Zaedy: how to treat and quickly cure at home

Seizures in the corners of the mouth and lips in an adult and a child are a common infectious disease that causes a lot of discomfort when eating and when going out when the cold wind blows your face. The disease is not heavy, but very contagious, transmitted by a contact-household way.

Let's talk about how and how you can treat and quickly cure spas in adults and children at home with folk advice, recipes and medical devices.


Reasons for

As we said, the disease spreads from sick adults andto healthy people through contact, through public objects and violations of sanitary and hygienic standards: common towels, dishes, spoons, forks, handkerchiefs, napkins and the like. Infection is transmitted through the subject, a kiss, etc.

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Treatment of jaundice in an adult and a child

There is good folk and medical advice: treat carious teeth, eliminate irritating factors in the oral cavity( tartar, improperly placed crowns or dentures) in the dentist. Those who smoke, it is advisable to quit smoking or at least limit smoking.

Folk remedies at home

Nutritional advice

Enrich your diet with various vitamins, but first of all with vitamin B2( riboflavin), which is found in large quantities in whole grains( brown rice, bran), legumes, nuts, green leafyvegetables, cabbage, avocado. Among animal products, the best sources of riboflavin are egg yolk, poultry, fish, cheese.

Vitamin E, of which is abundant in vegetable oil obtained by cold pressing, cabbage, legumes, nuts, oatmeal and corn is also required.

Quickly cure oil

For faster healing of cracks on the lips it is recommended to lubricate the with an oil solution of vitamin E, olive or linseed oil. From the strong frost and wind, the delicate skin of the lips should be protected with a special lipstick.


Try to eat more fruits and vegetables, dairy products;exclude spicy, sour, salty. Meat is more preferably boiled. With fungal infections, limit sweets.

Facilitate the condition of the application on the corners of the lips from the infusion of oak bark or alder cones, possessing disinfectant and astringent properties.


Helps such a recipe: cotton swab soak with tea tree oil and for a few seconds apply to the corners of the mouth. Repeat in the morning and in the evening until the seizures disappear. Tea tree oil has bactericidal and wound healing properties.

You can also use a brewed warm bag of green tea.


To avoid interruptions, observe hygienic requirements for oral care and dentures, make sure that the face towel is always clean.

Sulfur from the ears

In the treatment of seizures, as well as herpes, a folk remedy such as earwax can help. You can get it with a cotton swab, and immediately smear it with those places where there are seizures.

What else can you treat

To get rid of jam on the lips, you can try using thermal water or hygienic lipstick based on it. It is enough just to sprinkle with thermal water or apply lipstick to the affected areas of the lips several times a day.

What else can help in treating snacks is lubricating their with an oil solution of vitamins A and E, vaseline, melted beeswax, goose fat, sea-buckthorn, linseed and olive oil, rose hips and avocado oil, tea tree oil, and also make lotionsfrom the infusions of chamomile herbs, celandine, sequins, sage and marigold.

To soften the jam at the corners of the mouth, it is recommended to lubricate them with honey and butter.

The next popular anti-jam remedy is wiping them with juice squeezed from the leaves of the houseplant Kalanchoe, fresh stems and leaves celandine, plantain and buttercup, and cut slice garlic.

The bizarre folk way

Another bizarre folk way for eliminating snacks at the corners of the mouth: with your own hair, if the length allows, wipe the affected places regularly. Some people also argue that in order to get rid of snitching, you need to hold them with a knife, naturally, with a dull side of it. It's hard to say how effective these methods are, but in any case you can try.

Also follows:
  1. Every day lubricate the corners of the lips with iodine tincture, forcing the child to open his mouth wide.
  2. Lubricate the spikes with celandine juice 2 times a day.
  3. With the preventive purpose of preventing children in school from drinking from one glass, do not allow to use the same shawls and towels.

Drugs and medications

When a persistent disease is usually done scraping to identify the pathogen( it can be streptococci, staphylococcus or yeast-like fungi), a blood test for vitamin B2.

If a fungus is found, the doctor recommends antifungal drugs, which are selected taking into account the characteristics of the disease and individual sensitivity to drugs.

We recommend Teimurova paste, such as Aevomecol , Iruksol , Tetracycline and d-panthenol from pharmacy medicines that are recommended for the treatment of jaws on the lips.

Doctors recommend

  1. Locally apply 1-2% alcohol solution of brilliant green, 3-5% solution of silver nitrate.
  2. Well lubrication adhesions solution of silver nitrate.
  3. In the presence of crusts - 1% erythromycin or 5% white mercurial ointment, oxycorte, etc.
  4. When seizing fungal etiology - inside and outside( ointment) Nystatin or Levorin, restorative therapy, UHF.

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This article is written from the books of Heinrich Nikolaevich Evengov.

  1. G.Nasgov. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012

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