Treatment and prevention of conjunctivitis. Baby eye drops

Conjunctivitis is an extremely unpleasant eye disease, with which at least once in life, most people have experienced. Especially often it occurs in children and causes discomfort. The disease is quite easy to treat, but requires timely intervention. You can get rid of it at home, but it should be noted that only a doctor can correctly appoint what to treat children's conjunctivitis, based on the cause of inflammation.


  • 1Types of conjunctivitis
  • 2Drops
    • 2.1Anti-inflammatory
    • 2.2Antibiotics
    • 2.3Vasoconstrictive
    • 2.4Antiseptic
    • 2.5Antifungal
  • 3Application rules
  • 4Prevention
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Types of conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is a disease that is an inflammation of the epithelium and the inner surface of the eye. Among the most pronounced symptoms are redness, itching and swelling of the eyelids.

The nature of conjunctivitis may be different.It is on the basis of its definition and it is necessary to select drops for the eyes. Inflammation can provoke viruses, bacteria, fungus.In addition, conjunctivitis can provoke an allergic reaction.

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  • Viral conjunctivitis.In the event of inflammation due to a viral infection, a clear fluid appears in the children, which can increase if there is no proper treatment. Difficulties in opening the eyes does not arise. This type of disease is more difficult to treat all the others and takes a lot of time and, as a rule, in addition to drops, doctors prescribe drugs for oral administration.

It is recommended to carefully monitor the hygiene of the eyes and try not to touch them with your hands.

  • Bacterial conjunctivitis.To treat conjunctivitis caused by bacteria is much easier than viral. With the right approach, you can get rid of it within two to three days. Among his symptoms: burning, the sensation of a foreign body in the eye, the release of a cloudy liquid that hampers the movement of the eyelids. In contrast to inflammation caused by a viral infection, this can affect only one eye.
  • Fungal conjunctivitis.Unlike other forms of conjunctivitis, fungal (ophthalmomycosis) proceeds in the form of purulent or catarrhal inflammation and can form nodules and films on the surface of the mucosa. When a disease occurs, it is necessary to carry out a smear test to determine the fungus and, on its basis, make a systemic treatment.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis.As a result of the reaction to various stimuli, reddening and unbearable itching, continuous discharge of turbid fluid and swelling may appear. First of all, in this case it is required to find out the nature of the stimulus, prescribe antihistamines and agents for external use.
How different types of conjunctivitis appear

The most common form of conjunctivitis in children can be considered bacterial, which can occur by negligence. For prevention purposes, it is necessary to teach the child basic rules of hygiene and behavior.


Currently, there are a lot of different eye drops for children and adults on the market of medicines. Do not use drugs to treat conjunctivitis in adults without the advice of doctors.

It is also necessary to monitor the correct dosage of medicines and use only children's medicines.


Anti-inflammatory drops can be prescribed by a doctor in any form of conjunctivitis. One of the most widely used -Dexamethasone. The drug removes inflammation and has antihistamine action, therefore it is used in the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis.

  • Diclofenac.Applied in inflammatory processes to prevent their development. It has analgesic effect.
  • Opatanol.The drug prevents histamine reactions that cause inflammation. Widely used for allergic conjunctivitis.


In the treatment of viral conjunctivitis, eye drops with antibiotics are usually used.

  • Actipol.The drug prevents the development of the virus and destroys it. Reduces inflammation and promotes regeneration.
  • Ophthalmoferon.Has antiviral action, reduces inflammation, stimulates the strengthening of immunity. It has an easy analgesic effect.


Drops for the eyes, narrowing the vessels, are actively used for various diseases and to relieve fatigue. In the treatment of conjunctivitis used in conjunction with other drugs.

  • Octilia.The drug has the ability to quickly remove the redness of the eyes. Due to its antiseptic properties it is actively used in the treatment of various forms of conjunctivitis.
  • Naphthysine.Effective vasoconstrictor. It is most often used in the treatment of conjunctivitis caused by allergies. It is addictive, so it requires careful use.
  • Vizomitin.Actively used to relieve redness of the eyes with fatigue and allergies. It is used together with other medications for inflammation of the conjunctiva.


Antiseptic drops for the eyes are most often used in the treatment of inflammation caused by a bacterial infection. Many of them have side effects, so they are used together with other drugs.

  • Albucid.A popular remedy that prevents the development of common types of bacteria: streptococci, staphylococci, chlamydia and others. In the treatment can cause redness and burning.
  • Tobrex.Antibacterial drug that destroys streptococci, Escherichia coli, diphtheria and staphylococcus. May cause swelling and allergic reaction.


As a rule, antimycotic drops for the eyes are made individually, depending on the type of fungus.In their composition is usually introduced: amphotericin (destroys the membranes of fungi), fluconazole (inhibits the development and life of the fungus).Children's drops usually have a lower concentration of active substances.

You can also use ointment for eyes from conjunctivitis.

Application rules

In addition to the fact that the selection of medications must be made taking into account the peculiarities of this type of conjunctivitis, it is required to follow the instructions and recommendations of doctors without fail. In severe cases, treatment can be delayed for up to two weeks and reduced to two to five days with timely access to the ophthalmologist.

Antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs are used, as a rule, two or three times a day, digging in one or two drops in each eye.

The use of antibacterial drops can go up to six to eight times a day for two to three drops.The duration of treatment depends on the size of the inflamed area, the process ends with its complete disappearance.

Antifungal agents are prescribed and used taking into account the age, condition and individual characteristics of the patient.

Antibiotics can be used to treat inflammation of the conjunctiva to eight to fourteen days, depending on the stage and characteristics of the virus.The frequency of admission is eight times a day, two drops in each eye. After the improvement, the dosage is reduced.


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As the basic preventive reception for children and adults is observance of the basic rules of hygiene of a body, face and eyes. Do not touch eyelids and eyelids, without washing your hands first with soap. It is very important to teach children to use towels and clean handkerchiefs.

Fungal and bacterial conjunctivitis can be transmitted, so if a family already has a case should be protected from the use of shared towels, napkins and other hygiene products, and pillows.

Control compliance with the rules of hygiene is necessary not only at home, but also on the street and in public places.In schools and kindergartens, you should not use other people's personal hygiene products and explain to the child why you should not allow your own children to be used.In case of the first symptoms of conjunctivitis, it is necessary to contact the ophthalmologist as soon as possible.


Eye drops against allergies

Hydrocortisone eye ointment - the features of the drug are described here.

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Conjunctivitis is a disease that causes tangible discomfort, but is easily treatable with timely and correct intervention. The most important thing is not to engage in self-medication, because the nature of the inflammation can be determined only by the doctor and sometimes even in the laboratory. Particular importance in human life is the implementation of preventive measures against conjunctivitis of children and adults.

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