Runny nose as water than to cure

Than to treat the child if at it streams snot as water

Sometimes a child just runs a clear nose liquid. Many parents believe that this phenomenon is considered harmless, and do not pay attention to such a pathology. Experience shows that such indifference is in vain, because liquid mucus from the nose can indicate a variety of diseases. In order to start treatment, it is necessary to first understand the cause of this phenomenon, because only in this way it will be possible to overcome all unpleasant symptoms.

For what reason there is a cough and snot with teething, you can learn from this article.

Causes of formation

Why do the snot flow like water? When a child has a runny nose like water, the doctor must first understand the cause of this phenomenon. There are several factors that can affect the formation of transparent mucus:

  1. Cold. Very often, at the initial stage of ORZ development, the rhinitis takes a liquid consistency, which results in the nose flowing all the time. When the cause of such a cold is a cold, the mucus after a few days will get a thick consistency and yellow tint. Liquid snots indicate the onset of the formation of a cold, so it can be accompanied by symptoms such as headache, fatigue and general malaise.
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  2. Sinusitis and sinusitis. If a child has a cold, like water, you can say about sinusitis or sinusitis. Presented pathologies arise due to untimely treatment of ordinary rhinitis. Sinusitis and sinusitis are not only liquid, transparent snot, but also pus, blood.
  3. Allergic reaction. When water flows from the child's nasal cavity, an allergy can provoke such a phenomenon. It can arise at a certain time, for example, when plants bloom, poplar. But the allergy washes have a permanent character, and it provokes its dust, animal hair.
  4. Craniocerebral injury. Liquid snot may also arise due to head injuries. In this case, the liquid will be released not only from the nose, but also from the ears.

What to do when a baby has a snot and a cough without fever, you can learn from the article.

The video tells how to treat snot like a child's water:

If liquid discharge from the nose begins to occur after hypothermia or physical exertion, then nothing dangerous in this. The symptom that emerges very quickly passes, and in a few days you will forget about it.

Therapy in an adult

When a person is infinitely pouring snot, it causes a huge discomfort. For this reason, patients want to quickly start treatment and overcome this unpleasant symptom.

What to do when a child has green snot and stuffy nose, you can learn from this article.

In the treatment of liquid snot in an adult, it is first necessary to understand the cause of its formation. It is necessary to understand that the presented phenomenon indicates the presence of a certain ailment. Do not postpone the trip to the doctor in the long box, as the lost time will lead to serious complications.

To eliminate liquid snot it is worthwhile to apply the washing of the nasal cavity with saline solution or herbal decoction.

Here you can use infusion of chamomile or calendula. This procedure allows eliminating all pathogenic microorganisms from the nasal cavity.

When preparing a salt solution, sea salt should be used. When the cause of a cold cold is a cold, then you need to use vasoconstrictive drugs. But use them no more than 3 times a day. They allow you to eliminate nasal congestion and ease nasal breathing. When a cold is allowed to conduct thermal procedures, warming up the maxillary sinuses and the bridge of the nose.

If a liquid cold is found, as a sign of sinusitis or sinusitis, then all therapeutic measures should be made by the attending physician. As a rule, not only washing and the use of drops are involved here, but also an antibacterial course.

From this article you can find out how to treat a child with yellow snot.

With an allergic rhinitis, accompanied by liquid discharge from the nose, it is worthwhile to apply vasoconstrictive drops.

The most effective areNaphthysine, Pharmazoline, Knoxprey. But to receive a positive effect from them is impossible, if not to eliminate the causative agent.

Be sure to perform a wet cleaning in the house 2 times a day, change bed linens and air the rooms. Thanks to fresh air, you can moisten the nasal mucosa. If you could not determine the cause of the allergy, then only an experienced specialist can do it.

From this article you can find out what to do when the nose is flowing brown snot.

It does not matter what triggered a runny nose, it is necessary to correctly establish the cause of this phenomenon. Therefore, to delay the trip to the hospital is not worth it. The faster you can understand the provoking factor, the faster you start treatment and forget about this unpleasant symptom.

Treatment in children

What to do? If you find a liquid snot from your child, he can not sleep peacefully, badly eats, it is a clear sign of ailment. Treatment should be performed immediately after the formation of this symptom.

From this article you can learn how to treat white thick snot in a child.

Positive result is vasoconstrictive drops. In the course of their use, it is possible to narrow the vessels, remove the edema and facilitate breathing. But they should be taken in the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Also, do not exceed the duration of the course, so that there is no addiction, during which the child can no longer breathe independently.There are situations when parents increase the dosage and thereby contribute to the formation of excessive pallor of the skin.

In the photo - washing the nose

If you want to quickly remove nasal congestion, then be sure to perform with the child a procedure to clean the nasal passages. Thanks to sea water, it narrows to clean the nasal cavity of dead cells, which helps to reduce the growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms.The presence of minerals in mineral water leads to strengthening of the walls of the mucosa and increase of local immune forces.

What signs of genyantritis in adults and treatment, you can learn from this article.

From this article you can learn how to treat a beginning sinusitis.

What modern antibiotics for sinusitis is best used, you can find out from this article here:

As a result, the process of recovery of the nasal mucosa is accelerated. With regular use of mineral water, it is possible to clean the nasal passages from dust and dirt, which cause allergies. If liquid snots have arisen because of excessive dryness in the room, then with the help of sea water it is possible to moisten the nasal cavity.

A liquid cold is not a very dangerous symptom, when the cause of its formation does not lie in the presence of a cold. This runny nose goes very quickly and after 2 days this symptom quickly goes away. Be attentive to your health and visit the doctor on time. Only in this way will you provide yourself with various diseases, and will not expose your body to a different method of therapy.

How to cure the runny nose? Running water from the nose and stuffiness.



urgently antiviral, otherwise it will flow up to 10 days - until the cells of the mucosa recover!
I recommend: arbidol (capsules) + local immunostimulants (drops)

the disease can go into a new "wave" - ​​a bacterial infection will join, a thick mucus (snot) of yellow-green color and can affect the throat!


Try salt wash the nose (water + salt)

Alfer Afandiyeva

A. First aid
In all cases, a baby's nose, before starting any medication (that is, drug treatment), you should try to alleviate the child's condition by available means:
Raise the head of the bed on which the child is lying. To do this, under the shoulders of the child, you can put a pillow, so that the head and upper body of the child are located at an angle of 40-45 with respect to the body? (make sure that the child is comfortable lying in this position). Because of this sputum, formed in the nose, it will be easier to stand out and, perhaps, you will not need to use any medication.
If a newborn or a baby has a heavily sputumed nose, you can try to suck off the mucus from the nasal passages with a rubber pear or a regular syringe. In general, sputum suction is used to help children who can not blow their nose off. For the extraction of sputum, you can use a regular rubber pear with a thin enough tip or a regular syringe without a needle. Introduce the tip of a pear or syringe into the nasal passage of a child with a runny nose should be careful, so as not to injure the mucous membrane. Mucus is sucked off first from one, and then from another nasal passage. This procedure can be repeated as often as required.

AT. Do not allow the sputum to dry out!
The easiest way to put a salt solution into the baby's spout is: In the case of a cold in newborns or infants, as well as a runny nose in older children, it is important not to allow the sputum to dry in the nasal passages - it can finally upset the nasal breath. In order to prevent sputum from drying in the nasal passages, it is recommended to moisten the nasal passages with saline solution. To do this, you can use ordinary saline solution, or you can simply use a solution of common table salt in water. Saline solution is instilled in 3-4 drops in each nostril. It is desirable that at this time the child lay with his head thrown back. The first penetration of liquid into the nose can be very unpleasant to cause coughing, sneezing or even the urge to vomit. However, after several instillation procedures, this sensitivity of the nasal mucosa and pharynx disappears. The procedure can be repeated every 30 to 60 minutes. It is important to ensure that phlegm in the nose is not withered. The saline solution helps to liquefy sputum and makes it easier for the baby to get a nose out of the nose.
Instead of saline solution, some experts recommend using oily liquids, for example, an oil solution of vitamin A or vitamin E, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. Such liquids not only prevent the drying of sputum, but also moisturize the nasal mucosa, relieve irritation, exert a regenerating effect.

FROM. Medications to relieve nasal breathing
In some sources, of course, one can read about the "danger" or "inexpediency" of using decongestants (the so-called all types of drugs that are when buried in the nose or when ingested, facilitate nasal breathing) in the treatment of acute rhinitis (rhinitis) in newborns, infants and children older. We must pay tribute to our colleagues, noting that such medications can indeed be the cause of some complications and that, if misused, they can aggravate the child's condition. Immediately notice that the complications of the common cold are not due to the drugs themselves, but because of their illiterate use. It is absolutely unacceptable to treat children with decongestants intended for adults, and give the child a medicine when he pleases.
Below we consider the description of some drugs recommended for the treatment of a cold in children, but first notice, that refusal of treatment by modern decongestants can cause the appearance of such complications as sinusitis. The fact is that all the sinuses (two maxillary, two frontal, latticed and wedge-shaped) are opened with small holes in the nasal cavity. Through these holes from the sinuses are derived microbes. With a cold in children develops severe swelling

Mikhail Reshetnyak

Hot bath, water poured down and quietly add hot water and a warm bed

Anya Pavlenko

Yes, the antiviral agent is now definitely not a hindrance. I usually as soon as the cold begins, I immediately drip Dironet. These are droplets in the nose, they strengthen and increase the immunity and thus help to cope faster with the disease. And it is even better to drip them for prophylaxis, that would not hurt at all.

nikita zarutskiy

how to cure vodichku in a child who is constantly running already probably more than a week, the lack of trapped water dripped in the water, but from this it seems even more begins to flow. To the child of 8 months.

How can you stop the snot that runs down the stream?

How to stop snot creek? Liquid snot for the patient is much more problematic than thick discharge. This process occurs due to infection in the nasal mucosa, resulting in swelling and inflammation.

The nose is the most important respiratory organ for a person. Its functions consist not only in providing the body with air. The nose acts as a kind of barrier, a barrier to getting into the body of particles of dust, harmful microorganisms. Small grains of dust retains the nasal mucosa, the larger ones - hairs in the nostrils. The nasal mucosa treats air coming from the external environment by moistening and heating.

How do snot appear?

A cold is an infectious disease that manifests itself in the inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. The first sign of a cold is snot that flows down a stream.

A plentiful stream of snot from the nose - rhinorrhea (or rhinitis). Transparent snot is a protective reaction of the body to get inside viruses and bacteria. The appearance of the snot signals a violation in the natural processes of nasal activity. Such failures adversely affect the functioning of the respiratory system: bronchi, lungs, trachea.

Therefore, the seeming innocuous common rhinitis can not be started, we must immediately take up the treatment. It's the common cold that can cause many serious respiratory diseases.

What are the types of rhinorrhea?

Rhinitis is divided into acute and chronic. By nature of origin, the infection is isolated, allergic, non-allergic and non-infectious.

If acute rhinitis is not treated properly, the disease is in a neglected state, the acute form becomes chronic.

The chronic form subsequently poses a serious threat to such complex respiratory diseases as sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, meningitis.Chronic rhinitis is divided into vasomotor, hypertrophic, atrophic.

The causes of the appearance of a snot

The main reason for the appearance of snot is the person's hypothermia. It violates the natural protective mechanisms of the body, promotes the development of negative microflora in the nasal cavity, nasopharynx. Another reason for the appearance of snot is a decrease in immunity, resistance of the body after the diseases.

What are the attendant symptoms of snot?

In addition to the fact that the nose runs abundantly mucous fluid, the patient complains of general deterioration, headaches, nasal congestion, shortness of breath. Sometimes there is an increase in temperature, the patient suffers frequent sneezing, involuntary discharge of tears.

Normal perception of odors is broken or completely absent, since the inflammatory process affects the olfactory area. In the nose there is burning, scratching, delivering discomfort. The inside of the nose is swelling. Puffiness prevents drainage, that is, a natural outflow of fluid from the nasal cavity. This is a favorable environment for the development and intensification of the activity of the pathogenic environment and flora.

How to stop snot creek?

Therapeutic therapy is prescribed by the ENT doctor on the basis of examination of the patient, his complaints, general health. General medical measures to prevent profuse current snot are home (optional bed rest) regime, copious warm drink, warming procedures, for example, foot baths in warm water.

In some cases, inhalation helps. If the patient's snot is accompanied by a fever, it is possible to take antipyretic drugs. Local medicines include vasoconstrictor drops and special drops and ointments containing anti-inflammatory antimicrobial substances. Protective agent for topical topical preparations is protargol.

In a residential building it is desirable to observe a certain humidity in order to normalize the air that the patient breathes. This measure will also facilitate the respiratory function of the patient.

An important factor is the banality, like the blowing up of copiously running snot. The thing is, you need to be able to blow your nose properly. This is necessary primarily to cleanse the nasal cavity, and also so that the flattering contents do not get into the ear cavity or the paranasal sinuses. Smoothing should be done with a half-open mouth, release each half of the nose, alternately pressing the wing of the nose to the nasal septum. At the same time, you do not need to make painful efforts or force your nose to blow out the contents with all their might.

Other additional treatment measures are specific and depend on the type of rhinitis. Sopli with vasomotor rhinitis can be stopped with the help of complex treatment. It includes cryotherapy, vasotomy, medical gymnastics, acupressure and usual massage of the nose, forehead, bridge of nose, blockade with novocaine, laser therapy, UHF. If all the therapeutic measures taken have not produced the proper result, the attending physician may recommend surgical treatment.

In the treatment of snot atrophic rhinitis, topical preparations are prescribed, which improve the condition of the nasal mucosa, activate the work of the mucous glands. As drops use alkaline solutions, to lubricate the nasal cavity - furatsilinovuyu ointment. In addition, proteinotherapy, pulverization, galvanic caustics, injections of cocarboxylase, FIBS, aloe extract, vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed to strengthen the organism. From physiotherapeutic procedures UHF-therapy is shown on the areas of the nose and soles.

Sopli creek come from allergic rhinitis. With this form of the common cold, it is first necessary to eliminate the allergen, to stop contact of the patient with this allergen. Necessarily appoint or nominate antihistamine preparations and the agents strengthening immunity. From the nasal cavity the secret is washed out by irrigation with mucous black tea, salt or mineral water.

From the body you need to quickly remove harmful metabolic products, toxins, which are also provocateurs abundantly running snot.

Folk remedies in combating snot

In addition to drug therapy, a good effect is also provided by folk recipes to prevent rhinitis. Very useful sour compote of black currant berries. Honey compresses on the nose area have anti-inflammatory and warming effect. The same effect is characterized by warming up with warm salt or sand.


On the recommendation of a doctor, it is possible to instill menthol, fir, sea-buckthorn, olive oil into the nose. As a restorative, anti-inflammatory agent used decoction of herbs: mother-and-stepmother, chamomile, calanchoe, althea, eucalyptus, mint, celandine, peony.

Prevention of disease

To prevent the appearance of a snot or rhinitis, it is recommended to treat and not start any catarrhal disease on time. We need to maintain our immunity at the proper level. It is necessary to avoid unwanted contacts with sick people, not get into drafts. You can not drink cold drinks. The body is better to gradually temper, exercise physical sport. The food should be right, saturated with the necessary vitamins and minerals, especially during the period of mass epidemics. Observe personal and general hygiene (regularly produce wet disinfectant cleaning in rooms).


It is advisable to periodically wash your nose, in order to wash the pathogenic environment from the mucous membrane. Such washing is done with special preparations: saline, aquamaris, morenazal, etc.

Than to treat a cold to the child 2 temperat no snot endless as the water flow that drip? The nose is not laid !!



I recommend nazivin. eliminates and "flow" and congestion.


Take the child to the allergist-immuno-immunologist!
Very much your rhinitis on allergic is similar!
Treatment is quite different with such a runny nose.

Prosecutor's soul

It's like an allergy.


Nasivin is a good assistant for a cold, but I would advise dripping 3-4 times a day with beet juice with water (50/50), or carrot juice with water (50/50). If will not pass or take place, and the truth it is better to descend or go to the allergist - now time such, that just allergies become aggravated.
Yes! Juice with water can be dripped and treated with "razovinom but Nasivin first does not heal, but makes it easier, and secondly - it can take no more than 5 days to take... there will be written. Children's Violence)


try to give a tablet of allergies and if it means an allergy means, you need to eliminate the cause

Runny nose without temperature in a child than to treat?

Often a child of different ages has a runny nose without fever. Such a symptom can not be ignored, it is important to treat rhinitis in time, if it does not pass in a short time, there can be serious complications. Do not get carried away with the spray, drops, they will harm the health of the child, can be addictive. It is best to use traditional methods of treatment, an excellent and proven drug is garlic-onion syrup. Also advise to use a laser.

Causes of a cold without fever in a child

Rhinitis is an inflammatory process in the nasal mucosa. Symptom occurs for various reasons - due to viruses, various allergens, hypothermia, as a result surgical intervention, suffered trauma, nervous system disease, weakened immune system, adenoids. Coryza most often occurs due to viruses. In this situation, it is not necessary to tighten the runny nose, you need to urgently consult a doctor for advice.

The treatment of a cold in a child without fever

With a cold, the nose is heavily embedded, the mucous membrane swells, and the mucus accumulates in large amounts. Note that rhinitis of bacterial, viral origin is always accompanied by high fever. When the temperature of the body does not rise in the cold, a person feels badly himself, he is disturbed by a constant allergic sneezing.

Before treating a runny nose in a child, you must first find out the cause of the disease. For this, an antibacterial, antiviral, antiallergic drug is prescribed.

After using a local treatment, with which you can get rid of the common cold, improve the condition of the nasal passages, facilitate respiratory function.

Cleansing the baby's nose from mucus

You must make the baby blow your nose carefully. Heavy cleansing of the nose of a young child. In this situation, it is necessary to use a tube, a rubber pear, an aspirator to stretch the mucus. If the baby can not blow his nose off himself, they are advised to use a dropper.

First, all mucus is cleared, then in the back of the nose. In this situation, it is advised to use physiological saline. There is a large number of different medicines, you can cook at home, for this you need to rely on a liter of water salt - enough of a teaspoon. After dripping into both nostrils, after every 20 minutes. With the procedure, you can slime that was in the back nasal passage to move into the pharynx, after you can swallow. So the mucus will not accumulate.

The rules for treating a cold in a child

1. The room should be cool fresh air, so that the mucous membrane does not dry out, it is important to drink as much as possible. In this situation, a crimson tea, raisin broth, compote with dried fruits, still water, black strong tea with lemon will suit.

2. Advise to use drops with oils, so you can avoid drying out the mucous membrane of the pharynx, nose. Do not use drops containing antibiotics.

3. When you completely clean the baby's spout, you need to do everything in order to get rid of the swelling of the mucous membrane, so the baby can fully breathe. In this situation, you need to use vasoconstrictive drops. It is not worth getting involved, not more than 4 days, if there is no result, then it is worth to abandon them.

4. It is impossible for a child to drip milk, vegetable juices - from onions, scarlet, they can seriously damage, lead to serious irritation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, allergic reaction, spasm.

5. Modern medicine offers effective laser treatment, it positively affects the nasal mucosa when its irradiate, it can be significantly reduced, then it will be dense, hard, so you can avoid the inflammatory process in the mucosa shell, edema. Using a laser, you can strengthen the vessels, do not allow them to expand. The procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes. It is necessary to go through up to 8 procedures to completely get rid of the common cold.

6. Remember that the common cold is dangerous because it can develop into a chronic form of rhinitis, sinusitis, it will greatly harm the child. If the rhinitis is correctly treated, a week can completely cure the child. The main thing is to eat right, constantly strengthen the immune system, so you can forget about this unpleasant symptom for a long time.

Simple methods of treating a cold without fever in a child

It is advised to warm your nose. It is not difficult to do this, it is necessary to warm up the bag with the addition of salt, cooked eggs. For warming advise to use a reflex lamp, the child must draw warm air with his nose, so he warms it up.

It is recommended to use Protargol droplets, they are an oxidizing agent, with the help of a drug it is possible to remove bacteria from the nose. Protargol contains silver. Keep such drops you must in dark dishes. Remember that more than 5 days Protargol can not be kept, all active components that are contained in it are destroyed.

Coryza can be cured by decoction of chamomile, mineral water, sea water, it must be buried in the nose. Drops clean the nose, have a positive effect on the mucosa.

Most often, nasal congestion is observed in a child with acute respiratory infection. A baby can not suckle, constantly throws it, is capricious. In this situation, you need to constantly monitor that the child can breathe normally with his nose. Before you feed your baby, clean your nose, you can suck off the mucus, using a special pear. When a child has a large number of crusts, such procedures will not help.

So, it is necessary to pay attention to the runny nose without temperature, it does not pass without a trace, there can be serious complications, it is important to avoid them in time, it is necessary to treat the common cold with all ways. Take care of various drops that can seriously damage the health of the child.

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