the mucous membrane of the auditory tube is sometimes promoted by antihistamines: Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Tavegil, Claritin, Telfast. The appointment of antihistamines is recommended only in cases when otitis develops against the background of allergies. Suprastin is prescribed to children according to 8.3 -12.5 mg 2-3 times a day.

Antibiotics for suppressing infection in the middle ear. The basis for the treatment of acute purulent otitis media is antibiotic therapy.
According to the latest data, the most effective drug in the treatment of acute otitis in children and adults is Amoxicillin (inside by, 5 g three times a day for 10 days). Sometimes there is a situation in which treatment with Amoxicillin does not lead to an improvement in the patient's condition. In the absence of effect after three days of treatment with Amoxicillin, the drug should be changed to Augmentin (by, 75 or, 25 g orally two to three times a day) or Cefuroxime (inside by, 5 or, g twice in day).
If the above antibacterial agents are intolerant or ineffective, macrolide antibiotics are prescribed (Rulid po, ​​5 orally twice a day; Spiramycin per million IU twice daily).
With complicated forms of otitis medications are prescribed, such as: Sparflon inside 400 mg on the first day, then 200 mg per day; Avelox 400 mg orally once a day.
The duration of otitis treatment should be at least 8-10 days. Even in case of improvement of the patient's condition, antibiotics should be continued. Early cancellation of antibiotics can lead to a relapse (repeat) of the disease and to the development of hearing loss.

Local treatment for otitis. Compresses, hygiene
When otitis use a warming compress on the ear (a bundle with heated salt), which accelerates the resolution of the inflammatory process. If, after applying the compress, the patient notes the increased pain in the ear, the compress should be immediately removed.
It is necessary to remove a purulent secret from the ear canal several times a day. For these purposes, you can use cotton buds.
When cleaning the ear, pull the auricle back and forth (the child - back and forth) and the cotton swab carefully enter the ear canal. The procedure is repeated until the cotton wool remains dry and clean. With thick pus, a warm solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide is poured into the ear canal, after which the ear should be carefully dried with a cotton swab. After removal of the purulent secretion, warmed up to 37 ° С, -1% Dioxydin solution or Tsipromed ear drops are injected into the ear. With lethargic otitis media, iodine and lyapis tinctures can be used (40%).

Leonid Spirtus

The best (checked repeatedly) helps peanut butter: squeeze garlic croutons juice from 1-2 walnuts in a tablespoon, bring to a boil on the gas, then cool and bury in your ear (2-3 drops). Operates faultlessly.


drops of sfradex in the ear and sumamed inside


Nothing to drip in your ears - you can be even worse.

Antibiotic and treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, but in general the best at the moment - Summed (or its analog cheaper - Azithromycin).


antibiotics without a prescription do not sell



Svetlana Zabilevskaya

Otitis (from other. -Greg. οὖς, in kind. P. ὠτός - ear) - ENT disease, which is an inflammatory process in the ear.
Otitis is an inflammation of the ear. Otitis is external (limited and diffuse).


Otitis is an ear disease characterized by inflammation of the ear mucosa. Otitis can be external, internal or average, depending on the site of inflammation. Most often this term is used for otitis media. A man of any age can get sick, however, he meets most often in children.

Symptoms of otitis
The main symptom of otitis media is acute shooting pain in the ear, accompanied by an increase in temperature. With time, 2-3 days later, pus begins to appear from the ear canal, and the temperature and pain decrease. This is due to the fact that the accumulated pus managed to break through the tympanic membrane. With proper treatment, the opening in it should grow, and the hearing should remain normal. There are cases when the pus stays inside, which provokes the transition of inflammation to other organs. In particular, mastoiditis can develop.

Treatment of otitis media
The middle ear is one of the most vulnerable human organs, therefore it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the treatment of diseases. Consultation with the attending physician is absolutely essential. Combination of medicines with folk remedies will help effective treatment and preservation of health.

Treatment by heating. Lubricate the skin around the diseased ear with vaseline oil. In warmed vodka moisten gauze, squeeze it and apply around the auricle. On top put the plastic wrap and cover it with cotton. Compress to keep a half to two hours. Repeat twice a day until the pain finally recedes.

Treatment by instillation. Use drops only with the permission of the doctor, since they can lead to hearing loss if the membrane is damaged. Mix honey with a tincture of propolis and drip into the ear for two or three drops a night.

You can make a warm infusion from the bay leaf. To do this, take 2 tbsp. Spoons of these leaves and insist them in a glass of boiling water. The infusion should be kept for two hours. Then rinse their ears and drip inside

Treatment impregnated in solutions turundochkami. Use turuns to treat otitis is somewhat safer than drops. Roll a cotton turundochku and moisten it in warm vegetable oil, gently insert into the ear. Use as a compress.

Saturate the gauze turunda with propolis infusion and press it against the eardrum. Do once a day.

You can impregnate the wadded flagellum with a strong solution of mummies and also insert into the ear

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eye disease

Alexandra Zhuravleva



Sumamed does not cause otitis. You indicated that under the earring inflamed, most likely this wound pains and gives. At otitis the child and to sleep can not normally, rub on a sick ear, can not choose a pose convenient. And Sumamed is prescribed for otitis, he heals him. Get well!


on a background of reception of an antibiotic it can not be, descend or go to the doctor on survey

Bright future

inflammation under the ear ring is not associated with otitis, nevertheless (now holidays to lorry vryatli get) -can be made into the house. conditions of turunda with boric alcohol (so that the solution does not drip from the turunda, squeeze lightly) 3 r. per day by the hour.
And it is better of course to Laura, self-medication is not good.
We had an otitis repeatedly, children before, years react to easy pressing of a tragus (a point near an ear), children are more senior react to insignificant pressure behind an auricle.
Your daughter should already speak well, what she says about where and how it hurts?


camphor oil oil for prophylaxis


Otitis is easy to learn - severe pain in the ear = shooting and high fever.
You have no fever, no otitis.
When you click on the so-called. a tragus in the outer ear, the child reflexively inclines his head toward morbidity.
This is the so-called "qualitative reaction" to otitis!

Sumamed at a genyantritis - an effective antibiotic

Sinusitis is a disease of an infectious nature. Under the impact of infection gets mucous maxillary sinus.

The cause of the disease are bacteria like streptococcus and staphylococcus, which is why the basis of treatment is made up of antibiotics. Deciding which antibiotic is better for sinusitis should consider multiple factors, since the choice is large enough. Among them, a special place is occupied by Sumamed or, as it is also called, Azithromycin. This antibiotic of the new generation of the macrolide group has gained popularity due to effective effects on pathogens.

Sumamed is appointed with:

  • Upper respiratory tract infections- with angina, acute tonsillitis, otitis, sinusitis, and lower respiratory tracts - with pneumonia and bronchitis.
  • Infections of the dermatological direction- with face, impetigo and dermatosis.
  • Urinary tract infections- with urethritis of gonorrheal and non-gonorrheal nature, cervicitis, borreliosis.

Sumamed during genyantritis effectively fights against microorganisms such as streptococcus, pneumococcus, staphylococcus.

The mechanism of Sumamed's action at a genyantritis consists in influence by penetration at a cellular level drugs in the focus of infection, which allows you to suppress it and stop the life and reproduction of bacteria.

In addition to taking Sumamed, you can use drops, sprays with genyantritis. If antibiotics suppress the inflammatory process and are the main treatment, then drops and sprays will help to remove symptoms and clear the maxillary sinus from a purulent secretion.

Treatment with Sumamed: indications and side effects

Like any antibiotic, Sumamed has its contraindications. Do not prescribe it for allergy or hypersensitivity / intolerance to the main components of the drug.

Also, Sumamed is not assigned to pregnant and lactating women, as well as to babies until the 1st month of life.

Contraindications to the use of Sumamed are violations of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidney disease.

It is important to know

Children under 16 years of age should not be injected.

Sumamed in sinusitis can cause the following side reactions:

  • In the workorgans of the gastrointestinal tractthere may be malfunctions in the form of vomiting, constipation, pain in the stomach, deterioration of appetite. As a rule, in order to avoid disturbances from the digestive tract, in addition to antibiotics, the use of lactobacilli is prescribed to maintain normal intestinal microflora.
  • In the worknervous systemit is possible to observe disorders that are manifested by headaches, dizziness, general malaise of the body.
  • In the workof cardio-vascular systemthere are abnormalities in the frequency of the heart rhythm, there may be pain in the chest.
  • Genitourinary systemwhen taking antibiotics can be fungal lesions in the form of thrush.
  • One of the most common side effects -allergy, which is manifested by a rash on the skin, itching, conjunctivitis.

When you have an allergy, antibiotics need to be changed.

Overdose of Sumamed threatens with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. If this happens, it is necessary to neutralize the action of the antibiotic by washing the stomach. To do this, it is enough to drink about one liter of cold water and induce vomiting, after taking activated charcoal.

Treatment of maxillary sinusitis with antibiotics is very effective, but it is better to use it in combination with other procedures - washing the nose with salt water, using ultrasound phonophoresis, using folk methods treatment.

Treatment with Sumamed sinusitis in children: the mechanism of influencing the infection

Treatment with Sumamed is effective not only for adults, but also for children.

This effectiveness is caused by the fact that the antibiotic for children Sumamed is well absorbed and penetrates cells, concentrating in the focus of infection and when reaching the limit of accumulation - destroys pathogens bacteria.

For the accumulation limit of the drug, it is sufficient for a day or two to be taken once a day for 3 days.

Sumamed medicine is produced in tablets of 125 and 500 mg, in capsules of 250 mg, in the form of a suspension for the preparation of syrup at the rate of 100 mg / 5 ml and 200 mg / 5 ml.

Antibiotic Sumamed (Azithromycin for children 250 mg) in the treatment of sinusitis is used with the calculation of the weight of the child:

  • At a weight of 18-30 kg- The daily dose of Sumamed is 1 tablet (250 mg).
  • With a mass of 31-44 kg- Sumamed's daily dose is, tablet (375 mg).
  • With a mass exceeding 45 kgthe daily dose is the same as for adults - 500 mg for 3 days.

Tablets are not chewed, washed down with water, but for children it is more convenient to take antibiotics in the form of syrups.

Antibiotic for children Sumamed is recommended to use in the form of a powder from which a syrup suspension is subsequently prepared.

Sumamed in the form of a suspension is recommended for children from 6 months to 3 years. In addition to the powder for the preparation of a suspension, there is a dosage syringe (used for dosing preparation for children with a body weight of up to 15 kg) and a measuring spoon (for dosing the drug to children weighing more than 15 kg).

Sumamed's antibiotic for children is dosed at the rate of 10 mg per 1 kg of the child's body weight. Take it once a day for 3 days. To activate all the components of the suspension, shake before shampooing. After taking it is advisable to give the child to drink a suspension so that it does not remain in the oral cavity.

Due to the fact that the child takes an antibiotic in a liquid form inside, it is quickly and well absorbed and concentrated in the tissues, achieving the desired therapeutic effect. It is excreted from the body for a long time - about 3 days, which allows it to "treat" and after stopping the intake. Take medicine Sumamed needs an hour before meals or two hours after taking.

It is worth noting

The antibiotic for Sumamed children is interesting because besides the healing effect it has a pleasant strawberry smell, which allows treating the child without obstacles, without causing a negative reaction.

Syrup and tablets from SumyMinus sinusitis can be used not only in the treatment of sinusitis, but also in others inflammatory or infectious diseases, but should be taken following the instructions of the doctor or according to instructions.

According to reviews, this drug is one of the most popular in the treatment of sinusitis.


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