How to protect the child from the flu

How to protect the child from the flu?

How to protect the child from the fluWith the onset of the cold season, the question of how to protect the child from the flu becomes urgent. Of course, you do not want to get sick, but adults are still less susceptible to virus attacks than small children, whose immunity is still very weak, since it is not fully formed.

How to protect children from flu and colds?

The most effective tool, able to protect the baby from the flu by 70-90% is vaccination. Unfortunately, if a child is vaccinated with a single strain of vaccine, and then suddenly another person's epidemic begins, which was not expected, then the vaccine will be protected from such vaccination. So you have to protect yourself from the disease in other ways.

It is quite popular such a tool, as Oksolinovaya ointment. Going out on the street, it is lubricated by the nasal passages of the child, thereby closing the access to the mucous membrane, through which germs penetrate.

Do not forget about such a simple procedure as regular hand washing with soap. Upon coming home, you can also rinse the baby's nose and drip saline into it. Older children can be given an antiseptic gel, which can be handled several times a day.

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How to protect a one-year-old child from the flu virus?

A well-known Kharkov pediatrician, to whom thousands of young mothers listen and trust Yevgeny Komarovsky, knows how to protect the child from the flu. These are commonplace and familiar methods, which are often undeservedly ignored:

  1. Vaccination or vaccination- the answer to the question of how to protect a child from the flu, without it, all methods will be only additional actions. But the famous doctor does not recommend the vaccination of children who are not yet attending kindergarten because of the weakness of the immune system and the possible unwanted reaction of the body. It is better to be given to family members and anyone who comes into contact with the baby so as not to become a peddler of the infection.
  2. In the room where the baby isdaily wet cleaning.
  3. Humidity in the house must be at least 60%and then the mucous baby will not dry up and will not become a good soil for getting microbes.

In addition, the doctor advises with a preventive purposegive the child plenty of fluids- tea, juices, compotes, and also to observe the correct temperature regime in the room. That is, in the room where the baby is,thermometer should show a mark of 19-20 ° C, no more.

What is dangerous about the flu virus?

The main danger of the disease is severe complications, which it gives mainly to the lungs (pneumonia) and ears (acute otitis). Inflammation of the lungs, in which the flu can migrate, is difficult to treat and may even lead to a fatal outcome. And the inflammation of the middle ear leads to the defeat of the cerebral cords (meningitis).

Of course, the likelihood of complications with ordinary flu is small, especially if you comply with bed rest and appointment of a doctor. What can not be said about the strain H1N1 - the virus of swine flu, especially dangerous for the child, as it is impossible to protect against it with the help of vaccination - there is simply no such vaccine. This disease is extremely difficult for children under three years of age, and therefore it is better to reduce contacts with people during the epidemic.

Ways of infection

In order to protect children from the flu, they must know how it spreads and is transmitted from person to person. Parents themselves need to clearly understand this and from an early age tell their children to give them the necessary knowledge about the way to protect themselves from an insidious illness.

Like all viruses, the flu is volatile - that is, it is transmitted mainly by airborne droplets. A sick person secretes microparticles when sneezing, coughing and even when talking. Microbes, getting into the respiratory system of a nearby person, immediately under favorable conditions begin to multiply actively.

In addition to the airborne method of transmission of the virus, there is also a contact one.

How to protect a child from influenza without vaccinationThat is, the patient, touching dirty hands to the door handles, buttons in the elevator, charging in the bus and the subway leaves on these objects microparticles of infected saliva. The ill person countless times touches his face during sneezing, wipes his nose, and covers his mouth when coughing, which means that he has a huge amount of dangerous microorganisms on his hands.

But in an open place, that is, outside the room, a virus with air currents quickly volatilizes, losing concentration. Thus, during the epidemic, walking through the streets is not terrible, but to visit crowded places - supermarkets, pharmacies, schools, to travel in public transport is very unsafe.

How to protect the child from the flu?

When a small baby is in the house, it is very difficult to protect the child from all kinds of viruses and bacteria - dirt, bowls for feeding the dog and not quite clean surface of the public places.

How to protect the child from the flu?

But there is another very dangerous source of viruses and bacteria that is difficult to control - people. Especially a conglomeration of relatives, friends or completely unfamiliar people who can surround a small child. Smiling grandmothers and slovenly preschoolers try to touch an unprotected baby, stretching out their hands and even trying to kiss him. Yes. It is very difficult to protect the health of your crumbs. Unfortunately, all contacts with uninfected infected people lead to the illness of the child (especially the newborn), and very often serious complications develop. So, how to protect the child from the flu and the bacterial effects of other people and how to make them not to contact the child, while not spoiling the relationship with them?

Do I have to beware of viruses and bacteria?

Of course, all moms are concerned about how to protect the baby from the flu from germs. In the end, does the impact of extraneous viruses and bacteria promote immunity? Is this not the result of keeping the baby healthy?

One thing is clear - the constant impact of viruses and bacteria on the body activates the work of the immune system, which calculates how to protect themselves. Therefore, when the next time there is an infection, the cells of the body are ready to fight and can protect themselves, as a result, the person remains healthy. Nevertheless, this does not mean that it is necessary to deliberately expose the child to various bacteria and viruses. Later, they naturally fall into his body.

Remember that influenza viruses or colds, which for adults are not dangerous, can cause serious complications in young children. It is for this reason that parents should protect small children from exposure to bacteria in the first three months of life, and, if possible, more.

In the end, remember that it's not just about your child's health. When a child becomes ill, one of the parents has to stay at home and take care of it, which creates many problems at work. Moreover, during the child's illness, the possibility of infection of other family members increases, and the infection can be present in the house for several weeks.

How to keep the child healthy?

So, in order to preserve the health of the child and protect the child from the flu, it is necessary to protect it. Use the following tips:

  • Let washing hands become the rule in the house. Often microbes and viruses enter the body by touching infected objects. Wash your child's hands before taking the baby in his arms and before cooking, after changing diapers, going to the toilet or coming home. Force any person who wants to take the child in his arms and play with him, follow your rules.
  • If you can not stop relatives from touching your child, ask them for permission. Let them kiss the leg, not the pen or face. As a result, everyone will remain happy. Relatives can touch the baby, but the bacteria remain in areas that are unlikely to lead to infection and disease. This approach should be practiced for up to 9 months, until the child begins to suck his toes. Always wear a disinfectant wipe. There is an opinion that only soap with water eliminates bacteria, but alcohol-based hand sanitizers are also effective. If someone really wants to touch a child, first use napkins and wipe hands for at least 15-20 seconds to protect the child.
  • Always monitor the number of visitors. As a rule, someone is sick at this moment. When the child is still too small, do not stay with him in the places of a large gathering of relatives. In time, when he is three months old, you can start visiting.
  • Look carefully at the guests. People simply can not forget how sensitive young children are to microbes. Therefore, it is worth reminding potential guests that in the case of their illness, a visit can be postponed.
  • Refer to the pediatrician. If you are concerned that you can not stop an insistent relative in an attempt to kiss the child's cheeks, cite the doctor's prohibition. For example, say that the doctor strictly forbade strangers to touch the child.
  • And if the nurse falls ill? Parents often fear that the next day they will open the door of a nurse who has a terrible cold. What to do in this case? It is very difficult to find the right solution. If the child is attending a kindergarten, go to the manager and find out what the management is doing in this case. Do caregivers and nannies stay at home in case of illness? What preventive measures are taken? Before choosing a kindergarten, find out whether the sick leave is paid for the teachers. If not, most likely, with a mild cold they continue to work. Therefore, you should check and it is better to stay at home for a day, rather than let the sick person look after the child. Although this is not an option. If it happens that you leave the child with a sick person, ask him to take maximum security measures so as not to infect the child.
  • Give your child timely vaccinations. Experts agree that vaccination is the best way to protect oneself from the disease. Most people do not fully realize this, but still wash their hands for prevention purposes.
  • Do not worry too much. If you can not save the child from contact with other people, do not panic.
  • Remember that you are parents. Of course, it is not so easy to persuade annoying relatives to stay away from the child. This is your child, and only you are responsible for his health and well-being. If you are uncomfortable at the thought that the child is in the hands of other people, just tell them about it. People usually respect the decision of their parents. (But even if it is not so, what do you care?)

When precautions do not work

Despite all your efforts to protect the health of the child, he can still get sick. When this happens, you lull the capricious and squelching baby and, of course, get angry: it was better to wipe the shopping cart, and Aunt Jeanne should be completely isolated! But do not reproach yourself. Microbes everywhere and completely avoid them is impossible. All you can do is to take reasonable security measures and accept the fact that the child will get sick from time to time. In addition, do not blame other people for your baby's illness. As long as you complain about an impaired nephew, most likely the source of the infection is someone else, for example, neighbor or someone else who touched the same counter in the store as your baby.

Care for a sick child

The child fell ill. Now we need to shift attention to another - to protect other people, especially other children. If the child is attending a kindergarten, then, most likely, you need to stay at home, although this may go against your plans and work. But now it's your responsibility, to protect other children and to hope that other parents in turn will do the same. Remember that it's your duty to stay at home with a sick child and be patient. Children get sick constantly, especially if they are in a team. First they pick up one, then get sick for a week, two weeks feel good, and then the story repeats, but with a different infection. Do not think that this happens only with you. This is observed in almost every family where there are small children. Over time, the immune system of the baby becomes stronger, and the disease will be observed less often.

Tip 1: How to protect the baby from the flu

How to protect the baby from the flu

In the midst of all sorts of epidemics and viruses, parents want to protect their children as much as possible from imminent danger. In fact, there are no supernatural rules in this case, it is not difficult to protect the baby from the flu.


  1. Any parent knows that contacting their baby with already infected people is dangerous in terms of infection. Therefore, limit communication and all kinds of contact of the baby with such people and wait for their full recovery. You also need to stop going to visit those people who have at least one sick person in the house. Typically, the virus can be found on various objects (for example, door handles and furniture), and live in the air.
  2. It is extremely important to monitor the hygiene of the baby, wipe his hands and face throughout the day. Toys thoroughly disinfect, wash them at least once a week with a special cleanser. Most of all the child contacts with them, they, as a rule, more often than all other subjects are on the floor, and after - in the mouth of the baby. Carry out regular wet cleaning of the room. Wipe the dust daily, and wash floors at least every other day. Do not forget to ventilate the room.
  3. Nutrition of the baby should be complete, with enough vitamins and minerals. Among the natural factors of protection against influenza play the role of foods rich in bifidobacteria. Enter in the daily diet of the baby dairy products, such as kefir and fermented baked milk.
  4. There are drugs for preventing flu in infants. For example - children's Anaferon. It helps the child's body to produce its own interferons. During flu epidemics, give each child one tablet a day, this will enhance the formation of natural protective factors in the child's body.
  5. If the baby is still breastfed, he gets antibodies to the viruses with the mother's milk. In addition, breast milk may contain medicines. Therefore, take antiviral drugs, the child will receive them along with the milk.

How to protect the baby from the flu

How to protect the baby from the flu

Influenza is one of the most dangerous acute respiratory viral infections. Increasingly, this diagnosis is put to children. Babies suffer the flu badly, and the disease often ends with complications. Therefore, at a time when the risk of infection is particularly high, we must do everything possible to prevent the child from falling ill.

You will need

  1. - disposable masks;
  2. - saline;
  3. - antibacterial napkins;
  4. - soap;
  5. - Fresh vegetables and fruits.


  1. The peak incidence is usually in November-December. For the seasoninfluenzaneed to prepare well in advance. Since the summer, begin to conduct hardening procedures - this will strengthen the immunity of the child. Swimming in the children's pool, contrasting dousing and wiping, cool foot baths - all this will help to hardenbaby. Pay attention and nutrition. Introduce in the diet of the child more fresh and boiled vegetables, fruit juices and purees, lean meat. In the period of peak incidence, give the baby more citrus - provided that he does not have allergies on them.
  2. Think about vaccination against the flu. The vaccine can be done starting from six months. But usually it is recommended to children already attending kindergarten. According to doctors, the effectiveness of protection against the virus with timely vaccination is 70-90%. It is best to vaccinate a month before the peak incidence - that is, from September to November. Unfortunately, a universal vaccine does not exist yet, and new variants for individual strains of influenza are offered annually. The right vaccine is chosen by the doctor.
  3. Watch your own health. Do not allow a baby to get a virus from someone in the family. Having felt an ailment, consult a doctor and limit contact with the child. Buy in the pharmacy disposable protective masks and change them every two to three hours. Dispose of used masks and paper handkerchiefs immediately. Wash your hands often and wipe the surfaces that the child can grasp with antibacterial napkins.
  4. Watch that the child regularly washed his hands - especially before eating. Invite the baby to wash his nose with saline for preventive purposes. Do this together - such measures will not harm all family members.
  5. If the child is still ill, invite him to a doctor. Do not self-medicate - the flu symptoms are too similar to the symptoms of other diseases, sometimes more serious. While waiting for the doctor, do not bring down the temperature - antipyretic drugs are needed only when the thermometer's column rises above 38.5-39 ° C. Give the baby a generous warm drink and do not make him eat. Isolate the sick from other children, for example, by fencing his bed with a screen.
  6. Caring for the patient, wash your hands as often as possible and wear a disposable face mask. Be sure to wash hot water with soap and baby toys. Keep your baby's nose free from mucus. Infants need to remove it with a small enema, older children learn to blow their nose and provide them with paper handkerchiefs. Lay the child on a moderately hard bed, laying under his head a couple of pillows - so the patient will be easier to breathe.

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