Internal trembling in the body: possible causes and treatment, why I tremble, but not from the cold

Consider an internal tremor in the whole body, not caused by being in an excessively cool non-heated room or by a general supercooling in the street. It is a question of a state where a person trembles, but not from cold, but from other causes.

Inner shivering, or "shaking", outwardly can not show itself and for others to remain imperceptible for a while. Nevertheless, the inner state of a person can give a shiver in the voice, fingers, indecisiveness.

This condition can be considered a normal reaction of the body in response to stressful action, until the internal shiver is regular, or it is not associated with the pathology of the central nervous system( brain), vegetative disorders, the disturbance of the work of other organs and their systems inbody( for example, with hypothyroidism).

Consider the causes and treatment of internal bodily tremors.


How to get rid of excitement, fear and dyslexia

Why we are trembling: the causes of internal tremor in the body

The mechanism of development of tremors in the body without pathology is simple. The human body with strong excitement significantly increases the production of stress hormones( adrenaline and cortisol), which in turn become a source of energy for the body itself, aimed at quickly eliminating the situation that has arisen. However, not always the internal energy is completely consumed, which leads to its overabundance, which causes internal stress.

As a rule, the inner shudder overcomes those who try to hide their emotions after experiencing them in themselves. The unrealized amount of stress hormones remains in the muscles, finding no way out. A high overvoltage is caused to get rid of which the response of the muscles is manifested by the internal trembling of a group of muscles or muscle fibers in different parts of the body.

It's another matter if the cause of the trembling of the body lurks in a vegetative dysfunction that causes a constant trembling in the body. Therefore, before you transgress the treatment, you need to identify the cause of the pathology.

Causes of internal tremor in the body can not be easily determined. Therefore, the regular manifestation of "shaking"( as if "nashodil" and waiting for punishment) requires a medical examination.

The vegetative nervous system, which is one of the components of the nervous system, has two departments - the sympathetic( responsible for activity of the organism) and the parasympathetic( controlling processes associated with waiting or rest) that are in the body in a dynamic balance. In addition, nerve fibers have neurons that support muscle tone, necessary for the body to maintain the body position, ensuring the body's readiness to resist stimuli from the outside.

Internal shivering in the body can occur in any stressful situation( fright, sudden fear, examination, long-awaited appointment, etc.), which is a normal reaction of the body; quite another thing, if the internal shiver appears without a reason, then there is an imbalance in the worknervous system.

In most cases, the imbalance of the nervous system is associated with chronic stress, depression, prolonged course of infectious processes or non-infectious chronic diseases, leading to the depletion of nerve cells from high loads, and the process of their recovery is very slow due to the deterioration of their nutrition due to insufficient intake of the requiredthe amount of macro- and microelements and vitamins, which leads to various malfunctions in the work of the nervous system, including the manifested tremor in the body.

The next cause of trembling in the body can be pathologies in the higher centers of regulation of the autonomic nervous system( cerebellum, thalamus, hypothalamus, reticular formations, subcortical formations or cerebral cortex), resulting from trauma or acute impairment of cerebral circulation, as a consequence of cardiovascular pathologies.

For anyone, you should contact a doctor( neurologist, therapist).

Internal shaking in the body: treatment of

The medicines listed in the article, their use, must be agreed with your doctor!

There is no specific treatment for internal tremor in the body, as an isolated symptom does not exist, therefore, in complex therapy, the task of restoring balance in the work of the autonomic nervous system must inevitably be solved, which in the future will help the disappearance of internal tremors.

If the cause of trembling in the body is established, and lies in diseases of the cardiovascular system, chronic infections or depressive disorder, then the treatment should begin with the original cause.

To treat the internal trembling, first of all, start with the use of herbal preparations that have a sedative effect, which block the excessive excitability of neurons, which helps the body in their recovery.


To this end, preparations of valerian medicinal and hernia motherwort , acting indirectly through the central nervous system, are used to significantly reduce the increased excitability of neurons, restore the cardiovascular system, improve sleep. Have a slight antidepressant effect.

Use tablets or alcohol tinctures of these herbal preparations according to the instructions for use( enclosed in any package).Usually 30-40 drops with a small amount of water 3 times a day.

In the treatment of tremors in the body caused by various types of depressive disorders, typical( reactive, clinical) and atypical forms( somatized, agitated, anxious, etc.) it is recommended to use the preparation Hypericum P ( based on St. John's wort, used as a phytotherapy intreatment of almost 80 diseases), due to the high content of hyperferon in it.

To reduce the excitability of neurons, and restore the balance in the work of the autonomic nervous system, you can use the collection of sedative herbs that are part of the biologically active complex Nervo-Vit ( one of the 100 best goods of 2012), which eliminates the inner tremor much faster, soas in its structure enters bluejack blue, anxiolytic and sedative action of which is higher than that of valerian in 10 times, motherwort and melissa officinalis, contribute to a more rapid onset of sedative effectsI, and valerian increases the effect of sedative herbs in their joint action.

Plant sedative preparations contain vitamin C , which enhances the effect of medicinal herbs and increases the level of stress resistance of the body.

Recommended herbal remedies are also effective in treating various types of neuroses( obsessive-compulsive disorder neurosis, including neurosis of fear, neurasthenia) and phobias( claustrophobia, carcinophobia, social phobia, agoraphobia and others).

Inadequately balanced nutrition, resulting in a deficiency of macro- and microelements, vitamins in the body, slowing down the process of neuronal recovery, which is also the cause of tremors in the body, which can be eliminated by taking the right vitamin complexes.

Vitamins Apitonus P containing royal jelly( a source of about 120 nutrients) and pollen( beeswax, consisting of 20 interchangeable and essential amino acids, about 28 microelements), as well as an antioxidant complex - dihydroquercetin( a natural reference antioxidant),vitamin C and vitamin E. Vitamin complex Apitonus II helps the body not only to fill the nutrient content, but also to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, increase the overall tone of the body and mood.

Royal jelly and bee maintenance are rich in B group vitamins, which are neuroprotective agents, which help to restore the work of neurons, which is necessary to remove the symptom of tremor in the body.

For improvement of cerebral circulation, the violation of which can also cause internal shaking. To remove this symptom will help the vitamin complex for the brain Memo-Vit , containing buckwheat reddish, rich in flavonoids( quercetin, citrine, routine), which increases the elasticity of blood vessels, and a tartar brood that provides the body with all important nutrients, which is the donor of entomological hormones( testosterone,progesterone and estradiol) used in the treatment of diseases caused by changes in the hormonal background( climacteric neurosis in women), male menopause.

The action of buckwheat red and friable brood in the composition of Memo-Vit, complements the Mayan rose, rich in vitamin C and vitamin P( nicotinic acid), whose action allows you to withdraw from the spasms of the vessels of the limbs, kidneys, brain, which is one of the causes of tremors in the body.

Folk remedies at home

Stress is characterized by symptoms of anxiety. Consider home remedies of folk medicine to eliminate the manifestations of internal shivering:

  1. Eat 1 banana each day. Bananas are a small miracle that kills depression. These yellow fruits contain the alkaloid harman, which is based on the "drug of happiness" - mescaline.
  2. Drink 100-200 g of carrots or 1 glass of carrot juice per day.
  3. Pour roots with rhizomes of lure with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10, insist. Take 30-40 drops 2-3 times daily before meals. It is used for neurasthenic conditions, depression.
  4. Pour 1 tablespoon of aster chamomile flowers 1 cup boiling water, cool, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day. It is used as a tonic and nerve-strengthening agent.
  5. Pour 1 teaspoon of rhizomes and roots of angelica descending 1 cup of boiling water, insist. Drink 0.5 glasses 3-4 times a day. It is used as a restorative and tonic for nervous exhaustion.
  6. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of herb Highlander bird 2 cups of boiling water. Drink before eating. It is used for nervous exhaustion and weakness.
  7. Pour 2 teaspoons of chopped grass and gentian roots with a pulp of 1 glass of water, boil for 10 minutes. Drink 0.5 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. It is used for decay of forces, diseases of the nervous system.
  8. Pour 1 tablespoon peppermint leaf 1 cup boiling water, cook for 10 minutes. Drink 0,5 glasses in the morning and at night. It is used for various nervous disorders, insomnia.
  9. The tincture "The spirit of Melissa" has been known since the 18th century, it was prepared in one of the female monasteries in Germany and used for overwork, deep depressions, to improve the tone. For 1 liter of vodka take 10 grams of dry lemon balm leaf, 1 g of crushed angelica root, peel 1 lemon, 1 pinch of ground nutmeg and seeds of crushed coriander, 1-2 buds of dried cloves. Infuse for at least 2 weeks, then filter through dense tissue. Drink small amounts of tea with tea;when heart diseases are taken on a piece of sugar;with migraine to rub whiskey.
  10. With increased nervousness and irritability, insist for 3 hours in a cool place 0.3 cups of red beet juice, mix it with an equal amount of natural honey and eat the entire portion during the day in 2-3 hours 30 minutes before meals.
  11. With increased nervous excitability and insomnia, dissolve in 1 cup of boiled water 1 teaspoon of honey and juice of half a lemon. Drink during the day in 3 divided doses.
  12. Pour 1 teaspoon of yarrow herb with 1 glass of boiling water, insist. Take from 1 tablespoon to 0.3 cup 3 times daily before meals. It is used for neurasthenia, neuralgia.
  13. Pour 1 tablespoon of dry mashed hawthorn fruit 1 cup of boiling water, insist 2 hours in a warm place( in the oven, on the stove), drain. Infusion take 1 to 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals with vegetoneurozah.
  14. As a sedative for neurasthenic conditions, a tincture from the root of the peony is used internally for 30-40 drops 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 30 days. After a 10-day break, the treatment course is repeated, if necessary.

Panic attacks, a symptom of a shiver in the body of

On video psychologist on anxiety and emotional disorders Zhavnerov Pavel Borisovich. A certified clinical psychologist in the direction of psychological correction and psychotherapy. Candidate of Science, as well as an official expert of the radio and the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Author of the book "Psychotherapy of fear and panic attacks", author of the system for getting rid of panic attacks and anxiety disorder in which 26 video lessons, the author of a step-by-step method of getting rid of an anxiety disorder. Works within the framework of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, which is recognized by the World Health Organization as the most effective in the treatment of anxiety-phobic disorders.

Works with anxious and emotional problems.

How to get rid of excitement, fear and dyslexia

On the video channel "4istitdva".The specialist gives a universal recipe for internal bodily tremors.

Breathe: A deep breath and a sharp exhalation in the amount of 10 times - a sign of a successful performance is the reddening of the face, if there is a hint of the continuation of fear and excitement, we repeat again.

Other, see the video.

Source of publication: http: //ergo-av.rf/prichiny-i-lechenie-vnutrennej-drozhi-v-tele/

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