Farsightedness in one-year-old children is normal or pathological?

From medical statistics it is known that hyperopia is detected in 90 newborns out of 100. Almost all babies are born with hyperopia of the eyes.This phenomenon is considered the norm, and to a certain age, parents should not worry much. However, one should not forget about the periodic visit (at least once a year) of the oculist. In some cases, child hypermetropia can be pathological.


  • 1What is hyperopia?
  • 2How does the disease develop in children?
  • 3The causes of farsightedness in newborns
  • 4Is it possible to detect hyperopia in children?
  • 5Do correction of hyperopia in children under 1 year of age?
  • 6Consequences and complications
  • 7Tips for parents
  • 8Video
  • 9conclusions

What is hyperopia?

Hyperopia (hypermetropia) - violation of refraction of the eye, which is characterized by the fact that the image of objects is formed behind the retina of the eye.With farsightedness the child's eye axis is much shorter. Another variant of development is the weak refractive power of the cornea. With a low degree of hypermetropia (up to +3 diopters), vision is good near and far, but sometimes a person has complaints about headaches, rapid fatigue of the eyes.

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The average degree of farsightedness (up to +5 diopters) is characterized by good vision in the distance and impaired vision near.With a high degree of hypermetropia (above +5 diopters), the patient does not see well in the distance, and near.

Hyperopia is a typical phenomenon for people over 45 years of age. However, this type of violation received its name - presbyopia or age-long-sightedness. In the same article, we will talk about the child's pathology - hypermetropia.

How does the disease develop in children?

Almost all children are born with the diagnosis of hyperopia, but, as a rule, most of them by the age of 10 get sight, close to normal.The average degree of hyperopia (up to +5 diopters) is the norm for young children, since at the time of birth the eyeball is shorter than necessary. But as the baby grows up, the eyeball grows.

Newborn babies usually appear light with an average degree of farsightedness (about +3 diopters). As the development and further formation of the visual system, the number of diopters decreases, and by 3 years is about +1 or +, diopters.But sometimes babies are born with a high degree of farsightedness, which, as the child grows up, does not decrease. And to reveal this, it is very important to be observed regularly with an ophthalmologist.

Doctors-oculists should track the tendency to improve the refraction of the eye. The first examination is carried out at about 6 months of age, the second - at one-year-old age. The norm for a one-year-old baby is the index of hyperopia in +, diopters.

The causes of farsightedness in newborns

The reasons for the development of pathology of hyperopia are very many, and it is practically impossible to establish the exact factor in each individual case.The visual system of the child begins to form immediately after conception, and everything can affect the course of its development: mom's nutrition, stresses, ecology, heredity, etc.The hereditary factor in this case plays a key role: if the parents have visual problems, then the risk of having a child with a pathology is very high. Whatever the reason for the violation, it is necessary to observe the child from the oculist after birth.

Is it possible to detect hyperopia in children?

Hypermetropia in children 1 year can be detected only at the reception of the oculist.When the pupil dilates the pupil, the lens relaxes, only in this case the true refraction of the eye is manifested.

All children under 3 years of age have a stock of farsightedness. But in rare cases, it may not correspond to the norm, and then with time, complications and problems with vision may appear.For example, if the eyeball is growing, ahead of the age limit, it means that the child has insufficient stock.In this case, there is a risk of developing myopia. With excessive stock, which is characterized by a delay in the growth of the eyeball, the child may have the opposite complication - hyperopia.

Vision organs in the baby actively develop in the period from 1 year to 3 years. If during this period the pathology was detected and timely treatment was conducted, there is every chance that the child will have good eyesight in later life.

Hyperopia is manifested not only by blurred vision near, but also by headaches, and also by burning in the eyes.Children with hypermetropia can become irritable and withdrawn.

Check of vision at the one-year-old child at the ophthalmologist

Do correction of hyperopia in children under 1 year of age?

Correction of hyperopia in children under 3 years is not carried out.At this age it is dangerous to use glasses and contact lenses to improve vision.The same goes for the possibility of microsurgical operations on the eyes. Before the end of the period of active eye growth, operative interventions on the visual organ are extremely rare.

In older age glasses can be used to correct hypermetropia.In adolescence, lens correction is allowed. But laser surgery can be prescribed only to patients older than 16 years.

To correct vision, one-year-old children with farsightedness are allowed to wear special glasses

Consequences and complications

If hypermetropia is not treated in a timely manner, then the development of such complications as:

  • strabismus;
  • amblyopia;
  • glaucoma;
  • frequent inflammatory diseases of the eyes.

Convergent strabismus is the most frequent companion of children's farsightedness (40% of cases).This complication has a negative effect on the formation of the entire visual system in the child.That is why the treatment of hyperopia in children should start as soon as possible.
Amblyopia is a kind of farsightedness, in which vision correction is not possible either with contact lenses or with glasses. This is due to disorders in the cerebral cortex, when the visual system can not compensate for hyperopia. Amblyopia can develop with infant hyperopia above +3 diopters.

People with farsightedness are prone to inflammatory eye diseases (barley, conjunctivitis, blepharitis). Thus, timely diagnosis and treatment of hyperopia will save a small patient not only from vision problems, but also reduce the likelihood of ocular inflammation.

Glaucoma in the farsightedness may appear due to a prolonged course of the disease, leading to a violation of the outflow of intraocular fluid.The liquid accumulates in the eye, the intraocular pressure rises, the optic nerve is damaged. All of this over time can lead to blindness. Glaucoma in children manifests itself with teary eyes and convulsive contraction of the eyelids.Children older with increased intraocular pressure may notice spots around the light sources.

All these complications can be prevented if the problem of hyperopia is detected early. Today, an ophthalmologist can establish a stock of farsightedness even before 1 year. After 3 years, the doctor, if necessary, will write out glasses and prescribe special gymnastics. When strabismus is complete treatment of the visual system.

Tips for parents

To prevent farsightedness in children, it is necessary to regularly take examinations from an ophthalmologist.

Small children, as a rule, do not know or do not notice their problems with eyesight, therefore the doctor's office should be visited at least once a year, even if the child has no complaints about vision.Such responsible attitude of the parents will allow to detect the disease in the child on time, and this in several times reduces the risk of complications. The consequences of hypermetropia can be prevented if correct and correct correction is performed in time.

In addition, it is necessary to teach the child to observe a number of rules:

  • The correct lighting mode for reading, writing and other visual loads.
  • Observance of the regime of visual loads.Parents need to monitor the time spent by the child at reading or at the computer. Teach a growing kid to take regular breaks to let your eyes rest. It is desirable that tense visual work alternated with active rest.
  • Performing gymnastics for the eyes to relax and train the eye muscles.
  • General strengthening of the body:sports, massage, in general - an active way of life.
  • Balanced diet.In the diet should be present foods containing proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements in the amount necessary for the child's body.

Symptoms of retinal detachment.

How to improve vision in 5 minutes: read the practical guide in this article.

Cataract: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention: http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/katarakta/pomutnenie-xrustalika-glaaz.html




So, we found out what is hypermetropia in children and that in the overwhelming majority of cases, hyperopia in children under 1 year is a normal phenomenon.Nevertheless, parents need to be vigilant and periodically visit the oculist in time to identify a possible pathology. Observe preventive measures, pay attention to the nuances of the child's behavior. It is better to score a false alarm than to start a disease such as hyperopia in children under one year.

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