How to cure ARVI for three days and without antibioticsARVI is a group of the most common diseases in the world caused by pneumotrophic viruses. These include influenza, rhinovirus infection and other inflammations of the upper respiratory tract. ARVI is not treated with antibiotics, so the main emphasis in this disease should be done to strengthen immunity and antiviral drugs.Symptoms of ARVIA patient with acute respiratory viral infection may experience both a slight and severe increase in ...
Miramistin at a cold: how effective is it?Miramistin is an antiseptic that is used for topical use. The drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription in the form of a spray and a solution for topical application.Miramistin is used to treat sinusitis and a protracted rhinitis, for the treatment of symptoms of acute rhinitis, sinusitis.Most doctors often prescribe this drug in the nose, it effectively fights with various disruptions to the nasal passage. As a rule, this drug is prescribed f...
Basic principles of ARVI treatmentARVI (acute respiratory viral infections) occur very often, especially in autumn and winter. According to statistical data, almost every person carries the disease, which affects the upper respiratory tract once a year. Unfortunately, many people who do not have medical education are firmly convinced that they know how to treat ARVI.Therefore, when the first symptoms of the disease appear, they begin to take various medications independently, which often lead...
Review of antiviral drugs in cases of influenza and influenzaAny disease, especially ARVI and the Flu is easier, cheaper and safer not to treat, but not to prevent, to prevent its occurrence. Recently, especially worried about the "point" - it's safer. Should I take antiviral pills at all? In today's complex world, how to understand the issues: Will the effect of using an expensive antiviral drug? Which drug is better for adults to take flu, children? Do not it cause harm to health? Is there ...
Treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in adultsThe most common and painful topic for every person and for every family in the autumn-winter period is ARVI. During the epidemic, 8-9 people out of 10 can get sick. By respiratory viral infections are meant diseases of the upper respiratory tract caused by a group of viruses. There are about 250 kinds of viruses that can lead to the development of acute respiratory viral infections.The primary factor in the development of the disease is...
Cold without temperature is absolutely normalDespite the fact that the art of healing has long become a medicine, that is, a system of scientific knowledge and practical ways of determining and treating human diseases, so far the virus infection of the upper respiratory tract, we call the common word "cold." And a cold without temperature also refers to viral diseases. Thus from all organs of the upper respiratory tract, first of all, the nose and pharynx are affected.Causes of cold without t...
With ARVI, you can walk?Answers:Olgadoctors are allowed, but I do not mind walking at the beginning of the illness, only getting worseukpukif there is no temperature and wind on the street, it is even necessary.Pink Dream of a Psychiatristwe are walking. only I do not really let him jump.At home he does not sit, and the air is neededirina irinaAs Dr. Komarovsky says, "There are no such diseases, because of which it is necessary to deprive the child of fresh air")))))Olga BravinaI was walking ...
Can there be SARS without symptoms? except temperatureAnswers:advisor mrThe increased temperature of the body indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body and with ODS generally can not be connected!lobeso the flu begins. and all the symptoms are added for 3-4 days. but doctors, of course, know better.EvangelineARVI begins with a sharply rising temperature, without special manifestations. The nose and throat will show themselves later.ORI - with catarrhal manifestations, nasa...
Treatment of acute respiratory infections in pregnancySARS can get sick for everyone, but it is more dangerous for pregnant women, it is accompanied by a runny nose, a cough, strong painful sensations in the throat, it is necessary to treat it in time, because it can affect the future to kid. The first thing you need to distinguish it from other diseases that are similar to the symptoms. Will address to the therapist and the gynecologist, they will appoint harmless treatment for you.Symptoms ...
SARS in childrenAcute respiratory viral infections of ARVI in children occur in about 75% of all childhood diseases. Infections of the upper respiratory tract (acute respiratory infection (ARI), acute respiratory diseases (ARI), ARVI) - group acute infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract of different localization, etiology and symptoms.ARVI - the most common infection on the globe. It is impossible to take full account of the true morbidity. Almost every person sev...
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