Self-education of parents and its resources

Self-education is a form of individual educational activity, motivated by professional needs and interests, and aimed at acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills and skills, their constant improvement, as well as the development of significant qualities of his personality. It is an integral part of any other form of education, as well as a necessary condition for the effective functioning of the system of extracurricular vocational training in general.

Let's talk about self-education of parents and revealing of its effective resources.


Self-education with parents: what is it?

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Self-education is a trend of the present and future. But, even today to find a worthy material in which all the subtleties and "pitfalls" of this process are fully revealed, it is worth considerable work, for which reason people spend hundreds of hours and billions of neuron pulses in order to develop at least some kind of independent systemgaining knowledge that would be effective and give tangible results.

Self-education involves, in turn, a learning process in which a person finds information that interests him, studies it, chooses the most important thing for himself, thereby completing his knowledge. In the process of self-education, there is a higher burden on a person because he himself has to find information himself, to study, while doing a selective study. This takes more time, strength and patience. Engaged in the process of self-education, any person must first determine what exactly interests him, and then look for information in the resources, choose more it needs, remember and use it as necessary.

Self-education is such a form of individual activity of a person that is motivated by its own professional and personal interests and needs and is aimed at acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills and skills necessary for upgrading and improving their personality.

Self-education is an integral part of life and activity of a developing person. The fact is that the knowledge gained independently by the person, the skills that he has mastered himself, the experience that he gained through his actions, successes and mistakes - all this is priceless and integrated into his personality - becomes a part of his nature. Absolutely everything that a man could achieve himself, much better captured in his memory, as well as transforms his personality and transfers theoretical knowledge to the practical plane.

To gain knowledge of any person, you need certain motivation. A person asks himself why he needs it, whether it is useful to him in life, whether he can get knowledge and use them in life.

Motivation for self-education

Motivation for self-education is associated with the need for belonging to a social group, with the need for recognition, with the need for self-expression, it ranks third in the list of human needs and stands right after physiological needs and security needs( according to the hierarchical pyramidA. Maslow).

Motivation can be external and internal. For self-education, internal( personal) motivation is a priority. Internal motivation for self-education may be low due to various misconceptions. One of the most common is the misconception that with age the ability of perception decreases, that the older a person is, the less he teaches, the more rigid his stereotypes and habits. If we talk about parents, we see here that parents simply stop developing themselves not because they can not, but because they simply do not consider it necessary and this is one of the erroneous opinions.

If we talk about self-education of parents, the most important thing that I want to note is that every parent, regardless of gender, age and number of children should self-educate. Still no one was hampered by extra knowledge and skills. Parents together and apart should search and find information. The main feature of self-education is the lack of an educational institution and a teaching person, absolute freedom of action for self-learning when choosing the subject of study, sources and methods. That is, a person has complete freedom of action, he can search for information everywhere, resources can be various sources, these can be trainings, lectures and so on.

Types of parental self-education

There are two types of self-education: the

  1. is systematic( knowledge is accumulated having a specific goal, having built an algorithm for its achievement);
  2. situational( useful knowledge is acquired as needed).

If we talk about the self-education of parents, then most often there is situational self-education. Parents can not engage in the process of self-education in the course of their whole life, and therefore, as and when they need it, they increase and improve their knowledge.

Pros of self-education

  • the time spent on training can be adjusted independently, the child does not get tired and learns the material better;
  • lacks psychological stress before testing knowledge;
  • there are no usual school conflict situations;
  • has the opportunity at an earlier stage to reveal the child's creative abilities;
  • more adequate career guidance;
  • there is an opportunity to make full use of multimedia materials for obtaining this or that knowledge;
  • it is possible to select the most appropriate teaching methods for the child, combining them in any proportions;
  • does not need to pay ordinary school "taxes", as a result, home schooling no longer looks like an expensive entertainment for the rich;
  • a child can get tired every day - it's important for the health and efficiency of a growing body.

Self-Education Disadvantages

  • parents' disorganization;
  • inability to use information available;
  • inability to find the necessary resources and sources;
  • fear and fear of the parents of the process of self-education;
  • the parents' lack of formation of a sense of responsibility for the process itself;
  • inability to involve children in the use of the acquired knowledge, their application in practice;
  • misuse of the received knowledge, thereby there is an incorrect transfer of them in practice.

The opinion of many parents that there is no need to learn anything, what kind of self-education can have among parents who are already over 30, or what to teach and engage in self-study is not necessary. Many, especially those who marry at an early age, do not know what they are going to do, because having no children, we can easily talk about how simple everything is. Then, after the appearance of children, problems arise for married couples, and the problem is primarily that they do not have the necessary information and the necessary knowledge in the upbringing of children. I would like to dwell a little on the term "upbringing."

What is upbringing?

Education is:

  • is a purposeful process aimed at personal development;
  • a dialogic relationship aimed at the development of the individual;
  • introduction to culture, developing personality.

Self-education of parents and the upbringing of their children are connected continuously. If we talk about this in more detail, then the connection is visible in the fact that in the process of self-education parents receive knowledge, they pass knowledge to children and during this transfer, communication and strengthening of communication between parents and children occurs.

I would like to note that self-education has not hindered anyone in their lives, and therefore will not be superfluous. You can talk a lot about the pros of this process, but as we know, it has its drawbacks. The modern world is full of sources and resources about how and where it is possible to acquire knowledge in any field, but not many parents know how to find and use them, do not know what they need, thus they simply do not do self-education but only use the knowledge that they havethem in stock. In the process of their lives, everyone, whether an adult, a parent or a person who has more than one higher education, should engage in self-education. To whom this will seem unnecessary and may not be interesting, because it takes time and patience, but by starting training and raising knowledge yourself, you just make sure that it's interesting, easy.

After hearing the word self-education, many immediately represent a bunch of books and endless days spent studying them, but time does not stand in one place, now you can do a lot without spending your energy searching for the necessary information. For more convenient self-education, trainings are provided, the course of lectures is taught, many necessary information can be found on the Internet, Internet forums are also available, many seminars for beginners are created, resources for self-education can be listed for a long time, the main thing when finding information is to take it seriously and selectivelyand, of course, the desire of the person himself, who also plays one of the main roles in the process of self-education.

Having every desire, every parent has great opportunities. With its presence, each opens up the expanses of self-education, and it only remains to use them correctly. Knowledge acquisition means their correct use not only in everyday life, but also in relation to children. After all, parents often get knowledge to transfer to their children, as well as using them in relation to children.

Most often, parents have difficulties in dealing with children, understanding them by age, holding them to school, and so on.

Becoming parents, many do not understand that their shoulders are responsible for their children for their present and future. If we talk about self-education of parents, first of all we are talking about the fact that parents bear responsibility for the children, for the education that they will give them. Parents should correctly give them an idea of ​​life, about how they should cope with different situations, and often parents knowing how to do this do not know how to explain this to the child. And not correct upbringing only worsens everything.

Recommendations for the upbringing of children

Below are a few recommendations that parents should follow when raising children.

  1. Avoid excessive requirements. Do not ask the child everything at once. Your requirements should correspond to the level of development of his skills and cognitive abilities. Do not forget that such important and necessary qualities as diligence, accuracy, responsibility are not formed immediately. The child is still only learning to control himself and organize his activities. Do not frighten the child with difficulties and failures at school, so as not to raise unnecessary self-doubt in him.
  2. Grant the child the right to make a mistake. Every person makes mistakes from time to time, and the child is no exception. It is important that he is not afraid of mistakes, but he knew how to correct them. Otherwise, the child will form a belief that he can not do anything.
  3. Helping the child to do the job, do not interfere with everything he does. Give him the opportunity to achieve the task yourself.
  4. Teach your child to keep his things and school supplies in order.
  5. The child's good manners are a mirror of family relationships."Thank you", "Sorry", "Can I. ..", an appeal to an adult for "You", should enter the child's speech before school. Teach your child to be polite and calm in dealing with and treating people( adults and children).
  6. Accustom the child to self-reliance in everyday life and self-service skills. The more a child can do on his own, the more grown-up and self-reliant he will feel. Teach your child to undress and hang his clothes on his own, button up buttons and zippers, tie up shoelaces, neatly eat, etc.
  7. Do not miss the first difficulties in learning. Pay attention to any difficulties, especially if the latter become systematic. All problems with study, behavior and health are much easier to solve at the very beginning. Do not close your eyes to the problems, they still will not go anywhere themselves!
  8. When reading books, be sure to discuss and retell the reading with the child;teach him to express his thoughts clearly. Then at school the child will not have problems with oral answers. When you ask him about something, do not be content with the answer "yes" or "no", specify why he thinks so, help bring his thought to the end. Accustom to consistently talk about what happened and analyze them.
  9. Be sure to observe the regime of the day and walks! This affects the health of your child, and hence his ability to learn the material better and easier! Health is the basis for the entire development of the child, this is the amount of his strength that he can spend without being overextended, and, consequently, without a variety of consequences( restlessness, irritability, touchiness, frequent colds, tearfulness, rudeness, headaches, etc..).This is especially true for those children who are born with increased nervous excitability, rapid fatigue or any neurological complications. In this case, the correct and precise regime of the day becomes not only an organizing but also a preventive measure against further weakening of the nervous system.
  10. Do not forget that the child will continue to play for a few more years( especially for 6-year olds).Nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, in the game the child also learns. It is better to play with him and in the process learn some concepts( for example: left - right).
  11. Limit the time your child is in a TV and computer for up to 1 hour a day. Parents mistakenly believe that the pastime in front of the TV and the computer is rest or unloading after a busy day. Unlike adults, both these activities are exciting to the infant's nervous system, in turn, provoking increased fatigue, motor activity, overexcitation, irritability and other.

Components of self-education and self-education

The components of the process of self-education are:

  1. to study and introduce new pedagogical technologies, forms, methods and techniques;
  2. attend trainings, and participate in the exchange of experience;
  3. periodically carry out a self-analysis of the acquired knowledge;
  4. to raise the level of its erudition.

Activities that constitute the process of self-education, directly or indirectly contributing to the process of self-education:

  1. systematic review of certain TV shows,
  2. reading specific pedagogical periodicals,
  3. visiting seminars, conferences, trainings,
  4. conducting a healthy lifestyle,
  5. exercise, physical exercise.

Self-education is a conscious activity aimed at improving one's personality. Work on self-education begins with self-study, awareness of one's successes and failures, with discontent with oneself that arises in the process of life, upon the discovery of not knowing something. The next step in self-education is the formation of the goals of self-development. This is a very domestic step in the process of self-education. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to learn how to properly organize the process of self-education, the self-education plan and specific goals that it needs to achieve.

Self-education involves the use of techniques such as:

  1. self-admission( voluntary self-determination of conscious goals and tasks of self-improvement, decision to form oneself or other qualities);
  2. self-report;
  3. self-control( systematic fixation of one's state and behavior in order to prevent undesirable consequences);
  4. understanding of their own activities and behavior.

At the end of the lecture I would like to note that every person who is an independent parent, this young, adult, should self-develop no matter what. Getting new knowledge and skills has never prevented anyone, and even more so for parents. Many parents think that everyone knows, from life, from an example from their parents, but this is not so. Maybe they know something, but in relation to children there are many questions, the solution of which requires obtaining new knowledge from various resources.

For self-education, parents need not only a need, because something went wrong with children, but because the knowledge can and should be passed on to the children. Parents should set an example for children, and a parent who himself needs an example from the outside can not organize a full-fledged education for his child.

Young children, especially at the age of 3 to 6 years, tend to ask a lot of questions, answers to which parents need knowledge. Becoming parents we must understand, that it is not only a duty to the child, but also a duty to oneself. It is not necessary to think that if a person has graduated from school, has a higher education does not need knowledge, while you are alive and have the opportunity to learn, new knowledge has never prevented anyone. This is particularly true in relation to children, in their upbringing, in their ability to understand them, to live with the times.

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One of the true ways to true, conscious parenting is self-education. Unfortunately, this most complicated and most important science of all is not taught anywhere.

All that we have is our own experience, handed down from our families, the experience of our childhood, partially distorted by the child's perception, in part - through the lens of an adult. And if you take into account that this experience was not always correct, it turns out that you simply can not hope for your own parental wisdom in all life situations.

Source: materials http: // lekciidlyaroditeley.pdf

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