Herbion from a dry cough price

Features of Herbion application from dry cough: instruction

Herbion - a drug that has antibacterial and immunomodulating action. The drug is most often prescribed to children for the treatment of dry cough. Here you can read the causes of perspiration in the throat and dry cough. For sale, Gerbion in a pharmacy of two types, taking into account the presence of an active ingredient - plantain and primrose. Each of them has its positive effect, therefore, it should be prescribed by a doctor.

Since Herbionum is produced in two forms, the composition and pharmacological action of each type of product has its own.

Based on plantain

This syrup in its composition has two active substances - plantain extract and mallow. They contain vegetable mucus, due to which the syrup spreads evenly throughout the inner surface of the throat, enveloping it and protecting it from stimuli provoking a cough. In addition, the medicine has an antibacterial effect.

Based on the primrose

The composition of this preparation contains an aqueous extract of the root of the primrose. It exerts an expectorant effect, dilutes thick sputum and stimulates expectoration. Even in the composition there is an extract of thyme. Its elements exert an expectorant and bronchodilator effect. Incoming menthol is a natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory component. The vegetable origin of the medicine makes it possible to have a soft effect on the body and is easily tolerated by both children and adults.

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To begin with, consider the Gerbion based on plantain. It includes the following substances:

  • liquid component on the basis of plantain leaves 5 g;
  • liquid component based on the inflorescence of mallow 5 g;
  • ascorbic acid - 65 mg;
  • additional elements.

Syrup based on the primrose has the following composition:

  • liquid extract of the roots of spring primrose 3 g;
  • liquid extract of thyme herb 6;
  • levomenthol 2 mg;
  • additional elements.
Learn how the treatment of obstructive bronchitis at home.

Here are described the symptoms and treatment of acute pharyngitis.

Signs of sinusitis in adults: http://prolor.ru/n/bolezni-n/gajmorit/gajmorit-osobennosti-simptomy-metody-lecheniya.html.

How to use

The dosage of the medicine can be different. Here it is necessary to take into account the age of the patient and the type of syrup used.

For adults

How to treat dry cough in adults? If it is necessary to eliminate dry cough in adults, then Herbion with plantain extract will come to the rescue. Take it should be 10 ml 3 times a day.

Treatment with a syrup with primrose extract should be 3-4 times throughout the day, and the permitted dose is 10 ml. Therapeutic course lasts 10-20 days. Here you will find a list of drugs for dry cough for adults.

For young patients

How to get rid of a dry cough in a child? Medicinal syrup, where the main substance is plantain or primrose, is taken as follows:

  1. Patients 2-7 years in the amount of 5 ml 3 times a day.
  2. Children 7-14 years, 5-10 ml 3 times a day.

Treatment with syrup is carried out after eating, the required amount is taken inside and washed down with water. The duration of therapy is 10-20 days.

For pregnant

Take medicine is allowed to eliminate dry cough and at the time of pregnancy. But before using it is necessary to get permission from a doctor. To use a syrup on the basis of plantain in the amount of 2 spoons 5 times throughout the day. If the reception is conducted using Herbiona based on the primrose, then take 2 spoons 4 times throughout the day. After all, drink with water.

On the photo - herbion from dry cough instructions for use:


The cost of the drug is determined by taking into account its constituent components.

Name of the medicine price, rub.
Herbion Escolus Gel


Herbion with plantain in the form of syrup 221
Herbion with primrose in the form of syrup 223
Gerbion based on ginseng 350 mg n30 caps. 243

Herbion Ginseng caps.


Here you can find instructions for the use of Herbion from a damp cough.


If for some reason you can not accept or buy Gerbion, then you need to familiarize yourself with the preparations that are similar in effect and composition.

  • Mukaltin. This medicine is used to treat respiratory and lung diseases. Doctors prescribe for pneumonia, bronchitis. Promote a rapid spitting of the sputum due to its expectorant effect.
  • Bronchipret. The presented preparation allows to eliminate all manifestations of the respiratory tract disease. After a full course of therapy, you can forget about the cough and the unpleasant sensations caused by it.
  • Syrup Kusa. This medicine doctors appoint for symptomatic treatment of patients who have a place of cough of different origin. Viral and bacterial infections of the respiratory tract and asthma are also included here.A syrup may be prescribed as an adjunctive therapy to people who have been diagnosed with rhinitis, pharyngitis. Also, the drug is allowed to eliminate cough in people caused by constant smoking.
  • Wix Active.The drug is used in the treatment of pathology of the respiratory system. Also, Wix Active is recommended for the use of viscous, hard-to-separate sputum mucus-purulent in nature. Based on this, it can be concluded that the medicine effectively copes with the symptoms of the following ailments:
    • bronchitis of acute and chronic form;
    • pneumonia;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • blockage of the bronchi with a stopper of viscous mucus.

    Another medicine may be prescribed for the therapy of paracetamol overdose.
  • Bronhosan. This syrup is effective in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which are characterized by an unproductive cough or cough with a difficult spitting of phlegm. It is allowed to treat adults and small patients. Bronchosan has a positive effect on respiratory diseases, occurring in a chronic or acute form. The efficacy of the drug is proven in the complex therapy of pneumonia.
  • Tos-May. The drug is actively used to treat people who have been diagnosed with diseases of the lower and upper paths. During therapy, it is possible to eliminate dry irritating cough. Another Tos-Mai is used before diagnosis, for example, before bronchoscopy.
  • Pectoral. The medicine is in demand when treating diseases of infectious and inflammatory origin. In the course of treatment, it is possible to overcome cough and to remove hard-to-recover phlegm.
  • Altemix Broncho. Healing syrup is taken with a dry cough for the caked expectoration and softening of the irritating effect of the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx. The medicine is prescribed for diseases of the respiratory system, taking place in acute or chronic form, and accompanied by a cough with a difficult exit of phlegm.
  • Bronchoton. The drug is actively involved in the complex treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough. Effectively eliminates cough and promotes rapid sputum discharge.
  • Muccoplant. Syrup is prescribed for diseases of the respiratory system, taking place in acute and chronic form. These include:
    • bronchitis;
    • pneumonia;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • lung diseases associated with professional activities.


  • Svetlana, 34 years old:"My child is 5 years old, at first he had usual cold symptoms, so I did not really wrap myself up. After it began to press an unbearable dry cough, and especially in the mornings. I went to the hospital, the doctor advised us on Herbion based on plantain. We take 4 times a day. The child liked it very much, so there was no problem with the reception. The treatment lasted 2 weeks, after which my baby began to feel much better, the cough disappeared. "
  • Christina, 24 years old:"Somewhere 2 years ago I had bronchitis. Dry cough just tortured me. The doctor prescribed effective therapy, which included Gerbion on the basis of primroses. After 3 weeks I managed to overcome my illness. Presented medicine is very effective, because cough began to appear less and less often and then with phlegm. "
  • Tatiana, 28 years old:"My daughter fell ill with bronchitis. Watching her cough was just unbearable. This dry cough just strangled her. I have long known about the positive properties of syrup Herbion, so I consulted with a doctor. He allowed to take it throughout the day 3 times. After 4 days, sputum began to recede, and my daughter felt relieved. The course of treatment took 15 days, after which there was no trace of the disease. "

Herbion is a very effective remedy for coughing. Use it as an additional therapy. In the course of treatment, it is possible to soften the mucous membrane, to eliminate the cough and to withdraw phlegm. If you are looking for what else you can heal a dry cough of the child, then read about inhalations.


Herbion Syrup from a wet cough: instructions for effective use

Many diseases, especially diseases of the respiratory system, are accompanied by a cough that brings a lot of inconvenience. Everyone faced such a problem, so it is clear that in the search for an effective remedy, any person rushes to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

On the universality of a drug can not be said,because all treatment will depend on the initially provoked disease, as well as on the form of a cough that can be dry or wet.The first variant involves the selection of a medicament that reduces and softens the irritation of the mucosa. And if it comes to a damp cough, then the situation is different - you need a drug that facilitates liquefaction and the fastest withdrawal of phlegm.

Pershit in the throat and cough, what to do and how to deal with it, you can find out by reading this article.

With the goal of getting rid of a damp cough, most people prefer the means, which are basically a plant composition.One of the leading places in the fight against damp cough is occupied by "Herbion produced by the recognized company KRKA.Along with its great efficiency, it carries with it minor side effects. Also applicable to people of any age category, because much better than synthetic drugs are tolerated by the body.

Properties of the preparation

All properties of the drug are determined by the plant components available in Gerbion:

  1. Menthol.It gives the drug antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties;
  2. Thyme extract.Expectorant and bronchodilator properties are provided due to the thymol in the thyme extract, also thyme itself is diuretic, analgesic, antispasmodic;
  3. Primrose extract.The activity of the extract of the primrose is aimed at creating conditions for the release of sputum accumulated in the bronchi by means of its rapid dilution.

What to do when the pershit in the throat and dry cough, you can find out by reading this article.

The activity of the extract of the primrose is directed at creating conditions for the release of sputum accumulated in the bronchi by means of its rapid liquefaction

The agent "Gerbion" is endowed with the following properties:

  • expectorant;
  • bronchodilator;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anesthetizing;
  • antiseptic.

What can be the reasons for a prolonged dry cough in an adult, you can learn from this article.

Indications for use

The drug on the basis of primrose is recommended:
  • as expectorants for respiratory diseases;
  • with bronchitis, tracheitis;
  • when coughing due to irritation of the mucous by various substances (for example, smoke from cigarettes);
  • with senile coughing.

Important: "Herbion" helps to increase the body's resistance and protect the epithelium of the respiratory tract from various injuries.

From the article you can find out which drug should be taken with a dry cough.

How to effectively apply?

This herbal remedy can be used as a medicine only if you have a wet cough, accompanied by an accumulation of a huge mass of poorly expectorating, or absolutely not expectorant phlegm.The syrup activates the output of sputum, which will leave unpleasant symptoms and an annoying wet cough.

The active components of the extract of the primrose increase the bronchial secretion, by means of which there is an increase in sputum and its dilution. Thyme extract has an expanding effect and increases the mobility of the cilia of the epithelium, which can effectively remove all accumulated sputum in the bronchi. The action of thyme increases menthol, which gives the drug antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial actions, as well as an anesthetic effect.

What signs of an allergic cough in a child can be and how to deal with it, is indicated in the article.

The result of the activity of the components of the drug are clean bronchi, without inflammation, and, as a consequence, getting rid of a wet cough.

Means for coughing is calculated on a three-time reception for a day. "Herbion" should be drunk, adhering to such rules:

  • From 2 to 7 years - half teaspoon (ml);
  • From 7 to 14 - on a teaspoonful (5 ml);
  • Children after 14 and adults - one or two teaspoons (5-10 ml).

From the article, you can learn how to stop a coughing fit in a child at night.

It is preferable to drink syrup with a large amount of liquid (preferably water).

Up to 2 years of age, the contra-indication is contraindicated.

The average duration of such treatment is two weeks, all recommendations for the duration of the reception is fully capable of giving only a doctor.

Side effects and contraindications.

Contraindications for taking the drug is:
  1. the age range is less than 2 years, and up to a year even a reduced dosage is contraindicated;
  2. poor assimilation of fructose;
  3. presence of diabetes mellitus;
  4. susceptibility to components;
  5. the transferred groats;
  6. diseases associated with the organs responsible for digestion (ulcer or inflammation);
  7. the first three months of pregnancy.

The reception of "Herbion" in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy can take place only after consulting a specialist who assesses its benefits and harm in relation to the mother and child. If the reception is for the lactation period, then breastfeeding temporarily will have to stop.

As a child to stop a night cough, helps to understand the information from this article.

The syrup can provoke the following side effects:

  • allergic reactions (pruritus, urticaria);
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea in case of excess of the prescribed dosage.

Also, to avoid side effects, you must observe the storage rules: do not take it at the expiration date and store it at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. After the vial is opened, the medicine is suitable for use for a month.

How quickly and effectively cure barking cough in babies, will help understand the content of this article.


The average cost of the drug ranges from 200 to 250 rubles

To purchase the drug "Herbion" in Russia there is no need for a prescription, but for the treatment of this drug, consultation is necessary, because each case can be individual. With more caution to take it is necessary to take it when it comes to children. Ask the expert, maybe the doctor will advise the analogues of the drug. The price of this herbal preparation from wet cough may vary depending on the pharmacy in the area of ​​200-250 rudders.

What to do, when there was a barking cough, how to deal with it and quickly win, you can read in this article.

Reviews about the drug

Svetlana, 26 years old, Moscow:My baby is 6 years old, he had a long time (about a month) wet cough after bronchitis, and no remedy helped us. But the familiar nurse advised "Herbion I am very grateful to her,at last the sputum began to recede, and the child began to sleep normally at night.After 8 days we got rid of a cough.

Alexander, 35 years old, Krasnodar: Going home, I fell under the rain and that's how the result of a cold, and even cough connected. I bought the Herbion syrup, hoping that he would help me cope with the damp cough that tormented me for three weeks. I started applying it strictly according to the instructions and after a couple of days I felt better, and two weeks later I forgot about my cold.A very good product, I was pleased with the natural composition and minimal side effects.

The child barking cough without temperature, what to do with it and what first steps to take will help to understand the content of the article.

The drug "Herbion" from a moist cough basically has plant components, which causes great confidence in people. And this is not in vain, because all its components are very effective and thus side effects are minimized. Syrup combines a whole range of positive properties:

  • it is an excellent expectorant and bronchodilator;
  • anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties are combined with an analgesic effect;
  • has antispasmodic properties.

Along with all the positive effects, do not forget about contraindications and side effects, which can be strongly pronounced, especially with an overdose.Strictly follow the doctor's instructions and instructions.


"Herbion" from a damp cough. "Herbion's instruction manual

Cough accompanies a large number of diseases, delivering and coughing person, and those who hear it, a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, the question of getting rid of this painful symptom is always acute. One of the most popular remedies for both dry and wet cough is Herbion, a syrup produced by the famous Slovenian pharmaceutical company KRKA.

With this disease helps to fight three types of this drug: "Herbion Plantain" Herbion Ivy "and" Herbion Primrose ". About how they help to cope with the cough, and how is treated with these syrups, we'll tell in this article.

How to determine which of the syrups will be useful

To heal from coughing was the most effective, you first need to determine which type of person is following the patient. Of course, it is better if the doctor does this, but you will also help him very much if you describe in detail all the signs of a symptom.

Dry cough - unproductive. He does not bring relief, arising paroxysmally - on inspiration, at the moment of laughter or at the beginning of a conversation. Sputum with such coughing is not allocated, and in the throat there are constant sensations of scraping and drying.

Cough syrup "Herbion Plantain, like any other remedy, in this case is designed to alleviate irritated mucous membranes, create an enveloping effect and remove inflammation. The extract of the named medicinal herb, which is part of its composition, helps to reduce the cough reflex and remove small foci of inflammation in the airways, leading to constant coughing spasms. And vitamin C and mallow flowers, available among its components, create an excellent vitamin support to the weakened disease organism. Thanks to the listed properties, "Herbion Plantain" is a very effective remedy for dry cough.

In which cases, "Herbion Plantain" is contraindicated

"Herbion" is a syrup that is shown not only for various diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by an exhausting, unproductive cough. It is recommended by doctors also for smokers, as they are known to often have attacks of severe cough, interfering with normal life.

But children up to 4 years of age, as well as patients with diabetes, women in the first months of pregnancy and during lactation, this drug is contraindicated. It is also not recommended for patients who have inflammations of the gastric mucosa, as well as gastritis and peptic ulcer.

Attentive to the consequences of taking the syrup is necessary to be a patient who is intolerant to galactose and fructose, as well as suspected of an allergic reaction to the components of this drug facilities.

What to do with a damp cough

"Herbion" from a damp cough is used to facilitate the process of divergence of viscous sputum. It is used when correcting the so-called productive cough, which is accompanied by abundant sputum formation. In cases when it does not depart well, causing a person to cough again and again, the patient needs an anti-inflammatory, softening and expectorant.

"Herbion containing primrose extract possesses all these qualities and helps liquefaction and rapid elimination of accumulated sputum from the lungs and bronchi, facilitated by the glycosides and saponins contained in the root of this drug plants.

"Herbion" from a moist cough is recommended for pharyngitis, tracheobronchitis, acute respiratory infections, obstructive bronchitis, and also with an irritating cough.

How does the syrup affect the productivity of the cough

The effectiveness of the Herbion syrup is high, thanks not only to the saponins contained in the primordium, but also to essential oils rich in thyme herb. They expand the bronchi, and also, by increasing the motor function of the cilia of the epithelium lining them, help to withdraw phlegm and facilitate the expectoration process.

In addition, thyme, which enters the "Gerbion" from a wet cough, has an antiseptic (destroying infection) action, and menthol, also available as part of the described agent, is also characterized by analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Is "Herbion" with primrose suitable for everyone?

Like any drug, "Herbion" from a wet cough has its contraindications. Due to the fact that there is still no reliable information on the effect of this medication on the fetus, during pregnancy and breast-feeding it is not recommended to use it.

As well as syrup with plantain, this drug can not be taken with diabetes, with intolerance to fructose, as well as for violations of glucose uptake and allergic reaction to components of the syrup.

The instruction attached to the preparation "Gerbion" emphasizes the undesirability of its appointment to children up to the age of two, and also suffered a false croup.

"Herbion" with ivy - new from the company

A novelty from "Herbion" is syrup with ivy. This drug is useful for a damp cough, it dilutes sputum and relaxes the bronchi, and also has a soothing cough and helps to bring out phlegm properties.

Herbion syrup with ivy contains sorbitol, coriander oil, lemon, and it does not contain sugar, which, by the way, allows it to be taken to people with diabetes. Another comfortable quality of this drug is the possibility of its use, regardless of food intake.

Overdose and side effects

As the accompanying "Herbion" emphasizes, do not use the drug in doses exceeding the recommended ones. If you exceed them 2 times, then the symptoms of poisoning are possible: nausea, vomiting, an agitated state and diarrhea. In such cases, seek medical attention. The treatment is symptomatic. It is not necessary, trying to make up for a missed dose of a medicine, to take at one time a double portion of it.

When applying the syrup, side effects may also occur in the form of an allergic reaction to any components of the drug: rash, hives, or shortness of breath. In this case, it is necessary to stop the treatment immediately and consult a doctor. Occasionally, it is possible and the appearance of diarrhea, as well as a feeling of nausea or vomiting.

"Herbion's instruction manual

Adults "Gerbion" should take 3-4 times a day for two measuring spoons, and children from two to seven years give one measuring spoon three times a day. Children from 7 to 14 years are offered 1-2 spoons 3 times a day, and after 14 years - 2 spoons 4 times a day. As a rule, the course of taking the drug takes 2-3 weeks.

A mandatory requirement for syrup "Gerbion" instructions for use indicates the need to wash it with plenty of water or warm tea. Before use, the vial should be shaken.

This drug is stored at a temperature of up to 25 ° C for two years, but in the open state - no more than a month. Do not chill!

Cough medicine "Herbion price in Russia

You do not need a prescription to purchase this syrup. But to consult with the attending physician about the need for the use and dosage of this medication in each specific case is necessary. Especially if it's a child!

In pharmacies of the Russian Federation for syrups "Herbion" the price varies from 200 to 250 rubles. Do not self-medicate and be healthy!


Herbion from dry cough: composition, action of the drug and analogues

With the help of cough, the body is protected from dust, microorganisms and mucus, but cough can be a symptom of the disease.

If sputum is not separated during cough, then it is considered dry. Dry cough should be treated, but only after its cause is established.

Modern pharmacology offers many drugs for the treatment of dry cough, one of the most effective pharmacological agents for the complex treatment of cough is Herbion (Herbion).

According to reviews on the use of cough, Herbion is one of the most effective herbal medicines. Medicinal form of the release of Herbion is not a pill, but a mixture (syrup), which greatly facilitates the task of parents in the treatment of children.

In addition, the syrup has a pleasant taste and aftertaste. Syrup Herbion is available in two types: from dry and from wet cough, syrups are made on the basis of water extracts, so they can be used to treat children.

The complex herbal preparation Herbion from dry cough with plantain includes the following components:

  • plantain lanceolate (extract);
  • mallow (extract);
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

Herbion - a complex drug, as it envelops, destroys microorganisms and strengthens the immune system. Extracts from plantain and mallow in the composition of Herbion from dry cough contain a large amount of mucus, which protects the epithelium of the respiratory tract from irritation due to the resulting thin film.

Under the action of saponin, which is contained in the lanceolate plantain, there is stimulation of bronchial glands. The amount of sputum released increases, it is diluted and easily removed from the body, the drug has expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect.

It is worth noting

Herbion from dry cough - an alternative to synthetic drugs and, unlike them, has no significant contraindications.

However, even a herbal preparation with natural ingredients requires careful application:

  1. 5 ml of the preparation Herbion contains 4 g of sucrose (, XE) - this must be taken into account for people suffering from diabetes.
  2. The drug is contraindicated for people who are sensitive to fructose, who have a history of impaired glucose and galactose absorption syndrome or with a congenital deficiency of the enzyme sucrose-isomaltase.
  3. Extract of plantain and mallow is contraindicated in children under 2 years of age.
  4. During the period of taking the medicine, allergic reactions to the components are not ruled out, in this case the reception of Herbion is stopped and consulted for a doctor.
  5. It is not recommended to take the drug to women during pregnancy and lactation, since at present There is insufficient data on the effect of Herbion and its constituent primrose on the fetus and the pectoral children.
  6. Among the side effects from the use of the drug, there were digestive disorders (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) due to the intake of elevated doses of plant extracts containing saponin.
  7. It is not recommended to take syrup from dry cough Herbion with psyllium in combination with other antitussive drugs that suppress the cough reflex and prevent the sputum from escaping.


Herbion's uniqueness lies in the fact that it not only confronts pathogenic microorganisms, but also strengthens immunity, so it is indicated to children who are often ill, Herbion analogs in the active substances are not exist.

Analogues of the drug with the content of the primrose are Bronchicum and Bronchipret TP.

Analogs of Herbion on the mechanism of action:

  • Bronhicum S.
  • Doctor Mom.
  • Kodelak Broncho.
  • Pertussin.
  • Gedelix (can be used in children from birth).
  • Mukaltin et al.

To say definitely which of the drugs is better is impossible. Everything depends on the cause of the cough, age, patient's condition, stage of the disease and individual susceptibility to certain active substances in the composition of medications.

To select complex preparations and prescribe a course of treatment, only a specialist has the right to individually. The cost of syrup Herbion in a bottle of 150 ml averages between 250 and 350 rubles. Detailed instructions for use are supplied with the medicine.

But it is worth paying attention to some nuances of applying syrup with plantain:

  1. Take it inside regardless of food intake.
  2. It is recommended to drink the drug with warm water.
  3. It is necessary to comply with drinking regimen (increase fluid intake) to improve metabolism.
  4. The dosage of the drug and the duration of therapy are prescribed taking into account the age and condition of the patient.

Herbion cough syrup with plantain and its use for dry and moist cough

Cough syrup Herbion with plantain contains a natural plantain extract based on water, which softens the mucosa of the respiratory tract, since the extract from plants contains mucus. It has an enveloping and at the same time protective action, as a result, there is a decrease irritation of the mucosa during a dry cough, due to this, the patient's condition is facilitated during disease.

Plantain in the composition of the drug has an antibacterial effect, that is, it suppresses the process of reproduction of bacteria. Water extract of mallow flowers contains mucus and tannins, they also envelop the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, reduce irritation and soothe cough, vitamin C improves the protective properties of the body, is an immunostimulating substance and promotes the restoration of damaged mucosa tissue.During the period of Gerbion's application, cough can be intensified, but its character changes, since the drug contributes to the formation of sputum, its liquefaction and therefore it is easier to go along with pathogenic microorganisms.


Separation of sputum during illness is the key to recovery, as the number of pathogens decreases and their reproduction ceases.

To treat wet cough, use Gerbion syrup with primrose, since syrup from cough Herbion with psyllium is designed to eliminate the symptoms of dry cough.

Herbion with primrose is a remedy for strengthening the retreat and improving the excretion of phlegm, while Herbion with plantain is an antitussive drug that translates dry cough into wet. Syrup with plantain stops and inflammation in the respiratory tract.

According to the instructions for the drug, it is recommended to take:

  • adults 10 ml at least 3 times a day;
  • children 2 - 7 years - 5 ml 3 times during the day.

With a strong cough, adult patients can be assigned a five-time appointment.Herbion syrup primrose is recommended by doctors when sputum is delayed in the airways, and, due to the fact that the plant preparation contains thyme and menthol, the bronchial secretion. The amount of sputum significantly increases, and its viscosity decreases, thyme in the composition of the drug expands the bronchi and helps to eliminate sputum.

Complex antitussive drugs should be used in the case when the cough is dry and unproductive, that is, it does not bring relief. In this situation, the doctor prescribes combined drugs that have both an antitussive effect and an expectorant at the same time. Herbion with psyllium - a drug for eliminating the symptoms of dry cough, is suitable for people who abuse smoking and suffer from dry, debilitating cough.

Indications for use:

  • Cough with infections of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Colds.
  • Cough "smoker".

Herbion (cough syrup): indications for use and dosage

As part of Herbion with primrose contains saponin, and it improves blood circulation and promotes elimination of fluid, so the drug has proven itself in the treatment of "senile" cough in old people.This cough develops because of the water retention in the body and the deterioration of the blood supply to the heart muscle,However, one must understand that it is dangerous to prescribe a diagnosis and prescribe medications to yourself, since you can skip the onset of a serious illness.

Thyme in the syrup is an antiseptic, it helps to relax the muscles of the bronchi and has an analgesic effect, it is not necessary to abuse the drug. When using large doses of Herbion with primrose, there may be a disruption of the bowel, as a result, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are not excluded.

Indications for the use of the drug Herbion (cough syrup) with a moist form:

  • ARVI.
  • Tracheitis.
  • Bronchitis.
  • An old cough.
  • Allergic cough.

The course of treatment with Herbion in the form of a cough syrup is 5-7 days. Taking Herbion with primrose is necessary with a sufficient amount of warm liquid after eating, a significant amount of fluid is needed to improve the metabolic process.

Detailed instructions for use are attached to the drug, but it is only a reminder to the appointment of the attending physician.

A new drug for the treatment of wet cough - Herbion with ivy, but unlike Herbion with plantain the drug with ivy does not contain sugar, so it can be used to treat wet cough in patients diabetes. Herbion with ivy is recommended for use in the complex therapy of children.

The structure includes:

  • sorbitol;
  • coriander oil;
  • lemon.

Store Herbion after opening the bottle can be no more than 1 month at room temperature, you can not cool.



"Herbion" from dry cough: reviews and applications

One of the first signs of a cold may be a painful dry cough. The patient constantly feels irritation in the throat, the night sleep is disturbed, the mood worsens. In rare cases, severe attacks of coughing can lead to an increase in body temperature. Leave such a state of the body without attention in any case impossible. Complications may occur, for example, such as bronchial asthma or pneumonia. At the initial stage of the disease, syrup "Gerbion" from dry cough will come to the rescue. Reviews about this drug can be heard at most positive.

Composition and form of release

The medicine is presented in the form of a brown syrup. The main active ingredient is a liquid extract of plantain leaves lanceolate. In addition, the composition of the drug includes ascorbic acid, as well as liquid extract of mallow leaves. As auxiliary substances are sucrose, orange oil and methyl parahydroxybenzoate.

The drug "Herbion syrup plantain" is produced in plastic containers of 150 ml. The medicine is packed in a cardboard box. There is also a measuring spoon, with which you can easily determine the correct dosage. The drug is dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription.


Syrup "Herbion" is recommended to use at the initial stage of cold disease, when sputum is still difficult to get out of the lungs. The drug is most often included in complex therapy. Self-use of it may not give the desired result. The medication is of vegetable origin, therefore it is completely safe. Syrup has not only expectorant, but also anti-inflammatory effect. It can be prescribed in combination with other medicines in the treatment of tuberculosis and bronchial asthma.

The drug "Gerbion" is also used by smokers. It is known that nicotine negatively affects the work of the lungs. To alleviate a cough that is caused by a bad habit, a medicinal product on a natural basis will also help. But completely to get rid of an unpleasant symptom it will not be possible. To forget about a cough for good, you will have to quit smoking.


The drug has a natural basis, so there are few contraindications. It is not recommended to use the preparation "Gerbion" for people with diabetes mellitus against coughing. The instruction says that the composition of the drug includes sucrose. For the same reason, do not use the drug for patients with congenital intolerance to fructose. In rare cases, there may be increased sensitivity to individual components of the drug.

"Herbion" (syrup from dry cough) is often used in pediatrics. However, it is not used to treat children under two years of age. Pregnant and lactating women do not prescribe medicine. This is due to the fact that no studies have been conducted with this category of patients. Despite the fact that the drug is dispensed without a prescription, and also has a natural basis, women should not be engaged in self-medication during pregnancy. A suitable syrup can be prescribed only by a doctor.

In 5 ml of the medicine we are considering, 4 g of sucrose is contained. This must be taken into account in patients who have a suspicion of diabetes. In some cases, "Herbion syrup plantain" can only cause harm.

Adverse Events

In most cases, there are no unpleasant symptoms when using the drug. Problems can be observed only with an overdose of the drug. From the digestive tract can be observed such malfunctions as nausea, diarrhea, less often vomiting. In addition, allergic reactions may occur in the form of skin rashes and itching. If any misunderstood symptoms appear, it is recommended to immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

In rare cases, allergic reactions may develop, which pose a threat to the life and health of the patient. First of all, it is angioedema. At the first symptoms (swelling in the larynx, skin rash) should be called an ambulance. It is necessary to immediately stop using the syrup "Gerbion". The use of another drug will also help get rid of dry cough, and without unpleasant consequences. Naturally, a specialist consultation will be necessary.


Measure the necessary amount of the drug with a convenient measuring spoon, which is always present in the package. Adults, as well as children over 14 years, take 2 tablespoons of syrup 3 times a day. If the patient suffers from a dry painful cough, the medicine can be taken up to 5 times a day in the first days of the disease. Thus the daily norm should not exceed 50 ml.

Children from 2 to 7 years take 1 scoop of medicine three times a day. Patients from 7 to 14 years can take 2 tablespoons of syrup no more than 3 times a day. Treatment of babies must be under the supervision of parents. The syrup has a pleasant taste. The kid will probably want to take the Herbion cough medicine in a higher dosage. The instruction says that in no case should the drug be left in a place accessible to children.

The duration of treatment can be 7-14 days. If the symptoms do not go away quickly, the course can be extended to three weeks. In any case, therapy with this medication is recommended under the supervision of a specialist. If there is no improvement, perhaps it makes sense to change the medicine.

How soon does Herbion help dry cough? The patient's feedback shows that opinions on this score have been divided. Some people forget about coughing after 5 days of taking the medicine. Others also have to be treated for weeks.

Interaction with other drugs

If the patient suffers from chronic illnesses and is forced to constantly maintain the normal state of the body with using medicines, it is worth consulting with a doctor before taking the drug "Gerbion" from a dry cough. Experts say that in most cases, the syrup is compatible with all medicines. But, in order to avoid allergic reactions, it is better to be safe.

With what exactly it is impossible to take a medicine, so it is with antitussive drugs. Syrup "Gerbion" from a dry cough composition has a natural. The main components act on the phlegm in the lungs, making it less viscous. Antitussive agents, on the contrary, make it difficult to remove secretions. Joint use of such drugs only leads to aggravation of the situation.

How correctly to store "Gerbion" from a dry cough?

The reviews show that the drug is perfectly preserved at room temperature. Experts advise to put a container of syrup in the refrigerator immediately after the purchase. So the medicine will be able to retain its useful properties much longer. Like any other medicine, the syrup should be left in a dark place out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the medicinal product is 2 years from the date of manufacture. The date of manufacture is always indicated on the carton, as well as the cap of the plastic container.

Are there analogues?

There are several variants of syrups with a similar composition on sale. A specialist can always tell you which "Gerbion" from a dry cough will do better. But what if it is impossible to find a medicine in pharmacies? The problem is easily solved. There are a lot of analogues, which also perfectly combat colds in general and dry cough in particular. Popular today is, for example, syrup "Broncholitin". It is also a medicinal product on a natural basis. The main active ingredient is glaucine hydrobromide. The drug helps to quickly remove an unpleasant dry cough and restore the patient's normal state of health.

Syrup "Broncholite" is a potent drug. It can be prescribed for bronchial asthma, pneumonia and whooping cough. But there are also a lot of contraindications to its use. These are hypertension, angle-closure glaucoma, heart failure. Do not recommend using the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy. The preparation "Bronholitin" is allowed to children only from the age of three. The composition of the drug is ethanol. For this reason, do not take medicine for people who are addicted to alcohol dependence. Those who are prescribed medication "Broncholitin" or "Gerbion" with a dry cough, the instruction should be studied first.

Reviews about the drug

In most cases, patients respond well to syrup "Herbion" based on plantain. The medicine has a pleasant taste and positively affects the body. Syrup is very popular with children. Many parents know that getting a child to drink medicine is not so easy. The exception is the delicious fragrant medicament "Gerbion". In addition, it has a natural basis. Therefore it is completely safe for kids. Such a medicine can be compared with a milky-honey mixture from a cough.

If it is wrong to treat the drug "Herbion" with a dry cough, the syrup can get negative feedback. There may be side effects due to an overdose of medication. Most often, allergic reactions were observed in the form of skin rashes. Less often, patients experience gastrointestinal disorders. Some people have an individual intolerance to the drug. It is necessary to take only one measuring spoon of syrup, as there are unpleasant symptoms, such as face swelling or hives.

Price of medicine

Syrup "Gerbion" is often used for dry cough. This is due not only to the positive properties of the medicine, but also to its low price. You can buy medicine in the pharmacy for only 200-250 rubles. In real time, a natural-based syrup can be bought even cheaper.


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