Shockwave therapy: indications and contraindications


  • 1Shockwave therapy - indications for the treatment of diseases and contraindications, cost and reviews
    • 1.1What is Shock Wave Therapy?
    • 1.2Treatment by shock wave therapy
    • 1.3Procedure of shock wave therapy
    • 1.4Shockwave therapy - contraindications
    • 1.5Where shock-wave therapy is done
    • 1.6The price of shock wave therapy
  • 2Reviews: shock wave therapy. Indications and contraindications. When is the most effective?
    • 2.1What is Shock Wave Therapy?
    • 2.2The use of UVT
    • 2.3In what cases is uvt shown
    • 2.4To what cases uvt is contraindicated
    • 2.5Preparing for an OHT
    • 2.6How is the UVT procedure performed
    • 2.7Consequences of the UHT procedure
    • 2.8Opinions of doctors and patients about UHT
  • 3Shock wave therapy in complex treatment of diseases of the spine and joints
    • 3.1Mechanism of therapeutic effect of UVT
    • 3.2Application of shock wave therapy
    • 3.3Contraindications and complications
    • 3.4Consult your doctor
  • 4Shockwave therapy: the essence of the method, what it is, its indications and contraindications
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1Description of the method and its purpose
    • 4.2UHT indications
    • 4.3Contra-indication of shock wave therapy
    • 4.4Features of UVT
  • 5Shockwave therapy: indications and contraindications to heel spur therapy, reviews
    • 5.1The concept of shock wave therapy
    • 5.2Contraindications
    • 5.3The technique of shock wave therapy
    • 5.4Efficacy of the procedure
    • 5.5The cost of the procedure and the duration of its conduct
    • 5.6Where do shock wave therapy?
    • 5.7Feedback on therapy

Shockwave therapy - indications for the treatment of diseases and contraindications, cost and reviews

Special sound waves have been used to treat pathologies of the musculoskeletal system quite recently.

Nevertheless, the results obtained for the entire time of their application, indicate the high efficiency of this technology.

Learn more about what this method is and what it is for.

What is Shock Wave Therapy?

This technique was developed from the lithotripsy effect, which is widely used in urology.

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) is based on the principle of cavitation, as well as acoustic resistance of the cartilaginous and bony structures of the human body.

Conducted clinical trials have shown that the method has a positive effect on other tissues of the body.

The shock wave in medicine has become so widespread due to the special therapeutic effect.

The latter is that low-frequency radiation can break down the solid calciferous formations encountered on its way without harm to healthy tissues.

At the end of the procedure, these pathological accumulations, as a rule, completely resolve. It is important to note that the technique is ineffective against malignant neoplasms.

Low-frequency sound oscillations are used in the treatment of a variety of musculoskeletal disorders. The shock wave method helps to fight and with many urological problems. Thus, ESWT is indicated for erectile dysfunction.

In addition, this non-invasive procedure is used in complex therapy of ailments, previously requiring exclusively surgical treatment: intervertebral hernia and popliteal tendonitis in running form.

In general, the use of shock wave therapy has the following indications:

  • intervertebral hernia;
  • avascular necrosis;
  • arthrosis;
  • Achilles tendonitis;
  • pain after endoprosthetics;
  • pain during rotation of the shoulder;
  • valgus deformation of the toe;
  • knee chronic tendonitis;
  • inflammatory processes of non-infectious nature;
  • a bone on the leg;
  • false joints;
  • plantar fasciitis;
  • osteocondritis of the spine;
  • bone healing after fractures;
  • tendon tendon;
  • revascularization of damaged parts of the vascular network;
  • rehabilitation after injuries of muscles and ligaments;
  • epicondylitis;
  • foot ulcers.

Treatment by shock wave therapy

In many diseases, low-frequency sound waves are used as a good alternative to surgical intervention.

During the treatment with shock wave therapy, the permeability of cell membranes increases, which contributes to the activation of regeneration processes in the affected area.

In addition, under the influence of UHT, the formation of cavitation bubbles occurs, which, bursting, create an opposing force directed against the calcification formations.

A significant advantage of such devices can be called the possibility of outpatient passage of UVT. The modern apparatus of shock wave therapy is characterized by efficiency and a high level of safety.

One of the most budgetary options is considered to be a pneumatic device for ESWT. This device, like other analogues, generates ultrasonic waves. Such characteristics help the device to influence the flow of cavitation processes in the cell.

Depending on the source generating the shock wave, the following devices are distinguished:

  • electromagnetic;
  • electrohydraulic;
  • piezoelectric;
  • pneumatic.

Procedure of shock wave therapy

Conducting an UTV session does not require any special training from the patient. The procedure of shock wave therapy is carried out in an outpatient setting. The patient is located on the couch.

Before the session, a specialist adjusts the UHT device in the correct mode for a particular diagnosis. On the problem site, a special gel is pre-applied, after which the sensor tightly presses against the body. The duration of the procedure is 7-25 minutes.

The course of treatment includes about 10 sessions, which are conducted with a 4-6-day interval.

Shockwave therapy - contraindications

The procedure of UHT has some limitations to the conduct. Contraindications shock wave therapy for the most part relate to oncology, diabetes. It is important to say that pregnancy is also considered an obstacle to the appointment of an ESWT.

Patients often raise questions about the permissibility of treating bone necrosis with shock wave therapy. Experts argue that this diagnosis is not a contraindication for the appointment procedure.

Meanwhile, doctors strongly do not recommend doing UHT in the following conditions:

  1. disorders of blood clotting;
  2. an implanted pacemaker;
  3. acute infectious process;
  4. angina pectoris.

Where shock-wave therapy is done

You can go through the procedure of UVT in specialized private clinics of physiotherapy. Before contacting one of these medical institutions, read the patients' feedback on the quality and cost of the services provided there.

Recently shock-wave therapy is carried out in many rehabilitation centers, sanatoriums. UHT sessions can be conducted without hindrance at home.

To translate this idea into reality, you will need to purchase the appropriate technical equipment.

Devices for UVT are sold in specialized stores of medical equipment. It should be said that often the prices for such products are unjustifiably overstated.

It is important for a consumer to know that a reliable device for shock wave therapy can be bought inexpensively in an online store, having pre-ordered it from the photo catalog provided on the website.

The price of shock wave therapy

The cost of the procedure depends on the nature of the disease and the number of sessions required for treatment. The duration of the course is usually determined exclusively for each patient.

In addition, the cost of shock wave therapy in different clinics is formed taking into account the class and level of technical equipment of the latter.

So, prices for UHT of some diseases are presented in the table below:

Pathology Cost (rubles)
Intercostal neuralgia 1200
Arthritis / arthrosis 1100
Osteochondrosis 1200
Heel spur 1000
Radiculitis 900

A source:

Reviews: shock wave therapy. Indications and contraindications. When is the most effective?

Three quarters of the planet's people notice various violations in the functionality of the musculoskeletal system as they age.

Cardinal treatment methods, such as surgery or long-term NSAID injection courses (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) help, but the result does not always last as long as expected.

On the surgical table, patients who practically lost the opportunity to move without pain, but the situation can be remedied much earlier than there are so deplorable consequences.

The method of shock wave therapy (reviews, indications and contraindications to it are presented below) is intended to have a stimulating effect on the regeneration process of bone and muscle tissues. Impulses are sent directly to the zone in need of treatment, and do not affect undamaged nearby areas.

What is Shock Wave Therapy?

In the process of the device's exposure to the problem area, the patient's skin is not damaged, so UHT (shock-wave therapy) is considered to be a series of non-invasive methods of treatment that have their own indications and contraindications.

Feedback on effective shock wave therapy is generally called the method as slightly painful, but it helps already from the first session.

Usually, one-five-seven-day course is sufficient to achieve the full effect, but it is recommended to fix the result in six months or a year.

The effect of the UHT device is due to the formation of short, clearly directed vibrational pulses that change the structural composition of the damaged cells.

Increased blood circulation almost immediately removes the destroyed particles of inflamed cells and promotes their rapid resolution by microphages.

Whole, healthy tissues do not respond to pulsation of the shock wave, since the elastic structure of intact cells freely passes the pulse.

The use of UVT

The primary purpose of the method was to provide emergency assistance to athletes suffering from severe injuries or occupational diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Indications for shock wave therapy (according to reviews, there are not so many contraindications to it) included muscular overstrain, severe distension, trauma, cardiac disturbances.

Now the spectrum of use of UVT has significantly expanded. The device is used not only for the treatment of diseases, but also for preventive purposes.

After the exposure of the device to healthy tissues, resistance to stretching is formed, formation of hematomas, regeneration processes in the epidermis, muscle and bone structure.

If to judge by medical reviews about shock wave therapy, indications and contra-indications of effective procedure are taken into account when choosing the pulse power, therefore a list of diseases or factors that do not allow the use of is variable. For example, despite the restriction on childhood, adolescents sometimes carry out procedures if the risk of developing a dangerous disease is higher than the possible harm from directional-wave action.

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In what cases is uvt shown

Due to the versatility of the procedure of shock wave therapy, indications (with contraindications and reviews you can find out more) include even cosmetic purposes. UVT successfully fights against cellulite at any stage, promotes resorption of scars, traces of burns.

A complete list of diseases successfully cured with a directional method:

  • disorders in the spinal column: kyphosis, scoliosis, interdisk hernia, protrusions, osteochondrosis, spondylarthrosis, lordosis;
  • articular diseases: coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, heel spur, epicondylitis, humeroscapular periarthritis, arthrosis and pseudoarthrosis, diseases of tendons and ligaments of various etiologies;
  • urological problems - prostatitis;
  • in neurology - recovery after strokes;
  • cardiological disorders: angina pectoris, myocardial ischemia;
  • orthopedics - flat feet, bringing feet.

The UVT device is also effective for slow recovery after fractures, for pain relief after prosthetics, for the treatment of trophic ulcers and chronic obesity.

To what cases uvt is contraindicated

Concerning the indications for shock wave therapy, contraindications (the reviews will be further) are of a recommendatory nature. Categorically, the use of UVT is not permitted in only a few cases:

  • diagnosed oncology;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • vein thrombosis in the anamnesis;
  • arthrosis to an extreme degree with severe deformation;
  • infectious diseases of acute course.

Do not use UHT in periods of increased blood pressure, with a pacemaker installed. Bearing in mind the risk of rupture of the thin vessels, directional effects are avoided to be carried out in the intestinal area and along the line of passage of the thin arteries.

Children under 14 years of age and pregnancy (lactation) are considered contingent contraindications.

Preparing for an OHT

During the diagnosis of the disease, it is already possible to deduce the expected predictions regarding the body's response to standard treatment.

If these predictions look disappointing or there is a risk of recurrence of the disease (as in the case of arthritis of stage 1-2), the physician should offer the patient with UHT.

To appoint therapy as a compulsory specialist can not, since this treatment does not fall into the list of free procedures, and the cost of one session varies from 1200 to 1800 rubles.

If the patient agrees to the UHT, an additional examination of the intended site of exposure is performed, including physical examination, ultrasound and X-ray.

How is the UVT procedure performed

Preliminarily removing the garments that cover the area of ​​exposure, the patient lies on the couch. The doctor applies a special gel to the skin areas and adjusts the UHT apparatus with respect to the given situation.

Then the tip of the device with the sensor is applied to the gel-treated skin surface, and the device starts to work.

During one session UVT produces up to 2500 pulses penetrating to a depth of 3-4 cm with a frequency of 5 to 15 Hz. The effect lasts about 15 minutes.

Patients who have undergone the procedure taking into account all indications and contraindications, the description of shock wave therapy in the reviews result as jerky, painless sensations.

After the procedure, some patients show hematomas, but with average skin sensitivity, only redness remains, which quickly passes. The next session is appointed no earlier than three days and not later than a week.

Consequences of the UHT procedure

Even after the first session, most patients note a smoothing of the pain syndrome, but the effect is kept only during the current day.

With each subsequent session, the time of freedom from discomfort increases until the tension passes completely.

Reviews of shock wave therapy (indications and contraindications to it read above) give the following indicators of improvements:

  • elimination of puffiness, pain relief;
  • Increased mobility in joints affected;
  • reduction of the recovery period after complex fractures;
  • removal of inflammation;
  • increased blood flow and lymph flow;
  • salt deposits, bone growths;
  • there is a relaxation of the muscles;
  • intensification of regeneration processes.

With all the conditions, observance of indications and contraindications, shock wave therapy, according to the doctors and patients, does not bear complications.

Opinions of doctors and patients about UHT

UHT in most cases completely replaces the full-scale complex treatment aimed at removing inflammation, pain and activation of recovery processes, of course, given the possible contraindications. Indications for shock wave therapy and feedback, judging by which people positively distinguish the method from the others, indicate a great deal of doctors' confidence in this method of treatment.

There are many examples where a full course of UHT, conducted without a violation of the scheme, did not allow the situation before surgery. For many, the great advantage of UHT is the reduction in the intake of strong medication that adversely affects overall health.

Of course, not in all cases of disease, indications and contra-indications to shock wave therapy (and reviews confirm this) allow you to conduct as many procedures as required for complete cure. But already that help, which was rendered, greatly facilitates the life of patients.

A source: http://.ru/article/325117/otzyivyi-udarno-volnovaya-terapiya-pokazaniya-i-protivopokazaniya-kogda-naibolee-effektivna

Shock wave therapy in complex treatment of diseases of the spine and joints

Acute and chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system are found, according to statistical studies, in 65-85% of our adult contemporaries with you.

However, the effectiveness of common methods of treating pathologies of this nature does not always meet the expectations of doctors and patients.

Injections of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy and even surgical intervention can sometimes not yield positive results.

To stimulate the process of restoring damaged tissues, to reduce the risk of possible complications and to achieve rapid cure in the complex impact on the causes of disease is using shock wave therapy. Let's consider further: what impact on impacted organs shock wave therapy, indications and contraindications to its use, what complications are possible during treatment.

Shockwave therapy (UVT) is a highly effective technique for treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system with the help of a shock pulse generator. It is based on a short-term impact of vibrations of a given frequency on the pathological sections of tissues.

UHT refers to non-invasive methods of intervention, as it allows to eliminate the causes of the inflammation and its consequences without disrupting the integrity of the skin.

Shockwave therapy is widely used throughout the world. The founder of its use in Russia in the mid-1990s was the outstanding orthopedist Professor VV Titov.

Mechanism of therapeutic effect of UVT

The principle of the shock wave therapy is based on the ability of the directed high-frequency wave to change the structure of the affected cells without affecting the healthy ones.

During the inflammation of tissues, the permeability of cell membranes decreases.

Healthy cells have a normal elastic membrane, patients - inflamed, tense due to swelling.

A directional shock wave, passing through soft tissue, destroys the envelope and internal contents of the affected cells and triggers the regeneration process.

Biologically active substances, which are produced by the body in response to irritation of the nervous endings, block the transmission of a pain pulse, thus providing an analgesic effect, and relieve swelling.

Application of shock wave therapy

Initially, the method of directing the affected tissues with high-frequency shock waves was used exclusively in sports medicine.

He was appointed to athletes who suffered severe trauma or suffering from diseases caused by overexertion and heavy loads on the musculoskeletal system.

Now UVT is widely used in general therapy, orthopedics and traumatology, urology (prevention and treatment of prostatitis), cardiology (treatment of coronary heart disease, angina pectoris), neurology (rehabilitation of the patient after a stroke), cosmetology (cellulite treatment) and etc.

Shockwave therapy is one of the methods recommended by the Ministry of Health for the treatment of diseases of the spine and joints.

The use of the newest compact devices capable of generating sound waves of the frequency required for treatment, allows to render services to patients both in inpatient settings and in outpatient clinics.

Therapy using high-frequency shock waves is prescribed for patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Indications for the use of shock wave therapy are pathologies of the spine:

  1. osteochondrosis;
  2. spondylarthrosis;
  3. scoliosis;
  4. kyphosis;
  5. lordosis;
  6. protrusion and disc herniation.

Diseases of the joints:

With the help of UHT also pain relief after endoprosthetics is effectively removed, muscle-tonic pain syndrome and stimulates the process of bone tissue recovery in fractures of long tubular bones.

Contraindications and complications

Despite the high efficiency and safety of UHT, in some cases it is not recommended to use it for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Contraindication to the use of shock wave therapy may be the patient's presence:

  1. bleeding disorders;
  2. oncological diseases;
  3. vein thrombosis or operations performed in connection with it;
  4. acute infectious diseases;
  5. pacemaker;
  6. with a chronic pain syndrome, developed as a result of severe osteoporosis or deforming arthrosis 3-4 degrees;
  7. at the raised arterial pressure.

In connection with the fact that a shock wave when exposed to large blood vessels or a hollow organ can lead to a significant local expansion and provoke their rupture, do not use shock wave therapy to affect the intestines, lungs, large arteries and veins.

Shockwave therapy is not used to treat children and adolescents under 14 years of age, since there is a danger of negative impact on the growth zones of the bones and a violation in the future of the correct formation of the skeleton.

Serious complications do not cause shock wave therapy. After the beginning of the course of treatment, there may be a slight hyperemia of the body surface and puffiness, in rare cases, the formation of bruises in the area of ​​exposure. After 5-7 days, all traces of irritation of the skin completely disappear.

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It is not recommended to perform UHT for women during pregnancy or lactation.

The decision on the appointment of a shock wave therapy to the patient is made by the attending physician during the diagnosis of the disease.

At the same stage, the expected zone of the generator's action is also established.

For this, a palpation of the affected area of ​​the body is performed by a specialist, if necessary, an x-ray or ultrasound is assigned.

Directly before the procedure, a special gel is applied to the patient's skin. Then the doctor installs the applicator of the shock wave generator over the impact zone and starts the device.

We offer you to watch a video about how shock wave therapy is used to relieve the pain syndrome in the shoulder joint.

The energy of the shock wave impulse can penetrate to a depth of up to 4 cm. The frequency of the directed wave is about 5-15 Hz. During the entire session, the patient receives approximately 2000-2500 pulses.

The procedures are carried out with an interval of 5-7 days. The standard course of UHT can include from 3 to 7 sessions.

A significant reduction in swelling and pain (by 10-20%) is already observed during the first session.

Complete neutralization of the pain syndrome is possible after 5-7 procedures (depending on the features of the pathology). Treatment ends in a positive 80-90% of cases.

Consult your doctor

Use shock-wave therapy to treat and prevent certain diseases without prescribing a doctor is not recommended.

Only an experienced physician can make a final diagnosis, conduct a preliminary examination of the patient, establish the presence or absence of contraindications for the procedure.

Never neglect medical advice and do not try to choose a course of treatment yourself.

When treating inflammation in the elbow area (elbow joint bursitis) it is important to start treatment on time to prevent further spread of the infection. How dangerous is purulent bursitis, and how to stop the inflammation? About this article.

In the video, the story of specialists about what is shock wave therapy, indications and contraindications to the use of the procedure for SWT, details of the procedure for the treatment session.

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Shockwave therapy: the essence of the method, what it is, its indications and contraindications

Modern medicine increasingly began to offer various alternative treatments instead of traditional surgery.

Such new technologies require good training of doctors and knowledge.

Important is the high quality of the equipment used, which can help in the examination and treatment of various diseases.

Among modern methods of treatment is shock wave therapy. What is the technique, are there any limitations and contraindications to shock wave therapy? What are the shock-wave therapy indications and contraindications, we learn from the article.

Description of the method and its purpose

According to statistical data, in recent years almost 75% of the inhabitants of our planet havepathology with the musculoskeletal system. There are many reasons for these problems:

  • professional activity:
  • low-activity lifestyle;
  • overweight;
  • mechanical injuries;
  • senile deformation;
  • chronic infections.

Oftentraditional treatment is powerless. New technologies and methods of treatment began to come to the rescue.

One of the most effective and safe methods of treatment is shock-wave therapy.

Since the moment when she began to apply it, she showed herself on the positive side.

Shock Waveis a powerful forceand in the course of treatment the body is affected by low-frequency waves.

The human ear does not feel shock waves, because infrasound comes with a frequency of less than 16 Hz.

Their vibration can be felt when they come into resonance with the hollow organs of the human body:

  • esophagus,
  • lungs;
  • nasopharynx;
  • vestibular apparatus.

In the natural environment, infrasonic waves appear during periods of volcanic eruptions of earthquakes, as well as in hurricanes. At their high amplitudethe person is troubledand feels danger, so tends to run away.

Infrasound is also found in our everyday life, for example, when a washing machine, a refrigerator, is used. Scientists managed to use dangerous shock waves for medical purposes.

Generation of ultrasound was used by scientists to create a shock wave therapy apparatus.

UHT indications

MethodologyThe first time they began to be used in German clinics in the 1990s. The method of shock wave therapy can cure a number of diseases. It has long been successfully applied in the field of medicine:

  • orthopedics;
  • traumatology;
  • Urology:
  • cosmetology.

During treatment in patientsmetabolic and lipid processes are restored, improves the absorption of nutrients in the body, cells are regenerated. UVT was used for bone fractures and injuries.

With timeThe devices with UVT became not so cumbersome, they were replaced by compact equipment.

These modern models are now actively used in most clinics, hospitals and medical centers.

The acoustic pulses used in the UHT are divided into several types:

  • electromagnetic;
  • electrohydraulic;
  • pneumatic;
  • piezoelectric.

This method has long been studied and has long been used in medical practice. Its distinctive feature is a quick result.

At onceafter the first sessionthe patient has a slight soreness in the area of ​​the pulse. The next day it almost completely passes.

The reaction is associated with the cleavage of bone and fibrous formations.

After the spent sessions blood supply and joint mobility improves.

Proceduresdo not have a negative effect on the bodyand do not cause complications that almost always occur after surgery.

The method is effective in combating inflammation in the joints and osteoarthrosis. With its help salt and calcium accumulations are destroyed and motor activity improves.

The method of UHT is indicated with intervertebral hernia.

Treatment provides an opportunityto eliminate inflammatory processes, improve lymph flow and reduce the traumatization of vertebral nerves.

After a full course of therapy, elderly people notice a decrease in the pain syndrome to a large extent.

The method finds application in the curvature of the spine, lordosis. With its help you can prevent the growth of education on disks, restore damaged tissues, restore human performance.

Contra-indication of shock wave therapy

When carrying out many treatment proceduresthere are certain contraindications. The UHT method has its limitations and it is forbidden to conduct it if patients have the following problems:

  • malignant tumors at any stage of development;
  • infectious diseases in acute form;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • if the patient has a pacemaker;
  • hypertension 3 degrees, as well as a tendency to develop hypertensive crises;
  • purulent lesions of skin areas in the area of ​​wave action;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

In some casesThe use of SWT will be ineffective, for example, with intervertebral hernia. In this case, using only infrasound, the problem will not be completely eliminated, complex treatment is needed here.

Shockwave therapy is considered safe ifcomply with all conditions of its application. Procedures should be carried out only in a specialized medical institution. Doing this treatment yourself is impossible.

During the sessionwaves act on the whole organismand before the start of the course of therapy you need to undergo a complete examination.

After this, the attending physician decides on the appointment of UHT.

If there are no contraindications, then you can proceed with the procedures that will be carried out by a qualified specialist.

There are almost no side effects when using UHT. Sometimes in patientsthere is a slight muscle painin the affected areas. There may also be a headache or a slight fatigue.

Features of UVT

Because of the peculiar action of the apparatus, painful sensations in the muscles may arise and many patients for this reason interrupt the course of treatment.

With each subsequent procedurepain decreases and then is not felt at all. This may be due to increased sensitivity in individual patients.

In this case, it is better to use other methods of treatment of the musculoskeletal system.

Physiciansspend sessions every other day, since tissue regeneration occurs during this period.

An obligatory condition is the observance of the drinking regime. The patient should drink a lot of liquid during the sessions, at least, -3 liters per day.

This will make it possible to excrete metabolic products from the body.

For goodstimulation of blood metabolismThe procedure is carried out in a room with a certain air temperature.

Experts recommend that in the course of the course of treatment to lead a mobile lifestyle - to run, engage in fitness, swim.

When a competent specialist is in charge, a positive result is achieved by 90-95%.

A source:

Shockwave therapy: indications and contraindications to heel spur therapy, reviews

Among many pathologies, diseases of the musculoskeletal system occupy one of the first places in our time. There are many reasons why the spine and joints stop performing their functions.

To stop the process of destruction of bone tissue, you need to contact a specialist and undergo an additional examination and treatment process. Nowadays there are several technologies that help get rid of the pathologies of the spine and joints.

One of the popular and popular procedures is shock wave therapy. This technology will not only relieve the pain, but can also restore the lost ability of the locomotor system.

Shockwave therapy became known back in the nineties, and its founder was the famous Russian orthopedist named Titov.

The concept of shock wave therapy

Shockwave therapy is a rather qualitative and effective method of treating the majority of pathologies associated with the musculoskeletal system.

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The technique is based on the use of special properties of sound to provide therapeutic effect on the affected area.

The session is conducted with the help of a device that emits acoustic waves of the lowest frequency, which can not be heard.

When I apply the device to the affected area, the acoustic wave is distributed over all tissues of the body and ends its movement near the bone.

Shockwave therapy is used all over the world. It refers to non-invasive methods of intervention, because it helps to eliminate the cause of inflammation and its complications, without causing trauma to the skin.

The purpose of shock wave therapy:

  • the technique helps to get rid of salts from ligaments and tendons;
  • several times increases blood flow;
  • destroys calcium crystals that have been deposited at the site of injury;
  • relieves pain and inflammation;
  • improves well-being.

The essence of the procedure is that the shock waves of a specially set low frequency with the help of installed sensors begin to affect the pathological areas of the skin, providing therapeutic act.

Due to this, the tissues are freed from deposits of calcium and salt and begin to function normally and breathe. Waves help restore a new metabolism, trigger cell renewal and increase metabolic processes in the body.

The main effects of shock wave therapy:

  • in tissues, on which the influence of waves occurs, the metabolism increases;
  • around and in the middle of the tendons there is a destruction of calcium and its further excretion;
  • the focus of inflammation decreases;
  • increases the strength of bone tissue;
  • pains go away.

With the help of the technique, the patient improves his state of health and mood, and also the movement returns. The shock - wave therapy session is conducted without pain and helps to avoid surgical intervention.

One procedure takes about half an hour. For the onset of a positive therapeutic effect, it will take approximately 5 sessions with an interval of seven days.

When the technique of shock wave therapy is appointed:

  • periarthritis of the shoulder or scapula;
  • enthesopathies in the elbow joint area;
  • pathology of the wrist, hip and knee joints;
  • slow fusion of fractures of the tubular bone;
  • deformation of the first toes;
  • sprains;
  • old traumas;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • false joints;
  • flat feet;
  • muscular - tonic syndrome;
  • pain after injury and fracture;
  • kyphosis;
  • lordosis;
  • profuse and spinal hernia.


Like many effective techniques, shock wave therapy has its contraindications:

  • pathology of the hematopoietic system;
  • oncology;
  • thrombophlebitis and post-venectomy;
  • infectious diseases in acute period;
  • when installing the pacemaker;
  • pain syndrome in osteoporosis and arthrosis of the fourth degree;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pregnancy;
  • It is forbidden to use the technique in the area of ​​the intestine, head and main vessels;
  • children under 18;
  • neurological pathology.

The technique of shock wave therapy

Treatment with this technique is prescribed only by a doctor, after the diagnosis and diagnosis. Also, the specialist immediately determines the area of ​​exposure to waves, the method of palpation of the affected organ or an additional examination.

The algorithm of the session:

  • Before starting the procedure, a special gel is applied to the area of ​​application;
  • then the device is connected;
  • the wave penetrates under the skin to a depth of about 4 cm;
  • During the session, the patient receives approximately 2500 pulses;
  • to improve your well-being you need to go through three or five sessions;
  • already after the first procedure, pain pains are reduced by almost 20%.

Efficacy of the procedure

Currently, shock wave therapy is a good alternative to surgical intervention. It is much more effective than other methods of conservative treatment of abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system.

Sometimes, in rare cases, the patient can not complete the course of treatment. This may be due to pain during the procedure.

Such pain can be observed directly during the session, as well as after its termination. If the patient experiences such feelings of pain and discomfort, then it is necessary to find other methods of treatment of the musculoskeletal system.

With the right effect of waves, almost a hundred percent of patients have a high result.

This suggests that the technique is effective, it has good prospects.

Be sure to carefully study all indications and contraindications to the use of shock wave therapy before starting treatment.

The cost of the procedure and the duration of its conduct

Shockwave therapy has its price for every pathological site in the body. For example, treatment of the calcaneal spur will cost about 500 rubles per session. One anatomical zone is estimated at 600 rubles.

Just three zones have a price of 1500 rubles. With joint diseases, one session costs about 800 rubles.

It is necessary to know that each clinic sets its prices, which can be previously found and studied on the site in the price section.

Also, the cost is determined by the quality of facilities and apparatus, the experience of a specialist and the category of the clinic. In general, the course of treatment is five procedures, with more severe lesions and up to ten sessions.

Therefore, to complete the passage of the medical process, it will take from 3000 to 2, 00 rubles. The method has a number of contraindications and it is very important to select correctly and correctly for each patient the means for affecting the affected area.

Devices of UVT are designed for the treatment of certain diseases, they have in their set various nozzles and work on various technologies.

To do this, you need to see not only the prices for services in clinics, but also a list of indications that can be performed on the equipment.

Where do shock wave therapy?

This technique is carried out by many clinics in Russia. Mostly have high reviews and popularity centers that operate on equipment from Switzerland.

This kind of equipment provides high quality and accuracy of the impact of waves on the affected area. The medical centers employ highly skilled orthopedists, physiotherapists, traumatologists who have extensive experience and are constantly upgrading their qualifications abroad.

They also develop and apply their own methods for the impact of shock wave therapy on a particular organ. In each clinic they treat the patient individually.

Only high-quality service, a sympathetic team, comfortable and comfortable classrooms, an acceptable price for conducting an UHT session will make a certain center the most popular and popular.

Feedback on therapy

According to most traumatologists, shock wave therapy procedures not only give high results, but also do not cause complications.

Basically, you need to go through three to seven procedures.

The interval between them should be five or seven days. After treatment, one hundred percent result is observed in 95% of patients with pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

Traumatologists came to the conclusion that sessions help to avoid surgical intervention, after which a long and painful stage of rehabilitation is under way.

If it is still necessary to perform a surgical operation, the stage of adaptation and recovery with the help of UHT is reduced several times.

The method of UVT in the field of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine is still widely used and gives high results.

Procedures help get rid of the following pathologies:

  • different stages of cellulite;
  • restoration of the skin after chemical peeling and dermabrasion;
  • rehabilitation period after plastic surgery.

In the field of sports also has a technique of great success. Shock wave therapy helps an athlete to recover faster and better after traumas of a different nature and degree of injury. Increase the tolerance of heavy loads during training.

According to experts after the sessions, you can return to normal and mobile life in a short period of time.

The result

Technology UHT is appointed for pathology of the musculoskeletal system, musculoskeletal pathologies and metabolic disorders. UTV is also widely used in the fields of cosmetology, sports and aesthetic medicine.

During the session, the waves directly affect the affected area, while maintaining the integrity of the skin. Already after the first session, the patient notes a decrease in the pain syndrome and the inflammatory process.

Five or seven procedures can eliminate the following pathologies:

  • soreness in the joints of hands, hands, feet;
  • to remove inflammation and pain in the spine;
  • eliminate other problems with the musculoskeletal tissue.

Only a systematic approach and professional equipment can give a high therapeutic effect. The technique is carried out in specialized clinics by experienced specialists.

The cost of the procedures depends on the affected area and the number of necessary procedures. Also it is necessary to pass or take place the diagnostician and survey at the traumatologist which will give references to treatment and will exclude all contraindications.

Advantages of UHT:

  • sessions are completely safe and do not harm the whole body;
  • the methodology is highly effective;
  • there are no side effects;
  • The procedure takes about 30 minutes and the second session is held only after a week;
  • For a short period, pain, swelling and inflammation occur in the affected area;
  • if the treatment course is fully completed, the duration of the exposure is observed throughout the year;
  • when using UHT, there is a possibility not to take medicines.

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