What is a neurologist treating?


  • 1Neuropathologist
    • 1.1What diseases are treated by a neurologist?
    • 1.2When to contact a neurologist?
    • 1.3How is the doctor's appointment?
  • 2The neuropathologist that heals? Diseases of the nervous system:
    • 2.1Who is it?
    • 2.2Why are they referred to a neurologist
    • 2.3Causes of Nervous Diseases
    • 2.4Classification of diseases of the nervous system
    • 2.5Vascular diseases
    • 2.6Revealing of nervous diseases
    • 2.7Neurology in children
    • 2.8Scheduled inspection
    • 2.9Neurological symptoms in newborns
    • 2.10Neurological symptoms in older children
  • 3What kind of illnesses does the doctor treat a neurologist and when to treat him?
    • 3.1Tasks of a neurologist
    • 3.2What the neuropathologist is treating
    • 3.3What diseases are treated by a neurologist?
    • 3.4Diseases that cause inflammation
    • 3.5Degenerative diseases
    • 3.6Vascular disorders
    • 3.7Autoimmune diseases
    • 3.8Congenital pathologies
    • 3.9Tumors
    • 3.10When should I see a doctor?
    • 3.11Diagnostic Methods
  • 4What diseases of the nervous system are treated by a neurologist?
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1What is treated by a neurologist or neurologist
    • 4.2Vegetative disorders - what is it?
  • 5Neuropathologist
    • 5.1Who is a neurologist?
    • 5.2What is the competence of a neurologist?
    • 5.3What diseases does the neurologist deal with?
    • 5.4What organs does the neurologist deal with?
    • 5.5When should I contact a neurologist?
    • 5.6When and what tests should I do?
    • 5.7What are the main types of diagnostics usually carried out by a neurologist?
  • 6Advices of a neurologist


For most people, it is not a secret that a neurologist is a doctor with a higher medical education whodeals with problems of the central and peripheral nervous system. His competence includes congenital and acquired neurological pathologies, as well as some clinical manifestations of concomitant diseases.

In his practice, a neurologist should be able to: find out the cause of the pathological process of nerves, assess the clinical course of the disease, using specific diagnostics to determine the essence of nosology, to develop an effective treatment plan and to carry out preventive Events.

The term "neuropathologist" is an outdated formulation of such a specialist as a neurologist. Therefore, many people confuse the names of the same doctor, looking for a nonexistent difference between them. Patients should understand thata neurologist is a doctor who treats the problems of the nervous apparatus in the same way as a neurologist. These specialties do not differ from each other, simply the term "neurologist" becomes obsolete and is used less often.

What diseases are treated by a neurologist?

Determining what the neuropathologist is treating, patients often can not remember anything other than a pain syndrome in the back, which is not always due to the pathology of nerves or the osteoarticular apparatus. The neurologist's competence includes the following nosologies:

  • various forms of meningitis (an inflammatory process in the meninges, which can be caused by any microorganism that can penetrate the encephalic barrier);
  • encephalitis (severe lesion, which is accompanied by severe focal symptomatology with signs of disruption of the work of certain cortical centers);
  • congenital anomalies of the development of the nervous system (medical examination should be conducted from childhood);
  • hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes (characterized by acute impairment of cerebral circulation with the formation of necrosis zones);
  • transient ischemic attack (clinic of a stroke without formation of necrotic sites and independent return to norm);
  • Alzheimer's disease (an adult neurologist treats this specific pathology, in which degeneration of the cerebral cortex takes place);
  • Parkinson's disease (specific pathology, in which tremors are noted and the demyelination of the fibers);
  • radiculitis (inflammation of the nerve roots coming out of the spinal cord);
  • pathology of the joints of the spine, including: osteochondrosis, hernia, osteoporosis and others;
  • various variations of neuropathies (most often idiopathic nerve lesions);
  • neuralgia (a local problem in the nerve fiber, which is accompanied by soreness);
  • symptomatic lesions of the nervous system (for example, a neurologist treats nerve problems associated with anemic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, B group avitaminosis, and so on);
  • a variety of neuritis (inflammatory processes, for example, in the sciatic nerve);
  • oncological neoplasms of the brain and / or spinal cord (together with the oncologist);
  • migraine (a woman-specific disease that is accompanied by headache attacks of unknown etiology);
  • vegetative vascular dystonia (functional diagnosis for nervous, cardiovascular systems);
  • sleep disorders and chronic fatigue syndrome.

The list of pathological processes includes many more diseases that a neurologist needs to know and remember in order to correctly diagnose.

When to contact a neurologist?

It is not enough to understand who is a neurologist and what nosology he is dealing with in order to turn to him in time.

Determining the disorders in the nervous system can be difficult, so patients for a long time remain without qualified medical care.

Do self-diagnosis in the presence of problems of the central nervous system is useless, since specific diagnoses are required for the diagnosis.

Patients to the neurologist are treated with the following symptoms:

  1. a headache (any part can hurt, and the nature of the pain is often not different);
  2. dorsalgia (pain syndrome localized in the back);
  3. sleep disorders (insomnia or excessive drowsiness, also the nature of sleep, problems with falling asleep);
  4. speech disorders, asymmetry of facial expressions and unilateral paralysis (the neuropathologist checks the stroke clinic and confirms the diagnosis with the help of instrumental studies);
  5. convulsive syndrome (epilepsy is mainly practiced by psychiatrists, but there are different causes of seizures);
  6. unmotivated violation of cognitive functions (oppression of emotions, memory, deterioration of perception and so on);
  7. problems with motor activity (for example, with problems with the spine);
  8. lack of coordination;
  9. fast fatiguability;
  10. weakening of muscle tone;
  11. impaired sensitivity in the form of paresthesias (numbness, burning), hypoesthesia (reduction of tactile and pain sensations) or hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity).

In the presence of even one of the listed signs within a week or more, you should consult a neurologist.

A typical stroke clinic requires an immediate call for an ambulance.

How is the doctor's appointment?

At the appointment with a neuropathologist, first of all, the patient's complaints and anamnesis are studied. Their specificity is usually sufficient to determine the direction of the lesion and its possible causes. During the initial examination, the neuropathologist studies the following features:

  • Muscle tone (with the help of a special device or a simple hand shake);
  • active and passive movements in the limbs;
  • coordination (the patient alternately with closed eyes touches the index fingers to the tip of the nose);
  • surface and deep reflexes (a special hammer is used);
  • movements of eyeballs (their presence, symmetry, correspondence to each other);
  • cognitive functions (some are used, taken from psychiatry tests);
  • sensitivity (by pushing, acupuncture);
  • meningeal signs (rigidity of the occipital muscles, symptoms of Kerneg and Brudzinsky) for the diagnosis of meningitis;
  • specific signs of encephalitis, strokes.

During the examination, the neurologist makes assumptions about the diagnosis, and then directs the patient to further research.

These may include: determination of laboratory indicators (blood, urine, biochemistry, proteins, coagulogram), puncture of cerebrospinal fluid with its subsequent study, an electroencephalogram (determination of the activity of individual parts of the brain), MRI (visualization of tumors, ischemic foci lesions), angiography of cerebral vessels and other specific studies that are assigned depending on the nosology (for example, the definition hormones shchitovidki).

After the clinical diagnosis is made, the neuropathologist is engaged in the development of a complex of therapeutic measures.Therapy may imply a correction of lifestyle, taking medications, the use of physiotherapy and manual therapy, surgical intervention.

A source: http://KtoVrach.ru/129-nevropatolog.html

The neuropathologist that heals? Diseases of the nervous system:

Everyone knows that the nerve cells are not being restored, but after all, in the hectic life of our lives, we are dealing daily with stressful situations and other negative factors.

In order to correct or prevent serious consequences of this, a neuropathologist comes to the rescue.

What this specialist treats and with what complaints to him should be addressed, we will understand.

Who is it?

A neuropathologist (neurologist) is a person who has received a higher medical education in the specialty of "neurology".

The neurologist is engaged in the treatment and diagnosis of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, that is, the head, spinal cord, nerve roots and peripheral nerves.

These can be neuritis, neuralgia, tumors, various circulatory disorders (strokes). This includes inflammation of the brain (encephalitis) and epilepsy.

Mental abnormalities and disorders of behavioral reactions that very often accompany such pathologies are not corrected by a neurologist. What a psychiatrist or psychotherapist treats these phenomena, few know. In addition, the diseases that are related to the neurologist's field of activity include pathologies associated with the spine.

Why are they referred to a neurologist

As is known, the human nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord, as well as nerve roots and a complex system of peripheral nerves.

With their help, there is a regulation of the normal functioning of all body systems, and even the slightest violation can lead to serious problems.

The cause of nervous diseases is a pathological process that affects a certain area of ​​the nervous system.

As a rule, patients of a neuropathologist note the following symptoms:

  • headache, dizziness;
  • noise in ears;
  • fatigue;
  • pain in the neck, back, arm or leg;
  • restriction of movement in the spine;
  • increased anxiety;
  • fainting;
  • memory impairment;
  • trembling, weakness, numbness of limbs;
  • disturbances in the work of the sense organs - sight, hearing, obanyanya, touch.

Patients with such complaints are diagnosed with neurologist's just not necessary - they can save their lives.

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Causes of Nervous Diseases

The cause of nervous ailments can be various both external and internal factors. Here are the most common of them:

  1. Hypoxia - it should be noted that the nervous system and especially its central departments are most sensitive to the lack of oxygen. That's why strokes are so dangerous. It is known that a complete restoration of brain functions is possible if the blood circulation has been restored within 5-6 minutes. Otherwise, irreversible changes occur that affect memory and intelligence.
  2. Metabolic disorders.
  3. Infectious factor (bacteria, viruses, parasitic or fungal infection).
  4. External factors - it is proved that a strong pathogenic effect on the nervous system is affected by ionizing radiation, electromagnetic field, noise, vibration, high or low temperatures, as well as various toxic substance.
  5. Heredity.
  6. Tumors, inflammatory processes.
  7. Age changes.

Classification of diseases of the nervous system

Nervous diseases are very numerous and diverse both in their clinical manifestations, and for the reasons that cause them, and a good neurologist is required not only to correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment, but also to eliminate the cause that caused disease. Usually, all nerve pathologies are grouped into several large groups:

  • Vascular diseases - this includes acute and chronic disorders of cerebral circulation, as well as chronic insufficiency of cerebral circulation. Most often, these pathologies occur against the background of atherosclerosis and hypertension. They show headaches, decreased motor activity and sensitivity, attacks of nausea and vomiting.
  • Infectious diseases of the nervous system - are caused by the pathogenic effects of viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites. The most common of these are encephalitis, malaria, measles. The main symptoms are high fever, headache, impaired consciousness, nausea, vomiting.
  • Hereditary diseases - they can be associated with disorders that occurred at the gene level. This group includes degenerative lesions, when after a period of normal work the nervous system starts gradually collapse (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's), various types of epilepsy and neuromuscular diseases (hereditary dystrophy).
  • Traumatic injuries often occur due to bruises, injuries, compression of the spinal cord or brain.
  • Chronic progressive diseases - can develop both against the background of an infectious disease, and be the result of metabolic disorders or intoxication (multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis).

Vascular diseases

Vascular diseases are recognized by modern medicine as one of the most dangerous pathologies. They confidently occupy the second place in mortality in the world. In the human body, the brain is most sensitive to insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients.

Their uninterrupted delivery is due to the constant blood flow due to the ability of the vessels the brain reflexively contract with a decrease in blood pressure and expand with its increase.

However, in some cases (most often under the influence of hypertension or atherosclerosis), this process fails and, as a consequence, a lack of blood circulation, because of which the brain does not receive sufficient glucose and oxygen.

The result of this process can be a cerebral infarction, the consequences of which are unpredictable.

Revealing of nervous diseases

In order to diagnose the pathology of the nervous system, use basically the same methods as with other ailments. After the collection of anamnesis and sampling of the analyzes, a neurological examination is performed, according to the results of which additional methods of investigation are assigned.

  1. CT (computed tomography) and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) - are excellent assistants in the work of such a specialist as a neurologist. The reviews speak for high accuracy and safety of these methods. With their help it is quite easy to detect abscesses, hemorrhages, micro-traumas.
  2. EEG - electroencephalography.
  3. Angiography of cerebral vessels.
  4. Ultrasound.
  5. If suspected of an infectious disease - lumbar puncture of the spinal cord.
  6. X-ray contrast study.
  7. Psychometry.

Neurology in children

In our life we ​​often have to go to a specialist like a neurologist. What it heals in adults and elderly people, it is understandable, but it is equally important to examine children in a timely manner.

Unfortunately, recently the birth of babies with this or that nervous pathology has ceased to be a rarity. That is why, literally in the first months of life, it is necessary to undergo an examination with such a specialist as a child neurologist.

He at an early stage diagnoses diseases caused by disorders of the central nervous system, as well as functional disorders that are their consequence. First of all, he is interested in the brain and his work.

The neurologist carefully examines all the features of the development and life of the child, from the moment that pregnancy and childbirth took place, and to the data on the transferred diseases.

Since in the first months there is an active development of various structures of the brain, the child neurologist should as soon as possible identify pathology and prescribe adequate treatment.

Otherwise, this can lead to serious delays in development, and in the future - to manifest itself behavior disorders, such as hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, emotional instability.

Scheduled inspection

During the first year of life, parents and doctors need careful monitoring of the child's condition.

According to statistical data, half of cases of childhood disability is associated with diseases of the nervous system, and 70% of these pathologies appear during the period of fetal development and newborn.

Therefore, in order to reduce the risk of their occurrence or correct the problems in time, neurologist services will be needed approximately every three months.

Modern medicine recommends scheduling scheduled visits to this specialist on the following dates:

  • three months;
  • six months;
  • nine month;
  • year, and in the future - annually.

Neurological symptoms in newborns

Of course, routine examinations are a mandatory thing, but sometimes you need to take urgent measures without waiting for a proper visit to the doctor. If you paid attention to the following features, then the visit to the neurologist should not be postponed:

  1. if a newborn child has a sleep disorder, he often wakes up, can not fall asleep, sleep superficial;
  2. if the child periodically shakes his chin, handles and legs;
  3. if he often and much regurgitates;
  4. if the child begins to twitch when the temperature rises;
  5. the child presses his fingers at the moment when it is put on the foot - this may be the norm, but it should be decided by a neurologist after the examination.

Neurological symptoms in older children

In older children, it is possible to suspect neurologic disorders in the following cases:

  • if the child is quickly tired, irritable;
  • often complains of headaches;
  • poor contact with peers;
  • sleeps badly;
  • scattered, reduced academic performance.

With such symptoms, you should not postpone the visit to the doctor, because the earlier the examination is conducted and the cause is identified, the sooner the treatment will begin. Accordingly, there is more chance of adjusting the situation without further complications for the child.

As you can see, do not neglect the visits of such a specialist as a neurologist.

That he heals those diseases, which in the future, if the process is not stopped in the early stages, can significantly worsen the quality of life, also does not cause doubts.

That is why it is easier to undergo preventive examinations on time, because it is always easier to warn than cure.

A source: https://www.syl.ru/article/185396/new_nevropatolog-chto-lechit-zabolevaniya-nervnoy-sistemyi

What kind of illnesses does the doctor treat a neurologist and when to treat him?

The roar of big cities. Cars that are exciting all the big spaces. Our desire to achieve much in life. Competition. Stress. Fast and poor-quality food. This is enough to bring our nervous system into disrepair.

But it turns out that diseases of nerves have been known for a long time. The concepts of "head and spinal cord" knew already in antiquity. This was already in the writings of Hippocrates, Celsus, Ibn Sina.

The causes of such diseases lie in the disruption of the work of nerve cells. This provokes inflammatory processes in the brain and spinal cord, nerve fibers.

Tasks of a neurologist

The neurologist's task, after carefully examining, asking the patient about his condition, finding out if there were any similar cases in the family, to study the causes, symptoms of the disease, to develop methods of treatment, recovery and prevention.

If necessary, the doctor will send for an additional examination.

The doctor's task is to accompany the patient throughout the treatment, starting with the course definition, to observe the results of the appointments.

Another task of the doctor is to establish a trusting relationship with the patient. Then we can talk about the effectiveness of treatment.

What the neuropathologist is treating

The pain of different localization is the main sign of many diseases of the nervous system.

Most often it is a headache, a phenomenon so prevalent that 70% of people on Earth suffer from it regularly.

It can be not much less common pain in the back, facial pain.

The doctor analyzes the causes and conducts the treatment.

A neurologist helps people with back and brain injuries that have experienced a stroke and are struggling with its consequences, suffering from memory disorders and neuropathies.

Doctors try to alleviate the course of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Find out the causes of memory loss, fainting, sleep disorders.

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What diseases are treated by a neurologist?

The neurologist treats a huge number of diseases.

For convenience, they can be grouped according to how they arise and develop.

Diseases that cause inflammation

Encephalitis, neuritis and radiculitis, which everyone seems to know.

Degenerative diseases

Alzheimer's, sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, osteoarthrosis.

Vascular disorders

Strokes, migraines, widespread vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Autoimmune diseases

Multiple sclerosis, neuropathy.

Congenital pathologies

Cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus.


The most difficult: benign and malignant neoplasms of the brain and spinal cord.

Diseases that everyone has heard about are different types of neuralgia.

And as convulsive disorders (epilepsy), paralysis and paresis of a different nature. Hyperkinesis: diseases caused by increased excitability of nerves (tics, tremols). The consequences of injuries to the spine and skull. Consequences of bad habits: alcoholic damage to the nervous system.

There are also diseases, the cause of which is difficult to figure out yet, but even in this case the doctor can help and alleviate the patient's condition.

When should I see a doctor?

If you feel incomprehensible lethargy, it seems to you that your legs do not obey you, you do not want to talk and life seems not to be happy, then you need to urgently pay a visit to a neurologist.

Perhaps these are symptoms of a beginning illness.

Do not tolerate strong and frequent headaches, especially when irritability, rejection of bright light and loud sounds are added to them. Most often these are migraine symptoms, but only a doctor can diagnose it.

If you constantly wake up at night and can not sleep for a long time, and it makes you hurt to move your neck, hands seem heavy, you can not postpone visiting a polyclinic.

Even if you feel only a slight tingling in the tips of your fingers and toes, and this almost does not bother you - visit a doctor.

The most dangerous is a tingling in one of the sides of the body, in which it is difficult to move, and it seems that the muscles Weakened, This may be a sign of impaired peripheral nerves or circulatory disorders the brain. We must urgently go to the doctor.

Have you lost coordination of movements or have you suddenly lost consciousness? This is more than a serious reason to take care of your health. If it was found that you can not remember the obvious, and there are disorders of consciousness, then you need to seriously treat.

Frequent dizziness may indicate problems in the work of the brain and other neurological diseases. In the first case of seizures, tics should be consulted to the doctor.

People often suffer back pain, believing this is not a serious reason for visiting a specialist. They explain their condition by fatigue, by the fact that they unsuccessfully lifted something heavy. But in vain. Such pain can turn into unpleasant consequences.

Sometimes you need to analyze your feelings. So, weakness is important to distinguish from fatigue. With weakness, a person can not even lift something very light.

A tired person can do this, only need a little to strain. Weakness most often applies to individual muscles, and fatigue at all.

Fatigue is due to lack of sleep, overexertion or cold, and weakness indicates serious problems.

Vision that worsens over time requires observation from an ophthalmologist, and instant deterioration is often a sign of neurological problems.

It is necessary to visit the neurologist and in the event that in the eyes of two.

If you suddenly stopped to smell, then this is a serious syndrome of many diseases.

Did it seem to you or your loved ones that you began to move awkwardly? Do not try to correct the gait yourself, it's necessary to consult a doctor.

If you feel that you choose words for too long in a conversation, you need to visit a doctor.

Diagnostic Methods

If the doctor failed to diagnose after talking with the patient and examining with a neurological hammer, then he uses other types of diagnosis.

First of all, it is diagnostics with the help of various medical equipment.

It is calledinstrumental diagnosticsand includes electrowave, beam and ultrasonic methods. Nowadays their number increases, and the accuracy in diagnosing increases.

On electrical phenomena, several methods are based in diagnostics.

Electroencephalography- a method of objective investigation of the state of the brain, when its biological fields are recorded.

This helps to establish a focus of pathology and identify the disease in the early stages. It is used for tumoral, ischemic, degenerative, inflammatory diseases.

Electroneuromyographyregisters the electrical activity of muscles, that is, the work of the peripheral nervous system, so diagnose dystonia, sclerosis.

On the basis of radiation phenomena, studies usingX-rayandcomputed tomography. They are prescribed for craniocerebral injuries, tumors, anomalies in development.

Magnetic resonance and nuclear magnetic tomographygive a dynamic picture of the working organ; the method is effective for the detection of diseases of the vessels of the brain, sclerosis, intervertebral hernia.

Several types of studies are based on ultrasound methods.

To study blood flow in the vessels of the hands and feetultrasound dopplerographyperipheral vessels. It is prescribed for complaints of pain in the limbs, lameness, chilliness in the hands and feet.

This study of the ocular vessels assesses the nature of the disturbance of blood flow on the fundus in various diseases.

Echo-encephalographystudies the brain with ultrasound. This highly informative diagnosis is convenient for studying the disease in dynamics to determine the effectiveness of treatment.

The doctor can send the patient to the laboratory.

The main laboratory research in neurology is lumbar puncture, which determines the state of cerebrospinal fluid, which is important for inflammatory and infectious diseases of the nervous system.

To establish the diagnosis applyclinical and biochemical blood test, immunological tests.

Medicine has great potential. We only need one thing - to consult a doctor in a timely manner. Then there is a chance for a successful recovery.

A source: http://vashaspina.com/poleznoe/vrach_po_spine_sustavam_i_kostyam/chto_lechit_nevropatolog.html

What diseases of the nervous system are treated by a neurologist?

It is necessary to distinguish between neurological diseases and the pathology of the psychic sphere. A person who does not have medical knowledge, it is difficult to distinguish these 2 types of pathology. However, he does not need it. It is enough to consult a doctor, so that he sends you to the right specialist.

And still, let's try to answer what the neurologist is treating:

  1. Headache;
  2. Disease of the spine;
  3. Vegetative disorders;
  4. Pathology of the sympathetic nervous system;
  5. Neurological diseases of internal organs.

It is obvious that the medical terms are not clear to the reader, so let's try to explain what the neurologist is treating, in more detail.

What is treated by a neurologist or neurologist

Headaches are of different etiologies. So on a background of the raised pressure there is an increased filling of cerebral vessels. Increased overload on the brain forms a pain syndrome, which is felt by a person. Such a pathology is treated not by a neurologist, but by a cardiologist or a district therapist.

If the headache or dizziness is due to migraine, a change in the activity of the nerves, then you need to contact the neurologist.

True, it is necessary to clearly distinguish nosological forms, provoked by mental illnesses.

Pain syndrome in the head can be due to schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease. These diseases are treated by a psychiatrist.

The second most frequent cause of treatment of patients to this specialist are all kinds of lumbichalgia, lumbulgia and osteochondrosis and radiculitis. With each of the diseases there are vegetative disorders due to traumatization of the nerves by the intervertebral disc or bone proliferation.

The nerve roots leave the spinal canal and go to the internal organs throughout the entire vertebral column. At the slightest irritation, a pathological impulse to the internal organs arises, and therefore their work is disrupted.

What symptoms appear when peripheral nerves are activated:

  • Pain in the chest, abdomen and lower limbs;
  • Differences in blood pressure;
  • Back pain with body bends;
  • Soreness in lower limbs;
  • Fainting and loss of consciousness;
  • Loss of skin sensitivity;
  • Paresis and paralysis of muscles (immobility).

Intervertebral hernia is a common disease that occurs in people engaged in heavy physical labor. Is it a disorder of the autonomic nervous system? Of course, yes, since spinal nerves are irritated in the course of the disease. The disease leads to serious secondary changes:

  1. Violation of the pelvic organs;
  2. Pain in the lower limbs;
  3. Decrease or absence of skin sensitivity;
  4. Forced posture (with radiculitis).

That is, any nosological forms that are combined with the pathology of the spine should be examined by a neurologist.

There is still a number of serious pathologies in which one should refer to this specialist - these are various kinds of violations of the central innervation:

  • Movement of flies in the eyes (disorders of the vestibular apparatus);
  • Disorders of accommodation (cerebellar pathology);
  • Strokes (cerebral hemorrhage);
  • Disturbances in duration and quality of sleep;
  • Insufficient cerebral blood supply;
  • Meningitis;
  • Encephalitis.

Note that psychiatrists are engaged in the treatment of nosological forms, in which innervation is not violated, but pathological changes occur in the structure of the cerebral cortex.

Vegetative disorders - what is it?

Vegetative disorders are accompanied by the defeat of innervation of internal organs. In this pathology reactions are formed associated with the acceleration of cardiac contractions, a decrease in the activity of the sweat glands, and a weak functioning of the smooth musculature of the intestine.

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In medicine, there is the concept of "autonomic dysfunction." It combines a larger list of diseases, which are accompanied by a violation of the functionality of several internal organs.

If you do not go to the neurologist in time, many doctors will treat your pathology, but the therapy will be ineffective. So the colic in the heart will be dealt with by a cardiologist, a change in intestinal activity - a gastroenterologist.

Respiratory problems will be dealt with by a pulmonologist, changes in blood are treated by a hematologist. But all these symptoms can be caused by neurasthenia.

If you turn in time to the neurologist, you can prevent the useless appointment of pharmaceuticals.

What are the symptoms of vegetative disorders:

  1. Increased breathing and the impossibility of deep inspiration;
  2. Tachycardia and heart failure;
  3. Stagnation in tissues;
  4. Fever with periodic lowering and rising temperature;
  5. Pain and constipation in the abdomen;
  6. Disorders of the urinary system: frequent unproductive urination;
  7. Pathology of the genital area: decreased libido;
  8. Mental disorders: irritability, insomnia, tearfulness.

The vegetative disorders are accompanied by psychosomatic conditions. If they occur in young girls, they have many complexes. The ladies often retire, they seem to themselves not beautiful.

There are many effective medicines that can eliminate these disorders. Who appoints them? Of course, a neuropathologist.

We hope that the article helped readers to understand what the neurologist is treating, and now he will know with what pathology to apply to this specialist. Even if the information is presented poorly, other doctors if necessary necessarily send to the address.

A source: http://vnormu.ru/chto-lechit-nevrolog.html


Who is a neurologist?

Neuropathologistis a doctor who deals with the treatment of diseases associated with any department of the nervous system, as its central part (spinal cord and brain), and peripheral nerve trunks and nervous endings.

This way, the neuropathologist is treated by people who suffer from such diseases as osteochondrosis, headaches, all kinds of sensitivity disorders, as well as many other pathological states.

What is the competence of a neurologist?

The doctor of this specialty, each working day, solves a variety of tasks related to the assessment of the degree and level lesions of the nervous system, the setting and verification of the diagnosis, as well as the appointment of competent and reasonable therapy of one or another disease. A competent neurologist should understand the cause of the appearance of such conditions as pathological dizziness, frequent headaches, worsening of memorization processes, damage to the visual or auditory analyzers. Only by acting on the original cause, it is possible to effectively treat diseases and conditions associated with the human nervous system.

What diseases does the neurologist deal with?

All diseases that in one way or another relate to the nervous system are within the competence of a doctor of this specialty. The neurologist should disassemble in a huge number of all kinds of nosological units.

Among this diversity can be identified:

  • various disorders of sleep, including difficulties of falling asleep and insomnia;
  • diseases of the lumbar spine, among which there are especially frequent different lumbargias, lumbago;
  • dizziness of a variety of etiologies;
  • headaches of various origins, especially chronic or frequently recurring;
  • VSD, which stands for vegeto-vascular dystonia;
  • radiculitis;
  • sciatica, which is an inflammatory process localized in the region of the sciatic nerve;
  • migraine headaches;
  • herniated intervertebral discs and other diseases of the spine, such as osteochondrosis;
  • all the consequences that can occur after traumatic spine and craniocerebral injury;
  • pinch of the sciatic nerve;
  • pain associated with the defeat of the cranial nerves, including the facial nerve;
  • chronic disorders of the blood supply to the brain, for example, a condition such as discirculatory encephalopathy;
  • various violations of the processes associated with the storage and preservation of information;
  • encephalopathy, arising on the background of chronic hypertension;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms of the brain and spinal cord (treatment should be carried out in close cooperation with an oncologist);
  • neuritis;
  • neuropathy;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • epilepsy and epileptic seizures;
  • a variety of motor and sensory disorders;
  • infectious lesions of the brain and spinal cord, including encephalitis and meningitis (treatment must be carried out together with an infectious disease doctor);
  • disorders of the blood supply to the brain, for example, ischemic or hemorrhagic strokes.

What organs does the neurologist deal with?

The neurologist deals with the treatment of all organs that are related to the central nervous system and to the peripheral nervous system.

Such organs are the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves.

Additionally, a competent doctor of this specialty should pay attention to the problems associated with the vertebral column.

When should I contact a neurologist?

To the neurologist should address already at the first signs of such diseases, as:

  1. chronic fatigue syndrome;
  2. an unstable level of blood pressure;
  3. a noticeable decrease in attention and memory;
  4. decreased level of arterial blood pressure;
  5. a variety of disorders in the work of the heart, for example, disturbances of the heart rhythm;
  6. low tolerance of even minimal physical exertion and extremely fast fatigue;
  7. frequent chronic headaches;
  8. pain localized in the chest to the left;
  9. violation of sweating, for example, hyperhidrosis;
  10. the occurrence of hyperventilation disorders, such as poor tolerance of stuffy rooms;
  11. general decrease in emotional background, increased irritability, worsening of mood;
  12. reduction of stress resistance;
  13. all kinds of sleep disorders, from difficulty falling asleep to complete insomnia;
  14. frequent fainting and pre-fainting conditions, such as tinnitus or darkening in the eyes.

When and what tests should I do?

For a neurologist, you do not usually need to take any specific tests. This specialist needs only the simplest laboratory diagnostic methods, such as, for example, blood for general and biochemical analysis.

What are the main types of diagnostics usually carried out by a neurologist?

In general, the diagnosis is to study the functional state of the brain and spinal cord.

Quite often, such diagnostic methods ascomputed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

These diagnostic procedures are quite informative, since they allow one to find even a very small lesion center, leading to a particular process.

Also usedelectroneuromyography, which allows you to assess the possibility of passage of a nerve impulse from the nerve to the muscle and back through the neuroreflex arc.

Electroencephalography makes it possible to evaluate the electrical activity of the brain by recording, producing electrical impulses.

This method is very informative for the diagnosis of epilepsy or single epileptic seizures.

In addition, in the diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system are actively usedrheoencephalography and echoenceculoscopy. Quite often, it is necessary to conduct X-rays of the bones of the skull and spine, especially its cervical region.

Myelographyallows to assess the functional state of the muscles of the human body.

Also, in a number of cases,spondylogram and pneumoencephalography.

Sometimes, to assess the degree of disturbance of cerebral circulation, a method of assessing the state of the vessels is used, which was calledangiography.

Advices of a neurologist

One of the main factors that preserves the nervous system of a person in a healthy state isfull sleep, which lasts no less than eight hours.

Such a dream, not only has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire nervous system, it also strengthens the overall health of a person while preserving beauty and youth.

In addition, an eight-hour sleep is a factor that helps in combating obesity, and even with obesity.

The whole process of sleep goes in two stages, which constantly replace each other. This is a fast and slow phase of sleep. Immediately after falling asleep, a slow sleep phase begins. During this period, the heart rate and breathing are somewhat reduced.

This period takes a time interval of about one or two hours. After this, there comes a phase of fast sleep, which lasts no more than fifteen to twenty minutes. It is during this period that a person dreams.

Then again, the phases of slow or deep sleep come.

When the processes of falling asleep and sleep itself are disturbed.

The alternation of these phases is disrupted, so that a person does not completely relax and his nervous system can not rest in the right amount.

That is why, subsequently, there are such conditions as chronic headaches, a general decrease in the emotional background, as well as dizziness and disturbance of attention.

In order to quickly and accurately fall asleep, several simple rules must be observed:

  • to fall asleep choose the position in which the person is most comfortable;
  • The bedroom needs to be decorated in calm colors, avoiding bright and screaming colors;
  • before going to bed, it is recommended to ventilate the room from ten to twenty minutes, depending on the weather conditions;
  • before going to bed you need to completely disconnect from the problems of the previous day;
  • three hours before bedtime, it is better not to exercise any meals, the maximum that can be done before going to bed is to drink a glass of warm milk.

A source: https://nmedicine.net/nevropatolog/

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