How to treat an ear otitis

Otitis of the ear: types of otitis and causes of development

  • Otitis in children
  • Otitis in adults
  • Treatment

Ear Otitis is an ENT disease of the hearing organ, characterized by an inflammation of one of the ear sections connected together.

The reasons for the development of otitis media can be very different, ranging from mechanical damage and improper personal hygiene, to serious complications arising from acute respiratory infections, influenza and colds.

Few people know, but even a common runny nose in neglected form can become the beginning not only of maxillary sinusitis, but also of otitis media.

Let us consider in more detail what otitis media are and what types of this disease are encountered.

The structure of the human ear is divided into three interconnected parts, which bear the following names:

  • external ear;
  • middle ear;
  • inner ear.

Depending on the specific part of the body the inflammatory process is taking place, in medicine it is customary to distinguish three types of otitis:

  • outer;
  • average;
  • interior.
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Ear canitis: symptoms of the disease in children

Otitis in children (see the photo on the left) occurs much more often than otitis in adults whose symptoms are identical. First of all, this is due to the not fully developed structure of individual tissues and parts of the hearing organ.

Also, the symptoms of otitis media (also called inflammation of the middle ear) are observed in children with reduced immunity or due to complications of viral, colds, flu.

As already noted above, the disease is divided into three types. For each type of otitis, adults and children have their own symptoms and signs.

Whenexternal otitis media, the causes of which are often violations of the rules of personal hygiene of the child, microtrauma of the shell of the ear, internal boils, observed:

  • elevated body temperature (up to 39 ° C);
  • chills;
  • the child's refusal to eat;
  • capriciousness and irritability;
  • poor sleep;
  • unreasonable crying;
  • puffiness and redness of the auricle;
  • the appearance of small bubbles on the skin around the ear;
  • pain in ear is constant or when touching;
  • an increase in parotid lymph nodes.


Amoxicillin Otipax Ceftriaxone Azithromycin Dioxydin Protargol Polidexa Dimexide Levomecol Flemoxin Solutab Sumamed Otofa Miramistin Otipax

Whenaverage otitis, which most often occurs against the background of acute respiratory viral infections, as well as in children with low immunity, the following symptomatic pattern is observed:

  • earache;
  • continuous crying;
  • lack of sleep;
  • the child's desire to rub or scratch his ear (rub on the pillow);
  • refusal of food;
  • painful reaction when pressing on the tragus (outer cartilage of the auricle);
  • elevated temperature;
  • lethargy;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • purulent discharge from the ear, possibly with an admixture of blood (with a purulent form of acute otitis media).

Wheninternal otitis, manifested much less frequently than the two previous forms, but it is much more dangerous than them as a result complications of otitis media or against the background of a general serious infectious disease are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • elevated temperature;
  • noise in ears;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • loss of balance;
  • hearing loss.

Diagnosis of the symptoms of the disease will be helped by the characteristic symptoms of otitis of the ear, but this does not give the right to self-medicate. At the first manifestations of inflammation of the middle ear, it is necessary to seek help from an otolaryngologist, who, based on a real clinical picture, will prescribe the right treatment.

Symptoms of a cold in the ear in adults

Unlike children, otic otitis, the symptoms of which are known to many of us since childhood, in adulthood happen much less often and is mainly the result of hypothermia, violations of personal hygiene and complications after a viral cold diseases.

Species of otitis

Middle ear External Sharp Bilateral Allergic Outward diffuse Perforating Inside Child Eustachyte

It is much easier to diagnose an individual's disease in an adult than a child in the first place, because he can describe in detail the whole picture, including the power of pain in the ears. This will help determine the severity of the disease.

However, only the doctor can make a final verdict and prescribe the appropriate treatment for otitis media of the middle ear, after having undergone proper examination with the help of special ENT instruments.

Characterize the adult otitis as a cold of the ear, its symptoms are similar to children's:

  • congestion of the ears and hearing loss;
  • acute or aching pain in the ears;
  • elevated temperature (not mandatory);
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • pains that give to the neck, teeth, whiskey, forehead;
  • weakness and general malaise;
  • nausea and vomiting.

In order to avoid the occurrence of such diseases of the ear, proper preventive maintenance should be carried out, and then the pain in the ears will not bother you or your children.

How and how to treat otitis media - doctor's prescriptions and recipes of folk medicine

How to treat an otitis of an ear the doctor the otolaryngologist defines, having established a kind and a degree of disease.

Treatment of otitis media

Treatment of otitis externa Treatment of otitis media of the middle ear Treatment of purulent otitis Ear drops Ear pills Antibiotics Ear wax Ear candles In adults In children In pregnant women

In any case, first of all, drug therapy is aimed at the destruction of bacteria that contribute to the development of otitis media. It is done with the help of antibiotics, and selected such drugs that can not only to eliminate the bacterial damage of the body, but also easily penetrate into the ear drum cavity to the hearth disease.

The most commonly used antibiotics for the treatment of otitis media- Tsifran, Flemoklav, Solyutab.

As a local treatment, special ear drops-antiseptics are used, most often in the ENT practice, the old-fashioned method uses a solution of boric acid.

However, there are a number of other similar drugs of a new generation that can easily cope with infections.

In addition, such drops often include anesthesia, which helps to significantly reduce and eliminate pain.

Some of the best ear drops from otitis are Sophradex, Otipax, Otinum, Garazon.

In combination with ear drops in otitis, otolaryngologists often prescribe vasoconstrictive drops in the nose (Naphthyzine, Nazol, Galazolin, Otrivin and etc.), thanks to which it is possible to remove swelling of the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube and thereby reduce the load on the eardrum.

In addition to drops in the nose in the complex can be appointed and antihistamines (antiallergic) funds, pursuing the same goal - removing the edema of the mucosa. These can be tablets of Suprastin, Diazolinum, Loratadina, etc.

If there is an increased body temperature, which often causes otitis media, mandatory prescribed antipyretic drugs, which are also able to partially relieve or reduce pain in the ears. The most safe and effective remedy for temperature is Paracetamol.


All of the above drugs used to treat otitis media can not be regarded as a guide to action. The question, than to treat an ear otitis independently, should not stand at all. Treatment of this disease, like most other things, can only take place under the guidance of a qualified doctor.

With a timely visit to the otolaryngologist and the exact observance of all prescriptions, the ear otitis passes quickly enough without leaving any consequences.

How to treat otitis with folk remedies

In addition to drug therapy, there are many ways of alternative treatment of otitis media. I must say that such methods are acceptable for use and are mostly of an auxiliary nature. However, it should not be forgotten that people's prescriptions can be used only after consulting a doctor and in no case should they self-medicate to avoid complications and irreversible consequences.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies Home treatment Camphor alcohol Geranium Hydrogen peroxide Tincture of propolis Tincture Calendula Furacil Alcohol Washing the Ear Aloe Boric Acid Warming Up the Compress on the Ear Blowing the Hearing Pipes

Depending on the form and degree of the disease, otitis symptoms are accompanied by different symptoms, on the basis of which various recipes of folk medicine are applied.

Recipe number 1.For example, to reduce tinnitus and prevent the development of otitis, it is recommended to chew buds of fragrant cloves or cook on based on the broth, observing the proportions of 15 grams of cloves 100 grams of hot water and take it on a teaspoon 2-3 times throughout day.

Recipe number 2.With hearing loss after otitis, it is recommended to brew and drink tea from rose petals (red) for two weeks, which will help restore hearing in a short time.

Recipe number 3.To cure otitis externa, one should take the root of elecampane, incinerate it on fire, and then grind it in a coffee grinder and mix it with a small amount of lamb fat. Lubricate the prepared earwax with otitis shell to complete recovery.

Recipe number 4.To reduce the symptoms of acute otitis will help tincture of nightshade sweet and bitter. To make it, you need to take 2 tablespoons of chopped grass and pour 100 grams of vodka. Insist for a week, then inject into your ear soaked in a means of cotton turuns 2-3 times a day.

You can also cook the infusion. To do this, pour a tablespoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water. Insist for an hour and apply as in the case of tincture, in the form of embedded turundas.

Recipe number 5.To reduce severe pain in the ears with otitis will help glycerin with alcohol. It is necessary to combine the two ingredients in equal proportions (:), moisten the turunda in this mixture and lay it in the diseased ear.

The recipe number 6.When asked how and how to treat ear inflammation, many will give an unambiguous answer - dry heat.

This is really an effective method for acute otitis, which is widely used in medicine (blue lamp, UHF).

It can also be used in the home if the ear is inflamed. To do this, take ordinary table salt, heat it in a clean dry frying pan and fill it in a linen bag.

Through an additional folded in several times the tissue, the patient's ear should be heated for 30 minutes.

It is important to know

You can not heat your ears with the help of dry heat at an elevated body temperature and purulent secretions from the auricles.


Symptoms and treatment of otitis in adults


  • Ear anatomy
  • Causes of otitis media
  • Pathogens of the disease
  • The clinical picture is the symptoms of otitis
  • General principles of diagnosis
  • Treatment of external otitis media
  • Treatment of otitis media and labyrinthitis in adults
  • Prevention of otitis

Otitis is an ear inflammation, a general term for any infectious processes in the hearing organ. Depending on the affected area of ​​the ear, the outer, middle and inner otitis (labyrinthitis) are secreted. Otitis occurs frequently. Ten per cent of the world's population suffered from external otitis during their lifetime.

Annually in the world 709 million new cases of acute otitis media are registered. More than half of these episodes occur in children under 5 years of age, but adults also suffer from inflammation of the middle ear. Labyrinthitis, as a rule, is a complication of otitis media and is relatively rare.

Ear anatomy

For a better understanding of the subject, it is necessary to briefly recall the anatomy of the organ of hearing.
The components of the outer ear are the auricle and auditory canal. The role of the external ear is to trap the sound wave and carry it to the eardrum.

The middle ear is the tympanic membrane, the drum cavity containing the chain of auditory ossicles, and the auditory tube.

In the tympanic cavity, there is an increase in the sound vibrations, after which the sound wave follows the inner ear. The function of the auditory tube connecting the nasopharynx and the middle ear is the ventilation of the tympanum.

The inner ear contains the so-called "cochlea" - a complex sensory organ in which sound vibrations are converted into an electrical signal. An electrical impulse follows the auditory nerve into the brain, carrying coded information about the sound.

External otitis media

Otitis externa is an inflammation of the auditory canal. It can be diffuse, and can proceed in the form of a furuncle. When diffuse external otitis affects the skin of the entire ear canal. Furuncle is a limited inflammation of the skin of the external ear.

Average otitis media

With an average otitis inflammation occurs in the tympanum. There are many forms and variants of the course of this disease. It can be catarrhal and purulent, perforative and non-perforative, acute and chronic. When otitis can develop complications.

The most common complications of otitis media include mastoiditis (inflammation of the occipital bone of the temporal bone), meningitis (inflammation of the brain membranes), abscess (abscess) of the brain, labyrinthitis.


Internal otitis almost never is an independent disease. Almost always it is a complication of the inflammation of the middle ear. Unlike other types of otitis, its main symptom is not pain, but hearing loss and dizziness.

Causes of otitis media

  • After getting contaminated water - most often the external otitis occurs after the ingestion of water containing the causative agent of the disease into the ear. That is why the second name of this disease is "swimmer's ear".
  • Injury of the skin of the external auditory canal - in addition to the presence of infection in the water, there must also be local conditions predisposing to the development of inflammation: microcracks of the skin, etc. Otherwise, each of our contact with unboiled water would result in the development of inflammation in ear.
  • Complication of SARS, sinusitis - in this case, the causative agent of middle otitis penetrates into the tympanum completely from the other side, the so-called rhinotubar path, that is, through the auditory tube. Usually, the infection gets into the ear from the nose, when a person is sick with ARVI, runny nose or sinusitis. In case of a serious inflammation of the middle ear, the infection can spread to the inner ear.
  • With infectious diseases, kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus, hypothermia against a background of reduced immunity, the risk of inflammation in the middle ear increases. Bruising through 2 nostrils (wrong), coughing and sneezing increase the pressure in the nasopharynx, which leads to the ingress of infected mucus into the middle ear cavity.
  • Mechanical removal of earwax - it is a protective barrier against infections.
  • High air temperature and high humidity.
  • Contact with foreign objects in the ear.
  • Use of hearing aids.
  • Such diseases as seborrheic dermatitis on the face, eczema, psoriasis.
  • The causes of development of acute otitis media are also genetic location, immunodeficiency states, HIV infection.

Pathogens of the disease

Pathogens of external otitis can be bacteria or fungi. Especially often found in the ear canal are microorganisms such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and staphylococcus aureus. For the fungi of the genus Candida and Aspergillus, the skin of the ear canal is one of the favorite places in the body: it's dark, and after bathing it's still wet.

The causative agents of otitis media, and therefore internal, can be viruses and bacteria. Fungal infection of the middle ear is also found, but much less often than the external one. The most common bacterial pathogens of otitis media are pneumococcus, hemophilic rod, moraxella.

The clinical picture is the symptoms of otitis

  • Pain is the main symptom of otitis media. The intensity of pain can be different:
    • from barely perceptible to unbearable
    • character - pulsing, shooting

    It is very difficult, it is often impossible to independently distinguish painful sensations with external otitis from painful sensations with inflammation of the middle ear. The only clue can be the fact that with external otitis pain should be felt when touching the skin at the entrance to the ear canal.

  • Hearing loss is a fickle symptom. It can be present with both external otitis media, and with an average, may be absent in both these forms of ear inflammation.
  • Increase in temperature - most often there is an increase in body temperature, however, this is also an optional feature.
  • Discharge from the ear with external otitis occur almost always. After all, nothing prevents the inflammatory fluid from escaping outward.

With the average otitis, if the perforation (hole) is not formed in the tympanic membrane, there is no secretion of their ear. The suppuration from the ear canal begins after the appearance of a communication between the middle ear and the auditory meatus.

I emphasize that perforation can not be formed even with purulent otitis. Patients suffering from otitis media often ask where pus will go if it does not break out. It's very simple - he will go out through the auditory tube.

  • Ear noise (see Fig. causes of noise in the ears), ear congestion is possible with any form of the disease.
  • When the inflammation of the inner ear develops, dizziness (causes) may appear.

Acute otitis media occurs in 3 stages:

Acute catarrhal otitis - the patient experiences severe pain, worse by night, with coughing, sneezing, she can give in temple, teeth, be stabbing, pulsating, drilling, hearing loss, appetite, weakness and high fever 39C.

Acute purulent otitis - there is accumulation of pus in the middle ear cavity, followed by perforation and suppuration, which may be on day 2-3 of the disease. In this period, the temperature drops, the pain decreases, the doctor can make a small puncture (paracentesis), if there is no independent rupture of the tympanic membrane.

Restorative stage - suppuration stops, the defect of the tympanic membrane closes (fusion of the edges), the hearing is restored within 2-3 weeks.

General principles of diagnosis

In most cases, the diagnosis of acute otitis media does not cause difficulties. High-tech research methods are needed infrequently, the ear is well visible to the eye. The doctor examines the tympanic membrane with a head reflector (a mirror with a hole in the middle) through the ear funnel or a special optical device - the otoscope.

An interesting device for the diagnosis of otitis was developed by the famous corporation Apple. It is an oscopic attachment for the camera phone. It is assumed that with the help of this gadget, parents will be able to photograph the baby's eardrum (or their own) and send photos for consultation to their doctor.

Diagnosis of external otitis media

Examining the ear of a patient suffering from external otitis, the doctor sees redness of the skin, narrowing of the auditory canal and the presence of liquid secretions in its lumen. The degree of narrowing of the ear canal is such that the tympanic membrane is not visible at all. When inflammation of the external ear of other examinations except for the inspection is usually not necessary.

Diagnosis of otitis media and labyrinthitis

In acute inflammation of the middle ear, the main way to establish a diagnosis is also an examination. The main signs that allow diagnosing "acute otitis media" are reddening of the tympanic membrane, limitation of its mobility, and the presence of perforation.

  • How is the mobility of the tympanic membrane checked?

People are asked to inflate their cheeks without opening their mouths, that is, "blowing their ears". This reception is called the maneuver of Valsalva, named after the Italian anatomist, who lived at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries. It is widely used by divers and divers to equalize the pressure in the drum cavity in deep water descent.

When a jet of air enters the middle ear cavity, the eardrum moves slightly and this is noticeable with the eye. If the drum cavity is filled with inflammatory fluid, no air will enter it and the eardrum will not move. After the appearance of suppuration from the ear, the doctor can observe the presence of perforation in the tympanic membrane.

  • Audiometry

Sometimes to determine the nature of the disease may need audiometry (hearing on the apparatus) or tympanometry (measurement of pressure inside the ear). However, these methods of hearing tests are more often used in chronic otitis media.

The diagnosis of the labyrinthitis is usually made when the acuteness of the middle otitis suddenly sharply decreases acuteness of the hearing and dizziness appears. Audiometry in this situation is mandatory. You also need an examination of a neurologist and an oculist.

  • CT and X-ray

The need for X-ray studies occurs when there is a suspicion of complications of the disease - mastoiditis or intracranial infection. Fortunately, such cases are rare. In a situation where complications are suspected, a computer tomography of the temporal bones and brain is usually performed.

  • Bacterial sowing

Do I need a smear to determine the bacterial flora? A unequivocal answer to this question is not easy. The problem is that, due to the peculiarities of bacterial culture, the response of this examination will be received 6-7 days after the removal of the smear, that is, by the time when the otitis is almost gone. Moreover, with a medium otitis without a perforation, a smear is useless, since the microbes are behind the tympanic membrane.

And yet a smear is better to do. In the event that the application of the first-line drug does not bring recovery, after receiving the results of a bacterial study, treatment can be adjusted.

Treatment of external otitis media

The main treatment for external otitis media in adults is ear drops. If a person does not have immunodeficiency (HIV infection, diabetes mellitus), antibiotics in tablets are usually not needed.

Ear drops can contain only an antibacterial drug or be combined - have an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory substance. The course of treatment takes 5-7 days. Most often for the therapy of external otitis media apply:


  • Ciprofarm (Ukraine, ciprofloxacin hydrochloride)
  • Normax (100-140 rubles, norfloxacin)
  • Otofa (170-220 rubles, rifamycin)

Corticosteroids + antibiotics:

  • Sophradex (170-220 rub., Dexamethasone, Framicetin, gramicidin)
  • Candybiotic (210-280 rub., Beclomethasone, lidocaine, clotrimazole, Chloramphenicol)


  • Miramistin (250-280 rubles, with a nebulizer)

The last two drugs also have antifungal properties. If the external otitis has a fungal origin, antifungal ointments are actively used: clotrimazole (Candide), natamycin (Pimafucin, Pimafucort).

In addition to ear drops, the doctor can recommend an ointment with the active substance Mupirocin (Bactroban 500-600 rub, Supirocin 300 rubles) for the treatment of external otitis media. It is important that the drug does not have a negative effect on the normal skin microflora, and there are data on the activity of mupirocin against fungi.

Treatment of otitis media and labyrinthitis in adults

Antibiotic therapy

The main treatment for middle otitis media is an antibiotic. However, the treatment of otitis antibiotics in adults is another controversial issue of modern medicine. The fact is that with this disease is very high percentage of self-recovery - more than 90%.

There was a period of time in the late 20th century, when on a wave of enthusiasm antibiotics were prescribed to almost all patients with otitis. However, it is now considered permissible the first two days after the onset of pain to dispense with antibiotics. If after two days there is no tendency to improve, then an antibacterial drug is already prescribed. For all types of otitis media may be required for oral administration.

In this case, of course, the patient must be under medical supervision. The decision on the need for antibiotics is very responsible and should only be taken by a doctor. On the scales on the one hand, the possible side effects of antibiotic therapy, on the other - the fact that every year in the world of complications of otitis deaths of 28 thousand people.

The main antibiotics, which are used in the treatment of otitis media in adults:

  • Amoxicillin - Ospamox, Flemoxin, Amosin, Ecobol, Flemoxin solute
  • Aamoxicillin with clavulanic acid - Augmentin, Flemoclav, Ecoclav
  • Cefuroxime - Zinnat, Aksetin, Zinacef, Cefurus and other drugs.

The course of antibiotic therapy should be 7-10 days.

Ear drops

Ear drops are also widely prescribed for inflammation of the middle ear. It is important to remember that there is a fundamental difference between drops, which are prescribed before the perforation of the tympanic membrane and after its appearance. Let me remind you, the sign of perforation is the appearance of suppuration.

Before the appearance of perforation, droplets with an analgesic effect are prescribed. These include drugs such as:

  • Otinum - (150-190 rub) - choline salicylate
  • Otipaks (220 rubles), Otirelaks (140 rubles) - lidocaine and phenazone
  • Otizol - phenazone, benzocaine, phenylephrine hydrochloride

Drops with an antibiotic does not make any sense to dig in this phase, as the inflammation goes behind the impenetrable eardrum for them.

After the appearance of the perforation, the pain passes and it is no longer possible to drip painkillers, as they can damage the sensitive cells of the cochlea. When a perforation occurs, access for drops inside the middle ear appears, so you can instill drops containing an antibiotic. However, ototoxic antibiotics (gentamicin, Framicetinum, Neomycin, Polymyxin B), preparations containing phenazone, alcohols or choline salicylate can not be used.

Drops with an antibiotic, the use of which is acceptable in the treatment of otitis in adults: "Tsiprofarm "Normaks "Otofa "Miramistin" and others.

Paracentesis or tympanotomy

In some situations with inflammation of the middle ear may need a small surgical intervention - paracentesis (or tympanotomy) of the tympanic membrane. It is believed that the need for paracentesis arises, if the background of antibiotic therapy for three days, the pain still continues to bother the person. Paracentesis is performed under local anesthesia: a special incision in the tympanic membrane makes a small incision through which pus begins to exit. This incision is beautifully overgrown after the cessation of suppuration.

Treatment of labyrinthitis is a complex medical problem and is conducted in a hospital under the control of an ENT doctor and neurologist. In addition to antibiotic therapy, funds are needed to improve microcirculation inside the cochlea, neuroprotective drugs (protecting the nervous tissue from damage).

Prevention of otitis

Preventive measures for external otitis are the thorough drying of the ear canal after bathing. Also, avoid traumatizing the ear canal - do not use keys and pins as an ear instrument.

For people who often suffer from inflammation of the external ear, there are drops based on olive oil, which protect the skin when swimming in a pond, for example, "Vaxol".

Prevention of otitis media consists of general strengthening measures - hardening, vitamin therapy, administration of immunomodulators (drugs that improve immunity). It is also important to treat diseases of the nose in a timely manner, which are the main causative factor in inflammation of the middle ear.

Inflammation of the ear: what to treat. Causes and Symptoms of Ear Inflammation

The ear is the organ that immediately makes itself felt in case of an illness. Jokes with a hearing aid end very badly. Inflammation of the ear can be expressed in different ways. Symptoms depend on the form of the disease. After all, different parts of the auditory organ are affected. Accordingly, the disease can be of several types: otitis external, medium, inner. It should immediately be noted that it is possible to treat at home only the first two stages of the disease. Internal otitis media - labyrinthitis - is a very serious disease. This form of the disease is treated exclusively in a hospital. Labyrinthite requires immediate action. Any self-treatment will not only bring relief, but it can also do harm. Especially when you consider that the road is even every minute, because the consequences can be very difficult for the patient.

Main reasons

Inflammation of the ear is accompanied by severe pain. This symptom can worry both children and adults. It is caused by the following reasons:

  • otitis and inflammatory diseases of neighboring organs;
  • damage to the auditory nerve or the entire system;
  • pathology of the neck, ENT organs, brain, vessels;
  • tumor.

With various pathologies, pain has its own character. It can be shooting, cutting, pulsing, piercing, pressing. Most often the disease has other symptoms. They all need to be clearly formulated by the doctor at the reception. Only then will the doctor be able to correctly diagnose and select an effective treatment.

Causes of pain in healthy people

Not every earache signals an otitis. In some cases, it occurs in a healthy person. It should be clearly distinguished, where the pain is temporary, and where there is inflammation of the ear. Symptoms of the second, as a rule, are not limited only to unpleasant sensations.

Ear pain can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. After walking in windy weather, some people experience unpleasant sensations. The ear is affected by gusts. The result is a painful bruise. The skin in this area becomes painful, acquires a cyanotic color. This state passes after some time. It does not require treatment at all.
  2. "Swimmer's ear". Quite a common cause of pain. It arises in the event that the ear canal is constantly getting water. This process causes skin irritation followed by edema formation. Sometimes this leads to the development of external otitis media, especially if this condition lasts a long time.
  3. Noise, a feeling of stuffiness, sometimes pain can be provoked by excess sulfur. Accumulating, it forms a cork, blocking the auditory passage. This gives rise to very unpleasant sensations.
  4. The feeling of dryness in the ear canal, accompanied by pain, may indicate the opposite - a lack of sulfur.

External otitis media

This disease can occur in almost any person. But children are more vulnerable to it. Inflammation of the outer ear is often due to non-compliance with the rules of hygiene of the ears. Many people, without thinking about the consequences, clean their ears with completely unsuitable items: pins, matches. Such devices can disrupt the integrity of the membrane, and sometimes infect. It is worth noting that the causes of external otitis media are few. In addition to trauma, the disease can cause an infection or a regular contact with water.

With lesions of the external auditory canal and auricle, doctors diagnose external otitis media. This pathology has the following clinical picture:

  • Pain sensations can have a different degree of severity. In some cases, they are quite insignificant at all. But sometimes there is severe pain, even interfering with sleep.
  • Usually, this syndrome lasts for several days, and then begins to subside.
  • Pain may be accompanied by temporary hearing loss.
  • There are unpleasant sensations: a noise in the ears, a feeling of stuffiness, ringing, itching.
  • The body temperature rises, because otitis is an inflammatory disease.
  • Redness of the skin near the auricle can be observed.
  • Painful sensations are amplified if you press on some points in the area of ​​the organ of hearing or it is easy to pull by the ear.

The diagnosis is established by an ENT doctor after examining the patient. It is he who prescribes, depending on which stage the ear inflammation has acquired, the treatment. As a rule, these are drops, anesthetics and antibiotics.

Sometimes acute pain provokes skin damage in the area of ​​the shell or auditory opening. Such conditions are also referred to as external otitis media. It can appear as an inflammation of the skin covering the ear cartilage, or purulent lesions - furuncles.

In some cases, the disease manifests as diaper rash or eczema. It covers almost the entire hearing aid. Sometimes there is even inflammation of the ear lobes. Symptoms include severe itching, pain, a feeling of tension. The skin becomes inflamed, from time to time there are secretions on it.

Average otitis media

This disease is very common in children. Inflammation of the middle ear is due to a variety of reasons. One of the main complications after a cold. Especially often there is a disease in children with weakened immunity. Sometimes children's infections - measles, scarlet fever - can give complications. In this case, infection with the flow of blood enters the ear, causing inflammation.

Average otitis is accompanied by severe pain. They are greatly enhanced by swallowing and chewing. Most often, it is for this reason that the patient completely refuses to eat. Such patients, in order to calm the pain somewhat, lay down on their sides, pressing the damaged ear to the pillow. This syndrome is especially pronounced in children.

It is quite easy to determine the inflammation of the middle ear. Symptoms of this disease are quite pronounced:

  • Severe pain continues for quite some time. In the absence of necessary treatment, the disease becomes chronic, provoking very serious complications.
  • Elevated temperature, general malaise, weakness.
  • Unpleasant sensations - a ringing, zalozhennost, a noise in ears.
  • There is a temporary loss of hearing. Deafness may develop if the infection of the tympanic membrane is destroyed.

At the first sensations of pain, be sure to visit the otolaryngologist. Only a doctor can diagnose an inflammation of the middle ear. Treatment includes prescribing antibacterial medicines and the use of drops.

Internal otitis media

The most serious form of the disease. It can lead to a complete loss of hearing. Doctors call this disease a labyrinthitis. Because the snail itself or semicircular canals is affected. The symptomatology is related to the internal structure. It is there that the auditory receptors are located and the vestibular apparatus is an organ of equilibrium.

Leading symptoms are noise and pain in the ears, severe dizziness, hearing loss. They appear in 1-2 weeks after the bacterial infection. During this time, pathogens reach the bloodstream right into the hearing organ, where they provoke the development of otitis media.

Inflammation of the inner ear has the following symptoms:

  • Loss of sense of balance, somewhat unsteady gait.
  • Sudden attacks of dizziness that accompany nausea, vomiting.
  • Eyeballs are twitching.
  • Increased temperature.
  • With purulent disease, there is complete loss of hearing and a persistent imbalance.

If suspected of such inflammation of the ears, than treated, is determined only after additional diagnostic methods. After the examination, the ENT doctor directs to a computer or magnetic resonance imaging. Quite often, patients with a diagnosis of "internal ear inflammation" are required to be hospitalized.

Diagnosis of the disease

It should not be forgotten that the diseases of the throat, nose and ears are closely interrelated. Sometimes, otitis can be triggered by various factors, for example periodontitis, laryngitis. If there is a suspicion of inflammation of the ears, the symptoms of which are described above, then diagnosing the disease correctly is only an ENT doctor.

The otolaryngologist will conduct the examination with the help of special tools, assess the symptoms and, if necessary, prescribe a survey. Most often, a general blood test is recommended. It determines the signs of inflammation.

Very often, the inflammation of the middle ear is accompanied by a temporary worsening of hearing. The doctor will check the extent of the lesion. To do this, conduct audiometry. Sound waves penetrate the organ of hearing by air and bone. The latter is checked with a tuning fork. To check the air conduction, use a special device - an audiograph. The patient in the headphones should press the signal button as soon as he hears the sound. The doctor at this time on the audiogram, gradually increasing the sound, fixes the level of perception of the patient.

Causes and symptoms of otitis in children

Often inflammation of the middle ear is diagnosed in infants during the first two years of life. The causes can be frequent respiratory tract infections, allergies, tonsillar hypertrophy. It provokes the occurrence of the disease in a nursery, smoking in the presence of a child. Sometimes even a long sucking of the nipple can lead to otitis.

Initially there is a runny nose, lasting for 2-3 days, coughing, sometimes fever. Usually parents do not even think that it starts ear inflammation in a child. The baby temperature, cries irritably, sleeps very badly. Then he starts rubbing his head on the pillow and pulls the handle to the aching ears. The kid refuses to eat, because the process of sucking causes an increase in pain. Infants with inflammation of the middle ear symptoms can provoke quite different. Sometimes there are abdominal pains, diarrhea.

A visit to the doctor is compulsory. During the examination, it is necessary to hold the child very tightly. The procedure is not the most pleasant, but lasts only a few seconds. Remember, any jerking of the head causes additional pain to the infant.

First aid for pain in the ears

Of course, with the first signs of otitis, you need to see a doctor. But sometimes sharp lumbago can occur at night or, for example, on vacation in the village. In a word, you need to endure a couple of hours while the visit to the doctor will come true. What to do in this case? How can I soften my ear? Before visiting a doctor, you can do the following:

  • Relieve breathing by dripping nose with drops.
  • Take antipyretics (only once).
  • Inoculate the affected ear with three drops of a dioxydin solution (1%).

In this case, remember: if the pain is very strong and accompanied by a bad general state of health, do not wait in the morning. Immediately call an ambulance.

Treatment of otitis media of the external ear

The question becomes urgent if there is an inflammation of the ears: "How to treat this disease?" Typically, the administration of turundas moistened with a solution of boric acid or alcohol is recommended. The procedure speeds up recovery. But the patient causes severe discomfort, becoming a rather unpleasant test. In connection with this, the otolaryngologist advises the following therapeutic course:

  1. The ear must be buried with boric alcohol. For the anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect prescribe drugs "Otipax" or "Otirelaks." With enough strong unpleasant sensations recommend taking a pill of "Ibuprofen "Ketonala".
  2. If necessary, the course of therapy includes antibacterial drops "Ofloxacin "Neomycin". Patients with low immunity are prescribed a course of antibiotics.
  3. In the ear cavity are laid turundas with antibacterial ointments - "Linkomycin "Tetracycline".

Treatment of otitis media of the middle ear

Heavy illness, which often requires bed rest. Acute inflammation of the ear in adults is often accompanied by intoxication, high fever. At this stage of the disease, switching to a lighter diet is recommended. However, the diet should include all the necessary vitamins and nutrients.

The course of therapy depends entirely on the degree that the inflammation of the middle ear has acquired. Treatment at the initial stage includes such activities:

  1. Appoint antipyretic and anesthetic drugs: Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Aspirin, Diclofenac, Analgin.
  2. A course of antibiotics is being conducted. Often, a diagnosis is made that identifies the causative agent of the disease. If the study of a smear from the ear canal was not conducted, it is recommended to take antibacterial drugs "Amoxicillin "Cefuroxime "Augmentin "Spiramycin". This course is scheduled for 10 days.
  3. When otitis, accompanied by a strong swelling of the tympanic membrane, antihistamines are added to the course of therapy: Claritin, Suprastin, etc.
  4. Necessarily include in the treatment of vasoconstrictive drops for the nose: "Naphthyzin "Sanorin "Tonic". It is also recommended nasal disinfectant "Protargol".
  5. To relieve pain, you should bury your ear with boric alcohol. Appropriate anesthetics in combination with antibiotics - levomitsetin with lidocaine, "phenazone".
  6. The course of treatment includes physiotherapy. Widely used UHF-heating, laser treatment, microcurrents. Recommended alcohol warming compresses.

Throughout the treatment, it is necessary to regularly and timely remove the purulent exudates after treatment with hydrogen peroxide. It is important to remember: if the inflammatory phenomena do not decrease by the fifth day, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Treatment of otitis in children

Uncomplicated inflammation of the ears in children pass quickly enough. As a rule, the pediatrician does not prescribe antibiotics. With the timely access to the doctor of long and complex courses of therapy, does not cause ear inflammation. Treatment includes only antipyretic and analgesic drugs. Improvement is observed after a day. If the treatment does not bring the long-awaited relief, the pediatrician connects the antibiotic.

Do not choose ear drops yourself. Follow strictly the doctor's recommendation. Unfortunately, drops, used without an appointment, can greatly damage the baby.

During illness, the child's appetite may worsen. You should not force him to eat. With the disappearance of the pain syndrome, the former appetite will return. It is very important to give your baby plenty of fluids, especially with fever.

With frequent otitis, it makes sense to discuss with the pediatrician the vaccination of the child. For most countries, the vaccination against otitis is one of the mandatory. It protects the baby from the effects of bacteria that most often cause otitis.

Inflammation of the lymph node

Painful sensations can also occur in the area of ​​the auricle. Under the skin are the lymph nodes. There is such inflammation behind the ear "cone". The reason lies in the penetration of the infection into the lymph node with a stream of lymph or blood. Provoke the emergence of "cone" foci of infection. Most often, inflammation of the lymph node is a consequence of tooth disease.

Adequate treatment will be chosen by an ENT doctor or surgeon. Self-medication is completely unacceptable. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate antibiotic therapy. In the case of a purulent inflammatory process, surgical treatment is performed.

Prevention of otitis

The most important measure is the timely treatment of infections in accordance with the appointment of a doctor. It is very important for children, because unformed immunity is not able to provide a full level of protection. As a result, babies can suffer from chronic otitis.

Main preventive measures:

  • Increased immunity. According to statistics, ear infections in most cases occur after a flu or cold.
  • Compliance with hygiene rules.It is not a secret that any infections are transmitted by airborne droplets. Sometimes through a handshake. Children can "catch" the infection through toys. The elementary observance of the rules of hygiene and cleanliness in the house (especially in the children's room) is able to protect against a variety of diseases.
  • Do not smoke.It is very important to take this warning into account. Smoking with a child is not allowed. Especially if the baby is often diagnosed with otitis. After all, a passive child-smoker gets an additional chance of infection of the middle ear.
  • Vaccination.As already noted, if there is a need, this question should be discussed with the doctor. Today, a new vaccine, Prevnar 13, is used successfully to prevent ear infections. Immunization is recommended by analogy with proven old methods. In infancy, inoculation is done at 2, 4, 6, 12 and 15 months.


When there is inflammation of the ear, it is difficult to overlook it. A aching or sharp pain just makes you crazy. All things fall into the background, and the brain is frantically looking for a way out of the situation: how to get rid of suffering?

With the ears, any jokes end rather badly. That's why, with the first symptoms you should consult an ENT doctor. Examination of the patient's ear will allow the doctor to determine the cause of the disease, and therefore pick up adequate treatment. Remember that a properly selected course of therapy will save you much more quickly from suffering and will allow you to return to a full life much earlier.

The causes of otitis and its treatment with folk remedies

Ear infections are caused by bacteria or viruses. Often they occur against the background of already existing inflammatory diseases, such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, SARS, etc.

Ear infections are more common in children than in adults.

The ear consists of three parts: the outer, middle and inner. Ear infection can occur in any of these parts. Inflammation of the inner ear is the most serious ailment, in contrast to the otitis media of the middle ear, the symptoms and treatment of which are somewhat different.

When treating otitis media it is very important to prevent complications, including damage or rupture of the tympanic membrane. An untreated ear infection can lead to deafness, so if you have earache, it is important to consult your doctor as soon as possible. And for immediate relief of the symptoms of otitis, you can try some natural methods of treatment.

With otitis treatment with folk remedies is a good addition to drug treatment.

Salt- the most easily accessible home remedy.

  • Heat one cup of salt in a microwave, saucepan or steamer for about three to five minutes.
  • Put hot salt inside a dense fabric or sock. Tie with a knot.
  • When the fabric is still hot, but not burning, attach to the area next to the patient's ear and hold for 5 to 10 minutes. Do not apply the tissue with salt directly to the ear.
  • Repeat this procedure on a daily basis, as many times as necessary. The heat released from the bag will help draw out excess fluid from the ear and relieve swelling and pain.
  • Alternatively, you can use one cup of rice in the order described above.

Garlichas antimicrobial and analgesic properties, which makes it very effective in the treatment of ear infections. There are several ways to use garlic when treating otitis with folk remedies.

  • Boil two or three fresh cloves of garlic in water for five minutes, then grind them and add a little salt.
  • Place the mixture in a clean cloth and attach the pouch next to the diseased ear.
  • Using 2-3 cloves of raw garlic daily also helps to speed up the healing process.

Apple vinegarhelps to get rid of the fungus, which can cause ear infections.

  • Mix one part of apple cider vinegar with an equal amount of water or alcohol. Dip into the mixture a cotton swab.
  • Put a cotton swab in your ear and leave it for about 5 minutes.
  • Remove from the ear a cotton swab and lie on the opposite side to "drain" liquid from the ear.
  • If apple cider vinegar is not, you can use white vinegar.
  • If the cause of an ear infection is in the Eustachian tube, try gargling with apple cider vinegar.

Pain in the child's ear: treatment with folk remedies

Careful monitoring of the child's condition (expectant management) along with home remedies can be a viable alternative to antibiotic treatment in otitis media. However, in some situations, parents should immediately seek medical attention:

  • Immediately consult a doctor if the child has a fever, severe ear pain or other signs of a complication of the disease.
  • Immediately consult a doctor if the child has a fever, regardless of other symptoms of ear inflammation.

Previously, antibiotics were often prescribed for ear infections. Now many parents express concerns about the excessive use of antibiotics and prefer to use folk remedies for pain in the ear. How to treat otitis at home?

  • Attach a bottle of warm water or a warm bag of salt behind the ear. Such, albeit old-fashioned, remedies help to ease the pain in the ear.
  • You can also bake the onion for half an hour, cut it into halves and place one half in a dense cotton fabric. Attach the tissue with the bulb to the area next to the diseased ear and hold for five minutes. Then wait 10 minutes and repeat the process.

With mild or severe pain in the ear, treatment with folk remedies (including herbal remedies) should be carried out with the approval of the doctor. Do not engage in treatment of otitis in the child yourself, you can cause irreparable harm to the health of the baby.

Essential oils as folk remedies for otitis

The antibacterial properties of tea tree oil can give instant relief from ear pain, so it is one of the most effective folk remedies for otitis.

Here's how to use it:

  • Mix three drops of tea tree oil, two tablespoons of olive oil, a teaspoon of colloidal silver and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.
  • Lightly heat the mixture.
  • Using a pipette, drip 4-5 drops in a sore ear and leave for five minutes. Then turn around and lie down on the other side so that the glass mixture from the ear completely.
  • Apply this remedy two to three times a day for two days.

Those who do not like to drip anything in the ear, can use the following folk remedy for otitis.

  • Pour the boiling water in a large glass bowl (do not use plastic).
  • Add 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil (it should not be confused with camphor alcohol in the ear, eucalyptus oil should not be ingested, it should be applied directly to the skin) and lavender.
  • Cover your head with a towel and breathe the steam so that it reaches the areas connecting the ears, nose and throat.
  • Be careful not to use too much oil and do not lean too low over the bowl.

Before using essential oils for otitis treatment, consult your otolaryngologist.

How to treat external otitis with folk remedies

What is the "swimmer's ear"? This is a bacterial infection that "settled" in the external auditory canal.

Medically, it is known as acute external otitis or otitis media of the external ear.

"Swimmer's ear" usually arises from excessive accumulation of moisture in the ear canal, which facilitates the penetration and reproduction of bacteria.

As the name implies, this problem mainly affects swimmers, as when swimming water directly reaches the ear canal.

Excessive accumulation of earwax, a narrow ear canal and bathing in water containing bacteria are the main risk factors for the development of this condition. Otitis of the external ear is accompanied by a feeling of pain, stuffiness and itching in the ear. It is not a serious problem and can be treated well.

Treatment of ear pain in adults can take place under the supervision of a doctor, and at home.

How to treat otitis with folk remedies:

Hydrogen peroxide in the ear.Put a cotton swab dipped in a solution of hydrogen peroxide (,%) into the ear. Leave for 5 minutes. This procedure will remove the sulfur from the ear, which keeps dust, dirt and bacteria trapped inside the shell.

White vinegar.Mix a few drops of vinegar with a little water, soak a cotton swab in the resulting solution and place it in your ear. White vinegar gives quick relief from pain and itching.

Garlic oil. It is another good natural way of treating the "swimmer's ear."

  • Rub garlic on a grater and put it in olive oil.
  • Leave it overnight.
  • The next day strain, lightly heat the mixture and in a warm form, pour 2-3 drops into the sore ear.

It is not enough to know how to treat otitis with folk remedies. It is more important to know how to prevent it.

  • Do not bathe in pools, ponds or lakes with muddy water.
  • You can prevent the infection from entering your ear by immediately removing water from your ears after bathing or visiting the bathroom. Tilt your head down to drain the water. Then gently wipe the ear with a clean cloth or a soft towel.
  • Wear a shower cap while bathing or taking a bath.

Otitis symptoms and treatment | How to treat an ear otitis

Otitis is the inflammation of the middle ear. The disease causes streptococcus, pneumococcus, and others. bacteria. The acute form of the disease can arise as an independent disease. Otitis often develops secondary as a complication or manifestation of a common infection (influenza, acute respiratory viral infection, in children - scarlet fever, measles, diphtheria, etc.); may be a consequence acute and chronic inflammation of the pharynx and nose; hypertrophic processes in the nasal cavity and nasopharynx (hypertrophic rhinitis, adenoids, hypertrophic pharyngitis and other). Classification of the disease is complex and diverse, as well as the number of possible pathogens.

Symptoms of otitis media development

There are three periods during an acute purulent otitis media. The first period is the onset of the inflammatory process in the middle ear:

In the first period of the development of the disease, the symptom of otitis of the ear is a strong, growing, pulsating, aching pain radiating into the teeth, the temple, the back of the head. Patients noted increased pain when sneezing, coughing, swallowing, which is associated with increased pressure in the tympanic membrane. Symptoms of the disease include:

1. decrease in hearing, which depends on the stiffness of the tympanic membrane and auditory ossicles and is characterized by a disturbance in the sound performance;

2. noise, a feeling of stuffiness in the ear, which, as a rule, are painful for the patient;

3. increase in body temperature to 38-3, ° C, after suppressing the temperature decreases;

4. pain during palpation of the mastoid process, which is due to the reaction to inflammation of the periosteum of the mastoid process. It passes after suppuration from the ear.

The second period is perforation of the tympanic membrane, suppuration. Clinically, the pain subsides, the general well-being improves. The third period is the subsidence of the inflammatory process, the cessation of suppuration, the closure of the perforation.

The eardrum at the otitis of the ear is closed due to granulation of the edges of perforation and subsequent scarring, and there remains a thin, imperceptible scar, sometimes with the deposit in the hole of calcareous salts - petrificates. With a large perforation, the hole in the tympanic membrane can remain, its edges become osmozolivayutsya, after which they become resistant. With considerable granulation, spikes and scarring in the tympanic cavity are often formed, which leads to permanent hearing impairment.

Types of otitis and their signs

1. Infectious external otitis can be: bacterial, fungal and viral.

2. Traumatic external otitis of the auricle can be caused by any trauma that somehow damages the skin of the ear, enabling it to penetrate various bacteria.

3. Granulomatous diseases of the auricle: necrotic otitis, histiocytosis, Wegener's granuloma.

With any of the possible inflammations, a swelling of the cartilaginous ear tissue is observed. Purulent masses are collected between cartilage and skin. In this case, all of the ear to the lobe may be affected. In this regard, it is important to immediately identify and correctly diagnose inflammation. Timely intervention of doctors in the treatment of this inflammation will contribute to a speedy recovery and avoidance of complications.

In addition, it is customary to distinguish two forms of otitis according to the type of inflammation of the auricle: diffuse and limited. With diffuse inflammation, the patient complains about:

1. Constant itching (which disappears after 4-5 days);

2. Earache;

3. Excretions from the auditory canal.

Also diffuse inflammation of the auricle can affect the headache, inflammation of the lymph nodes, which causes pain when opening the mouth and chewing.

Patients with limited ear otitis have complaints of tinnitus, and sometimes local headache. Most often, all complaints are concentrated on the outer ear.

The main syndromes of otitis media:

1. inflammatory,

2. painful,

3. hydropic,

4. intoxication,

5. fibro destructive

6. and dyscirculatory.

How to treat with traditional methods of ear otitis?

Complex treatment of otitis patients includes local, general (anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, desensitizing) therapy. According to the indications, antibacterial therapy, sulfonamides, sedatives, antipyretic and analgesic agents are prescribed.

With the timely intervention of specialists who will identify the root cause of inflammation, special ointments and compresses can be prescribed that will prevent possible complications. Rarely with otitis ear is prescribed warming up, because if the inflammation began to progress - pus accumulated enough, and it can not be heated. In neglected forms of inflammation, surgical intervention is required to purify the cartilaginous ear tissue from accumulated pus.

Physical methods of otitis therapy

The purpose of physiotherapy: to provide anti-inflammatory, analgesic, bactericidal, decongestant, defibrizing action, accelerate the restoration of hearing. Physical methods of otitis treatment are prescribed for the relief of inflammation (anti-inflammatory methods), edema (decongestants), decrease in intoxication (bactericidal methods) and immune dysfunction (immunostimulating methods), as well as a reduction in fibrodeodulation (defibrizing methods) and stimulation of the auditory nerve (neurostimulating methods). These tasks help to implement the following methods of physiotherapy:

1. Anti-inflammatory methods for treating otitis media: low-intensity ultra-high-frequency (UHF) therapy, high-intensity centimeter wave therapy, red laser therapy, ultrasound therapy, infrared laser therapy.

2. Antidiarrheal method: low-frequency magnetotherapy.

3. Bactericidal methods: KUF-irradiation, local darsonvalization, endaural electrophoresis of antibacterial drugs.

4. Immunostimulating methods: LOC, high-frequency magnetotherapy of the thymus, SUF-irradiation in suberythmic doses, 1 air bath, thalassotherapy.

5. Defibrizing methods: ultraphonophoresis of enzyme preparations, drug electrophoresis.

6. Neuro-stimulating methods: diadynamic therapy, amplipulse therapy.

Antidiarrhoeal methods of physiotherapy otitis

Low-frequency magnetotherapy. A low-frequency magnetic field causes the formation of magnetohydrodynamic forces, which, when inflammatory process and edema in the middle ear increase the venous tone, stimulate lymphatic drainage, reduce swelling, accelerate diffusion dipoles of water. To stop edema, the effect is carried out on the area of ​​the affected ear. The frequency of the magnetic field is 50 Hz, the induction is 15-25 mT, the duration of the procedure is 10 min; course of treatment of otitis 7-10 procedures.

Bactericidal methods for treating otitis media

Endoaural electrophoresis of antibacterial drugs. Under the influence of the electric field in the middle and inner ear, the concentration of the drug substance increases, there is ionization of medicinal substances and their penetrating ability in the mucosa of the middle ear increases. Antibacterial drugs selectively act on microorganisms, inactivating and destroying their structure.

For the procedures, use antibiotic electrophoresis (single dose), 2 ml,% Dioxydin solution (from the anode). Endoauric electrophoresis of antibacterial drugs is used: one electrode is injected as a turunda into the auditory meatus, the second is placed in the behind-the-ear area. Current strength 1 mA, duration of exposure 10 minutes, daily; To treat otitis of the ear, you need a course of 7-10 procedures.

How to treat otitis with defibrizing methods?

Ultraphonophoresis of enzyme preparations. In the ultrasonic field, the molecules of medicinal substances acquire greater mobility and penetrate into the tissues of the tympanic membrane. Under the influence of ultraphonophoresis of enzyme preparations, proteoglycan complexes of Scarring tissues are destroyed, disaggregation of glycosaminoglycans, inhibition of proliferation of connective tissue. Introduced with the help of ultrasound, proteolytic enzymes promote the resorption of connective tissue scars, which prevents scar deformation of the tympanic membrane.

Apply lentase ultraphonophoresis (64 units are dissolved in 1 ml of 1% solution of novocaine, applied to the affected area). The procedure is carried out in the position of the patient lying on the opposite side of the sick ear. The auditory canal is filled with a solution of the drug substance, after which a radiator of a special design with an area of ​​4 mm2 is introduced into it. Lidase ultraphonophoresis: pulsed, stable, intensity, W / cm2, for 5 - 1 0 minutes, daily; To treat otitis media, a course of 10-12 procedures is needed.

Electrophoresis of defibrizing drugs for the treatment of otitis media. Introduced medicinal substances contribute to the resorption of connective tissue scars, cause depolymerization of its basic substance. For the purpose of resorption of cicatricial formations of the tympanic membrane, 2-3% iodine solution, lidazum (64 units in 30 ml acidified - pH, - water) is used. Gauze turunda, moistened with this solution, is injected into the external auditory canal. Its free end is laid on a hydrophilic pad moistened with the same solution, and a metal electrode (2x3 cm) is placed on top. An indifferent electrode is located in the region of the cervical spine. Current strength, -3 mA, duration of exposure 10-20 minutes, daily; To treat otitis media, a course of 15-20 procedures is needed.

Neuro-stimulating treatment for otitis media

Diadynamic therapy with currents of DW, CP and DP. Rhythmic ascending afferent flows lead to the activation of cortical and subcortical centers and the formation of descending efferent impulse flows that enhance blood flow in the middle ear and contribute to improving the mobility of auditory bones. One electrode (cathode) in the form of a turunda moistened with warm water is injected into the external auditory meatus; The second electrode (anode) is placed in the BTE area. Current strength, -1 mA (up to the sensation of vibration), for 10 minutes, daily; To treat otitis of the ear, you need a course of 8-15 procedures.

Amplipulse therapy The most pronounced stimulating action is the PM current (I PP). The modulation frequency is 100 Hz, the depth is 75%, the III RR, the duration of the parcels 3-4, the amperage - until the appearance of a distinct vibration, for 3 to 5 minutes, daily; To treat otitis media, you need a course of 10-12 procedures

Contraindications to physiotherapy in the treatment of otitis media:

1. encysted purulent inflammatory processes without outflow of purulent contents,

2. violation of the integrity of the mucosa of the middle ear,

3. benign tumors with a tendency to growth,

4. the presence of indications for surgical treatment (before surgical intervention), for example, a widespread carious process in the temporal bone, etc.,

5. symptoms of labyrinth irritation,

6. general contraindications to physiotherapy.

Sanatorium-resort method of otitis therapy

Patients with chronic otitis exacerbation, with a tendency to recur, are referred to climatological coastal, forest, medium-high-mountainous, and also mud baths: Anapa, Gagra, Gelendzhik, Evpatoria, Sochi, Odessa, Feodosia, Jurmala, Palanga, Kuyalnik, Liepaja, Druskininkai, Albena, Bad Verisofen, Costa Blanca. Some patients with reduced adaptation mechanisms may be recommended to stay in local sanatoria.

Contraindications to sanatorium treatment: in addition to general contraindications, acute period of the disease, exacerbation of chronic otitis media.

Physioprophylaxis is aimed at preventing exacerbations of the disease, reducing their severity by increasing the general resistance of the body (immunostimulating methods), reduction of puffiness (decongestant methods of otitis treatment), inflammatory manifestations (anti-inflammatory methods), preservation of the mobility of the auditory ossicles (neurostimulating methods).

Causes of otitis media

Penetration of infection in the middle ear occurs in three main ways - through the auditory tube, damaged the tympanic membrane (with its trauma) or through the wound of the mastoid process and hematogenous way (comparatively rarely). Ear canitis is possible with scarlet fever, measles, typhoid, tuberculosis, etc.

When microbial flora enters the tympanum, hyperemia of the mucous membrane and cells of the mastoid of the process, then the exudate accumulates in the tympanic cavity, which initially has a serous character, then - purulent. In the inflammatory process, all three layers of the tympanic membrane are involved. Further development of otitis is accompanied by perforation of the tympanic membrane and suppuration. With the timely start of otitis treatment, the process proceeds relatively easily, without a pronounced general reaction of the organism. But it can be difficult to react with pronounced reactive phenomena of the body.

In addition to the tympanic membrane, an auditory tube, a cave and cells of the mastoid process are involved in the inflammatory process. As a result of a strong exudate pressure, the tympanic membrane with perforation (opacity) is perforated. With the reverse development of the process, inflammatory changes subsided and disappear. There are reparative processes.

In the development of acute otitis media, an important factor is the reduction of local and general reactivity of the organism. Often, the initial factor is a cold, local or general cooling of the body.

How to treat otitis externa

There are two types of inflammatory process in the skin and soft tissues of the external auditory canal: limited and diffuse otitis externa. Limited otitis is characterized by the formation in the external auditory passage of the furuncle or inflammation of the hair follicle. With diffuse external otitis caused by an allergy, bacterial or fungal infection, the entire ear canal becomes inflamed.


  1. If you or your child has reddened and swollen the ear, the skin of the ear canal is thickened, perhaps you observe in this case any discharge from the patient's ear, - do not rush to make a diagnosis of "externalotitis". And, all the more, in no case do not start to treat yourself - drop into the ear any drops, put a compress, take strong pain killers. By your actions, unjustified knowledge of the cause of inflammation, you can aggravate the course of the disease, and the results of your "treatment" will not have any beneficial effects. You should contact LOR, who, after examining the ear, will diagnose, and in unclear cases can take scraping for the study of microflora, send a blood test for sugar or for consultation to dermatologist. Therefore, the faster you visit a doctor, and, accordingly, begin the treatment prescribed by him, the more chances you will have that the disease will not take a chronic form.
  2. If the child's ear is swollen because he has stuffed an object into it, and this object is deep in the ear, do not try to extract it yourself. Firstly, you do not have the necessary tools. Secondly, picking in your ear, you will not only scratch the auditory canal and additionally carry the infection, but you can put the same thing that you are trying to extract, even deeper.
  3. If there is an existing furuncle in the outer passage, you need to remove pus from it. If the boil does not open itself, it may be necessary to make a cut. Just do not try to do it yourself - the probability of the spread of pus under the skin to the temple is high.
  4. Depending on the cause of the externalotitisbut, you will be prescribed drug therapy. In the case of the bacterial nature of the inflammatory process, you will need to drip in the ear prescribed by the doctor drops containing antibiotics (eg, ofloxacin, norfloxacin or neomycin). If the causeotitisbut are fungi of the genus Candida, then you will be prescribed antifungal therapy, both systemic and local. Procedures can be appointed - UFO, Sollux, warming compresses.
  5. Often with outdoorotitise recommend to inject into the ear of turundas, moistened with some alcohol solution, for example, boric acid. However, thereby you can increase the pain, because alcohol will irritate the inflamed skin. It is better to install turuns, impregnated with antibacterial ointment. If you do not know exactly the nature of the infection, it is best to use an ointment that is safe, contains simultaneously antimicrobial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory components, for example, triderm. Cream, since it is quickly absorbed, apply in acute formsotitisAnd, ointment - for chronic.
  6. Before burying an ear or putting an ointment in it, clear the auditory canal from the accumulation of purulent and fungal masses, sulfur and exfoliated epidermis. Do this by wrapping it in cotton wool, soaking it with antiseptic (a solution of furatsilina, for example, or hydrogen peroxide). Do not try to penetrate deep into the auditory canal, just clean it at 1 This procedure is carried out twice a day, after which it is always necessary to apply a medicinal ointment.

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