Sciatic nerve massage

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  • 1Sciatic nerve massage with pinching, acupressure, cans
    • 1.1What is the sciatic nerve?
    • 1.2Why can he get sick?
    • 1.3What is massage used for?
    • 1.4Why massage is useful
    • 1.5Massage with pinching
    • 1.6Massage with inflammation
    • 1.7Massage with sciatica
    • 1.8General mechanism of massage effects
    • 1.9How to put banks
  • 2Performing a massage at home with a pinch of the sciatic nerve
    • 2.1Causes of pinching and disruption of the sciatic nerve
    • 2.2Positive massage quality
    • 2.3How to massage
    • 2.4Massage with inflammation
  • 3How to do massage with a pinch of the sciatic nerve?
    • 3.1Causes of ailment
    • 3.2Symptoms
    • 3.3Treatment
    • 3.4Therapeutic massage for pinch of the sciatic nerve
    • 3.5Types of massage
    • 3.6The right technique: how to do a massage?
    • 3.7Features of massage with sciatica
    • 3.8Patient Reviews
  • 4Treatment of a pinched sciatic nerve with massage
    • 4.1Therapeutic massage for pinch of the sciatic nerve
    • 4.2Beneficial effect of massage in pinching
    • 4.3Correct performance when pinching the nerve
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.4Varieties and features
    • 4.5Spot
    • 4.6Can massage
    • 4.7Honey
    • 4.8General massage
    • 4.9What type of manipulation when pinching a nerve in the back is to be selected?
    • 4.10Massage rules
    • 4.11Reviews
  • 5Performing a massage with a pinch of the sciatic nerve
    • 5.1Correct execution
    • 5.2Varieties
    • 5.3Active points
    • 5.4Vacuum
    • 5.5Honey
    • 5.6Denial of responsibility

Sciatic nerve massage with pinching, acupressure, cans

Sciatic nerve massage - one of the types of physiotherapy methods of treatment of neuritis and neuralgia - diseases of the peripheral nervous system, causing both burning pain, and a violation of the functions of the organs for which they answer. Before you decide for yourself whether to perform this procedure, you need to understand the nature of the diseases, as well as what kind of positive effect his massage can give.

What is the sciatic nerve?

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve of the human body in all respects: its diameter is usually equal to the diameter his thumb, and the length reaches from the spine to the knee cap, where he splits into small and large tibia nerves.

Each person has two such organs of the nervous system that pass through the holes in the pelvic bones from the spine together with the largest vessels of the legs through the holes in the pelvic bones, the gluteus muscles down to the knee, lying in a close channel from the developed muscles of the thigh and its ligaments.

This is one of the main nerves, ensuring the work of the entire limb, branching into millions of thinner and short nerve fibers, which control muscle contractions, sweat, sebaceous glands, sensitivity, maintenance of homeostasis, as well as the performance of basic reflexes. In case of problems with this organ, pain symptoms first appear, the power of which is directly proportional to the scale the nerve itself, then there comes a change in sensitivity from distortion in the form of crawling, tingling, etc., until complete numbness. The most acute form is characterized by impaired motor function with concomitant symptoms of cold snap, blanching, sweating, formation of rashes on the affected leg.

Why can he get sick?

Varieties of the nature of the course of any diseases that cause problems in the sciatic nerve are only two: neuralgia or neuritis.

The first is an increased irritation of the nerve fiber with various negative factors that can inflame, but it will not break down.

Neuritis is a more serious disease, most often a consequence of neuralgia, which is characterized by the destruction of the nerve or its insulating sheath due to inflammation or trauma.

With minor lesions, complete restoration of functions can be achieved through the formation of new neural connections, but with more severe damage, serious treatment will be required, perhaps even with surgical intervention, when the damaged nerve is stitched after removing the nonworking part, or with residual effects of motor and sensitive limb functions violations up to paralysis.

In addition to neuralgia and neuritis, classification of sciatic nerve diseases also distinguish sciatica - a disease at the level of the back at the site of entry into the spinal cord. In this case, symptoms of back pain are observed. Until recently, sciatica was referred to as a lumbago or lumbar radiculitis.

Negative effects that cause neuritis, can be of all kinds: infection, hypothermia, trauma, lack of nutrients, poor blood circulation, malnutrition, various tumors or pinching.

The sciatic nerve is one of the most pinched nerves of the body, since it passes first through a narrow hole in the pelvic bones, and then throughout the whole way very closely borders with various large muscles or ligaments.

Quite often, the nerve has a tendency to cling to the third trimester of pregnancy, or during labor, when the fetus catches it when it falls or is pressed against the pelvic bones.


Often, his nerve fiber is pinched by injuries or diseases of the spine, when it is clamped by deformed vertebral disks at the level of attachment to the spinal cord.


It is possible to pinch after excessive overstrain of the leg muscles from unbalanced physical exertion or swelling of the tissues.

More rarely there is a jamming because of inherited individual features of the structure, when human too narrow nerve channel, hole in the bone or just uncomfortably located too large muscles and ligaments.

What is massage used for?

Many do not perceive massage as a serious treatment for ailments, considering it a more relaxing procedure, however, being a separate branch of physiotherapy, whose goal is to strengthen action of medicines and cure by stimulation of natural immune and metabolic processes, therapeutic massage has a rather powerful positive effect on organism.

Why massage is useful

  • The most important positive effect is the stimulation of blood circulation and lymph flow, which makes it possible to cope with infections more quickly, to normalize capillary currents, saturate tissues with oxygen, strengthen nutrition and oxygen supply to cells, normalize local homeostasis, and also relieve edema.
  • On the second place in terms of utility is its function to relieve tension and fatigue from the muscles. With the help of simple manipulations, one can easily remove the spasm and release both the clamped vessels and the nerve itself.
  • No less useful is a kind of massage, like acupressure, a method of treatment related to acupuncture, but based on physical pressure in the area of ​​certain points of the body, where the nerve endings. Acupressure and acupuncture use the reflex reactions of the body caused by the excitation of certain central nerve points to stimulate the work nervous system or certain nerve, as well as blood circulation in the desired area, the development of immune cells, the removal of spasms, pain reduction and many another.

With the help of massage with a pinch of the sciatic nerve, it is possible to easily cure simple clamping nervous tissue caused by swelling or spasms, and also to remove inflammation due to insufficient blood circulation. Often, the massage helps with genital pincers, because in addition to the above positive effects, an experienced manual therapist also accelerates the return of pelvic bones in the starting position. However, in the case of a pinch caused by individual building characteristics or injuries, the massage may be ineffective. With infectious inflammation, it is only an auxiliary tool, because with its help it is possible to prostitute immunity and remove the consequences, but it is impossible to destroy the pathogen.

You can not use massage with purulent inflammation of the tissues or skin diseases of the area of ​​influence and with extreme caution apply to spinal injuries. In the latter case, only an experienced doctor who knows what he is doing should massage.

To enhance the healing effect, massage is almost always performed using anti-inflammatory, analgesic or warming ointments.

Massage with pinching

Massage with a pinch of the sciatic nerve helps to relieve spasm and edema of the muscle tissue, as well as hypertension of the tendons, which most often pinch the nerve fiber. For treatment of pinching, a course of 14-15 procedures of acupressure and general massage is performed, which can be performed at home with the help of relatives if there are no complications.

Acupressure most effectively allows you to remove the spasm of individual muscles that pinch the nerve.

Places of dislocation of active points during spot massage are recognized by palpation and determination places of greatest pain when pressing - this is the place where the nerve approaches surface. The main locations of active points are often located in the following zones when they are caught:

  • Sole.
  • Above the fibula from the back of the leg.
  • Under the knee.
  • In the center of the back of the thigh.
  • The bottom of the buttocks.

For the treatment of muscle pinched massage is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Lie on your back and completely relax all muscles.
  • Light stroking movements warm up the entire area of ​​influence from the sole to the buttocks.
  • Make a small general massage with not too strong movements of the entire area, not missing a single square centimeter.
  • It is good to stretch the areas of the main points.
  • Carry out a thorough general massage.
  • Soothe the muscles with light stroking movements for 2-3 minutes.
  • After the end of the massage is not recommended immediately to get up without any special need and to begin active activities. To complete the effect, you need to lie down for a while, covering your waist and legs with a warm blanket, and therefore to conduct independent procedures at home is best in the morning and evening.

Massage with inflammation

Massage with sciatica nerve inflammation is carried out by the same methods as in the case of pinching, but it is an auxiliary procedure.

You can not treat nerve inflammation alone by ignoring anti-inflammatory drugs and other prescriptions.

Moreover, anti-inflammatory massage is almost always performed using special ointments based on snake or bee venom, anesthetics, anti-inflammatory drugs or honey.

The nature of the procedure can be of the following types: acupressure, acupuncture (acupuncture), kneading and vacuum massage (cans).

Massage with sciatica

In sciatica, massage is the main treatment in the case of displacement of the vertebrae, muscle spasm, supporting the spine and pelvis, convergence of vertebral discs and inflammatory processes of non-infectious origin.

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Since the disease is located in the immediate vicinity of the spinal cord, and careless effects can damage the spine, it is extremely important to do massage with a professional masseur.

In sciatica, sciatica massage at home is permitted only if the inflammatory process is not caused by spinal injuries.

General mechanism of massage effects

  • It is necessary to occupy the right posture lying on the abdomen with maximum relaxation of the muscles, which can be strengthened by a small roller or pillow under the belly.
  • Warm up the affected area with stroking movements.
  • Direct massage with comb-shaped and circular movements of hands without pressure on the area of ​​spasm, which will only strengthen it.
  • The soothing completion of the massage is carried out with the help of light stroking touches.

During the course of massage, even after the first session, it becomes much less pain and there is lightness in the back, but during its implementation, doctors are more often than not recommended to avoid beating and vibrating techniques, as this will not only give an unnecessary back pain effect, but it can also lead to aggravation of the negative situation with vertebrae, if it is the cause disease.

Acupressure or acupressure can alleviate pain, relax the muscles, increase blood circulation. As a kind of acupressure, in addition to acupressure, a vacuum vacuum massage can be used or, in a simple way, cans.

How to put banks

  • Lie on your back, warm up the area of ​​impact.
  • Make a light massage with circular ironing and kneading movements, preparing the tissues, and at the same time learn the locations of the main points.
  • Install small glass jars, having previously expelled oxygen from them with tweezers with burning cotton wool, soaked in alcohol, on these points, and also on nearby muscles. If the number of cans allows, you can install them along the entire length of the leg.
  • Cover with a heavy blanket and lie down for a while.
  • After cooling in 10-20 minutes, the banks will not hold tight and they can be removed.
  • After removing the cans, calm down and gently massage the area of ​​exposure, then lie down for half an hour under the blanket.

It is recommended to conduct the procedure in the evening or before the sleep-hour, while for the combustible substance on cotton wool it is necessary to use only natural materials and substances: cotton and alcohol, so that the remnants of chemistry are not absorbed into the tissues, poisoning the already problematic zone. For the same reason, it is best to use classical jars made of glass or a special medical eraser, and not horrible. Some craftsmen manage to put banks almost three-liter, but it is extremely harmful and does not treat, but it traumatises muscles and skin.

For the greatest effect, it is better to take a massage course from a professional masseur or chiropractor, but such services are usually expensive, so learn the basic techniques for removing muscle spasm and pain sensations quite easily yourself, using video lessons. Before starting the massage, it is necessary to consult a doctor, in case of possible hidden contraindications.

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Performing a massage at home with a pinch of the sciatic nerve

Often, massage with a pinch of the sciatic nerve at home is the only way to relieve the pain syndrome before medical help.

After all, the nerve is pinched in any situation and at any time, while it is necessary to help the patient as soon as possible.

However, in order to do this competently and without consequences, it is necessary to imagine what kind of disease it is and how to properly provide assistance.

When the nerve is jammed, not only the work of the muscles in the leg is disrupted, but also its sensitivity disappears, the limb grows numb.

With a strong pinching, the motor function completely disappears, the skin of the leg becomes cold and pale, its sweating ceases and various rashes appear on the skin.

All this is accompanied by severe pain, which can cause pain and loss of consciousness.

Causes of pinching and disruption of the sciatic nerve

Pinch of the sciatic nerve - a fairly common phenomenon. This is due to the fact that it lies very close to the muscles of the leg and bones of the skeleton. Sometimes even there is an inborn defect of the hip bones, in which the holes for the nerve are too small.

There is another cause of nerve disease - neuritis. Neuritis is a more severe form of neuralgia that has not received timely treatment.

Pathology is treated long and hard, since in this case there is a violation of the structure of the nerve.

Sometimes even surgical treatment is applied, during which the damaged area is removed, and the nerve is sewn again.

Positive massage quality

Massage with inflammation of the sciatic nerve seems a rather weak measure against the background of the seriousness of the disease. However, most people underestimate the importance of massage for the body as a whole and for the sciatic nerve in particular. Here are a few positive qualities of massage when jammed:

  1. First of all, massage stimulates blood circulation, it allows you to supply tissues and organs with oxygen, accelerate the treatment of infection. In addition, it normalizes homeostasis and relieves edema from soft tissues and muscles.
  2. The massage relieves tension from the muscles, they relax and rest during the procedure, and at the same time a spasm is removed that overcomes a large vessel or nerve.
  3. There is also a technique for influencing the nerve plexus by mild pinpoints - acupressure. By acting on certain points with nerve endings, you can achieve increased circulation in the selected part of the body or relieve spasm from the muscles. In addition, this method removes most of the pain, since it is directly affected by the nerves that transmit pain signals to the brain.
  4. An experienced doctor can uncomplicated manipulations to return the displaced bones to the desired position, while removing the pinching. It is possible to do this with both the spinal column and the pelvic bones.

How to massage

Acupressure with pinching can remove the spasm quickly.

But to do this, you do not only need to know the location of the desired points, which are pressed, but it is also important to be able to find them, because they are different in different people. You can find them by increasing painful sensations when pressing. Most often they are located like this:

  • on the sole of the foot;
  • the back of the foot, over the fibula;
  • under the knee;
  • hamstring, approximately centered;
  • the lower part of the gluteus muscle.

Massage should be done by pre-lubricating your hands and the patient's skin with a warming cream. The order of the massage is as follows:

  1. The patient should lie down and relax. In this position, he must lie down for a few minutes.
  2. Soft stroking is performed on the entire surface of the part of the body on which the massage will be performed. You should gradually increase the pressure of the hands and the speed of stroking to warm the soft tissues. This preparation is done within 5-10 minutes.
  3. The massage itself involves massaging in various ways: tweaking, squeezing, flapping and tapping. The technique in this case is very much, mainly in order to stretch the muscles, fingers are used, they grab the skin with a comb, smoothly moving it over the surface of the body. You can not miss a centimeter. A full body massage takes about 50 minutes.
  4. After a general massage, a slight stroking of the skin with hands is done to calm the muscles. Stroking is done for 5-10 minutes.
  5. It is forbidden immediately after the massage to get up and move actively. The patient should lie down for 15-30 minutes under a warm blanket.

Massage massage is best done in the morning and evening. The whole course is done within 10 or 15 days.

Massage with inflammation

The technique of carrying out of massage at an inflammation is almost same, as well as at usual massage. But there are differences. The patient must take anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by the doctor.

The massage itself is performed using anti-inflammatory creams and ointments. Most often such a tool includes snake or bee venom, they have a healing and warming effect at the same time.

If the patient has an allergy to the poison, you can do grinding honey.

It is best to get treatment with massage, acupressure and banks in professional massage parlors, where the procedure is conducted by a professional. This will help to avoid unpleasant sensations and possible injuries.

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How to do massage with a pinch of the sciatic nerve?

To date, most of the population is prone to various diseases of the spine. One of the most common ailments is sciatica - pinching or inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

To stop painful sensations and improve the condition of the patient as a whole will help a special massage. When pinching the sciatic nerve (sciatica), it is required to observe a certain technique, available to highly skilled masseurs.

In this article, we will examine the causes and symptoms of a pathological phenomenon, as well as a variety of massage procedures that will bring relief.

Causes of ailment

Pain in the lumbar and sacral spine, giving up in the leg, is often a sign of the pinch of the sciatic nerve, which consists of several nerves and is therefore the longest. Nerves extend from the waist along both legs and to the fingertips.

Most often, the main reason for the development of inflammation is the presence of the patient's intervertebral hernia.

This pathology is characterized by rupture of intervertebral discs with protrusion of the contents beyond the spine and jamming the nerve roots.


The disease usually occurs against the background of osteochondrosis - a disease associated with the wrong and inactive way of life of modern people.


Pincering can occur when lifting weights, constant physical exertion, hypothermia and low back injuries. Often because of this condition, pregnant women suffer.


Neuralgia of the sciatic nerve has a characteristic picture of the course of the pathological process. Patients note that usually there are strong stitching and burning pains. Such feelings suddenly arise and disappear.

The attack can develop after physical or emotional overstrain. Even the slightest hypothermia will accelerate the development of inflammation.

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The first symptom to pay attention to is numbness and tingling of the leg in the area where the nerve passes.

During the attack the patient takes a certain position of the body, which allows to ease the pain somewhat. Every movement in this state is given with special difficulty. Strong pain can lead to unconsciousness.

Is it possible to massage with a pinch of the sciatic nerve? Manual technique really helps to cope with the syndrome, but it should only be carried out by a graduate.

Before assigning such a treatment to a patient, the doctor must conduct a diagnosis and assign a series of studies: laboratory tests, X-rays, MRI or CT of the lumbar spine.


Elimination of sciatica is a long process.

To alleviate the symptoms, doctors prescribe, first of all, powerful painkillers that can eliminate inflammation (from the NVPS group): Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Denebol, Diclofenac.

Relaxation of muscles is promoted by drugs based on vitamin complexes. With very severe pain, Novocain blockades are shown. They are made exclusively in a hospital.

After weakening the pain, massage is recommended.

When pinching the sciatic nerve, this will improve the blood flow in the focus of inflammation, eliminate muscle spasm.

Manipulation should be carried out only by an experienced specialist. Neglect of this rule usually leads to the development of severe complications.

If the inflammatory process has arisen against the background of spinal injuries or in the presence of herniated intervertebral discs, surgical intervention may be recommended. The purpose of the operation in this case is to eliminate the causes that led to the development of pathology.

Therapeutic massage for pinch of the sciatic nerve

Sciatica significantly reduces physical activity and negatively affects the quality of life in general. To restore normal mobility and eliminate pain syndrome, you need to correctly approach the problem.

Manual therapy is contraindicated in the period of exacerbation of the disease. This can lead to poor health.


Therefore, to carry out massage when pinching the sciatic nerve is possible after the onset of the period of remission and the course of drug therapy.


The course of therapeutic massage - 12-15 sessions. Following the application of massage procedures, the following changes in the patient's condition are observed:

  • pass the symptoms of spasm;
  • there is relief due to increased circulation in the area of ​​pinching;
  • Painful sensations are stopped;
  • normal nerve activity is restored.

With all the features of the massage technique comes a long remission.

Types of massage

With neuralgia of the sciatic nerve, several types of massage can be used. According to reviews, the most pronounced therapeutic effect is acupressure.

He somewhat resembles the procedure for acupuncture, but instead of needles the specialist uses his own elbows. Thus, it is possible to influence the points responsible for certain organs.

Acupressure (acupuncture) massage with pinch of the sciatic nerve allows to activate mechanisms of muscle and spine tissue repair, improve metabolic processes.

Cope with the stagnation of blood and lymph (and therefore eliminate the pain) helps vacuum massage. For this it is necessary to have special banks that will be installed along the spine.

The skin in this area is lubricated with massage oil or baby cream. A small stick is introduced into the jar, at one end of which a cotton wool is wound and ignited.

After burning oxygen, the jar is placed on the back.

The main localization of cans - near the focus of pain. By time, the manipulation is carried out for 20 minutes. Significant relief the patient will feel after the first procedure. To fix the result, it is necessary to do a can of massage for 5-7 days.

The right technique: how to do a massage?

When pinching the sciatic nerve, massage manipulations are carried out according to a certain pattern. For the beginning the patient should take a position lying (on a stomach) on a special couch.

The body should be completely relaxed, the arms are evenly stretched along the trunk. After that, the specialist starts stroking his leg from the buttock to the heel, achieving relaxation of muscles and lifting the tone.

To do this, you can also use massage oil.

It should be borne in mind that spasmic muscles subjected to manipulation are not recommended. Attention should be given to the surrounding area. Stroking should be soft and smooth. Sharp movements will bring only increased pain.

Features of massage with sciatica

You should carefully massage your feet.

When pinching the sciatic nerve, massage movements are made from the most painful point, passing to the sacrum and gluteus muscle.

Then descend along the leg and end with the heel area. If the movements are painful, massage should be stopped immediately.

Patient Reviews

Usually the pain recedes after the first sessions. Some patients practice massage (with a pinch of the sciatic nerve) at home.

It also uses warming ointments to grind your own preparation.

However, doctors warn that such methods can aggravate the condition due to contraindications.


To remove spasm and establish metabolic processes in sciatica will help therapeutic exercise. Like massage, it is performed only in the period of remission. In the first days it is allowed to do exercises in the supine position without the use of weights. Equally effective are exercises from yoga to stretch the muscles.


A source: http://.ru/article/317429/kak-delat-massaj-pri-zaschemlenii-sedalischnogo-nerva

Treatment of a pinched sciatic nerve with massage

One of the most common problems associated with the back is the pinch of the sciatic nerve. This can happen to everyone even after wearing a heavy bag.

But manual or acupressure with a pinch of the sciatic nerve can restore normal health.

On how to do, massage and treat osteochondrosis at home, we will understand further.

Therapeutic massage for pinch of the sciatic nerve

If you feel acute, periodic pain in the leg, lower back and sacrum, this may be a sign of infringement of the sciatic nerve. Since the nerve is the longest in the whole body, the pain syndrome sometimes affects even the fingers of the hand or the ankles of the legs.

The main causes of the infringement:

  1. Intervertebral hernia.
  2. Irritation of nerve roots.
  3. Osteochondrosis, arthrosis.
  4. Subcooling.
  5. Injuries and heavy physical exertion.
  6. Sedentary lifestyle.
  7. The state of pregnancy.
  8. Stress.

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Intervertebral hernia Irritation of nerve roots Osteochondrosis Arthrosis of sciatic nerve Stress

The influence of stress on the body:

The beginning of treatment of a jammed nerve massagethere may be such symptoms:

  • Shootsin the limbs.
  • Numbnessand stitching in the leg.
  • Headacheand loss of consciousness.

As soon as you notice the first manifestations of a pinch of the sciatic nerve, you should immediately go to the hospital and take tests. Only then it will be decided, whether it is possible to conduct manual massage for nerves or to use only medicines.

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Beneficial effect of massage in pinching

It is possible to treat sciatica (pinching of nerves and their inflammation) at home, but not at the moment of worsening of the underlying disease.

Then, together with the use of ointments or injections, it will be possible to achieve such an effect:

  1. Elimination of pain.
  2. Renewal of blood circulation.
  3. Withdrawal of spasm and edema.
  4. Removal of pressure in the affected area.
  5. Resumption of motor activity.

Such an effect can be achieved only after consultation with a doctor, after a joint choice of the course of treatment, the execution of all rules and with professional massage by the specialist. To the content ↑

Correct performance when pinching the nerve

To achieve the desired effect in the treatment of pinch of the sciatic nerve,adhere to such rules:

  • Entrust the procedure only to a professional.
  • It is important to use oil or gels.
  • It is better to choose ointments with a warming effect.
  • The patient is placed on the stomach, and the limbs are placed along the body.
  • Begin the procedure with warming up movements, then apply circular, but do not touch the diseased area. Completion is by stroking the cotton.
  • Vibration and beating movements are best not to be applied, otherwise there will be even more harm to the nerves.
  • Visit Betterat least 12 sessions for 40-60 minutes.
  • It is also allowed to massage the thigh with warming ointments at home if the sciatic nerve was restrained.

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Varieties and features

If the patient has found sciatica of the lumbar region or pinching the nerve, you can use not only the standard techniques of massage, but also point, honey or vacuum (canned).

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Precisely, it can be said that the point-like massage with a pinch in the back is the simplest, most effective and less traumatic.

With its use, you can not only get rid of the pain, but also achieve an anti-inflammatory effect.

The essence of the procedure is to act on active points, which eliminates the possibility of using medicines, activates the process of regeneration, relieves pain.

Also acupressure massage will allow:

  1. Return the motor activity through two procedures.
  2. Completely relieve pain and discomfort when the nerve is squeezed.
  3. Prevent relapse, spread of the disease and progression to sciatica.

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Can massage

The main purpose of the can (vacuum) massage is to remove stagnation in the lymph nodes, restore blood circulation and start regeneration in the nerves.

The essence of the procedure- applying a special ointment with the subsequent installation of heated cans to the skin.

Before and after vacuum massage

The technique of the can massage with pinching the nerve:

  • Ignition of a cotton swab in alcohol.
  • The introduction of the stick into the can.
  • Heating by the combustion of oxygen.
  • Establishment to the skin.
  • Before the final installation, you can make several circular movements.

The course of such treatment with a massage can last less than a spot, about 8 sessions. But it is important every time after removing the cans, cover the patient with a warm towel or woolen scarf, avoid drafts. To the contents ↑


At once we will notice, that honey massage at a pinch of the sciatic nerve is better for carrying out at home. Since the patient at the end of the procedure, should lie still for about an hour and a half covered with a blanket. Therefore, many call a masseur at home.

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Perform the procedure you need so:

  1. Spread a teaspoon of warm honey on your lower back.
  2. Rubbing honey in the skin with circular motions.
  3. Then knead your back until a white foam appears.
  4. Clean the foam with a clean towel.
  5. Then wrap the patient in a blanket for an hour and a half.

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Not everyone will agree to honey massage with problems with the sciatic nerve, because the procedure is rather painful and unpleasant. And at the time of worsening osteochondrosis or inflammation of old injuries, it can not be resorted to at all.

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General massage

When you do not want to use a can or spot, you should resort to a general massage:

  • For this patientput abdomen on a hard surface, and hands on each side.
  • It all starts with a warm-up, followed by circular motions,but without pressure.
  • On the back, you canapply vibration movements, but not on the patient lumbar region.
  • Do not forget about the massage of the buttocks, which need to be pressed with a finger, and then stroked.
  • The process ends with a massage of the inner thighs and stroking the back.

With a general massage, it is also better to use a gel or oil, repeat sessions at least 10 times. Then you can remove the pain, squeezing and get rid of inflammation in nerves.k content ↑

What type of manipulation when pinching a nerve in the back is to be selected?

If you choose between the types of massage for problems in the back, then recommend a few:

Name Features
General or curative Do not recommend doing at the time of worsening sciatica. Used to get rid of the future inflammation of the nerves.
Relaxing Do even at the time of deterioration of sciatica and with acute pain. You can use vibration and squeezing. It is possible to get rid of spasm, improve blood circulation and relieve inflammation.
Spot It is used both for prophylaxis and in the acute phase of the flow of sciatica. The most safe and simple, activates the protective and restoring functions of the body.

Concerning honey or can massage with the problem of infringement, they are not suitable for all patients, they can cause even greater harm. But without fail before choosing the type of manipulation, it is better to get advice from a doctor and a massage therapist.

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Massage rules

There are several rules that must be observed when performing a massage for the treatment of the loin, inflamed nerves:

  1. Always pre-heat a sore spot.
  2. If there is discomfort and even more pain in the process, you need to stop the procedure and go to the doctor.
  3. Self-massage should last no more than 10 minutes.
  4. Always get a consultation with a neurologist, a massage therapist.
  5. Need to donot less than 10 sessions.
  6. It is necessary to avoid hypothermia and drafts after the session.


Also remember about such prevention rules between massage sessions for the treatment of nerves in the back:

  • Try to control your posture.
  • Additionally, use creams, oils and ointments.
  • Change position every half hour in everyday life.
  • Do not wear weights.
  • Buy an orthopedic mattress and pillow.
  • Watch for food.

Do not forget about the frequency of the massage and all the recommendations of the doctor. Then the pain will be able to get rid quickly and unnoticed, and a simple pinching of the nerve will not develop into a chronic sciatica.

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Petr, 45 years old: "Only with a massage when I get caught and I'm saved. Although I also remember about warming ointments and prevention.

For me the most acupressed point massage, as he quickly puts on his feet, harmless and invigorates the whole body.

I only go to a professional, since a layman can not click on that point, and then it will get worse. "

Artem, 38 years old: "Even in my childhood, with back injuries, I was making a can of massage (since I was 6 years old in sports).

A couple of times the bank put his wife, but still settled on the classic version. I go to massage sessions and without pain in the back, but to maintain a good state of health.

I also recommend buying orthopedic underwear. "

Victoria, 31 years old: "I tried various kinds of manipulations: relaxing, point, classical and even honey. All are effective, therefore the question is individual.

Personally, I now only resort to honey or point. Sometimes painful, but fast, effective, has a general effect and even invigorates.

But pinching one massage can not cure, you still need ointments, sometimes injections and reflexology. "

A source:

Performing a massage with a pinch of the sciatic nerve

Pinching of the sciatic nerve can occur with the compression of nerve fibers emerging from the spine, under the influence of heavy physical loads, with the displacement of the vertebrae in relation to each other, prolonged hypothermia, neoplasms, obesity or .

At occurrence it is necessary to address to the doctor as soon as possible to begin treatment. Only a specialist is able to prescribe an effective complex therapy.

The complex of therapeutic measures can include massage when pinching the sciatic nerve. It is important to know that if there are signs of acute pathology, such procedures are not carried out.

This is due to the fact that any such impact can only worsen not only the course of the disease, but also the general condition of a person. Such a therapeutic effect on the affected area is recommended after the symptoms of the acute course subsided.

When performing massage procedures, the following effects are noted:

  • elimination of manifestations;
  • improvement of blood flow and lymph circulation in the affected area;
  • removal of muscle spasm;
  • relieving pressure in the affected area;
  • return of motor activity.

Therefore, before you start to do massage, it is recommended to visit a doctor.

After all, the correct implementation of this treatment procedure allows not only to alleviate the patient's condition, but also to create favorable conditions for the processes of recovery of the affected part of the spine and slowing down the progression of the primary pathology.

This is possible with a course determined by the attending physician in combination with massaging .

Correct execution

Knowledge of the correct massage technique is possessed only by an experienced masseur.

When carrying out this treatment, it is mandatory to use a special tool - oil or cream.

Preference should be given to funds with a warming effect. In this case, the patient should lie on the abdomen, hands are located along the body.

The effect begins with warming movements on the surface of the back, then go on to circular and comb-like movements, except for the area of ​​the lesion. The procedure ends with soothing stroking movements. You can also massage your feet.


It is prohibited to use vibratory and effleurage effects because of the danger of causing injury to the affected area of ​​the spinal column.


For the onset of a persistent therapeutic effect, a complete course of 15 sessions is necessary. After achieving a stable remission, this procedure can be carried out for preventive purposes.

Also, with the permission of the doctor, the patient can self-massage while pinching the sciatic nerve in the leg at home using warming. Simple trimming movements are used here.


With sciatica treatment is used not only with classic back massage, but also with point, vacuum and honey massage.

Active points

Acupressure with pinch of the sciatic nerve refers to the most safe and effective methods of exposure. Its carrying out not only anesthetizing, but also anti-inflammatory effect on the patient's body.

The impact on allows to activate the reserve capabilities of the human body, which allows you to reduce the amount of medication taken. At the same time, the processes of restoration of the spine damaged by the pathological process are started.

Its implementation allows:

  • improve mobility,
  • eliminate the manifestations of pain syndrome,
  • prevent the progression of the disease that led to development.


Vacuum massage is primarily aimed at eliminating stagnation of lymph in the spine. To carry out this type of treatment along the spinal column, a special oil is applied to the skin, and a special heated bank is applied to the area of ​​the lesion.

To do this, you need to moisten the cotton wool wrapped in alcohol and light it, then put it into the jar. Thus, all oxygen burns out, which allows creating a vacuum when applying the can to the skin.

During the procedure the specialist can use spiral, straight and S-shaped movements, the effect lasts for 5-15 minutes. Upon termination of the patient necessarily wrap. Treatment course, the number of sessions is determined by the attending physician.


Honey massage is best done at home, because at the end of the patient a few hours to lie down in a relaxed state. A specialist can go to the house, which is very convenient.

To perform a teaspoon of warm honey, which is applied to the skin of the lumbar region. Then, with gentle warming movements, it is necessary to rub honey into the skin for several minutes.

After using the palms, massage begins immediately and continues until the appearance of white foam. It is worth noting that this is a rather painful procedure. The foam is carefully cleaned with a cloth soaked in warm water, the patient is wrapped and left to rest.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is intended only for general reading and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes.

This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist).

Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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