Lozenges from cough at home with their own hands: a recipe for chocolatesEvery person has often experienced such a manifestation of colds as a cough.But very few people know that it can be cured at home using lollipops prepared independently.Such sweets allow me to fight to forget about the persecution in the throat, so that the patient can sleep peacefully at night.Typically, the recipe for this delicious medicine includes: sugar; essential oils (mint, eucalyptus); grass; caramel dye. This i...
Severe dry cough in an adult without fever: causes and treatmentFrequent coughing is a common symptom of various diseases. A constant, dry cough causes a lot of discomfort to a person both during the day and at night, significantly complicating his life.Treatment of this manifestation directly depends on the cause of its occurrence. Therapy may be symptomatic or include the taking of specific drugs (antibiotics, hormones and the like).Causes of appearanceDry cough is a reflex-protective react...
Benefits of ginger from cough, recipesCough - a frequent phenomenon (here you can see the causes of coughing and sore throat). The root of ginger, as a folk remedy for cough, has found application in many national cuisines of the peoples of the world. All thanks to the exquisite aroma and spicy taste. But this is not the only use of this product. Ginger is popular in folk and traditional medicine. From it, effective medicines for cold are prepared. The plant successfully treats acute and chro...
Why bother coughing when you go to bed?Sometimes it happens that it disturbs the cough when you lie down. This is a very unpleasant phenomenon. In the daytime, when we are active, the cough does not hinder so much. Why does it make itself felt in the recumbent position, what is the cause of this state of affairs?Cough can be characterized not only as the main sign of the inflammatory process, as many believe. Cough is a protective measure that organizes the human immune system. With the help ...
Green sputum when coughingSputum green for cough: causesCoughing is not an independent disease, it is rather a symptom of other unpleasant conditions. It is precisely the causes of the onset of such a condition and the nature of its course that can be evidenced by sputum released during coughing.Sputum contains enough immune cells that are capable of providing reliable protection of the body against pathogenic microorganisms. With the development of inflammatory processes, sputum appears in t...
Recipes with banana from coughNot tasty, bitter and viscous medicines from reflex act are accepted not only by children, but also by adults. How to solve this problem? This can be done with the help of all known and beloved fruit. The medicine for banana cough is not only tasty, but also useful. And what could be better than being treated with pleasure?There are several known and effective recipes for the use of banana from cough. In them, this fruit is the main ingredient.The first and main ...
Dry cough in the baby at nightThe appearance of a cough in a child at night indicates that in this way the children's organism is protected from foreign pathogens, microorganisms, mucus. A strong dry cough in a child's sleep helps to clear his throat, trachea and bronchi. Do not worry for a long time about the fact that the child coughs at night - it is necessary to establish precisely the cause of what is happening.Causes of dry cough at night in a childNot necessarily the reason for a dry c...
Advise people to cough for children. urgentlyAnswers:WilliamPottery from eggsEgg medicine can cure even the most severe cough, which is not amenable to the treatment of modern medicine. This recipe I got from my grandmother, who at one time quickly put anyone on their feet. Once she with this prescription could cure even a strong bronchitis! Time has passed a lot, but I still use this ancient folk remedy for cough.To prepare the egg mixture, you must first boil a glass of milk. Then add a tab...
What is the cure for pregnancy during early and late periods?Cough, as one of the symptoms of colds, causes discomfort to any person, and what to say about pregnant women.It can happen on any day of long-awaited pregnancy - the immunity in these 9 months is significantly weakened, hypothermia or the slightest contact with a sick person, which may seem healthy in appearance, easily leads to cold, acute respiratory infections.It is important to understand that coughing is not a disease, but a s...
Features of treatment of dry cough during pregnancyConsidering the fact that during the period of bearing a child in the body of a woman, inevitably there is a decrease in the immune system, it is difficult to avoid catarrhal diseases. Very dangerous for the fetus of the child are diseases that are accompanied by a symptom such as coughing. As the experts themselves say, dry cough during pregnancy can worsen the child's development process, so do not let the disease run its course.What is dan...
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