Exercises with a hernia of the lumbar spine


  • 1Two sets of exercises with herniated lumbar spine
    • 1.1An example of a complex during an exacerbation of a disease
    • 1.2An example of a complex without exacerbation of a hernia
    • 1.3Five rules of training
    • 1.4conclusions
  • 2Complex of exercises with a hernia of the lumbar spine
    • 2.1Where does the hernia come from?
    • 2.2When to start gymnastics
    • 2.3Principles of Exercise
    • 2.4Complex of exercises for rehabilitation
    • 2.5Breathing belly
    • 2.6Leaving of hands and feet
    • 2.7Throwing a leg on a leg
    • 2.8Rotate your feet
    • 2.9Stretching calves
    • 2.10Girth of knees with hands
    • 2.11Slipping hands on the thighs
    • 2.12Turn knees lying
    • 2.13House
    • 2.14Slip of the knee to the hand
    • 2.15Lifting the legs
    • 2.16Stretching and balance
    • 2.17Sideways legs
    • 2.18"Rainbow"
    • 2.19A pledge of training effectiveness
  • 3Exercises with a hernia of the lumbar spine: a medical complex
    • 3.1What exercises to do with a lumbar spinal hernia?
    • 3.2Complex exercises for exacerbation of the disease
    • 3.3Effective charging during recovery
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.4Therapeutic exercises of Sergei Bubnovsky and its benefits
    • 3.5Strength exercises by the method of Dr. Dikul
  • 4Complex exercises for hernia lumbar spine - learn the best exercises
    • 4.1Exercises for the period of exacerbation
    • 4.2Basic rules of training
    • 4.3Why exercise is necessary for treatment of the intervertebral hernia?
    • 4.4What is strictly forbidden?
  • 5Therapeutic gymnastics with the intervertebral lumbar hernia
    • 5.1The meaning of gymnastics
    • 5.2Fundamental rules
    • 5.3What is the key to success?
    • 5.4Types of medical training
    • 5.5Stretching of the vertebrae
    • 5.6What will help in an acute period?
    • 5.7Full complex program

Two sets of exercises with herniated lumbar spine

Physiotherapy is the main method in conservative treatment of the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine. Regular exercise with the lumbar hernia gives a much greater effect than taking medications.

Gymnastics classes help to avoid surgery, prevent complications, exacerbations and progression of the disease.

Exercises for the back unload the spine and stop pain, return flexibility and help restore mobility.

Next, we will cite exemplary complexes of physiotherapy exercises for the period of exacerbation and remission of the disease, let's talk about the five rules of training for a herniated disc of the lumbar spine.

An example of a complex during an exacerbation of a disease

With exacerbation of the intervertebral lumbar hernia, a limited number of exercises are allowed. They are all performed from the supine position, when the spine is completely unloaded, and the pressure inside the discs in the lumbar region is halved compared to the vertical position.

Forbidden exercises with flexion of the spine (kifoziruyuschie), with turns and twists (rotary), which can lead to a disc shift.

Exercise 5 to 15 times, rest between them: breathe deeply on your back, focusing only on breathing and maximally relaxing the body.

(if the table is not completely visible - turn it to the right)

An approximate set of exercises for back pain. Before performing, consult your doctor

An example of a complex without exacerbation of a hernia

With herniation of the disc without exacerbation, exercises from lying on the back and standing on all fours are allowed. The complex includes exercises for stretching the spine with flexion and extension, rotations are allowed. Sharp movements are excluded.

Do all exercises from 5 to 15 times and relax between them.

(if the table is not completely visible - turn it to the right)

Exercise "cat"

A very good, one-piece complex, in which the movements are combined with respiratory gymnastics:

Simple back exercises that do not require special training; suitable for daily house performance:

Five rules of training

Pick up the complex together with the instructor LFK, after consulting with a neurologist or orthopedist.

Provide the instructor with an extract from the medical history or the direction of the attending physician.

Be sure to ask him to teach you how to properly perform the necessary exercises and check your technique of execution. Check the list of prohibited exercises.

It may be that you are not allowed to exercise.

  • Gradually increase the load on the spine (the difficulty of the exercises and the length of the exercises). When the disc is herniated, heavy loads are prohibited. Start with the most simple movements for 5 minutes a day, adding to each subsequent lesson for a minute.
  • Perform all movements slowly and smoothly, without sharp jerks and jerks. Inadvertent movements in the lumbar hernia can trigger an aggravation or complication of the disease.
  • Combine the complex for the lower back with a hernia with exercises for other parts of the back and restorative gymnastics. This approach will make your physical load "whole" and strengthen the entire body.
  • Training should in no case be accompanied by pain or aggravation of existing pain in the back! Painful sensations - a signal of danger, which indicates the wrong performance of the movement or inadequate load. It can not be tolerated, and if even unpleasant sensations arise, stop doing, rest on your back; and then try to continue training, but with less stress.


For successful treatment of the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region, be sure to practice therapeutic gymnastics.

Trite, but important! Although all patients know about the benefits of gymnastics for the back - only a few of them regularly engage. Someone enthusiastically starts training, but throws them after the first results; and someone is lazy or "can not find the strength" to practice every day.

All this may sound boring, but it is so simple and so important for successful treatment.

In fact, patients are willing to pay for expensive medicines, massage or manual therapy courses, but so rarely do they overcome their own laziness, begin to engage in and do it all the time - make it their habit for the whole a life.

With a disc herniation in the lumbar spine, no other methods of treatment without gymnastics will ever give a good and stable result.

Even the operation (forgetting for a moment its complexity and risks) does not guarantee a recovery of 100%, and after it you still have to do gymnastics for recovery.

Choose the exercises for the lower back with caution (this is important), make up the complex together with the physician LFK.

Without consulting a doctor, do not use unchecked techniques and complex intensive exercises, even if you meet them with good reviews from friends or on the Internet.

Inadequate loading is dangerous and can provoke complications.

A source: http://GryzhiNet.ru/pozvon/uprazhneniya-pri-gryzhe-pozvonochnika-poyasnichnogo-otdela-045.html

Complex of exercises with a hernia of the lumbar spine

Pathologies associated with the vertebral column can be partially cured due to physical exercises. This is especially true for the lower back. Consider exercises with a hernia of the lumbar spine.

Where does the hernia come from?

If you do not go into details (not all are well acquainted with the anatomy of the spine), the hernia is the exit of a part of the contents of the intervertebral disc for its anatomical limits. Very rough explanation, but understandable.

Between the vertebrae are the cartilages, which provide cushioning during walking and perform a number of other functions. In the same place pass the spinal nerves. When the nerves are clamped by the vertebrae, we feel pain, arms and legs grow numb.

When the cartilage or intervertebral disc is damaged and goes beyond its anatomical boundaries (formed hernia), the probability of infringement of nerves becomes even greater than with the usual deformation (protrusions).

Damage to the cartilage is always due to non-anatomical or too high physical exertion and weakness of the muscular corset.

If, for example, an unprepared person will carry sacks of cement weighing 50 kg each, he must have a low back pain. The most innocuous thing that can happen is an insignificant protrusion.

If a person continues to pick up bags - the protrusion is imperceptible, but very likely, will go into a hernia.

In women, a hernia can appear even because of the transfer in one hand of buckets of water (10-12 liters). But this all does not manifest immediately. With vertebral hernia, pain occurs when its size begins to really cause discomfort to the nerve-wiring pathways.

Constant pain in the lower back indicates that the process has long developed and reached its climax.

Perhaps, earlier, periodic pains you did not consider, as a variant of the problem in the lumbar spine. So be more attentive to your feelings.

Pain is a beacon in the ocean. If we do not pay attention to him, we'll drown.

When to start gymnastics

Practice shows that, as a rule, protrusions of the cartilage in the spine are unilateral. Accordingly, with hernia, the pain is felt in the waist and arm or leg (on the one hand).

Man reflexively tries to take a painless position. As a consequence, the curvature of the spine is formed due to reflex muscle spasm. Unconscious control of the muscular system effectively isolates the sore spot, making some movements impossible.

The hernia can pass itself if it is competent to render conservative treatment. If you just wait, when this all goes by itself, in time it can lead to irreversible consequences. It happens that the hernia is so large that it is useless to simply take off the pain. Do the operation.

After relieving pain, depending on the situation, the patient is prescribed a spinal or spinal cord stretching. Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back to do. Once you can do them - you need to start.

Principles of Exercise

To every vertebra feel comfortable, you need to strengthen the muscles, its supporting.

Exercises for the back with a hernia of the lumbar spine are performed after anesthesia. If it hurts, do not have to do it, wait until the medically acute period passes. Exercises with protrusions of the lumbar spine also perform after the end of the acute period.

The exercises include various gymnastics on the floor (there is always a lack of draft), as well as various ways of self-stretching.

For example, you can stretch the spine, lying on an inclined plane and holding on top with your hands. The weight of your legs is enough to slowly stretch the spine. In particular, to extend the lumbar spine it is useful to hang on the bar.

Exercises for the lumbar spinal hernia are done lying down, or standing on all fours.

Remember. Exercises in the standing or sitting position, with additional burdening, can not be done with a hernia of the spine, since the vertical load can aggravate the situation. This recommendation is relevant for visitors to gyms.

If you were involved in powerlifting before the injury, you will need to stop trying to lift weights at the time of treatment, and instead, patiently and persistently to rehabilitate yourself. It would be nice to understand why, with your previous training, there was a hernia of the spine.

All exercises with a hernia of the spine are done slowly, smoothly, without jerks and sudden movements.

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So, we summarize: exercises for the treatment of hernia are done:

  1. Smoothly.
  2. Without weight.
  3. At a slow pace.
  4. In the supine position or on the knees-elbows.

And do not forget that a draft can lead to an aggravation of pain, so put a mat on the floor, put on light clothing and close the windows.

Complex of exercises for rehabilitation

So, let's analyze what exercises can and should be done. The complex below does not require any additional equipment, except the rug.

Having started to do a set of exercises with a hernia, you can put a soft cushion under the waist with a height of 3-4 cm. If you feel good without it - you can do without a roller.

All physical exercises from a hernia of the spine are performed according to sensations. If some movement is painful, postpone it for another time.

Breathing belly

We lie with our backs on the floor, our knees need to be bent, our hands are folded on our stomachs.

Make 10 quality breaths and breaths, inflating your stomach.

In this exercise, you will knead the muscles of the bark and the diaphragm. We breathe slowly, but with our hands we control, so that the stomach swells and is blown away.

Leaving of hands and feet

Again, the back is on the floor, the knees are pointing to the ceiling, the straight arms are lying along the torso.

  • Straighten one leg, then take it to the side. In parallel with her, take aside the straightened hand of the other side.
  • Pull the leg back and bend it, straight arm also return the original position.
  • The recommended number of repetitions is 10 times.

These are exercises for stretching the muscles that were under the pressure of spasms, plus coordination.

Throwing a leg on a leg

We lay with our backs on the floor, our bent legs rest on the floor with their heels. The hands behind the head are linked.

  1. One leg was straightened, put on the other, bent.
  2. Then straightened and removed to their original position.
  3. Then we do the same with the second leg.
  4. 10 times per foot.

Exercise strengthens and stretches the abdominal muscles.

Another version of this exercise for the back with a hernia of the spine is to reach out to the heel of the opposite leg when this leg is placed on the knee. This is a slightly complicated option.

Rotate your feet

We lay on the back, arms bent at the elbows, so that the brushes were in the air.

  • Legs straightened and slightly spread out. At the same time, we rotate our feet and brushes in one direction.
  • 5 circles have made - we rotate in another.

Stretching calves

We lay, hands behind the head. One leg is bent at the knee, and the other is straight.

  1. The sock of the straight leg pulls itself for about 10 seconds to stretch the gastrocnemius muscle.
  2. Then business is an exercise for the second leg.
  3. Repeat 5 times.

Girth of knees with hands

A more complex version of the exercise with the intervertebral hernia - alternate girth with the hands of the knees.

  • From the prone position, the arms are spread out to the sides, and the legs are bent at the knees, lifting one knee to the chest.
  • We embrace him with our hands and pull ourselves. Then we repeat the same movement with the other knee.
  • 5-8 times for each knee.

Slipping hands on the thighs

Exercise is also performed on the floor.

  1. From the prone position, slide the palm of one hand down the thigh, bending the body in the appropriate direction. The second hand slides upwards on the opposite side of the body.
  2. We move slowly, to the right and to the left in turn.
  3. Repeat 5-8 times in each direction.

The further you can get your hand (up to the knee), the better.

Turn knees lying

We lay on our backs, our hands were removed behind the head, our legs are bent at the knees.

  • We lower our knees on one side, up to a comfortable limit, raised back. Then we lower it to the other side - we return to the starting position.
  • Try not to tear off the heels from the floor, so that your feet do not hang in the air. It can hurt.
  • Repeat 10 times in each direction.


This exercise develops a stretch, and your body looks like a house with a triangular roof.

  1. They turned over on their stomachs, stood on all fours, their toes resting on the floor. We keep the back straight.
  2. Raise the pelvis and pull it up until there is an angle between your body and legs. In this case, the back must be straight.
  3. Do not try to straighten your legs, rounding your back. Let the legs stay slightly bent.
  4. We stood in this position for 5-10 seconds, returned to the original. Repeat 5 times.

If you can do this exercise - very good! If not, you can later.

Slip of the knee to the hand

We are on our knees and palms.

  • Move the right knee to the left hand on the floor.
  • Bring it back.
  • Do the same for the other hand.
  • 10 times for each knee.

Lifting the legs

We kneel and elbows.

  1. Without changing the angle in the knee, raise one leg, then lower it.
  2. We make 10 uplifts.
  3. Then we lift the other leg 10 times.

First time the movement can be painful. We do it with a painless amplitude.

Stretching and balance

We become two limbs - the leg (knee) and the arm (on opposite sides of the body).

  • The opposite leg is straightened and retracted, and the arm, respectively, forward.
  • Hold on for 10 seconds and change sides. Repeat 5 times.

Sideways legs

Lie on your side so that it is convenient. The legs should be straight and lie on top of each other.

  1. We lift the leg, which is from the top to the top, we lower it back. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Then turn around and repeat the movements for the other leg.


This movement is sometimes called the "exercise cat". We stand on all fours. Hands are straight, palms facing forward. Head straight.

  • We lower our head down, at the same time we bend our backs upwards.
  • Should be a single arc - from the head to the tailbone. We return back.
  • We make 10 such rainbows. Slow.

A pledge of training effectiveness

Exercises for the spine with a hernia are so diverse that it's easier to transfer their principle than to list everything.

As you understand - only a small part of all the existing options are listed above.


The first stage is the initial restoration of leg mobility, muscle stretching. All movements are performed so that the loin does not receive a heavy load.

The next stage - you can already perform lifting the pelvis, boats, wrinkles with knees bent at the knees and a slight uplift of the hull.

The main thing is the gradual strengthening of the muscles, so as not to get negative consequences.

Stability and regularity

Consistency of lessons is a guaranteed result. If you worked steadily for a month, you will certainly get better.

When the spinal hernia exercises - a pledge of your well-being. You can live a lifetime with a hernia and without pain.

Accuracy and self-care

Each movement can bring pain, so it is important to feel it in time. Listen to your body. It is the best way to tell what can and can not be done.

A source: https://FitNavigator.ru/zdorove/uprazhnenija-pri-gryzhe-pojasnichnogo-otdela-pozvonochnika.html

Exercises with a hernia of the lumbar spine: a medical complex

Health problems can be an excellent occasion to do sports. Intervertebral lumbar hernia is a serious disease, but this is not a verdict. The operation is an extreme measure, and its consequences are unpredictable.

Before deciding to surgery, it is worth trying more gentle methods. Exercises with a hernia of the lumbar spine are designed to relieve the ailment and improve the overall condition.

Drug therapy is not capable of curing osteochondrosis, but is aimed only at muffling the pain.

What exercises to do with a lumbar spinal hernia?

Therapeutic exercises for the spine, with proper and systematic execution, can save the ailment.

Such physical education is an indication to most people, and the approval of a doctor in this case is a necessary measure, since individual features of the sacro-lumbar and existing contraindications are able to make small adjustments to the standard course.

The probability that your doctor will be conservative and will insist on surgery is not ruled out, but the choice is yours. Exercises for the back with hernias of the spine:

  1. The muscular corset serves as a reliable defense of the spine. For the exercise, lie on a hard surface. For convenience, bend your legs. Pull your hands down. Tighten the press, hold for 10-15 seconds. Do 10 repetitions.
  2. Lie down. Strain and lift the buttocks, hold for 15 seconds. Do 10 repetitions with an interval of 10 seconds.
  3. Lie down on the floor. Fingers of the right hand, put on the left knee joint. Start pulling your left knee toward your chest, but hold it firmly with your right hand. Keep the voltage for 10 seconds, relax. Repeat 10 times, change your arm and leg.

Make the spine flexible, strengthen the muscles and give them elasticity will help daily workouts.

If they are conducted without the supervision of a specialist, you must independently monitor the quality of performance. Do not be lazy, come to this process seriously.

LFK with a hernia of the lumbar spine will be effective when following the rules:

  • Start training only if there is no sharp pain, you should not prevail against it. Pain is a symptom of an exacerbation, do not delay the visit to the doctor.
  • If you feel pain while doing the exercise, stop immediately and do not try to repeat it again.
  • At the initial stage, avoid strong twists in the sides to avoid displacement of the vertebrae.
  • Sharp movements, jerks, jumps, strikes are unacceptable when performing exercises.
  • Train daily. Divide the entire complex into several short sessions throughout the day. Minimum is 2 trainings, maximum is 6.
  • All exercises with a hernia are performed smoothly, with intervals between approaches.
  • Begin training with minimal stress. Gradually increase the intensity and complexity of classes.
  • Classes should be systematic. Assign training time and stick to this schedule.
  • If the pain does not pass, do not make a decision about using an analgesic medication yourself, contact a specialist.

Complex exercises for exacerbation of the disease

During this period, excessive physical exertion of the sick department should be avoided. Exercises with a hernia of the lumbar spine (with exacerbation of pain) can achieve stretching the spine.

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By increasing the intervertebral space, a good therapeutic effect is achieved. Do not neglect and physiotherapy: it is safe and can improve the condition.

Training for the spine consists of several simple exercises, the implementation of which will reduce the pain syndrome.

A complex performed on a hard surface (you can put a rug, but this should not be a bed or sofa), lying on your back:

  1. Put your hands behind your head, pull your knees slightly to your chest, and lower your head forward.
  2. The entire surface of the foot touches the floor. Gently lift up. Points of support should be the head and feet. Come down.
  3. Put your hands behind your head. Knees pull to the chest, grasp their palms, head forward forward.

Exercises performed on your knees:

  • Go down on your elbows. Bend your back, head forward.
  • Stand on the left knee and the straight right arm, with free limbs stretch in opposite directions (arm - forward, leg - back) parallel to the floor. Similarly pull the other pair of limbs.
  • Standing on your elbows, stretch your legs alternately in the direction of the back and up.
  • Lie back with your straight hands on the floor, chest stretch your hips, slowly take your hands back. Push the buttocks to the heels, straighten the trunk, raise both hands and head.
  • Sit on your heels. Pull forward, lay emphasis on the forearms. Bend and lift your head.

Effective charging during recovery

Improving the condition is not a reason to stop exercising.

Healthy people exercise for the lumbar spine is necessary as a prophylaxis for maintaining normal muscle tone and flexibility of the spine.

The complex is shown for implementation in this period, but before classes it is worth consulting with a specialist.

  1. Lying on your back, perform pulling up the bent legs to the chest.
  2. Lying on the floor (the feet touch the floor with the entire surface), lift the buttocks. Pull the pelvis left-right, up and down. Lower the fifth point of support to the floor, move your knees one by one in different directions. Complete the complex with the exercise "bike".
  3. Pushups. After completing this exercise, go to the maham feet. First they are carried out in the sides, then upwards.
  4. Exercise "Cobra". Go down on all fours, lean on elbows. Roll back up as much as possible and hold.
  5. Exercise "Stance". Standing on your feet, lean all the protruding parts against the wall, hands stretch upward. Hold in a pose for 5 minutes, this will allow you to stretch the spine.
  6. Effective exercises with fitball and swimming are considered effective.
  7. Massage of the lumbosacral tract will relax the tense areas.

Therapeutic exercises of Sergei Bubnovsky and its benefits

The author of more than 20 scientific papers, a doctor and a professor, Bubnovsky developed his own methodology for restoring working capacity.

Therapeutic gymnastics with a hernia of the lumbar spine according to the method of Dr. Bubnovsky is designed without surgical intervention to relieve the patient of a hernia.

Exercises will strengthen the muscles, develop the flexibility of the spine, while taking into account all the features, observance of which is simply necessary in the presence of a hernia. Perform exercises for the lower back under the power of any person.

In the video, Professor Bubnovsky will tell you in detail about exercises with a hernia of the lumbar spine.

On a specific example of a girl who has been diagnosed with osteochondrosis, he will show that regular sessions using a special technique can significantly improve a patient's condition.

Professional advice and an explanation of all the nuances will help correctly apply the knowledge gained in practice. One of the main messages of this video is not to rely solely on doctors, but to make efforts to preserve health.

Strength exercises by the method of Dr. Dikul

Treatment of the intervertebral hernia at home is available to everyone. The method of Dikul includes three stages:

  • Breathing exercises and exercises for joints. Elements of yoga.
  • Restoration of the tone and strengthening of the muscles.
  • Development of flexibility of the spine.

To get rid of acute pain, perform the following exercises for the lumbar region. The starting position for the first four is kneeling. The number of repetitions for all exercises is 15 times.

  1. Sit on your heels. Pull forward and bend over.
  2. Raise the socks and take them one at a time.
  3. Knees together. Lower the pelvis to the left, then to the right (to the floor or the sensation of pain, the amplitude depends on the degree of stretching). Do not lift feet and knees from the floor.
  4. "Cat". We bend the back first up and then down. Do 15 repetitions.
  5. Lying on your back, lower the connected knees to the floor or the pain (in time it will decrease - this is a sign that you are doing everything right) to the left and then to the right. The feet must remain on the floor.
  6. Push ups. Leaning on your knees, do an exercise "push-ups from the floor."

It is very important to understand the correctness of all exercises. Gymnastics with a hernia of the spine should be carried out strictly according to the instructions developed by professionals., Presented below, gives exhaustive answers on the issues of technology performing exercises for the spine, repetition frequency and other important aspects (such detailing is difficult to achieve by depicting exercises on a photo or describing it in text).

A qualified doctor will give important and valuable recommendations, the use of which in practice will help get rid of a hernia.

A source: http://sovets.net/4547-uprazhneniya-pri-gryzhe-poyasnichnogo-otdela-pozvonochnika.html

Complex exercises for hernia lumbar spine - learn the best exercises

When a person is diagnosed with a lumbar spine, then a complex treatment is needed that includes not only the intake of special drugs, but also physical therapy, which is an integral part of the effective therapy.

Thus, the use of exercise therapy can prevent the need for surgical treatment, reduce the risk of complications and relieve from periods of exacerbation.

Thanks to special medical exercises, you can relieve the load from the back, stop pain in the spine and regain lost flexibility, which worsens mobility.

Therefore, if a person is disturbed by a hernia of the vertebral column, it is very important to regularly perform the correct exercises.

There are several complex exercises that are performed during periods of exacerbation and remission that will help restore normal vital activity in this diagnosis (they can be found further in article).

Complex of exercises with a hernia of the lumbar spine

Exercises for the period of exacerbation

If the intervertebral hernia has become aggravated, and the patient's state of health has worsened, then it is recommended to apply to LFK.

Moreover, it is necessary to pay attention that during the exacerbation of the disease only a limited number of exercises are performed.

These exercises provide a supine position on the back, since the spine is completely unloaded in this position, while the pressure inside the discs decreases.

When starting exercises, remember that all manipulations are repeated five to fifteen times. After each approach, rest is required (deep breathing in the supine position exactly on the back).

Basic rules of training

  • All exercises should be held either under the supervision of the trainer on exercise therapy, or by its agreement. Also, before performing exercise therapy, you must first get a consultation from an orthopedist and neurologist who should be familiar with the patient's anamnesis. Directly the coach needs to clarify all prohibited exercises and ask to check the correctness of the performance of all assigned manipulations. It is not ruled out that with the intervertebral hernia in a particular case, it may be contraindicated by exercise therapy.
  • All the burden on the spine should increase gradually, that is, the length of the session, and its complexity, should increase proportionally. Categorically contraindicated in the intervertebral hernia exercises, which consist of intensive loads.
  • To begin exercise therapy follows from the most elementary exercises for five minutes and with each lesson to increase the time by one minute.
  • It is very important that the actions are without sudden movements, because in this way you can significantly aggravate the condition.
  • Complex exercise therapy should include manipulation for different departments of the back (generally strengthening the nature) and exercise aimed at therapeutic therapy of the lumbar spine. As a result, it is possible to make the load not only reinforcing, but also integral.
  • All training should be done effortlessly and with ease. If the pain in the back begins to increase, then urgently need to give up lessons. Also, exercise should not provoke the onset of pain syndrome. If the pain in the back is present, then the load should be minimal.

Why exercise is necessary for treatment of the intervertebral hernia?

To accelerate recovery, an active blood supply of the spinal tissues is required, which is improved by the action of the load. In addition, the muscular corset is strengthened and the load on the lumbar region is minimized.

Pathological processes in the spine occur due to metabolic disturbances, so physical exercises are simply necessary if the patient has an inverted herniated hernia. Muscles begin to atrophy when the motor process is insufficient, on the basis of what, the ailment will only begin to progress.

The spine needs a strong muscular corset to hold it, if the muscles are atrophied, then The ability is absent and the discs are deformed, which greatly exacerbates the clinical picture.

The weakened muscle corset is unable to hold the correct position of the spine, so the discs are pathological processes. Consequently, all loads will fall on the bone tissue, as well as cartilage tissue.

Gymnastics for the lumbar spine

What is strictly forbidden?

It is necessary to pay attention to a number of limitations in the intervertebral hernia. First of all, the beginning of exercise should be only during remission.

At first the patient must perform all the exercises under the guidance of the trainer.

Since the intervertebral hernia is a pathological lesion, in which any movement is accompanied by serious complications.

With an incautious sharp turn, even a slight displacement of the disc may occur, which will result in pressure on the nerve endings, followed by damage to the spinal cord. And so, a person with a diagnosis of intervertebral hernia of the lumbar division is prohibited:

  1. Exercises should be performed with ease, so any pain or difficulty should be absent.
  2. The initial stages of exercise therapy exclude twisting.
  3. It is forbidden to jump or affect the area of ​​the lumbar region.
  4. No sudden movements.
  5. Begin with minimal loads, since increased loads can lead to completely opposite results.

A source: https://med-explorer.ru/ortopediya/lechenie-spiny/kompleks-uprazhnenij-pri-gryzhe-poyasnichnogo-otdela-pozvonochnika.html

Therapeutic gymnastics with the intervertebral lumbar hernia

Exercises with a hernia of the lumbar spine are the most important element of the therapy of this ailment. Physical exercises give such a result because they improve blood circulation, nutrition of the vertebrae, strengthen muscles and ligaments of the spinal column.

The process of the appearance of a hernia develops as follows. The vertebrae are interconnected by special flexible cartilaginous discs. They consist of a pulp, surrounded by a dense fibrous ring, due to which they are elastic.

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When the load increases, or with age, the surface of the discs is dumped, it gradually wears out, flattenes, and the cartilage extends beyond the vertebrae. This process is called protrusion.

In this case, pain and neurological symptoms are characteristic.

If the load does not decrease and there is no treatment, the fibrous ring of the disc ruptures, its contents protrude outward - this is the hernia formed.

This is an approximate picture, but the principle of the appearance of hernias is exactly this.

With a hernia, the spine nerve root is almost always clamped, which causes sharp pains.

The appearance of hernias depends on insufficient intake of fluid in the body, incorrect posture, hypodynamia, eating disorders.

The processes of degeneration develop imperceptibly and gradually over many years, before the onset of back pain. Only then will a person know about her hernia.

These painful sensations in the lower back increase with the sharpness of the movements, pass to the legs and the pelvis.

To cure a hernia, some medicines are not enough. Medications can overcome pain for a while, and changes in the spine will remain.

Often, if the conservative treatment is ineffective, an operation is prescribed, especially if the hernia is directed toward the canal, if there is a possibility of a spinal cord injury.

The meaning of gymnastics

Medical gymnastics with herniated spine of the lumbar spine is absolutely necessary after the operation, and with conservative treatment. Only it is able to smoothly change the state of the elements of the spine. To help her, she uses massage.

By stretching the spine, the hernia is minimized. Thanks to the creation of a muscular corset, the discs are released from pressure and their height increases, the muscles themselves become stronger, they become hardy. Finally, therapeutic gymnastics will reduce weight, almost always accompanying hernia.

The best individual complex for you will be picked up by a specialist, he also needs to check your execution technique. You yourself can not calculate the load and cause a deterioration.

Fundamental rules

Wrong opinion that therapeutic exercise with hernias is contraindicated. The mobility of the spine and its strengthening is impossible without exercise therapy.

This is understandable: the vertical load on the vertebrae is always the greatest. For classes, you need a gym mat, which will provide a moderate hardness of the surface. Drafts should not be, clothes should be light, natural.

Obligatory are stretching of the spine, strengthening of his muscles and restorative techniques. In the acute period, classes are excluded. First, the pain is removed medically.

Exercise should only be slow and smooth, without jerking. Weight is the weight of the person, although special simulators can be used.

What is the key to success?

Graduality is the main guarantee of success: there should be no more than 5 repetitions, the loads for the beginning are minimal, the whole complex can not be performed at once.

Go to the training should be at least 2 times a week, to begin with, the duration of the training should not be more than 5 minutes.

Physical education should be stable and regular.

If, when you feel better, you quit, the pain will return soon, because the muscles will become weak again. It is necessary to accept the fact that gymnastics must now be performed at all times. Before the classes are very shown the massage of the waist to warm up the muscles.

Do not do with a spinal hernia the following:

  • slopes with dumbbells or other weighting agents;
  • use of fitball;
  • any kind of twisting of the spine;
  • jumps, jerks, running;
  • you can not jump out of the horizontal position;
  • exercises can not be performed with malaise, hyperthermia, internal pathologies.

It is also necessary to get used to the idea that doing gymnastics is a long time, stretching the spine should take place very gradually. In the end, you brought your spine to this state, and therefore, be patient now. Most importantly - do not get discouraged.

Types of medical training

For the spine with a hernia there are 3 modes of training:

  1. for an acute period - sparing;
  2. the recovery period is a treatment-training regime that prepares the muscles for activity;
  3. training mode - is aimed at creating a corset from the muscles, and this increases the flexibility of the spine.

The technique of training with a hernia of the lower back is several:

  • yoga - its effectiveness has been proven repeatedly;
  • technique Bubnovsky - using special simulators;
  • Dikul's system - his complex of exercises is aimed at maintaining muscle tone.

Stretching of the vertebrae

To stretch the spine the following exercises are used:

  1. On the board, the end of which is raised by 130 cm, attach with straps under the mouse and hang for 5-20 minutes.
  2. Take a stool half a meter high, put a pillow on it and bend over it with your belly. In this position, hang for a few minutes. The bend just falls on the area of ​​the hernia, because of what is the stretching of the vertebrae.
  3. The position lying on its side with the roller at its side: while the upper half of the trunk is retracted, and the lower half - forward.
  4. Walk around the room on level hands and feet - the exercise "Bear". These exercises for the back with hernias of the spine are performed several times a day. Stretch the spine can be hung on the bar, lifting the pelvis in a horizontal position, lying down and alternately pulling his legs to his chest.

What will help in an acute period?

Exercises with a hernia of the spine are permissible and in an acute period, but special.

Observed bed rest, the bed is preferably wide, orthopedic mattress is mandatory.

The most optimal position is on the back with bent legs or lying on the side. Exercises are allowed with the adoption of relaxing poses:

  • lying on his stomach with a roller;
  • lying on his back, put his feet on a special bench so that a right angle is formed in the knee, in these poses you can be 10 minutes 3-4 times a day.

When the pain subsides, exercises are added to the tension of the hands and feet - twice a day for 5 minutes. This is the sliding of the feet and the compression of the hand into a fist.

Lying on the back, on a sufficiently elastic mattress, make attempts to slowly bend the legs alternately.

Still later, joins the rotation of the head in a circle with a pose on all fours.

Reconstructive period of the disease.

In parallel with the treatment after 2-3 weeks with less pain, the exercises become more complicated: now gymnastics with a hernia of the lumbosacral spine is designed to increase muscle tone. IP (initial position) - on the back or abdomen. Exercises isometric for tension. Stress pose time is 7 seconds. So, where to start:

  1. Exercise "Semi-Cobra" - lifting your head, lying on your stomach. Then also 1 or 2 hands for training.
  2. Rounding the back, standing on all fours.
  3. "Boat" - lifting of the trunk and legs with arms outstretched from the prone position.
  4. Lying on his side, moving his legs to the side.

Full complex program

Starting the lesson, put a soft roller 3-4 cm in diameter under the lumbar region. When performing exercises, be guided by your painful sensations necessarily, when they appear, stop performing this complex.

What exercises can be done with a hernia:

  • First you need to breathe your belly. FE - lying on the back, legs bent, arms folded on the abdomen. It is necessary at deep 10 breaths and exhalations, to supervise movements of a stomach by hands. It is very useful for the heart and the diaphragm.
  • Leaving of hands and feet. The same PI, it is necessary to straighten the bent leg and take it to the side, while simultaneously withdrawing the opposite hand. 10 repetitions will be enough. This exercise helps stretch muscles and coordinate movements.
  • Throwing a foot on the leg - lying on the floor, throw your legs alternately on each other, bending them in the knee. Arms clasped behind the head. 10 repetitions. At the same time, abdominal muscles are strengthened. 1 of the more difficult variants of this exercise - with a thrown leg trying to reach the opposite heel with his hand.
  • Rotation with feet. IP - lying on the back, legs stretched, shoulder width apart. Rotate simultaneously with the feet and hands of bent hands, 5 circles on each side.
  • Stretching of calves. The IP does not change. Alternately, pull on the toe of the elongated leg for 10 seconds to stretch the gastrocnemius muscle. Repetition 5.
  • Circumference knees hands - lying on his back, alternately pull his legs to his chest, clasping his knees. 5-7 repetitions.
  • Sliding hands on the hips. IP - lying on the floor. It is necessary to slide slowly by hand on the thigh, bending gradually trunk in the same direction. At the same time, the other hand slides on the other side upward. The exercise is done 5-8 times.
  • Lying knee twists, hands are thrown back. It is necessary to lower the bent legs in turns alternately to the state of comfort - 10 times. Heels do not come off the floor.
  • "House" - standing on all fours, back is even, socks on the floor. Slowly raise the pelvis up until an angle appears between the legs and the torso, the back is straight all the time - it's worth 5-10 seconds to return to the FE. You can not straighten the legs completely, keep them half-bent. Repeat 5 times.
  • Leading the leg sideways - from the lying position, it is necessary to lift the legs 10 times on each side.
  • Exercise "Cat standing on all fours, you need to slowly bend the spine, like a waking cat - 10 times.

There are also 3 classic exercises of exercise therapy with a hernia of the lumbar spine:

  1. IP - lying on the back with bent legs. It is necessary to hold your breath and inhale your stomach, then relax with exhalation. The number of repetitions is 15.
  2. IP is the same. It is necessary to raise both the trunk and legs simultaneously for 10 seconds - "Lodochka". Repeat 15 times with a 10-second break.
  3. IP is the same. The leg is slightly bent, trying to push it away with your hand, and using the knee to push out the brush at this time - this intense movement lasts 10 seconds, then relaxation follows. Such repetitions of 10 with a 15-second break.

Choose any of the above exercises without consulting with a doctor is not recommended. Such actions can only exacerbate the situation.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/pozvonochnik/gryzha/uprazhneniya-dlya-spiny.html