Legs sweat and stink: what to do at home

Good evening dear blog readers! Today I present to you the problem topic when strongly sweats and stinks , shoes in women and men, which can be done at home with excessive sweating of legs to get rid of it.

Unpleasant process is accompanied by a bad smell, compelling to complex, feel restless and awkward. Inevitably, a decent person develops self-doubt and an inferiority complex.

So this common problem is also psychological in nature.


How to solve the problem of sweaty and smelly feet?

It would seem that it can be easier, washed your feet and all. It seems that yes and no. .. It's worth it to take the rule to perform a number of procedures that will help reduce the unpleasant odor of the feet.

Here, at the most inopportune moment you need to go to the guests. It happens, not only that socks with a hole on the heels or fingers, so also the feet smell unpleasant. It's hard to understand what to do, do not go to visit at all, or if you go, immediately get into the slippers deep in the most "do not want" or hide your legs under the sofa with shame.

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Legs are stained, usually due to incorrect or inadequate hygienic care for them and individual physiological characteristics, which also includes certain periods of a person's life, can be noticed that in adolescents during a period of rapid growth, the hyperfunction of the sweat glands sweat and stinklegs.

To help, watch this video and you solve the problem of sweaty feet easily, gain self-confidence. For example, it is better to wash your feet in cool water with the addition of liquid antibacterial soap. Wipe your feet with a cotton towel as carefully as possible. If you stink your feet no matter what, try rinsing them with water with the addition of a spoonful of vinegar. Pay attention to the condition of the nails, perhaps they were affected by a fungal disease and in that case you need to immediately consult a dermatologist.

In this video, the author will tell you how to get rid of the unpleasant odor of your feet, share with you a couple of your secrets.

You will learn how to choose the right shoes from natural materials. It can be both genuine leather, and shoes with the top of cotton or linen. If the feet stink, despite the whole regime, buy yourself a hygienic insoles with the addition of flavorings.

You can always take such insoles with a layer of coal, which, like a sponge, absorbs excess smells and moisture.

Sometimes feet stink and because of improper care of shoes. It is better to always sprinkle the inner insole with talc or baby powder.

So you can be sure of the dryness of the shoes, and the powders smell very good on their own.

To get rid of the nasty sweaty odor of your feet, deodorants, which are better to take in the form of a spray - antiperspirant, will help. Such a drug helps to reduce the activity of the sweat glands and give freshness to the feet.

Contacts with the author of the video: e-mail box: [email protected], vkontakne: http: //vk.com/ id3976166, group vkontakte: http: //vk.com/ public91451027

This author's video channel about everything beautiful that happens in the life of every girl, girl, woman. She reveals the exciting world of make-up, realizing her ideas in new ways. Tells about the whole world of useful procedures and recipes for skin care and hair care that everyone can do at home, without departing from the monitor screen.

The author believes that her video will be useful to girls of any age, since a beautiful appearance and a positive outlook on the world is a force that makes you wake up every day with a smile.

Unpleasant foot odor: what to do not to stink feet

Many people, regardless of lifestyle, gender and age, suffer from an unpleasant odor problem in the foot area.

This insignificant, at first glance, problem reduces self-esteem, a number of complexes appear. A person feels constant tension and discomfort.

You can buy a special drug in the pharmacy, and you can solve the problem of unpleasant odor with simple hygienic measures and proper care. And everything at home.

Useful tips for sweating feet and unpleasant odor

  1. Foot Wash .Frequent washing of the lower limbs is the basis of prevention and treatment of bad smell of the feet and, accordingly, shoes. They should be thoroughly washed in warm water with soap( preferably antibacterial) up to several times during the day.

If necessary, use a soft brush to cleanse the skin delicately, but thoroughly.

  1. Thorough drying and deodorization of .After washing your feet, thoroughly dry them before putting on socks. After each hygienic procedure, you need to use baby powder for feet, potato starch, boric acid in powder or simple baking soda.

If your feet stink, and you do not know what to do, then even at home you can use means more complicated - powder with antipotal properties( they are sold in pharmacies) or an antifungal spray. Preparations based on antifungal essential oils are worthy of attention. These are complex compounds in which the action is refreshing, eliminating odor, combined with an antiperspirant effect. Just deodorants only mask the unpleasant odor, but do not prevent excessive sweating, which means they are only a half-measure. The optimal solution is the preparations containing aluminum chloride hexahydrate. However, in the case of depriving it is not necessary to use this kind of means, tk.they cause severe burning. Recommended sticks instead of sprays. First they are used 2-3 times a day, then only once.

Spray your feet with a special antiperspirant for five minutes before dressing your shoes. Avoid places where the skin is cracked or injured.

  1. Evening procedure .In the evening, thoroughly wash your feet and rub alcohol into them, then spray a strong antiperspirant on the foot and wrap the leg with a plastic wrap so that the active substances enter deeper into the skin. Wear socks. The procedure should be repeated every evening for a week, and then if necessary 1-2 times a week.
  2. Baths against bad smell of feet .Frequent soaking of feet in various solutions is another proven answer to the question of what to do at home if your feet are stinking.

Here are examples of such compositions and recipes.

Tea .Tannin, contained in a known drink, produces a drying effect.3-4 packets boil for 10 minutes in 1 liter of water, then diluted with cold water, and then keep the foot in this liquid for 30 minutes. After this time, the limbs are thoroughly dried, sprinkled with powder or something else. The procedure is carried out twice a day until the condition improves, then it is enough to repeat it twice a week.

Kosher salt ( stone, coarser than ordinary dining room).The smelling legs are kept in a solution diluted in the proportion of half a glass of spices per 1 liter.

Baking soda .In 1 liter of water, dissolve a tablespoon of the substance and wet the feet 2 times a week for 15 minutes.

Vinegar .Half a glass for 1 liter of water - use the same way as in the recipe with soda. And you can keep your feet in warm water once a week for 15 minutes with the addition of 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar.

Acetate of aluminum ( Burov liquid).In 0.5 liters of cold water add 2 tablespoons of liquid and in the resulting solution, wet your feet for 10-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day.

Heat-cold .It is also recommended to alternate foot baths in hot and cold water, at the same time it is always necessary to finish cold. The change in temperature causes the vessels to contract, which prevents sweat secretion.

Cold bath with ice cubes or lemon juice. In the end, rub your feet with alcohol and dry it. During the heat, this procedure should be repeated every day. Contraindications - diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

If none of these methods help, consult a doctor - he will be able to recommend you medicines for increased sweating.

Socks .Need frequent change of socks( or tights), at least twice a day, up to 3-4 times a day. It is better to choose products from natural fibers, for example, cotton, which absorbs moisture well.

Wear two pairs of socks at the same time. At first glance, this advice seems out of place, if you already heavily stink your feet and shoes because of sweat - where else just socks! Meanwhile, the air layer between the two pairs improves the cooling of the feet, so that their sweating decreases. First you need to put on cotton socks, on top - woolen. Of course, the council is relevant only for the cold season.

Shoes .Classic closed shoes and shoes enhance sweating of legs, create ideal conditions for the development of bacteria. Therefore, the best choice from this point of view are leather sandals or shoes with open toes.

Avoid synthetic shoes. Never go to the same pair for two days( and even more so all the week) in a row. Every few days, change it, giving the previous pair a chance to dry and air. Only after 24 hours the shoes dry out sufficiently.

Process the internals. Before shoes can be poured into shoes, sneakers, etc.a little soda, talc so that they absorb moisture and an unpleasant smell. Effective means of eliminating "fragrance" - decoction of wormwood. Such a liquid should be watered inside the shoes.

Insoles with the addition of activated carbon effectively absorb moisture, which helps to prevent the problem.

Ionophoresis .This is a procedure based on the blocking of excessively active sweat glands. The device generates weak electrical energy of the right frequency, which acts on the sweat glands in such a way that their excessive activity for a time decreases. Regular repetition of the procedure allows you to keep your feet dry and reduce their sweating.

The stress on the skin is very low, so there is no risk of any negative side effects. Ionophoresis can also be used in the home with appropriate devices. They are not cheap, but the expenses pay off by saving on procedures held in professional salons, on special cosmetics, shoe later destroyed, socks, etc.

Calmness , fighting with increased emotionality. Sweat glands react quickly to strong emotions. Therefore, stress( both positive and negative) causes an increase in secretion of sweat, which, in turn, activates bacteria that cause a bad smell. Therefore, it is worthwhile to adopt and use proven methods of relaxation.

Condition of feet .Excessive strain on the legs or orthopedic disease( eg, flat feet) can also cause excessive sweating. The more burdened your feet, the more they give off sweat - accordingly, the more moisture that contributes to the development of bacteria, turning it into a source of stink. Therefore, eliminating the immediate cause( for example, restoring the correct shape of the foot with the help of appropriate orthopedic inserts) will help reduce sweating.

Source of the

  1. Video channel "Helen K".
  2. Website: http://assol-club.net /2016/07/ chto-delat-esli-vonyayut-nogi-i-obuv /

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