Pain in the eyes: the main causes, diagnosis and prevention
Anyone at least once in his life experienced severe discomfort in the eyes.In most cases, it's just unpleasant pressure, but the pain can be very strong, even to the point of losing consciousness. There are many causes of the pathological condition - from fatigue to inflammatory eye diseases, foreign body entry. If the unpleasant feelings go away on their own, there's probably nothing to worry about. Does the pain occur regularly or does not pass at all? This is a good reason to call a doctor.All the factors that cause pain in the eyes, methods of diagnosis and treatment you will learn from this review.
1Definition of a symptom
3Possible diseases
4Diagnostic Methods
Definition of a symptom
Pain in the eyes is of different intensity and is always accompanied by additional symptoms (one or more at a time). Among them:
The nature of pain can be different - aching, cutting, stitching and so on. For an accurate diagnosis of the causes of the pathological condition, we recommend that you consult an ophthalmologist.
Consider the main causes of the appearance of pain in the eyes:
Wrong selection of vision correction- glasses or lenses (when the patient takes them off, the pain either subside or completely disappears).
Dry eye syndrome- in most cases, moisturizing drops help to get rid of it.
Overwork- constant work at the computer is fraught with visual fatigue, and hence, the appearance of pain in the eyes.
Inflammation of the eye- with them, there are almost always marked pains of varying intensity.
Inflammation of surrounding tissues- Pain syndrome often occurs with sinusitis and sinusitis, as the inflamed sinuses of the nose are located directly near the orbit. In this case, you will need the help of not only the ophthalmologist, but also the ENT.
Foreign body hit- the pain is accompanied by a sensation of sand in the eyes, a cut.
Inflammation of the optic nerve- it often becomes a complication of colds. Treatment is carried out by an oculist and (mostly) a neurologist.Foreign body in the eye
The cause of sharp pain in the eyes may be an acute attack of glaucoma - if the disease is usually asymptomatic, then with its exacerbations there are pronounced unpleasant sensations.
Possible diseases
A sharp or dull, aching pain in the eyes is a good reason to consult an eye specialist, because it can be caused by a number of serious diseases. Among them:
There are internal and external barley
erosion, corneal abrasions;
All listed ophthalmologic pathologies do not pass by themselves and require specific treatment.In his absence, it is possible to develop serious pathologies (from a noticeable impairment of vision to complete blindness).
Pain can cause not only inflammatory, infectious diseases of the eyes, but also VSD, hypertension, SARS, influenza, neuroses, etc.
Diagnostic Methods
In case of severe pain in the eyes, contact the oculist - he will inspect and, if necessary, refer you to the ENT, neurologist or other specialist. The primary diagnosis is carried out using a microscope or purely visually. Other research methods;
pachymetry(determination of the thickness of the corneal layer);
bacteriological analysis;
definition of visual fields, intracranial pressure;
measurement of the clarity of vision.
On ultrasound, pachymetry, bacteriological analysis, the doctor sends the patient in the event that the results of a visual examination for diagnosis are not enough.
The main ways to prevent pain:
Strengthening of immunity.
Normal hand hygiene.
Regular preventive examinations at the oculist.
Gymnastics for the eyes.
Timely contact with a doctor with suspicious symptoms.
Try not to overdo it - prolonged sitting at the computer or in front of the TV is one of the main reasons for the appearance of pain in the eyes. If you work at a computer, from time to time take courses of vitamin preparations and use moisturizing drops that will "support" the eyes.
Do you work at the computer a lot? Take vitamin preparations twice a year, and use special drops like artificial tears.
Pain in the eyes can occur for various reasons - as a result of overwork, the use of incorrectly selected lenses, glasses, injuries, eye diseases, eyelids, foreign body contact and so on.Treatment depends on what factor caused the development of the pathological condition. To begin with, contact the oculist, and he, if necessary, will refer you to the ENT, a neurologist or another doctor.