Exercises for the shoulder joint: complex lfq, gymnastics


  • 1Exercises for the shoulder joint
    • 1.1Rules for doing exercises
    • 1.21. Timeliness
    • 1.32. Security
    • 1.43. Moderation
    • 1.54. Break
    • 1.6LFK for the development of the shoulder girdle
    • 1.7An approximate set of therapeutic exercises
    • 1.8LFK by Evdokimenko
    • 1.9An approximate set of exercises
  • 2Exercises for the shoulder joint: therapeutic exercises for arthrosis (exercise therapy, gymnastics)
    • 2.1Additional measures
    • 2.2Physiotherapy. Indications for use
    • 2.3Therapeutic complex of exercises for arthrosis
  • 3How to develop a shoulder joint? Exercise therapy, gymnastics, exercises
    • 3.1LFK and problems of shoulder joints
    • 3.2Exercises for Evdokimenko
    • 3.3Examples of exercises
  • 4Gymnastics for the shoulder joint (exercises, exercise therapy) - a complex for muscles
    • 4.1In brief about the anatomy of the shoulder muscles and their functions
    • 4.2General rules for holding gymnastics
    • 4.3Why is it necessary to stretch a healthy shoulder joint, and when should it be done?
    • 4.4List of exercises for warm-up and stretching of a healthy shoulder joint
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.5After what diseases and injuries do you need gymnastics of the shoulder joint?
    • 4.6List of exercises used to treat and restore the shoulder
    • 4.7What exercises for the shoulders can not be performed after injuries and illnesses?
    • 4.8Ready-made gyms, in which there are exercises for the shoulders
    • 4.9What shells can I use?
  • 5Gymnastics with shoulder arthrosis: exercises, complexes LFK
    • 5.1Gymnastics with shoulder arthrosis: video, exercises
    • 5.2Isometric Exercises
    • 5.3Examples of static exercises with shoulder arthrosis
    • 5.4Dynamic gymnastics
    • 5.5Requirements for exercise therapy for brachial arthrosis
  • 6Restorative gymnastics for shoulder joints
    • 6.1Contraindications to exercise therapy
    • 6.2Phased physical rehabilitation
    • 6.3First step
    • 6.4Second phase
    • 6.5The third stage
    • 6.6Fourth stage
    • 6.7Other techniques
    • 6.8Pulling the blade
    • 6.9Occupation with a chair
    • 6.10Awareness

Exercises for the shoulder joint

The causes of pain syndrome in the upper spine may be completely different, however In almost all cases, complex therapy of such manifestations includes mandatory exercises for the shoulder joint.

Rules for doing exercises

The shoulder joint is surrounded by a frame of muscles, which provides its functionality with movements in all planes. However, daily monotonous movements can gradually lead to the atrophy of some muscles that do not participate in his work.

To obtain the most positive result, a special gymnastic complex for the joint is being developed. Exercise exercise requires certain rules:

1. Timeliness

Great importance in the organization of gymnastics is timeliness and regularity of conducting classes.

In the absence of contraindications, for example, after surgery or trauma, when the patient performs a facilitated complex exercises, gymnastics should be held at a strictly prescribed time, in accordance with the individually designed scheme.

2. Security

In order to avoid additional injuries, physical education should be conducted with maximum safety, according to which an individual approach to each patient is necessary. This takes into account the condition of the ligaments, the features of the course of symptoms in the disease.

3. Moderation

In order to avoid congestion in the rehabilitation of the joint, as well as to restore functional capabilities of the muscular corset, it is necessary to correctly distribute the degree of the shoulder joint. In case of onset of fatigue, it is necessary to reduce the load.

The neurologist at the examination of the patient determines the functionality of the joint and the necessary amount of intervention

4. Break

Strengthen the activity of physical exercises should be carried out gradually. The patient should not be nervous, hurry up and fuss, because the speed of the normalization of the functionality of the joint depends on his emotional state, especially with the dislocation.

It is important not to accelerate the load until the muscles come to normal tone, then doing exercises will become much easier.

After the desired result is obtained, treatment with the help of gymnastics can be considered successful, but it is not recommended that the classes stop abruptly.

Reduction of loads should be carried out gradually to prevent the possible development of pathological conditions.

LFK for the development of the shoulder girdle

The complex of therapeutic gymnastics for the shoulder joint includes movements that can be performed both independently and together with the instructor.

Such exercises are useful not only for patients who suffer from a pain symptom and restriction of joint mobility, but also as a preventive measure to people who do not experience such problems.

In this case, there is an effective stretching and warming up of the muscles.

Gymnastics is a wonderful method of normalizing mobility in the hands. Initially, the exercises are performed in conjunction with the doctor, but later they can be performed independently.

An approximate set of therapeutic exercises

Gymnastics for the shoulder joint, as a rule, is carried out in an upright position.

Every day there should be 10 approaches (exercises), which include:

  • Both hands are raised with palms facing each other. Next, you need to reach out well with your fingers, turn your palms forward and alternately stretch your arms, lifting your shoulders. The duration of the exercise is 3-5 minutes, depending on the patient's well-being. At the end of the pull-up, a gradual transition to the following actions is performed;
  • hands should be spread apart, then make a left turn, reach out with the fingers of the right hand, turn your head slightly and look up. Then a similar exercise is performed on the other side. This contributes to the restoration of motor activity in the cervico-brachial department and is performed at least 10 times;
  • keeping hands parallel to a flat surface, for example, the floor, you should slightly bend your palms towards yourself and perform a circular movement with your hands involving the shoulder girdle. It is recommended to perform 5 exercises (forwards and backwards);
  • hands remain in the same position, but they are slightly receded and lowered so that the hands are below the shoulders. It is necessary to slowly clench the fists and unclench (maximally opening the palm and stretching out the fingers). This exercise is recommended for performance when the patient is diagnosed with a shoulder osteochondrosis;
  • hands must be placed in different directions, clenching fists and performing rotations with a brush 5 times forward and back;
  • hands are raised, and then bend at the elbow joint. The palm of the right hand grasps the left elbow and vice versa. Alternately, the shoulders stretch upward, to the sensation of stretching and warming up the muscles. In this case, you can not cave in the lower back.

The scheme of development of the shoulder joint

gymnastics for the shoulder joint will help to understand the principle of doing exercises. It is important to perform the gymnastic complex daily, since only with this approach it is possible to obtain a stable result and significantly improve the overall condition. If special simulators are used, the help of a trainer is needed, which will adjust the load, and will also give recommendations on nutrition.

LFK by Evdokimenko

There is a special gymnastics, which was developed by the doctor-resuscitator P.V. Evdokimenko. He is the author of numerous books on joint health.

Currently, there are many fans of his approach to treatment, video exercises, posted on various videohostings, is very popular.

According to the development of joints for Evdokimenko, the focus should be on the individual characteristics of the patient. In this case, gymnastics can be performed both in a simplified version (for patients with limited movements), and according to the standard scheme. The main thing is getting the result.

Watch a video in which Dr. Evdokimenko shows exercises for the shoulder joint:

An approximate set of exercises

For better strengthening of muscles, Dr. Evdokimenko suggests doing gymnastics while lying down and only 2 exercises from the whole complex are performed standing.

Scheme of exercises, according to the method Evdokimenko

Most often the complex of exercises for the development of joints includes:

  1. sitting on a chair you need to rest your crawfish in the waistband and relax. Next, smooth (circular) movements are performed by both shoulders forward, and then backwards (1, 5 minutes in each direction);
  2. the starting position is the same, the shoulders are as relaxed as possible. Drawing them back, you need to strain the muscles, and then reduce the shoulders forward (when performing this exercise with arthrosis of the shoulder requires caution). The action is repeated 5-7 times;
  3. sitting on a level surface, you must put the palm of a healthy hand on the opposite elbow (patient), and the second palm rest on the other shoulder. As much relaxation as possible, you should carefully pull the limb (patient) up, holding it by the elbow, which should not be torn from the body. The action is aimed at achieving maximum leverage of the shoulder, when the muscle is quite tense, but the pain is absent. The shoulder is fixed in this position for 10-15 seconds, then slowly returns to its original position. The complex is repeated no less than 5 times;
  4. in the supine position (especially when the patient is diagnosed with osteoarthritis) should be taken side arm, slightly lifting it above the surface, and strain for 5-10 seconds, after which relax. With a standard exercise, the patient can lie on the couch (bed) with a hand that is set aside. At the same time, the palm is maximally opened, and the shoulder should be located on the edge of the surface.

The development of the shoulder after osteoarthritis is performed with the help of an instructor, which regulates the strength of the arms stretching and lifting

Practice confirms that gymnastics with arthritis of the shoulder joint allows to develop it quite effectively.

Correctly selected complex of physiotherapy exercises, as well as therapeutic measures, can improve the patient's condition.

It is important to use all the necessary techniques that exclude the physical complex with increased stress on the joints.

As an auxiliary method of treatment of the musculoskeletal system, compresses, prepared from blue chemist's clay, baths and rubbing with the addition of natural components. Such methods allow not only to restore the functionality of the joint, but also to fill the lack of calcium in the bone tissue, which is important for its normal activity.

After the motor activity of the joint has fully recovered, and the pain no longer disturbs the patient, complex exercises can be completed.

However, to prevent and maintain the body in good tone, it is recommended to continue the exercises.

This will help prevent the development of pathological conditions in the future.

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/raznoe/uprazhneniya-plechevogo-sustava

Exercises for the shoulder joint: therapeutic exercises for arthrosis (exercise therapy, gymnastics)

Exercises for the shoulder joint is a necessary set of general and physical loads. Such procedures are needed to normalize the functionality of the shoulder joint and prevent the occurrence of diseases of the joints and the musculoskeletal system.

Therapeutic exercises should be carried out in compliance with all safety measures, taking into account the age and physiological data of the patient. The best option is to visit the gym regularly. LFK and a set of exercises are aimed at strengthening and improving the shoulder girdle.

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Under the supervision of the trainer, such activities exclude the possibility of injuries and increased loads.

Note! The entire training complex of procedures for the development of joints of the shoulder has similar movements. They help strengthen the joint bag and increase the lean mass of the shoulder.

Additional measures

Therapeutic gimmick will bring more tangible results if applied in conjunction with anti-inflammatory drug treatment. Such actions remove inflammation, pain and improve intraarticular blood circulation.

However, an additional effect can bring therapeutic baths and rubbing the affected area with products with natural components. For these purposes, blue clay, saturated with minerals and trace elements, perfectly suits.

It is involved in regenerating the joint bag and replenishing the calcium balance of bone tissue.

Many doctors advise the use of homeopathic and folk remedies. Quite often, joint diseases of the shoulder girdle are caused by a violation of metabolism in bone tissues and bone dystrophy.

Physiotherapy. Indications for use

A complex of therapeutic exercises can not be performed by all patients, since there are a number of contraindications.

Consider the conditions under which the exercise is necessary:

  • Any physical activity has a positive effect in the period of easing of the symptoms of the disease. With exacerbation of the disease, gymnastics is strictly contraindicated;
  • all exercises for arthrosis, recommended by authoritative sources (books, Internet sites), should be discussed with the attending physician and only then proceed with their implementation. Not all loads can be useful, in some cases they can give negative results;
  • physical exertion for arthrosis should not provoke pain syndrome. In the case when the performed complex of procedures causes pain attacks, it is worth stopping its use and contacting the doctor for additional advice;
  • to get positive results from exercises with arthrosis, daily exercises are simply necessary. After each session it is recommended to do a light massage in the area of ​​the affected joint and the muscles next to it. In addition to the massage, you can apply various healing gels, ointments, balsams and creams.

Important! Decompensated heart and lung diseases, high temperature and a number of other diseases can cause significant damage to the entire body if they are physically challenged. In such cases, therapeutic exercises are prohibited.

Therapeutic complex of exercises for arthrosis

Exercise one: we try to reach out with our hands to the shoulder blades.

We accept the starting position (IP) - we put our feet on the width of the shoulders, raise the right arm and bend at the elbow so that they touch the fingers of the right shoulder blade. The right elbow is looking up. This exercise is necessary for a score of 1-8.

In this position, put your left palm on the raised right elbow and pull your right hand down with gentle pressure.

The right palm resting on the scapula should descend as low as possible. At the first signs of the appearance of pain, the exercise must be stopped.

On the account, eight patients must return to the IP and change their hand.

The same manipulations should be made with the left hand, repeat four times.

Exercise two: we embrace ourselves by the shoulders.

  1. When performing this exercise, the starting position should be as follows: the legs are shoulder-width apart, the arms are lowered down.
  2. First, we put the right hand on the left shoulder, and the left one - on the right, that is, we embrace ourselves by the shoulders. In this case, the elbows should be as high as possible, and you should try to reach the spine with your fingers. At the expense of eight you need to take the starting position.

Exercise three: slopes with a reference point.

  • Standing at a distance of 30-40 cm from an ordinary chair (facing his back), you need to spread your legs to the width of your shoulders - this will be the starting position.
  • At the expense of one to seven lean forward, leaning on a chair with straight forward arms, and begin to stretch to the floor with the joints of the shoulders. On the eighth count, slowly, by no means a jerk, return to the starting position.

Therapeutic gymnastics means doing this exercise eight times in one session. And it should be noted that strengthening the shoulder joint is extremely effective.

Exercise four: mutual assistance of hands.

  1. The starting position looks like this: the arms are extended forward, the legs are shoulder-width apart. At the beginning of the exercise, the right arm should be bent at the elbow joint and directed to the left shoulder - how to reach for it.
  2. Then the left hand should be put on the elbow joint of the right hand and smoothly pulled to the left shoulder. Approximately such movements carried out the first exercise.
  3. When counting eight slowly and very carefully, you should return to the starting position and perform similar actions with the second hand.

This complex must be performed four times.

Exercise five: hands behind your back

We occupy the starting position: the arms, crossed and bent at the elbows, are behind the back, legs are shoulder-width apart.

In this position, take the score 1-7 with the right hand for the elbow of the left arm. By the eighth account we return to the FE. Then you should change your hands and do the same manipulations. Pain in this case should not be.

This exercise is performed eight times.

Exercise Six: "Gagarin"

  • The legs are on the width of the shoulders, the arms behind each other are intertwined.
  • At the account of 1-7 it is necessary to develop a humeral belt so that elbows, being behind a back, approached each other. When counting 8 at a slow tempo, you need to return to the starting position.

Repeat this exercise should be done eight times.

A source: http://sustav.info/lechim/fizkultura/uprazhneniya-dlya-plechevogo-sustava.html

How to develop a shoulder joint? Exercise therapy, gymnastics, exercises

The shoulder joint is unique. It is surrounded by a muscular skeleton, due to which in the greater degree and functions. It can move in all planes, but due to daily monotonous movements, many muscles do not participate in its work and gradually atrophy.

Diseases of the cervical region can also be the cause of problems with the shoulders. Exercises for the shoulder joint are aimed at increasing its mobility, forming a powerful muscle corset, normalizing physical activity and reducing intra-articular edema.

One of the consequences of the disease of the shoulder joints is stiffness. If the disease is exacerbated by problems in the cervical spine, tummy can be added. The patient will be painful to turn, raise his hands.

The radius of his movements will be limited by the rise of the hands to the level of the face. To avoid this, you need gymnastics (LFK). It allows you to develop a painful shoulder and strengthen the muscles responsible for its movement.

LFK and problems of shoulder joints

Therapeutic exercises for the shoulder joints consist of a large number of exercises. Described below - only a small part.

They can be done not only on the advice of a doctor, but also independently.

They will be useful not only for the sick, but also for the healthy, as they give a qualitative stretching and warming up the articular muscles.

Physiotherapy is a great way to restore the mobility of the hands.

Initially, the lessons are conducted with the instructor. After the complex is mastered and brought to automaticity, you can proceed to its implementation at home.

The gymnastics is performed in the standing position. It is important to perform at least 10 exercises a day, focusing on the right movements and your feelings:

  1. Raise your hands up (palms look at each other) and stretch your fingertips. Expand your palms forward and begin to stretch alternately with each hand. The duration of the exercise depends on your feelings. At the end, you should go smoothly to the next exercise without rest.
  2. Divide your arms to the sides, make a right turn, stretch the tips of the fingers of your right hand and look at them (turn your head), then turn left and do the same. Repeat this at least 10 times.
  3. Continuing to keep your hands parallel to the floor, bend your hands to yourself and start making circular motions with your hands (the shoulders are involved). It is necessary to make 5 circular movements forward and 5 backward.
  4. Hands are still parallel to the floor, but they need to be pulled back slightly and slightly lowered (the brushes should be below the shoulder level). Slowly squeeze your hands into a fist, and then unfasten. While opening the palm, maximally stretch your fingers. Repeat at least 10 times.
  5. The arms are placed in the sides parallel to the floor, make rotational movements with a wrist joint (palms are compressed into fists). 5 times in each direction.
  6. A variation of the exercise 5. Fold your hands in fists as follows: put your thumb in the center of the palm and cover it with the rest of your fingers. Do rotational movements forward and backward (at least 5 times in either direction).
  7. Raise your hands up, bend at the elbows. Embrace the right hand with the palm of the left hand, and the right one with the left. It is important - the waist should not sag. Stretch alternately left and right shoulder up. At least 5 times.
  8. Raise your hands up, bend at the elbows. Grasp the right hand with your left elbow. The left hand should hang freely on the back of the head. Gently begin to pull the left elbow. You should feel how the muscles of the shoulder stretch and warm up. Repeat with the other hand.

Exercises for Evdokimenko

The development of the shoulder joint according to Evdokimenko differs from the standard exercises of exercise therapy. Here, attention is paid to the individual characteristics of the patient.

The connectivity of the exercises is not important. There are both simplified options (for patients with a strong restriction in traffic), and standard.

All attention is focused on the result.

Examples of exercises

Most of the gymnastics performs in the "sitting" or "lying" position and only two exercises in the "standing" position. Among the most accessible it is possible to allocate the following:

  • Sitting. Put your hands on your waist and relax as much as possible. Start making circular motions with your shoulders (without jerking). By time, the number of forward / backward rotations is the same (about 1 minute).
  • Sitting, hands on waist. Relax the shoulder girdle and take your shoulders back as much as possible, stretch the muscles, then slowly pull them forward until they stop. The minimum of repetitions is 5 times.
  • Sitting. The palm of a sick hand on the opposite shoulder, the palm of a healthy one - on the elbow of the patient. The sick hand is relaxed. Begin gently pulling the affected arm up the elbow. The elbow joint should slide along the body without coming off. It is important to reach the maximum of the elbow of the patient, at which pain is not yet, but the muscles are very tense. In this position, you need to pause for 10 seconds, strain your shoulder, and then slowly return to the starting position and relax. The minimum of repetitions is 5 times.
  • Lie down on the floor (simple option), take the sick hand to the side and put it on the floor with the palm up. Take a breath, raise your arm slightly above the floor and strain it hard. Hold for 5 seconds, and then relax. The minimum number of repetitions is 5. The standard variant does not differ from simple, only the patient should lie on the bed, and the patient shoulder is located at the very edge (the hand is diverted to the side with the palm up and is just below the level sofa).
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Medical practice shows that you can develop a stiff joint with the help of gymnastics - a properly selected complex of exercise therapy or other techniques. It is important for the patient to understand that everything is done smoothly. Excessive movements and excessive loads are excluded.

Gymnastics must be done daily. Only with this approach you will get a stable result and a significant improvement in the state.

A source: http://MedOtvet.com/vosstanovlenie-sustavov/kak-razrabotat-plechevoi-sustav-lfk-gimnastika-uprazhneniya.html

Gymnastics for the shoulder joint (exercises, exercise therapy) - a complex for muscles

The complex of gymnastics for the shoulder girdle is designed to strengthen and develop the muscles and ligaments of this segment. Special exercises are used for rehabilitation / recovery after injuries / surgical interventions on the shoulder joint.

In addition, with the help of exercise therapy (LFK) for the shoulder, many diseases of the musculoskeletal system can be cured. For example, without special charging it is almost impossible to suppress periarthritis or arthrosis of the shoulders.

In brief about the anatomy of the shoulder muscles and their functions

Movers of the shoulder girdle are muscles, tendons (ligaments) and actually the shoulder joint. The latter has a typical spherical shape, its main elements are the head of the humerus and the scapular articular cavity.

Muscles of the shoulder joint are represented by several groups: supraspinous, round, subacute, deltoid and subscapular. Together they form a muscular capsule of the shoulder joint, which provides all the movements of this area.

Their function: the movement of the arm in the shoulder joint. And since this joint is the most mobile, it is he who traumatizes quite often.

The structure of the shoulder joint

Training for the development of strength and flexibility of the shoulder girdle is fundamentally different from its development after trauma / surgery or to treat existing diseases.
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General rules for holding gymnastics

There are general rules of exercise therapy for the shoulder joint, relevant for both men and women. Follow these rules must necessarily, otherwise at best, you can reduce the effectiveness of training, and at worst only aggravate the situation.

General rules:

  1. A set of exercises should be a doctor, trainer or specialist-rehabilitologist. Own initiative is dangerous to health.
  2. Rotational elements (for example, exercises with the rotation of the hand) should be performed as slowly and accurately as possible.
  3. Immediately before training, warm-up / warm-up of muscles and ligaments is required.
  4. No race for achievements - gymnastics does not involve the buildup of muscles or the increase in muscle strength. For such purposes it is necessary to visit the gym (provided there are no diseases).
  5. Exercises with a stick, dumbbells or other devices are allowed only if the disease is easy or absent. No weighting for therapeutic exercises should not be used.
  6. Stretching muscles only after the end of training.

Why is it necessary to stretch a healthy shoulder joint, and when should it be done?

Suppose that you do not have any diseases of the shoulder girdle. This is not a reason not to work out this joint. On the contrary, to prevent various pathologies, gymnastics is what you need.

Collective physical training for shoulder joint workout

This is true even for those people who are engaged in constant physical labor. To test constant loads on the shoulder girdle is not tantamount to making it titanium and resistant to any diseases. On the contrary, if the loads are constant, the risk of injury / illness is higher.

What can we say about inactive people who have atrophy of the musculoskeletal apparatus of the shoulder girdle and impaired mobility of the joint.

Therefore, it is recommended to conduct daily warming up of the shoulder joint at home, especially to inactive people and those with physical loads opposite are huge.

List of exercises for warm-up and stretching of a healthy shoulder joint

For each category of people, there are exercises for warming up or stretching the shoulder joint. The simplest way is for healthy people who do not have restrictions on certain gymnastic elements. But how to stretch the shoulder joints?

Checking the mobility of the shoulder joint

List of movements for healthy people:

  • Hold hands parallel to any surface (for example, floor), then slightly bend the palm to yourself and start circular movements with your hands using the shoulder belt (requires 5 repetitions back and forth);
  • put your hands in different directions, then tightly close them in fists and perform circular movements with a brush (5 repetitions back and forth);
  • Raise your hands up, then bend them at the elbow joint; then you need to clasp your left hand with the palm of your hand right elbow and vice versa, then alternately pull your shoulders up (as high as possible), trying not to cave in the lower back;
  • Raise your hands so that they look palms to each other, then pull your fingers, turn your palms forward and alternately stretch your arms while lifting your shoulders (try to reach this exercise within 3-5 minutes).

After what diseases and injuries do you need gymnastics of the shoulder joint?

It is impossible to reconstruct the shoulder joint after a trauma or illness due to medications or physiotherapy, and even more so it is impossible to cure any disease in this way. Requires gymnastics, and specific (gymnastic elements are selected by doctors).

Gymnastics is required for the following pathologies of the shoulder joint:

  1. Transition of the degenerative-dystrophic process from the spine (with osteochondrosis or spondylosis) to the joint capsule of the shoulder.
  2. Rehabilitation after fracture.
  3. Rehabilitation after trauma, dislocation or subluxation of the shoulder joint.
  4. Restoration of muscles or ligaments after their damage (including damage with rupture of the muscle / ligament tissue).
  5. Presence of arthrosis, arthritis or periarthritis.
  6. In some cases, training is assigned to patients who have experienced a stroke and partially lost mobility of the upper limbs.
  7. The presence of inflammatory diseases of the joint bag, including the consequences of previous infections of the musculoskeletal system and various autoimmune diseases.

List of exercises used to treat and restore the shoulder

Those gymnastic elements, which are used in the treatment of existing shoulder diseases or for the restoration of the transferred diseases, are specific. This means that it is not at all the exercises that are used to warm up or increase the strength / volume of the muscles.

We list the approximate list of such elements, but we insist on contacting the attending physician to select individual exercises, which is much more effective than using general ones.

Exercises for the shoulder girdle

Gymnastics for treatment and rehabilitation of the shoulder:

  • sit on a chair, put your hands on your pelvic bones and try to relax; now you need perform smooth circular motions with two shoulders forward, and then backward (on each side by one and a half minutes);
  • the starting position, as in the previous element, shoulders relaxed; pull your shoulders back, strain your muscles and try to reduce them then forward (everything should be done as slowly as possible), it takes 5-7 repetitions;
  • Lie down and take one hand to one side, then lift it and stretch it for 10 seconds, at the end of time relax it - with proper training you can use weighting, but the first few exercises do not use them necessary.

What exercises for the shoulders can not be performed after injuries and illnesses?

There are gymnastic elements, which in no case can be performed after injuries or diseases of the shoulder girdle. If you ignore such a prescription, you can expect a relapse of the disease or re-injury of soft tissues (and sometimes the joint itself).

List of prohibited exercises (gymnastic elements):

  1. Any elements that imply sudden movements. Remember - the high speed of doing exercises does not lead to anything good, even if you are absolutely healthy.
  2. No lifts or dilutions of hands to the sides using weighting agents.
  3. If you feel pain or discomfort during the performance of an exercise, do not do it. In no case, like Hollywood movie heroes, can be trained through infernal torments.
  4. Never start classes without pre-warming up the entire locomotor system.
  5. Tug of war is forbidden (excessive physical stress on the joint), as well as climbing on it.
  6. Train your training with the simplest gymnastic elements, never start with the hardest (this will quickly end your workouts).

Ready-made gyms, in which there are exercises for the shoulders

There is a small number of already prepared gymnastic complexes with exercises for the shoulder girdle. Their developers are doctors, former coaches and even scientists.

You can use them only at your own risk (therefore, always consult your physician beforehand!).

Examples of ready-made complexes:

  • Evdokimenko's sports complex is one of the most popular and effective, it is applicable in most cases, but preliminary consultation with your doctor is still required;
  • physical culture complex of Alexander Ishchenko - focuses more on the prevention of shoulder diseases than on the treatment of existing diseases;
  • Alexander Sakhny's sports complex is not very popular, but one of the most sparing gymnastic complexes recommended for rehabilitation after injuries and shoulder pain.

What shells can I use?

Do not use any projectiles for warming up the shoulder girdle. In some cases, you can use dumbbells or weights, but only if you do not have any problems with the joint.

Warm Up Warmer

In addition, shells are prohibited even in cases when the disease or trauma is completely stopped (read - cured). And the ban is valid for several months (how many will be determined by the attending physician).

Also you can practice on a bar and bars. In fact, specifically for health it is much more useful than lifting large weights.

Why? Because there is no premature deterioration of the musculoskeletal system.

Also, the likelihood of injuries with an average physical load is much lower than when lifting weights (as in the gym).

A source: http://osankino.ru/lfk/gimnastika-dlya-plechevogo-sustava.html

Gymnastics with shoulder arthrosis: exercises, complexes LFK

When arthrosis of the shoulder joint, there are sharp restrictions in the movement of the hands: raising your arm high or pulling it behind your back is sometimes very difficult due to pain. The shoulder becomes frozen.

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Injections with NSAIDs and corticosteroids relieve acute pain and inflammation, but do not improve the mobility of the joint itself.To restore all the functions of the shoulder, gymnastics is necessary for arthrosis of the shoulder joint.

Gymnastics with shoulder arthrosis: video, exercises

To treat the movement with pain, which itself appears during movement, seems absurd:

To LFK unless, when a shoulder hurts, and all inside invokes about rest. But this very peace can be ruinous.

So what kind of medical gymnastics is it? Maybe then, without regretting the aching joints, tackle the barbell or swinging dumbbells - what could be better for the shoulder?

In fact, it's the case that such exercises here categorically do not fit:

The therapeutic gymnastics for the shoulder joint should exclude the load, that is, no lifting of the weights and muscle pumping is out of the question.

Isometric Exercises

During the period of exacerbation, only static exercises that cause tension in the muscles are permissible forearms, scapula, radial hand, but the shoulder joint itself should not move or take an axial load.

The second option isometric exercises - they are performed either in an absolutely relaxed state (a sick hand can hang and swing like a pendulum), or a healthy arm helps sick.

Examples of static exercises with shoulder arthrosis

Move the wall

  • Stand facing the wall at a distance of arm bent at the elbow
  • Press, as much as possible with strong palms on the surface of the wall, as if you want to move it
  • In this case, you will feel the tension in the forearm and shoulder girdle, while the shoulders themselves remain motionless
  • Keep the effort from 10 to 30 seconds then relax

Bounce off the wall

  1. Turning our backs to the wall and, resting our palms, we try to push off from the surface of the wall
  2. At the same time, we resist this and remain in place
  3. As in the previous (and subsequent) exercises, the final is followed by relaxation

Hand hold

  • We embrace the injured forearm with the opposite healthy arm
  • Trying to take your forearm aside, while holding it with your hand
  • Put our fingers on the sore shoulder
  • Raise the shoulder upward, pressing it with your fingers

"Fist fight"

  1. We bend our arms in the elbows in front of us, and brush our fists
  2. We rest against each other with our fists and with effort we press towards each other

Another version of such a battle with yourself:


  • We put both elbows on the table
  • We embrace the patient with the palm of a healthy hand and try to put it not on the table
  • We resist the sick arm


  1. Stand with a healthy hand about the edge of the chair
  2. The other freely hangs and swings like a pendulum

Casting a hand

  • Standing, swing the corners of the trunk with a relaxed aching joint
  • The hand is tied and follows the trunk
  • Slowly increase the amplitude of rotation, and at one point, throw your hand on the opposite shoulder

Help the shoulder

  1. Brush a healthy hand on the deltoid muscle of the affected shoulder, just below the shoulder protrusion
  2. With effort, we press on the shoulder and take it aside as far as we can.
  3. We hold the tension, as in the previous examples, and then relax

A full set of isometric exercises for the shoulder joint - in the link at the very end of the article.

If you do the exercises correctly, the result will be a decrease in pain and a gradual release of the joint.

Gymnastics of "small" movements

Shoulder-scapular periarthritis and arthrosis can be a source of prolonged pain.

Another way how to adjust in these conditions, and to engage in all the same therapeutic gymnastics, is based on the principle of small sparing movements, in which the load on the joint is minimal. Moreover, movement in the joint occurs even with such exercises, seemingly unrelated to the shoulder joints, like... walking on the sitting place.

This gymnastics is recommended for the elderly and with deforming arthrosis of the late stage.

If you are interested, then look at the set of exercises from this video:

: Exercise therapy with shoulder-scapular periarthritis

Dynamic gymnastics

Dynamic gymnastics with arthrosis of the shoulder joint, in which the shoulder is involved in active movement, is performed in a subacute period and during the onset of remission.

This may include the following exercises:

  • Shoulder lift and shoulders rotation
  • Shoveling the blades together
  • The connection of the fingers of the hands to the back of the shovel: In this case, the hand that is closer to the scapula is placed below it with the fingers up, and the far hand is higher with the fingers downward
  • It is also irreplaceable exercises with a gymnastic stick, the complex with which is given in the second video

While doing exercise therapy, we must not forget that it is part of the complex treatment of arthrosis and is effective if it is used in conjunction with other methods of treatment:

  1. Manual therapy
  2. Massage
  3. Physiotherapy, etc.

Requirements for exercise therapy for brachial arthrosis

  • Therapeutic gymnastics is selected by a rehab physician on the basis of a specific diagnosis
  • It must avoid sudden movements and loads that can damage the shoulder joint
  • LFK is not performed with pain and with contraindications

A source: https://ZaSpiny.ru/artroz/uprazhneniya-dlya-plechevogo-sustava.html

Restorative gymnastics for shoulder joints

With arthrosis of the shoulder joint, it is important not only to take medication prescribed by a doctor, but also to perform exercises of exercise therapy.

Along with medicines physical culture helps to speedy and qualitative rehabilitation of joints, reduces soreness and facilitates the general condition of the patient.

Due to the motor activity, a stream of synovial fluid is stimulated, which delivers the nutrients necessary for recovery to the damaged joints.

Contraindications to exercise therapy

Exercises LFK with arthrosis of the shoulder joint have a number of contraindications, which in no case can not be ignored:

  1. To perform gymnastics, the disease should be in remission. The patient should not have acute pains. Otherwise, from the exercises with osteoarthritis will not have a positive effect, the course of the disease will become more complicated.
  2. If there is an increased pressure or temperature, the exercise should be canceled until the body is fully restored. Vascular spasms and hyperthermia can cause pain in the shoulders.
  3. Before starting the exercise complex exercises for osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint, you need to select it with the help of a rehabilitation doctor.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to perform gymnastics if during the session there are pains in the area of ​​the damaged joint.
  5. It is important to do gymnastics regularly, and to fix the positive effect of it, you can do self-massage of the muscles of the shoulder and adjacent areas. Strengthening the effect of it can be achieved with the help of special tools.
  6. If a physician prescribes exercise therapy for shoulder arthrosis with weight, it is undesirable to immediately use the maximum weight. It is better to gradually increase the weight of the cargo, watching the state of health.

Also it should be remembered that exercise therapy for arthrosis of the shoulder joint of the 2nd degree should be performed strictly under the supervision of the attending physician or rehabilitologist.

If the classes are chosen independently, you still need to consult a doctor, as not all of them are developed by professionals and will benefit in every single case.

Phased physical rehabilitation

In general, during rehabilitation with deforming arthrosis, physicians are prescribed exercise therapy, which is performed in four main stages.

First step

At the first stage, the physical load for the patient is selected. In this case, the doctor takes into account the stage of the disease. At this stage, there should be a strain on the muscles of the shoulder, but there should be no acute pain.

Second phase

It is a simplified gymnastics exercise therapy for arthrosis of the shoulder joint. This is a special complex, which includes the following classes:

  • the muscle of the shoulder should be strained and relaxed 5 times;
  • The fingers of the injured hand compress any solid object, for example, a dense rubber ball;
  • the wrist band is developed by circular motions of the brush 8 times;
  • fingers on the affected with arthrosis arm twelve times bend and unbend;
  • with a healthy arm, the sick patient bends slowly at the elbow six times;
  • 4 times it rises and the patient's hand is taken aside with the help of a healthy one.

The third stage

In the third stage the whole gymnastics is performed in a sitting position, with hands folded on the knees:

  1. the patient arm slowly rises forward and then upwards;
  2. the arms bent in the elbows are bent;
  3. The shoulders rise and tense;
  4. His hands are slowly starting behind his back.

All the exercises are repeated five times.

Fourth stage

In the fourth stage, all the physical exercises are performed in a sitting position, with the hands lowered along the body. Repeat all exercises 10 times:

  • to turn by hand;
  • bend and unbend arms;
  • to shake them back and forth.

When performing the exercises of the last stage, it is allowed to use a small load - so the effectiveness of therapeutic physical training will be higher.

Other techniques

If there are symptoms of brachial arthrosis, the doctor can prescribe and treat the exercise therapy, which consists of the following classes.

Pulling the blade

The position of the feet is the width of the shoulders, raise one arm bent at the elbow. In this case, the fingers should touch the scapula, and the elbow should be pointed upwards. With the other hand, with caution, press on the elbow so that the palm is as low as possible.

When performing, you must count to 8, after which slowly return to the starting position. Then do the same with the second hand. Repetition is necessary four times.

Occupation with a chair

Starting position: feet shoulder width apart, face at a distance of 40 cm to the usual chair. Further, counting to eight, direct hands to lower on a back of a chair. On the new account, the affected shoulders should be carefully pulled to the floor, holding on to the back of the chair.

At account 8, carefully return to the starting position. During one session, the exercise is repeated eight times.


For the next exercise, you should put your feet to the width of your shoulders, and your hands to lower them. Each arm must be placed on the opposite shoulder.

Next, counting to eight, you need to reach for your spine with your hands, while your elbows should be raised as high as possible. At the expense of 8 you need to return to the starting position. Movement is carried out 8 times.

Gymnastics exercise therapy is indicated for arthrosis, not only the shoulder but also the elbow joint.

The main thing is to remember that all exercises should be performed very carefully, and you need to monitor your feelings. With systematic implementation, rehabilitation can be greatly accelerated.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is intended only for general reading and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes.

This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist).

Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

A source: http://osteohondrosy.net/vosstanovitelnaya-gimnastika-dlya-plechevykh-sustavov.html

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