How to stop coughing

How to stop coughing

How to stop coughingCoughing is a reflex action of the body in response to irritation of the mucosa of the respiratory tract with pathological contents, a foreign body or some inflammatory process. The sudden coughing can turn out to be harmless and can only be a response from the body. But when there are other symptoms besides cough, it's worth paying attention to it. If it lasts several weeks, it's a chronic disease.

To understand how to cope with a cough, you first need to understand its causes.

How to stop a cough in a child

The structure of the larynx in the place of vocal cords in children is slightly different. It is located slightly higher than that of an adult, but in the place of the cricoid cartilage (in the region of the subglottic space) it is narrowed. Thus, the child's larynx has the shape of a funnel. The vocal cords form a voice gap, they are thin and short. The laryngeal lumen is narrow, has many nerve endings, mucous edema may occur. Therefore, children often suffer from laryngitis. Cough in infants can also occur due to ARVI or allergies.

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If the cough caught a child during a night's sleep, you should calm it down and give it a drink of mineral water, a chamomile broth or a glass of warm milk. These products will soften the larynx and pharyngeal mucosa, which will calm the cough and take away the perspiration in the throat.

You can give a teaspoon of honey or butter for resorption. This method also has a soothing effect on the tender baby's mucous membrane. It is not necessary to give honey in the event that the little one has an allergy to it.

In the event that the cough does not subside, try to make the baby inhalation: pour hot water into the pot and add the essential oil there (for example, cedar or eucalyptus). Inhalation with boiled potatoes is unlikely to be appropriate, since a fit of coughing will not wait. In an emergency, with a strong growing choking, you can simply open the hot water in the bathroom and tilt the child over the steam. At this moment, the humidity of the room is also increased, so that the airways are moistened, and the cough comes to naught.

You can use syrup for children, containing in its composition essential oils. This often helps to calm the cough.

When coughing a child during ARVI, you can use some techniques:

  • Give sweetened almond oil.
  • Mix 50 g of honey and 50 g of olive oil. Give for 1 hour. l. three times a day.
  • Put lemon in boiling water and boil for ten minutes, then pull it out and wait until it cools. Lemon juice squeeze into a glass, add the same amount of glycerin and add the honey so that the glass is filled. This mixture is taken to cleanse the airways.
  • Cut small pieces of orange, without removing the skin from it, sprinkle with sugar and cook for half an hour on low heat. Give the child during a dry cough (in the event that the allergy to citrus is absent).

Despite getting rid of a cough, if it appears again, you need to see a doctor, as a dry cough can be a laryngitis, a complication of which is an attack of suffocation. This condition requires the call of emergency medical care and is called a false croup.

How to stop a cough at night

At night, the flow of blood in the lungs slows down, mucus is absorbed with difficulty, sputum accumulates, while the person is constantly in one horizontal position. Because of this, most often coughing attacks are painful at night, preventing relatives and the patient from sleeping. During the whole length of sleep it is recommended to change the position of the body more often in bed.

The main cause of night cough are acute inflammatory processes in the bronchi caused by viruses or bacteria, but there may be other factors: allergic reaction (to fluff or feathers in pillows), dryness of air in the room, body position during sleep, bronchial asthma, chronic diseases of the respiratory system.

It should be noted that if a coughing attack is accompanied by tachycardia (increased heart rate), shortness of breath and lack of fresh air, it is most likely a heart cough. With this cough, sputum does not go away, in some cases, hemoptysis may appear, it is dry and intensified when the person takes a horizontal position. People suffering from a heart cough need to be treated primarily in the heart, but a fit of cough that has arisen at night should be stopped.

Before going to bed, you can prepare a special water, which will ease the condition with a sudden night cough: pan the sugar until the moment it turns brown and dissolve it in a glass of plain boiled water.

To calm down the night cough will help warm broths of herbs, alkaline drink (milk with Borzhomi).

With an allergic cough, you need to take an antihistamine.

Do not forget about the dampening of the bedroom.

In the absence of the effect of home methods and increasing cough, you need to call an ambulance.

How to stop dry cough

There are very simple folk methods that will save you from a painful dry cough in a few minutes:

  1. Pour 100 ml of boiling water into a glass and add 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. For a taste, you can add a pinch of salt so that it's not nasty to drink, then the solution will look like a meat broth. With small sips, drink half a glass.
  2. Beat the yolk from the egg and, stirring, add hot milk (pour a neat trickle), to mix in there for 1 tbsp. l. honey and butter. To drink the resulting "gogol-mogol" in a hot form, then go to bed.
  3. With dry cough, mulled wine will help. This drink will be both tasty and useful. To make such a drink you need to boil half a cup of water, throw in two dried cloves, two small pieces of ginger root and sprinkle with a pinch of cinnamon. Remove from heat and let it brew for 10 minutes. Add 200 ml of red wine, 1 tbsp. l. honey and a slice of lemon. To drink a drink in a hot kind, to go to bed and to be wrapped up.
  4. A quick way to eliminate dry cough: a piece of ginger grate on a fine grater and get from it for 1 hour. l. juice, add 1 hour. l. honey, mix ingredients and drink.

Dry, debilitating cough can become a symptom of such dangerous diseases as whooping cough and tuberculosis, so you need to go to a doctor for a consultation and conduct a survey.

How to stop dry cough

How to stop a strong cough

With a strong prolonged cough, the main task is to eliminate it. Before you drink pills, you can use natural remedies:

  1. Take a spoonful of lime or other honey with propolis, put on the tip of the tongue and slowly dissolve. Perform this procedure several times a day for half an hour before meals. Swallowing honey at once is impossible, since its help lies precisely in the careful irrigation of the oral cavity and pharynx.
  2. 3 tbsp. l. lime flowers pour 500 ml of boiling water, cover and insist half an hour. After this, drain the infusion, take for 20 minutes. before eating 100 ml three times a day.
  3. Mix a large chopped onion and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Steep the mixture for five hours. Take, without pouring the juice, for 1 hour. l. half an hour before meals 4 r. per day.
  4. Wash the black radish, cut off the top two parts. At the bottom, make a groove with a knife, fill it with sugar or better with honey. Cover with the top and leave in a warm place for the formation of juice. Take 1 hour. l. twice a day.
  5. Inhalations with fir oil have an excellent effect with a strong cough. Five drops of oil to add to the pan with hot water, bend over the steam, cover with a towel and breathe five minutes. During the illness, perform these inhalations three times a week.
  6. Cowberry crumble with sugar (1: 1), pour into a glass jar and insist for a day in a warm place. Take cranberry syrup for 1 hour. l. 4 r. the day before meals.
  7. A great remedy is raspberry syrup. Since raspberry has a diaphoretic effect, it helps not only to eliminate a strong cough, but also to improve the overall condition. 200 g raspberries crush, add 100 grams of sugar. Insist 24 hours and take 1 tbsp. l. before eating three times a day.
  8. Place a large head of garlic in 200 ml of milk and cook until it softens. Put 1 tbsp. l. honey, mix and drink a medicine for 1 tbsp. l. an hour before meals 3 times a day.

Coughing is normal, moreover, it is needed by our body, since it has a protective and cleansing effect. Care should be taken to develop a cough and to know its etiology.

How to stop a fit of coughing

Effective is a moist cough, because together with sputum, it displays pathological substances and promotes the purification of the respiratory tract. Dry cough, on the contrary, increases irritation and spasm of the respiratory system. In order to remove all toxins, it is necessary to provoke the separation of sputum and its active diversion. Therefore, if you have a dry cough, you should drink thinner sputum preparations - mucolytics (Bromhexin, Ambroxol). There are also plants that have mucolytic effects - eucalyptus, sage, chamomile, thyme. In addition to stimulating sputum removal, these drugs have anti-inflammatory effect and soothe cough. To increase the amount of sputum to be separated and to dilute it, it is necessary to drink plenty of water.

Smokers often suffer persecution in the throat and dry cough. They can be helped by such drugs as Gedelix, Bonhosan, Doctor MOM, tincture of eucalyptus. Traditional medicine recommends treating cough from smokers in this way: dilute milk with mineral water, drink solution three times a day.

Such drugs as "Stoptussin" and "Libexin" have antitussive effect and help to cope with persistent exhausting cough.

How to stop a fit of coughing

How to stop an asthmatic cough

Asthmatic cough loud, nasal, accompanied by chest tightness and dry rales, intensifies in the evening. This problem occurs against the background of asthmatic bronchitis. The temperature does not increase.

During an asthmatic attack, it is very important to relax the muscles and calm down. To do this will help a special pose: sit on a chair facing his back, put a pillow from above and lean on it. Make deep exhalations. If possible, use an inhaler to stop the attack (Salbutamol, Berotek), making two breaths. In the absence of effect, the drug is inhaled repeatedly. When a person knows about the presence of a similar disease, he should always have an inhaler with him.

Do not use mustard and steam baths, as they further increase the spasm of the bronchi.

In the case where it is impossible to remove the attack, urgent help is called. The doctor helps with the injection of euphilin, which allows you to instantly expand the bronchi and remove the spasm. In an emergency, an injection of dexamethasone or prednisolone is given.

How to stop an attack of an allergic cough

Symptoms of an allergic cough are very similar to an asthmatic attack, but it occurs in response to an active allergen (pollen of plants, harsh odors, animal hair, dust, household chemicals). Often, the allergy is accompanied by lacrimation, redness of the skin, facial edema.

At the very beginning of the attack, it is necessary to remove the source that caused the allergic reaction, then take an antihistamine drug (suprastin, diazolin, tavegil). Nasal and oral cavity rinse with water.

For the prevention of allergies should be ventilated rooms, regularly perform wet cleaning. If you do not know what you are allergic to but feel its symptoms, you need to organize a trip to the doctor and do not start the condition.

How to stop an attack of cough in ARVI

In inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract cough occurs after a few hours. At first it is dry, then it becomes wet. With laryngitis, for example, a cough dry and "barking," expressed hoarseness. With tracheitis, a loud, severe cough with painful sensations in the chest. Bronchitis is characterized by a painless cough with shortness of breath and damp rales.

Dry air in the room provokes broncho- and laryngospasm. Therefore, humidifiers must be present in the room. If there are no humidifiers, you can arrange containers with water in different places. In winter, they are placed near the battery or heater. Inhalations by simple hot steam or steamed boiled potatoes allow to moisturize and soften the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

During the seizure, it is better to sit down, leaning on the pillow. If the cough is dry, it is recommended to drink ginger tea or warm milk, adding butter or honey. Promotes the improvement of onion juice with honey: the ingredients are bred in equal proportions, the resulting mixture is infused for four hours. Take 2 times a day for 1 hour. l.

Breathing exercises also help during a bout of coughing. First you need to take a deep breath and exhale, then hold your breath. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.

How to stop an attack of dry cough at night in an adult home

Cough happens not only against the background of colds, there are many factors that can cause a dry cough at night.

Often children face the problem of respiratory diseases, in which case it is necessary to prescribe the appropriate treatment - tablets, syrups and medicines, which quickly solve the problem.

If you need to learn how to stop an unpleasant cough at home, then first of all you need to determine the cause of its occurrence.

So, what is better to take if an adult has a dry night cough? What drugs will be effective?

Causes of cough

Causes of coughDry and wet cough is a refractory defensive reaction of the body to irritating factors or foreign objects in the respiratory tract.

A severe dry cough in adults can occur as a result of a number of diseases, so it is very important to establish an accurate diagnosis and only then the appointment of therapy.

As a result, the cough cleanses the bronchus, so that the person does not choke. It can be said with certainty that cough is capable of performing one of the most important functions for the human body.

Speaking about how to stop the cough, it should be noted that it can be divided into several types, depending on the symptoms and causes. Often these are the two main causes - diseases and foreign bodies. If the attack of a cough has started dramatically, especially at night, then it can speak of ingress of foreign objects into the respiratory tract.

If the attacks are stable and acute, then this may indicate an infectious disease of the respiratory tract. Usually such attacks can last up to two weeks. In the event that unpleasant symptoms do not disappear after two months, then it can be considered chronic.

Coughing can be a variety of different diseases. In children, its manifestations are characterized by an infection of the upper respiratory tract, namely, the throat and nose. Usually, his attacks last for two to three weeks. To stop the attack of a strong cough, you need to take special medications.

Often a nightly prolonged cough occurs with bronchial asthma. In severe form, a person may be disturbed by frequent attacks of dry, debilitating cough, which can stop, at times, only pills. If the seizures are more reminiscent of barking a dog, then this may indicate a laryngeal edema, leading to suffocation.

It is impossible to determine the cause of coughing at home, but more often such an unpleasant phenomenon can arise as a result of the following diseases:

  • Asthma;
  • Pharyngitis;
  • Allergy;
  • ARVI;
  • Pleurisy;
  • Heart failure;
  • Whooping cough;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Laryngitis;
  • Whooping cough.

Often, a dry night cough can occur as a result of smoking, especially if the harmful dependence in humans for many years.

Often, after the smoked cigarette, the intensity of the attack decreases, this indicates that there are significant problems in the work of the respiratory system.

Wet and dry cough

Wet and dry coughDry cough at night is a typical sign of colds, including tracheitis, ARVI, bronchitis, pharyngitis, and the presence of sputum in the bronchi is not typical for him. As a result of a cold, inflammatory acute processes begin in the throat, mucus is produced in large quantities, the patient has a desire to clear the throat.

Stop coughing can be using special medications. Their action is aimed at eliminating mucus from the bronchial tubes and relaxing the mucous throat. If you need to learn how to stop a violent cough, you can use special medications to block nervous impulses.

The only thing that must always be remembered in this case is that in this case only a seven-volume treatment is carried out. Such drugs are prescribed to a person only in the event that a strong cough at night and during the day interferes with normal life, do not even let us sleep.

The appearance of a wet cough to talk about the presence of a large amount of sputum in the lung, bronchus or trachea. In most cases, a wet cough can begin to develop immediately after dry. During it, the lungs are purified from sputum, which is an excellent means for the formation of bacteria.

In the event that you do not make timely treatment, with a prolonged wet cough begins a chronic form. Cope with such a disease becomes quite difficult. In this case, the patient can prescribe the use of antibiotics and other strong medications to accelerate the healing process.

To sputum better left the lungs, it is recommended to start taking various mucolytic drugs. Due to their use, the mucus becomes less viscous, as a result of which it easily leaves the respiratory tract. If there is a wet cough, then in this case it is recommended to take a large amount of liquid.

Abundant drink helps to liquefy mucus, as a result of which it is quickly excreted from the body, facilitating the general condition of a person.

As drinks you can choose compote, juice, tea on herbs and mineral water without gases.

Treatment of dry cough

Treatment of dry coughSpeaking about how to stop a fit of cough, first of all you should choose medications, in particular syrups and tablets.

Before you start taking any medications you need to consult a doctor, only he can prescribe funds, depending on the type of cough and the existing disease.

In the event that there is no spitting during a cough, it must be done so that it begins to be productive. Only after this, it makes sense to prescribe the patient mucolytic and expectorant tablets.

In addition, it is possible to prescribe drugs that can have a complex effect on the patient's body as a whole. The advantage of these drugs can be considered that they are able to simultaneously give an antitussive and expectorant effect. The most common and effective drugs include:

  1. Herbion is a plantain syrup, produced in the form of syrup. The drug is able to have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, expectorant and antitussive effect. The drug is able to relieve and soften the dry cough. The main active component of the syrup is the herb lanceolate grass and mallow flowers.
  2. Sinekod - a medicinal antitussive, which can affect the cough center. Tablets and syrup can be used for both children and adults, alleviates the condition of bronchitis, has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is indicated for use in the presence of dry cough of different origin.
  3. Stoptussin - has a combined secretolytic and antitussive effect. Special drugs that make up its composition, help reduce the viscosity of sputum and provide antitussive action. Effective for use both for adults and children, does not contain harmful components.
  4. Kodelak Fito. This medication is produced, both in the form of an elixir, and in the form of a syrup. The main active ingredient with the composition of this remedy is extracts of thyme, licorice and thermopsis in addition to codeine.
  5. Broncholitin is a combined antitussive drug whose action is directed to the suppression of the cough center. As a result of the use of such a drug, bronchial expansion is observed, stimulation of respiration, as a result of which the release of mucus from the bronchi is accelerated.

Of course, this is far from all medicinal tablets and syrups, which will be effective in the presence of different types of cough. In this case, one should not engage in self-medication, since only a doctor is entitled to prescribe drugs.

Some means in uncontrolled reception can only worsen the general condition of the body.

What should I do if I have a strong cough?

What should I do if I have a strong cough?Cough is an unconditioned human reflex. This is the required protective reaction of the respiratory organs to a variety of external stimuli. In this case, pollen, various microparticles, bacteria, dust, microbes that can cause an infectious cough can be classified as possible irritants.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that coughing is not a disease, but only a symptom of a particular human disease. The majority of existing outpatient and bacterial infections can cause severe attacks of cough. Therefore, it is necessary to start treatment of the disease directly, determining its exact diagnosis.

How to cope with an unexpected attack of cough? In this case, you can try different herbal decoctions, aimed at alleviating the general condition. In this case, you can try a decoction from the mother-and-stepmother of their chamomile. With its help, it is possible to remove accumulated sputum from the respiratory tract, while removing pulmonary edema.

Not less effective means is a decoction of an ordinary ledum. Regular use of brewed herbs of 50 ml at a time, will allow for a few days to remove unpleasant coughing attacks, calming it and reducing the intensity.

If the attack began at night, then you can calm him down from the bed and slightly tilt the body forward. You can get rid of an attack with simple pull-ups, you just need to stand up, raise your right arm and stretch very well.

No less effective remedy for severe attacks of cough is an ordinary chamomile tea. It not only facilitates the general condition, but also positively affects health in general. About how to cope with a cough will tell in the video in this article a specialist.

Tip 1: How to stop a violent cough

How to stop a strong cough

Cough is a protective reaction of the body to a number of irritating factors (mucus, dust, sputum, food pieces, etc.). Cough is accompanied by a variety of diseases of a different nature, from common colds, to chronic lung diseases, viral infections and allergic diseases. If the cough is strong and protracted, then, first of all, it is necessary to stop it. Natural natural cough remedies take precedence over most of the synthetic drugs sold through pharmacies. The main difference and plus is the absence of side effects. Therefore, before swallowing the pills, try to refer to the medicines given to the mother by nature.

You will need

  1. - bee honey;
  2. lime blossom;
  3. -bulb onions;
  4. black is black;
  5. -fir oil;
  6. - cowberry;
  7. -raspberries;
  8. -garlic;
  9. -milk;
  10. -sugar.


  1. An effective cure for a strong cough is bee honey, especially lime and with the addition of propolis. Put a teaspoon of honey in your mouth and dissolve it slowly, like a candy. Do not swallow honey immediately. It is necessary that honey irrigate the oral cavity and pharynx. Carry out this procedure every 3-4 hours a day before meals, observing bed rest.
  2. An excellent remedy for a strong cough is infusion of linden flowers. For 0.5 liters of boiling water, take 3 tablespoons of lime-colored and insist 30 minutes. Infusion strain and take 1/2 cc. 3 times a day for 20 minutes before meals.
  3. Remarkable cure for strong cough - onions. Grind a large onion and add 2 tablespoons of sugar to it. Put this mixture in a warm place for 5 hours. Take the onion with the formed juice on a teaspoon 4 times a day before meals.
  4. A good remedy for a strong cough is black radish. Rinse one large black radish. Cut off it on 2/3 of the top. At the bottom, cut the groove with a knife. Fill it with honey or sugar. Close the lower part of the radish top and put it in a warm place until the juice is formed. Take it every 2 hours for a teaspoon before eating.
  5. A very effective cure for a strong cough is fir oil. Kapnite in a container of hot water, 5-6 drops of oil, cover the head with a towel and breathe for 5 minutes. The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day until complete recovery.
  6. An excellent natural remedy for a strong cough is cowberry syrup. Crush cranberries with sugar in equal proportions. Put the mixture in a glass jar and leave in a warm place for a day. Take the resulting syrup 4 times a day for a teaspoon before eating.
  7. A wonderful remedy for a strong cough - raspberry syrup. Interrupt the raspberry with a mortar and add sugar in a ratio of 2: 1. In a day you will get a syrup. Take it on a tablespoon 3 times daily before meals. Raspberry is a good diaphoretic, so you should keep bed rest.
  8. A good remedy for a strong cough is garlic. A large head of garlic cook in a glass of milk, until the garlic is soft. Add to it a tablespoon of honey and mix. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day for an hour before meals.

How can I stop a child's cough?

How to stop a cough in a child - worries all parents. Especially if the child coughs hard, without stopping, suffocates. I want to stop this as soon as possible and help my child calm down.

The problem of cough in children

Cough is a symptom of various diseases. Strong attacks occur most often at night. How to relieve cough in a child? To help the baby correctly, you need to know the cause of the cough. And the reasons can be set, and not always they are connected with catarrhal diseases, the coughing child - usual picture on reception at the pediatrist.

Causes of a cough

Cough is a protective reaction of the body, allowing to clear bronchi and trachea. At quite healthy children there is a slight coughing up to 10-15 times a day (usually in the morning hours) and this is the norm. But when an ailment causes suspicion, is painful for a child, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

Heart Disease - Cause of CoughThe problem in treating a cough is that often parents do not take it too seriously and are engaged in treatment alone, especially when it is not strong and no other symptoms are accompanied. Nevertheless, almost always the cough has serious causes.

The main reasons for the appearance of cough:

  • inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract (bronchitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, etc.);
  • adenoids;
  • foreign object caught in the throat;
  • allergic diseases of the respiratory system, bronchial asthma;
  • diseases of the digestive system (often gastroesophageal reflux);
  • heart disease;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • too dry air in the room.

To understand what is the cause of coughing, can only the doctor, after a survey.

Types of cough and its treatment

It is accepted to divide the cough into dry and wet. In the first days of inflammation of the respiratory system, there is a mostly dry cough, then passing into the wet one. But there are many varieties of both dry and wet cough. Depending on the reasons for its occurrence, it happens:

Bronchitis - cause of cough
  1. Acute. Its duration is usually less than three weeks. Typically, it is caused by a viral disease, inflammation in the larynx (laryngitis), trachea, bronchi or lungs. At first it is dry and obtrusive. When tracheitis becomes barking, with laryngitis also with a sore throat. With pneumonia, it is immediately moist and deep. The main task in the occurrence of any signs of acute respiratory disease is the exclusion of pneumonia.
  2. Sudden. Suddenly, a cough (sometimes accompanied by a whistle) may indicate the presence of a foreign object in the respiratory tract.
  3. Protracted. Wet cough, most often after acute bronchitis. It happens also with adenoids, nasopharyngitis. Can last from a month or longer. A dry lingering cough occurs in schoolchildren with tracheitis. Happens with whooping cough. Wears paroxysmal, painful.
  4. Permanent or chronic. It is observed in chronic diseases of the respiratory system. It happens, both wet and dry, depending on the disease.
  5. Allergic. Dry, paroxysmal and painful. Occurs most often all at once as a sign of an allergic reaction. Sometimes it is a harbinger of bronchial asthma. It is quite difficult to distinguish it from a cold cough. It is necessary to find and eliminate the cause of the allergy.
  6. Psychogenic. Basically dry. Occurs as a reaction to stressful situations. It is of a persistent nature, it usually begins with ARI, then it becomes regular. It manifests only during the day, during sleep does not arise, to provoke its attack can be, touching on a topic unpleasant for the child. Requires in-depth study and specific treatment.

Treatment of cough is due to the diagnosis. Basically it consists in prescribing drugs that dilute sputum. To establish the diagnosis, the following studies can be assigned:

  • chest X-ray;
  • bronchoscopy (shown with frequent inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis, to detect a foreign object);
  • sputum analysis;
  • blood tests, feces and others.
Regular use of water for colds
General recommendations for the treatment of common cold cough:
  1. Observe the drinking regime. When coughing is recommended abundant warm drink - fruit drinks, herbal teas, compotes, water.
  2. Maintain optimum humidity in the room. This is especially true in winter, when the air in the premises is dry.
  3. To make medical inhalations. It is good to buy a nebulizer. This device sprays the medicine, allowing it to penetrate into the bronchi immediately. Without consulting a pediatrician, do nothing.
  4. Use drugs that are prescribed by a doctor. Usually it is an expectorant that removes phlegm, mucus and bacteria. They come in the following forms: liquefying phlegm, stimulating its retreat and combined (both liquefy and stimulate).

In the treatment of cough in a child, antitussive drugs are not recommended, the more you can not give them yourself. They act on the cough center, which is located in the cerebral cortex. This leads to stagnation of mucus, which significantly aggravates the course of the disease. But many make the mistake of giving the child with a wet cough such a drug. It can be prescribed only by a doctor, for example, with whooping cough or in preparation for an operation on the respiratory organs.

Night cough in children

Night cough in childrenIn general, the ailment is aggravated at night. His attacks intensify, breaking the sleep of the child. This happens because in the prone position the mucus does not resolve and clogs the nasopharynx, which causes a cough.

At night it is harder to clear the throat, so it is intense and prolonged. The child becomes restless, does not sleep well or can not fall asleep at all. To reduce the number of coughing spells in children, you need to turn them from side to side during sleep.

Cooler and drier than during the day, air at night can also trigger seizures. Therefore, it is important to maintain the optimum temperature and humidity in the children's room. Ventilate it before going to bed. It is recommended to include an air humidifier or hang wet towels around the room.

Most often, night cough bothers children with viral infections, chronic respiratory diseases, bronchial asthma, adenoids, after suffering pertussis (the disease itself is also characterized by night attacks of cough).

How can I calm a child's cough?

Attacks of acute cough are observed with laryngitis. Children have an adult structure of the larynx. They are located above them, the ligaments are thinner and shorter, the lumen is narrower. Therefore, swelling in the inflammation arises from them faster and is dangerous in that it makes breathing very difficult. If the child becomes very difficult to breathe - you need to call an ambulance. Because of these features, coughing in children is much more frequent and lasting.

How to relieve a coughing fit in a child? There are several ways to stop a coughing attack, this will help the following tools:

Benefits of honey on coughing
  • drink;
  • honey;
  • baby cough syrup;
  • butter;
  • inhalation.

How to calm a cough in a child and stop an attack:

  1. At night coughing. The child must be awakened, placed on the bed and given a warm milk or mineral water, a decoction of chamomile (sage), tea with jam. After that, the cough weakens, the sore throat passes.
  2. You can give a little honey (if there is no allergy) or butter. Honey or oil must be slowly dissolved. This will ease the sore throat. Very good effect gives honey buckwheat.
  3. Sometimes children's syrups and cough syrups are good. They contain essential oils and other ingredients that help relieve coughing.
  4. In some cases, inhalation is effective. It is necessary to give the child to breathe over hot water or use a special inhaler or nebulizer. But take into account that the newborns are up to six months of inhalation contraindicated. Humidification of air is necessary. Dry air is a common cause of sore throat, because of which you constantly want to clear your throat.
  5. You can soak a child's feet or warm it in the bath, make a grinding of the chest. But only if there is no temperature.

If nothing helps, call a doctor. =GaAV1W1jjWA

All procedures are best done by consulting with the pediatrician, as much depends on the child's age, for example, it is not recommended that small children put mustard plasters, do rubbing.

How to stop a cough in a 4 year old child.


Gulyaeva Maria

Of course I will! I think that will help you too!
Onion milk: bring to a boil or almost to a boil 0.5 liters of milk, this time cut finely 1 medium onion. Put in milk and in the oven for 1.5 hours. The temperature is 150-200 degrees. Then take out, cool a little, filter. Onion, which will remain in the strainer, put in gauze and squeeze into the milk juice. That's all. You can make 1 liter - 2 bulbs... In the oven, it's better to burn in a clay pea! The medicine is very good. She herself did a little daughter (2 years 3 months). Cough was in 4 days... but coughed, could not sleep at night. And without any medication. I gave before bedtime 200 ml before going to sleep - day and night. Another excellent cough remedy is radish with honey - the main thing is not on an empty stomach or you can dilute a little with water. It is still good to rub the breast with interior fat.
But a delicious recipe!
Take 2 bananas, cut, pour a liter of milk and fry in the oven for 2 hours. Take 6 times a day on a tablespoon. This remedy will help to get rid of a cough for bronchitis, colds or bronchial asthma. It is a good wrapping and expectorant. Get well! I hope my advice will help you! (if that ask).

Laser boy

vodka to him)))

Long-eared Animals

I'm here that just did not try, and saved bromgeksinberlin heme potion, though not popular, but really helped!

Marianna Basyuk

go to the pediatrician-a pulmonologist.

Mrs V

better to breathe an inhalator with a lazolvan (for infusions)... or beradual (the dosage of the doctor determines).... it helps us so much to breathe and sleep

Big girls do not cry

first of all, see a doctor. the cough is different.

nata is unexpected

I like the good old pertusin and ointment Dr. Mom for the night

Tatyana Ostrovskaya

She rubbed it with balm for the night. For the night I drank dry mustard in my toes. It helped a lot. Radish with sugar. And look - it's a throat or a chest cough, it's very important. And cough syrup.

irina rukosueva

the remedy of Mary above is very good but (I'm sorry of course) it does not suit everyone if there is an allergy, I say from my own experience that my daughter also had a cough and after this prescription she got in general, urgently to the hospital. We, too, are allergic to honey and such funds do not help, I was always safe to breathe over the potatoes and warm milk (or rather hotter) to dilute with Borzhomi or soda it was warm and to drink in small sips and iodine grid, and to cancel some products that can cause and interfere with cough, salty spicy, chocolate, lemonades different, citrus, nuts. still on myszhak gogol mogol also helped us.

anna logochova

Eucalyptus (casting) pour boiling water and insist 10-15 minutes, Drink while eating (if not allergic)


If the cough prevents sleep - a glass of hot water will become a good medicine, in which to add 3 drops of iodine (if there is no allergy for iodine and Lugol used). To better sleep at night
Mix in equal parts essential oils of thyme, eucalyptus and pine in a bubble from the medicine.
Close the vial and shake it 7 times. Grate this balsam with breast, cover with a towel and wrap it with a woolen scarf. In the morning you will feel relieved, and at night you will sleep better. These oils will relieve spasm in the throat, warm, improve blood circulation in tissues, liquefy phlegm.
It is also useful to make inhalations of this mixture. Alkaline inhalation at home. Kalina: Berries have a calming effect. Rinse the washed berries through a meat grinder or crush with a spoon, fill with sugar - a glass of viburnum for 1.5 cups of sugar. Let's mix children for hours. l. with water or tea 2-3 times a day. Several carrots of medium size, grate and squeeze juice in the gauze. Add warm boiled water 1: 1 and a few spoons of sugar. You should drink juice for hours. l. 3-4 times a day. Wipe through a sieve of ripe bananas and put them in a pan with hot water at the rate of 2 bananas per 1 cup of boiled water with sugar, warm and drink this mixture when coughing. Milk and mineral water: drink hot milk with alkaline mineral water (half a glass of milk and half a glass of Borjomi).

How to stop dry cough

How to stop dry cough

Most diseases of the upper respiratory tract are accompanied by a dry cough with hard-to-separate sputum. And as you know, coughing is a kind of protective function of the body. Before you start to fight with a dry cough, you need to find out the cause of its clinical manifestations. Dry cough leads to psychological and physical discomfort, exhausts and disturbs sleep. Treatment should be under the supervision of a doctor, in addition to medicines can eliminate dry cough by proven folk methods.

You will need

  1. - humidifier;
  2. - 2 tablespoons linden trees;
  3. - 2 tablespoons chopped figs, lemon;
  4. - onion, sugar.


  1. Very often drycoughmay be due to the fact that the room is too dry air, especially in the cold season when the rooms are heated. It is at this point that the mucus in the respiratory tract begins to lose moisture and becomes dry enough, making it difficult to expectorate. In this case, you need to moisten the air, which will translate drycoughin the productive. The ideal way is an air humidifier. But you can use the usual method of moistening - put a wet towel or sheet on the battery.
  2. An inhalation is a good enough way to fight a dry cough. To do this, use a variety of herbs and flowers. The most suitable means for inhalation is lime. Pour two tablespoons of lime with a liter of water and put the boil for a couple of minutes. Turn off and breathe over the steam, covering your head with a towel or sheet so that the hot air does not come out. You can make a kind of funnel from the paper and breathe through it, the vapor will begin to flow directly into the lungs. Be careful - do not blow the steam too deep, otherwise you can get burned. Also for inhalations, you can use eucalyptus, lemon balm and pine extracts.
  3. Pour 300 ml of water into a small scoop, add one tablespoon of chopped figs. Put the ladle on a slow fire, bring to a boil and leave to boil for another 10 minutes. Drink three times a day for 0.5 cups of cooked medicine in a refrigerated form 20 minutes before meals. Before taking the medicine, add a few drops of lemon juice.
  4. Slice finely one large onion and pour two tablespoons of granulated sugar, leave overnight. In the morning the medicine will be ready for use. During the day you need to eat sweet onions and formed juice. Do this for a few days,coughwill certainly pass.

How to stop a bout of coughing at night ???


Denis Larikov

Try breathing in the following way: slowly inhale full chest 3-4 seconds, then, without holding your breath, exhale completely 3-4 seconds, repeat 3-5 times - the cough passes, and moreover fall asleep much faster.
By the way, this method is useful not only for coughing. I have taught myself to breathe so several times a day and do not get sick at all with colds.

Oksana Avdienko

Vodichki drink. It helps me.


strepsils eat

fox fox

try to eat candy, lying in bed and covered with a blanket with your head (so that the air was warm)


Drink bromheksin and no-go.


Lie down half-sitting, the water will not help - you can choke. It can be an allergy or asthma.

Lina Tugataeva

to cough cough syrup Dr. Mom helps me, tried everything, only he helps, and instantly, but in general you need to buy seasoning cloves, chew on it and also cough removes, also a proven method)) do not be ill))


drink hot milk

What a kindness

Spoon the honey and drink warm water... It helped me.

Tatiana Makoveeva

I drank the mineral water Narzan, just put it next to the bed... if I want to drink.


I somehow subtracted from the book and tried it on myself 1 time, it helped.
in a glass of hot boiled water a few drops of iodine and drink a little.


I usually drink warm milk and immediately fall asleep. You can certainly still with honey. But it already helps me.


Lollipops help me. And a proven method, if it hurts a strong cough for the night, put the cut onions into socks. Onion, then an oilcloth and on top of socks, preferably woolen. Helps even my daughter, she is 10 months old.

Irina Stepanenko


Evgeniya _

A mug of milk (300ml), a teaspoon of melted butter (you can and butter butter), at the tip of a spoonful of soda. Heat on fire. If overheated. cool to the temperature at which you can drink hot milk and add a spoonful of honey. Drink and go to bed. Milk warms up the throat, oil lubricates, honey soothes, soda disinfects. And of course, ventilation is important and air humidification. Cough attacks are often associated with dry air in the room.

How to stop a beginning cough?



Cough is a manifestation of many diseases. Cough can occur with colds, bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, pneumonia and other lung diseases. First of all, you need to treat the underlying disease, but at the same time, it can be facilitated by using cough remedies.
Traditional methods of cough treatment:
1) Grind 500 gr. peeled onions, add 2 tablespoons of honey, 400 gr. sugar and cook over low heat in 1L. water for 3 hours. Then cool and drain. Store in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. Take a mixture of warm 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day with a strong cough.
2) From the cough is useful to eat onions, toasted in butter and mixed with honey.
3) Mix in equal parts the purified hazelnuts and honey. Take 1 teaspoonful 5-6 times a day with warm milk.
4) Mix honey and horseradish juice in a ratio of 1: 3. Take small portions throughout the day with a cup of tea. To drink for the whole day 2-3 cups of this infusion.
5) Wipe the ripe bananas through a sieve and put them in a pan with hot water at the rate of 2 bananas per 1 glass of water with sugar. Warm up and drink this mixture when coughing.
6) When coughing, cut into small cubes a black radish and put it in a saucepan, sprinkling with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 hours. Strain and drain the liquid into a bottle. Drink 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day and at night before going to bed.
7) When treating a cough, the healer Vanga advised to cook 1 potato, 1 onion, 1 apple in 1l. water. Cook until the water is less than half. This broth drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
8) Fresh cabbage juice with sugar is useful as an expectorant for coughing. A decoction of cabbage with honey works well.
9) With a prolonged cough, mix 300gr. honey and 1kg. crushed aloe leaves, pour mixture of 0.5 liters. water and bring to a boil. Keep on low heat for 2 hours, stirring. To cool. Keep in the refrigerator for no more than a month. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.
10) Juice from aloe leaves mixed in equal proportions with warm honey and butter. Take 1 teaspoon 4 times daily before meals with a strong cough.
11) Mix 3 tablespoons of severed birch buds with 100 gr. unsalted butter, put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer on very low heat for 1 hour. Strain, squeeze, kidney discard. Add 200gr. honey and mix well. Take with cough 4 times a day before meals.
12) Freshly cut nettle roots and finely chopped in sugar syrup. Take 1 tablespoon per day with a strong cough.
13) Pour 1 teaspoon of nettle grass 0.5L. steep boiling water, insist, wrapped, 30 minutes and strain. Drink as tea for expectoration and dilution of sputum.
14) 1 tablespoon chopped plantain leaf pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist on a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day with a strong cough.
15) Thymus broth or liquid extract is used as an expectorant for coughing.
16) When coughing it is recommended to drink hot milk with butter: ¾ cup of milk for 50 grams. oil.


if the child does not have an allergy, rub the honey overnight and disinfect the room with eucalyptus


You can brew a violet (viola) tricolor, letting you drink. This herb is sold in a pharmacy and is inexpensive.


the pharmacy sells fat badger. To rub for the night (but only if there is no temperature) the chest and back. Radish with honey to insist and drink for 1 hour. l., decoction from the grass: chamomile, sage, thyme.

Olga K.

Have you given her bananas yet? Fine?
Wipe through a sieve 2 bananas, stir them with a glass of hot sweet water, and give it as hot as it can, more often and more. And a yellow card at that age is already possible. In half a mustard powder with flour, and stir it with melted honey, that's it and spread a sheet of paper inside. I even added turpentine and alcohol, so the inflammation of the lungs in a baby was cured twice, wrapped.

Fakimat Dreval

bake a tablespoon of sugar (on a spirit lamp or over a gas) to a light brown color, cool to room temperature and let it suck this lollipop. This is the best recipe, I know from childhood

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