Scoliosis of the spine: which doctor should I contact?


  • 1Which doctor treats scoliosis?
    • 1.1Reasons to see a doctor
    • 1.2What doctors are involved in scoliosis?
    • 1.3Surgery
    • 1.4The main doctors involved in scoliosis
  • 2Which doctor treats scoliosis?
    • 2.1Scoliosis and its classification
    • 2.2What kind of doctor should I use for scoliosis for children and adults?
    • 2.3What degree of scoliosis is a prerequisite for referring to narrow specialists
    • 2.4Treatment of scoliosis
    • 2.5Conclusion
  • 3The diagnosis of scoliosis: what to do?
    • 3.1Types of scoliosis
    • 3.2Symptoms of scoliosis
    • 3.3Diagnosis of scoliosis
    • 3.4Treatment of scoliosis
    • 3.5Physiotherapy
    • 3.6Swimming
    • 3.7Massage
    • 3.8Restrictions and prohibitions
    • 3.9Prevention
  • 4Scoliosis
    • 4.1When to see a doctor
    • 4.2The main causes of scoliosis are:
    • 4.3Diagnostics
    • 4.4Treatment
  • 5Scoliosis: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention
    • 5.1Symptoms and methods of diagnosis
    • 5.2Additional methods for diagnosing scoliosis
    • 5.3Methods of treating scoliosis at home
    • 5.4Prophylaxis of scoliosis
    • 5.5To which doctor to apply
  • instagram viewer
  • 6Scoliosis - lateral curvature of the spine: in children, adolescents, adults
    • 6.1Causes

Which doctor treats scoliosis?

The pathology of the vertebral column, which consists in its considerable curvature in the lateral plane, is called scoliosis. In a healthy person, there are no deformations in the structures of the spine.

Noticing the curvature in your back or your child, it is recommended immediately to find out which doctor heals the spine scoliosis, and turn to him for help.

Scoliosis of the spine

Reasons to see a doctor

Urgent counseling is necessary in the following cases:

  • all kinds of trauma, the pathological focus of which fell on the spine, after which his activity significantly worsened;
  • visually noticeable significant asymmetry in the parameters of the shoulder, dent in the back;
  • long-lasting sensation of discomfort in any structures of the spine, with a steady increase in pain.

Saddle and curvature of the spine is an occasion to consult a doctor

In children's practice, treatment should follow if the baby is constantly slouching, he has not developed the correct mode of planting at the table, the working and rest regime has not been adjusted. Parents can also independently consult an orthopedist if the pediatrician does not observe any abnormalities in the vertebral column of the baby.

What doctors are involved in scoliosis?

Identify and eliminate the signs of the onset of the disease - the task of medical specialists at the first level of helping the population. As a rule, this istherapistsandpediatricians.

They carefully collect the anamnesis - when the first signs of deterioration of well-being appeared, which could provoke curvature, what measures have already been taken.

After carrying out diagnostic procedures, the question is solved, which doctor treats scoliosis at further stages.

The first step is to consult a therapist

For example, if a patient is concerned about severe pain in the affected area of ​​the back, he is observed sensitive disorders in the integumentary tissues, pathological reflexes are formed in the tendons - it is necessary appeal toneurologist.

Based on the neurological status of the patient, the established relationship of the existing disorders with scoliosis, the general health of the patient, a specialist will recommend the appropriate complex treatment.

Reception with a neurologist

Profiling doctor for scoliosis -orthopedist. It is he who is engaged in the correction of all deformations of the osteoarticular system, including those caused by the formed scoliosis at its early stages.

If the treatment recommended by him did not bring the desired effect, the orthopedist recommends other specialists, for example,instructor of exercise therapy, andchiropractor.

They, acting on the muscle components of the skeleton of the spine, contribute to the maximum possible restoration of adequate activity of internal organs, active regeneration of cartilaginous structures in the intervertebral space.


At late stages of treatment, when changes in vertebral structures are expressed at the maximum level, therapeutic measures can be prescribed onlysurgeon.

Conservative methods of therapy at this stage of the disease are only symptomatic - prescribing analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the severity of pain sensations.

Scoliosis over time has an increasingly significant impact on the activities of all internal organs - it is difficult.

Therefore, if there are 3, 4 stages of pathology, a surgeon decides on the need for surgical intervention.

The patient undergoing in-patient conditions undergoes a comprehensive diagnostic examination to determine the initial health parameters, the presence of intervertebral hernial protrusions, and the presence of complications.

In advanced cases it is necessary to consult a surgeon

Operations on the spine are carried out by highly qualified neurosurgeons.

An experienced specialist will preliminarily discuss the plan for forthcoming intervention with patients - how restoration of curved structures of the spine, what amount of intervention will be required, what rehabilitation measures are coming.

The main doctors involved in scoliosis

In direct dependence on the existing symptomatology and severity of pathological changes in spine, at the moment the following specialists who are engaged in scoliosis can be named:

  • in the presence of pronounced inflammatory processes - their coping is handled by the therapist at the primary stage of the patient's treatment;
  • various neurological disorders, directly related to the existing scoliosis - the prerogative of a neurologist;
  • initial curvature of the spine (scoliosis 1-2 degrees) - treatment is performed by an orthopedist, exercise therapist, manual therapist;
  • gross deformations in the structures of the spine, which already have an extremely negative effect on the activity of internal organs - will be corrected by the surgeon.

Spine diseases are handled by the vertebrologist

In large cities-megacities in the state clinics can be present such specialist in diseases of the spine, asvertebrologist.

Getting rid of scoliosis is quite possible. The main condition for the success of ongoing medical measures is the earlier appeal to a specialist.

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Which doctor treats scoliosis?

Scoliosisrepresents the curvature of the spinal column.

In our current way of life, there are many factors that are provocative to the development of this diseases: office work, long pastime at the computer, heavy physical labor, sports action etc. is.

When there are problems with the back, the first thing that interests everyone, to which specialist can you turn in this situation for help?

When a visit to a doctor is a necessity, and what kind of specialist advice is neededin each case?

Scoliosis and its classification

Scoliosis is a disease in which a pathological curvature of the vertebral column occurs in the lateral plane. This disease affects both adults and children of all ages. But most often the disease makes itself known to school-age children.

The first signs on which it is possible to recognize scoliosis are the following:

This disease may not progress at all, progress slowly or quickly enough.

Depending on what caused the scoliosis,this disease is divided into several types:

  1. Idiopathic- its cause is not established.
  2. Myopathic- the cause of the disease is the development of human muscle tissue (myopathy, muscular dystrophy, arthrogryposis and aminoplasia). This type of scoliosis is accompanied by a general muscle weakness. The muscle tissue surrounding and supporting the skeleton and spinal column weakens, loses its functionality, which leads to a curvature of the spine.
  3. Scar- the cause of occurrence is the deformation and distortion of soft tissues, due to the inflammatory process in them or unsuccessful surgical intervention. In cicatricial scoliosis, not only the curvature of the spinal column is observed, but also the twisting of its vertebrae.
  4. Neurogenic- occurs as a consequence of severe diseases of the spinal cord (for example, poliomyelitis, cerebral palsy).
  5. Dysplastic (discogenic)- is a curvature of the spinal column in the lateral plane, accompanied by the rotation of the vertebrae around its own axis (rotation).
  6. Traumatic- the cause of the appearance are deformations and other negative changes occurring in the body of the vertebrae, which are a consequence of the previous injury of the spinal column.

Scoliosis can affect the spine in all its departments

Depending on the part of the vertebral column in which the curvature is localized, the above pathology is divided into several forms:

  • cervicothoracic;
  • thoracic;
  • thoracolumbar;
  • lumbar;
  • lumbosacral.

Also, according to the X-ray image, specialists determine the degree of scoliosis - it depends on the angle between vertebra, representing the vertex of curvature, as well as the vertebra nearest to it, not succumbing deformation.

There are several degrees of pathological curvature of the spinal column:

I degree the angle of inclination of the spine is from 1 to 10 degrees
II degree the angle of inclination of the spine is from 11 to 25 degrees
III degree the angle of inclination of the spine is from 26 to 50 degrees
IV degree the angle of inclination of the spine is from 50 degrees or more

In the early stages of the disease of the onset of soreness in the back with scoliosis is not observed. Pain is a serious sign of the flow of scoliosis from simple to complex forms. Such an alarming symptom is a serious reason for contacting a specialist.

At a scoliosis there can be both one arch of a curvature (C-shaped), so two (S-shaped) or even three arcs of a curvature (Z-shaped).

What kind of doctor should I use for scoliosis for children and adults?

If you or your child have any of the above signs of scoliosis, do not delay the visit to a specialist. Especially if you notice that the disease is actively progressing - contact the nearest hospital.

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First of all, when scoliosis is addressed to an orthopedic doctor, regardless of the age of the patient. At the first suspicion of scoliosis in a child it is worth to consult a doctor-orthopedist. Children in hospitals receive pediatric orthopedics. But if there was no such specialist in the medical institution, feel free to go to the reception tosurgeon or trauma surgeon.

Patients who are older than adolescents also need to contact an orthopedic surgeon or adult surgeon.

A qualified specialist can identify scoliosis and accurately determine its degree even without any auxiliary diagnostic methods.

But in cases when a specialist has doubts about the condition of the spinal column and the location of the curvature axes - he can prescribe an x-ray examination to the patient.

According to the picture, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment and, if necessary, physiotherapy procedures.

When, in addition to scoliosis, the specialist assumes that the patient still has any diseases that play a role in scoliosis, an additional patient can be prescribedcomputed tomography or magnetic resonance tomography.

What degree of scoliosis is a prerequisite for referring to narrow specialists

Often, the occasional pain in any part of the spine, which has the property of giving back to other parts of the back, can be confused with the presence in the body of any disease (for example, suspected kidney disease in the lumbar scoliosis).

In such cases, the first specialist to whom consultation is sought -therapist. But when discussing with the patient the symptoms that worry him, and after a careful examination of the latter, a qualified doctor will diagnose scoliosis.

If scoliosis is at an early, I degree of development, then the therapist can treat it. However, before that, he is obliged to consult with a neurologist and orthopedist, after which the patient will be treated under the guidance of these specialized specialists.

When complicating the curvature of the spine, you may need to contact a narrowly specialized doctor, such as a neuropathologist and a surgeon. Scoliosis treatment in a neurologistit is necessary in cases when, in addition to the primary signs of the disease, the patient also has a loss of sensitivity of some parts of the cutaneous cover or other disorders related, for example, to incorrect tendon reactions (often observed with grade II scoliosis), it is also possible to numb extremities.

In this case, the neurologist after a thorough examination concludes that the neurological status who turned to him a patient, and appoints the necessary treatment not only for scoliosis, but also for nervous system.

If the patient himself, on the basis of his symptoms, has managed to understand that he has scoliosis - he is a direct path to the orthopedist. This specialist deals with defects in the development of the bone system.

However, he can help only with the initial degrees of scoliosis.If the disease has a grade III or IV, the orthopedist will refer the patient to the surgeon.

Surgeons specialize in complex scoliosis - III and IV degrees. In the late stages of development, an actively progressive scoliosis can jeopardize the normal functioning of all human organs. Therefore, scoliosis III and IV degrees are mainly treated by surgical intervention.

In the early stages of scoliosis, the patient can also be helped by a manual therapist.

A specially designed set of exercises aimed at aligning the axis of the spinal column, is able to quickly and effectively help the patient to overcome scoliosis once and for all.

But all exercises must be carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist. Otherwise, it is only possible to do harm to health.

Manual therapists usually in one person are also instructors in exercise therapy. They develop sets of exercises that can improve and accelerate the process of restoring the health of a patient who underwent scoliosis treatment with the help of surgery.

Treatment of scoliosis

If the patient with scoliosis is obese, first of all experts recommend to lose excess weight.

Excess weight only aggravates the situationand any treatment in the case of inaction in relation to the restoration of a normal body weight for a person will not bring the desired result.

As a rule, in the initial stage, scoliosis is treated with therapeutic massage and LFQU. In the early stages of scoliosis development, patients are prescribed regularvisit to the chiropractor.

Also, the patient must always be in a specially designed rigid corset. Hard fixation of the spinal column and regular physical exercises will help to return the spine to the correct position.

Typically, patients with scoliosis necessarily prescribed and calcium preparations.

Scoliosis can be prescribed treatment massage, electrostimulation of the spinal muscular corset.

Regular swimming pool visits are also recommended, since swimming has a positive effect on getting rid of bone deformities.

Swimming can even completely cure scoliosis of the first degree, but in more complex forms it only contributes to treatment.

In some cases, one can not do without surgical intervention.

In such casesScoliosis is treated by attaching the vertebrae to each other with special surgical spokes and pins.

Recovery after such an operation is a very long process. After such an operation, the spinal mobility will be limited.


Scoliosis is better treated immediately, with its first signs. The started disease is more difficult to cure. A rapidly progressing pathology can lead to serious problems in the functioning of other human organs.

Do not delay a visit to a specialist if you have any suspicions of scoliosis in yourself or your child. You can contact:orthopedist, surgeon, traumatologist, neuropathologist and therapist.

A timely visit to the right specialist can sometimes play a decisive role in the struggle for health.

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The diagnosis of scoliosis: what to do?

The natural purpose of the spinal column is to be a reliable support for the human body. Its structure and bends are determined by the need to maintain a vertical position while walking.

The curvature of the spine in the lateral projection relative to its axis leads to a disease called scoliosis. Unfortunately, the asymmetry of the body is not only a cosmetic problem.

The pronounced inclination of the spine to the left or right side is a pathology with long-term consequences for the whole organism.

Types of scoliosis

A strong curvature of the spine can be both congenital and acquired defect.

At the site of localization, scoliosis of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine is distinguished. In rare cases, all departments are subject to change.

A patient with a severe stage of deformity will most likely need surgery.

Symptoms of scoliosis

Most often, the problem of curvature of the spine is encountered in childhood.

But it can appear in adults as a result of injuries, inflammatory processes or age-related changes in the vertebrae.

Be sure to pay a visit to the doctor if you notice the following signs in yourself or your children:

  • Asymmetry of the pelvis, shoulder blades, shoulders or elbows;
  • Violation of gait;
  • Pain in the lower back, chest or between the shoulder blades, headache;
  • Visible deformation of the chest;
  • Disturbances in the lungs, heart, stomach and intestines.

Diagnosis of scoliosis

For correct correction and a favorable prognosis, it is very important to call a doctor in a timely manner. The most accurate answer to the question, which doctor treats scoliosis, in modern medicine is the profession of a doctor-verterbrologist. His narrow specialization is the spine.

Unfortunately, in most of the polyclinics of the office of the vertebrologist there is not yet, however, in case of neglected cases, his consultation is mandatory.

Traditionally, the treatment of scoliosis in children is performed by an orthopedist or orthopedist traumatologist. It can use the following diagnostic methods:

  • Visual inspection;
  • Ultrasound examination;
  • Radiography;
  • Magnetic resonance tomography;
  • Data from laboratory studies.

It may also be necessary to consult a neurologist and surgeon.

Treatment of scoliosis

Scoliosis of 1-2 degrees in children and adolescents can be cured, since the body is still growing and the musculoskeletal system is well amenable to correction. Physiotherapy is the most important element in the therapy of this disease.

The specialists developed a whole complex of basic exercises that help to return the spine to the correct position. After consulting a doctor, you can practice at home. Doing such exercises should be done regularly, only then will their effectiveness be fully manifested.

In addition to exercise therapy, the child must be engaged in swimming, doing massage, observe the regime of the day and fully eat.


With an uncomplicated form of the disease, there are enough restorative, respiratory and symmetrical exercises.

Sometimes asymmetric and detrusion complexes are introduced according to indications. In more severe cases exercise exercise is best done individually with an instructor.

It is recommended to practice for 30-40 minutes every other day.

The pace of exercise is average, without overload. The exercises are aimed at eliminating the imbalance of muscles and ligaments and general strengthening of the entire muscular corset.


The water environment helps to relieve stress from the areas of growth of bone tissues and the entire spine as a whole. Movement during swimming makes all groups of muscles work evenly.

Also, breathing exercises in water, aqua aerobics with the use of special swimming means (balls, armlets, boards, etc.) are also useful.

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The optimal schedule of classes - an hour every other day, they should be conducted by a professional trainer.


Massage is an excellent restorative. It tones well, helps to eliminate the inherent functional scoliosis in the muscles and ligaments, improves blood circulation throughout the body.

Regular procedures reduce fatigue and relieve tension from the spine. The intensity and number of massage courses can be prescribed only by a doctor. The first sessions must necessarily be done by a competent masseur.

In the future, if the degree of curvature is low, and parents have passed special courses, you can do massage at home.

Restrictions and prohibitions

In everyday life, a person with scoliosis should avoid some actions, so as not to aggravate the situation. Since the muscles are too strained on one side of the spine and are inactive on the other, in scoliosis it is impossible:

  • Long stay in a fixed position, stand or sit in an uncomfortable position;
  • To carry weights only in one hand;
  • Run fast;
  • Make sharp circular motions;
  • Wear clinging clothes.

Therapeutic exercises can not only have a positive impact. It is important to know what exercises and sports are contraindicated in scoliosis in children, so as not to harm and not worsen the situation.

  1. Exercises with a vertical axial load, aimed at stretching and increasing the flexibility of the spine, are prohibited.
  2. Flip-flops are traumatic even for healthy children.
  3. Circular motion with turns can not be done.
  4. Dances and rhythmic gymnastics subject the spine to a high uneven load.
  5. Under the ban all exercises with an emphasis on one leg. It is impossible to stand, do attacks forward and sideways.
  6. Football, volleyball, badminton are associated with running and sharp turns of the trunk.
  7. Also, all sports associated with lifting weights are banned.


Any disease can be prevented. If you want the vertebral column to always keep the right bends, it's important to follow a few simple rules.

  • Sleep on the orthopedic mattress;
  • Regular walks on foot;
  • Swimming classes;
  • Proper organization of the workplace;
  • Massage courses every six months;
  • Morning work-out;
  • Support of correct posture.

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A healthy musculoskeletal system is an indispensable condition for a full life and physical activity. Problems with the spine are very common and not only in elderly people, but even in children.

Scoliosis is the most common disease of the musculoskeletal system. This pathological condition should be treated very responsibly and in time to seek medical help.

First of all, it is necessary to find out which doctor heals curvature and how the diagnostic process is going on.

Modern medicine has many methods for the treatment of scoliosis, so if the posture is violated in both the adult and the child,it is necessary to contact a specialist-orthopedistfor further examination.

When to see a doctor

To go with scoliosis is best to a specialist in orthopedics, but in small clinics the problems of curvature of the spine are also dealt with by surgeons and traumatologists. Most often the disease develops in childhood or adolescence, and in some cases, the curvature is congenital.

The main causes of scoliosis are:

  • Injuries: often the disease occurs due to trauma to the pelvic region or lower limbs.
  • Wrong position of the body behind the desk: this reason is considered the most common among school-age children. Due to a long stay in one position, scoliosis gradually develops in children with a curvature of the spine to the right or to the left (sometimes in both directions with the formation of S-shaped scoliosis).
  • The unequal length of the right and left lower limbs is one of the causes of the congenital form of the disease.
  • Inflammatory processes in muscles: due to pain syndrome and weakness of various muscle groups, a person can not maintain a correct posture, which eventually leads to curvature.
  • Diseases of bone: osteochondrosis and radiculitis are complicated by the curvature of the spinal column.

Consult a doctor immediately after finding the following symptoms in yourself or your child:

  1. asymmetric arrangement (with a pronounced pathological process the doctor determines with the naked eye) of the shoulder blades, elbows, pelvis;
  2. curvature of the spinal column: may be C-shaped, S-shaped or Z-shaped;
  3. pain in the back muscles: depending on the localization of the pathological process, the pain may be in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine (in several departments with S- or Z-shaped curvature);
  4. curvature of the spine is accompanied by a decrease in working capacity, pronounced asthenization;
  5. breach of chest configuration;
  6. defeat of other systems of organs: cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive;
  7. headaches, deterioration of cognitive abilities.

At a scoliosis of a backbone the doctor first of all appoints careful inspection for definition of the form and a degree of gravity of disease.


The diagnostic process in scoliosis is not particularly difficult for the doctor. Firstlythe attending physician conducts the examination of the patient, paying special attention to the symmetry of the shoulder blades, elbows, pelvic bones, chest shape and costal arches.

To determine the curvature of the vertebral column of the patient, the physician asks him to bend over, and then passes his fingers along the protruding spinous processes of the vertebrae. Normally they form a straight line and touching them does not cause a sensation of soreness.

The main instrumental examination method is the roentgenogram of the spinal column in the straight and lateral projections. The doctor diagnoses by measuring the angle of curvature.

Also, some doctors use a special device for the diagnosis - scoliosis.

With accompanying pathologies of internal organs, consultations of other doctors and other methods of examination of the body may be necessary.


The specialist begins treatment of scoliosis in a conservative way (without surgical intervention).

In childhood, good results are obtained by respiratory gymnastics, physiotherapy exercises (aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back, forming a correct posture).

The main principle of conservative treatment of scoliosis is regularity in order to achieve the desired result, you need to have patience. Also, doctors can apply the method of treatment with corrective and supporting corsets.

Cure scoliosis in adults in some cases is impossible without surgery. To surgical treatment, doctors resort to when the patient has pronounced deformities of the internal organs or can not stop the pain syndrome. If there is no indication for surgery, physiotherapy, a course of massage and therapeutic gymnastics are prescribed. The doctor deals with spine diseases in one patient over many years, since scoliosis is characterized by a prolonged course and at a certain stage is not subject to complete cure.

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Scoliosis: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Unfortunately, in our time, almost 85% of children show initial signs of scoliotic disease. Propensity to scoliosis is inherited.

This disease develops under the influence of many environmental factors and, hitting the spine, leads as it progresses to degenerative processes in the intervertebral discs, articulations between vertebrae, to a change in the tone of the muscles of the back, to the violation of the functions of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous systems. Therefore, prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of scoliosis are very important.

"Scoliosis" in translation from Greek means "curve which speaks well about the nature of the disease. True scoliosis - curvature of the spine in three planes (frontal, horizontal and sagittal). Simply put, this is the deviation of the vertebral column sideways and its twisting.

Symptoms and methods of diagnosis

Specialists distinguish 4 degrees of scoliosis.

It is necessary to inspect the child for scoliosis 1 time every 4-6 months. After all, this disease, having begun, does not manifest itself as pain or other symptoms. Especially the curvature can progress in the period of growth spikes.

The severity of scoliosis symptoms is directly related to the degree of the disease.
Scoliosis and 1 st degree can be suspected by careful examination and the performance of some clinical tests, which can be done at home.

  1. Asymmetry of the trunk. It is necessary to ask the person to undress to the swimming trunks and stand with his back, pressing his feet to each other and lowering his hands along the trunk Carefully compare the location of the forearms, the angles of the shoulder blades, the waist triangles formed by the loin and freely lowered hands. Pay attention to the crests of the iliac bones. In the front, compare, on one line whether there are collarbones, nipples. If you notice the slightest asymmetry, this is an occasion to consult an orthopedist. Symptoms of asymmetry:
    • one shoulder is higher than the other;
    • one of the thighs is higher than the other;
    • the nipples are not on the same line;
    • one blade buckles more than the other;
    • different triangles of waist (different distance from hands pressed to the body to the waist);
    • one buttock higher than the other;
    • asymmetric position of the head (with cervical scoliosis).

    To notice a slight asymmetry, perform the following test: feel out behind the neck a spinous process 7th cervical vertebra (it protrudes more than others), take a long string with a limb suspended weight.

    If there is no scoliosis and violations of posture, the thread must pass clearly along the spine and gluteal folds. You can also ask the person to lean forward and mark with markers on well-protruding spinous processes of the vertebrae, then connect them.

    If it's not a straight line, but an arc, scoliosis is likely.

  2. How to distinguish scoliosis from a violation of posture? The examinee must lie on his stomach on a hard surface. If in this position the back becomes straight, the posture is broken, if not, it is a scoliotic deformation.
  3. "Ridge hump" - typical for the second and subsequent degrees. You need to ask the researcher to tilt his body anterior, rounding his back and lowering his hands down. You may notice that the ribs on one side are slightly higher.
  4. Muscular cushion. In the same position as the rib hump, a more pronounced muscular cushion can be seen on one side of the spine in the lumbar region. It is observed on the side of the curvature.
  5. Signs that speak of a dysraphic status, i.e., violation of embryonic development. These include: pigmented spots on the skin, telangiectasias (vascular sprouts), pathological hair, nodes along the course of large nerves.

When is it necessary to go to the doctor immediately? If you notice a child has one of the signs of scoliosis, do not hesitate, because scoliosis is very progressive during the growth spurt.

Do not postpone the orthopedist's consultation if there is a difference in the length of the legs, the clothes are not sitting properly, during the physical examination at school there was a violation of posture.

Additional methods for diagnosing scoliosis

When establishing clinical signs of scoliosis, it is required to perform a spine X-ray in the direct and lateral projections. The radiologist will reveal an arc or arcs of curvature, their vertices, will calculate how many degrees they make up.

Also, in the picture of the lumbosacral section, the crests of the ileal bones should be visible. According to their growth zones, a specialist will determine whether there is a risk of progression of scoliosis.

In some cases, the orthopedist can appoint a computer, magnetic resonance imaging.

Methods of treating scoliosis at home

An important component of scoliosis treatment is massage.

Scoliosis does not pass by itself. The choice of treatment tactics depends on the degree of the disease, the dynamics of its development, the age of the patient.

All this is determined by the orthopedist and decides, treat conservatively, or operate.

At an early stage of scoliosis, it is possible to prevent further development of the deformity and reduce the already existing treatment package.

If the disease is started, a surgical correction is performed according to the indications. The operative method does not heal scoliosis, but only eliminates rough deformation, the curvature remains to some extent.

  • Therapeutic exercises for the spine. Exercises should be selected individually, so that they were aimed not only at maintaining muscle tone and strengthening the muscles, but also to correct the scoliotic deformation, which is quite possible on the 1 st and 2 nd degree of scoliosis. Perform gymnastics on a daily basis. And even after the completion of the child's growth, exercise therapy remains one of the most effective ways in the complex treatment of scoliotic disease.
  • Massage of the back and pelvic girdle. With scoliosis of the 1 st degree, it should be conducted by the course of 15-20 procedures 2 times a year, in the case of scoliosis of the 2-3rd degree - 3-4 courses per year. Massage involves reducing the tone of the invertebral muscles on one side and strengthening it on the other.
  • Manual therapy. It should be performed only by an experienced specialist, otherwise it can only worsen the course of scoliosis.
  • Physiotherapy. They can be carried out at home, if you buy a portable device, for example, quantum, magnetotherapy, electromyostimulation. Only he must have a certificate, and before buying it is worth consulting with a physician-physiotherapist. Physiotherapy with scoliosis has the following goals: strengthening the muscular corset, improving blood circulation in the tissues of the spine and eliminating pain, if any.
  • Some sports (swimming, preferably a breaststroke on the chest with an extended pause slip, skiing, skating).
  • Wearing an orthopedic corset for prolonged sitting.

Prophylaxis of scoliosis

  1. Maintaining proper posture. Stand barefoot against the wall and press against it with the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks and feet. Try to keep this position when walking.
  2. If you have to stay in a sitting position for a long time, you need to sit so that your legs are bent at the right angle, your back straight. It is advisable to have a chair with armrests for load distribution. Every 20 minutes you need to do a little workout.
  3. Daily charge, hang on the bar with the knees tightened to the chest.
  4. Active rest (swimming, walking, skiing).
  5. Courses of restorative massage.

Observing these methods of prevention, do not forget to periodically be examined by a doctor.

To which doctor to apply

At a curvature of a backbone it is necessary to address to the orthopedist. The doctor will diagnose and prescribe a treatment in which a physiotherapist, a masseur, a physiotherapist, and an osteopath are actively involved. In severe cases, a surgical operation is performed.

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Scoliosis - lateral curvature of the spine: in children, adolescents, adults

Scoliosis- this is the lateral curvature of the spine, sometimes accompanied by twisting of the vertebrae along the axis or torsion.

Scoliosis of the spinecan be detected earlyin childhood, adolescence and even in adults:

  • scoliosis in childrenoften associated with intrauterine malformation, with low motor activity, a disease of the nervous system. Scoliosis in children can be determined by bulging the shoulder blade, the difference in the height of the shoulders, one arm pressed to the body more than the other. Scoliosis of the spine is most noticeable when tilted forward.
  • scoliosis in adolescentsappears in the years of intensive growth (10-12 years). He is often associated with a wrong posture at the school desk. Scoliosis in adolescents may appear on the basis of embarrassment about their high growth - the child begins to stoop.
  • scoliosis in adultsmay be the result of untreated scoliosis in children, but is most often associated with degenerative changes in the spine (osteoporosis, osteochondrosis).

Scoliosis can appear in any part of the spine, but the most commonscoliosis:

  • chest scoliosis- appears at the level of 8-9 vertebrae and leads to the formation of a costal hump, a violation of breathing.
  • lumbar scoliosis- is at the level of 1-2 vertebrae, develops slowly, but more often leads to pain.
  • s-shaped scoliosisis diagnosed when two arches are detected, that is, a combination of thoracic scoliosis and lumbar scoliosis.s-shaped scoliosiscan cause serious breathing disorders and severe pain in the sacral region.

Recognizescoliosiscan also befeatured, corresponding to the stage of the disease:

  • scoliosis of 1 degreeare defined by stoop, on the lowered head and the reduced shoulders. People with a scoliosis of 1 degree can see the skew of the pelvis and waist, one shoulder is sometimes higher than the other;
  • scoliosis of the 2nd degreeis detected by a strong skew of the pelvis, bulging muscles at the level of the waist. In people with scoliosis of the 2nd degree, the waist and shoulder line is asymmetric;
  • scoliosis of the 3rd degreeObserved with weakened abdominal muscles, rib hump, strong twisting of the vertebrae.


Depending on thecauses of scoliosisallocate:

  1. idiopathic scoliosis- the causes of which are not found.
  2. congenital scoliosis- underdevelopment of the vertebrae due to bad habits of the mother, malnutrition during pregnancy.
  3. acquired scoliosisoccurs after spinal injuries, with different lengths of legs, flat feet, when choosing the wrong posture for work, with malnutrition and poor physical development, after rickets, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, sciatica.

It is believed that after 20 years the spine can not be corrected, therefore parents at the first signsscoliosis in childrenshould consult a surgeon. The doctor will quickly determine the stage of scoliosis and appoint a set of procedures and exercises to help stop the development of the disease.

The goaltreatment of scoliosisis the correction of the curvature of the spine and its stabilization in the corrected position. For this, it is necessary to use the scoliosis-affected area.

The result is achieved through comprehensive measures:

  • massage with scoliosis;
  • lfk with scoliosis;
  • water procedures and swimming in scoliosis;
  • Stimulation of muscles in scoliosis.

Massageshould be done by a manual therapist. Only a specialist can achieve correction of scoliosis, relieve muscle tension and stop the development of the disease.

To strengthen the muscles of the backat homeyou can useset of exercises:

  1. Lying on his stomach at the same time lift up arms and legs, stretched out straight above the floor. Hold in this position for a few seconds.
  2. Standing on all fours, simultaneously pull forward your right arm and back your left leg. To repeat exercise mirror.
  3. In the composition of gymnastics in scoliosis must necessarily include vises on the crossbar and pull-ups.

Parents who discoveredscoliosis in childrenor preoccupiedprevention of scoliosis, should purchase a gym wall in the nursery to provide the child with sufficient motor activity.

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