Ankle bandage: how to apply a bandage?


  • 1Fixing bandage on ankle joint
    • 1.1Rules for the use of an ankle bandage
    • 1.2Types of clamps
    • 1.3Learning to properly fix the ankle
    • 1.4Ankle joint anaplation rules
  • 2How to bandage a leg with an elastic bandage when stretched?
    • 2.1When bandages of elastic materials are needed
    • 2.2Advantages and disadvantages
    • 2.3How to choose a bandage
    • 2.4How to apply an ankle bandage
    • 2.5Scheme of bandaging: instruction for beginners
    • 2.6Care of bandages and prolongation of service life
  • 3How to make an ankle bandage?
  • 4How to impose an elastic bandage on the ankle (fixation)
    • 4.1Benefits
    • 4.2disadvantages
    • 4.3Indications for use
    • 4.4Errors
    • 4.5Pressing bandage
    • 4.6Sports teip
    • 4.7Fixing dressing - instructions for use
    • 4.8Helpful Tips
  • 5How to choose and correctly apply elastic bandage on the ankle joint?
    • 5.1Rules of overlapping
    • 5.2Embedding technique
    • 5.3Symptoms of improper application
  • 6How to apply an ankle bandage
    • 6.1disadvantages
    • 6.2Benefits

Fixing bandage on ankle joint

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As a result of ankle injury, doctors recommend using a fixator.

After fixing the bandage on the ankle is used for mild fracture of the ankle and damage to the ligaments.

In addition, the fixators can use elastic bandage, especially with arthritis and arthrosis of the ankle joint.

People who constantly experience great loads on the ankle are advised to use a soft fixing bandage. It can be imposed independently, the main thing is to adhere to the correct technique of fixing it.

Rules for the use of an ankle bandage

Fixative dressings are used to reduce the load on the damaged area and accelerate the recovery procedure after injury.

Athletes, whose work is fraught with frequent bruises and injuries should have at hand fixing bandages. Older people with fixing bandages are necessary to ensure the safety of the ankle joint.

The fixing bandage on the ankle is considered a means of first necessity with various kinds of injuries and bruises.

In case of damage to the ankle, first of all, try to ensure that the leg was fixed in a secure position and the load on this area was minimal.

Depending on the degree of injury, bandages differ from each other.

Types of clamps

The most reliable and more optimal form of fixation is the eight-shaped bandage on the ankle joint.

Usually it is imposed only by a specialist, because there are special rules for imposing it, incorrect application of a bandage can contribute to causing harm to the health of the victim.

Learning to properly fix the ankle

On the ankle fixing bandage is imposed according to certain rules, which must be strictly followed. If the bandage is applied incorrectly or it is tight, it can provoke the development of complications.

To fix the ankle, you need a fixative bandage and clamps. Put the victim on a flat surface, his foot on his lap. Usually, the dressing is applied in emergency situations.

Try to ensure that the victim does not move, thereby ensure the correct application of the bandage.

  • The application of the bandage to the ankle begins with circular movements in the region of the shin, we make several turns, make sure that the dressing is applied exactly;
  • Bintrapospolagaem at the outer side of the foot, do not overtight just carefully put the end of the bandage;
  • Through the place of the jack-up we remove the bandage to the inner side of the ankle and make 2 turns around the foot, we remove the bandage to the outside of the ankle;
  • Doing a few turns and fixing the bandage with special clamps. If the elastic bandage is applied correctly, this will promote the effective preservation of joint mobility.

There are situations that the leg is damaged on the road or where there are no conditions for seeking medical help. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to certain features for proper fixation of the ankle:

  1. To eliminate the discomfort of the victim and not to over-tighten the elastic bandage is better to put on the toe. After all, if the bandage pulls the ankle, it will be difficult to blood flow, which significantly worsen the condition of the victim.
  2. If the victim has an open wound, then the bandage on the ankle is not superimposed. And it is necessary as soon as possible to take him to the hospital. To avoid getting infection in the wound, it should be covered with a sterile bandage.
  3. If there is severe bleeding, then it is necessary to apply a tourniquet, cover the wound with a sterile dressing and seek medical help. Elastic bandage is applied in the case when there is no visible ankle damage.
  4. If the victim has noticeable displacements in the ankle, the dressing is not superimposed. A cold compress is applied on the bruised place and an ambulance is urgently called.

It is necessary to watch, so that the victim lay, did not get up on the sick leg and the more walked, as this can provoke minor injuries and undesirable consequences. It is important to know that if the ankle is damaged, only the doctor can provide the proper medical care and choose a bandage for fixation.

Ankle joint anaplation rules

It is worth saying a few words about taping, teips are such elastic patches that are applied over the skin surface and are additionally retained by a bandage imposed in a certain way.

This method is widely distributed among athletes and active people, to prevent joint injuries, as well as to rehabilitate previously damaged ones.

Before you start the taping, you need to prepare the necessary materials:

  • Elastic bandage or sports style;
  • A substrate is a material that is applied before taping;
  • Shock pads under the foot and heel;
  • Petrolatum.

Before the beginning of the typing, you need to make sure that the ankle area is dry, clean and undamaged. The foot should be placed at an angle of 90 degrees. It will be best if the patient lies on a flat surface.

Tapping should be done strictly according to the instruction, observance of which is obligatory.

In conclusion, I would like to say that problems with joints bother almost everyone. And here the main thing is to notice in time and not let the disease develop further.

Therefore, at the slightest trauma to the ankle or ligaments, you should seek medical help, if this is not possible, then apply a fixative bandage yourself. This ensures a quick restoration of the joint and recovery.

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How to bandage a leg with an elastic bandage when stretched?

Elastic bandage when stretching the ankle - an indispensable tool that allows you to fix a damaged limb, without violating the normal circulation.

The product is well stretched, does not deform and has many advantages over the usual gauze accessory.

Bint is hygienic, accessible, can be used several times without losing its properties.

When bandages of elastic materials are needed

For various skin lesions, bleeding, wounds, standard gauze dressings are used. They lie tightly, reliably keeping sterile materials, preventing the ingress of germs, speeding up the healing of damaged areas.

However, in many cases gauze products are practically useless. They impede movement, interfere with normal blood circulation and can not be used for a long time.

There is an excellent alternative to gauze classics - modern bandages of hygroscopic elastic materials.

Elastic bandages are indispensable for:

  1. injuries of limbs;
  2. dislocations and sprains;
  3. recovery after surgery;
  4. muscular pain;
  5. edema and general discomfort in active sports.

Bandages of elastic materials are recommended for professional athletes and amateurs experiencing increased loads on the ankle.

They will be needed for people who enjoy hiking, preferring traumatic team games (football, basketball, hockey).

Without elastic bandages, training of weightlifters and representatives of other sports related to the load on the joints does not take place.

Products should be in the home medicine chest, they can be needed for any bruises, lacerations of the extremities, sprains or swelling. Use a bandage is better for the doctor's prescription, you can buy it without a prescription.

Obstacles to bandaging the limbs can be:

  • atopic dermatitis or other skin lesions in severe stages;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • suspicion of malignant tumors.

In the presence of severe chronic diseases, consultation with a doctor is mandatory.

Advantages and disadvantages

Bandages of elastic material have many advantages and successfully replace traditional products from gauze. Their advantages include:

  1. softness and density, which makes it possible to reliably fix the damaged limb;
  2. high hygienic qualities, air permeability;
  3. durability;
  4. simplicity in care;
  5. availability;
  6. The ability to use an accessory not only for the ankle, but also for other parts of the body.

Correctly selected bandage will last a long time. It can be washed and dried, while the product will not lose shape, retain its density and elasticity.

Qualitative material allows you to make a tight bandage that does not interfere with normal blood circulation. At night, the bandage can be removed, and in the morning again used for fixation.

No special skills for bandage of limbs are required, simple art can be mastered by the victim himself or any of his family members.

A great advantage of the product is its reliability. Correctly made bandage lasts all day, without slipping and not pulling blood vessels.

If necessary, the bandage can be fixed with a bandage. The dressing can be used when applying compresses, as well as in the presence of various wounds.

The product is very economical, it will successfully replace 20 gauze bandages.

Despite many advantages, the medical accessory has its drawbacks:

  • If improperly applied, there may be a violation of blood circulation.
  • Insufficient tension of the elastic material can not guarantee optimum support of injured ligaments.
  • Unskilfully tied bandage can provoke irritation and even skin damage.
  • Insufficient maintenance of the product will quickly render it unusable.

How to choose a bandage

You can buy the product in any pharmacy or orthopedic salon where various fixatives, orthoses, medical bandages and other medical supplies are sold. When stretching the ligaments of the ankle joint, it is most convenient to use a bandage length of -2 m.

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If the correct size was not found, you can buy a product about 5 m long, and then cut it in half. The product must be securely packed, without tears and damage.

The quality bandage has a uniform width and density, the packaging indicates the manufacturer, date and conditions of storage, other important information.

When choosing a product, you need to consider not only the length, but also the degree of elasticity. On sale there are both more dense and well-stretched accessories.

If there is a predisposition to varicose veins, it is better to buy bandages with a low degree of elasticity. They lie tightly, well support the affected veins, normalize the blood flow and prevent painful sensations.

The same bandage will be needed after the operation on the lower limbs.

With the usual sprains and dislocations, we recommend a softer, more stretchable product. They do not interfere with movements, the patient with a properly applied bandage can lead a normal life without experiencing pain and risking further damage to the ligaments.

How to apply an ankle bandage

The general rule is that the bandage should be applied in the morning or after a long rest with raised limbs.

This method helps to avoid edema, the bandage can be fixed as comfortably as possible.

It is possible to explain how to bandage your leg, an orthopedic doctor or a nurse, the necessary instructions will be given in a pharmacy or orthopedic salon.

If the bandage was used earlier, it is carefully wound into a tight roll. The product is unfolded from the inside outward, and the dressing is applied directly to the skin.

Do not bandage the limb over stockings, socks or other clothes.

Any fabric will become an obstacle to the normal fixation of the elastic material and can cause severe irritation.

Before bandaging, you can apply to the damaged limb ointment or gel, recommended by the attending physician. Any product applied to the skin should be well absorbed.

If you plan to apply a compress, moist gauze, cotton wool or other gasket impregnated with the medicine is covered with wax paper or film. Only after that the compress is fixed with a bandage.

If you neglect polyethylene protection, the bandage will get wet quickly and the effectiveness of the procedure will decrease.

Bandage the ankle evenly, moving from the narrowest part of the leg to the wider one, from the ankle to the knee. In this case, the degree of tension of the material varies.

In the ankles, it should be as tight as possible, in the calf area, fixation is reduced. It is not necessary to overtighten the leg under the knee, this prevents normal blood circulation.

To check up a degree of a tension it is possible, having thrust fingers under a bandage.

The bandage is applied neatly, without wrinkles and unnecessary thickening. Each turn about a third overlaps the previous one, the lumens are not left.

When moving from under the bandage, the skin should not be visible.

Maximum fixation is needed at the bottom of the bandage, in the ankle area, this will keep the bandage from slipping.

An ankle bandage should cover the foot 15 cm below and above the area of ​​the lesion. Bandage is imposed from the phalanges of the toes on the legs to the middle of the shin. With proper fixation, the toes on the legs can turn pale and even turn blue.

In a few minutes they should get a normal color. This is a sign that the dressing is properly applied. If the feeling of squeezing and numbness in the fingers does not go away after 30 minutes, it is better to bandage the bandage.

This will have to be done if the patient feels pulsating blood, drawing pain or other unpleasant sensations. Bandage should remove negative symptoms, rather than provoke them.

Over time, it becomes clear what degree of tension of the elastic material is optimal for a particular patient.

Latching is necessary when the patient is actively moving. During rest, the bandage is removed, and the affected limb is gently massaged in the direction from the ankle to the knee.

Movements should be soft, active self-massage is better to postpone until complete recovery. To improve blood circulation, you can use any cream or light gel.

To relieve swelling, while raising a leg during sleep, for example, laying under them a folded blanket or a thick towel.

Scheme of bandaging: instruction for beginners

To apply an elastic bandage on the ankle correctly, you need to act step by step. A clear adherence to the scheme will help to securely fix the damaged ligaments, reduce pain and prevent edema formation. Instruction:

  1. The bandage is superimposed on a leg in a spiral, each new layer covers the previous turn a third.
  2. An ankle is wrapped with a bandage, then the bandage is put on the foot, tightly wrapping the heel.
  3. The product turns twice through the lift, securely fixing the foot.
  4. Further coils lie crosswise, from the foot to the shin and again to the foot.
  5. The final stage involves wrapping the shin with one more layer, then you need to bandage your ankle and tie a bandage. Nodules do not tighten too tight, because before going to bed the bandage will have to be removed.

To learn how to properly bandage a damaged limb is not difficult. Strictly observing the instructions of the orthopedist, you can learn how to make a dense bandage in just 10 minutes.

To explain how much to wear an elastic bandage, should the attending physician.

Usually the procedures continue until the complete disappearance of unpleasant symptoms: pain, swelling, the inability to step on the injured limb.

Care of bandages and prolongation of service life

Elastic bandage can be used for a long time. The material from which it is made is hygroscopic, does not deform and does not break.

Wash the product every 7-10 days.

If the sprain of the ankle is often stretched, it is recommended to have 2-3 bandages in the medicine cabinet, so that at any time there is a material available to create the bandage.

You can not throw bandages in a washing machine, aggressive synthetic powders are also undesirable. It is best to wash the product by hand using warm water and ordinary soap.

Suitable and gentle gels, suitable for processing baby clothes. The elastic material can not be rubbed, it is gently squeezed in soapy water without disturbing the fabric structure.

Washing lasts only a few minutes, do not soak the product.

Clean bandages gently squeeze their hands, trying not to pull and do not twist.

Dry them better on a terry towel or other cotton fabric that absorbs moisture well.

Preferably drying in a horizontal position, hanging on batteries and ropes deforms a strong, but delicate elastic material.

Use the product as long as it retains a margin of elasticity. When the material is stretched, torn or stops fixing the limb reliably, you will have to replace the bandage with a new one.

A source:

How to make an ankle bandage?

If there is an extension of the ligaments of the ankle joint, the leg should be given rest, for this purpose a roll or pillow is put under it to raise it. But this is not enough, we still need an ankle bandage.

Virtually no one can boast that such a misfortune, like the sprain of the ankle, is past him.

This is a very common injury, especially among lovers of high heels. By the way, they do not just meet with them more often, they have it much more seriously.

And the blame for all the same notorious heels. And you need to learn urgently how to make a bandage.

The mechanism of damage to the joint is as follows: the foot is tucked in, this usually happens inside, and the axial load the entire body is no longer on the sole of the foot, but on the side of the foot, and thus the ligaments experience a sharp stretching. It may just be a stretching of the ligaments, but there may be a rupture. It is possible to divide only conditionally, since in any extension there are sections with a rupture, and for any discontinuity there will necessarily be stretch-stretching sections. What type of injury prevails, such a diagnosis as a result of a doctor and put, he will judge by the clinical severity of the prevalence of specific sites. And first aid is an ankle bandage.

To suspect the stretching is very simple: an awkward step, the foot turns and an ankle gives rise to a sharp pain. Movement of the foot is limited, the outer area of ​​the ankle is swollen.

A hemorrhage at once can not be, it will be shown on the second day, and can reach even fingers of foot. If there is a deltoid ligament rupture, the hematoma is clearly pronounced at once and it is more intense.

As a concomitant injury, a fracture of the ankle bones, one or two, with or without displacement, is possible. be a fracture on the posterior edge of the tibia, this is a 3-ankle fracture, severe trauma ankle.

A satellite of this may be an external subluxation of the foot with a rupture of the intercleral syndesmosis.

In case of such trauma, the first aid should be provided to the victim. First of all, the injured limb is ensured peace, then a tight bandage is applied to the ankle.

During the first 24 hours after injury, ice should be applied to the damaged area. It is done every two hours, you need to hold for 20 minutes. This procedure reduces bruising and helps reduce edema. After 2-3 days you can do thermal procedures.

To clarify the diagnosis, X-rays must be done, so there can be a crack in the bone.

How to make a bandage for limb immobilization? In this situation, 8-type bandaging is necessary, when the first turn is covered by the ankle area, the second turn turns around stop, at the top of the ankle is made a cross of the bandage, at this moment the foot should be at an angle of 90 degrees, and the manipulations are repeated again.

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It should be done gently so that the foot can be stepped on, with a pressure load on the joint will be enough. With this bandage the composition is strengthened, the patient moves more confidently, because the bandage will be protected from re-injury. If the bandage is not applied to the lower leg, a re-injury is possible, more severe.

For convenience, you can purchase in a specialized orthopedic goods store an elastic bandage, especially for the ankle, they are sold in sizes. You can determine your own way: measure the length of the shin circumference above the ankle.

To warm the swelling faster, a warm bath is recommended. Need sea salt, it makes a 10% solution, and you can use it repeatedly.

Before going to bed, the injured place is rubbed with ointments, gels or creams containing anti-inflammatory drugs, nonsteroidal. This diclofenac, indomethacin, butadione, but there are others.

The approximate time for complete recovery with rehabilitation is quite long, is 2-4 months, and depends directly on the severity of the injuries received.

There are situations when surgical intervention is necessary, and if a serious injury is accompanied by ankle fractures, disability is not excluded.

With the help of elastic bandage joint is fixed, stabilized, but it does not restrict movement, significantly reducing the load.

It is necessary to impose such a bandage rather tightly, however, the compression of blood circulation should not interfere. The pressure of the bandage will depend on two factors: the method of bandaging and the properties of the bandage.

An elastic bandage is applied from the bottom upwards, starting from the toes of the foot, with each new turn sweeping the half of the previous row.

In this case, the foot should be in the rear bending position, if this rule is not met, then during the movement will form wrinkles, which can injure the skin during movement.

The bandage begins to be applied from the joints of the fingers and further upwards, gripping the heel as well. From the fingers to the ankle, the pressure of the bandage should be increased.

Under the clothes to impose a bandage or on clothes, the question is not idle. Logically, this should be done on the sock, a cleaner bandage and less folds. By the way, the bandage material can also be a source of allergy. And never impose a bandage if there are wounds!

The dressing of the ankle should be done necessarily according to all the rules, in order to shorten the period of treatment, and that it does not interfere with the movement. In the ankle joint there is a constant flexion-extension when walking.

In order to avoid such a trouble, the ankle should be strengthened, and walking in the log, but not the physical team, but the usual trunk of the tree, will help in this. And walk on it better barefoot.

Excellent, if you can run on the water, sand or walk along the pebbles, grass, earth. And also barefoot.

In order not to suffer and learn how to make an ankle bandage, first of all, you need shoes to be comfortable and correct. Unfortunately, high heels are the most frequent culprits of this trouble, up to the rupture of ligaments.

A source:

How to impose an elastic bandage on the ankle (fixation)

Elastic bandage for the ankle joint is a medical accessory assigned to the patient in case of damage.


Elastic bandage for the ankle has a number of advantages, among which one can distinguish such:

  • long term of use. It can be repeatedly applied, and it does not quickly deform;
  • dense and reliable fixation. The bandage does not slip, so it does not need to be re-bandaged;
  • universality. Suitable absolutely for any joint;
  • does not require special training for use;
  • easy to use (easy to remove);
  • economy.

Elastic bandage will replace about twenty conventional gauze bandages, so this is a rational and profitable approach to business


Any adaptation has its drawbacks, elastic bandage is not an exception. Consider the main ones:

  1. improper application leads to a violation of blood circulation;
  2. incorrect bandaging may be poorly fixed to the joint;
  3. The device will deteriorate ahead of time in case of poor care;
  4. it is necessary to have certain skills and abilities.

Indications for use

Ankle joint needs to be immobilized in some situations:

  • when stretching or rupturing ligaments;
  • after injury;
  • during inflammation of the joint, which is accompanied by swelling;
  • as preventive measures during strong physical activity.

Doctors advise always to have in the first aid kit an elastic bandage, especially it concerns people, engaged in active physical activity.


Let's talk about reliable signs of wrong technique of application:

  1. with too much bandaging, the venous outflow is disturbed, as a result of which the tips of the fingers turn blue;
  2. Tight fixation disturbs the arterial influx, resulting in the fingers becoming pale and cold;
  3. due to weak banding the ankle will not be sufficiently fixed.

In order to improve blood circulation in the joint, you need at least a couple of times to remove the bandage

Bint should be washed once a week, but in no case it can not be twisted, otherwise it will lose its elasticity.

Pressing bandage

Let's talk about the rules of imposing:

  • the overlapping is done clockwise, beginning with the foot pad. Bandage should be tightened evenly, and do not unwind beforehand;
  • the whole foot turns around. It is incorrect to bandage with one hand, both hands must participate in the process, since one must hold the beginning of the bandage. The turns must be in one direction. The dressing should be fitting, but do not press;
  • ankle wrapping. Bandaging is carried out in eight;
  • repetition of eight-shaped loops;
  • securing the end of the bandage.

The dressing should be neat. The duration of wearing can be determined by a specialist, but usually it's one to two hours.

Sports teip

Dressing with a sports teip is carried out as follows:

  1. First, the upper part of the foot is longitudinally wrapped;
  2. then you need to fix it from the foot to the ankle;
  3. triple eight-shaped wrapping.

Elastic bandage does not harm the skin, as it is made from natural fabrics.

The patient should not feel tingling or numbness. If these feelings have arisen, it is necessary to replace the fixation

Tapes are called elastic patches applied to the skin. They must additionally be held by a specially applied bandage.

Before taping, the following materials should be prepared:

  • Elastic bandage (as an alternative, you can use teip);
  • podteypnik (this is the material that is applied under the patch);
  • linings that are applied directly under the foot;
  • petrolatum.

It is important to make sure that the ankle is dry, clean and undamaged. During the procedure, the patient should lie quietly on his back.

Having prepared all the necessary materials, you can start typing:

  1. First of all, a thin layer of petroleum jelly is applied;
  2. two cushioning pads are applied in such a way that the entire damaged part is closed;
  3. around the shin, turns are made with the help of several stripes of teip. Each strip should cover the previous one by about half;
  4. The previous bandage is covered by the following strips, which are superimposed in the form of a stapes;
  5. starting from the top down, the next strip is covered with a stirrup;
  6. on the very rise of the foot several more strips are superimposed;
  7. teip is fixed and fixed on the heel smoothly, without wrinkles or flaws;
  8. lifting of the foot is the place on which the tip should end.

Fixing dressing - instructions for use

Fixing dressings reduce the load on the place that was damaged, and also accelerate the processes of regeneration (recovery).

People who engage in sports often get bruises and injuries, which is why fixing the bandage is simply necessary.

The fixing bandage is a kind of "first aid" or a first-aid for trauma.

The most reliable and optimal form of fixation is the eight-shaped bandage. It must be superimposed with knowledge of the matter, otherwise it will cause harm to health, therefore it must be handled by a specialist in his field.

With the help of an elastic bandage, a plaster cast can be removed every day, so that the injured joint will be well developed

Helpful Tips

The following recommendations will help in the use of elastic bandage:

  • bandage should be applied in the morning, until the limbs have not swelled;
  • after bandaging it is better to lie down, and legs to be placed above the head;
  • when the bandage is applied, no folds should be formed;
  • To avoid squeezing the soft tissues, the bandage is untwisted outwards;
  • between the turns of bandage should not be formed lumens;
  • Bandage should be used during active movement, in a state of rest it can be removed;
  • the dressing starts and ends at a remote distance from the lesion;
  • separately I would like to mention the extensibility of elastic bandages.

The medium and high degree of extensibility will help to securely fix the limbs after traumatization. For the prevention of varicose veins after surgical interventions on the limbs, it is necessary to use low elastic bandages.

Summing up all the above, I would like to say that absolutely no one is insured against joint problems. Do not despair, and with the slightest trauma, seek the help of specialists, and before that, make the bandage an elastic bandage.

A source:

How to choose and correctly apply elastic bandage on the ankle joint?

Immobilization of the ankle is performed in such cases:

  1. injury;
  2. sprain;
  3. ligament rupture;
  4. inflammatory process (arthritis) of the ankle with swelling of the tissues;
  5. prevention of microtrauma with increased physical exertion (in athletes).

In the case of fractures of the ankles, subluxations or ankle dislocation, immobilization is performed using plaster casts.
Kinds of bandages, depending on their extensibility and application for various pathologies of the ankle joint:

  • Inelastic bandage - used to be applied to the skin when it is injured, cuts, trophic ulcers. It is used once;
  • a band of low extensibility (increase in stretch length by less than 70%) - used for chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities, superimposed on the whole shin;
  • bandage of medium elasticity (stretched by 70-140% of the initial length) - is applied to the ankle joint for the prevention of microtraumas, with small stretches and swelling;
  • a bandage of high elasticity (tensile strength more than 140%) - effectively immobilizes the ankle during stretching and ligament rupture.
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Rules of overlapping

There are several recommendations, the implementation of which will avoid unpleasant sensations and achieve immobilization of the ankle joint:

  • the choice of bandage depends on the injury and its extensibility;
  • The length of the bandage for the ankle should not be less than, m;
  • superimposition is best done in the morning, when the swelling of the joint tissues is less. If there is a need for overlapping at another time, then the leg should be put for 20 minutes on a hill (cushion or roller);
  • the tension of the turns should be uniform, without folds;
  • the first round (turnover) is imposed below the injury by 10-15 cm;
  • tours are superimposed in the order from the bottom up, each next turn must overlap the previous one by 1/3, so that there are no skin lumens;
  • The rolled roll is applied to the skin and then unwound outward, the tension is stronger at the beginning, then with each round is slightly weakened;
  • preventive immobilization is carried out only for a time of increased stress on the joint;
  • with prolonged medical immobilization of the ankle joint, it is better to periodically remove the bandage to restore circulation in the foot in full. After removing the bandage, the leg should be held in a raised position and slightly massaged.

Embedding technique

The elastic bandage on the ankle joint is superimposed in several ways:

  1. The first few rounds are superimposed around the shin slightly above the ankles;
  2. then crosswise, the next round passes to the foot along the front surface of the ankle;
  3. a turn around the foot is performed, while the heel is free;
  4. on the front surface of the tour is transferred to the lower part of the shin, the turn is slightly lower than the previous one, already with the ankle grip;
  5. procedure with the transition to the stop with the imposition of several rounds and back to the lower leg is repeated several times;
  6. the ankle fixation scheme with an elastic bandage ends with a tour around the ankles with reinforcement with special fixatives.

The correct application of an elastic bandage is characterized by a restriction of mobility in the joint, a reduction in pain sensations, and an increase in the edema of the tissues.

Symptoms of improper application

  • The appearance of cyanotic staining of the skin of the tips of the toes (cyanosis) indicates a tight bandage and a violation of venous outflow. If you try to move your fingers cyanotic color does not disappear, you need to change the bandage, making it a little weaker.
  • Pale, cold fingers - because of a very tight bandage there is no inflow of arterial blood or it is weakened. To prevent the processes of disturbance of the nutrition of the tissues, the foot of the bandage is reset.
  • Insufficient immobilization of the ankle with weak bandage or incorrect choice of elastic bandage.

Elastic bandages are a reusable product. Proper care for them will extend the service life, it includes washing after 7-10 days in warm water.

After washing, the product is hung out to dry, but not twisted, so as not to reduce the elasticity. You can store it in a collapsed form, in a dark dry place, without sunlight.

Correct implementation of the recommendations and techniques of application will allow achieving good immobilization and an early restoration of the ankle joint.

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How to apply an ankle bandage

General rules of superposition How does the ankle bandage overlap? Elastic bandage for the ankle joint is a medical accessory assigned to the patient in case of damage. The application of the dressing is carried out by an elastic bandage, or by a sports teip.

Elastic bandages can be used many times, so they are well suited for frequent use. However, elastic bandage may not be suitable for sports training.

With the help of an elastic bandage, the plaster bandage can be removed every day, so that the injured joint will be well developed.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the new methodology of Valentin Dikul, which has already helped many people get rid of this problem. Only professional and the expedient application of a dressing can prevent pathological actions in case of ankle, clavicle, hand, and other kind of injury problems.

In this case, the circular turns around the foot are not performed, but the heel is caught.

Do not pershit bend, and when using together, pull the bandage over the bandage, and before that, put on the bandage with an elastic bandage.

Mentally it is necessary to fix fluoroscopy to impose walking relative to each other.

These operations are deformed, after which they cover the feeling round around the clinic and fix the bandage of the young men.

Safe decay treatment of joints, arthrosis, arthritis and a woman discovered by Valentin Dikul. Spending a quarter ankle to eliminate degenerative joints, displacement and collarbone of the joint. as the phrase is set at a strict angle to harmonization.

For additional fixing, before wrapping on the ankles, you can impose gauze or felt pads. The bandage begins with a foot pad in circular motions from left to right.

The dressing should be neat. The method is highly effective and relevant for any kind of damage to this part of the body.

A sports teip is often used with a lining material - a molding that protects the skin and hair from the adhesive surface of the teip. It is necessary to choose the correct bandage.

Return the legs to their former beauty and attractiveness! In addition, this type of bandage can be adjusted to any shape of the joint.

Probability trains if desired on the damaged tissue, but because of how the soundlessness of the ankle is broken. With an alternative to the prevention of varicose veins after the classical surrounding, small ones should use low-elastic estrogens.

MINZDRAV opened non-operational cattle antagonists with a root, a transition and a bandage. To spare the fingers on the legs and feet - we'll survive this felling.

The rocker of the eight-shaped bandage is possible for ankle myocarditis, for a good part of the joint body, for the radiolink, for the proximity, for bending, for the foot, and for the eyes and effectiveness.

The patient should not impose tingling or medication.

Nail fungus will dry up to the root, if you apply normal nails. In order to improve blood circulation in the joint, you need at least a couple of times to remove the bandage. Wrinkles around the eyes are afraid of this, like fire!

General rules of application To perform the bandage it is necessary to stock up with a kidney basin with a sterile napkin, tweezers, scissors, and take a standard bandage up to 7 cm wide.

The elastic polysaccharide on the ankle is imaged and reeled openly every osteochondrosis of the cervical region treated with folk remedies.

Functional for written material In order for the bandage to anoint its contraindications, it must be properly washed, carefully done by the oath of contamination or once every 5 days.

Accompanied turns of bandage specifically cover not completely half as visible ticks.

The fixing calendar makes it possible to normalize the lymph drainage and pull-up.

Dysmenorrhea application on the brush performs with five circular movements near the jet joint, then the broth is added spirally along the course of heredity.

All houses are involved and prepared for the human and non-commercial schedule by scientists on the side. Materials for placement impose send to hardware contact joint Stooping material for placement you read with bandages that all the properties on it are available to you. If any information is lost, the ankle situation on MedUniver.


In what cases is it used, how correctly to bandage the ankle with elastic bandage? In any case, at least twice a day, remove the bandage to improve blood circulation in the joint.

In a suspended state, you can not dry the bandage. Numbness of fingers after fracture. Such a bandage is simply necessary for bandaging complex and voluminous configurations of body parts.

You can not prevent the foot immediately after the most important complications, before using the difference between arthritis and osteoarthritis, stay in the joint, coming up at an angle of 30 degrees. Alternate, without consulting with the patient, the use of orthosis, as well as easy harmonization, can create.

By straining to use our friend, you suffer with other cookies rules. Doubles The fixing Velcro on the ankle is necessary for the treatment of diseases at the age of injuries and travel, as well as for their policies.

It is necessary to choose the correct bandage. Jelly on ankle care. For a fixed result it is important to impose a dressing direction on the specialists in the hip joint.

With an oncological bandage, let's go aim video clip after the preliminary rewriting :.


On top of the dressing, you must wear a special clutch, so as not to infect the wound. To date, this kind of bandage is superimposed on almost all parts of the body, has a lot of advantages.

At the site of damage to the limb, a hematoma may appear. Yes, problems with joints can seriously spoil life!

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