
Hypermetropia of a mild degree: what it is and how it is treated

Hypermetropia, or hyperopia, as we are accustomed to call this disease, is one of the most common problems with vision.The reasons why there is hypermetropia, quite a lot, but they all lead to a decrease in vision. What is hyperopia and how it is treated we will tell you in detail later. Content 1What it is 2Causes 3Symptoms 4Diagnostics 5Treatment 5.1Complications 5.2Prevention 6Video 7conclusions What it is DIperometropia is a vision pathology characterized by the fact that ...

  • 03-Aug-2018
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Methods of restoring vision with myopia

Myopia (myopia) is a problem that many people face.In the age of high technology, the burden on eyesight increased significantly, which provokes the development or progression of this disorder. The issue of restoring vision with myopia worries parents. Every sixth schoolchild suffers from myopia of one degree or another. For adults, this is no less important problem: poor visual acuity interferes with the driving of a car, professional activity and generally limits a person's capabilities. ...

  • 10-Aug-2018
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Scotoma of the eye: what is it and how to treat it?

A person with good vision is able to see the world in all its glory. But it happens that the visible picture is violated for some reason, and entire areas fall out of the field of view of the person. Such a pathology is called scotoma in medicine. Disturbances are caused by changes in the functionality of the constituent elements of the eye, which are responsible for the light resistance.What is this disease and how to treat it? Content 1Definition of disease 2Causes 3Symptoms 4Possibl...

  • 15-Aug-2018
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How to cure adenoviral conjunctivitis

Viral infection is a habitual process for the human body.Every day millions of viruses attack it in an attempt to break through protective barriers and find a suitable habitat. In most cases, immune cells successfully cope with their task. Nevertheless, people get sick, and more often they are lesions of the mucous membranes - oral cavity, nose and nasopharynx, as well as conjunctiva (eye mucosa). Content 1Definition of disease 2Types and Classifications 3Causes 4Symptoms 5Possible co...

  • 14-Aug-2018
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Children's conjunctivitis - the causes of the appearance and the principle of treatment

Children's health is still quite fragile, so many problems arise with it. One of the problem areas is the eyes.Very frequent their disease is children's conjunctivitis, which is somewhat different from that of adults.Features of the course of the disease will be described below, as well as modern methods of treatment. The only thing, do not forget that self-treatment for babies can lead to serious consequences. Content 1What it is 2Causes 3Symptoms 4Diagnostics 5Treatment 5.1Complica...

  • 09-Aug-2018
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What is dangerous detachment of the retina?

Detachment of the retina is a severe disease of the organ of vision, in which the retina separates from the vascular membrane (choroid).In a healthy eye, the retina is attached to the shell, receiving food from it. Detachment of the retina is a pathological condition, very complicated in terms of surgery and hard on the outcome. Over the past decade, there has been an increase in this disease: on average, retinal detachment occurs annually in one out of 1, 00 people.Today - this is the main ...

  • 13-Aug-2018
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Treatment and prevention of conjunctivitis. Baby eye drops

Conjunctivitis is an extremely unpleasant eye disease, with which at least once in life, most people have experienced. Especially often it occurs in children and causes discomfort. The disease is quite easy to treat, but requires timely intervention. You can get rid of it at home, but it should be noted that only a doctor can correctly appoint what to treat children's conjunctivitis, based on the cause of inflammation. Content 1Types of conjunctivitis 2Drops 2.1Anti-inflammatory 2.2Ant...

  • 12-Aug-2018
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Encephalitis and encephalitic reaction in children

Respiratory viral and bacterial infections in severe course and development of neurotoxic syndrome cause significant changes in children from the side of the central nervous system with a violation of consciousness and signs of focal lesions of the brain substance - encephalitis and encephalitic reactions. According to clinical manifestations, it is very difficult to distinguish them. Encephalitis is characterized by a deeper lesion and clear local symptoms. What is encephalitic reaction and...

  • 25-Jun-2018
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Congenital and acquired coliboma of the iris

The iris of the eye is one of the most important components of the human visual apparatus. It is an automatic diaphragm that divides the space between the lens and the cornea. There are not many ophthalmic diseases that affect the iris. One of the most serious and at the same time rare diseases - coloboma. This is more often a congenital pathology, in which the structural elements of the iris are completely or partially cleaved. Content 1Definition of disease 2Causes 3Main symptoms 4Po...

  • 27-Jul-2018
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Purulent conjunctivitis in children: how to recognize and treat?

Purulent conjunctivitis in children - a fairly common eye disease, the emergence and development of which is provoked by various bacteria and infections.The causative agents of purulent conjunctivitis get very easily on the mucous membrane of the eye. As soon as the children's hands touch the eyes, putting in them dust particles and mote, a rapid development of infection begins. The form of purulent conjunctivitis depends on the type of pathogen.This is also due to the treatment of the disea...

  • 13-Aug-2018
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