Causes of different pupils in adults

Among many diseases and deviations from the norm, allocated in ophthalmology today, a certain place is occupied by such phenomenon as anisocoria. This medical term indicates that a person has an uneven eyeball size.

The pupil is located in the central part of the iris and its function is to regulate the light flux, which is fed to the retina of the eye. It is because of light that the pupils increase or decrease, because in the dark they become smaller, and conversely, when a bright stream hits them, there is a noticeable increase.

Experts believe that with a slight difference in the size of the pupils, it is not worthwhile to sound an alarm. If the difference is not noticeable and is not evident, this is read by a normal state, in the case of an increase in the tolerable limits, it is necessary to undergo an examination with an ophthalmologist. The permissible norm can vary within one millimeter.


  • 1Definition of a symptom
  • 2Causes
  • 3Possible diseases
  • 4Diagnostic Methods
  • 5Treatment
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions
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Definition of a symptom

Usually, anisocoria manifests itself at an early age, and the symptomatology appears quite definitely.First, in the appearance of the pupils, it becomes clear the departure from the normal state.Attentive parents may notice other symptoms, for example, the disease in some cases is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. A child of an older age and an adult, apart from a marked asymmetry, may feel disturbances functions of the eyes, which are expressed in the vagueness of the image, darkening in the eyes, bifurcations and discomfort.If you find these negative signs, you should immediately consult a doctor, as they can be serious disorders and diseases of the eye.

Example of anisocoria


Anisocoria can occur for many reasons, but the main factors are:

  • Hereditary predisposition can affect the size of the pupils.Such a reason is quite safe. If a similar phenomenon was observed among relatives, and the child inherited it, such a genetic predisposition does not need any treatment and does not pose a threat to human health.
  • Under the influence of medications, such as drops or eye sprays, inhalers for asthma, pupils may develop asymmetry.This may be due to improper operation of the muscles at a time when light enters the eye. In this case, it is worth to abandon the drugs taken or replace them with others.
  • With lesion of the optic nerve, anisocoria can also occur.In addition, many diseases of a neurological nature, aneurysm and atrophy of the muscular system of the visual organs provoke such a phenomenon as different sizes of the eye pupils. This is detected through diagnostics and a detailed examination of the patient.

Possible diseases

If an adult has symptoms that are inherent in a phenomenon such as anisocoria, namely: a significant increase in one of the pupils, vomiting, visual impairment and its bifurcation,should immediately be examined, because for small, it would seem, disorders, can conceal a disease of a completely different level:

  • Bleeding caused by a severe injury or injury that may be inside the skull.
  • Aneurysm.
  • Tumors in the brain or abscess.
  • Infectious damage to the meninges in the meningitis or encephalitis.
  • The defeat of the nerve that moves the eye.
  • Migraine.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Oncology in the upper part of the lung.
  • Thrombosis of the carotid artery.
  • Tumor formation in the lymph nodes of the upper chest.
  • Taking drugs: pilocarpine, cocaine, tropicamide and other intoxicants.

The list of diseases is quite impressive and serious, so do not delay with a visit to the doctor, it will help prevent dangerous illnesses.

So, once again about those symptoms that should not be neglected:

  • Blurred vision.
  • Bifurcation.
  • Hypersensitivity of the organs of vision to light.
  • Fever and chills.
  • Pain in the head and in the eye.
  • Emetic urges.
  • Torticollis.

Diagnostic Methods

As soon as some of the symptoms manifest themselves, the history of the diseases is studied and the patient is assigned an examination of the neurological and physical character, since the very cause of the disease is often deeply hidden and is a consequence of negative processes occurring in the body of a long period.

The diagnostic study includes several stages:

  • Biochemical blood tests.
  • Puncture of the spinal cord.
  • Computer examination of the head.
  • MRI
  • Tonometric examination if there is a suspicion of glaucoma.
  • X-ray of the neck and head.

In the event that a different size of pupils you inherited, treatment is not assigned. In other cases, correct complex therapy or emergency care is necessary.


In those cases when the irregularity of the pupils is observed after the trauma of the eyes or the head, it should be as fashionable to find out the cause and get the appropriate help.It is in such cases that an increase in one of the pupils can speak of a serious danger to human health and life.

Once an accurate diagnosis is made, the treatment can have a different nature, as well as methods.

  • These may be agents that can control migraines,
  • to reduce edema in the brain tissues, corticosteroids may be prescribed,
  • in order to control seizures usually prescribed drugs from seizures,
  • aantibiotic agents for meningitis,
  • anesthetics and antitumor agents in other pathologies.

In any case, a successful cure depends on the doctor who must deliver the correct and accurate diagnosis, and prescribe an effective treatment.


Among the preventive actions can be identified the main thing - in time to sound the alarm and find out the reason for the deviation.If the problem is solvable and does not pose a threat to the health and life of the patient, the recommendations will be limited only to the advice on the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.But, in any case, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions of the attending physician and adhere to the prescribed therapy. Only with full mutual understanding of the doctor and the patient can you achieve a positive result and quickly get on your feet.

Observation with an ophthalmologist

Why the eyes swell in the morning, especially the upper eyelids

Eye drops for allergies are described in this article.

Antiviral eye drops




Anisocoria, a disease that is successfully treated, with the timely recognition of the cause that caused it. Do not delay the visit to the ophthalmologist, if you suddenly found yourself in different sizes of pupils. Do not panic, maybe it's just a temporary phenomenon, but do not ignore it, so you do not regret it later.

Also, read about what is indicated by nystagmus and involuntary dilatation of the pupils.

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