Why there is a rash on the foot in the form of red dots

small red rash on the legsWhen a rash appears on the legs in the form of red dots in an adult, the nature of the rashes should be analyzed.

It is the study of the properties of papules, blisters, pustules and other formations on the skin that allows specialists in most cases, correctly establish the cause, and diagnose a possible disease.

In adults, the most frequent manifestations of a rash are:

  1. Maculae or simply spots- these are elements of rashes that are at the same level with the skin and do not rise above the surface.
  2. Blistersprotrude above the level of the skin. They have a rough surface and dense internal liquid contents.
  3. Papulesin appearance they are like nodules, they are in the thickness of the skin - it is a whole new formation, It does not have an internal cavity, the size of which varies from the head of the pin to the grain of the lentil.
  4. BubblesThese are cavities with transparent inner contents. When pus is formed inside the bladder, it is called a pustule, that is, a purulent bladder.
  5. Erythema
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    Is the part of the skin that rises above the rest. It is characterized by sharply outlined edges. Such cosmetic skin defects, as a rule, are of red color and manifests itself in those people who are prone to allergies of different origin, for example, food for red berries, fruits and eggs, or medicamentous
  6. Erosions and sores- elements that differ in size. They appear on the site of damaged skin that undergo inflammatory or traumatic changes.
  7. Crusts- appear on the site of blisters, ulcers, pustules and erosion. Formation of crusts is a sign of the onset of the process of recovery.

The formation of a small red rash on the lower limbs may indicate any pathology of the skin or be a sign of the development of pathology in the body.

Causes of a red rash on the legs in an adult

Almost all disorders occurring in the body can manifest as rashes, including red small rash on the legs.

Below are only the most common reasons:

  • Most often, the rash on the legs and hands is a sign of allergic contact dermatitis.
  • The influence of external mechanical factors (the use of tight or uncomfortable shoes, which leads to the appearance of redness and rubbed feet, depilation).
  • To cause a rash on the legs in the form of red dots may scabies.
  • When infectious endocarditis appears hemorrhagic rash.
  • Reaction to a bite, of any insect.
  • Autoimmune diseases (scleroderma, lupus erythematosus);
  • Viral infection (rubella, chicken pox, scarlet fever, measles).
  • If the rash appears in the area of ​​the foot and it itches badly, then, most likely this is a fungal disease.
  • Hives, neurodermatitis, eczema, soft fibroid.

Less common reasons:

  • syphilis;
  • hemorrhagic fever;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • decompression sickness;
  • myocarditis;
  • toxic shock syndrome;
  • acute lymphoblastic leukemia;
  • autoimmune hepatitis;
  • bacterial endocarditis;
  • meningococcal infection;
  • diabetes;
  • California encephalitis;
  • primary disorders of malnutrition;
  • toxemia;
  • Type 2 diabetes.

Often rashes appear, both on hands, and on legs because of physical influence, for example, after small scratches, bite of insects or because of improperly selected material and clothing style.

Allergic contact dermatitis

It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • swelling and redness of a specific area of ​​the skin;
  • pronounced itching sensations;
  • the formation of transparent vesicles with liquid exudate;
  • the appearance of painful erosions in the place of the bursting bubble;
  • the appearance of yellow crusts after the subsidence of inflammation.

The development of the disease begins with the area that has come into contact with the irritant.


The main of all the symptoms of scabies is itch, which always tends to increase dramatically at night. In addition, itching can be worse after taking a shower, especially hot.

The second characteristic manifestation of scabies, among all the symptoms, is the appearance on the skin of a specific rash that resembles strips up to 15 mm long, with a small bubble at the end. This is the itch moves.

Foot fungus

Despite the fact that fungi that cause skin lesions on the feet, there are a great many, the symptoms of foot fungus, in most cases, are the same:

  • appearance of skin scales on the foot;
  • symptom of increased sweating of the feet;
  • severe itching at the site of fungal attack;
  • the appearance of painful cracks;
  • strong peeling;
  • the involvement of nails in the pathological process;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

With the passage of time, the fungus spreads over the foot, first of all, hitting the areas, which account for the maximum load

Treatment of rashes on the legs in the form of red dots

After identifying the cause of the rash, the doctor will prescribe a treatment corresponding to the detected disease. Of course, there can not be general recipes here, because different pathologies leading to the appearance of a rash require completely different therapies. In addition, local remedies in the form of ointments, creams, gels can be prescribed to eliminate the itching, to alleviate the patient's condition.

If a small red rash on the legs of an adult has arisen due to an allergic reaction, then first of all it is necessary to eliminate the allergen, if necessary, take antihistamines.

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