Arthralgia: symptoms and treatment


  • 1Arthralgia
    • 1.1Types of arthralgia
    • 1.2Treatment and prognosis of arthralgia
  • 2Symptoms, causes and treatment of arthralgia syndrome
    • 2.1Types of arthralgia and accompanying symptoms
    • 2.2Diagnostics
    • 2.3Prognosis and prevention
  • 3Arthralgia: symptoms and treatment
    • 3.1Etiology
    • 3.2Kinds
    • 3.3Symptomatology
    • 3.4Treatment
  • 4Arthralgia: what is it, the causes, symptoms and treatment
    • 4.1What it is
    • 4.2Types of arthralgia
    • 4.3Causes
    • 4.4Symptoms of arthralgia
    • 4.5Treatment of arthralgia
  • 5Arthralgia: what is it, causes, symptoms, treatment
    • 5.1What is arthralgia: the causes, symptoms, treatment
    • 5.2Causes of arthralgia
    • 5.3Reactive arthritis
    • 5.4Failure of the immune system
    • 5.5Systemic arthritis
    • 5.6Residual and initial arthralgia
    • 5.7Causes of pseudo-arthralgia
    • 5.8Types of arthralgia
    • 5.9Symptoms of arthralgia
    • 5.10Diagnostics
    • 5.11Treatment of arthralgia


Arthralgia- a symptom of joint pain, characteristic of one or at the same time several joints (polyarthralgia).

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The appearance of arthralgia is facilitated by the stimulation of the neuroreceptors of synovial membranes of the joint capsules mediators of inflammation, products of immune reactions, salt crystals, toxins, osteophytes, etc.

Arthralgia can be observed in rheumatic, endocrine, infectious, neoplastic, neurological, autoimmune diseases, injuries, excess weight. The elucidation of the causes of arthralgia has an important differential-diagnostic significance.

Treatment of arthralgias reduces to therapy of the disease that caused them; apply symptomatic measures - analgesics, local heat and ointments.

For articular syndrome, taking the form of arthralgia, is characterized by the absence of an objective symptom complex of the joint apparatus - deformity, puffiness, local hyperthermia and hyperemia, palpation pain, significant restriction of mobility, often - radiographic signs. Nevertheless, arthralgia may be a harbinger of serious organic joint damage or a symptom of menacing extraarticular pathology.

Types of arthralgia

Manifestations of arthralgia differ in the localization and depth of pain, the number of joints involved, the nature and intensity of pain syndrome, its daily rhythm, duration of existence, connection with a certain species movements, etc. In the presence of pains in a single joint, one speaks of monoarthralgia, with simultaneous or consecutive pain a syndrome in several joints - about oligoartralgia, with the involvement of 5 or more joints - about the syndrome polyarthralgia.

By the nature of arthralgic syndrome distinguish acute and dull pain; by intensity - from mild to moderate to severe; by the type of current - transitory and constant. More often arthralgia occurs in large joints - hip, knee, shoulder and elbow, rarely in medium and small - wrist, ankle, interphalangeal.

In rheumatology it is common to distinguish the following types of joint pain:

  • arthralgia caused by a toxic syndrome in acute infections;
  • primary episode or intermittent arthralgia with acute or recurrent arthritis;
  • long-term monoarthralgia of large joints;
  • oligo- or polyarthralgic syndrome, accompanying the involvement of synovial membranes or progressive degenerative-dystrophic changes in cartilage;
  • residual post-inflammatory or post-traumatic arthralgia;
  • pseudoarthralgia

Arthralgic syndrome often accompanies the course of acute infections. Arthralgia can be noted both in the prodromal period of the disease, and in the early clinical stage, which proceeds with fever and intoxication.

For the infectious form of arthralgia is characterized by "ache" in the joints of the lower and upper extremities, the polyarticular nature of the pain, their conjugation with myalgia. The mobility in the joint is fully preserved.

Usually, infectious nature arthralgia disappears within a few days as the toxic syndrome due to the underlying disease weakens.

Possible variants of postinfection reactive arthralgia development after acute intestinal or urogenital infections; parainfection arthralgic syndrome caused by tuberculosis, infectious endocarditis, secondary syphilis. Often the cause of arthralgia is the focus of the existing chronic infection - pyelonephritis, cholangitis, adnexitis, paratonsillar abscess or parasitic infestation.

Poly- or ologovitralgii are the main symptom of inflammatory rheumatic diseases.

For rheumatic arthralgias is characterized by a constant, intense, migrating pain syndrome, involving large joints predominantly of the lower extremities, limited movement in the joints.

The debut of rheumatoid arthritis, as well as systemic rheumatic diseases, is manifested in the polyarticular a syndrome that captures the small symmetrical joints of feet and hands, motor stiffness in the morning.

With microcrystalline gouty arthritis, arthralgia manifests itself in the form of recurrent paroxysmal pains in isolated joint, which, suddenly arising, quickly reach peak intensity and do not weaken somewhat days.

Gradually increasing for a long time, arthralgia may indicate deforming osteoarthritis and other degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the joints.

In this case, the involvement of knee or hip joints is typical; dull, aching, load-related type of pain and their disappearance at rest.


Arthralgia may be meteodependent, accompanied by crunching joints during movement, weaken with local distraction therapy.


Persistent oligo- and polyarthralgia of the long course, accompanied by the formation of "Hippocrates fingers" (deformities of the nails and distal phalanges by the type of "watch glass" and "drum sticks"), indicate a paraneoplastic lesion of synovial shells. Such patients should be suspected of oncological pathology of internal organs, primarily lung cancer.

Frequent causes of arthralgia are endocrine disorders - primary hyperparathyroidism, ovariogenic dysfunctions, hypothyroidism, etc.

Articular syndrome of endocrine origin proceeds in the form of oligoartralgia associated with osalgia, myalgia, pain in pelvic bones and spine.

Among other possible causes of arthralgia should be allocated intoxication with heavy metals (thallium, beryllium), frequent overload or microtraumas of joints, long-term drug therapy, post-allergic reactions, etc.

Residual arthralgia after joint inflammation is chronic or transient.

For weeks or months, pain and stiffness in the joints may persist; in the future, well-being and limb functions are fully restored.


In the chronic form of arthralgia, its exacerbations are associated with overexertion, meteorolubility, hypothermia.


Pseudoarthrals include pain syndrome simulated by primary ossalgia, neuralgia, myalgia, cardiovascular pathology, flatfoot, X-shaped or O-shaped deformity of the limbs, psychosomatic disorders.

Since arthralgia is not an independent nosological unit, but only a subjective symptom, at first plan for clarifying the causes of its emergence are clinical and anamnestic characteristics and physical examination.

Consultation of the rheumatologist is desirable. In order to differentiate the etiology of arthralgia, a number of objective studies are carried out.

In laboratory diagnostics, a clinical blood test including counting platelets, biochemical and bacteriological tests, serological reactions is indicative.

Among the instrumental diagnostic techniques, radiography and ultrasound of joints, tomography, thermography, electroradiography, subgraphy, and also invasive interventions - contrast arthrography, arthroscopy, diagnostic joint puncture with microbiological and cytological examination punctate.

Treatment and prognosis of arthralgia

In the treatment of arthralgia, the main role is given to the treatment of leading pathology. Drug treatment is aimed at stopping inflammatory intraarticular processes and pain syndrome. Systemic therapy includes the use of NSAIDs - ibuprofen, diclofenac, naproxen, etc.

With moderate arthralgia or the presence of contraindications to oral administration of drugs, a local external therapy with warming, anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments containing diclofenac, ketoprofen, turpentine ointment.

Application is applied with dimethyl sulfoxide on the joint area.

Neglect of competent examination and treatment for arthralgia is fraught with the development of irreversible functional disorders of the joints - rigidity, ankylosis, contracture.


Since arthralgia can serve as a marker for a variety of diseases, you need to see a doctor if you have articular syndrome for more than 2 days.


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Symptoms, causes and treatment of arthralgia syndrome

»Diseases» Arthritis, arthrosis »

Arthralgia doctors call a pain syndrome in one or several joints in the absence of objective causes of pain.

It can be a symptom of many different inflammations, diseases and pathologies.

As a rule, pain is accompanied by other signs, which are not always manifested at the initial stages of the pathological process. Most large arthralgia is affected by large joints (shoulders, knees, hips, elbows, etc.)

). Rarely articular pains occur in the small joints of the hand, fingers, and feet. Recovering depends on the nature of the symptoms, as well as the timeliness and effectiveness of the treatment of arthralgia.

There are many reasons and factors for the appearance of pain in the joints.

    We list some of them:
  • acute and chronic joint diseases;
  • allergy;
  • consequences of trauma;
  • presence of infection (acute or chronic);
  • inflammation;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • disorders of the endocrine system;
  • blood diseases;
  • exposure to radiation;
  • weakened immunity;
  • excessive load on the joint;
  • salt deposits;
  • obesity;
  • a side effect of taking some medications.
  • The appearance of arthralgic symptoms is also often affected by weather conditions that are seasonal in nature (sharp temperature changes and changes in air humidity).

    The most common cause of arthralgia is a trauma, newly acquired or old. On the second place among the reasons - developing inflammatory or dystrophic process.

    Types of arthralgia and accompanying symptoms

      Most of the pain is localized in the following joints:
    • knees;
    • hip;
    • ulnar;
    • brachial.
      There are such types of arthralgia:
    1. arthralgia due to intoxication from acute infections;
    2. prolonged monoarthralgia of the large joint;
    3. arthralgia in acute or recurrent form of arthritis (most often occurs against the background of autoimmune diseases);
    4. pseudoathealgia (disruption of the central nervous system, flat feet, scoliosis, sprains, etc.);
    5. arthralgic syndrome, associated with the destruction of cartilaginous tissue;
    6. residual arthralgia (due to injuries and inflammation).
      In the subgroup, arthralgia is distinguished for various forms of arthritis:
    • psoriatic - inflammation, accompanied by psoriatic manifestations on the skin;
    • reactive - is characteristic for severe conditions (HIV, autoimmune diseases, tuberculosis intoxication, etc.);
    • rheumatic - mainly the joints of the legs suffer, arises in the presence of rheumatic pathologies;
    • gouty, is characteristic of the peripheral joints of the hands and feet, the pain is paroxysmal.
      By the number of involved joints distinguish:
    1. monoarthralgia (one joint is affected);
    2. oligoartralgia (sequential or simultaneous pain in several joints);
    3. polyarthralgia (pain syndrome in more than five joints).
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    Sometimes the patient has a so-called "migrating arthralgia when the pain passes from one joint to another.

    Due to a wide variety of reasons, there are many characteristics of arthralgia.

    By duration: fleeting and chronic.

  • acute;
  • stupid;
  • noisy;
  • stitching;
  • shooting;
  • stinging.
  • Concomitant symptoms also play an important role in determining the cause of arthralgia.
    With arthrosis, the appearance of pain is associated with the time of day and weather.

      If the pain was provoked by inflammation, the person has additional characteristic symptoms:
    • elevated temperature;
    • edema in the region of the affected joint;
    • skin discoloration (redness);
    • decreased motor function of the joint;
    • in some cases - visible deformation.
      On different joints arthralgia can manifest itself with additional characteristic symptoms:
    • in the knee joint, a local temperature change (hyperemia, hyperthermia) of the skin in the knee region can be observed;
    • In the lumbar part of the patient feels stiffness in the spine.


    Diagnosis of the type of arthralgia and revealing the cause of its occurrence is based on the drawing up of a detailed clinical picture. The more details become known to the rheumatologist, the sooner an accurate diagnosis will be made and a suitable treatment will be prescribed.

      The specialist will need to find out:
  • where specifically it hurts;
  • how much it hurts (intense, moderate, weak pain);
  • what kind of pain (acute, dull pain, etc.);
  • what joints are involved;
  • how long it hurts;
  • is there any weakening / aggravation of pain during the day (pain is periodic, constant);
  • whether the pain is aggravated by movement.
  • The establishment of localization and the type of pain is the first step towards the diagnosis. Note that very often in the early stages of the development of diseases, no other symptoms, other than pain, a person does not feel. It is extremely important not to ignore them and prevent the progression of the disease.

    Also for diagnostic use methods of laboratory diagnosis: clinical, bacteriological, biochemical blood tests.

    In addition, the rheumatologist will refer the patient to:

    • Ultrasound of joints;
    • X-ray and electro-radiography;
    • thermography (method of recording infrared radiation of the body);
    • computed tomography;
    • podography (examination of feet, recording the duration of individual periods of a step);
    • arthroscopy (surgical minimally invasive procedure, aimed at identifying violations in the joint);
    • contrast arthrography (joint X-ray with contrast fluid);
    • puncture of the joint (taking the fluid contained in the joint to detect signs of viruses, infections, etc.)

    The earlier a patient turns to a specialist, the sooner treatment will be started, and the risks of developing serious pathologies will decrease.

    In the treatment of arthralgia, an integrated approach is extremely important: a fight not only with pain, but primarily with the underlying disease.

      Depending on the cause of pain, apply separately, sequentially or in combination:
    • medicinal preparations;
    • physiotherapy;
    • surgical methods.

    When drafting a treatment program, the doctor is guided not only by the existing diagnosis, but also provides for the individual characteristics of each patient. Selection of therapeutic methods takes into account both indications and contraindications. = e391B26KphU

    Medicinal preparations are the basis of therapy of joint diseases. All of them can be divided into three groups:

    1. etiotropic (elimination of the cause);
    2. pathogenetic (elimination and suppression of the mechanisms of the development of the disease);
    3. symptomatic (for suppressing symptoms).

    To suppress infections, various types of antibiotics are actively used. Immunosuppressive (suppressing immunity) drugs are indicated for diseases of joints that are of autoimmune nature.

    To eliminate pain symptoms and reduce temperature, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (paracetamol, ibuprofen, nimesulide, dilax, etc.) are prescribed. Also against arthralgia, ointments and local action gels (voltaren, amelotex, diclofenac, nurofen, etc.) have a positive effect.

    In the treatment it is extremely important to observe the correct dosage of the drugs. For effective therapy, one must strictly follow the recommendations of the attending physician.

    Physiotherapy methods are not shown for any type of arthralgia.

    In inflammatory processes and autoimmune diseases, the use of procedures with the use of heat, etc., is completely excluded.

    And, on the contrary, when treating posttraumatic and dystrophic processes, such procedures are necessary from the first days of treatment. Physiotherapy is aimed at reducing pain and restoring joint function.

    For the treatment of joints the following physiotherapy methods are used:

    • drug electrophoresis (the effect of the current and the medication on the affected joint);
    • magnetotherapy (exposure to magnetic fields);
    • laser therapy (impact of the laser on the joint);
    • paraffin and mud therapy;
    • UHF-therapy (electromagnetic field effect);
    • balneological treatment.

    In the case of arthralgia caused by the consequence of trauma, in some cases, the treatment is performed surgically, since the pain is caused by degeneration of the joint or improperly fused bones.

    Prognosis and prevention

    The prognosis for recovery depends on the symptoms and the effectiveness of therapy. Early diagnosis and an adequate treatment program in most cases help to get rid of pain, prevent the development of irreversible changes in joints and other pathologies.

    Experts recommend to see a doctor if arthralgia persists for more than two days.

    To prevent the development of arthralgia in the future, it is necessary to follow simple rules of prevention. These include:

    • strengthening immunity;
    • attentive attitude to their health, prevention and timely treatment of infections;
    • physical activity, walking outdoors, gymnastics;
    • adherence to work and rest (breaks for easy charging);
    • normalization of nutrition;
    • weight control;
    • reception of vitamin-mineral complexes;
    • sanatorium and resort rest.

    See the video on the signs and features of the manifestation of arthralgia in children and adolescents. Why there are pains in the joints in childhood, and that contributes to this.

    A source:

    Arthralgia: symptoms and treatment

    Category: Joints, bones, muscles 7963

    • Joint pain
    • Muscle pain
    • Deformation of the joint
    • Pain in the bones
    • Pain when touching the affected joint
    • Edema of the periarticular tissues
    • Redness of the skin above the affected joint

    Arthralgia is a pathological condition characterized by the appearance of a pronounced pain syndrome, both in one joint and immediately in several joints.

    This ailment arises from the irritation of the nerve endings, localized in the synovial articular pouch.

    It should be noted that this lesion is usually large joints (arthralgia of the knee joint is diagnosed most often).


    Arthralgia is more pronounced when there is an inflammatory process in the human body (for example, arthritis). Weaker it is manifested in dystrophic lesions of bone structures and joints.


    The ailment has no limitations regarding age and sex. Often diagnosed as arthralgia in children.

    But still it is worth noting that people at risk are people of working age who work in adverse conditions (fishermen, miners, builders, etc.).


    There are many reasons for the progress of arthralgia. The development of joint pain can be caused by the following factors:

    • autoimmune diseases;
    • overweight;
    • rheumatic processes;
    • increased load on certain joints, more often large - knee, hip, elbow and the like;
    • failure in the CNS;
    • disruption of the endocrine system;
    • the presence of neoplasms of a benign or malignant nature;
    • injuries of varying severity;
    • infectious diseases, bacterial or protozoal;
    • a sharp change in weather conditions.

    Diseases in which symptoms of arthralgia are usually observed:


    To date, in medicine, a fairly large number of varieties of arthralgia of the knee, elbow, hip and others are allotted. Classification is based on the number of affected joints, the reason for the progression of the disease.

    Localization of arthralgia

    Depending on the number of affected joints poured:

    • polyarthralgia. In this case, the pain syndrome affects at the same time 5 or more articular joints;
    • oligoartralgia. The lesion spans from two to four joints;
    • monoarthralgia. Inflammation and pain syndrome is localized exclusively within one joint articulation.

    Due to progression:

    • posttraumatic;
    • infectious;
    • arthralgia, progressing against the background of osteoarthritis;
    • pathology, which develops in the presence of newborns in the human body of benign and malignant nature;
    • pseudoarthralgia.

    Clinicians also include a pain syndrome in the joints, which is manifested due to the presence of certain forms of arthritis:

    • reactive arthralgia;
    • psoriatic;
    • rheumatic;
    • gouty.


    The severity of symptoms directly depends on the cause of progression of the pathology. In this case, unpleasant sensations can be either fast-passing or chronic.

    Pain is a stitching, sharp, dull, aching character. Arthralgia, which progresses due to an infectious disease, usually manifests itself at the initial stages of development of the underlying pathology.

    In this case, there are two symptoms: myalgia and ossalgia.

    For the disease characterized by a malfunction of the joint articulation:

    • edema in the joint region;
    • soreness with palpation;
    • deformation is possible;
    • hyperemia of the skin.


    If the symptoms of joint damage do not last for three days, you should refer to a qualified rheumatologist who will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis and establish the cause of the manifestation pain syndrome. The treatment plan is appointed only after confirmation of the diagnosis. The main goal of the treatment is to eliminate the root cause of arthralgia.

    Usually anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, which help to reduce unpleasant symptoms (symptomatic treatment).


    • non-steroid agents (in the acute stage of the disease);
    • anti-inflammatory ointments;
    • warming medicines for local effects;
    • analgesic ointments.

    Also, the treatment plan usually includes physiotherapeutic procedures:

    • laser therapy;
    • UFO;
    • UHF;
    • magnetotherapy.

    It is possible to use and folk remedies for the treatment of ailment. It should be noted that they can be used only with the permission of the attending physician and in tandem with the methods of official medicine. Get rid of the background disease, they will not help, but with their help you can eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

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    Diseases with similar symptoms:

    Deforming osteoarthritis (coinciding symptoms: 4 of 7)

    Deforming osteoarthritis - is considered a frequent pathology of joints, against which there is development degenerative-inflammatory process, leading to the destruction of their structures and their premature aging. The main reason for the development of this pathology is excessive physical activity, but there are a number of other predisposing factors. They include excess body weight, professional sports, sedentary working conditions and many other sources.

    ... Hemorrhagic vasculitis (coinciding symptoms: 3 of 7)

    Hemorrhagic vasculitis is an ailment that relates to primary systemic vasculitis. First of all, the pathological process "attacks" children and young people. The disease manifests itself as violations of the functions of the digestive tract, microthrombosis, arthralgia, purpura (which can be palpated).

    ... Arthropathy (coinciding symptoms: 3 of 7)

    Arthropathy is a secondary disorder that manifests itself in various degenerative-dystrophic or inflammatory manifestations in the affected joint.

    In the medical literature, this condition is also called reactive arthritis. Most often the disease affects the hip, elbow and knee joints.

    It is worth noting that pathology can begin to progress in both children and adults. Restrictions on sex do not have a malaise.

    ... Hyperparathyroidism (coinciding symptoms: 3 of 7)

    Hyperparathyroidism is a chronic pathology of the parathyroid glands, progressing due to the appearance of tumors or increased proliferation of their tissues.

    Pathology is characterized by increased production of parathyroid hormone, which affects calcium metabolism.


    Its excessive content in the blood causes calcium to be washed out of the bones, which, in turn, leads to severe complications.


    ... Rheumatoid arthrosis (coinciding symptoms: 3 of 7)

    Rheumatoid arthrosis is an autoimmune lesion of articular joints, as it progresses, their deformation and destruction occur.

    Degenerative processes can affect cartilage, bones and even soft tissues, which is an irreversible phenomenon and leads to severe deformations.

    With severe tissue destruction, osteoarthritis is formed, characterized by impaired motor functions.


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    Arthralgia: what is it, the causes, symptoms and treatment

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    In modern medicine, the pathology of the musculoskeletal system has long occupied its own cell.

    This is due to the wide spread of diseases of this type.

    So, for example, if you take a group of people over 30, then every second person in it will somehow complain about various problems with bones, cartilage or joints.

    Many people in their lives are faced with a variety of pains that occur in the joints. Similar pains, often acting as a symptom of a disease, it is customary to call arthralgia in medical practice.

    Arthralgia is always a symptom, but never an independent disease.

    When there are complaints of pain in the joints, it is necessary to search for their cause, and not just to carry out symptomatic treatment directed simply at suppressing the pain syndrome.


    • What it is
    • Types of arthralgia
    • Causes
    • Symptoms of arthralgia
    • Treatment of arthralgia

    What it is

    Arthralgia in medicine is called a pain symptom that affects any of the many joints in the human body for any of the reasons.

    Most pathology affects large joints, whether it's the hip, knee, shoulder or elbow.

    More rarely, patients complain of pain in the smaller joints, such as interphalangeal, ankle or wrist.

    Many rheumatologists and specialists in the field of manual therapy, speaking of arthralgia, have in mind the defeat of the joint, the etiology of which is not completely clear. In this case, a thorough diagnostic search is conducted to determine the source of the lesion.

    In medicine, such a concept as arthralgic syndrome also stands out. This is most often not an independent disease, but a set of symptoms that predict the onset of the disease of the musculoskeletal system or internal organs.

    Arthralgic syndrome accompanies many types of diseases, not being special for any one, therefore it is impossible to diagnose only by its presence.

    Additional diagnostic procedures are required, which allow to clarify the nature of pain and choose the optimal treatment.

    Doctors often draw the attention of patients to the fact that arthralgia is not an independent disease, but a symptom of some pathology that is acute or chronic.


    This should be remembered if there are complaints in the joints.


    For some diseases, arthralgia is the first, and sometimes the only, sign of a pathology that needs to be carefully evaluated.

    Types of arthralgia

    Arthralgia is classified by a variety of different signs. It can be divided into different groups, depending on the size of the affected joints, the depth of the lesion, the features of the pain syndrome, the causes of development, etc.

    First and foremost, in clinical practice among physicians the division of arthralgia into classes is accepted, depending on how many joints are involved in the pathological process. According to this criterion, three main types of pathology are distinguished:

    • monoarthralgia is accompanied by the defeat of only one single joint without further spread of the processes (most often the knee appears as the affected joint);
    • oligoartralgia is usually accompanied by joint damage in the amount of 2 to 4 pieces (the lesion can be both symmetrical and asymmetric);
    • polyarthralgia is accompanied by the appearance of pain symptoms in more than five joints (often of this type pain diseases are migratory in nature, all five or more joints at the same time are seldom aching).

    The division of arthralgia according to the type of pain syndrome is based on the intensity of pain and its characteristics.

    So, for example, the pain can be short-term and long-term, acute, blunt, stitching, etc.

    In some cases, the characteristic of the pain syndrome allows the specialist to understand approximately what the cause of the pain may lie in.

    It is interesting that rheumatologists have their own classification of arthralgia used in the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatism. Joint pains rheumatologists are divided into the following groups:

    • pain, provoked by the development of a toxic syndrome on the background of an acute infection;
    • Primary pain or intermittent against a background of acute arthritis or arthritis of recurrent type;
    • a monoarthralgia that lasts for a long time, affecting one of the major joints in the body;
    • Multiple lesion of joints involving the process of their synovial membranes or developing against the background of dystrophic changes in the cartilaginous tissue;
    • arthralgia, which is residual after inflammation or infection;
    • pseudo-arthralgia (pain that mimics articular pathology, but it is not).

    Establish the nature and type of pain becomes more difficult if the patient's arthralgia is joined by myalgia B In this case it is difficult to identify the main source of pain and, accordingly, to suspect this or that pathology.


    Arthralgia is a companion of a huge number of various diseases. In the first place in this case, infectious pathology. Arthralgia with infection can be observed at different stages of the disease.

    Most often in this case, the symptom is also accompanied by the presence of fever and a feeling of aches in the muscle tissues.

    It is important to remember that if the infection affects the body as a whole, and not the joint itself, mobility will not be limited.

    Total pain in the joints or oligoartralgia is often found in rheumatic diseases.

    In this case, the pain will be accompanied by a strong restriction of mobility, as well as the ability to migrate.

    In rheumatic diseases, the lower limbs are more often involved in the pathological process, so the patient will most likely complain about pain in the legs.

    The cause of arthralgia may be an infection in the human body


    Some systemic rheumatic diseases, on the contrary, affect initially small joints. In this case, a person can complain of stiffness for a certain time after sleep.


    Some degenerative joint diseases can lead to the development of arthralgia as a symptom. In this case, the pains are often stupid, aching. Affects mainly joints, experiencing high loads.

    This can be, for example, the knee or hip joint. For pains against the background of degenerative diseases, there is often a presence of meteodependence, as well as an increase in response to physical activity.

    The cause of arthralgia may also be paraneoplastic syndrome in cancerous tumors of the lung tissue or endocrine system diseases. Often, the appearance of arthralgia lead to thyroid disease, such as hypothyroidism, diffuse toxic goiter, thyrotoxicosis, etc.

    Additional reasons can be various external influences, such as intoxication with poisons or heavy metals, exposure to radiation, prolonged exposure to cold, stress and other

    Symptoms of arthralgia

    Symptoms that accompany arthralgia in this or that case depend on which of the diseases it was caused.

    The leading and the main symptom in the patient's questioning are painful sensations, the description of which can vary from patient to patient.

    Often, complaints are added to the pains, such as a feeling of stiffness in the morning hours or throughout the day, loss of joint mobility, a crunch that occurs during the performance of certain movements.


    Most often, chronic diseases that occur in the background give a softer course of arthralgia, while traumas are characterized by a heavier flow. Pain after traumatic effects is sharper, and recovery takes longer.


    If arthralgia is a symptom of any common infectious pathology, the patient will more often complain about the drawing, prolonged pain in the area of ​​the joints.

    It's normal, if such pain accompanies and myalgia - a pain in the muscles.

    In addition, the temperature may develop, symptoms of general intoxication of the body, such as nausea, vomiting, headache.

    If the cause of pain lies in neuralgia, the pain will be acute, aggravated by movement and weakening in one or another posture. Similar passing symptomatology is associated with the affected nerve ending. The pain syndrome subsides, as soon as a person stops actively acting on the nerve.

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    If the cause of arthralgia lies in the degenerative joint disease, you should expect blunt pain, which can intensify and turn into acute when active movements. For arthralgia, in this case, stiffness in the joint, limitation of its mobility will be characteristic.

    It is important to remember that arthralgia in itself is not accompanied by changes in the joint condition. This means that the skin over the joint will have a normal color, the configuration changes will also be completely absent.

    Treatment of arthralgia

    In the treatment of arthralgia, it is very important to carry out the correct diagnostic measures.

    This is due to the fact that arthralgia is always a symptom of some disease, and not an independent disease that requires self-treatment.

    Of course, in medical practice, there is an idiopathic type of pathology (when it was not possible to establish the exact cause), but basically this diagnosis indicates insufficient diagnosis.


    Before the treatment of arthralgia, a thorough questioning of the patient and evaluation of his other complaints must be made. The doctor pays attention to the anamnesis of the present disease, clarifies whether there have been any recent infectious processes.


    With arthralgia, a competent diagnosis of the patient is of great diagnostic importance.

    It is necessary to establish when and under what circumstances the pain developed for the first time, how long they are bothering the patient, and how efficiently he has already tried to be treated.

    Such trifles allow the most complete picture of the disease and exclude some pathologies for which the complaints that have arisen are not typical.

    Symptomatic therapy for arthralgia will include the use of such drugs as: Apizarthron, Viprosal B, Finalangon, and others.

    Assessment of additional complaints helps the doctor determine the spectrum of tests that will help in diagnosis, as well as the selection of symptomatic therapy.

    During the diagnostic search, the methods of ultrasound, CT, X-ray and MRI are actively used, if necessary. In some cases, puncture of the joint may be undertaken. A number of laboratory tests are also required.

    Already by results of researches when the diagnosis is established, the doctor can put to the patient the diagnosis. Based on the diagnosis, a therapy is selected that will help alleviate articular pain.

    Arthralgia itself is treated only with the help of symptomatic therapy. For this, patients can use, for example, various warming ointments, such as:

    • Epizartron (in the composition there is a bee venom, it is necessary to be cautious to people with an allergy);
    • Finalgon;
    • Viprosal;
    • Capsicum and others.

    In addition to ointments, the use of anesthetics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is possible. NSAIDs in the form of ointments can also be applied to areas of patients with joints.

    Therapy of the underlying disease is prescribed depending on what caused the appearance of the primary symptom.

    If the triggering factor is an infectious process, then depending on its nature, antiviral drugs or antibiotics, if rheumatism is diagnosed, then drugs that can fight this disease.


    It is important to remember that after the appointment of the main therapy it will be necessary to correct symptomatic pain therapy. This is done so that the opposite effect of medicines does not arise, so that some medicines do not reduce the effectiveness of others.


    Because of this, it is important to explain to the doctor what symptomatic therapy has already been performed, and to ask about its compatibility with the new treatment.

    If the doctor deems it necessary, he will prescribe alternative drugs for symptomatic therapy of arthralgia that will not interfere with the treatment of the underlying disease.

    In some cases (for example, in paraneoplastic syndrome), diagnostic search and, as a consequence, the choice of therapy represent a significant difficulty. In this case, patients are also recommended symptomatic therapy, which will help fight pain, but can not eliminate the cause of their appearance.

    Many patients make the mistake of trying to treat arthralgia at home using folk medicine techniques or using symptomatic means. This approach allows the underlying disease that caused the development of the symptom to progress freely without proper diagnosis and treatment.

    When pain occurs in the joints (especially if the pain is long-lasting, and symptomatic therapy has only a temporary effect), you should always seek medical advice.

    Yes, the diagnosis of the disease in some cases may be delayed, but to find the cause of the disease and start it removal is vitally important, even if symptomatic treatment successfully copes with pain relief in joints.

    Vigilance with respect to one's own health can save a patient's life and prevent its disability, which must be remembered.

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    Arthralgia: what is it, causes, symptoms, treatment

    The causes of pain in the joints sometimes remain unclear until the end.

    Painful symptoms can be temporary and quickly pass, the joint does not externally change in any way and retains its mobility.

    If the pain has dissolved also unreasonably, as well as has come, speak, that there was an arthralgia.

    What is arthralgia: the causes, symptoms, treatment

    Of course, nothing happens without a reason, which means that arthralgia has its own explanation.

    More often than not, pain is the first sign by which one can judge the onset of a disease. Usually, the disease develops in the place where it hurts most. But with the joints, everything is somewhat different.

    Causes of arthralgia

    Reactive arthritis

    Remember the licking pain in the knee, elbow, shoulder joints, in the chest and back.

    Such pain is typical for influenza and similar viral and infectious processes.

    It seems that the whole body hurts, and it is not surprising: count how many joints we have, in addition to the extremities, in the chest and spine.

    But here the acute period of the illness passes - and the pain in the joints also passes. This means that the disease was not born in the joints - they only reacted to it.

    Such arthralgia is typical for reactive arthritis, the reasons for which are:

    • Viral infections (flu, ARVI)
    • Tuberculosis
    • Infective endocarditis
    • Secondary syphilis
    • Pyelonephritis
    • Cholecystitis
    • Chronic abscess
    • Parasitic infestation
    • Various intoxications, etc.

    Failure of the immune system

    Another reason for arthralgia, according to scientists, is hidden in our own immunity.

    Chronic infections or tumors cause it to rebuild and work differently, perceiving the diseased organ as alien.

    Includes a merciless autoimmune process to destroy this organ, which generates various syndromes. One of such syndromes is arthralgia.

    Systemic arthritis

    Arthralgia may also be a symptom of such systemic diseases:

    • rheumatoid arthritis
    • lupus erythematosus
    • gout
    • psoriasis

    Residual and initial arthralgia

    Arthralgia may be residual, associated with such time factors:

    At the same time, the first bouts of pain can talk about the onset of degenerative changes in the cartilaginous tissue - deforming arthrosis.

    Causes of pseudo-arthralgia

    To determine the cause of arthralgia is very important for the forthcoming treatment.

    But sometimes the reasons are not at all, although this still can not be: if it hurts, the cause is still there! It is possible that the joints do not hurt at all, and such, oddly enough, happens in our difficult century most often. Causes of pseudoarthralgia:

    • Myositis
    • Nervous disorders
    • Psychogenic disorders
    • Disrupted biomechanics:
      • flatfoot
      • abnormalities of the hip joint
      • feet of different lengths
      • valgus deformity of knee joints and feet

    Types of arthralgia

    They can be classified in different ways:

    • By location in the joints:
      • Arthralgia of the hip, knee, elbow, shoulder joints
      • Worst of all, the pain in large joints, however, rheumatoid arthritis begins with a polyarticular syndrome, affecting symmetrical small joints - hands and feet
    • By the number of joints suffering from pain:
      • Monoarthralgia - one joint hurts
      • Oligoartralgia - hurt a few
      • Polyartralgia - hurts more than five joints
    • By nature, strength and type of pain:
      • Acute and dulled
      • Intensive and weak
      • Constant and episodic

    Symptoms of arthralgia

    With arthralgia, there is no swelling, redness, or functional impairment, but a deafening crunch in the joints can be heard.

    But it is the symptoms of pain themselves that can tell a doctor much when diagnosing.

    1. For example, a symptom such as morning pain, which is also called stiffness. This stiffness in the first instants after sleep does not speak about any major changes in the joint: he will part a little and everything will pass, and the person will immediately forget about some insignificant minutes of discomfort.Meanwhile, morning arthralgia is one of the signs of a beginner arthritis.
    2. Conversely, if the movement does not relieve stiffness, but increases, as the pain increases, this may be a symptom of early arthrosis.
    3. Acute pain attacks are characteristic of gouty arthritis.

    Therefore, this symptomatic treatment is welcomed only the first days to relieve an acute attack.


    The crucial importance for arthralgia is diagnosis.

    To compile a complete clinical picture, a detailed medical history is compiled, which includes:

    • Results of inspection, interview and testing
    • Hematologic analyzes:
      • general, biochemical
      • reactive protein
      • bacterial culture, etc.
    • An x-ray, ultrasound or CT scan is performed to choose a doctor
    • If necessary articular fluid

    Treatment of arthralgia

    The goal of the treatment is to moderate the pain symptoms and to stop the inflammation focus, if any.

    • For severe pain, medications are administered inwards in the form of injections, conventional tablets or retard tablets:
      • Diclofenac, ibuprofen, nimesil, naproxen, etc.
    • If the pain is moderate, then you can get by local treatment, applying ointments with NSAIDs or irritating effects:
      • Fastum-gel, diclofenac, finalgon, capsicum

    In the treatment of arthralgia, the main thing is not to start the disease, not to calm down when the pain syndrome subsides, and then to unwind the tangle, trying to reach the main source of evil.

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