Leg swollen and aching: causes


  • 1Why the leg is swollen and aching: causes
    • 1.1Swollen and sore leg: classification of symptoms:
  • 2Causes of swelling and pain in the legs
    • 2.1Why can there be a combination of swelling with pain
    • 2.2Local and disseminated edema
    • 2.3Easy swelling and discomfort in the legs
    • 2.4Pain is stronger than edema
    • 2.5Edema is stronger than pain
    • 2.6Equal severity of pain and swelling
  • 3Legs swell and hurt: what to do, what to treat?
    • 3.1Causes
    • 3.2What to do?
    • 3.3Prevention
  • 4Swollen feet: causes
    • 4.1Causes of the appearance of swollen feet
    • 4.2Symptoms
    • 4.3To which doctor should I seek help?
    • 4.4Methods of treatment
    • 4.5Methods of prevention
  • 5The foot is swollen and aching: what to treat and what are the causes?
    • 5.1Causes of pain and swelling in the foot
    • 5.2Hypothyroidism
    • 5.3Taking medication
    • 5.4Fracture of foot
    • 5.5Dislocation of foot
    • 5.6Swelling in pregnancy

Why the leg is swollen and aching: causes

Daily we expose our body to different intensity of physical loads, which in first of all, reflect on the condition of our feet - every evening we experience fatigue and swelling in feet.

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Of course, such fatigue in the legs is quite natural, however, in some cases, our legs can swell and hurt, which in turn pushes us to the most disturbing thoughts.

So why is this happening? And how dangerous is this? In this article, we will answer the question of why the foot swells and hurts.

So, as we have already said, the pain in the legs is quite a natural phenomenon that every one of us periodically experiences: strong physical exhaustion and exhausting physical activity, our way of life and many other factors directly affect the state of our legs, which makes us feel pain in our legs. In addition to the painful sensations, all of the above can also cause swelling or swelling in the legs. Of course, all this is quite natural, because such symptoms occur, as the protective reaction of our body to excessive physical activity, however, which can be indicated by the swelling of the legs, which arose without any visible then why? As many have already guessed, in this situation, it is already about the presence of any pathology, which manifests itself by symptoms such as swelling and pain in the legs. Further on these pathologies we will tell you in more detail.

  1. Injuries of the lower extremities.

Depending on what kind of leg injury we got, it can swell and hurt with varying intensity.

As a rule, with a received bruise, dislocation or distension, we rarely seek help from a specialist, for pain and other "consequences" soon on their own pass, however, this is precisely our mistake, because in the future even the smallest microtrauma will contribute to a long resumption of pain. That is why when getting any injury, it is always necessary to use an elastic bandage and special ointments;

  1. Physical overstrain.

Each of us leads a certain way of life with his specific physical load, and in the event that we violate such a "schedule" and load our the body with excessive physical exertion, in this situation, swelling and pain in the legs - is the natural reaction of our "unprepared" to such loads of muscles. As a rule, such "manifestations" of fatigue overtake us closer to the evening and, after some time of rest, they pass by themselves. However, it is worth considering that similar symptoms are also characteristic of the first stage of venous deficiency, which in turn develops against the background of a disease such as varicose veins expansion of veins;

  1. Phlebeurysm.

According to statistics, this disease to the greatest extent, namely - in 70 percent of cases, the beautiful half of humanity, which in turn is due to the factors that cause this pathology.

Among all the reasons that cause the development of varicose veins, it is worth highlighting the one that the greatest degree provokes the development of this pathology, namely, the wearing of an incorrectly selected shoes.

Frequent wearing of shoes with high heels or on a platform in conjunction with long walking - and there are underlying factors in the development of varicose veins;

It is worth noting that this disease is very insidious, because its untimely treatment can lead to disability in the future, which is why when regular puffiness and pain in any specific area of ​​the leg - shin, foot, knee or hip - is mandatory to refer to the appropriate specialist. As a rule, arthritis "spreads" on any one leg segment, in the area of ​​which the patient is experiencing pain and swelling. Another additional symptom of this disease is reddening of the skin in this area, as well as an increase in its temperature - it becomes hot to the touch;

Osteoarthritis is a joint disease in which the cartilaginous interlayer of the joints itself breaks down, causing the patient to experience painful sensations not only in the joints of the legs, but also the whole body.

As for the causes of this disease, the most important factor affecting the development of this pathology is frequent and uneven physical exertion on the body.

For example, in most cases with such a diagnosis, representatives of such professions, like drivers, sellers, builders, as well as those who spend most of their working time sitting in computer.


Specialists of all the above profiles are forced to stay in the same position for a long time, making the muscles and joints in the future unable to cope with any physical activity.


Various endocrine diseases (diabetes, overweight), as well as hereditary predisposition, are also the causes of the diagnosis such as arthrosis;

Thrombophlebitis - a disease of blood vessels, which experts call the most insidious and unpredictable, which in turn is due to the fact that its detection occurs, as a rule, already at its late stage.

The main reason for the development of this disease is the presence in a neglected state of such a pathology as varicose veins veins, however, factors such as heredity and the presence of infection are also "causative agents" of this dangerous pathology.

As for the symptoms of this disease, the following can be attributed to them: insignificant swelling of the legs and redness of the skin in this area, as well as itching, burning and feeling of heaviness in the legs;

Fasciitis is a disease in which a patient experiences painful sensations in the foot, while the ankle itself becomes swollen enough.

Surprisingly, in most cases of this pathology, women aged approximately forty years are affected, and people who suffer from diseases such as arthritis and arthrosis, as well as various diseases of the spine or joints feet.

As for the symptoms of this disease, in this situation the patient, as a rule, is in pain and discomfort in the morning in the first steps, however, a similar pain syndrome can occur in any other Times of Day. Incorrectly selected shoes, as well as shoes with high heels and flat feet - all this refers to the reasons for the development of such a disease as fasciitis.

Swollen and sore leg: classification of symptoms:

It is also worth noting that judging the presence of any specific pathology can be by localization of the swelling and intensity of the painful sensations themselves. Further on such symptoms and about what pathologies they can testify, we will tell you in more detail.

  • Light edema, discomfort and minor pain in the legs;

The above symptoms in most cases are not associated with any disease: usually, mild puffiness, as well as minor painful sensations in the legs bother us at the end of the day's work and are the usual reaction to the physical exertion: heavy physical activity, prolonged stay on legs or a long walk in uncomfortable shoes always provokes the appearance of such symptoms. However, it is worth considering that exactly the same symptoms at an early stage is manifested by a disease such as varicose veins the expansion of veins, which in turn, in case of non-treatment, can progress to more dangerous for our health pathology;

  • Equal swelling and pain;

In case the foot is swollen and at the same place you feel quite intense painful sensations, then in this situation, we are talking about the possible defeat of the inflammatory process of such structures as meniscus, cartilage, ligaments and periarticular bags. Such multiple lesion of any joint always indicates the presence of such a disease as polyarthritis, which can occur in different forms - rheumatoid, rheumatoid, gouty and other.

However, not only does this disease occur with similar symptoms; in case of swelling and painful sensations appeared on the lower leg or thigh along the inner side of these segments, then in this situation we are talking about a diagnosis like thrombophlebitis.

In this disease, in addition to the above symptoms, patients also have reddening of the skin and widening of the veins in these areas. Such inflammatory diseases of joints as fasciitis, phlegmon and myositis also "declare" themselves with the above symptoms.

  • Swelling is more pronounced than painful sensations;

In the event that the swelling brings more discomfort than the painful sensations themselves, then in this situation we can talk about such pathologies as cardiac or renal insufficiency.

Initially, it is necessary to pay attention to the localization of puffiness: in case such a symptom manifested itself on the legs of both legs, in this situation we are talking about a pathology such as cardiac failure.


It should also be noted that with this disease, pain in the legs themselves can be temperate, or may be completely absent.


The formation of small ulcers in place of swelling is another symptom of a disease such as heart failure.

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In the event that the swelling of the shins is provoked by a pathology such as renal failure, then in this situation, in addition to the most swollen and painful sensations is added and such a symptom as the cramps of the calf muscles, which in turn can be quite painful.

  • Painful sensations are more pronounced than puffiness;

In the event that the pain in the leg is intense enough, and the swelling is not clearly pronounced, then in this situation we are talking about the presence of serious diseases.

As a rule, with this, pain and swelling appear from one side and in any one specific place, for example, in the knee, shank, thigh and other.

As for the diseases themselves, then in the list of probable diseases such as endothernitis and atherosclerosis (diseases associated with the damage of arterial vessels), various tumors (metastases or bone tumors or tumors spine).

As you can see, such symptoms as swelling and pain in the leg can be associated with serious diseases and pathologies, and therefore, with their It is absolutely necessary to contact the appropriate specialist for the inspection and the appointment of an adequate treatment.

A source: http://doctoroff.ru/pochemu-opuhla-i-bolit-noga

Causes of swelling and pain in the legs

The loads tested by the lower extremities are characterized by high intensity. This fact causes the appearance of a condition in which one or both legs are swollen and sore.

This combination of two syndromes: pain and swelling - is not uncommon. Quite the contrary, this combination is one of the most frequent.

Therefore, it requires due attention from both the common people and specialists.

Why can there be a combination of swelling with pain

Pain in the legs is one of the first symptoms as regular changes in the body against the backdrop of lifestyle or environmental factors, as well as pathological conditions.

In these cases, it arises almost always in combination with other symptoms. Pain can be either primary, appearing first, or secondary, arising as a subsequent symptom.


Therefore, anamnestic data on the development of symptoms must be taken into account.


The main mechanisms for triggering the combined conditions in which the leg is swollen and aching can be:

  • factor of injury of the lower limb;
  • physical overstrain of the legs against a background of heavy loads;
  • insufficiency of muscles, bones, tendons and joints in relation to that mode of activity to which they are exposed. The most characteristic for people leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • defeat of joints with acute and chronic inflammatory-degenerative pathological processes (arthritis, arthrosis, post-traumatic consequences);
  • inflammatory and posttraumatic conditions from the soft tissues (fascia, muscles, tendons, periarticular bags, ligaments);
  • Diseases of the bones (inflammation, destruction or suppuration);
  • pathology of the arterial vessels. Only in neglected cases leads to the fact that the leg is swollen and aching. In the initial stages, pain has no connection with edema;
  • defeat of the venous leg system. A fairly frequent mechanism of combining pain and swelling syndromes;
  • tumors of bones and soft tissues, affecting the knees, thigh and drumstick;
  • stagnation of blood in the vascular bed, due to severe heart failure;
  • fluid retention in the body against a background of organ failure of the kidneys (kidney failure).

Local and disseminated edema

One of the first criteria by which it is possible to tentatively determine the cause of edema and pain in the legs is localization and prevalence.

If only one leg has been swollen in a certain segment (shin, ankle, thigh), this indicates that the problem is related to any of the components of this area.

These can be bones, joints, muscles, tendons.

Venous defeat and venous insufficiency is a common cause of pain and edema of the shins

The more limited the edema, the more it coincides with the localization of pain.

Otter syndrome of a common type on one leg is evidence of inflammatory changes (thrombophlebitis, fasciitis, osteomyelitis), formation of thrombi in the deep veins (phlebothrombosis of the lower leg and thigh) or severe traumatic injuries (fractures, dislocations, muscle ruptures and tendons). If at the same time not one, but two legs is swollen, it is rather evidence of fluid stagnation in the vessels or delay in its removal from the body against a background of heart failure and kidney failure.

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Easy swelling and discomfort in the legs

In those cases when the edematous and painful syndrome are manifested by pastoznost (small swelling) and sensation of mild soreness or discomfort on the legs, this is a testament to the natural changes.

The cause of their occurrence is often the weakness of the muscles and the unreadiness of the legs to fulfill the loads that they experience in the course of life. Most often they appear in the evening on the background of a long stay on their feet, especially on heels, heavy physical work.

The same symptoms are typical for the first stage of chronic venous insufficiency due to varicose veins.

Pain is stronger than edema

If the leg hurts very much, but it is swollen slightly or locally, it is almost always a sign of serious illness. More often such pains are unilateral and affect a certain segment of the extremity (knee, thigh, etc.).

Such diseases include cancerous bone tumors and distant metastases of other neoplasms of any location, damage to arterial vessels against the background of atherosclerosis or endarteritis, neuropathy or irritation of nerve roots in hernias of intervertebral discs or tumors the spine.

Important to remember! In the same person, the combination of conditions in which both the lower extremity is swollen and hurting may be due to various causes. This means that one of these symptoms is a manifestation of one disease, and the second - of another!

The cause of pain and swelling of the legs may be banal reasons associated with improper shoe selection

Edema is stronger than pain

The states in which there is dissociation between pain and edematous syndromes, in which the leg is swollen more than it hurts, can talk about the effect of the vascular component.

First of all it is necessary to pay attention to the prevalence and localization of edema (on one or two legs). The defeat of bilateral nature in the form of pronounced edema of the shins speaks in favor of congestive heart failure.

In its initial stages, the pain is mild or nonexistent. As the swelling progresses, the pain increases. Both symptoms peak at a critical skin strain, on which multiple ulcerative defects are formed.

If the edema of the shins is due to renal insufficiency, they often combine not so much with pain as with painful cramps of the calf muscles.

Equal severity of pain and swelling

If the leg hurts and swells to the same extent, this must necessarily be compared with the localization of these symptoms.

They can affect the joints, located in the area of ​​one or several of them, which will speak of the defeat of structures (cartilage, ligaments, menisci, periarticular bags).

Multiple articular lesions always indicate polyarthritis (rheumatoid, rheumatoid, gouty, etc.). Approximately similarly expressed swelling and tenderness along the course of inflamed veins with thrombophlebitis.


Such processes are more often localized on the thigh and tibia along the inner surface of these segments, accompanied by an expansion of veins and reddening of the skin. All inflammatory diseases localized on the leg (myositis, fasciitis, phlegmon) are one-sided and characterized by a synchronous increase in pain and swelling.


Assessing the combination of pain and swelling of the lower limbs, you must pay attention to other symptoms (fever, general condition, dyspnea, etc.). Often they are the defining diagnostic criteria.

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/diagnostika/prichiny-oteka-boli-nogah

Legs swell and hurt: what to do, what to treat?

Table of contents

  • Causes
  • What to do?
  • Prevention

Puffiness in a person arises due to the fact that for some reason the body stops coping with elimination of excess fluid, because of what it begins to accumulate in the intercellular space of soft tissues. Promote the development of edema diseases of the blood and lymph vessels. Violation of the water balance in the body can be observed as a complication of certain diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys and thyroid gland. Often, adults suffer from edema that appear on their feet. In some cases, limbs not only swell, but also ache a lot, and this phenomenon can have several causes.


The main reason that a person swollen and aching legs, is varicose veins.

The disease develops due to increased pressure inside the veins and their expansion, which causes the vessels to lose their elasticity and cope worse with their functions.

Also, the cause of varicose veins is often a disruption of the venous valves, which provide a normal flow of blood in the veins.

Factors contributing to the development of varicose veins include:

  • standing work;
  • heredity;
  • pregnancy;
  • elderly age;
  • overweight, etc.

Symptoms of varicose veins, which leads to the fact that the legs are very sore and swell, develop gradually.

The sign of the disease at the initial stage of its development is swelling of the legs, which appears in the evening, and also a feeling of heaviness and raspiraniya in the limbs after standing work, sitting or intense physical loads. As the disease develops, the person begins to note the pain of calves, heat in the limbs and convulsions at night. On the skin of the legs there are noticeable vascular asterisks, which eventually increase and become more pronounced. The skin of the legs begins to pigment and becomes dry to the touch.

As for puffiness in varicose veins, the legs swell asymmetrically, mainly in the area of ​​the affected veins.

the risk of varicose veins lies in the fact that in the absence of adequate therapy this disease leads to thrombophlebitis, in which clots of blood (clots) are formed.

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The latter can get into the vital organs (lungs and heart) with a blood stream and lead to the termination of their full functioning, which leads to a fatal outcome.

Legs swell and hurt in humans and with lymphostasis - a condition, the essence of which is the violation of outflow of lymph from the lower extremities due to violation of the patency of the lymph vessels. The causes of the pathology are as follows:

  • congenital anomalies of the lymphatic system;
  • injuries and burns of the feet;
  • obesity;
  • severe varicose veins;
  • hypodynamia, characteristic of bedridden patients;
  • heart failure;
  • kidney failure;
  • tumors that compress the lymphatic vessels of the legs.

As lymphostasis develops in the legs, the person develops increasing symptoms of the disease. In the ankle joint region, edema is formed on the foot, but it is painless at the initial stage of lymphostasis. The legs swell in the evening, but after rest the puffiness subsides.

If treatment for lymphostasis has not been started, the edema spreads to the shin and becomes dense. In addition, the patient aching and increase in the girth of the affected limbs. Stagnation of lymph leads to a person experiencing pain when walking and flexing (unbending) the knee.


Lymphostasis of the lower limbs is characterized by elephantiasis - a rapid increase in the limb circumference due to stagnation of lymph and proliferation of connective tissue. Also join such dangerous complications of the disease, as erysipelas, trophic ulcers and sepsis.


It is worth noting that healthy people can also get sore and swollen from time to time. The reason for this is wearing narrow shoes (especially on heels), excessive physical activity, prolonged sitting, etc.

What to do?

First of all, a person should consult a doctor, especially if the puffiness and soreness in the legs is pronounced.

The doctor-phlebologist is engaged in examination and treatment of patients with violation of blood and lymph flow in the lower extremities.

To diagnose a patient who complains of swelling and tenderness of the legs, such studies are appointed:

  • doplerography of veins of lower extremities;
  • lymphangiography;
  • lymphoscintigraphy.

What to do with varicose veins:

  1. To eliminate the symptoms of varicose veins, you should get rid of excess weight, if any. Each kilogram of excess weight exerts an increased load on the vessels of the legs, which contributes to the progression of varicose veins.
  2. When varicose veins should not be allowed to stay in the same position for a long time.
  3. To remove swelling, pain and fatigue in the evening, you should lie down for at least 15 minutes with your legs elevated.
  4. With varicose veins it is useful to wear compression underwear or elastic bandages on the legs.

From the swelling and soreness of the feet, the doctor prescribes to the patient ointments-venotonicks, which exert a tonic and anti-edematous effect on the limbs.

Examples of such drugs are Shungit, Lyoton 1000 and Troxevasin.

For ingestion prescribed funds such as Flebodia 600, balm Doppelgerz, Cardiomagnolo and Detralex.

Treatment of lymphostasis helps restore lymph flow and normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system.

The patient is shown a diet that involves enriching the diet with proteins, vegetable fats and vitamins, but at the same time limiting the consumption of salt, smoked products, animal fat and sugar.

With lymphostasis, it is useful to do special exercises to eliminate lymphatic stasis. The complex of exercises is appointed by the doctor.

Hydromassage, lymph drainage massage, laser and magnetic therapy also allow to accelerate the recovery of a person who has been diagnosed with lymphostasis.

To normalize the outflow of lymph, phlebotonics are prescribed: Detralex, Troxevasin, Venoruton, Paroven. Some homeopathic medicines and enzymes may also be prescribed.


To always feel light in the legs and not allow their puffiness, it is enough to observe some simple rules.

First of all, a person should carefully consider the choice of shoes, especially if he has to stand for a long time during the day.

To prevent the development of tenderness and swelling of the legs will help with sports, walking on air and swimming. These loads favorably affect the elasticity of the vessels, not allowing the stretching of their walls.


Healthy nutrition and compliance with the drinking regime will prevent the violation of water-salt balance in the body and a set of extra pounds. Compliance with preventive measures will allow for many years to maintain the beauty and health of the feet!


A source: http://OtekInfo.ru/oteki/nog/nogi-otekayut-i-bolyat-chto-delat.html

Swollen feet: causes

Swollen legs - a fairly common problem, which in most cases develops due to pathological processes that occur in the human body. In rare cases, swelling can occur in a healthy person.

Edema is the accumulation of fluid in places where it should not be. Under normal functioning, the small capillaries of a human emit all the fluid that accumulates in the intercellular space. In the future, it is transported along the venous channel.

Violation of the functioning of capillaries can be disturbed due to changes in the permeability of the vessel wall, blood pressure, protein and sodium content in the blood. Due to a malfunction in these mechanisms, there is a violation of water withdrawal, resulting in the formation of edema.

Causes of the appearance of swollen feet

If the legs swell in a completely healthy person, then most often this is due to:

  • frequent consumption of excessively salty foods;
  • large amount of drunk liquid;
  • overheating of the body, resulting in the activation of mechanisms that try to protect the body from increased temperature. These mechanisms include the widening of the vessels of the periphery, which leads to a decrease in pressure and microcirculation, which cause accumulation of moisture;
  • pregnancy, in women in the second period of bearing a child, vasodilation occurs because of the influence of placental hormones, which causes sodium retention;
  • long stay in an upright position, finding in an uncomfortable position - all this leads to increased pressure in the veins;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes or shoes with high heels, especially in hot weather.

However, the appearance of edema can be a symptom of many diseases or pathologies in the body:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • inflammatory processes and thrombosis of veins;
  • heart disease, which is accompanied by heart failure;
  • kidney disease;
  • stasis of lymph in the lower limbs;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • gestosis - complication in pregnancy.

Also, swelling of the legs can occur due to the development of an allergic reaction to food, medicine, insect bites. First of all, you must stop taking the allergen, and then use medications (such as suprastin).

Swelling of the feet can occur due to frequent fasting. This is due to a deficiency of protein in the body, which is caused by frequent unloading days or mono-diets.

In this case, the best therapy will be the normalization of nutrition, which will be filled with all important micro and macro elements.

When the condition is neglected, it may be necessary to consult a nutritionist who will help to make a diet.

The appearance of edema can be caused by the resulting leg injury. But at the same time a noticeable hematoma appears on the bruised area, which forms after a few days. In this case, the possibility of a full-fledged foot movement is lost.


The first thing a man observes when he accumulates water in the lower limbs is the marks from the rubber bands of socks and discomfort when walking. After a while, if you do not start treatment, swelling becomes more noticeable, changing the shape of your legs.

The formation of physiological edema is most often manifested later in the evening, especially if a person has consumed a large amount of harmful food for a day or has been in the heat.

Edema does not rise above the shin. After resting in a vertical position, there is relief.


If the edema is formed due to pathology in the human body, then it can appear at any time of the day. Elimination of such a defect without the use of medicines is not possible.


Each disease is characterized by certain symptoms:

  • Varicosity is characterized by asymmetric swelling, which is accompanied by painful sensations and heaviness;
  • Thrombophlebitis is accompanied by swelling of only one leg. Because of the inflammatory process in the vein, there is pain, burning and redness of the skin is observed;
  • heart failure is characterized by edema of both legs, and when pressing on the place of the edema remains a fossa, which subsequently slowly disappears;
  • impaired renal function causes swelling only when the disease progresses. After the formation of edema, the skin becomes very pale;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland are accompanied by elastic edema.

To which doctor should I seek help?

In no case can not be diagnosed by yourself.

When a violation occurs, it is best to consult a specialist to exclude serious disorders in the body and choose the right method of therapy.

For a start, you can contact the therapist, who in the future, if necessary, will connect the narrow specialists: a cardiologist, a nephrologist, an endocrinologist, an angiosurgeon.

Methods of treatment

In order to get rid of swelling of the legs, first of all it is necessary to eliminate the underlying disease. To get rid of the accumulated fluid in the lower extremities are prescribed the use of diuretics and medications that improve microcirculation.

In order to relieve the condition at home, you can use simple tips that will help reduce edema on the legs:

  • to massage the feet and lower legs, while keeping the direction from the bottom up;
  • perform gymnastics for the feet;
  • take foot baths using sea salt;
  • Take a horizontal position by lifting your legs above your head.

You can reduce swelling with the help of traditional medicine methods. The positive effect is denied taking a diuretic collection, which consists of birch buds, field horsetail and sporass. In addition, decoctions of flaxseed and elderberry berries have the same effect.

But do not forget that the use of any medicine, even traditional medicine, requires expert advice. Especially attentively to the reception of various means it is necessary to approach pregnant women and people who suffer from diseases of the heart, kidneys or metabolism.

Methods of prevention

You can identify certain methods that help prevent edema:

  • First of all, you should wear only comfortable shoes (it is strictly forbidden to wear shoes on a completely flat sole). If you frequently wear shoes with high heels, you should let your feet rest, taking off your shoes for a short time.
  • Reduce the intake of salt, accustom yourself to eating slightly under-salted food.
  • Practice relaxing gymnastics for the feet, especially if the whole day was very active (for example, you can jump, peel from sock to heel).
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Reducing the amount of fluids can not always help in eliminating edema, for this, first of all, you need to get medical advice. After all, this approach can lead to dehydration of the body.

The optimal amount of water drunk per day is one and a half to two liters for an adult with a moderate lifestyle.

If active weight training is present in life, then it is necessary to increase the amount of liquid used.

A source: http://bezboleznej.ru/opukhayut-nogi

The foot is swollen and aching: what to treat and what are the causes?

When the foot is swollen and aching, rather than treated, depends on what caused such symptoms. As a rule, they swell and hurt their legs if they are overloaded.

Many times we do not even think that not always such a harmless reason acts as a provocateur of pain.

So, in this area a rather dangerous disease can develop which, if untimely, can cause serious complications.

Causes of pain and swelling in the foot

There are the following reasons that can be accompanied by such symptoms as swelling, pain and burning sensation in the feet:

Let us analyze each of the diseases in more detail.


This disease is characterized by an inadequate content of hormones in the body, which produces the thyroid gland. Swelling and burning in the feet are the main signs of the disease, which differ from similar symptoms in renal or hepatic pathologies.

There are primary, secondary and tertiary types of hypothyroidism. Primary type - the most common form of the disease, which occurs with autoimmune inflammation of the thyroid gland, chronic deficiency of iodine, congenital malformations of the gland.

Secondary type - a consequence of pituitary disease, when the lack of content in the body thyroid stimulating hormone becomes the cause of thyroid dysfunction and the appearance of such symptoms.

Tertiary type of disease is the result of the defeat of the hypothalamus, which participates in the pituitary gland.

A distinctive feature of this cause of edema is the appearance of a symptom not only in the area of ​​the feet, but also in other areas, for example, the specific area on the arms, legs, and face is swollen and painful.

The initial stage of the development of the disease is characterized by a slight puffiness, which the person takes for excess weight.

Later, when the swelling passes to the face, the person begins to think and turns to the doctor.


Treatment of such a reason is rather lengthy. First of all, the endocrinologist prescribes those drugs that maintain the level of thyroid hormones in the body.


Such drugs are prescribed strictly on an individual basis.

When using drugs, the doctor controls the pulse, finds out if complaints of cardiac discomfort, conduct measures to determine the level of cholesterol in the body.

Given the causes of this condition and the general state of health, the doctor can prescribe medication for a short time, and for life. Only correct and timely treatment of hypothyroidism will help to eliminate symptoms and restore work capacity.

Taking medication

The foot can be swollen and aching in the event of prolonged use or overdose of drugs. That is why it is important to coordinate the intake of any medications with a doctor and first of all read the instructions before use.

The fluid retention in the body, which is manifested by the occurrence of edema in the limbs, can be observed from the administration of many medications, including sex hormones (male and female).

For women, sex hormones are needed as a protection against unwanted pregnancy, as well as for the treatment of diseases. In the latter case, the administration of estrogen and progesterone is very often prescribed.

For men, progesterone is needed, which is indicated when there is a violation of potency and when there is excess weight. Dosage of the drug is not recommended.

Also, the feet are aching and aching with the use of ACE inhibitor drugs, which are necessary to control blood pressure, kidney and heart failure.

Fracture of foot

Fracture of the foot bone is a violation of the integrity of the foot, which is accompanied by symptoms such as swelling and bruising, and also hurting the damaged area, irradiating to nearby departments extremities.

Puffiness of the damaged area can be quite long and is a consequence of not only poor blood flow, but also a violation of the integrity of the ligament and muscle tissue.

Since the dislocation is very painful during the dislocation, this is the reason for the limitation of mobility.


If an open, intraarticular, comminuted or displaced type of injury is diagnosed, edema will be localized not only in the injured area, but also across the entire surface of the foot.


Also, the cause of puffiness in case of a fracture of the foot is the gypsum removed from it. The surface of the skin in this case remains without damage.

In medicine, this phenomenon is called "lymphostasis" - this is a consequence of impaired lymph drainage.

What can be done in this situation, only the doctor will be able to determine, just as to prescribe the treatment of the underlying cause - fracture of the bone. Self-treatment of edema in fractures is strictly prohibited, as each drug can cause a side reaction, and also has its contraindications.

The attending physician may prescribe the following methods for eliminating puffiness in a fracture:

  1. If it hurts and swollen feet, you can use special creams, gels and ointments. This method is considered traditional in the fight against such a symptom. The local remedy improves not only the lymph flow, but also the blood flow. The opinion of all specialists in the field of medicine boils down to the fact that the drug for puffiness should include heparin in its components.
  2. Use of local anti-inflammatory drugs. These include ointments such as Ketoprofenovaya or Ihtiolovaya. Any of these ointments warms the inflamed area and helps to eliminate swelling. Apply the product is recommended no more than 3 times a day.
  3. Physiotherapy procedures are also used to eliminate swelling after trauma, for example, ultraviolet irradiation, electrophoresis, electrostimulation. But not always physiotherapy is high-speed.

Dislocation of foot

Get a dislocation simply: it is unsuccessful to put a foot on the support. The main danger of dislocation is the possibility of its transition to a chronic form, especially if treatment is not started on time.

In addition, what hurts and swells around the foot, the following symptoms also arise: redness of the skin above the site of localization of the dislocation, inflammation, limitation of mobility. At the time of injury, you can hear a characteristic click, indicating a dislocation of the bone.

What to do to eliminate swelling and pain? First of all, you need to see a doctor to assess the severity of the injury, after which he appoints the appropriate treatment.

The first help is to put a cold on the damaged area, which will help to eliminate swelling.

After a cold compress it is necessary to impose an elastic bandage so that before the ambulance arrives, you do not injure the foot even further.

Swelling in pregnancy

Very often feet are aching and begin to swell in a period such as pregnancy. This happens due to accumulation in the body more fluid than usual. In addition, aggravation of the situation may increase pressure in the veins of the limbs and severity in the area of ​​the location and growth of the baby.

The opinion of some doctors is that swelling of the feet can be caused by the production of a hormone that worsens the vascular elasticity. There are other reasons.

So, you can notice that the foot or both feet are swollen because of the excessive sodium content in the woman's body.


Strongly ache and swollen feet under the influence of some aggravating factors, for example, when smoking, hot weather, excessive consumption of sharp and salty foods.


Some swelling of the feet during pregnancy are normal and do not need treatment.

To such it is possible to carry: a symptom in the 3rd trimester, a symptom arising in the area of ​​the shins and feet in the evening time.

More dangerous manifestations in pregnancy are: puffiness of only one foot with redness of the skin, swelling of other parts of the trunk, headache with swelling, a symptom arising in the first trimester.

What to do in such cases? First of all, you can eliminate edema only after getting rid of their cause.

If puffiness is a natural phenomenon, not pathological, it will take place approximately two days after delivery.

There are also special recommendations, following which one can reduce the intensity of the symptom, and sometimes even prevent it:

  1. A balanced diet, including sufficient intake of protein (meat, fish and eggs), vitamins (kiwi, citrus, tomatoes, strawberries).
  2. Consumption of food in small portions, but often.
  3. Salt should be limited in consumption, as it is the cause of fluid retention in the body of a woman.
  4. Sufficient, but not excessive drinking. Soda, coffee and tea must be limited. It is better to replace them with kefir, compotes and mors.
  5. Compliance with sleep and rest.
  6. To reduce swelling, you can perform simple exercises, for example, flexion and extension of the feet, raising the feet.
  7. You can make every day warm baths, adding sea salt and extracts of plants.
  8. It is useful to wear anti-varicose stockings and pantyhose, which will help prevent the onset of edema.
  9. You can do massage swollen feet.

And in conclusion it is necessary to say that it is possible to prevent edema and pain in the foot area, following simple recommendations. So, rest and proper nutrition can contribute to this.

A source: http://ladysmed.ru/platypodia/useful/pochemu-voznikayut-otek-i-bol-v-stope.html

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