Family traditions, what is and what are

In any family there should be a personal atmosphere of love, mutual understanding and spiritual comfort. Children born in such families, on a subconscious level, adopt this favorable atmosphere.

How does it arise, how to create it and pass it on to the child? Here we come to a topic that reveals family traditions, the cultivation of family values, customs, laws of family leisure.

As a rule, mainly family cultural traditions, values, customs, laws of leisure take roots from the family foundations of previous generations. Thanks to them, a sense of belonging, the reliability of family relationships, a strong bond between family members, a close trust relationship, children feel the safety and stability of the family.


What are family traditions: examples for children

СMaine tradition - recurring actions of family members, aimed at the consolidation of intra-family relations and strengthen the family as the foundation of society.

Traditions are an indispensable attribute of family happiness and well-being, reflecting the moral position of all family members. Each family is individual and has a history. Family customs allow all members to feel their importance, to devote time and attention to relatives, show respect and love for them.

Examples of traditions:

  1. joint celebration,
  2. themed lunches on weekends,
  3. family vacation trips,
  4. reading fairy tales for children before bedtime or singing lullabies,
  5. visiting church on Sundays or religious holidays,
  6. writing letters to children of Santa Claus on New Year's Eve,
  7. baking household cakes for Easter,
  8. co-eating,
  9. others.

What are family traditions and holidays

Conducting family holidays

This tradition has its roots in the distant past - for centuries it was customary to spend holidays with family and close people. The main such holiday should be called a birthday.

In most families it is customary to invite visitors to the house that day, to cover the festive table, to give gifts to the birthday person and to blow out the candles on the festive cake by making a wish. Family holidays include weddings, the birth of children, baptism and more.

Carrying out the national holidays

These are all your favorite holiday - New Year's .Most families practice the custom of holding it together at a large table, with the traditional salad "Olivier" and champagne for our country.

Children write letters to Santa Claus, in which they ask for the desired gifts. Many families celebrate Easter, baking cakes and lighting them in the church.

Among the national holidays, is traditionally celebrated as World Day of Workers - May 1.On this holiday, most families go on a picnic and cook on the barbecue of meat dishes.

Games with children

It is important that both parents take part in the upbringing of the child, play with him. During the games the child learns the world, acquires new skills, increases his physical and intellectual level. For example, according to custom, mom every Saturday teaches a child to play chess, and Dad on Sundays plays with his son in football. Children love stability, so try not to break the established customs.

Evening discussion of the past day

It is worth paying attention to this important point, because during the discussions everyone has the opportunity to share with their families their successes, failures, get useful advice or a parting word.

Joint food intake

This tradition should be called the most important, because there is nothing more pleasant than sharing meals with relatives. Such a family practice is practiced by many. During family breakfasts, there is a great opportunity to discuss plans for the day and be charged with positive.

A joint dinner will allow you to relax, enjoying the company of your relatives, share your impressions of the past day. It is advisable that during the joint meals everyone present communicated, and did not watch TV.

Celebration of significant events

This beautiful custom makes it possible to celebrate such important events for the family as an anniversary, birthday, graduation or graduation, engagement, upcoming replenishment in the family. Such small holidays give the opportunity to share happiness and joy with their loved ones, stimulate new successes.

Reading fairy tales before going to bed

This is the most important tradition in the education of children, because fairy tales allow the child to develop his imagination, to know the world. In addition, the daily reading of tales before bed produces a certain mode of retirement for the child. Even if the child is too young to understand the meaning of the reading, the calm and measured voice of the mother or father will be soothing to him. Such an evening ritual will calm even the most active children, contributing to a good sound sleep.

Walking the whole family

For the development of the child's physical abilities, and maintaining their own, it is important to make joint walks. During such a walk you need to communicate, you can consider the sights. With the aim of inculcating spiritual values ​​it is desirable for the whole family to visit cinema, theaters, museums, exhibitions. Such trips are able to broaden the horizon and raise the cultural level of the family as a whole.

The tradition of kisses

To create an atmosphere of love, it is important to kiss your loved ones more often. It is advisable to kiss children at least twice a day - in the morning when they wake up, in the evening - before going to bed. More frequent kisses and hugs are welcome, even with an adult child, because with a lack of affection, children grow stale. It is also important to wish all of you a good night before a night's sleep and good morning, waking up.

Joint trips to rest

Do not underestimate this type of leisure, because as most psychologists maintain a good relationship, it is recommended to change the situation on a regular basis. The main thing is to visit new cities and countries all together, to get away from routine and everyday life, to expand our horizons.

Orthodox traditions

These include a joint church attendance on Orthodox holidays or every Sunday, the celebration of Christmas and Easter, fasting, baptism of children, reading the Bible, praying at bedtime, regular visits to deceased relatives.

What values ​​underlie the family traditions

Family traditions generate and educate in people important values:

  1. love for family,
  2. respect for one's relatives,
  3. care of loved ones,
  4. a correct understanding of the family and its role in life.

Non-observance of family customs and customs can lead to weakening of ties between its members, to the destruction of family ties. Even the cell of a society in which love reigns can not exist without certain important and pleasant customs, for example, joint leisure.

Traditions strengthen children's feelings of gratitude to their parents, as well as to grandparents, instilling respect for the older generation. Spouses customs give a sense of stability, stability of family relations. L.N.Tolstoy said: "Happy is he who is happy at home."A person who lives in a family that respects tradition will necessarily be surrounded by care, love, warmth and tenderness. In such a person, family well-being will necessarily pass to other spheres of life.

Family traditions of different countries and peoples of the world

Each people has its own special traditions, related to all spheres of life, and especially it concerns the family. This is due, first of all, to the fact that each nation or country has its own special geography, location, climate, history, unique culture, adheres to different religions. All these factors influence the formation of cultural and family customs.

Family traditions, in turn, form a worldview and attitude to life. Such family styles exist for centuries, practically unchanged, moving from the older members of the family to younger ones.

Family cultural traditions in Russia history and the present

If we turn to history, it becomes obvious that there are many traditions in Russia. Long ago the main family tradition in Russia was genealogy - in former times it was considered indecent not to know a kind, and the insult was the expression "Ivan, who does not remember kinship."An integral part of the family structure was the compilation of a family tree or a genealogical tree. Also known are such traditions of the Russian people as the transfer of valuables from generation to generation and the child's name in honor of one of the esteemed ancestors.

In modern Russia, the importance of family customs has been somewhat lost. For example, nowadays you rarely meet a family leading your own genealogy. Often the memory of generations is reduced to an album with photos. But such fine traditions as a joint meal and joint celebrations have been preserved. Family customs and traditions in the Kuban still suggest Cossack life, the upbringing of children in the spirit of the Cossack family.

Traditions in Germany

There is a stereotype that the Germans are extremely pedantic. The most stringent traditions of the Germans are related to the family:

  1. is taken to treat your home as carefully as possible, carefully removing it and bringing beauty to it;
  2. it is not customary to leave grandchildren to be raised by a grandmother or grandfather - for this it is necessary to determine the amount of money for them;
  3. parents in old age do not live with children - they are looked after by carers or they live in special boarding houses;
  4. for Christmas is accepted by the whole family in the parents' house;
  5. Germans are prudent and economical, so they have a tradition of saving money for old age, during which they usually travel a lot around the world.

In England, the

The English tradition is the three whales on which the Earth is held, so they honor them with special trepidation. Who does not know about the notorious English custom of drinking tea? Family gatherings and discussions are necessarily held over a cup of this Earl Gray with milk. The English are Catholics, so they especially celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving, gathering the whole family, preparing traditional dishes.

A great tradition for the British is to call the custom of giving children a good education. It is considered bad form not to send a child to a private boarding school or college.

In France,

In France, the custom is widespread - on Sundays to gather at a common table, drink wine and trapeznichat. From holidays, the French like to celebrate Christmas, gathering in the parental home. At a festive banquet, there are always delicacies such as foie gras, salmon, seafood, snarri fillet and noble cheeses. A traditional drink for Christmas is champagne, and dessert is a "Christmas log".

In India

India is the country of the strictest family customs and traditions. Indian society is divided into social castes, so the issue of marriage is very unusual. The father of the family should choose the future bridegroom for his daughter, she was given in marriage only for the representative of her social caste.

A lavish celebration of a wedding is more a duty than a desire. The bride traditionally had to provide a dowry. Divorces and remarriage in India were previously banned.

The Indian family life is greatly influenced by Buddhist traditions. According to them, the man must:

  1. Respect the wife.
  2. Do not modify.
  3. To provide a family.
  4. Teach children to craft.
  5. Choose a suitable pair for children.

Woman should:

  1. Respect her husband.
  2. Raising children.
  3. Perform all household duties.
  4. Do not change her husband.
  5. To fulfill all wishes of the spouse.

Traditions of Tatars

Tatars are Muslims, therefore the family styles are based on the Sharia and the Koran. In Tatars, the creation of a family is considered a necessity dictated by religion. It is interesting that after the marriage, the husband receives full power over his wife, and the wife is on his dependency - she does not even have the right to leave the house without her husband's consent.

Divorces among Tatars occur extremely rarely solely on the initiative of the husband. Children are encouraged to educate their wives, but they must show complete obedience to their father.

What family traditions are important in the upbringing of children

Family customs play a crucial role in the upbringing of children. It is not easy to plant traditions for an adult person, so frequent transmission from generation to generation from parents to children is a frequent occurrence. Children perceive the world in the same way as their parents do, so the family's perception of the family as the main element of their life and determining its place in the value system depends on pleasant family customs.

Tradition of family reading

Traditions of family reading before going to bed, singing lullabies, kisses at every meeting, joint dinners, walks will be useful. They define in the child the concept of stability, the inviolability of family ways, give a sense of cohesion, make children more affectionate and affectionate. It is also important to instill from childhood the habit of respecting and honoring their ancestors, regularly visiting them on holidays.

Proverbs and poems about family traditions

There are many instructive proverbs about family customs and traditions:

  1. "What a treasure, when the family is in harmony."
  2. "Children are not a burden, but joy."
  3. "When the sun is warm, the mother is good."
  4. "Not the mother that gave birth, but the one that raised it."
  5. "The family is strong when there is only one roof over it."
  6. "The whole family together, so the soul is in place."
  7. "The tree is rooted, and the man is a family".
  8. "If I know my granddaughters, I know the tale."
  9. "Do not hide your failures from your parents."
  10. "Parents of Honor - do not get off the right track."
  11. "In a family where they help each other, misfortunes are not terrible."

Poems about the family, as well as traditions:

Family and home - like light and bread.
The native hearth is the earth and the sky.
In salvation are given to you,
In whatever cares you were not.
Let hurry in life running,
Wherever the road leads,
In your changing fate
The gift is no finer from God.
They keep you always
How many travels around the world,
As a guiding star,
And there are no holy shrines to this.
Your family is warm and light
Here's the best soul's joy.
There is no other happiness in the world,
There is no other happiness.

Family traditions are one of the most important aspects of every person's life, therefore it is important to cultivate and support them in every possible way.

A family life without tradition would be boring.

It's great when young families are themselves, relying on their parents' family experiences, adding their personal moments to them.

The main goal - rapprochement with other members of the family, the construction of a strong reliable family, as well as enjoying communication with loved ones. Be happy!

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Source of the publication: a video on the topic and an article from the website http: // podgotovka-k-svadbe /traditsii/ semeinye