Treatment for the first signs of a cold in adults

Tip 1: How to treat a cold in adults

How to treat colds in adults

Cold common people called viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract, flowing in a mild form. The most common of these are acute respiratory disease (ARI) and acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI). These diseases are easily recognized and amenable to home treatment.

You will need

  1. - salt
  2. - milk
  3. - honey
  4. - Butter and sunflower oil
  5. - chemist's collection of herbs
  6. - cranberries
  7. - essential oils
  8. - Radish
  9. - lemon


  1. Begin treatment for the first symptoms of a cold. It can be a cough, runny nose, sore throat, general weakness. The sooner you take action, the sooner the disease will come to naught. However, do not rush to run to the doctor for prescription for antibiotics, first try tried home remedies.
  2. Drink more warm liquid, the ideal option - green or herbal tea with honey. Use a natural antibiotic: cranberries, make mashed potatoes, add boiling water to it, filter and take during the day. In the absence of allergies to bee products, use honey and other medicinal products. For example, mix it with radish juice (it stands out if you make a cone-shaped depression in a vegetable and leave it in a closed pan for several hours).
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  3. Dissolve a quarter teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. With the resulting solution, rinse your throat with a cough, and in case of a cold, drop a few drops into each nostril two or three times a day. After the procedure, lubricate the nostrils with petroleum jelly or "Asterisk" balm. As an option - heat a few teaspoons of salt in a dry frying pan, pour it into a tissue bag or a handkerchief and apply to the sinuses. In the same way, you can warm your nose with a hot baked potato.
  4. Rinse your throat with broths of pharmacy herbs. Take one tablespoon of dry leaves of sage or chamomile and brew in a glass of boiling water. Cool to room temperature and use during the day every few hours. If you trust aromatherapy, try a massage with essential oils of plants. Mix five drops of sage oil, chamomile and eucalyptus with four tablespoons of sunflower oil. The resulting mixture rub your neck and back before going to bed.
  5. Do not ignore general medical recommendations for patients with colds. Avoid heavy fatty foods, give preference to chicken broth, green apples, lemons, warm milk with a piece of butter. Often ventilate the room. If possible, observe bed rest, sleep in woolen socks and with a scarf around his neck.
  6. Be sure to consult a doctor if after several days of active treatment the cold becomes only stronger. The reason for the visit to the doctor should be and new emerging symptoms of the disease, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, high fever.

What to take at the first sign of a cold - drugs and folk remedies. What drugs for adults and children are better to take at the first sign of a cold

The off-season and the cold season are the most dangerous for colds. It is important to notice and begin to treat the ailment with the first symptoms. What are the medicines used for influenza or other infections? Use the instructions below to cure a cold in one day.

How quickly to cure cold at first signs

To suspect a cold, the following symptoms will help:

  • sensation of itching in the nose or eyes;
  • dry cough;
  • coryza;
  • lacrimation;
  • malaise;
  • chills;
  • Pershing or sore throat;
  • elevated temperature.
The girl has a runny nose with a cold

The first help for a cold is:

  • observance of bed rest;
  • frequent airing of the room;
  • the use of a large amount of liquid;
  • gargling;
  • taking medications.


What should I take at the first sign of a cold? Drugs from this disease have a classification based on a different principle of action:

  1. Reducing fever: Paracetamol, Rinza, Ibuprofen, Ascofen, Nurofen, Panadol, Analgin, Aspirin, Efferalgan.
  2. Drugs from the common cold: Naphthyzine, Tysin, Sanorin, Ximelin, Nazol, Advance, Aquamaris.
  3. Symptomatic drugs: Coldrex, Teraflu, Fervex.
  4. From a cough: Mukoltin, Gedelix, Bromhexine.
  5. From soreness of the throat - aerosols: Cameton, Stopangin, Inhalipt.
  6. Antibacterial drugs: Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin, Ampicillin.

Antibiotics for colds and flu

To start taking antibiotics is necessary only in a situation where no improvement is observed after 5-6 days after the beginning of treatment for the first symptoms of the disease. For the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms, the following bactericidal preparations are used:

  1. Augmentin. This drug is a representative of the penicillin group. Take it before meals. The dose for people over 12 years is 1 tablet 250 mg / 125 mg three times a day. The course should not be less than 5 days. The price is from 290 rubles.
  2. Amoxiclav. Antibiotic, part of a group of penicillins with a wide range of effects. Dosage of the drug is equal to 1 tablet of 250 mg + 125 mg with a break of 8 hours - for an easy and medium course of infection, 1 tablet of 500 mg + 125 mg - for a more severe illness. The price from 250 r.
Antibiotics for colds

A remedy for a cold

A common symptom that accompanies the common cold is a common cold. Nasal congestion can be removed with the help of the following drugs:

  1. Rince. Symptomatic drug is indicated in the treatment of acute respiratory infections and ARVI, including influenza, which is accompanied by fever and rhinorrhea. Permitted for people over 15 years of age, the dose for them is 3-4 tablets daily. Continue to take 5 days. The price is from 150 r.
  2. Cagedactivity. By the principle of action is similar to the previous drug. To relieve the symptoms of a cold, take 1 capsule after 12 hours with a course of 5 days, as an antipyretic, 3 days - an anesthetic. The price is from 150 r.
  3. Naphthysine. Vasoconstrictive drops used to relieve nasal congestion with colds. Allowed even for children from 1 year. Apply as far as the feeling of nasal lining, but with caution, because the drug can be addictive. Price from 40 rub.


What to take at the first sign of a cold? Tablets are indicated in the acute course of the disease with fever or headaches and fever. Among such drugs it is recommended to use aspirin, paracetamol and analgin. Often these medications are used collectively as a triple for pain relief, lowering fever, and relieving cold symptoms. Separately, they are taken as follows:

  1. Aspirin. At the age of 15 years, a one-time admission is 0.5-1 g with interruptions of 4 hours, a daily dose of 3 g, i.e. 6 tablets. As an antipyretic for a cold, you can not take more than 3 days, and for anesthesia - more than 7 days.
  2. Analgin. For adults, the dose is 250-500 mg up to 3 times daily, for children 8-14 years - 250-300 mg, 6-7 years - 200 mg, 4-5 years - 100-200 mg, 2-3 years - 50- 100 mg.
  3. Paracetamol. The form of release is not just pills. Often used syrup for the treatment of babies and even babies, the dose of which is prescribed in 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Adults, however, are shown 500 mg to 4 times daily with a 4-hour interval, but the intake time should not exceed 3 days.

Powders for colds

Here's what to take at the first sign of a cold:

  1. Teraflu. Single dose is 1 packet, dissolved in hot water, taken in the amount of 1 cup. It is allowed to add sugar. Break between doses - 4 hours, but not more than 3 per day, it is better to drink the last one in the evening before going to bed. The price from 180 r.
  2. Nimesil. Effective remedy for colds, reduces fever and pain. Powder from the sachet should be poured with warm water, then a drink. You can use up to 2 times per day. Price from 30 rub. for a bag.
  3. Fervex. The regimen of administration is comparable with the previous preparation, only 2-3 bags can be used in a day. The course of treatment has a duration of no more than 3-5 days. Price from 370 rub.
A woman chooses a cure for colds

People's means

Among the effective methods of traditional medicine for colds are those:

  1. Honey with cognac. Dissolve in a cup of hot tea for 1 tbsp. l. both ingredients. Drink before going to sleep in small sips, wrap yourself in a blanket.
  2. Rinse with salt. To eliminate the soreness of the throat, prepare the brine at a rate of 1 h. l. salt on a glass of warm water. You can still drip a couple drops of iodine with a spoonful of soda. Rinse at the first sign up to 6 times daily.
  3. Melted butter. For the night, drip a couple drops of warm oil in each nostril. Supplement the effect by rubbing the feet with apple cider vinegar and then dressing the woolen socks.

What to drink with a cold

Hot drinks with a cold have a warming, analgesic effect, and they also clean the mucous throat. You can use the following tools:

  1. Milk with honey. Honey is not added to hot milk, otherwise it will lose its useful properties. Drink during the day with a sore throat.
  2. Milk with onions. Potemite about an hour on a small fire 2 cut onions, filled with 2 tbsp. milk. Use 1 tbsp. l. filtered solution.
  3. Tea with honey, ginger, raspberry, oregano or melissa, mint, calendula, currant, elderberry and other medicinal herbs or their collections.
Girl drinking tea with lemon

Features of treating colds at home

When treating a cold at home, it is necessary to monitor your condition: if it does not improve, you should immediately go to the doctor. Adults with good immunity will be able to transfer the virus and independently with the help of medicines or folk methods, but some can cope with the cold more difficult, for example, children, future or lactating mothers.


Children are more susceptible to viral diseases, while they are more difficult to bear, especially infants, who can not tell how they feel. Just do not panic, because even doctors advise not to lower the temperature, if it did not reach 38.3 degrees. The main thing is to provide the baby with a copious drink, and for newborns - breast milk. Antibiotics for colds in children are used in the most extreme cases: infants are shown with injections, and the child is more mature - tablets such as Avelox, Augmentin, Ampicillin or Macroben.

Cold baby

In pregnancy

It is especially important to monitor the condition of the future mother, because this also affects the health of the child. Tablets in this case are used very rarely, because it threatens complications for the baby. In addition, you can not use other habitual ways to get rid of colds: thermal procedures, intake of large amounts of vitamin C and alcohol-containing preparations. To reduce heat, only paracetamol and medications with its content should be used. It is recommended to provide a large amount of liquid, bed rest, diet food and tea with lemon or raspberries.

Breastfeeding mother

With lactation, cold can be treated only with those drugs that are compatible with breastfeeding. The main thing is to strictly observe their dosage, and also take it a couple of hours before feeding, so that the active substances of the medication get in the milk in the least amount. The recommended drugs are Paracetamol and Ibuprofen, but you can not take them more than 3-5 days. Otherwise, you need a doctor's consultation. The soreness of the throat is removed by rinsing on the basis of herbs, iodinated or sea salt. The nose can be cleaned with honey or Kalanchoe juice.

Video: what to take for cold and ARVI

Reviews about cold remedies

Natalia, 32 years old

She caught herself and infected the baby. At first there was only a slight chill, then there was a strong sneezing and coughing. To be treated began folk recipes: ginger and honey with lemon were added to the tea, the feet were warmed up. Then they bought an antiviral drug called Kagocel in the pharmacy. Recovered after 4 days, there was only a small cough.

Татьяна, 39 years old

The best way to prevent colds is to prevent it, so at the first sensation I eat citric acid on the tip of the knife, take a hot bath and drink a lot of tea and water. Get rid of colds in 1 day.

Svetlana, 29 years old

Cure a cold for 1 day I get with garlic. I clean two heads and thrust them into my nostrils, fixing them with cotton. Then several times a day I wash with saline solution, I dig in the aloe juice. This emergency method is also used to quickly cure a runny nose in a child. I advise everyone this way for colds.

How long does an adult have a cold: after how many days passes

If a person feels the first symptoms of a cold, you need to understand what exactly arose: a cold or flu, and how long it will take for treatment.

The first signs of these diseases include:

  • sneezing and coughing,
  • temperature increase,
  • headache,
  • aching joints.

The cold has a softer course unlike the flu. The cold takes a person out of action for several days, and the flu, most often, only takes a few weeks.

Unlike a cold, the flu can lead to serious complications, which are fraught with prolonged hospitalization.

The main manifestations of the common cold

Sore throat is the first sign of a cold, discomfort disappears about the third day. In parallel with the uncomfortable sensations of the throat, a person appears:

  1. nasal congestion,
  2. cough,
  3. rhinorrhea.
common coldAll these symptoms go away in four to five days.

In adults, there is rarely a fever in the background of a cold, but a subfebrile temperature is possible. Children are more likely to suffer from fever with colds than adults.

With a cold from the nasal cavity, watery liquid is released for the first 1-2 days. Later, the separated becomes thicker and acquires a darker shade. This kind of mucus is a natural phenomenon, not signifying the activation of a bacterial infection.

As a rule, the cold lasts about 7-8 days. In the first 3 days a person is considered infectious for other people. Since the probability of transmission of a virus is high, one should adhere to bed rest and minimize contact with others.

If the symptoms do not pass for more than a week, most likely a cold has been added with a bacterial infection and antibiotics should be started.

Sometimes cold symptoms are confused with sinusitis or allergic rhinitis - pollinosis. If the symptoms decrease rapidly and the improvement comes, you can say that it is not an allergy, but an ordinary cold.

When the condition remains unchanged after a week - you should consult your doctor.

Symptoms of influenza

Regardless of whether the person is sick with pork or usual flu, the symptomatology is almost identical. The flu takes place in a more severe form, and its symptoms increase more actively.

Key influenza symptoms are:

  • pain and discomfort in the throat,
  • fever,
  • headache,
  • aches in the joints and muscles,
  • nasal congestion,
  • cough.
Symptoms of influenzaSwine flu has its own additional manifestations - diarrhea and vomiting.

Most of the symptoms go away in 2-5 days. A typical complication of the flu is pneumonia, which most often develops in the elderly and children.

In case of dyspnea, it is important to inform the doctor how long it continues. A characteristic sign of pneumonia is recurrent fever. A person experiences a repeated rise in temperature the very next day after her recession, as well as shortness of breath. It is necessary to tell the doctor about manifestations of the disease and about how long they continue.

Viruses penetrate the human body through the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth and nose. Each time you touch these areas, you need to wash your hands to prevent infection.

To determine the presence of the disease, you should measure body temperature. Often the flu runs like a cold, accompanied by malaise, coughing and stuffiness of the nose.

With a cold, the temperature rarely exceeds 38 degrees. If we are talking about influenza, then the temperature is related to the activity of viruses, so a person feels weak and broken. The flu is also characterized by an aching in the muscles.

When the flu is observed:

  1. a sharp decline in strength,
  2. exhaustion,
  3. lethargy,
  4. weakness.

The above-mentioned phenomena in the treatment go away after 7-15 days.

With the flu, there are frequent and strong discomfort in the chest. Cold does not cause such feelings.

Complications of influenza can be:

  • sinusitis
  • inflammation of the middle ear,
  • bronchitis,
  • pneumonia.


In therapy, such drugs are used:

  1. antihistamines,
  2. anti-edema,
  3. anti-inflammatory
  4. analgesics (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen),
  5. antiviral and anti-cold medications.

It is best to start taking medications in the first 48 hours after the onset of symptoms.

When to see a doctor

If a person has already started to suffer from a cold or flu, tell your doctor about the presence of such symptoms:

  1. Persistent fever. It may indicate the appearance of a bacterial infection that needs treatment,
  2. Pain on swallowing. Inflammatory process in the throat with flu or cold causes discomfort, and with the development of angina painful sensations in the throat are greatly amplified, which requires immediate treatment under the supervision of a doctor,
  3. Recurrent cough. When cough manifestations do not disappear for 2 or 3 weeks, it can speak of the development of bronchitis, for the elimination of which it is necessary to use antibiotics.
  4. Prolonged nasal congestion and headaches. When the outflow of fluid from the sinuses is violated, sinusitis begins. This disease is typical for allergies and colds.

The recurrent cough is caused by the flow of mucus from the nasopharynx, as well as sinusitis. Asthma also provokes this kind of cough. For the treatment of asthma use anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids and bronchodilators.

If there are pains around the face and eyes, and also a thick discharge from the nose of a green or yellow shade, do not pass more than 7 days, then we can talk about a bacterial infection and taking antibiotics.

Sometimes urgent medical attention may be required. Signs of a critical condition in adults are:

  • Severe pain in the chest,
  • Dizziness,
  • Dyspnea,
  • A strong migraine,
  • Confusion of consciousness,
  • Frequent vomiting.

Signs of a critical condition are:

  1. Cyanotic face shade,
  2. Rapid or shortness of breath,
  3. Lack of fluid,
  4. Reduction and drowsiness of activity,
  5. High irritability,
  6. Improvement and sudden worsening of symptoms,
  7. Fever and rash.

Disease Prevention

Vaccination against influenza.The simplest way to prevent influenza, swine flu and colds is thorough hand washing. Hands should be washed with warm water and soap for 20 seconds.

To prevent colds, you can do the vaccination. As a rule, the rise in seasonal influenza activity is recorded between December and March.

Doctors recommend that you perform the vaccination in October or November. A few weeks after vaccination, antibodies are produced in the blood that protect the body against cold and flu.

If a person gets sick with the flu, it is best to see a doctor. Appropriate antiviral medicines will be prescribed, which can also be used for preventive purposes after contact with a sick person.

It is important to monitor the frequency and thoroughness of hand washing, as well as avoid contact with people who are sick with respiratory diseases. To protect yourself from colds and flu, you need to get vaccinated and consult a doctor about antiviral drugs. Video in this article will answer the main questions about ARVI and cold.

Symptoms of a cold

Such a disease, as a cold, absorbed acute respiratory diseases (ARI), caused by pathogenic bacteria, a number of viruses. Dampness, frost, rain or snow increase the susceptibility of people to infections. This is not a pleasant condition that lowers the immunity, weakens the body. Even in the heat, there are signs of illness in the child and in the adult.

The first signs of a cold

Harbinger of the disease - first unnoticed symptoms, if a person is immersed in some work or study for a long time. Saturated with anxiety, stress, time hides the initial manifestation of the disease. Immediately and do not notice when the disease began. At the first symptoms of a cold a person feels weakness, aches in joints, muscles, weak headaches. Symptoms occur and last for 2-7 days. For signs of seasonal illness, a common cold, fever, sore throat, sneezing, coughing, fatigue.

Runny nose in a girl

The disease must be treated, otherwise it will lead to complications. A rhinitis can pass in a genyantritis or a sinusitis, and the incorporated throat - in a laryngitis. Because of untimely treatment, permanent procrastination for tomorrow, the lungs can inflame, up to the development of bronchitis or pneumonia. To delay with treatment it is not necessary, in fact it even more threatens health.


As soon as a child's cold starts to appear, you have to take steps to give the child a medicine. For newborns and babies, there are special medications to not break their immunity, do not spoil the body with chemical drugs from an early age. Signs of an initial cold in a baby:

  • temperature;
  • dull eyes;
  • pale or scarlet cheeks;
  • nipples from the nose;
  • constant crying.

To a cold a newborn should be taken seriously, but without panic. It will be better if you call a professional doctor at home and consult with him. He will advise what medicines to take, so as not to harm the child's health. He will tell you how to dress him, what additional techniques or folk remedies to use to fully recover the baby.

The child is measuring the temperature

In adults

Diseases in women are not as painful as in babies, but they also have serious consequences. In adults, they can develop into the flu. In this case, a cold without a runny nose and cough. Increased fever and weakness are the main symptoms of influenza. In this case, a woman should be treated more diligently in order to rid her body of pests and restore her health. It is not enough to drink anti-cold powders. With flu or complications, it is recommended to drink medicines targeted.

The girl showed signs of a cold

Cold as a sign of pregnancy

Manifesting a cold before a delay can indicate pregnancy. On the chest, the venous "pattern" increases, the areoles become darker, and in some women, pigmented spots may appear. Abundant salivation or blood from the nose are also considered symptoms that indicate pregnancy. Increased gas production, constipation, cramps, runny nose and a slight temperature can be considered as the beginning of pregnancy.

Colds of a Pregnant Girl

Video: signs and treatment of colds

As you already know, the manifestation of the disease requires treatment. What should I take at the first sign of a cold? This question will be answered in a specially prepared video below. Not everyone knows what to do with the first symptoms, how to cure them not only in themselves, but also in the baby. Thanks to this material you will become the owner of valuable information and will be able to determine the disease in time.

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