Folk remedies for coughing a child 2 years old

Advise people to cough for children. urgently



Pottery from eggs
Egg medicine can cure even the most severe cough, which is not amenable to the treatment of modern medicine. This recipe I got from my grandmother, who at one time quickly put anyone on their feet. Once she with this prescription could cure even a strong bronchitis! Time has passed a lot, but I still use this ancient folk remedy for cough.

To prepare the egg mixture, you must first boil a glass of milk. Then add a tablespoon of butter and honey. But other than that, add a well-beaten egg yolk and just a little bit of soda, about 1/4 of a teaspoonful. This is a very effective tool, not only from cough, but also from bronchitis, laryngitis and tracheitis!
Treatment of cough in children with folk remedies
For cough treatment in children, I have long been using a very simple folk prescription. Although the recipe is simple, it is very effective in treating cough, since after the first application you feel relief. First, bring to a boil half a liter of milk. When the milk boils, remove it from the heat and add one tablespoon of pine buds. Insist an hour and you can drink. You need to drink the broth for the whole day. That's all. Next, repeat the procedure as needed

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Folk cough treatment
From one big lemon make juice using a juicer. Pour the prepared lemon juice into a glass. Pour 2 tablespoons of glycerin, and fill the remaining space with honey. Thoroughly mix everything. You should get a solution in the form of syrup. With infrequent cough, take one teaspoon, several times a day. If coughing pains you often, then take a teaspoon 6 times a day, including morning and evening before going to bed. As you recover, reduce the number of techniques. This cough remedy is recommended for adults and children alike.

Zhenya Swan

liquorice root

nona nona

Old Russian recipe: a teaspoon of sugar is heated on the flame (the capacity should be taken 2 times more) to the state-a brown liquid treacle, then lowered into half a cup of water (quickly). The water effervesces and turns sharply into a brown color. The drink is pleasant to taste (caramel), children drink with pleasure, they need to drink more. Cough passes quickly. Cheap, reliable and efficient.


For 1 glass of honey juice of one lemon and a standard bottle of glycerin 5 ml. All mixed and given, in the morning on an instant, before breakfast and after, before dinner and after, before dinner and after dinner and at night. Works on all 100. Stir before each use.

allahu akbar

pakupaesh round radish is desirable black means ulyshaesh of pulp and honey is poured into it then it all costs an hour5-6 and then it is to drink a little

Alla Vasilyeva

Take a ripe banana, rub it on a grater or knead it with a wooden tolkushka, add 1 teaspoon of sugar + a little boiled water of 40 degrees. Give the child this mixture to drink, you can divide into 2 portions.


Leave the "folk remedies" to our grandmothers! We live in the 21st century. Look at this and you will know how to properly cure cough:
Good health!

Effective folk remedies for dry cough for children

Folk remedies for dry cough for children are used by very many parents in the period of their baby's illness. Often, some folk remedies can cure a child faster and without harm to health. Catarrhal and viral diseases are almost always accompanied by a cough in children. Very often he is dry, prolonged and barking, the child does not sleep well at night because of a debilitating cough. The child in such cases should be shown to the pediatrician who will prescribe the medication - medicamental or homeopathic, depending on the severity of the disease. In most cases, doctors prescribe antibiotics and antitussives, but what should children do that are allergic to sweet syrups and suspensions? Folk remedies and compresses come into the fight against this disease.

Dry cough in children

Recipes from improvised products

A very large number of recipes are prepared at home from the products available in the refrigerator of each hostess, or herbs that are can be purchased at a pharmacy or a store, and they will cost much less than ready-made dry cough syrups.

For example, the most proven recipe for dry cough is a black radish with honey. The preparation is very simple: we cut the radish into cubes and fill it with honey; After the radish leaves the juice, the syrup is ready for use. It is very important to make fresh syrup every day, and take it up to 5-6 times a day for 1 teaspoon or dessert - depending on the age of the child. Cough is literally in a matter of days.

Dry cough well softens warm milk, which is added a little honey, a piece of butter and soda at the tip of the knife. This drink not only eases tracheal cough, but also soothes perspiration in the throat.

Mother-and-stepmother with dry coughFrom coughing helps out a pharmacy decoction of herb-coltsfoot. 1 tbsp. l. herbs pour 1 cup of boiled water at room temperature, bring to a boil in a water bath, filter and take 25-30 minutes before eating.

There are other herbs, and ready-made antitussives, which are brewed in a manner similar to mother-and-stepmother. The effect of taking such herbal decoctions is a hundred times better and more useful than ready-made suspensions.

For cough, sugar is also used: 1 st. l. sugar-sand. When heated, it begins to melt and changes its color to caramel. Then the resulting candy is bred in a glass of boiled water. Thus, a ready-made syrup from a cough prepared at home is obtained.

Are inhalation effective?

In the old days our grandmothers knew that inhalations and heat were the best healers from coughing. To do this, they heated the bathhouse, brewed the herbs and inhaled the medicinal compounds in the steam room. Even in the fight against dry cough, the native stove helped: she warmed the sick child to the bronchi, as a result, the cough passed very quickly.

In our time, inhalations can be carried out in the bath and under the blanket with a hot water bottle, as well as buy a special inhaler. And the heating was replaced with mustard and all kinds of compresses from cough.

Inhalation with dry coughInhalations can be done with:
  • eucalyptus;
  • baking soda;
  • decoction of calendula flowers;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • chamomile medicinal;
  • mother-and-stepmother.

After inhalation of a cold, a child needs to go to bed. Usually inhalations are carried out at night. After them, the child's well-being improves and sleep becomes normal.

Cough compresses

With the help of compresses, mustard plasters and rubbing, getting rid of a child's cough can be much faster. In places where the compress is applied, blood circulation increases, and thus the inflammatory process decreases.

Compresses are liquid, in the form of lozenges and alcohol. They can be prepared from pharmacies and antibiotics, but the composition of the compress is prescribed by the doctor. Gorchichniki and compresses are put to a sick child in the absence of increased fever. Consider the simplest and most frequently used recipes in everyday life.

Applying a compress to the throat when coughing
  1. Recipe number 1. Cake. It is made from honey, corn oil and flour.
  2. Recipe number 2. Another cake can be prepared from boiled potatoes in a uniform, which must be crushed with a fork, add a little alcohol tincture, honey and mustard powder.
  3. Recipe number 3. Honey compress is an excellent treatment for dry cough. Honey is heated in a water bath to the body temperature of the person, spread on the chest or back of the baby, on top put a cabbage leaf, cover with cellophane and wrap. This compress is done for the whole night or at least 4 hours.
  4. Recipe number 4. Oil compress. It is prepared in a ratio of 10: 1 from olive oil and the addition of essential oils of pine, eucalyptus, and needles.

All the above compresses help cure dry cough in children, but a compress, which includes alcohol tincture, it is not recommended to place children under 2 years old or children suffering from thyroid gland diseases.

In diseases of the respiratory tract it is important to replenish the body with vitamins. Perfect for these purposes is a decoction of rose hips. This berry is used as one of the best remedies for restoring the body's immune system.

Get rid of coughs

Benefits of honey with a dry coughHoney and plantain can be used in the fight against coughing. You need to take honey and plantain juice in equal proportions, cook them on low heat for 20 minutes, then cool and take 1 tbsp. l. for 20-30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

A very effective cough remedy is badger fat. Children up to 3 years of age are only used as rubbing for the feet, chest and back. Rinsing is carried out at night, the child is then wrapped in a warm blanket and woolen socks are put on feet. A few days of such treatment is enough - and the cold recedes. Older children can be given for 1 hour. l. badger fat, diluted with warm milk or mixed with honey, inside 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

It helps a lot from celery bronchitis. 4 g celery root pour 1 liter of water and insist 8 hours, filter and drink this infusion for 1 hour. l. 3 times a day.

Children are very fond of drinking delicious teas and compotes with raspberries, and this berry helps fight dry cough. If the house is not jam, you can break the sprig of raspberry or brew 2 tbsp. l. her leaves for 300-350 ml of boiling water, let the broth brew and take it half a cup 3 times a day. If desired, you can add sugar to it.

Cure a child can cure a currant. In a juice processor or a juicer, you need to make juice from 2 kg of currant, add 2 tbsp. l. honey or sugar. Such juice can be drunk instead of tea without restriction: it not only relieves of cough, but also saturates the body with vitamins.

To children prepare a decoction from oats, it perfectly fights with a cough. For this recipe, take 1 cup of raw oats, pour 1.5 liters of fresh milk, rinse in the oven for 2 hours on low heat. Then wrap in a warm towel and leave until completely cooled down for about 4 hours, then filter and give a child a drink during the day for several receptions.

Onions in the fight against coughing

Onions for the treatment of dry coughTraditional medicine has a large number of recipes containing this golden vegetable. This product is in every house, it is loved in many countries. Onions have curative properties: it contains volatile substances phytoncides, which destroy pathogenic and putrefactive bacteria. In the fight against colds and coughs, he proved himself only on the positive side.

Onion recipes:

  1. To prepare onion syrup, it is necessary to grind 1 onion, add to it 2 tbsp. l. sugar and leave to infuse for the night. The next morning you need to start giving your baby a half-hour syrup. l. fractional throughout the day.
  2. 2 bulbs in the husks and 1 glass of sugar pour 1 liter of water, bring to a boil and languish on the stove for 1 hour, after which we cool to a warm state and take it inside.
  3. 2 bulbs of medium size pour 1 glass of milk, cook on low heat for 4 hours, then insist in a dark place. Such milk-onion syrup is given to children three times a day for 1 hour. l.

In conclusion, I would like to wish all children health, because traditional medicine is an excellent doctor in the fight against colds and cough, the main thing is to observe the proportions and follow the prescription exactly. If you treat complex, then the disease very quickly recedes, but if you treat negligently health, then a slight malaise can result in a number of complications. Be healthy!

Effective popular cough recipes for children and adults

Find today a person who has never experienced in his life what a cough is, probably impossible. Moreover, many people have to spend a huge amount of time and effort to get rid of this disease, not to mention the money. But before you run to the pharmacy for medicines, it's worth trying to apply folk recipes from coughs for children and adults.

Types of cough

The beginning of treatment should be preceded by a clarification of the cause. After all, not always it is a question of a cough obtained as a result of a cold or any infection, and accordingly, not in all cases it can be eliminated at home. The use of folk remedies can eliminate coughing of the following types:

- Wet. It is characterized by cyclicity and stops after the removal of phlegm, which is why there is relief. This cough with sputum accumulation resumes. To treat it should be mokrotorazhizhayuschimi means for the preparation of which you can use the national recipes from coughing to children.

- It's dry. In the people it is called "barking" cough. It appears at the beginning of the disease. In this case, it is necessary to cause sputum expectoration.

folk recipes from cough for children

Folk recipes for a strong cough should not be used with such types of it as spastic, pertussis, night, prolonged, appearing with physical exertion, and also psychogenic.

Moist cough. Folk recipes of medicines

The main task in the fight against wet cough is to relieve sputum. The most difficult to achieve this with a child's cough, because sputum in children is more viscous than in adults. It is important that the mucus from the baby's bronchi is removed as soon as possible, since it is the center of bacterial development.

There are the following folk recipes for cough for children:

- 1 tbsp. a spoon of chopped figs is poured over 300 ml of boiling water, the mixture is simmered on low heat for about 10-12 minutes, then it should be filtered, cooled and given to the child 100 ml after eating;

- mix the juice of black radish and chilled boiled milk in a ratio of one to two, add 1 hour. a spoonful of honey and use 1 tbsp. spoon after eating;

- Cut a medium-sized onion into a saucepan, add 500 ml of milk, boil and insist on four hours, take the remedy every four hours; Similarly, you can prepare a beverage from garlic (5 denticles).

Each recipe for a strong cough, given above, can be used to treat not only children, but also adults.

Dry cough - the better to treat?

When fighting dry cough, there are special features. However, folk medicine is not powerless here either. Very good in this case helps a hot decoction of dates. To make it, you need to take about 10 dates, pour 0.5 liters of water and cook for 30 minutes. In many cases, after such treatment, dry cough stops.

folk recipes from a strong cough

Folk recipes also imply the treatment with chocolate butter, which can be prepared as follows: place in a pan 3 tbsp. spoon of pork fat, 100 g of butter and melt them, then add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa and 100 g of chocolate. The mixture is cooled and, spreading it on bread, eat 4-5 times a day. To drink this kind of delicacy for a child is best with warm milk with a pinch of soda. Such treatment is especially pleasing to children, because, unlike numerous medicines, broths and infusions, this oil is very tasty.

Considering folk recipes from a dry cough, it is also worth mentioning one more remedy. To make it, you need to pour a medium-sized lemon over the water and boil it over a small fire for 10-12 minutes. Then the lemon should be taken out and, cut in half, squeezed out the juice, add 2 tbsp. spoonful of glycerin and honey to a full glass. Take should be 2 hours. spoons three times a day.

Treatment of cough with the help of mother-and-stepmother

The mother-and-stepmother is also very popular in the treatment of cough. This plant, thanks to the substances contained in its leaves (acids, glycosides, polysaccharides, carotenoids, mucus, tannins), has an excellent expectorant effect. In addition, it reduces pain when coughing, disinfects and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Traditional medicine recipes for cough with maintenance of mother-and-stepmother offers the following:

  • 1 tbsp. Spoon the leaves of the plant with water (200 ml) and, stirring, heat for 15 minutes on a pair. Then cool, strain and dilute with boiling water to 200 ml. Take 100 ml. The daily dose should be 300-400 ml.
  • Fresh flowers should be poured with alcohol in a ratio of one to one and insist for a week in a dark place. Take 30-35 drops inside before meals. It should be noted that this tool can be used only in the treatment of cough in adults.
folk recipes for cough

Folk recipes for the treatment of cough in young children

Great attention is required treatment of cough in the home in children under 3 years old. Not every recipe for folk cough remedies can be used to treat a small child. The most popular among the people are freshly squeezed juices of vegetables such as carrots and cabbage. Carrot juice for infants should be given, pre-mixing it with sugar syrup in a ratio of 1: 2. A cabbage juice should be diluted with sugar syrup in a ratio of 1: 1.

A good effect in eliminating children's cough can be achieved with the help of infusions of pine buds, for the preparation of which it is necessary to put 1 tbsp. spoon the pine buds into a saucepan and, filling them with 500 ml of milk, bring to a boil and insist. Give the child 50 ml of infusion once every 1-2 hours.

Some folk recipes for coughing for children provide for the use of funds that need not be taken inside, but rubbed by them the chest and back of the baby. It's about badger fat. After grinding the child should be warmly wrapped, so that it sweats, then necessarily change into dry linen.

Recipes for cough with onion

Excellent and helps the onion from coughing. Folk recipes could not do without this root, because it is indispensable in the treatment of cough and cold, as well as the prevention of the latter. For treatment, it is necessary to mix the juice of two medium bulbs with 100 g of sugar and cook the mixture for 10 minutes, cool it, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, take 1 h. spoon several times a day.

cough onions folk recipes

There is an easier way of preparing an anti-cough remedy. It is necessary to cut the onion and, having folded into a jar, sprinkle it with sugar. Allow to stand for several hours, after which to give the juice of the child with a discharge in a dosage of 1 h. spoon three times a day.

The decoction of onions prepared as follows is also effective: put 1 liter of water in a saucepan, 2 onions in a peel, 200 g of sugar, stir and boil for an hour over low heat. Take warm for 100 grams, for children, enough 50 grams. These popular cough recipes for children will surely please, because such medicines are sweet, despite the slightly poignant taste of the onion itself.

Folk recipes using black radish

A number of useful properties and has a black radish. From a cough recipe to find it is not difficult at all, and it is possible to apply such means at treatment both adults, and children.

black radish from cough recipeSo, there are the following recipes:
  • Radish thoroughly rinse and use a sharp knife to make a deepening in it, removing part of the pulp. The resulting notch should be filled with honey and let stand for 24 hours. Take 1 hour. spoon in the morning, lunch and evening.
  • Radish clean and cut into small cubes, then put it in a bowler and sprinkle with sugar. Place in the oven and bake for two hours, then strain and give the patient for 2 hours. spoon before eating.
  • Wash and clean 6-7 pieces of radish. Slice the vegetables in thin slices and sprinkle with sugar. After 10-12 hours, juice will separate. After that, the black radish itself is no longer needed. From the cough, the recipe recommends taking only the allocated juice 8-10 times a day.

Folk recipes for the treatment of cough in adults

Adults can use both folk recipes shown in the treatment of cough for children, and many others. For example:

  • Tincture prepared on the basis of wormwood. To do this, pour 20 grams of Artemisia 500 ml of vodka or alcohol and let it brew. The best means is that which has been insisted for as long as possible, but 24 hours, as a rule, is sufficient for this. Take should be three times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Hot mix of pepper and white wine roots. It is prepared by boiling these two ingredients in the following proportion - 250 ml of wine and 60 g of pepper roots. Drink 4 times a day.

Drinks that contribute to an effective fight against coughing

prescription for a strong cough

When treating both dry and wet cough, children and adults need to drink as much as possible. It can be any drinks, the main thing is that they are warm. Effective against coughing is a drink made from ordinary hot milk and alkaline mineral water in a ratio of 1: 1. It is better for young children to drink milk and figs. Anti-inflammatory effect is provided by warm tea with jam from the viburnum or raspberry.

It is good to drink various herbal infusions and decoctions. For example, a decoction of birch leaves, Ledum grass, oregano, nettle and birch buds, a decoction of ordinary Kalina, which, by the way, is also an excellent expectorant. A positive effect is provided by the decoction of the fruits of the viburnum, cooked with 200 g of berries and 1 l of water.

Inhalation in the home

recipe for folk cough remedies

Folk recipes for treating cough also include inhalation at home. This method does not require special knowledge or preparations, you just need to add chamomile to boiling water, thyme, sage, baking soda and eucalyptus oil and, covered with a towel, breathe a prominent vapor. The advantage of inhalation is that the beneficial substances, once ingested into the body in the form of vapors, immediately begin to have a beneficial effect on the inflamed areas.

Folk recipes for coughs for children and adults are presented quite widely, but what helps one person, is powerless in the fight against the disease of another, and it is worth bearing in mind, and not despair after the first failure. In any case, most folk remedies can not harm the human body, in contrast to numerous drugstores.

Cough in a child 2 years - how to treat?

kawel u rebenka 2 godaCough is often a concern for young children. Note that the smaller the baby, the more coughing is more dangerous for him. Most often a cough in a 2-year-old child accompanies a cold, so first you need to get rid of it, and then start cough treatment. If he does not get rid of him on time, serious problems and complications may arise in the case of a small child. Most often in 2 years, they treat with the help of syrup, inhalations, it needs to be done only under the supervision of a doctor.

Danger of cough in children 2 years old

When the child coughs, this indicates that his airways are inflamed. If the cough is not treated in time, the inflammatory process will go down, first to the bronchial system, then the pulmonary system. In this case, high body temperature rises. Cough becomes much deeper, becomes paroxysmal.

Because of a cough, the ENT organs can become inflamed, as a result, tonsillitis, otitis occurs. To learn about the complications, you can do this:

1. Check the temperature.

2. To follow the child's condition,

3. Check whether his ears and nose are laid.

Methods of cough treatment in children 2 years old during the cold

It is necessary to call the therapist, he should carefully examine it, listen to it, then appoint special medicines. Do not self-medicate so as not to harm the child.

With a dry cough, you need to drink as much as possible, warm water, tea with chamomile, lime, dog rose, milk, so the cough will turn into wet. You can use compresses to warm the breast area, only if there is no high temperature.

The therapist prescribes such medicines to two-year-old children:

1. To get the sputum out faster, you need to use expectorant medications.

2. Dilute sputum can be using mucolytic agents.

3. Expand the area of ​​the bronchi can be with the help of bronchodilators.

If a 2 year old child is disturbed by a severe dry cough that does not go away for a long time, the treating doctor may prescribe special medications.

In cases where coughing barking, there are problems with breathing, and there is no temperature, you can take foot baths, so the blood will cling to the legs, then spread over the entire body of the child and the respiratory organs warm up, the swelling will subside.

The child should be calm, because a cough in a 2 year old baby can appear due to light, noise, other irritants. Also pay attention to food, it should be high-grade, it should contain vitamins, it is especially useful to include in the diet - citrus fruits, cranberries, if the child does not have an allergic reaction. In the event that there is a reaction, use is prohibited, can lead to irritation and swelling of the mucosa.

To small children inhalation at home should be done very carefully, it often leads to the fact that the child has a spasm in the respiratory system. A child in 2 years can give small amounts of broths with mother-and-stepmother, chamomile. If there is no allergy, you can breathe thyme, eucalyptus, menthol. Treatment in a 2-year-old child will depend on the reason for which a cough appeared.

How to relieve the child's condition when coughing?

1. The child must constantly drink, for this warm water, a jug of dried fruits, fruit drinks, tea will suit. With the help of liquid all toxic substances, pathogenic microflora will be eliminated. A warm drink will help restore the water-salt balance in the body.

2. If the child has a perspiration in the throat, you need to pour boiling water, put a little bit of mustard there and get your feet up to 20 minutes. Please note, this can be done only for children who do not suffer from various allergic reactions and at normal body temperature. After the procedure, wear woolen socks.

3. Using mustard plasters, they are put on the back area, then they are removed. No need to worry, a small redness on the back will be in the child, after it needs to be covered and put to sleep. At high temperatures the procedure is prohibited, it can jump up even more.

Traditional methods of cough treatment in a child 2 year old

Cautiously the child can breathe over boiled potatoes, it is impossible to do this for a long time to avoid bronchospasm. It is useful to breathe thyme, chamomile, mother-and-stepmother.

It is helped by inhalation based on soda. Essential oils for a child of 2 years is best not to use, so that an allergic reaction to the cough does not join, which can result in edema.

You can cure cough with radish and honey, you need to give the syrup in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, not more than a teaspoonful.

Effective is a recipe, for it you need a ground onion, add honey, a little lemon, also glycerin, insist all about an hour. Give the child after eating food.

The doctor can prescribe for cough mucolytic drugs - ATSTS, Ambroksom, Libeksin. There is a large number of expectorants, syrups with the addition of plantain, licorice, althea.

If the child has 2 years of cough, it can not be treated on his own, especially the medicines for coughing are dangerous, which, if I do not take into account the dosage, I can lead to nausea, vomiting. Also keep in mind that not all children can tolerate cough syrups, some cause diathesis, disorders gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions to various components that are part of the drug. Most drugs contain alkaloids, if they are abused, first the breathing will be actively stimulated, then it may start to be oppressed, which leads to serious complications.

Thus, it is important to ensure the child in the room fresh moist air, also give as much as possible to drink warm, food should be useful and balanced, walk in the fresh air, if there is no temperature. Pay your attention to illness, because he needs support and your psychological help, remember that often coughing in a child can be complicated due to the fact that he is worried, experiencing stress. Do not rush a small child to drink antibiotics, they can only further aggravate the disease.

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