Household soap against acne and thrush - benefit or harm

Representatives of the older generation believe that the effectiveness and environmental friendliness of soap will give raspiarnym cosmetic means.

At the same time, many cosmeticians do not recommend using it for washing and washing hair, arguing that it overdries the skin.

Who do you believe?

At the beginning of the last century, our great-grandmothers washed their heads with soap and had thick and healthy hair.

However, in those years the technology of soap making was significantly different from the current one.

Previously, laundry soap was made from natural ingredients, now chemicals are added to it: thickeners, dyes, etc.

And the structure of the hair of our great-grandmothers was different: at that time no one had heard of tongs, hairdryers and stowage.

Curling and drying with hot air destroy the structure of the hairs, and alkalis contained in the soap can "finish off" the weak, thinned hair.

Partially neutralize the corrosive effect of alkali on your hair can be rinsed after washing with soap and acidified water.

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Pro mask for face with amaranth oil is written on this page.

As an acidifier use lemon juice or apple cider vinegar at the rate of juice of 1 lemon or 2 tablespoons.vinegar per liter of water.

To exceed this concentration, it is undesirable to avoid chemical burns of the scalp.

The plus of laundry soap as a shampoo is the rich content of animal fat in it.

Enclosing each hair, they form a protective barrier, preventing brittleness and delamination of the tips.

Fatty acids contained in household soap are a good alternative to indelible products for split ends.

But perebarschivat with the amount of soap when washing your head is not worth it, otherwise instead of a healthy shine you get the effect of an unwashed "nest".

Also, laundry soap helps to defeat dandruff.

Saturated fatty acids present in it moisturize the scalp, preventing excessive peeling.

My head is correct

For washing hair, not directly a bar is used, but a prepared soap foam.

It is convenient to grate soap on a fine grater and dissolve in hot water, whipping into a foam.

The solution is applied to moistened hair and evenly distributed over them, then washed off with warm water.

Do not intensively knead the hair, expecting that the soap will foam like a shampoo.

The main thing is that the soap solution cleans not only the hair, but also the skin.

To avoid drying out the hair and skin, use soap as a shampoo no more than once every 7 days.

For oily hair, wash with a soap solution alternate with shampoo.

Shevelure takes some time to adapt to household soap.

Therefore, it makes no sense to panic, discovering that after the first washing, the hair became much stiffer than usual.

After the third or fourth washing, the stiffness goes away and the hair gets a healthy silky shine.

When strengthening hair with soap, you can not use salt-based masks, take baths with salt and bathe in sea water so as not to violate the acid-base balance.

And do you know what cayenne pepper is? Read about the useful properties and methods of treatment with this product in the article under the link.

About the extract of guarana seeds written here.

On the page: http: // narodnye-sredstva /lekarstva/ produkty-pitaniya / semena-lna.html is written about useful properties of flax seeds and how to take them.

Before practicing washing your hair with soap, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist.

He will assess the condition of the skin and determine whether it is expedient to use a folk remedy or better to choose more modern means for hair.

Against Acne

But as for an affordable and effective remedy for combating acne in the household soap of competitors is not enough.

Unlike salicylic acid and sulphate-containing preparations, alkalis present in the soap dry out the inflamed areas without destroying the stratum corneum.

Alkaline dissolves fatty plugs that clog the ducts of the sebaceous glands. As a result, acne dries up, but the skin does not peel.

Drying with soap is a more gentle method compared to extrusion.

There is no mechanical effect on the follicle walls, therefore, there is no risk of infection.

Household soap against acne is used as follows: carefully washed and soaked in warm water hands rub the bar until the formation of soap on the palms of the soap.

They should treat areas affected by the rash, applying soap with light massaging movements( not rubbing!).

After a few minutes, rinse with plenty of warm water.

At the initial stages of acne, when there are few pimples and they are scattered, it is more convenient to apply the laundry soap pointwise.

After using soap, a nourishing cream or lotion is applied to the dried skin.

It should be noted that laundry soap is effective against acne if it is not a consequence of pathologies of internal organs.

If soap bubbles and other cosmetic products do not have an effect, it's a direct road to a dermatologist who will prescribe appropriate clinical tests.

Watch the video, which tells about the benefits that can bring ordinary household soap.

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