Can I treat my teeth with a cold

Can I treat my teeth with a cold? My tooth hurt, my cheek was swollen. And there was a runny nose, can my teeth be treated with a cold?



The doctor pity. First clean the runny nose.

Sincerely, Fedorova Daria

whether it is possible to feed geese when mother came and the notebook in her hands was green

I think it is possible
teeth and nose sorry not related
But the ears of the throat and nose are just the same links of one chain
be treated

✿ܓ swe

The cheek was swollen. yes you what? Faster to the dentist, if you do not want you polbashki (in the literal sense) blown.
With a cold, it is possible to treat, of course, but it is not necessary, and only for one reason - in order not to infect the surrounding personnel. But, if the situation is serious
(like you), a cold - no attention!

den of wigs

no, that you, you will die... my friend died like that

I love cats

Firstly, with a broken nasal breathing, it will be difficult for you to treat your teeth.
Secondly, the doctor has the right to refuse to treat the tooth, as you are the carrier of the infection.

instagram viewer


Buy a bark of oak in the pharmacy, make a decoction, rinse your mouth, as in the instructions. From the common cold: bury the raw beet juice, Kalanchoe in your nose or breathe over the potatoes in their uniform.


and at me in general kerachinsky and a rhinitis and a throat sick. Doctors do not refuse me, most not conveniently I usually dig in with all the medicines. teeth are more important

Can I treat my teeth if I have a cold?


Now here we are

refrain from dental treatment during a cold. This threatens infection with subsequent inflammatory processes in the gum and cheek. now your body is fertile soil for infection, which can easily penetrate into the wound in the oral cavity and cause undesirable consequences. and yet, only proline the healing process, that is, increase the duration of that.

Tatjana Kuck (Samaraewa) (ZF)

It is better to wait this time.

Konstantin Nechaev

It is possible theoretically. But regret the dentist.


If you can breathe through your nose and keep from coughing, you can.


Certainly not, my doctor said that even after it is better to wait a week

Personal Cabinet Removed

If the planned treatment, it is better to abstain. If the pain is acute, intolerant - you can.


in no case! not only for the sake of the dentist, for you ...

Can I treat my teeth if I have a sore throat?

Sore throat is a very unpleasant thing in itself. It is a symptom of the fact that with our throat and health as a whole, not everything is in order. It can be a common cold or tonsillitis, which can cause various pathogens, namely: viruses, bacteria and fungi. Often the pain in the throat does not last long enough. It interferes with normal living, working, studying, resting. This state can not be ignored, you need to immediately seek help from a doctor who will prescribe adequate treatment.

How to be if to the cold and sore throat pain of toothache is added and there is an urgent need to visit the dentist? Or has it come your turn to go to the doctor's appointment by appointment? Can I treat my teeth if my throat hurts?

Of course, the treatment of sick teeth is possible, but only if the patient can not tolerate the pain simply can not. However, in most cases, dentists recommend moving the procedure to full recovery.

For refusal to carry out the procedure and transfer it to a more "healthy day" there are many reasons and several reasons:

First, during the cold, the body is the source of infection, the body becomes weak and vulnerable, so the risk of complications, stomatitis, fluxes, etc., increases;

Secondly, the patient takes various medications - antiseptics, antihistamines drugs, antibiotics that do not work well with dental treatment with pain medication preparations;

Thirdly, when a person is sick, he has difficulty breathing - there is a runny nose, stuffy nose, which makes him breathe with his mouth. In addition, constant sneezing and coughing will interfere with the procedure.

Going to the dentist with a sore throat, think not only about yourself, but about him. After all, it is unlikely he will enjoy your cough and runny nose. In addition, he simply can get from you, and then the disease will pick up his colleagues and family. Therefore, all over again it is better to overcome illness, and then to go to the doctor.

Sometimes in a similar situation there are small children who very badly are persuaded on treatment of a teeth. How to be in this situation? The answer is simple - you need to find a good dental clinic for children, where they will go without hysterics and with pleasure. This is the child's clinic Amistom, where children's teeth are treated without pain and fear.

Can I treat my teeth with a cold?



can.. if very necessary)
but it is more convenient to go to a doctor somehow healthy

virus2011 (all hack)


Danya Zalaliev

Why not?

igor rams

from the teeth to the nose, it's like from you to the neighbor on the site (in anatomical terms). treat.

apricot pie

and breathe than you will if the nose is hammered? and regret the doctor. YOU ARE WELCOME!!!

sergei razuvaev

HER! With a cold, just lie down, and die.

Love Smee

better not worth it, 1. immunity reduced
2. nose is laid, you can not breathe

Georg Duga

Can! But it is better to treat teeth when hemorrhoids !!!

Kadria Gurieva

if the nose is breathing, why not.

Whether it is possible to treat a teeth at cold and a rhinitis if temperature and hurt also

Regular visits to dentists and compliance with all hygiene standards is very important for a beautiful smile and health of all teeth.

However, what to do if before the visit to the dentist there were such signs as a runny nose and discomfort in the throat? Can I treat my teeth with a cold?

Any disease is a strong stress for the body. A visit to the dental clinic to remove the tooth, treat caries and eliminate other problems is always accompanied by nervous overstrain.

Naturally, for an organism that is weakened by the course of a cold, unnecessary stresses will not be useful. But if the tooth hurts very much and the treatment can not be postponed, then it is still necessary to pay a visit to the dentist.

Specificity of dental therapy if a person has a cold

Doctors do not give an unambiguous answer to the question of whether it is necessary to treat caries to a person who has symptoms of a cold. But nevertheless therapists and dentists recommend curing catarrhal disease and only then engage in oral health.

This is due to the fact that during the course of the acute respiratory viral infection the vital activity of pathogenic microflora and bacteria is activated, therefore the body spends a lot of energy for the destruction of microbes.

As a result, the immune forces are depleted. Therefore, it is very likely that open wounds and areas arising during surgical and dental surgery will be infected.

Therefore, if you need to visit a dentist to remove a tooth, cure pulpitis or carious disease, then it is advisable to wait until the symptoms of SARS disappear completely. In addition, the patient himself will be uncomfortable to sit in the dental chair for about 30 minutes motionless, opening his mouth when the snot and pershit throat flow.

Another contraindication to dental procedures for the flow of a cold is that Analgesic and antiseptic agents may have an adverse effect on the depleted organism.

And from the ethical point of view, there is a great risk that a patient who suffers from a cold will infect the doctor during dental procedures.

An exception

Despite the fact that in ARD or ARVI is not recommended to go to the dentist, such diseases are still not considered an unconditional contraindication to the treatment of teeth and gums. Therefore, if the situation is urgent, then the doctor will necessarily conduct all the necessary procedures. Indications for dental intervention for colds are:

  1. rapid development of purulent inflammation;
  2. flux.

But with the removal of a tooth, a cold person is better off waiting, because an open wound is the ideal place for multiplying the pathogenic microflora.

However, if the procedure is conducted in an experienced dentist using high-quality antiseptic drugs, then the oral cavity will be disinfected and worried about the adverse effects of worth it.

Moreover, the use of modern techniques almost completely eliminates the infection of gums and dental tissues during dental surgery.

Can a cold provoke a toothache?

In some cases, discomfort in the teeth and gums may occur due to the course of the cold. The fact is that the body is a complex mechanism and the disruption of the functioning of its individual components affects the operation of other systems.

With colds and the flu, the respiratory tract is often affected, as a result of which the paranasal sinuses become inflamed. Thus, a slippery substance accumulates on the nasal mucosa, which blocks the nasal passages, creating pressure in them.

Therefore, with colds, toothache can be troubling. To eliminate discomfort, the following measures should be taken:

  • Continuous rinsing of the oral cavity with a soda solution or sage broth that will eliminate inflammation and reduce irritation from the periodontal tissues.
  • The use of special tooth drops, based on camphor and valerian, which will remove pain and have a calming effect.

It is worth noting that in the absence of the effectiveness of the above treatment, you need to seek dental care. After all, in the opposite case, various complications may develop.

It turns out that the treatment of the teeth with a runny nose and sore throat is not desirable, since it is possible to infect the dental tissues, which will only intensify the symptoms of the dental disease. Moreover, if the common cold is associated with such a manifestation as high fever, then it is better to observe bed rest and stay at home. But, if the pain in the teeth is too strong and the inflammatory process develops and other problems, then it is certainly not necessary to postpone the visit to the dentist.

The video in this article will help you know what to do immediately with a cold.

Is it harmful, can I treat my teeth during a cold, bronchitis?



Do not breathe to the doctor

Nyusha Timoni

And harmful and useless all the same fillings quickly fall out.

Olga Andreevna

Yes you can, it's just that they will be hard, because the nose is laid, and it's disgusting when the air hits the drill bit !!


if it's a feral infection, then do not even think about treating it. it is possible to infect any infection, in a sick state, even a finger cut, is fraught with a powerful infection.


just can not sit with your mouth open-nasal, and just a weakness, a doctor can infect. It is better to give, until you recover

Adelaide Giger

in the acute period, it is extremely unpleasant for the patient (and so feels bad, and even more + wonderful sensations from dental manipulations) and is fraught for a doctor
About the answers of Wind and Roksolana - complete nonsense. During the treatment of teeth, strong antiseptics are now used to decontaminate the oral cavity, as well as modern methods exclude infection of the tooth tissues during treatment.
Of course, if you go to a decent clinic.

What to do when the teeth hurt with colds

Sometimes during the course of a cold, people notice how their previously healthy teeth begin to hurt. This symptom is observed together with a rise in body temperature, a runny nose and a cough, and the teeth are aching for a cold usually because of the pressure in the nasal sinuses.

Causes of toothache for colds

Toothache in colds is the cause of pressure in the nasal sinuses, but there are other factors that cause this unpleasant symptom. During the treatment of a cold, the patient drinks a lot of liquid containing acid, which has a harmful effect on the enamel of the teeth. Specialists recommend drinking such fluids through the tube, while not holding them in the mouth.

In addition, with a cold, pain in the teeth can occur due to the fact that when the nasal congestion of a person, the mucous membrane of the mouth dries out, and the sugar that remains in it also causes harm. To prevent the drying out of the mucosa, it is necessary to drink plenty of liquid, preferably in the form of ordinary water.

There are cases when in severe cases of the common cold there are disorders of the intestine, which are accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In the stomach, a large amount of acid is produced, which comes out with vomit, while the acid settles on the enamel of the teeth. To eliminate the remnants of acid after vomiting, be sure to rinse your mouth thoroughly.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve - a common phenomenon as a result of the penetration into the body of a viral infection. Often, even after a cold, your teeth hurt, but this phenomenon usually passes for some time after recovery. To relieve the pain and ease the patient's condition, it is enough to drink anesthetic.

How to help the patient?

Knowing why teeth hurt with a cold, you can take steps to ease the condition of the patient. To improve the condition, you can take an anesthetic drug, and then to determine the cause of poor health you need to contact the dentist. If the toothache for colds arose against the background of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, most likely a specialist will be prescribed procedures for heating by electrophoresis and taking antibiotics.

Often with cold, dental treatment is performed using traditional medicine. You can use these methods:

  1. Rinse the mouth with a solution of soda, which will help to remove the inflammation from the periodontal tissue. Many people are helped by 3 procedures per hour.
  2. Dental drops are considered to be an indispensable tool when the colds whine. You can buy the medicine in any pharmacy, the treatment is done in such a way: you need to take a cotton swab, drip a few drops of medicine on it and attach it to the sore spot. Usually such preparations are made on the basis of valerian and camphor, which are endowed with a soothing effect.
  3. Reduce pain can be and with the resorption of mint tablets. The tongue should be put a few tablets, after they dissolve within an hour, the painful sensations should disappear.
  4. Propolis is an effective remedy for toothache of any origin. In addition, that propolis will ease the patient's condition, it will help to avoid the formation of a purulent abscess.
  5. When the cold chills your teeth, a hot broth of sage will help. It must be typed into the mouth and kept in the place where the sick tooth is.

If the pain is acute and it does not get rid of it with the help of traditional medicine, you will need the help of a specialist. In most cases, such a symptom occurs immediately after the catarrhal disease is cured.

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