Back I got: what to do if the waist jammed?


  • 1Back I got: what to do if the waist jammed?
    • 1.1Conservative treatment
    • 1.2General recommendations
    • 1.3Medication Therapy
    • 1.4Physiotherapy pi
    • 1.5Physiotherapy
    • 1.6Massage and manual therapy
    • 1.7Folk remedies
    • 1.8Operative treatment
  • 2What to do if the nerve in the back is pinched: doctors' advice
    • 2.1Assistance during an attack
    • 2.2What can provoke an attack?
    • 2.3Symptoms and possible consequences of pinching, depending on the location of the nerve
    • 2.4Cervical spine
    • 2.5Thoracic spine
    • 2.6Lumbar spine
    • 2.7Standard Treatment Scheme
    • 2.8Preventive actions
  • 3What should I do if my back gets stuck?
    • 3.1Main causes of back pain
    • 3.2The nature of pain in the back
    • 3.3Diagnostic Methods
  • 4I took my back - what to do
    • 4.1Where to go
    • 4.2Home Therapy
    • 4.3Denial of responsibility
  • 5If the waist is jammed
  • 6The back was stuck in the back: what to do?
    • 6.1Symptoms when "stuck" back
    • 6.2Assistance during an attack
    • 6.3Diseases in which there may be similar attacks
    • 6.4What can cause an attack?
    • 6.5Consequences and complications
    • 6.6Treatment
    • 6.7Prevention
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Back I got: what to do if the waist jammed?

The problem of back pain is relevant for too many people to forget about it. Probably everyone in one way or another could feel it on themselves.

Excess loads and prolonged forced postures, obesity and lack of mobility are just a few of the factors that participate in the development of spine pathology.

Modern life simply teems with situations when it becomes reality.

If you took the lower back, you have to look for the most effective methods of treatment. What to do and how to proceed correctly, only the doctor will say. After the examination, he will identify the cause of the pain and make an optimal therapeutic program for each patient.

Conservative treatment

Everyone who has experienced pain in the back wants to get the best effect with the least interference in his body from the outside. If the clinical situation allows, the treatment always starts with conservative measures.

They are non-invasive and provide a good result in most cases.

Whether osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, spondyloarthrosis, muscle strain or inflammation, one can always count on improving local and general processes using the following methods:

  1. Drug therapy.
  2. Physiotherapy.
  3. Physiotherapy.
  4. Massage and manual therapy.
  5. Folk remedies.

Any technique has its own peculiarities, therefore it should be applied in strict accordance with clinical recommendations and treatment standards for the pathology that was detected during diagnosis.

Moreover, the application of several methods will be optimal, that is, combination therapy. So the result does not take long to wait and will become more stable, which makes it possible to live actively without pain.

Methods of conservative treatment are used in various situations - not only as an independent therapy, but also after surgical interventions and before them.

General recommendations

To better understand how to behave with back pain, you first need to consider the common points, which are mainly related to lifestyle.

Since the pathology of the spine provokes several factors, then, beginning treatment, it is necessary to minimize their effect on the body.

This will help the following recommendations:

  • Avoid lifting heavy objects.
  • Sleep on a hard mattress, putting orthopedic rollers under your head.
  • Watch your own posture when walking and sitting.
  • Wear comfortable shoes (if it is with a heel, then no more than 2 hours in a row).
  • Healthy food.
  • Refuse to smoke and drink alcohol.

Speaking about healthy or curative nutrition, you need to pay attention to your own weight, since the spine, in particular, the waist, with obesity experiences a significant load.

It is necessary to limit fatty, fried and smoked dishes, carbohydrate food, prefer dietary types of meat, cereals, dairy and plant products. It is necessary to enrich the body with vitamins and trace elements, especially calcium.

In addition, it is useful to be out in the fresh air more often, try to do light gymnastics every morning.

Such recommendations refer not only to preventive, but also to medical measures aimed at preventing exacerbations of the disease.

Medication Therapy

When a person feels that his back is stuck, he first of all thinks about what drug to drink to ease the pain.

But the medical level of care for spinal pathology mainly begins with medical treatment.

In clinical practice, the following drugs can be used:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (Orthofen, Movalis, Arthrosan).
  • Muscle relaxants (Midokalm).
  • Vitamins (Vitaxon, Milgamma).
  • Chondroprotectors (Artra, Teraflex).
  • Calcium preparations (Complivit, Calcemin).
  • Vascular (Trental, Solcoseryl).

If diseases of the spine have a specific character, for example, with rheumatoid arthritis or Bekhterev's disease, then cytostatics (Methotrexate), hormones (Metipred) help overcome inflammation. Infection requires the appointment of antibiotics.

In the case of severe pain, paravertebral injections of anesthetics (blockade) can be done to reduce the irritation of uneven fibers. And when the acute process subsides, you can switch to taking tablets and local forms of medications - ointments and gels (Fastum, Dolobien, Diklak).

Each drug should be used in accordance with the prescription of the doctor. Using medications alone, along with an insufficient effect, you can get adverse reactions and complications.

Physiotherapy pi

To eliminate exacerbation and maintain a positive effect of drug therapy, methods of physical impact on the pathological focus are used.

They exert a certain biological effect on the tissue, due to which inflammation decreases, puffiness disappears, nerve conduction is improved and local metabolic processes are normalized.

When I took the lower back, advise to undergo such procedures:

  1. Electrophoresis.
  2. Shock Wave Therapy.
  3. Laser treatment.
  4. Magnetotherapy.
  5. Ozokerito- and paraffin treatment.
  6. Reflexology.
  7. Water and mud therapy.

The range of methods used is wide enough, they are suitable for many patients, if all individual characteristics and concomitant diseases are taken into account.


The human skeleton can not function normally without movement. The same principle is laid in medical gymnastics.

Any pathology of the spine requires a certain physical activity - it all depends on its type, stage and condition of the patient. In the early stages, when there is compression of the nerve roots, the back needs rest.

For this, it is recommended to wear a hard corset, sleep on a hard board, not be in a sitting position. First, you can do exercises lying down, but only after eliminating acute symptoms.

In the future, gymnastics expands, up to strength training on simulators. If you grab the lower back, recommend the following exercises:

  • Lying on his back, lifting his straight legs up, lead to the stomach bent at the knees.
  • Lying on his side, pull his leg back and forth, lift it up.
  • Lying on his stomach, alternately raise his legs, and also head up.
  • Standing on all fours, flex your lower back while lifting your head.
  • Grabbing his hands behind the crossbar of the gymnastic wall, sag, not taking his feet off the floor.
  • Standing, holding on to the back of the chair, to make flies with his foot, take her aside.
  • From standing position, tilt the body forward, back and sideways.

Often used traction therapy, which is based on the extension of the spine under the influence of the patient's own weight or special cargo.

There is a "dry" or underwater method of treatment.

In addition, kinesiotherapy, using special simulators for stretching soft tissues of the back, is popular.

Thanks to medical gymnastics it is possible to form a muscular corset of the back, to strengthen the ligaments, to release the injured nerves.

Massage and manual therapy

A good effect is the techniques of manual impact on the spine and surrounding tissues. They are applied after elimination of the exacerbation of the disease.

Massage allows you to relax your muscles and improve blood flow, and manual therapy is aimed at eliminating functional blocks, decompressing rootlets, restoring structural relationships.

Specialists apply methods of traction, torsion, flexion and extension of the spine. At the same time, there is a crunch, which is quite normal.

Folk remedies

When the lower back wedged, some want to use folk methods of treatment. But this does not mean that you can abandon traditional means - such a decision will be wrong and dangerous.

Medicines that are made from natural ingredients are used only as a supplement to the therapy prescribed by the doctor.

Moreover, they are not recommended to use without consulting a specialist, because different side effects are possible, in particular, allergic reactions.

Most often prefer the following recipes from back pain:

  • Compresses from grated horseradish with radish, mustard, burdock leaves.
  • Ointment from a powder of a spaghetti with olive oil, horse chestnut and camphor, bischofite and golden mustache.
  • Razirka from tincture of agrimony or Adam's root, bitter pepper with valerian.

It should be remembered that no national recipes can replace qualified medical care.

Operative treatment

When the effect of conservative therapy is not enough, there are pronounced structural changes in the spine, in which strong pain persists, it is necessary to perform an operation. It is indicated for intervertebral hernias, spondylolisthesis, traumatic injuries.

The surgeon, with the help of minimally invasive techniques, removes pathological formations, fixes the displaced vertebrae, which immediately reflects on the patient's condition - pain disappears.

But after that, rehabilitation is required, the duration of which depends on the amount of surgical intervention.

If your back is worried, you should first contact your doctor. After the examination, he will appoint the necessary treatment, which will not only save the patient from pain, but also return him to active life.

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What to do if the nerve in the back is pinched: doctors' advice

"Take care of your nerves, especially the sciatic nerve.

He is responsible for rest, tourism, adventure and, in the final analysis, in fact for all the frantic cruises of your heart a quote from the Internet.

Truly a wise saying... When the nerve is squeezed in the back, not only the sciatic, many pleasures and delights of life become inaccessible.

A sharp burning pain, instantly piercing my back, like a current blow - and all, it seems, life has stopped! This is the most important sign that you have a nerve in your back. You can not move or straighten up, as if the whole body "stuck". What to do in this case?

Assistance during an attack

  1. Try, without making sudden movements, to get to the bed or sofa. If nothing like this is observed, just lay down on the floor. First on your side, lie down for a minute or two, then gently turn to your back.
  2. Is the pain subsiding? Now you can gently stand up: turn on your side, then stand on all fours. From the outside it looks ridiculous, but your task is to keep your back in the position where the pain least disturbs you (gentle position).
  3. Look around, you need to find some kind of emphasis to get to your feet. Found? Lean your hands on the support and slowly get up. Happened? Excellent!
  4. Independently or with someone's help fix your back with any improvised means: a scarf, a handkerchief or a towel. Later, you can wear a medical belt to fix the spine.
  5. Take an analgesic in tablets: Analgin, Baralgin or Ketorol. If the house has non-steroid drugs (Ibuprofen, Orthofen, Diclofenac), then accept any of them. These drugs in addition to analgesic effect have anti-inflammatory effect.
  6. During the first 24 hours, observe bed rest and avoid drafts.
  7. Do not hesitate to contact a doctor for qualified help, because a jammed nerve can be very bad today in the future.
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Belt captures not only the damaged area, but also grabs nearby located parts of the spine

What can provoke an attack?

The causes of pinching of the nerve are diverse, but the main one is only complications of osteochondrosis. Other factors are everyday:

  • the lifting of heavy weights;
  • incorrect posture;
  • uncomfortable posture during sleep;
  • obesity;
  • pregnancy;
  • supercooling;
  • trauma, etc.

If the nerve is pinched for a secondary cause, then you can cope with the acute pain syndrome and return to work in the shortest possible time.

If pinching of the nerve is due to the thinning of the intervertebral discs with osteochondrosis or the cause is the intervertebral hernia, then the treatment should be long, full and complex.

Symptoms and possible consequences of pinching, depending on the location of the nerve

Cervical spine

If the nerve in the cervical spine is pinched, then, in addition to acute piercing pain, you will feel noise in the ears, headache, dizziness.

This can be caused by a violation of the blood supply to the brain, since blood vessels are also jammed together with the nerve.

Lack of oxygen will affect the general condition of the body (weakness, sweating, fatigue), brain performance (decrease), vision and memory (deterioration), coordination (violation).

The pain can be localized (limited strictly to one site) and / or irradiated (given) in the arm, shoulder, under the shoulder blade. In the place of pinching, there is probably a puffiness and redness of the skin.

Thoracic spine

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Signs of pinched nerve: a sharp burning pain, localized in one place.

If the pinching occurred to the left, the pain can be given for the sternum, under the scapula and shoulder (according to the type of pain in the heart).

If on the right - then in the liver and pancreas.

In this case, there is also swelling of the skin, numbness and redness.
Dysfunction of the muscles of the chest leads to a limitation of the motor function of the sternum. Therefore, a painful spasm usually occurs when coughing, sneezing, deep inspiration or a sharp exhalation.

Lumbar spine

Pinching of the nerve in the lower back occurs in 90% of cases due to osteochondrosis. The sciatic nerve usually suffers, and it occurs as a result of exorbitant physical exertion on the spine.

Symptoms of sciatica (pinch of the sciatic nerve): a burning sensation and discomfort in the lumbosacral region, localized Sharp pain in the buttock (approximately in the place where the intramuscular injections are done), the pain falls down the back surface legs. Attached feeling of numbness and "crawling crawling" along the nerve, impaired mobility of the limb.

"The moral of this fable is this" -we can not help paying attention when the nerve is pinched, otherwise the situation can become "achall temporary paralysis, complete immobility and disability. After many years mobility can be restored, but for this it will be necessary to make considerable efforts and commit large financial expenses.

Standard Treatment Scheme

Treatment for pinching of the nerve in the back is phased and is prescribed only by a neurologist after passing the necessary examination.

At the first stage, the main goal is achieved - the removal of pain through the use of pain medication medication orally (through the mouth) or injectively (intramuscularly / intravenously).

In addition, in the acute period it is necessary to comply with bed rest and diet with the exception of sharp, salty and smoked dishes.

The second stage is the elimination of the inflammatory process.

Here, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will be effective, which, depending on the severity of the disease, are applied either inside or in injections and externally in the form of various ointments and gels.Usually the first and second stages are not subdivided, the treatment is carried out simultaneously with preparations of both groups.

Reflexotherapy effectively restores innervation and blood supply in the area of ​​pinching

The third stage is aimed at restoring the muscular function, respectively, and the function of the damaged nerve - reception vitamin complexes, physiotherapy (electrophoresis, CMT, UHF), acupuncture, manual therapy, massage and medical physical Culture.

The extreme measure, when conservative treatment is not sufficiently effective, is resorted to by surgeons.

Preventive actions

When the nerve was pinched, it is too late to think about prevention. So take care of your health now and make yourself an "instruction on using your own spine."

  1. Do not overload your back, that is, Do not carry too heavy objects and do not lift exorbitant loads.
  2. Do not bend down to pick something up, but squat, so you make a big load on your legs, not on your lower back.
  3. Avoid drafts and hypothermia.
  4. Sleep on an orthopedic bed (just a mattress and pillow will also fit).
  5. In time, treat catarrhal and viral diseases.
  6. Patients with osteochondrosis, visit your doctor twice a year and undergo treatment in a timely manner.
  7. Lead an active lifestyle, go in for sports. Those who do not have time to go to the gym, do exercises in the morning.
  8. From exercises, choose those that strengthen the muscles of the back, legs and abdominals.
  9. Eat right.
  10. Refuse bad habits.
  11. Be less nervous.
  12. Get plenty of rest.
  13. And finally, just love yourself!

I would like to hope that this article was interesting and useful for you. Follow our recommendations, and with pinching of the spinal nerve (if it does happen at all!) You will cope for one or two.

Health to you and prosperity!

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What should I do if my back gets stuck?

If your back suddenly jams, what should you do in such a situation? Painful sensations with the infringement of the nerve arise suddenly and disappear spontaneously. Therefore, people often do not attach importance to such situations.

This is in vain, because if you ignore the current situation, you can wait for complications. We will try to find out the causes and symptoms of low back pain, and also to figure out what to do if it is caught in the back.

Main causes of back pain

Very often, pains in the area of ​​the back complain of young people, rather than people of advanced age.

Studies have shown that 50% of the population complains of pain syndromes in the lumbosacral spine, 48% in the cervical region, and the remaining 2% complain of pain in the thoracic department.

Why often there are pains in the lower back? According to experts, people, unlike animals, move on two legs, so the whole load is on the lower back.

Pain appears when the rate of lifting of gravity is exceeded. Even back pain is caused by chronic stress, that is, nervous and mental stress leads to muscle spasm, which provokes the pathology of the spine.

The main causes of painful feelings are high physical load, improper, uncomfortable and monotonous position of the back, hypothermia, complications of diseases, heavy weight.

Jamming in the spine of the nerve occurs, because in those places where the ribs connect with the vertebrae, the nerves feel a high load when pulling and rotational movements.

Pinch can occur from a deep sigh accompanied by a sharp movement. The nature of such pain is burning, sharp.

The back can ache after a sharp movement, an injury or an unsuccessful fall. Under such conditions, the spinal cord is damaged.

If you feel pain on one side (above the waist), the main cause of the inconvenience can be acute inflammation of the kidneys, usually accompanied by a temperature.

Inflammation of the joints leads to the fact that the spine becomes firm and unbending.

Long stay without movement, bed rest or 60-year-old age can lead to sudden compression of the vertebra, it occurs because the bone substance is discharged. This disease is osteoporosis.

With aching, slightly dull or gradually increasing pain in the lumbar region, which increases with lifting, muscle tension, coughing, movement, an intervertebral hernia is observed.

The nature of pain in the back

Painful syndromes vary in frequency, but they can be permanent. Strengthening pain comes from sudden movements.

Lumbar pains appear due to an incorrect and uncomfortable position of the spine at work. Usually people use ointment for the night in the hope that the pain will subside.

But sometimes painful feelings are of a periodic nature or expressed in the form of lumbago.

The nature of the disease can be determined by the type of pain syndrome experienced by the spin. If this is a muscle pain, it will never be piercing, sharp and shooting. Such pains are spasmodic.

There is pain on the left or right, without changing its focus. It can last several days. If the pain is felt to the left, it can give phantom symptoms in the area of ​​the heart muscle or spleen.

If the pain on the right, then - in the liver.

The pain that arises at the top of the spine characterizes the infringement of the nerve in the cervical region, it occurs from the incorrect and uncomfortable position of the neck and head during night rest, drafts. It causes paralysis of the body. If you do not carry out the diagnosis at the very beginning, it can lead to inflammatory tissue processes, which threatens the tumor.

If the back is stuck underneath, it could mean an inflammation of the sciatic nerve. This nerve has the largest neuronal outgrowth, its inflammation can threaten with paralysis of the extremities.

The main signs of back pain can be classified as follows:

  1. The focus of the inflamed area is accompanied by burning pain, sometimes characterized by shooting and thrusting sensation.
  2. Shoots in the legs, hips and buttocks. This means that the waist jammed, in this case, the usual ointment may not help.
  3. Pain syndrome in the neck or arms, turning into a headache, means pinching the nerve of the upper back.
  4. Heavy breathing, accompanied by pressure in the lungs, means infringement of the nerve in the scapular region or in the place of attachment of the ribs to the spine.
  5. When blood flow and circulation is disturbed, darkening in the eyes, increased temperature and blood pressure, increased sweating, muscle spasms occur.
  6. Spontaneous bowel movement or urination, immobility of legs and hands, tingling in the limbs, and in some cases loss of sensitivity means spinal cord disturbances.
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Diagnostic Methods

Numerous symptoms of back problems do not allow diagnosing, based only on patients' complaints.

Self-medication without consulting a doctor and diagnosis can lead to an aggravation of the situation.

In the first place, a complete body examination should be performed to identify the features described earlier.

For sure, the attending physician will insist on a full examination to determine or exclude neurologic abnormalities.

So, the done x-ray can show only gross damage or displacement of the vertebrae, a decrease in intervertebral spaces, bone outgrowths.

The most informative examination is MRI.

With the help of this procedure, you can identify the condition of the nerve roots, spinal cord, intervertebral discs.

It is necessary to conduct a blood test, go through a computer tomography, a manual examination. If all the stages of the examination are completed, it will be possible to compile a complete picture of the disease, exclude a possible oncological disease or damage to the nerves and blood vessels.

Surely everyone who has experienced such pains will be ready to take medications, observing bed rest and claiming that this is the only way out. But it is worth noting that the main thing in treatment is movement.

Alternative methods of treatment are manual therapy, mud baths, physiotherapy, hirudotherapy.

The main method is the physical exercises developed by the attending physician, individually for each patient.

Such exercises will ensure the proper functioning of the muscles, their tension and relaxation. The stronger the muscles, the less likely the emerging pain syndrome.

If the waist jammed suddenly, and nearby there are people who can provide first aid before the arrival of a doctor, the patient must be put on a hard surface, without hampering his movements.

It is necessary to take an anesthetic drug to alleviate an attack. Do not take any unreasonable actions, for example, try to fix the vertebra.

Drug treatment is prescribed by a doctor. Basically it's warming and painkillers ointments, injections are rarely prescribed.

The doctor can prescribe special compresses, which are made from mustard plaster and honey.

Additionally, antispasmodics and medications that strengthen the blood vessels and promote the proper functioning of the heart muscle can be prescribed.

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I took my back - what to do

The back is subjected to increased stresses more often than other systems of the human body. Therefore, the cases when I picked up my back are not uncommon. We will try to answer the most popular questions asked by people who are in a similar situation and do not know how to proceed correctly.

Where to go

When I took my back, which doctor should I go to? Depending on the location and nature of the pain, you will need to visit a specialized doctor. At the first stage it is necessary to address to the therapist or the family doctor, and he, in turn, will send the patient to the consultation:

  • Neurologist or neurologist, if the cause of the disease is a violation of the nervous system or.
  • Urologist, if there is a suspicion of the presence of diseases of the genito-urinary organs.
  • Gynecologist, if the pain appeared as a result of changes in the female part.
  • Orthopedist, if the cause was the destruction of the vertebrae or discs.

Ignore the pain, when you took your back, absolutely not. It is in this segment of the back that pathologies can develop which are difficult to treat conservatively.

As a rule scoliosis, and, develop gradually and can manifest themselves with rather sharp pain.

Among the causes of pain between the shoulder blades may be pathologies of internal organs, for example, IHD, angina pectoris, lung disease, liver or. After the patient can move independently, it is better to go to the clinic and consult a doctor.

Sometimes the pain occurs spontaneously, it happens, even immediately after awakening. Complaints of patients sound like this: "I could not move, I could not move, what should I do?"

It happens that the cause of such pain can be the uncomfortable position that a person took in a dream. In this case, you just need to gently stand up and try to take the most comfortable position, helps putting high cushions under your feet.

You can ask your relatives to rub your back. The pain could also arise, then it is better to do several stretching exercises to relax the muscles and release the restrained ending.

Home Therapy

When suddenly I got a back, they will help injections of medications that help to relieve pain. Among such means it is necessary to allocate:

Combined medications that can be treated in cases where the back has caught Kombilipen, Neurobion or Trigamma. The choice depends on the course of the disease, the patient's age, professional characteristics and other factors. The course of treatment is prescribed only by the doctor after the examination.

If the house suddenly took his back, what should I do? First of all, do not panic! The patient should be ensured bed rest, he should lie down on an even and hard bed and take a comfortable position.

At rest, the pain syndrome can completely disappear. If there is no way to quickly deliver the patient to the clinic, he should limit salt intake for a while, especially if there is a lump in the lumbar spine.

It is also desirable to abandon drinks with a diuretic effect, such as berry fruit and teas from herbs.

I suddenly caught back, what can I do at home? With a pronounced pain syndrome, you can take either non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, analgin, ketones, nise, diclofenac and others.

In this case, you should not abuse drugs and drink them without restriction. The use of analgesics is justified only to relieve pain, rather than conservative treatment, which should be prescribed only by a specialist after clinical trials.

Important!The use of any medication without the appointment of a doctor is unacceptable.

it is better to take a drug from the group of antispasmodics, for example, no-shpu or spasmalgon. But it's not recommended to massage a painful area on your own.

What else can you do at home when you get your back? Dry heat can help the patient. This is if the cause of discomfort could be inflammation in the lumbar region as a result of through blowing.

You can wrap your lower back with a warm woolen scarf or a belt of wool (camel), there is no time limit. In this case, the belt can be used both day and night. Dry heat will lower the pain threshold.

Here such simple tips will help to cope with a situation when the person sharply took a back. It is necessary to render first aid, and not to delay with a visit to the doctor even after intensive pains have come to naught.

Lumbago and other strong manifestations of back pain can be the first "swallows indicating the appearance of degenerative changes in the body.

The action of pain medication usually has a short-term effect, and only a well-defined specialist, the reason for which the back is heavily stuck, and the course of treatment will help get rid of the problem on long years.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is intended only for general reading and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes.

This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist).

Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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If the waist is jammed

If the waist is jammed

Alas, the diseases of the spine are rapidly growing younger.

According to recent studies, 50 percent of people with back pain have problems in the lumbosacral section.

Especially often - between the fourth and fifth vertebrae, as well as between the fifth vertebra and sacrum. How to cope with this ailment? Experts are advised.

Complaints of pain in the back of the doctors today increasingly hear not from the elderly, but from people in the prime of life.

According to recent studies, 50 percent of people with back pain have problems in the lumbosacral spine, 48 in the cervical spine.

Much less often disturbs the thoracic spine - it accounts for only two percent.

Why usually it hurts the lower back? Experts explain, unlike animals, we move not on four, but on two legs, and static loads fall just on the lower back.

The increase in the number of diseases of the spine, primarily due to civilization. It is thanks to her that each of us knows perfectly well what chronic stress is. But it is the neuropsychic tension that leads to muscle spasm, which provokes pathological changes in the spine.

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In addition, the development of technological progress has turned out for many a traffic deficit.

We spend more and more time sitting in the transport or in the working chair in front of the computer.

And the lack of motor load leads to muscle atrophy, because of which they cease to fulfill their main task - to maintain the trunk in a certain position.

With prolonged stay in a sitting position, the venous outflow and blood supply of the legs deteriorates. In addition, the pressure in the spinal canal increases and the intracranial pressure increases reflexively.

That is why people who are engaged in sedentary work, often late at the end of a work day, often not only have a lower backache, but also a headache. Sitting without harm to the back can not be more than two hours.

After this, it is necessary to change the position of the body - at least a little walk, warm up.

Also, the position of the body during sitting is very important. Any turn or deviation from a straight axis causes the load on one part of the body to be greater than the other.

As a result, one half of the torso is straining, and the other is in a relaxed position. In this case, in the evening, people can begin to suffer from muscle pain - myositis.

As a rule, they pass by themselves - it is enough just to stretch the swollen back or slightly massage your lower back. But, unfortunately, there are often more serious consequences.

Lack of motor activity, as well as constant curvature of the spine (scoliosis, which there are 90 percent of modern people) provoke early osteochondrosis - the wear of intervertebral disks.

These discs are cartilaginous plates that serve us as a cushioning device. Only thanks to these "pads" for jumping, running or other physical exertion, we have a safe distance between the vertebrae.

Erasing the disc leads to protrusion, and then to the intervertebral hernia. This pathology appears when the disc is destroyed and its contents protrude into the lumen of the spinal canal. At the same time, the nerve roots become jammed and inflammation and edema of nearby tissues occur.

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An impaired nervous process located in one or another part of the spine leads to a disruption in the conductivity of nerve impulses and, consequently, to a worsening of the work of nearby organs.

Thus, problems in the cervical region are accompanied by headaches, dizziness, noise in the ears, visual impairment, thyroid problems.

When the thoracic region is affected, breathing difficulties and angina phe- nomena are observed (which is why spine diseases are often confused with heart diseases).

If pain occurs in the lumbar region, you can expect problems with your legs, violations of the digestive system and kidneys.

In lumbosacral osteochondrosis, women often complain of pain in the pelvic organs, so the first the case turns to the gynecologist, not even suspecting that the true cause of their ailments lies in the hernia the spine. In men, the hernia, which appeared in the same department, threatens to reduce the potency.

Since the symptoms of spinal diseases can be very confusing, it is almost impossible to base diagnosis on the patient's complaints only. First of all, it is necessary to conduct research.

X-rays show only a rough displacement of the vertebra, as well as the presence of bone outgrowths, a decrease in the height of the intervertebral spaces.

A more detailed picture, in which the nerve roots, spinal cord, and intervertebral discs are visible, gives magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

This is the most informative method.

There are many ways to treat a hernia. If the situation requires it (there are violations of innervation, certain functions and reflexes have already suffered), one can resort to medical methods, including operative ones.

Among alternative methods - acupuncture and manual therapy, physiotherapy, therapeutic baths, mud applications, hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches). And, of course, in addition to all these procedures, a set of special exercises is required to ensure the normal operation of the muscles.

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The back was stuck in the back: what to do?

Many elderly and young people are familiar with the feeling of sharp pain in the lower back. She can come from one awkward movement and quickly let go.

In such cases, people do not pay much attentionfor pain and do not go to the doctor or just get by taking pain medications.

However, cases when the back literally "wedges" are not uncommon. Then an urgent examination is needed to determine the causes and make up a competent treatment.

Symptoms when "stuck" back

The back "wedges" because of the pinching of the nerve. A similar condition is a consequence of a disease or inflammatory process.

Pain in such cases:

  • has a specific focus, in contrast to muscle pain;
  • can be aching for a long time;
  • can be sharp and piercing, down to a state where it is impossible to change the position of the body.

In addition, there are other symptoms of pinching:

  • painoften gives up in the leg from the ground and causes numbness in the limb;
  • pathologies are possiblefrom the urethra and rectum: incontinence, constipation and so on;
  • paincan give into the stomach.

The presence of one of the symptoms and pain is an occasion for immediate medical attention and examination

Assistance during an attack

For pain in the lower back:

  1. Do not make sudden movements;
  2. It is possible to take a lying position;
  3. Legs bend at the knees and lift, laying on a flat surface, to relax the muscles of the back.

The pain will gradually pass, but do not immediately stand up sharply. You need to gently turn on your side, kneel down and crawl to a table or chair to slowly get to your feet.

After this, it is necessary to fix the state of the back.For this, a scarf or a downy shawl is usually used. In this state, there can be no question of work at home, physical exertion. Rest is needed.

Diseases in which there may be similar attacks

Pinching of the nerve occurs due to existing chronic diseases of the spine, which lead to:

  • wear of intervertebral discs;
  • violations of the joints;
  • changes in muscle tissue.

Such diseases include:

  1. Osteochondrosis or osteochondropathy

Under this disease, which has an irreversible character, we understand disorders in the cartilaginous tissues of the joints. They change shape, consistency and elasticity. In the lumbar spine, intervertebral discs are most often affected.

The causes of wear can be:

  • lack of balance of essential substances in the diet;
  • injuries;
  • incorrect position during the work process;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • habit of wearing a shoulder bag on the shoulder, causing the spine to skew;
  • lack of the habit of performing a charge to relax the spine;
  • excess weight and deposition of fatty tissues in all parts of the body, including the spine.

However, the root cause of the disease is flat feet, detected in childhood or adolescence

If the foot is incorrectly positioned during walking, the spinal column undergoes additional loads, which can cause premature wear of the cartilaginous tissues. They begin the inflammatory process.

  1. Herniated disc

Intervertebral discs provide flexibility of the spinal column. Each of them is a soft pulpous core, enclosed in a solid fibrous ring.

The elasticity of the disks depends on the work of the muscles. If the muscles are relaxed for a long time, do not undergo physical exertion, then the disks become more vulnerable.

An awkward movement, trauma, stroke or fall can lead to the rupture of the fibrous ring and part of the nucleus will be outside of it.

The hernia will declare itself aching pain, periodically having a strengthened nature due to inflammation of the tissues.

Most often, hernia is a consequence of improper treatment of osteochondrosis.

This defeat of the vertebrae in the form of appearance on them of bone processes - osteophytes. When they grow very fast, they can allow the fusion of two adjacent vertebrae.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out using an X-ray. Almost always to get rid of the diagnosis can only surgery. Pain in such cases is aching or completely absent. The patient is more concerned about the lack of flexibility and stiffness of movements.

  1. Listez or spondylolisthesis

This disease is characterized by a shift in the superior vertebra relative to the inferior vertebra. The displacement can be in any direction. The disease also causes aching pain and numbness.

  1. Pregnancy and lactation

During the second and third trimester, a woman can gain weight sharply, especially for a multiple pregnancy. The pressure on the spine increases.

Constant pains in the back cause discomfort and they should be reported to the gynecologist observing the pregnant woman. When breastfeeding, pinching is facilitated by an incorrect position.

Since all diseases are characterized by pain, then in order to determine its causes, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner and undergo a survey, in order to avoid serious consequences

What can cause an attack?

With developing disease, which a person may not suspect, the causes of pinching can be:

  1. Colds;
  2. Subcooling during ventilation of the room, when a person is in a draft;
  3. Sharp movements: bent over the subject, an attempt to reach the top shelf and so on;
  4. Heavy physical activity: work at the dacha, exercise without preliminary warming up and the help of a coach;
  5. Bruises and blows in the fall;
  6. Long stay in one pose, often uncomfortable;
  7. Incorrectly matched bed: too soft mattress or sofa.
  8. Stress or strong experiences.

Consequences and complications

Due to constant pain in the back, causing pinching, there are:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • discomfort during movement;
  • incorrect functioning of the body as a whole.

Incorrect and untimely treatment leads to:

  • paralysis;
  • the appearance of malignant formations, as a consequence of inflammatory processes;
  • the appearance of numerous intervertebral hernias.


Methods of treatment can be divided into:

Treatment is appointed by the neurologist according to the results of the examination, which includes: radiography, magnetic resonance imaging, blood analysis for biochemistry and general urine analysis.

The complex use of tablets, ointments and injections helps relieve pain and stop inflammation. These drugs include: movalis, meloxicam, diclofenac, ibuprofen.

When carrying out the treatment, the patient should abandon the acute, oily and excessively salty foods, rest more often, sleep on a hard surface.

It is aimed at maintaining the state of the medication achieved after treatment and restoring the pinched nerve.

Such methods include:

  • massage for saturation of tissues with oxygen;
  • acupuncture;
  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy.

After successful removal of pain and expert advice, you can resort to ointments, baths with herbs, decoctions and infusions, which can be done at home.

Ointments for pain relief:

  • powder of 12 cones of hopsand a tablespoon of lard (can be replaced with butter) mixed until smooth and rubbed into the place where the pain is concentrated;
  • laurel leaf powder and needlesjuniper in proportions: mix with a portion of butter, a larger powder 12 times. The resulting ointment should be applied to the places of pain concentration.

Baths for muscle relaxation:

  • 300 gr sage and chamomilepour boiling water in an amount of 5 liters, infuse for 2 hours, strain and add to the water for taking a bath;
  • bark of spruce and oak treesboil for half an hour in 5 liters of water, drain and add to the bath.


  • in a glass of boiling wateradd 1 tablespoon dried flowers tansy, let it brew for an hour, drain. Take the inside of 1 spoonful up to 4 times a day .;
  • in a glass of boiling water insistfor an hour a tablespoon of dried yarrow. Infuse for an hour, drain. Take in by analogy with tansy.

Hernias of intervertebral discs in most cases require surgery.

To maintain the achieved results, it is important to fix the spine with a special belt or bandage (for pregnant women).

Any treatment should be performed under the supervision of a neurologist, taking into account the patient's chronic illnesses. Self-medication can aggravate the situation and lead to irreversible consequences


Avoiding pinching the nerve will help to observe the elementary rules:

  1. Do not be in drafts;
  2. Carry out timely treatment of colds, flu and ARVI;
  3. Avoid stressful situations;
  4. Do not make sudden movements;
  5. Do not lift heavy weight;
  6. Change the pose for monotonous work and take breaks for warm-up;
  7. In case of osteochondrosis, annual examinations are carried out;
  8. Walk more often by giving up a car;
  9. If possible, visit the swimming pool.

Timely and correctly rendered help will help to get rid of the grounding of nerves faster. Do not ignore aching pain in the back. You need to listen to your body for long-term functioning.

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