In the body of each person there is a certain amount of opportunistic microflora. These microbes do not manifest themselves in normal conditions, and most people do not even suspect their presence. However, when creating favorable conditions, the colonies of these organisms begin to multiply rapidly, and the products of their vital activity exert a toxic effect on surrounding tissues. Among these parasites is the subcutaneous tick Demodex.
1Definition of disease
4Possible complications
5.1Medication Therapy
5.2Folk remedies
Definition of disease
It is believed that 70 to 100% of the adult population of the globe are prone to infection with this parasite.Favorite places of its location - forehead, chin, nose and adjacent areas, as well as the edge of the eyelids. On the eyelids, in addition to the follicles of the eyelashes, the outlets of the sebaceous glands are located, and this is the most favorable environment for the development of the tick.
butusually a parasite is on the eyelids in a small amount - with the study in each outlet of the gland is detected no more than 3 individuals of the parasite.To a stronger assimilation Demodex is not able for a simple reason - the skin is part of the body's immune system, and means, interferes with the introduction of extraneous microflora, maintaining a certain chemical composition at the site parasite.
And herewhen the protective functions of the organism are weakened, the tick is immediately activated, its number increases in several In this case, a huge amount of toxic products of vital activity is released, which causes inflammation.In addition, the likelihood of joining a bacterial infection is high.
Common diseases of the eye lids
Activation of the tick occurs under certain conditions, and they appear, as a rule, in the case of failures in the functioning of various systems of the body.For increased multiplication of the parasite, at a minimum, more nutrients are needed than under normal conditions. That is, the sebaceous glands should work more intensively. An additional factor is the decrease in protective functions. These two main conditions begin to work in the presence of certain factors:
Chronic GI Pathology: gastritis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, dysbiosis, etc. ;
Failures in the work of the nervous system: stress, neurosis, depression;
Thermal action: visiting baths and saunas, tanning beds and paired, ultraviolet radiation;
Unbalanced diet: with abundant nutrition of fatty and sweet, fried and canned food, the metabolism is disrupted and salutation is increased;
Use of hormonal drugs: both medicamentous and cosmetic.
To activate the parasite predisposes any agent, as a result of which increases the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Provocative factors may also be non-compliance with hygiene norms and the use of other household items (cosmetics, hairbrushes, towels, eye drops).
Initial signs of activation of the parasite can be permanent itching in the area of lesions: on the eyelids, in the nose, forehead and chin. Sometimes the tick becomes active in the scalp. Intensive reproduction is accompanied by increased isolation of the products of the vital activity of the parasite, which invariably leads to inflammation of the affected area. With lesions of the eyelids, demodicosis symptoms are:
Redness and hyperemia of the eyelids. Skin on the eyelids becomes inflamed, swells, as the inflammation increases blood supply;
Eyelash Dropping. Since the follicles are located next to the meibomian glands, they are affected first;
Adhesive film. As a result of the progression of the process, a yellow sticky discharge appears on the edge of the eyelid, which often causes eyelashes to stick.Infection with Demodex
Inflammation of the eyelid edges is accompanied by a constant itch, intensifying at night, burning and heaviness in the eyelids, leading to a feeling of constant eye fatigue. Often demodicosis of the eyes is accompanied by inflammation of the skin of the face and head: the affected areas become elevated, with a bumpy surface, constantly itch and itch, have a characteristic sebaceous shine. One of the characteristic signs of the development of demodicosis is acne.
Possible complications
With progression, any of the complications can have an adverse effect on visual acuity or cause more serious eye pathologies. Therefore, demodicosis, like any infection, should be treated at the earliest stages.
At an apparent low problematic, the disease can cause a number of eye pathologies, which, if you ignore the symptoms, go into a chronic form. And in this case the treatment is already stretching for months and even years.
Most often, if untimely or incorrect treatment of eyelid demodectomy can develop the following eye pathologies:
Conjunctivitis.The inflammatory process in the conjunctiva is the most frequent consequence of the activation of the parasite on the eyelids, since the mucosa is closest to them;
Blepharitis.To blepharitis carry any inflammatory process on the eyelids, including bacterial, viral or fungal. Demodekoznoe inflammation often becomes only the beginning, and without treatment to the parasite can join other microbes;
Marginal keratitis. Inflammation of the periphery of the cornea arises as a result of chronic blepharoconjunctivitis and can lead to the spread of the process to the deep layers of the cornea with a significant decrease in the quality of vision;
Halyazion.As a result of the blocking of the meibomian gland at the edge of the eyelid, a small seal appears in the form a granule, most often not having pathological consequences, but acting only as a cosmetic defect;
Syndrome of a "dry" eye. With this pathology, there is a disturbance in the production of eye moisture or a change in its chemical composition, which leads to discomfort in the case of hard eye work.
Laboratory research on the detection of a parasite is carried out with the help of a ciliary test:
For analysis, take 4 cilia from the upper and lower eyelids on each eye;
Cilia are placed on a slide, where an alkaline solution of 10-20% concentration is added;
If a number of ticks is found that exceeds the norm, the infection is considered diagnosed.Analysis for demodicosis
The test can be performed in the presence of a patient with a microscope, since no special studies are needed for detection. If required, then scrape from the skin to check the activation of the parasite in other areas of the face.
Medication Therapy
Conservative treatment in the treatment of the disease includes the use of the following drugs:
Tosmilen (drops);
The drugs have an irreversible paralyzing effect on the musculature of the mite, after which the parasite is removed by washing or rubbing the eyes with a moistened tampon in the saline solution.
In addition, some cosmetic products have a curative effect:
Blepharogel-2- has a tonic and antiseptic effect, effectively eliminates the itching and puffiness of the eyelids;
Demazol- Eye Cream, successfully eliminates signs of inflammation when infected with a tick, while carefully caring for the skin;
Colbiocin- The agent is used to treat blepharoconjunctivitis and demodectic eyelids as part of complex therapy.Blepharogel is used in the treatment of demodectic
However, the use of all these drugs will be ineffective, if not adhere to several rules ensuring uncomfortable "living" of the tick in the body and preventing re-entry infection:
Changing the power mode. Most often, the impetus for activating the parasite is the creation by man himself of an abundant base for his nutrition. And this happens with an unbalanced diet, resulting in obesity and increased work of the sebaceous glands. To understand how to eat, you need to visit a nutritionist;
Disinfection of cosmetic accessories. Reduce the risk of re-infection can be replaced by absolutely all cosmetic products, since they can already be infected, and such accessories as scissors, tweezers, tweezers, should be disinfected;
Medical and cosmetic events. During certain cosmetic procedures (cleaning, microdermabrasion), the most infected external part of the skin surface is removed, where the most numerous congestion of mites is located. The fruit peeling performed after this creates the most unfavorable conditions for further reproduction of the parasite.
In order to prevent recharging, it is recommended to iron the pillowcases daily, since the pliers can not bear high t and perish.
Folk remedies
In addition to drug therapy, you can use drugs according to folk recipes:
Prepare an infusion of wormwood(2 tbsp. l. dry herbs for 1 liter) for 3 hours after 5 minutes. boiling. After that, take 100 ml every day around the clock: Monday - every hour, Tuesday - every 2 hours, from Wednesday to Saturday - every 3 hours. Course - 6 days. The broth will help not only get rid of the parasite, but also cleanse the intestines;
Make infusion of 2 tbsp. l. Tansy in a glass of boiling water for an hour.The filtered infusion is used to instill the eyes three times a day for 2 drops, after that, from the flowers left from the infusion, compresses are applied to the eyes. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. Before the procedure, it is recommended to gently rub the edges of the eyelids with alcohol or a tar soap solution;
On the face and eyelids apply daily napkins, moistened in the juice of fresh tomatoes, for 15 minutes.The course of treatment is 20 days;
Massage of lids- an effective tool for moving the tick from the lining of the eyelids to the exit from the glands. Conduct it from the middle of the eyelids to the edges with light rotational movements for 10-15 minutes, after which the edges of the eyelids are treated with decoction of oak bark, calendula, chamomile.
When using folk remedies, first of all, do not forget about eye safety: such means as alcohol, tar soap, garlic juice, should not fall on the conjunctiva. In any case, a doctor's consultation before the start of folk treatment will be superfluous.
To avoid activating the parasite in your body, try to protect yourself as much as possible by applying a few simple rules:
Observe the rules of personal hygiene: washing, washing hands with soap, using only their cosmetics and hygiene items;
Adhere to the diet of reasonable restraint, avoiding excessive entrainment of fatty and sweet foods;
Limit exposure to ultraviolet light on the face and eyes with special glasses and creams, since excessive heat is one of the triggers of demodecosis;
Try daily ironing pillow cases and towels and, if possible, get rid of pillows and blankets made of natural materials, replacing them with synthetic ones.
If you have already been diagnosed with demodicosis, limit close communication with family members for the period of treatment, and try to convince them to use prevention tools.
For this period it is also forbidden to visit swimming pools and saunas, sunbathing, hypothermia.
Than to treat an inflammation of eyelids of an eye - effective eye drops
What is toric colored contact lenses and what is the purpose of ophthalmology described here.
The glasses for driving in the dark are described in this article.
Demodectic eyelids, as a rule, affects the body during periods of malfunction of the immune system. Therefore, the most optimal solution will be increased attention to the general immunity of the body: saturation of the diet natural vitamins and microelements, a mobile lifestyle, hardening procedures, the absence of harmful habits.
If the infection still intensified, do not try to cure it yourself - this will expose you to unnecessary danger not only yourself, but your loved ones. A qualified specialist will help to select effective drugs in accordance with individual health characteristics and in the shortest time to get rid of an unpleasant disease.
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