Methods of restoring vision with myopia

Myopia (myopia) is a problem that many people face.In the age of high technology, the burden on eyesight increased significantly, which provokes the development or progression of this disorder.

The issue of restoring vision with myopia worries parents. Every sixth schoolchild suffers from myopia of one degree or another. For adults, this is no less important problem: poor visual acuity interferes with the driving of a car, professional activity and generally limits a person's capabilities.


  • 1What it is?
  • 2Causes of nearsightedness
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnosis of nearsightedness
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Correction of myopia
    • 5.2Medication Therapy
    • 5.3Laser correction
    • 5.4Surgical interventions
    • 5.5Physiotherapy methods
    • 5.6Gymnastics for the eyes with myopia
  • 6Prophylaxis of myopia
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

What it is?

Myopia is a visual impairment, which in professional medical terminology is called myopia (in translation from Greek myops - "squinting eyes").

According to statistics, every third person on the Earth suffers from myopia. This pathology of eye refraction means a decrease in visual acuity in the distance.

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Myopic people see weak objects weakly, but they can see close objects closely.

In most cases, short-sightedness is caused by the discrepancy between the refractive power of the eye's optical system and the length of its axis. With this disease, the parallel rays of light entering the eye are focused in front of the retina, and not on its surface, as it should be normal. Depending on the reasons, myopia happens:

  • Axial(the refractive power of the cornea, lens, vitreous is within normal limits, but the anterior-posterior size is larger than in the healthy eye);
  • Refraction(with a normal anterior-posterior eye size, the refractive power of optics is greater than in a healthy eye);
  • Mixed(refractive force and anteroposterior size of the eye exceed normal values);
  • Combined(the refractive power of the optics of the eye and its anterior-posterior dimension do not exceed the limits of the values, but are combined in unsuccessful variants).

Myopia is congenital or acquired. Congenital myopia is rare, but, as a rule, it is complicated (accompanied by developmental anomalies eyes and poor vision in the absence of correction during the development of the child's eye or pathology that is not amenable treatment).

Acquired myopia in the last decade began to occur more often, especially during the period of active growth of the body.This kind of disease can progress and lead to further deterioration of vision. Myopia is considered progressive if the vision decreases every year by one or more diopters.

There are 3 degrees of myopia:

  1. Weak (up to 3 diopters);
  2. Average (from, 5 to 6 diopters);
  3. High degree of myopia (more than 6 diopters).

The degree of myopia indicates the number of diopters that is necessary to reduce the refractive power of the eye.

Causes of nearsightedness

The causes of myopia development are well known:

  • The wrong shape of the eyeball is the main cause of myopia. Because of the excessive length of the anterior-posterior axis of the eye, the light rays, focusing, do not reach the retina.This stretches the back of the eye, which in time can trigger changes eye fundus (dystrophic changes in the macular area, retinal detachment, myopic cone and other).
  • Too strong refraction of light rays by the optical system of the eye.For this reason, the light rays converge in focus before the retina, and not on it.
As a person sees with myopia

In addition to the causes of myopia, ophthalmologists distinguishfactors that contribute to the development of this disease.

  • Genetic factor.In this case, not bad eyesight is inherited, but a physiological predisposition to it. That is, by inheritance is transferred the size of the eyeball or the refractive properties of the lens. In the risk group, first of all, children who both parents suffer from this disease get to. The presence of myopia in only one of the parents reduces the risk of myopia in a child by an average of 30%.
  • Weakening of sclera tissueleads to an increase in the size of the eyeball and, as a consequence, promotes the development of myopia.
  • Primary weakness of accommodation, leading to compensatory stretching of the eyeball.
  • Weakening of the bodyas a result of malnutrition, overwork, a number of diseases (violation of the musculoskeletal system, allergic and infectious diseases, birth traumas, diseases of the nasopharynx and oral cavity, brain trauma, rickets, general decrease immunity).
  • Unfavorable conditions of visual work.
  • Excessive eye strain, eye strain.
  • Reading in moving vehicles, in the dark, in a lying position.
  • Many hours sitting at the computer, TV.
  • Bad light.
  • Wrong fit during reading, writing.
Eye correction


The main symptom of myopia is a decrease in vision in the distance: objects seem fuzzy, vague.

To improve the clarity of the picture, a short-sighted person usually starts squinting.Close to a person sees normally. In addition, the symptoms of nearsightedness include increased visual fatigue and headaches that occur during visual exertion.

Diagnosis of nearsightedness

Diagnosis of short-sightedness is carried out by an ophthalmologist. For this purpose, a complete examination of the patient's vision organs is carried out, a sharpness with correction and without it is determined (visometry). If necessary, the doctor prescribes other special studies: biomicroscopy, ophthalmoscopy, examination of the fundus, etc.

If you suspect your nearsightedness, then first contact an ophthalmologist who can establish the cause and prescribe the correct treatment. Only after that you can go to the optics, where a specialist (optometrist) in accordance with the prescription of the oculist will pick up the glasses or lenses that are acceptable for you.


Treatment for myopia can be carried out in two major directions: correction and treatment itself.

Correction of myopia

Correction of nearsightedness is carried out with the help of positive glasses, contact lenses (soft, hard and nocturnal) and laser methods (Lasik).This includes the correction of intraocular lenses (the lens is placed inside the eye) and keratotomy (incisions on the cornea).

Each method has its pluses and minuses, indications and contraindications, possible complications. But all of them are based on one principle: to change the optical system of the eye so that the image of the object is focused on the retina of the eye.

Medication Therapy

Treatment for myopia includes taking vitamins in the form of tablets (for example, "Lutein Complex") and drops (Taufon, Emoksipin), as well as agents that improve blood supply, physiotherapy methods, gymnastics for eye.

For the removal of the spasm of accommodation, the dilating pupils of the drop are prescribed(Irifrin, Midratsil, etc.).

Laser correction

With an average degree of myopia, laser vision correction is indicated. The term itself already implies that this operation does not restore sight, but only corrects the nuances of the cornea in accordance with how light rays are refracted.

The essence of laser correction is to make micro cuts on the upper layer of the cornea. This changes the optical density of the cornea. This surgery is not possible if the cornea is too thin.

Passing a beam of light, the computer examines exactly the area where the beam will be refracted exactly on the retina on a yellow spot.An incision is made, and then the incised tissues return to the site so as not to damage the upper layer of the cornea.Possible side effects: for example, it happens that the vitreous body begins to deform. To avoid side effects, a thorough examination is always performed before the operation.

Laser vision correction for nearsightedness

Surgical interventions

Operations are performed only in patients with a high degree (more than 6 diopters) of myopia. There are the following methods of surgical interventions:

  • implantation of actual lenses;
  • refractive lens replacement (lenseectomy);
  • keratoplasty (corneal plastic surgery);
  • radial keratotomy.

Today excimer refractive surgery is gaining increasing popularity. Clinics successfully use new techniques based on the use of excimer lasers.The only negative is the probability of myopia regression.This is due to the fact that the cornea is peculiar to return to the previous condition, and with a strong violation, the incision of the cornea may be too deep.

Ophthalmic surgeons offer patients repeated interventions that are more effective than the first.

One of the leading methods of correcting vision surgically is laser keratomileusis.This is a combined operation involving the involvement of a surgeon and a laser, which is controlled by computer technology.With the help of keratomileusis, it is possible to correct the consequences of myopia, astigmatism or farsightedness.

Physiotherapy methods

Today in the treatment of myopia, physiotherapy methods are also used:

  • color therapy;
  • phonophoresis;
  • infrasound;
  • pneumomassage.

These methods help improve the blood supply to the eyeball tissues, train the ciliary muscle, increase the effectiveness of the drugs. All of them are united in "Sidorenko's glasses which are successfully used by adults and children.

Gymnastics for the eyes with myopia

Physical exercises train the muscles of the eyes, alternately relaxing and straining the eye muscles. They need to be repeated every day, and in the complex.You can do exercises during working breaks, between household chores, a lot of gymnastics for the eyes will not require.

We offer the whole complex of exercises:

  1. Quickly blink for 1 minute.
  2. Sit down, squeeze your eyes tightly for 2-5 seconds, and then open your eyes for 2-5 seconds (8-10 times).
  3. Stand with your hand outstretched and look at the fingertips. Slowly draw your finger, keeping your eyes on it (6-9 times).
  4. Move your hand behind the field of view a little to the right side, then slowly move your right hand finger from right to left without moving your head. Thus, you use peripheral vision. Watch your finger move (12-16 times).
  5. Fix the skin above the eyebrows with index fingers. Then slowly close your eyes, while holding your fingers a little higher, above the eyebrows (12-14 times).
  6. Make your eyes circular movements at a slow pace, then in one direction, then in the other direction (8-10 times).
  7. The three fingers of both hands easily press on the upper eyelids, after 3-4 seconds, remove the fingers from the eyelids (4-5 times).
  8. Slowly look from the floor to the ceiling and back, fixing the head (9-12 times).
  9. Describe the circles or any other figures with your eyes.
  10. Place the second, third and fourth fingers so that the second finger is at the outer corner of the eye, the third - in the middle of the upper edge of the orbit, and the fourth - at the inner corner. Slowly close your eyes. Fingers show little resistance, as if stretching the skin (10-12 times).
Exercises for the eyes with myopia

Prophylaxis of myopia

Prevention of myopia requires an integrated approach. Ophthalmologists recommend the following preventive measures:

  • Correct vision correction.
  • Vitaminotherapy (vitamins for eyesight "Lutein Complex "Anthocyan Forte etc.).
  • Observance of the visual regime.
  • Exercise of the eye muscles.
  • Elimination of concomitant diseases.
  • General strengthening procedures (hardening).
  • Diet (rich in vegetables containing carotenoids, for example, carrots).
  • Stimulation of blood circulation in the eye tissues (medication and physiotherapy).
  • Sclerostrengthening operations.

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When you give a disability by sight, you will learn from this article.

Orthokeratological night lenses:




To restore vision with shortsightedness is realistic: this requires a good motivation for the patient and an appeal to experienced ophthalmologists. In addition, it is important to regularly charge for the eyes to improve vision, those elementary movements that are described above.All these methods combined with vitaminized nutrition will help restore vision with myopia.