A lapis pencil, very often in everyday life called simply "lapis", is convenient for use form, the main active substance of which is silver nitrate with the addition of potassium nitrate.
This compound has strong coagulating properties - in simple terms, it forces the proteins that make up all tissues of the body to "fold", as a result of which they lose their properties. The organism regards this as a chemical burn of tissues (therefore silver nitrate is often ascribed to cauterizing properties) and rejects them, thereby destroying papillomas or warts.
In addition, a pencil is able to reduce the risk of inflammatory processes, and those emerging from its silver ions have a strong antibacterial effect and virtually eliminate the risk of infection.
Clinical and pharmacological group
Antiseptic with silver content.
Conditions of leave from pharmacies
Released without a doctor's prescription.
Price list
How much does a Lapis pencil cost? The average price in pharmacies is at the level of170 rubles.
Lapis - what is it?
Lapis, or silver nitrate, externally is a translucent crystal that lacks any color. Release of its pharmaceutical industry is carried out in the form of a pencil that does not have an odor. Since it oxidizes in air and dissolves in water, it must be stored in a dry place in a dark container to avoid getting bright light. Lapis first received a very long time during the interaction of metal and nitric acid. After that, it began to be used in medicine. In addition, this drug can affect the skin so that a serious burn will occur if it will contact it for a long time. The cauterizing effect of lapis is used to suppress the vital activity of microbes that participate in the inflammatory process. In addition, he stops the blood. At a low concentration, this agent acts as an anti-inflammatory and astringent. This is confirmed by a lapis pencil from the wart responses.
Once upon a time, lapis was widely used in medicine. Due to its composition and characteristics, it was also used for oral administration and therapy of mucous membranes. For example, lapis was used by patients suffering from gastric ulcer diseases, and newborn babies This agent wiped eyes and buried as a preventive against conjunctivitis. At present, silver nitrate is no longer used so widely because other solutions that are more effective have been discovered. But up to now, external use of a weak solution of lapis in concentration from 0.05 to 0.5% is prescribed for inflammations of mucous membranes, or a five percent solution with ulcers, wet eczema and burns, and from three to ten percent - for the treatment of warts and ulceration. According to reviews, the removal of warts with a pencil is quite effective.
Form of issue and composition
In fact, it's not difficult to guess that a pencil lapis from a papillom, the price of which is very affordable, looks like a pencil or a marker. Its rod has a white-gray tint, without having a specific smell. In this case, it has a conical shape and is placed in a package having the shape of a cylinder. For maximum ease of use, the pencil is equipped with a retractable mechanism. Each such product is placed in a cardboard box with instructions for use.
Take into account that the active substances contained in the pencil are very easy to oxidize, so it is very important to store the pencil in the package. In this case, the shelf life of this product is thirty-six months from the date of manufacture. However, if you store it in the wrong conditions, then this period will be significantly reduced. The ideal temperature for storage is 5-15 degrees Celsius.
Pharmacological effect
Active substance Lyapisny pencil - silver nitrate, which has cauterizing, necrotizing tissue and bactericidal effect. The mechanism of action of the drug is the ability of silver to inhibit the vital activity of microorganisms, which prevents the development of inflammatory processes in damaged tissues.
The therapeutic effect of warts is due to the pronounced cauterizing action, which, with frequent application, can lead to the formation of black spots and severe burns.
Indications for use
Manufacturers point to the following indications for the use of a pencil:
- Erosion. Damage to the upper layer of the skin, caused by inflammation.
- Cracks in the skin. Defect, which is associated with loss of skin elasticity.
- Warts and papillomas. Neoplasms of the skin, often benign and viral origin. They look like a nodule or papilla.
- Minor bleeding wounds.
- Ulcers of the skin. Places on the human body, on which after the death of the upper layers of the epidermis tissues are not restored.
The lapis pencil according to the instructions is contraindicated to apply with the existing hypersensitivity to preparations containing silver.
It is not recommended to use the Lapis pencil from warts on the face skin because of the high risk of burns and scars, as well as on large areas of the skin.
Instructions for use
Before using Lapis pencil it is necessary to visit a doctor who will confirm that your tumor is not of a malignant nature. Use is the external lubrication of the skin. Be sure to carefully read the instructions for use. With the drug, you need to remove the protective cap, lower the product into cold water, apply pinpoint movements to the damaged areas of the skin.
The duration of treatment depends on the type of skin diseases. To cure warts and papillomas, several ointment applications during the day are enough. For the treatment of plantar growths, a longer time is required. The skin of the feet is coarser than the rest of the body. It is recommended to steam the skin of the feet, and then remove the dead skin of the epidermis. These procedures will help make therapeutic manipulations more effective.
Side effects
Lapist pencil on the reviews can lead to the development of minor allergic reactions, manifested most often as a skin rash.
In case of application of the drug in a dosage exceeding the therapeutic norm, burns and scars on the skin can appear.
special instructions
Use of the Lapis pencil requires careful handling. Otherwise, after the procedure, scars and burns may remain on the skin. Clinical studies have shown that the drug has little efficacy in removing warts. Only 43% of patients noted complete elimination of warts, 26% of patients did not disappear from warts, only decreased in size.
Due to the fact that some warts may be similar to malignant neoplasms, you should consult your doctor before using Lapis pencil.
Drug Interactions
It is not recommended to use medicines containing organic compounds in parallel, since this can lead to decomposition of the constituent components of the drug with precipitation.
We picked up some reviews of people who used Lyapisny pencil from the papillomas and warts:
- Laura. I tried to remove a wart on my foot with a pencil in a pencil. Alas, blackened leather, blackened floors and bedding, and warts were healthy. After three or four weeks of ordeals, they bought verrukacid and had one treatment time. Warts first turned white, then turned black and two weeks later they fell out successfully.
- Lydia. Many say that this pencil since the times of the Soviet Union))) I probably had such a thing and it does not help! and only vogn) one + to carry around comfortably, the place takes a little. As a result, I found an alternative - Oxoliol Ointment 3%. Excellent remedy, removed three plantar warts and papilloma on the neck. In the plans, one more wart and all! I will walk beautiful!
- Irina. What only did not have to be used to remove the warts on the arm. I had two of them. They did not hurt and did not bring discomfort. They were only a cosmetic defect. But since the hands, this is the part of the body that is constantly in sight, could not leave everything as is. After several attempts to remove the growths of celandine juice, I decided to use the Lapis pencil. I worked warts twice a day for three weeks. The result was satisfied, the growths disappeared.
The closest analogue of the Lapis pencil is the Zirakum solution. The composition of this drug includes ions of silver, copper and hydrogen, as well as citric acid. The solution is much cheaper than the original and its price is 45-48 rubles.
Before using analogues, consult your doctor.
Storage conditions and shelf life
The drug is stored at a temperature of 8 to 15 ° C in a dark place, remote from small children. The medicine is allowed to be used within 3 years from the moment of its release.

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