Diabetes mellitus is a complex disease that can cause new ailments and unpleasant painful symptoms. Pathology can also affect the eyesight and affect the visual apparatus in different forms. One of the diseases that can arise and develop against the background of diabetes, retinopathy. And all people who have problems with insulin, you need to know how to avoid this disease and how to deal with it.
1Definition of disease
4Possible complications
5.3People's means
Definition of disease
Diabetic retinopathy should be understood as a disease, the development of which is accompanied by the pathology of the capillaries of the eye.In particular, the destruction of blood vessels is due to incorrect metabolic processes.
Stages of the disease:
Non-proliferative.On the retina of the eye, only small vasodilation is formed.It can be accompanied by swelling and hemorrhage.
Preprofileral. The capillaries of the eye noticeably thicken, begin to curl and clog. All this is accompanied by circulatory disorders and hematomas.
Profiling.It is accompanied by the formation of fibrous tissue, new abnormal capillaries arise.There is also a large number of hemorrhages.
Terminal.Bruising in the eye can lead to blindness.The lens of the eye ceases to function properly, retinal detachment may occur.
Most people who have a long history of diabetes are prone to this pathology. Therefore, they need to regularly check with an ophthalmologist.
Precisely to establish the reasons for the development of retinopathy has not yet been possible.However, in addition to metabolic disturbances, the following factors can influence its occurrence::
Constantly elevated blood glucose;
Bad habits;
Too high blood pressure;
Diseases of internal organs (in particular, kidneys);
Hereditary predisposition.
A major role in the development of the disease also plays the elderly patient's age or pregnancy.
Possible causes of diabetic retinopathy
In fact, the symptoms of retinopathy depend on the stage of its development.But at any stage a person, except for visible signs, can observe the following:
Blurred vision;
The appearance of optical effects(flies);
Fast fatiguability;
Falling visual acuity(in the late stages).
If a person notices visible abnormal changes on the shell of his eyeball and, first of all, senses vision problems, this may already be the reason for visiting an ophthalmologist.
Possible complications
The most pronounced symptoms of complications can be observed already at the last stage of diabetic retinopathy.Without proper insulin therapy and targeted treatment, retinal detachment and complete loss of vision can occur.Fibrous tissues in this case can completely cover the eyeball.
To avoid complications will help therapy only in the early stages. Later ones almost inevitably threaten the deterioration of the quality of sight.
Therapy of retinopathy always begins with the diagnosis, questioning the patient and studying the history of his illness. In turn, the situation analysis includes:
Ophthalmoscopy (examination of the lens for lesions);
Analysis of the fundus;
Tonometry (measurement of pressure inside the eye), etc.Carrying out the visometry
Direct treatment of the disease should always be accompanied by adherence to a special diet and insulin therapy,which is selected taking into account the characteristics of the patient.
Drugs take a special place in the treatment of retinopathy.In therapy, mandatory include:
Reducing cholesterol;
Increasing immunity;
Stimulants (biogenic);
Vitamin Complexes(for oral administration and instillation into the eye);
Steroid drugs;
Various auxiliary enzymes;
Protective preparations, etc.. Drugs that lower cholesterol levels
Also, eye drops such as Taufon, Emoxipine may be prescribed.
In cases of the development of the disease, laser coagulation can be used up to the last stages.With its help, the abnormal vessels are removed and their growth stops. Also partially restored are the enlarged and damaged capillaries of the eye.
Physiotherapeutic equipment can be used as an auxiliary.
People's means
At the initial stages of the development of diabetic retinopathy, prescriptions for traditional medicine:
Lime tea.For two tablespoons of lime color use a half-liter of boiling water. The drink is insisted for thirty minutes and consumed throughout the day. Effective for reducing sugar levels.
Blueberries. It is enough to take three tables a day on a tablespoon of fresh or thawed berries. Also, infusions of herbs with blueberries can be effective.
Medication Collection Genius(sold in pharmacies). For two tablespoons of herbs, use half a liter of boiling water and keep in this condition for three hours. Take half the glass before meals three times a day.
Folk remedies, like medicines, can help only in the early stages of the development of pathology. Before using non-traditional methods, you should consult your doctor.
The main preventive measure in the fight against diabetic retinopathy is the constant maintenance of the right level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood.As additional measures it is important to use the following rules:
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, rejecting bad habits;
Accurate observance of the diet prescribed by the endocrinologist;
Passage of preventive examinations at the ophthalmologist;
Tracking the presence of other diseases of internal organs and their timely elimination;
Doing active work and providing small physical exertion.
It is important to observe the basic rules of hygiene procedures during the period of prevention and treatment.
People with diabetes have a higher risk of developing additional diseases than healthy ones. It is diabetes that often acts as a catalyst for abnormal processes in the organs of vision and contributes to the deterioration of the general condition of the body. The best method to combat this is prevention. However, it is worth considering that the pathology already acquired can now be cured by classical methods.