Subluxation of cervical vertebra c1: symptoms


  • 1Subluxation of the cervical vertebra
    • 1.1Causes and mechanism of development
    • 1.2Symptoms
    • 1.3Diagnostics
    • 1.4Treatment
    • 1.5First aid
  • 2Subluxation of the cervical vertebra
    • 2.1Causes and mechanism of development of subluxation of cervical vertebrae
    • 2.2Diagnosis of subluxations of cervical vertebrae
  • 3Subluxation of the cervical vertebra - causes, symptoms and treatment
    • 3.1Anatomical structure
    • 3.2Factors leading to dislocations
    • 3.3Symptoms of subluxations
    • 3.4Classification of subluxations
    • 3.5Diagnostics
    • 3.6Methods of treatment
  • 4Subluxation of cervical vertebra C1 and C2
    • 4.1The causes of subluxation of Atlante and Axis
    • 4.2Symptoms of subluxation of the cervical vertebra
    • 4.3Features of subluxation of the cervical vertebra in a child
    • 4.4Diagnosis of injury
    • 4.5Treatment of subluxation of the cervical vertebra

Subluxation of the cervical vertebra

Subluxation of the cervical vertebra- the state of the cervical spine, in which there is a violation of communication between neighboring vertebrae without their destruction, rupture of the ligamentous apparatus and without loss of complete surface contact.

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The cervical spine is the most mobile part of it and the zone of high support load - because not only supports the skull box, but also performs rotational and inclined movements.

This combination of functions causes a rather high traumaticity of this department of the spine.

Causes and mechanism of development

The mechanism of development of subluxation of the cervical spine depends on the place of origin of the pathology:

  • The subluxation of the atlas, the first vertebra of the superior cervical region, is due to its structure. It is the connecting part of the vertebral column and skull. The vertebra C1 is the only one of all the vertebrae of the cervical region that provides the inclination of the head, while all the others perform a rotational function. Atlant is connected to the second cervical vertebra by a complex system of versatile ligaments. The subluxation of the first vertebra of the cervical region always has a rotary, rotational mechanism, as a result its dislocation is the disconnection of the vertebral surfaces and the displacement relative to the axial vertebra. One of the most common subluxations of the cervical spine, according to statistics, it accounts for up to 30% of all injuries of the cervical spine.
  • The subluxation of other cervical vertebrae is associated with the loading of the skull with the head tilted forward. The zones between the fifth and sixth, sixth and seventh vertebrae are most often subluxed.

Rotational subluxation of the first cervical vertebra:

  1. In newborns and children due to uncoordinated movements of the neck muscles, under which the head was in a physiologically unnatural position or deviation of the head from the central axis during childbirth. The immaturity of ligaments and muscle tissue leads to their stretching or rupture. A weak ligamentous device contributes to the dislocation of the vertebra.
  2. In adults, the cause of the pathology can be a mechanical trauma due to a fall, a sharp head movement or a headstand.

Subluxation of the atlant creates a problem for normal blood supply. Because of the transmission of arteries, ischemia develops, a lack of supply of blood to the brain, and the difficulty of venous outflow leads to an increase in intracranial pressure.

The displacement of the first cervical vertebra affects the integrity, and, hence, the functioning of the spinal cord. There is a worsening of the work of organs controlled by this part of the spinal cord:

  • Coordination and motor activity of the upper and lower extremities,
  • Normal functioning of internal organs,
  • Effective work of the respiratory system.

Subluxation of other vertebrae occurs when falling during sports.

Unsuccessful somersault, falling when skating, falling during the performance of the stand on the hands, blowing the back of the head with the vis on crossbow, beating the ball head, diving in shallow water - the main body positions for which this pathology.

Another common cause of subluxation of the cervical vertebrae is severe physical work or increased traumatism of certain activities.

Stab head at a sharp stop of transport, fall, even from a small height, when the landing falls on the head or neck area, collapse of the vault in the underground development, the impact on the head of fallen objects - common causes of changes in the position of the vertebrae of the cervical spine, relative to others vertebrae.

Subluxation of the cervical vertebra in adulthood is fraught with the following complications:

  • Low muscle tone of upper and lower extremities,
  • Numbness of the extremities,
  • Violation of the sensitivity of the fingers and skin,
  • Systematic headaches,
  • Impaired sleep quality.

The development of this pathology in a child in the first year of life causes consequences that appear after a steady movement in an upright position. The asymptomatic course of the disease is replaced by a number of violations and a backwardness in development:

  1. Wrong vertical position of the body, unstable gait,
  2. The development of flat feet, scoliosis,
  3. Violation of posture,
  4. The lag of mental development,
  5. There is a weak coordination of movements,
  6. Communication skills are difficult,
  7. There is rapid fatigue, excessive capriciousness and irritability.

Subluxations of the cervical vertebral column require immediate treatment and due to the occurrence of degenerative processes, when as a result inflammatory reaction in the injured joint begins the processes of formation of connective tissue, instead of the normal development of muscle and ligament tissue. These processes and the difficulty of normal physical development becomes the cause of the development of late signs of subluxation of the cervical vertebra:

  • Bad memory,
  • Hyperactivity,
  • Deterioration of vision,
  • Fast fatiguability,
  • Systematic headaches.


The subluxation of the cervical vertebra has common, nonspecific symptoms that do not indicate the cause of the injury and can be attributed to the manifestation of other pathologies:

  1. Stiffness in the movements of the neck,
  2. Pain sensations in the neck,
  3. The fixed position of the head,
  4. Swelling of soft tissues,
  5. The painful tension of the muscle tissue and ligament apparatus,
  6. The unnatural protuberance of the vertebra under the skin, which can be felt by probing.

Specific symptoms or symptoms that make it possible to determine exactly the subluxation of the cervical vertebra are:

  • The convulsive contraction of the muscles of the upper limbs, their involuntary movement,
  • Headaches and dizziness,
  • Pain sensations in the jaw region,
  • Pain occurs in the back and shoulders,
  • Reducing the amplitude of movements and reducing muscle strength in the upper and lower extremities,
  • Tingling in the fingers, goose bumps,
  • Sleep disturbance.

For the rotational subluxation of the cervical vertebra C1 is characterized by:

  1. Painful limitations when turning the head toward subluxation,
  2. Narrowing the field of view,
  3. The fixed position of the head in the opposite direction from the dislocation,
  4. Reduction of the strength and amplitude of movements of the upper limbs,
  5. Dizziness,
  6. Loss of consciousness.

The described symptomatology is characteristic for the emergence of pathology in adults.

With the subluxation of the cervical spine, newborns or small children will have a small curvature of the neck, since the underdeveloped nervous system and the musculoskeletal apparatus do not cause the above symptoms.

That is why the diagnosis of subluxation of the atlant is difficult and fixed as a chronic subluxation of the first cervical vertebra in a more mature age.

When the subluxation of the joint between C2 and C3 is characterized by the manifestation of the following symptoms:

  • Acute pain in the neck,
  • Expressed a feeling of swelling of the tongue,
  • Difficulty of swallowing movements,
  • Reducing the strength and range of movements of the upper limbs.

To defeat the vertebrae joints C3 and C4, the following specific signs are noted:

  1. Pain sensations have extensive localization - the neck, its back surface and shoulder,
  2. The pain is felt behind the sternum,
  3. The motor amplitude and muscular strength of the lower limbs are reduced,
  4. There is bloating.

For newborns, children of the first year of life, the pathology proceeds almost asymptomatically, the curve is noted.

Types of subluxations of vertebrae at the site of their localization:

  • Rotational - the atlas turns to the side, relative to the axial vertebra. The axial vertebra is shifted in the opposite direction. Occurs when the front slopes forward, turns and turns.
  • Active - a sharp muscle tension with motor activity of the neck. It is noted in newborns, children of young and adolescence. The cause of the appearance is the age-related weakness of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Subluxation of Quinbeck is less common and the most dangerous variant of pathology development, which requires immediate qualified help. It is characterized by sharp pains in the nape and neck area. The compression of nerves and vessels leads to puffiness and almost complete immobility of the head.
  • Symptom Cruevelle - subluxation of the joint between the atlas and the axial vertebra. It occurs against the background of muscle overload and neck injuries.


Diagnostic measures aimed at detecting subluxation of the cervical vertebra:

  1. During the questioning of the patient, the presence of injuries related to injuries to the spine in the neck area is specified.
  2. A general examination of the patient can reveal visual symptoms of stiffness of movements or a fixed position of the head. In severe injuries and inflammation of the muscle tissues such an examination does not give results. Palpation of the cervical region allows
  3. Checking the neuralgic reactions indicates the level of involvement of the nervous tissue and the degree of its involvement.
  4. X-ray research is carried out in several projections. For qualitative diagnosis, you need direct and lateral projection data, with flexion and extension of the head. If suspicion of subluxation of the first cervical vertebra is made by the cervical section through the open mouth and oblique radiographs. The results allow to judge the degree of displacement of the vertebrae, to determine the level of joint arthrosis, if any, and to establish the instability of the cervical vertebrae.
  5. MRI - accurate diagnosis of the state of blood vessels, soft and nerve tissues, assesses the degree of compression of the spinal cord and the state of the nerve roots.
  6. Magnetic tomography helps to assess the condition of the intervertebral canal and the damage to nerve endings.


Medical assistance depends on the time of injury, its general directions:

  • Withdrawal of pain syndrome,
  • Restoration of the normal physiological position of the vertebra,
  • Restoration of normal operation of the blood supply and motor functions of the cervical spine.

Correction of the vertebrae of the cervical segment occurs only in a hospital setting upon obtaining the appropriate diagnostic data. Treatment is prescribed and conducted by a trauma doctor.

Manipulations are carried out using a special device, the Glisson loop and the estimated weight of the load.

In the case of manual vertebra replacement, these measures are performed by an orthopedist with the appropriate qualifications.

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After giving the vertebra of a normal position, measures for stabilizing and unloading the cervical vertebra are needed. It is shown that the rigid support structure is permanently worn.

Physiological procedures and exercise therapy are used in the rehabilitation phase.

Warmings and electrophoresis are used to improve the tone of the muscle tissue and restore the vascular system.

Exercise is carried out under the supervision of a specialist who adjusts the load and monitors the effectiveness of the selected complex.

First aid

If you suspect a trauma or a possible displacement of the vertebra of the spine, you must:

  1. Ensure the immobility of the head and neck, it is possible to apply cold to reduce pain and swelling.
  2. To organize the fastest delivery of the victim to a specialized medical institution.

Procrastination or delayed visit to the doctor because of apparent insignificance of damage lead to an increase painful sensations and puffiness, which will interfere with diagnostic and therapeutic measures.

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Subluxation of the cervical vertebra

Subluxation of the cervical vertebra- a pathological condition, accompanied by a partial displacement of the articular surfaces of the cervical vertebrae relative to each other. Most often, the atlas suffers (the first cervical vertebra).

The cause of development can be an uncoordinated contraction of the neck muscles, pressure or a blow to the head. Is manifested by pain in the neck, forced position of the head, dizziness, impaired sensitivity and movement of the trunk and extremities.

The diagnosis is confirmed on the basis of radiography, CT and MRI. The treatment is conservative.

Subluxation of the cervical vertebra is a partial displacement of the articular surfaces of two adjacent vertebrae. May occur as a result of a stroke, a fall or a sharp turn of the head. Sometimes it remains unrecognized.

The most widespread in trauma is the rotational subluxation of the atlas (C1), which accounts for about 30% of the total number of cervical spine injuries. As a rule, subluxations of the vertebrae are an isolated trauma.

With adequate therapy, the outcome is favorable.

In a number of cases (usually when falling from a height) subluxations II of the cervical and underlying vertebrae are combined with other traumatic injuries: vertebral fractures, TBI, fractures of limb bones, chest damage, blunt abdominal trauma, e.

In the presence of combined injuries, especially - craniocerebral trauma and vertebral fractures, the prognosis worsens, and the likelihood of neurological complications increases. The treatment of isolated subluxations is performed by traumatologists.

When detecting concomitant neurological symptoms, patients are transferred to neurosurgeons.

Causes and mechanism of development of subluxation of cervical vertebrae

The cause of subluxation of the atlas in childhood is usually a sharp uncoordinated turn of the head. Injury occurs during physical education classes, active games or sports, less often - during the first movement after a state of rest (for example, after a dream).

In addition, both in children and in adults, subluxation of C1 may develop as a result of external passive or active impact on the head or neck (for example, when struck by a volley ball in time of the game).

In adults, the rotational subluxations of the atlant are detected much less frequently than in children.

The cause of subluxation C1 in newborns may even be a minor injury when moving along birth canal.

The tendon and ligamentous apparatus of infants are not yet mature enough, therefore, with a considerable amplitude of movements, the ligaments can be stretched and torn.

If the head deviates from the central axis of the body during movement through the birth canal, the pressure of the birth can cause one vertebra to be dislocated relative to the other. Such damage often remains unrecognized.

Subluxation of the remaining cervical vertebra usually results from a fairly intense injury, for example, a fall on the inclined head.

The cause of damage can be diving in shallow water, a blow to the head, a fall on the head or face, collapses in mines, incorrectly performed somersaults, breaking technique at the headstand, falling during skating, blowing the back of the head during a hike on crossbar, etc. Sometimes a bilateral subluxation of the vertebrae develops with a whiplash mechanism of injury - excessively sharp flexion of the neck with its subsequent extension or, conversely, force overdistension with subsequent intensive bending.

When subluxation is usually observed pain in the cervical spine, forced position of the head, tenderness in palpation, muscle tension and edema of the soft tissues of the neck.

In addition, with compression of the nerve roots and the spinal cord, dizziness, sleep disturbances, headaches, cramps in the hands, pain may occur in the back, shoulders, lower or upper jaw, noise in the ears, sensation of creepy in the fingers, decrease in volume and strength of movements in the upper and lower extremities.

For the rotational subluxation of C1, the following symptoms are characteristic: pain in the upper parts of the neck, turning the head to the side (with right-sided subluxation - left, left-handed - right), a sharp increase in pain when trying to move, inability to turn the head into a patient side.

In some cases, there are dizziness and loss of consciousness. With C2-C3 subluxations there are pain in the neck, difficulty swallowing, and swelling of the tongue. Subluxations of the lower cervical vertebrae are manifested by pain in the neck, irradiating to the shoulder.

It is also possible bloating, pain or discomfort behind the sternum.

Congenital subluxations of cervical vertebrae in the first months of life often occur asymptomatically.

With increasing vertical loads (standing and walking), it becomes necessary to perform complex movements, including - and in the cervical spine, and pathology is often manifested in the violation of the development of gait stereotypes (incorrect gait). In the long-term period, these children may have headaches, attention deficit, memory impairment, fatigue and increased capriciousness.

Diagnosis of subluxations of cervical vertebrae

The main instrumental method for diagnosing subluxation of cervical vertebrae is radiography of the spine using both standard (lateral and direct), and additional projections: oblique images, images through the mouth, radiographs in the extension position and flexion of the neck. The list of additional projections assigned in each particular case is determined taking into account the assumed level of damage. In addition to radiography, CT and MRI can be prescribed.

On the CT of the spine, a decrease in the height of the disc and the displacement of the joint surfaces are revealed, and with C1 subluxation, the asymmetry between the atlas and the tooth is revealed. MRI of the spine allows you to clarify the condition of soft tissues.

In addition, patients with suspicion of subluxation of the vertebrae are prescribed a consultation by a neurologist to identify possible neurological disorders.

With old subluxations and suspicion of deterioration of the blood supply to the brain, rheoencephalography is shown.

When the neck is injured, it is necessary to completely immobilize the head and neck of the victim.

If the victim is in the car, you must first securely fix the neck, and then remove it from the vehicle. For fixing, special tires are used.

In the absence of tires, you can use a homemade collar made of several layers of cotton wool wrapped in cheesecloth, the main thing is that it reliably fixes the damaged section and does not prevent breathing.

Independent repositioning of the subluxation is strictly prohibited, only a qualified specialist can perform the manipulation in a hospital.

It is advisable to perform the procedure in the early periods, as the edema of soft tissues grows over time, and the subluxation is difficult to control. Usually a Glisson loop is used.

The patient is placed on his back with a small flat cushion under his shoulders.

Perhaps as a gradual correction with the use of a small load, and a one-time manipulation, during which the traumatologist, with the help of a loop, exercises traction, and then produces turn of the head.

At the moment of correction, a characteristic soft click is heard, the patient notes the reduction of pain and the disappearance of the obstacle to movement.

Due to damage to the ligamentous apparatus after correction, repeated subluxation can easily occur, so the patient is forbidden to move head and impose a collar of Shants or a craniotoracic bandage for a period of 2 weeks to 3 months (depending on the level and nature subluxation). After the correction, it is mandatory to perform a control radiography.

In the subsequent use of medicinal therapy, physiotherapy, massage and exercise therapy.

According to indications for relaxation of the muscles, the neck is prescribed tolperisone, in order to normalize the activity of the nervous system and improvement of blood circulation - vitamins of group B, for improvement of microcirculation - pentoxifylline.

Massage can be used from the first days after the injury, its goal - muscle relaxation, better nutrition and blood supply to tissues. Used mainly gentle methods - stroking and rubbing.

LFK exercises begin immediately after re-education and continue until recovery. At the initial stage, only the exercises for shoulders and shoulder-arms are performed. After removing the collar of Shants in the complex, add movement to the neck.

All exercises must be done carefully and gently, gradually increasing the load.

Simultaneously with the exercise of exercise therapy physiotherapeutic restorative techniques are used: electrophoresis with novocaine, ultrasound and thermal procedures.

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Subluxation of the cervical vertebra - causes, symptoms and treatment

Subluxation of the cervical vertebra - is a violation of anatomically correct comparison of the vertebrae of the neck, i.e., displacement partial character on 1/3, 1/2 or 3/4 of the first vertebra of the atlas in the ratio of the second cervical vertebra (axial or axis). The articulation is partially preserved during the displacement process. A frequent causative factor leading to such a pathology is a sharp rotational movement of the neck. According to the statistical results of the study of etiology and pathogenesis, this cause is 30% of all the factors causing displacement. Rotational subluxation of the cervical vertebra occurs in athletes, elderly people and in children. To have a complete understanding of the pathology of displacement, one needs to become acquainted with the anatomical structure.

Anatomical structure

Atlas or atlantis (the first vertebra of the human neck C1) is completely different from the rest of the bones of the spine: a ring-shaped body with short arches and an enlarged hole. It fits snugly to the foramen magnum of the skull base.

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A special fossa on the back of the vertebra is created by nature to connect with the second cervical vertebra.

Axis is thicker than the first C1, but in its structure there is an axial dentate process on which the structure from the first and second vertebrae to the base of the cranium is firmly held.

The two main joints (atlanto-occipital and atlanto-axial) lead in motion the whole complex mechanism, allowing the head to turn in all directions.

The Atlas-occipital joint envelops the first vertebra and binds it firmly to the skull, it is called the upper joint. Atlanto-axial is the lower joint and it connects vertebrae C1 and C2.

The joint is responsible for circular movements of the neck and skull.

In the motor apparatus of the cervical vertebrae, the Crucell joint participates, it connects the dentate process to the first cervical vertebra.

It allows you to easily lower and raise your head, as well as participate in rotational movements of the head, not allowing the vertebrae, to slide off each other.

Damage to one of these joints leads to subluxation of the cervical vertebra c1.

Factors leading to dislocations

The subluxation of the first cervical vertebra occurs for some reason, namely: the mechanical effect on cervical spine and pathology of ligaments (rupture or infectious-inflammatory process of ligamentous apparatus).

There is another not unimportant factor - the anatomical pathology of cervical vertebrae in newborns due to the transmitted infectious or viral diseases of the mother during pregnancy.

Congenital factors include a rare pathology of the newborn - softness of the bone apparatus or the absence of stiff tissue with a predominance of cartilaginous.

But most often subluxation of the cervical vertebra in a child provokes undeveloped bone-ligament system, that is, bone tissue of the vertebrae, muscle tendons and weakness of the joint structure.

The list of causes provoking subluxation of 1 cervical vertebra, as well as the second vertebra:

  • hereditary factor;
  • metabolic disease;
  • mechanical shocks, bruises, concussion or compression;
  • intoxication with heavy metals or other chemicals;
  • chronic pathologies (diabetes mellitus, blood diseases, hepatitis, cholecystitis, oncological diseases in remission stage);
  • endocrine diseases;
  • psychological disorders;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • postoperative complications;
  • age changes;
  • osteoporosis;
  • cancer of the vertebral column or metastases in the vertebrae;
  • hemangioma of cervical vertebrae;
  • tuberculosis of the spine;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Cerebral palsy;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (spondylosis, arthritis arthrosis, dorsopathy, osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia).

The listed reasons relate to the subluxation of the cervical vertebra of microbes 10 or to the international classification of diseases of the 10th revision.

The subluxation of the cervical vertebra in an adult is most often due to mechanical influences, that is, from sharp impacts in the neck.

This pathology is characteristic of athletes (boxers, karatekists, swimmers, figure skaters, gymnasts and athletes engaged in long or high jumps).

During the impact, there may be a subluxation of the 2 cervical vertebra or a displacement of both vertebrae.

The latter is a serious trauma, after which there can be complete paralysis of the body leading to death, this fact depends on the degree of displacement and rupture of the connection between the central nervous system and the innervation of the vertebral post.

In difficult births, a rotational subluxation of the cervical vertebra of the child is threatened, so the obstetrician-gynecologist carefully performs all manipulations in eliminating vertebral trauma.

Displacement in young children can occur as a result of a sharp rotation of the head or after a fall from their growth.

With age, the risk of displacement of the vertebral bones of the neck will disappear, since bone and cartilaginous tissue strengthens, muscles and the ligaments begin to tightly wrap the spine: from the cervical spine to the pallial region, including sacrum.

Symptoms of subluxations

All symptomatology of the pathology is divided into symptoms of a specific and nonspecific character:

  1. Subluxation of the cervical vertebra Symptoms of a specific nature: convulsions or tremors, strong or moderate neck pain and radiating throughout the vertebral column, in the face of the head (more precisely in the upper and lower jaws). There is a strong pain in the shoulder joints. The whole picture is accompanied by severe migraines, numbness of the fingers and darkening in the eyes with a subsequent fainting. Rotational subluxation is accompanied by a violation of the functional ability of rotation and rotation (restriction of movement), as well as impairment, vision, hearing and ingestion. The subluxation of the cervical vertebra in a child whose symptoms do not differ from the symptoms of adult patients requires fast hospital treatment.Important! The subluxation of the cervical vertebra in newborns is characterized by only a small degree of curvature of the neck, but at the same time, when touched and to the cervical region, the child, without ceasing, cries. Since it is difficult for children to detect subluxation, computer tomography should be performed immediately.
  2. Nonspecific symptoms: forced posture, that is, turning the head toward a healthy area, this turn reduces the pain barrier. The second factor is a nonspecific symptom: paralysis of motion, neck tumor in the area of ​​trauma and palpation of the displaced process.

Classification of subluxations

A variety of factors in the mb subluxation of the cervical vertebra divides the displacement of the vertebral bones into four types. All 4 types are characterized by a symptomatic individuality, that is, each type has its own clinical picture.

Type I rotational subluxation of the cervical vertebra c1

Fast and hard turn of the neck, tilt or rotate C1 in relation to the C2 axis. The first vertebral bone is directed to the right, and the axial to the left. Such a subluxation is characteristic of newborn babies and elderly people.

II type: active

Active subluxation of cervical vertebra occurs with a sharp turn of the neck. Young children and adolescents are at risk. Underdeveloped locomotor and ligamentous apparatus leads to such injuries.

Plus to this at this age often there is a divergence of the vertebrae of the neck due to the opening of the joint structure.

This type of dislocation occurs in 80% of cases of injuries among adolescents due to their increased activity and rapid growth of the body, but with the late development of the ligamentous apparatus.

III type: subluxation of Kinbeck

This type of injury of the cervical vertebrae, quite dangerous, but is less common than the first two.

The pain syndrome is strong, the head is almost impossible to turn, the patient holds his head with his hands, taking a sitting posture.

Cervical vertebrae in this case are strongly displaced from each other, while nerves and blood vessels are compressed, a tumor develops around the neck, not only during palpation a displacement zone is felt, it is visually perceptible.

IV type: a symptom of Cruewell

The subluxation of the second cervical vertebra and the atlant is characterized by the author of Cruevelia as an anomaly in the development of the second cervical vertebra, namely, its dentate process.

Plus, this type includes a large intervertebral distance C1 and an outgrowth of C2 and underdeveloped cervical ligaments. This symptom is revealed as a result of physical overload and minor mechanical trauma in the neck.

People with Down syndrome often seek medical help with such trauma.

In the event that the injured person is injured in a lying position, he can not be turned to the other side, but immobilize the site in this position.


Diagnosis of subluxation C2 of the cervical vertebra or injury to C1 and other cervical vertebrae refers to specific and nonspecific symptoms. Complaints and general examination also help to correctly diagnose the injury.

Instrumental diagnosis includes x-ray of the cervical spine in two projections (spondylography). Computer tomography can be performed to clarify the diagnosis in more complex cases.

By instrumentally examining the subluxation of the cervical vertebra, the treatment of which is performed only in the hospital, the patient is sent to the traumatology department for vertebral reinforcement.

Methods of treatment

How to treat subluxation of the cervical vertebra? Medical measures are divided into two options: vertebrae and rehabilitation. Treatment is carried out exclusively in stationary conditions.

The procedure for replacing subluxations C1 and C2is performed by a traumatologist after radiography and excludes complications such as rupture, fissure, bleeding and complete displacement of the vertebra, rupture of ligaments and spinal cord injury.

In cases accompanied by complications, a surgical operation under general anesthesia is recommended. The rehabilitation period after the operation is much longer than with the usual correction.

The subluxation of the cervical vertebra in a child: treatment is identical to an adult scheme, that is, vertebral bones are adjusted according to medical indications and rehabilitation.

Rehabilitationconsists in the exclusion or partial restriction of physical exertion on the first cervical bones of the spinal column.

Recovery from a previous trauma as a subluxation of cervical vertebra in a child or an adult in In some cases, the use of the Shantz collar to immobilize the first vertebrates bones.

It is worn, not removing from one month to 3 months, depending on the degree of trauma. Further, massage, physiotherapy (electrophoresis, UHF), acupuncture and exercise therapy are prescribed.

It is strongly recommended that a full rehabilitation course be carried out and that all appointments of a traumatologist doctor and unpleasant consequences result in a disability that will not result!

Medication Therapy

First of all, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs and medicines that relieve muscle spasms are administered. Baralgin relieves the pain syndrome and relaxes the musculature.

Novokainovaya blockade, Diprospan or Midokalm - reduce the rigidity of muscles and eliminate pain and inflammation. Nootropil is prescribed to improve brain function and reduce headaches.

B vitamins will help in the restoration of damaged areas of the vertebrae of the neck.

Subluxations of the cervical vertebrae are serious injuries. They can be different degrees of damage, on which depends the treatment and rehabilitation of the patient.

Self-medication is not welcomed, it will lead to complications or disability in 99% of cases. If you are injured, call for an ambulance, otherwise the process can go to a chronic stage.

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This stage will have to be removed surgically to restore the spent function of the cervical spine.

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Subluxation of cervical vertebra C1 and C2

The subluxation of the cervical vertebra is a small mixing of the articular surfaces of two adjacent vertebral bodies relative to each other.

Most often such a trauma is manifested in the form of a rotational subluxation of the first cervical vertebra (atlanta), accounting for about 30% of all types of these injuries.

Often, if the subluxation does not have a pronounced clinical picture, then it remains unrecognized, with age it can adversely affect the health status.

To understand why this defect appears, you need to have a minimal understanding of the anatomical features of the cervical spine.

The very first cervical vertebra is externally similar to a ring with pronounced lateral surfaces adjacent to the base of the skull.

The second vertebra (axis) has a similar structure, but it looks more like a ring, its other feature is the presence of a tooth-shaped process. This process together with the atlant forms a special joint of Cruevelia.

All articular surfaces of cervical vertebrae are covered with cartilaginous tissue and strengthened with numerous ligaments. This design provides a variety of motor activity, but in view of its complexity is the most vulnerable to various kinds of injuries, including subluxations.

The causes of subluxation of Atlante and Axis

The causes of the appearance of the disease are most often traumatic factors, among which there are:

  • Too sharp turning of the head.
  • Unsuccessful fall.
  • Diving in shallow water.
  • Incorrect body grouping when performing somersaults.
  • Car accident.
  • Consequences of the fight.
  • Employment of traumatic sports.

Often diagnose subluxation of the cervical vertebra in newborns. This is connected with the weakness of the tendon apparatus of newly born children.

Even a slight mechanical impact can lead to stretching or rupture of ligaments and tendons in the region of cervical vertebrae, which in turn will cause the subluxation.

Symptoms of subluxation of the cervical vertebra

When an injury occurs, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. Severe tenderness in palpation of the neck.
  2. Tension of the muscles and forced position of the head with the impossibility of turning it to one side.
  3. A small edema of soft tissues.

In the event that the nerve endings are involved in the process, then a pronounced neurologic symptomatology appears, manifested as:

  1. Headaches and insomnia.
  2. Appearance of noise in the ears.
  3. Paresthesias in the upper limbs.
  4. The expressed painful syndrome in the muscles of the upper humeral girdle, as well as the lower jaw.
  5. Visual impairment.

With the rotational subluxation of C1, the following symptoms are present:

  • Restriction of movements in the opposite side of the side (in the case of attempts to make motor movements through force, there is a sharp increase in pain on the affected side).
  • In rare cases, dizziness and loss of consciousness may occur.

With C2-C3 subluxations, painful sensations in the neck can be manifested during swallowing, as well as the appearance of swelling in the tongue.

With subluxations of the lower cervical vertebrae, the painful syndrome of the cervical region and the shoulder girdle is most often observed, unpleasant sensations in the epigastric region or behind the sternum are possible.

Features of subluxation of the cervical vertebra in a child

Injuries of this kind in children (including newborns) are not uncommon, this is due primarily to the unstable cervical ligaments and tendons, as well as the ability of muscles to stretch, even with a small load.

The appearance of subluxation in a child and an adult often has various causes, therefore some types of this ailment are more characteristic of children.

The main types of such trauma in children are as follows:

  1. Rotary subluxation- happens most often. The causes are sharp head turns or rotation. The rotational subluxation of the cervical vertebra is characterized by the appearance of a forced inclined position of the head (torticollis).
  2. Subluxation of Kinbeck- this subluxation of the atlant (C1), develops with damage to the vertebra C2. Occurs rarely, but in case of detection requires special attention, since it can significantly affect a child's health. This type of injury is accompanied not only by pain, but also by the possible limitation of mobility of the neck.
  3. Active subluxation- It is also called pseudo-subluxation. It happens with an increased tone of the neck muscles and is often eliminated spontaneously, without causing negative consequences for human health.

There are cases when subluxations in children are diagnosed not immediately after the injury, that the symptoms do not always manifest themselves clearly, and in some cases only a few years.

The clinical picture can only appear when the child grows up and starts moving actively, in this case it is possible to observe not only a violation of the correct formation of the gait, but also memory impairment, rapid fatigue and tearfulness.

Diagnosis of injury

Diagnostic methods used to detect subluxation:

  • Consultation of a neurologist
  • Radiography
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Computed Tomography (CT)

Radiography is carried out in the lateral and direct projection, in addition, for more accurate diagnosis, images can be made in oblique projection, through the oral cavity, with flexion and extension of the neck.

The choice of the necessary projections is individual in each case and is associated with the level of possible damage. CT - allows you to determine the size of the height of the intervertebral disc and determine the displacement of the articular surfaces with respect to each other with high accuracy.

This is especially important for a difficultly diagnosed subluxation of C1, when asymmetry is observed between the tooth-shaped process and the atlas. MRI - will give a more accurate picture of the state of muscle tissue.

After conducting objective research methods, the findings are interpreted by a neurologist. In case of detection of chronic trauma, it may be necessary to additionally undergo rheoencephalography.

The danger of injury depends largely on its complexity. The main threat is the pronounced displacement of the vertebrae relative to each other, which can cause clotting of the vascular bundle.

As a consequence, this causes ischemia of certain parts of the brain and its edema with possible fatal outcome.

In addition to squeezing the neurovascular bundle, the spinal cord, as well as those in the cervical department vital centers, such as respiratory and vasomotor, their blockage can lead to lethal outcome.

Treatment of subluxation of the cervical vertebra

In the case of injuries to the injured neck, the first thing to do is to create an immobilization of the damaged area.

To do this, any improvised means from which it is possible to produce a fixing roller, capable of giving the neck an immovable position, thereby limiting a person from possible complications, are suitable.

Professionals use special tires, which guarantee ease of use and reliability of fixation. It is forbidden to direct subluxations independently, without having the proper level of knowledge and skills.

Remember that such actions can only aggravate the trauma, therefore this manipulation should be carried out only in a hospital environment to experienced specialists.

When a patient enters the hospital, doctors usually immediately correct cervical vertebrae, until the swelling of the soft tissues becomes more pronounced and does not begin to interfere with the procedure. There are different methods of vertebral repositioning, the most popular are:

  1. One-time reduction. It is produced manually by an experienced specialist, in some cases with painkillers.
  2. Extension of the Gliceson loop. The patient is placed on a solid surface, which is under the slope, due to which the head of a person is located above the body. On the patient wear a fabric loop, the fixing elements of which are under the chin and in the occipital region. From the loop comes the strap with a load on the other end, the mass of which is selected for each case individually. When the load is suspended, the neck of the vertebrae extends. This method of correction is time-consuming and not always effective, but it is used quite often.
  3. Vityuga Method. This method is used in the case of subluxation without complications. The site of the injury is preliminarily anesthetized, relieving inflammation and restoring the muscle tone of the neck. Then the doctor manually uses only a small effort to correct the vertebra. In some cases, directing occurs spontaneously, without the participation of a doctor.

After repositioning, depending on the nature of the injury, patients must necessarily wear a Shant collar up to 2 months.

This will help relieve the load from the cervical vertebrae and limit the movement of the neck, which will prevent the occurrence of repeated subluxations, given the weakness of the ligament apparatus after injury.

After the lapse of an acute period of trauma, it is recommended to take a course of massage procedures, acupuncture, physiotherapy and a set of therapeutic exercises individually developed by the doctor.

All this in combination will improve local blood circulation, remove edema, ease pain and significantly shorten the duration of the rehabilitation period.


In the treatment of drugs primarily include painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. A good therapeutic effect is given by Novocain blockades with "Diprospan".

To relax the muscle tissue used "Midokalm which is the most famous muscle relaxant of the central action. To improve blood circulation and microcirculation, nootropics are used.

To adjust the work of the nervous system, thereby contributing to the speedy recovery, the course doses of preparations containing vitamins of group B, which include milgamma and neurorubin, will help.

Subluxation of the cervical vertebrae is a serious trauma that can not be ignored. Timely appeal to a qualified specialist and the implementation of all the recommendations of a doctor will help you not only to eliminate the defect itself, but also to avoid possible neurological complications.

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