Dry throat cough: causes, treatment

Throat cough with asthma
Bronchial asthma refers to obstructive airway disease. Asthma attacks disturb a person mostly in the evening and at night, but may occur in the daytime. Most often this happens when the patient takes a horizontal position and the bronchi can not cope with the volume of air that enters them.
Obstructive changes in asthma that cause this symptom in extremely rare cases are completely. Most often, a person with such a disease has to undergo treatment throughout his life.
Cough throat in allergic reactions
With allergies, a reflex act of this nature persecutes a person constantly. But this ailment is also accompanied by other reactions of the body. With this disease there is also a runny nose with frequent sneezing, sometimes itching. An allergic reaction with improper treatment or lack of it can lead to a deadly edema of the larynx.
Throat cough, causes can be covered in infectious diseases

Throat cough, whooping cough symptoms
In addition to throat cough in whooping cough, the patient has weakness, elevated (often subfebrile) temperature, nervous excitability, sweating and general fatigue. The main paroxysmal barking symptom is the most painful in this list. He does not subside either in the daytime or in the evening, and, even with proper treatment, the reflex act can last about three to four weeks.
Pertussis is most often affected by children under the age of three. Sometimes it occurs in adults.
How to cure a throat

The allergy is treated with antihistamines. In whooping cough, the patient is prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics and antitussive drugs.
Remember that ineffective or untimely treatment started can lead to serious consequences. Try to consult a doctor even if you do not have a fever, but a throat cough does not go away for a long time.
Dry cough in an adult

Causes of dry cough in adults
The reasons for this condition can be:
- inflammation in the bronchi and trachea;
- pneumonia;
- bronchial asthma;
- inflammation of the larynx;
- tumors of the respiratory system;
- whooping cough;
- pleurisy
Types of cough in adults
If you listen to a cough, you can hear its different shades and varieties. There are several types:
If he is not too intrusive, with short coughs, then he is called pharyngeal. At the same time, the pharyngeal mucosa dries up or the mucus accumulates at the entrance to the larynx.
In whooping cough are characterized by multiple coughing thrusts, which are accompanied by a deep breath with a whistling sound.
Barking cough appears with laryngitis and tracheitis. It occurs when the inflammatory process of the vocal cords. If barking breath is added to the barking dry cough, then this is a manifestation of croup.
When you hear low tones with a gradual increase, this may be a symptom of tuberculosis.
During the catarrhal disease, there may appear a pertussis cough of an obsessive nature.
Spastic cough speaks of bronchial asthma. It is unproductive and intrusive. He appears closer to the morning. Such a condition may indicate obstructive bronchitis, but without a series of seizures.
The metallic shade of a dry cough that appears during a conversation during a meal can talk about a mental disorder, but this is only diagnosed after a serious examination.
Strong cough in an adult (dry)
Provoke a strong dry cough in an adult can various factors. These include:
- Smoking when tobacco tar irritates the bronchi.
- Dust, which causes perspiration in the respiratory tract.
- The foreign body when exposed to the mucosa has an irritating effect.
- Stressful situations and emotional experiences.
- Allergic reactions.
- Adverse reaction to medications.
- Oncological diseases.
- Diseases of the thyroid gland.
- Heart failure.
- Problems in the stomach and intestines, when a fistula of the esophageal tracheal region is formed and reflex dry cough appears after eating.
Long dry cough in an adult
Often a dry cough occurs during a cold disease, if the weakened immunity does not cope with its protective functions, and the disease passes into the bronchi. As a result, acute bronchitis appears, which, in the absence of proper treatment, goes into a chronic stage. With prolonged coughing in an adult, deformation of the bronchial walls can occur, which leads to asthma, lung abscess and pneumonia.
A long, dry throat cough and severe swallowing in the pharynx are with chronic pharyngitis. This is a serious disease that needs to be treated in a hospital.
A very long spasmodic cough accompanied by pain in the side, shortness of breath and fever can be observed with pleurisy.
Paroxysmal cough in an adult
The spasmodic nature of cough often refers to the manifestation of bronchial asthma. Usually it appears in the night and evening and appears against the background of an allergen. An attack can cause suffocation, pain in the abdomen and chest. It can last about one hour.
Paroxysmal cough characterized by inflammatory processes of the pharynx, larynx and nasopharynx. If the time is not taken to eliminate them, the painful condition passes into bronchitis, pneumonia and tracheitis.
Dry barking cough in an adult
Dry barking cough in adults is characteristic of parainfluenza. This is an acute viral disease that affects the upper respiratory tract. It is a symptom of the acute form of laryngitis and pharyngitis and manifests itself at night. In bronchial asthma, it is accompanied by attacks of suffocation. Lack of proper treatment can lead to death. When croupous pneumonia cough is accompanied by painful sensations in the chest. Pertussis in an adult is caused not only by a barking cough, but also by attacks of vomiting.

Dry suffocating cough in an adult
The emergence of a suffocating cough can be caused by a variety of factors. Often this happens when a foreign body enters the respiratory tract, and the allergen irritates the mucous membrane. More often the symptom indicates a serious disease, which include:
- bronchitis;
- bronchial asthma;
- tuberculosis;
- whooping cough;
- oncological diseases;
- heart failure;
- farengitotracheitis;
- laryngitotracheitis
Such a cough is often observed in smokers with experience. The absence of treatment for chronic bronchitis can lead to secondary tuberculosis.
Dry cough in an adult at night
Coughing attacks at night often occur due to bronchial asthma. It is accompanied by wheezing, stiffness of the chest and difficulty breathing.
The cause may be heart failure, in which there is shortness of breath and heart rate increases.
Acid reflux irritates the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract with the contents of the esophagus and stomach, causing a night cough.
Treatment of dry cough in adults
A good alternative in the treatment of dry cough in adults are medicinal herbs and doses. In the pharmacy you can buy various nursing fees. Phyto tea also helps effectively in treatment. They are easy to use and pleasant to taste. The most effective herbs are: plantain, flax seeds, lime blossom, oregano and thyme. To relieve bronchial spasms, chamomile, valerian, and aura are soothing at night.
Good help and inhalation, which can be carried out at home. Sage, chamomile, thyme and mother-and-stepmother in equal parts, pour two liters of boiling water. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil and soda. Cover yourself with a towel and breathe healing couples for ten minutes.
A tablespoon of viburnum should be cooked in half a liter of water. Then add honey and drink four times a day.
In a liter of milk, boil a finely chopped onion and three cloves of garlic. Then add the honey and drink every hour for half a glass until the dry cough disappears.
Pour a tablespoon of oat flakes with a lot of water and cook for thirty minutes. Drink honey four times a day.
In half a glass of lemon juice add two tablespoons of honey and one spoonful of glycerin. Take a teaspoon six times a day.
Spoon a tablespoon of sugar over the fire until it turns brown. Dissolve, and then drink a birch sap.
To get rid of cough, it is better to use several methods of treatment.
Dry cough in an adult medicine
For the treatment of dry cough used drugs of two types:
Means that suppress the patient's cough reflex. These include: codeine, oxeladin and ethylmorphine.
Medications that affect cough receptors. Effectively help: linkas, kodelak bronho and terpinkod.
Throat throat: what to do and how to treat hoarseness of voice in an adult
The slowness of the voice, dry cough in an adult with a cold does not surprise anyone - these are typical symptoms of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
But not always hoarse voice in an adult appears only because of this. In fact, there are other reasons why the hoarse throat.
Which ones, what treatment is required, how quickly to restore the voice at home?
The answers to these questions are especially important, if the adult's work depends on the voice, it is necessary to treat such a phenomenon.
Causes of hoarseness

Treatment is required different. Therefore, if the throat rises more than two weeks, the voice is almost gone, there is reason for concern and visits to the doctor.
The most common causes of hoarseness are as follows:
- Inflammation of the larynx caused by viral or bacterial infections. Most often it is with a cold or flu that it hurts and wheezes your throat. Also there is a dry cough, the temperature can rise. If other cold symptoms have already passed, but the voice has not recovered, laryngitis is diagnosed - the chronic form often has to be treated with antibiotics.
- Overvoltage of the vocal cords. It is often enough to shout loudly once or sing a song to permanently disrupt the voice. Also, the voice grows hoarse and disappears from those who regularly load the voice apparatus - from speakers, lecturers, speakers. Treatment can be done at home, without loading the vocal cords and rinsing.
- Bad habits. Alcohol and smoking greatly affect the vocal cords. If a person used alcohol on the eve of the day, do not be surprised that in the morning his voice was gone and his throat hurt. If you get rid of bad habits, the voice will recover by itself. Only in advanced cases requires special treatment.
- Nervous stress. If a person is very nervous or frightened, his voice may be lost. Cure such a phenomenon can be with the help of sedatives and complete rest for the vocal cords - you can not even speak in a whisper.
- Pathology of internal organs, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, neoplasm in the larynx. These are the most serious reasons for the scaling of the voice, the treatment will take a long, probably surgical operation, which will help to get rid of hoarseness.
The reasons for a hoarse voice can be far from being innocent and safe, as it may seem at first glance.
Therefore, if there was a cough, the voice changed, there are other alarming symptoms, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed.
How to cure cough, sore throat and hoarseness quickly

If you choose the right medicine and do all the procedures prescribed by your doctor, the laryngitis treatment will take 7 to 10 days. You can treat hoarseness by such means:
- Erespal in syrup or tablets - this drug removes the inflammation of the larynx, swelling, promotes the expansion of bronchial lumens;
- Miramistin is a potent antiseptic, in the pharmacy you can buy it in the form of a spray or laryngeal solution;
- Falimint, Septotelet - tablets and troches for resorption, help to treat sore throat and cough, restore voice;
- Bioparox, Ingalipt - with the help of these aerosol and inhaler you can eliminate all the symptoms of laryngitis - sore throat, dry cough, - and restore the voice;
- Lugol is also an antiseptic solution for treating the inflamed larynx.
If the voice is lost, treatment with folk remedies can be effective. But you still need to consult a doctor. Sometimes, to cure a cough, sore throat, hoarseness requires antibiotics. But such treatment can appoint only a doctor-otolaryngologist, if it is precisely established that the cause of infection is a bacterial infection.
Treat laryngitis depending on the pathogen can be drugs such as Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Ceftriaxone, Aksetin, Cefixim, Summed, Clarithromycin. They destroy bacteria and thereby quickly and effectively eliminate inflammation, sore throat, hoarseness and hoarseness. But it is impossible to make appointments for oneself, as antibiotics are effective and safe only with a properly formulated treatment regimen.
It should also be noted that there is no universal medicine that would quickly help every patient if his voice was gone.
Therefore, do not trust the advertising and advice of friends, what helped cure laryngitis to them, may be ineffective and even harmful.
How to cure a hoarse voice with folk remedies

But we must understand that it is impossible to cure bacterial infection with folk remedies.
If there is no temperature, you can do inhalation with a cough, using such proven folk recipes:
- A solution of soda and sea salt - for 5-6 liters of hot water at a temperature of not more than 60 degrees should take one tablespoon of components.
- Leaves of eucalyptus - for the same amount of water you need to take two tablespoons of a medicinal plant.
- A decoction of sage, chamomile and calendula. Herbs are mixed in equal proportions, then a tablespoon of collection is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused under the lid for an hour. The broth is filtered and added to hot water for inhalation.
Another accessible and tried-and-tested recipe for ages is the gogol-mogol. This tool can be treated even completely missing voice, it is very popular with opera singers whose vocal cords receive regularly enormous loads. But, of course, the gogol-mogul acts as a home medicine of local action, it can not neutralize microbes.
Prepare it this way:
- Smash 1-2 eggs, separate the yolks and transfer them to a blender;
- Add a tablespoon of sugar and beat until a foamy mass without grains is obtained;
- Pour two tablespoons of warm milk, add as much honey and whisk a little more;
- If desired, flavor rum or cognac.
But gogol-mogol can be used to treat a hoarse voice can only be used by people who do not have allergies to raw eggs and honey. As an alternative remedy, traditional medicine recommends juice of raw beet for rinsing or syrup from the juice of black radish and honey. It also quickly recovers the voice of warm milk with burgers from a cough or with soda, details about the loss of voice in the video in this article.
How can I quickly cure a dry cough in an adult?
Many people are wondering how quickly to cure a dry cough in an adult? It exhausts, brings a lot of inconveniences and is capable to provoke the development of bronchitis, to cope with which is much more difficult. At the first symptoms of a cough, you should immediately consult a doctor so that he has a check-up, found the cause and prescribed the necessary medicines. It is better not to resort to self-medication, since cough is a symptom of a number of diseases. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis.

Treatment of dry cough in adults with medication
First of all, you need to adjust the power. It is recommended to remove from the diet smoked, fried and spicy dishes that irritate the mucous. Alcohol and cigarettes are also prohibited. The daily menu should include porridge, dairy products, cooked and steamed dishes. To facilitate swallowing, you can take lozenges and lozenges. For coughing up phlegm shows mucolytic drugs, including:
- Ambroxol;
- Bromhexine;
- "ACTS";
- "Mukoltin";
- "Mesna";
- Solutan;
- "Broncholitin";
- The root of the althaea and licorice;
- "Kodelak fito";
- Doctor MOM.

- "Libexin";
- Tusuprex »
- "Ethylmorphine";
- "Codeine";
- "Oxeladin";
- Butamirat.
Treatment of dry cough in adults provides plenty of drinking. Before going to bed it is recommended to drink milk with soda. A good action is provided by hot tea with raspberries, cranberries, currants, lemon. Comptes from dried fruits are shown. All these tools will help to cope faster with the disease and enhance the action of pharmacological drugs. In some of the most neglected cases, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. Their dosage is calculated depending on the stage of the disease.
Treatment of dry cough in adults with folk remedies
With dry cough in adults, treatment can be carried out by folk methods, which, however, must be agreed with the attending physician in order to avoid complications.

Black radish is the right remedy for dry cough. Remove the top part from the vegetable and remove the core, instead of which put honey. Put the "stuffed" radish in a container and cover with the top. After 3 hours, the vegetable will give off the juice, which will mix with the honey. It must be drunk, and the radish should be filled with honey again. The procedure can be repeated up to 5-7 times.
Against dry cough phytotherapeutists recommend drinking decoctions of the following herbs:
- mother and stepmother;
- thyme;
- oregano;
- nettle;
- liquorice root;
- plantain.

Do not forget about inhalations. The simplest option is to boil several potatoes, drain the water, cover with a towel and breathe in pairs for 10 minutes.After a few procedures, you will feel much better.
Essential oils can be used for inhalation, including:
- eucalyptus;
- Pine;
- tea tree;
- chamomile.
For the procedure, add 3-5 drops of oil to the kettle with boiling water, put the paper cone on the spout and breathe in pairs for 10-15 minutes. It is important to remember that essential oils can cause allergies, so use them with caution.
http://www.youtube.com/watc? =61aJt12OvLI
Inhalation can be done with the addition of bay leaf or menthol: boil 20 g. raw materials in 400 ml. water and breathe in pairs through the tube for 10 minutes.
With a dry cough it is important to keep your feet warm. It is recommended to make trays with mustard.
Dissolve in boiling water 10 g. powder and soar your feet in mustard solution for 10 minutes. Then put on socks and go to bed. Baths should be done every other day for a week.

Milk is shown with mineral water, which contains alkali. It is recommended to drink this drink twice a day.
With a very dry cough, citrus syrup will help. To make it, you need to take a large lemon, pour water and cook for 10 minutes over low heat. Then cool, cut into several pieces and squeeze out the juice. The liquid should be mixed with 200 ml. glycerol and 10 ml. honey. Then add 30 ml. warm water. Use the drug three times a day for 10 ml. The course of treatment is 7 days.
http://www.youtube.com/watc? =W5fA6K5giE4
If you tortured dry cough in adults, treatment can be carried out with the help of raspberry leaves. To do this, 20 g. Raw material pour 400 ml. boiling water and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. After a quarter of an hour the broth is filtered and used in hot form for 100 ml. three times a day.
If traditional methods of treatment do not bring results or cause discomfort, it is necessary to immediately refuse from their use and tell the attending physician, who in that case will prescribe another treatment. Folk remedies are better combined with medicines, then cough will be much faster.