What is dangerous detachment of the retina?

Detachment of the retina is a severe disease of the organ of vision, in which the retina separates from the vascular membrane (choroid).In a healthy eye, the retina is attached to the shell, receiving food from it. Detachment of the retina is a pathological condition, very complicated in terms of surgery and hard on the outcome.

Over the past decade, there has been an increase in this disease: on average, retinal detachment occurs annually in one out of 1, 00 people.Today - this is the main cause of blindness, with 70% of patients - people of working age.


  • 1What it is?
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
  • 6Complications
  • 7Prevention
  • 8Video
  • 9conclusions

What it is?

The retina of the eye is the inner thin shell of the eyeball, located between the choroid of the eye and the vitreous body. Its function is the perception of visual information. In the retina there are no sensitive nerve endings, so the pathology develops painlessly.

Normally, the retina and the vascular membrane are very tight to each other. The pathological state caused by their separation is called a retinal detachment.

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If a patient with a retinal detachment does not have timely qualified medical care, this process will become irreversible and lead to a complete loss of vision.

Retinal detachment


There are 3 types of this pathology:

  • rhematogenetic(primary) detachment of the retina;
  • traction detachment of the retina;
  • exudative(secondary) detachment of the retina.
Normal fundus and damaged

These disorders can be detected in any person, but most often they are diagnosed in patients with myopia.

Traction retinal detachment is associated with tension on the part of the modified vitreous body.Such a violation often happens when:

  • diabetic retinopathy;
  • penetrating trauma of the posterior segment of the eye;
  • retinopathy of prematurity.

The main cause of retinal rupture in this case is the vitreous body tension when its normal state changes.

This process is as follows: normally, the vitreous body resembles a transparent jelly.Sometimes it changes, becomes cloudy with densified fibers, which are associated with the retina.

Traction retinal detachment

When the eye moves, the fibers pull the retina behind them, which can lead to its rupture.

Exudative (secondary) detachment of the retina is associated with excessive accumulation of subretinal fluid.

This disorder is a consequence of such eye diseases as:

  • tumors of the retina and choroid of the eye;
  • various inflammatory diseases;
  • hemorrhage;
  • thromboses;
  • sickle-cell anemia, etc.

Post-traumatic retinal detachment is associated with trauma to the eye.

Can develop immediately after a stroke (injury) or a few years after the injury.

Changes in the position of the retinal layers

The following types of retinal detachment are distinguished by area:

  • total(when the retina is peeled off all along);
  • subtotal(occupies no more than three quadrants);
  • common retinal detachment(occupied area - within 2 quadrants);
  • local or partial retinal detachment(occupies no more than one quadrant).

Who is at risk for this pathology?

  • Persons with high and medium degree of myopia.
  • Elderly people with diabetes.
  • Persons with hereditary dystrophic diseases of the retina.
  • Persons with inflammatory diseases of the posterior segment of the eyeball (retinitis, chorioretinitis).
  • Pregnant women.
Retinal disinsertion

The main factors that are capable of provoking detachment of the retina are determined. These include:

  • degenerative change of the fundus;
  • diabetes;
  • astigmatism;
  • pregnancy;
  • myopia;
  • surgical interventions in the eye area;
  • cardiovascular pathology.

The risk of retinal detachment is significantly increased in the presence of this pathology in a family history.


The clinical signs of retinal detachment are quite typical.The precursors of the detachment are the so-called light phenomena: "flashes "sparks "zigzags of lightning".These manifestations of photopsy indicate irritation of the photosensitive cells of the retina, which is caused by traction from the vitreous humor. They are especially noticeable with closed eyes.

Often there are floating opacities in the field of vision.The patient can observe a lot of pronounced "black dots" and "soot flakes as well as floating "lace" or black "veil" in front of the eye.Their appearance is associated with damage to the vessels of the retina during its rupture with subsequent hemorrhage into the vitreous.

All these symptoms indicate the onset of retinal detachment. In rare cases, detachment of the retina occurs absolutely asymptomatic, and it is very difficult to identify it at the initial stage.


To diagnose detachment of the retina, physicians prescribe the following types of examinations to the patient:

  • Definition of visual acuity(this will allow to assess the state of the central area of ​​the retina).
  • Study of the field of vision(computer perimetry) to determine the state of the retina on the periphery.
  • Measurement of intraocular pressure(tonometry).
  • Electrophysiological study(will allow to estimate safety and viability of cells of a retina of an eye and an optic nerve).
  • Examination of the fundus(direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy), which will allow to determine the localization of retinal ruptures, their number, assess the condition of exfoliated retina and its relationship with the vitreous, identify thin areas that require increased attention during operative treatment.
  • Ultrasonographyto determine the dimensions of detachment of the retina and the state of the vitreous. This study is especially important in the presence of opacities in optical media, in which ophthalmoscopy of the fundus is difficult.

The results of these studies will allow the specialist to recommend to the patient surgical treatment of pathology. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe an additional examination.

Especially vigilant you need to be a patient at risk, as well as those people who already had retinal detachment on one eye. They should be examined periodically from an ophthalmologist, and at the first suspicious symptoms - immediately consult your doctor.


Treatment of retinal detachment requires an individual approach.The choice of method of treatment depends on the type, form, severity of the pathology. The most important thing is to keep the patient's eyesight.

Detachment of the retina can not be cured by any drops, pills or injections. This eye disease requires an urgent surgery, which can be the only way to restore and preserve vision. The earlier the operation is performed, the greater the chance of returning vision.

The purpose of surgical intervention is to detect a rupture of the retina and its closure.The essence of the operation is as follows: an inflammation (cold or laser) is caused around the rupture and further scarring occurs in the area of ​​the retina rupture.All these manipulations are aimed at restoring its integrity (integrity). To improve the sealing, the eyeball shells are brought together in the following way: outside to the eyeball a special silicone seal is podshivayut that pushes the wall of the eye and brings the vascular membrane to the exfoliated the retina.

Treatment of retinal detachment by the method of filling

Depending on the specific type of pathology, the ophthalmic surgeon chooses one of the existing methods of the operation or a combination thereof.The combination of methods is chosen individually for each patient and depends on how much time has passed since the beginning of development of retinal detachment, what it is in terms of size, how many gaps in it, where they located.Treatment can be conducted in one or more stages.


Detachment of the retina is in itself a complication that develops due to untimely treatment of a number of eye diseases.

The most terrible consequence of detachment is a complete loss of vision. To avoid this, it is necessary to treat the disease in the early stages.


The main preventive measure is timely access to the ophthalmologist with the appearance of the first symptoms of retinal detachment and regular preventive examinations in the presence of risk factors.The main recommendations for the prevention of retinal detachment:

    • After eye injuries, the patient must undergo a complete ophthalmological examination.
    • Obligatory examination of pregnant women and prophylactic laser coagulationto prevent retinal detachment during childbirth.
    • Patients with a high degree of myopia, dystrophic changes in the retina, or operated on for retinal detachment are contraindicated in certain sports, as well as weight lifting.

The photo shows amblyopia or in other words - left eye syndrome.

Does partial atrophy of the optic nerve in children read in this article.

Treatment of myopia: http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/miopiya/blizorukost-plyus-ili-minus.html




As you can see,retinal detachment is a very dangerous disease.The consequence of this pathology can be irreversible: up to complete loss of vision. In order not to lose sight, it is important for all people (and especially those who are at risk) to undergo periodic examinations from the oculist. Do not play with the most important thing that we have - health.

As this disease is coherent causes of destruction of the vitreous humor and what is this pterygium.

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