Effective methods of treatment of demodectic eyelids
Among the numerous diseases of the organs of vision, special attention deserves demodecosis. This pathological process provokes the demodex mite, which lives on the eyelashes of each person. But it starts to activate under the influence of certain factors. Treat the pathology can be at home with the help of medications prescribed by a doctor.
1Definition of disease
4Possible complications
5.2Folk remedies
Definition of disease
Demodectic eyelid is an inflammatory process that damages the skin. The tick, which contributes to the development of the disease, is small in size. It can be found only under a microscope. It is concentrated in the field of eyelids, eyebrows, forehead, nasolabial folds.
Demodectic - loss of eyelashes
Demodex on the eyelids is diagnosed identically in both men and women.
The tick, which lives on the eyelids, is accompanied by painful symptoms, if the conditions of its coexistence with the carrier do not suit. Demodecosis can be primary and secondary. Primary is formed on healthy skin of the eyelids, and the secondary forms on the background of other pathologies of the skin (papilloma, benign neoplasms, blepharitis). Influences on the development of demodectic eczema can be such factors:
heat, the influence of sun rays in the summer-spring period;
reception of too hot procedures - a bathroom, a sauna, a sauna;
reduction of body defenses;
increased acidity of the skin;
visual impairment caused by myopia, hyperopia;
diseases of the endocrine, nervous, vascular systems;
high temperature in the house;
operation on the eyeball.
With the development of demodectic eyelids, an inflammatory process is formed. It is associated with blepharitis, which has been actively developed in this area.
When the pathology of damage is applied to the eyeball, the patient may be diagnosed with blepharoconjunctivitis.
The symptomatology of the disease is formed at a certain time. It is expressed as follows:
itching and burning on the skin of the eyelids, which are enhanced by the use of cosmetics;
edema and hyperemia;
purulent crusts on the edges of the skin of the eyelids;
loss of eyelashes.
If the pathological process affected the eyeball, then there is active lacrimation, redness and dryness of the conjunctiva.The organs of vision quickly become tired, the severity of the visual function decreases.
In demodectic eyelids, people often undergo barley formation.
Possible complications
Due to the parasitic activity of the parasite, inflammation of the eyelids, the cornea of the organ of vision, and tumorous formations can occur. In addition, the mites are able to release toxic decomposition products. Under their influence demodectic eyelids will lead to nervous disorders, depression and a decrease in self-esteem.
To prescribe an effective medicine for demodectic eczes the doctor will be able to take into account the type and stage of the pathology, and also the individual features of the pathology.
For the effective treatment of demodicosis of the eyelids there is a mass of effective drugs, presented in the form of ointments. Among them are the following popular means:
Sulfuric ointment. This drug is able to decontaminate, destroy parasites and speed up the healing process. Sulfur ointment is an effective, but at the same time inexpensive means. The only drawback is the unpleasant odor and pollution of things. Use an ointment to treat the skin without getting to the hair. The duration of treatment will be 7-12 days.
Permetrine ointment. It is an insecticidal and acaricidal drug that exerts local influence. Due to the active components that penetrate the parasite's body, it can quickly be immobilized and destroyed. Skin must be treated 2-3 times a day. Duration of treatment is 14 days. Do not use the drug for children under 3 years.
Ointment of Yam.At the heart of this dermatological medicine are ingredients that are effective against parasites and fungi. Apply ointment 2 times a day for 14 days.
Ichthyol ointment.Its action is aimed at the destruction of pathogenic microflora and pain. Apply the drug 3 times a day.Ichthyol ointment destroys pathogenic microflora and pain
If it is necessary to treat demodectic eyelids on delicate skin integuments, then it is worth paying attention to such medications asBlefarogel, Demalan, Tsinkoichtil Ointment.They are specially designed for delicate skin, as they do not irritate the mucous and do not contain toxins.
Blepharogel is used in the treatment of demodectic
To combat the disease, you can use drugs in the form of drops.But only they need not to drip, but to use for the treatment of the skin of the eyelids, since it is there that the mites live.
It is necessary to drip onto a cotton swab and apply it on the eyelids.You can also massage your finger. But to remove itching, dryness and inflammation, eye drops can drip into the conjunctival sac.
In the treatment scheme may include such acaricidal drops:
These funds should be used not for burial, but for processing the edges of the eyelids.
For the treatment of demodicosis, complicated by a secondary infection, drops with an antibacterial effect are used. Such drops can be called effective:
Dexa-Gentamycin(ointment).Levomechitin is used to treat demodecosis complicated by a secondary infection
To relieve the unpleasant symptomatology of allergies on the eyelids, one should use antihistamine drops:
Dexamethasone.Dexamethasone is used for eyelid allergies
Folk remedies
For the treatment of demodectic eyelids, unconventional agents are used as often as pharmacies. Such recipes remain effective:
Decoction of wormwood.It is necessary to take 40 g of raw materials, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Infuse 2-3 minutes. The filtered broth should be taken 6 times a day for 50 ml. On the first day of therapy, the reception takes place after an hour, then after 2 hours, and on the third day - after 3 hours.
Compresses made from aloe juice.With the help of such compresses it is possible to suppress puffiness and flushing. Take the fresh leaves of the plant to wash, cut and attach the inner side to the inflamed skin of the eyelids.
Decoction of oak bark.This remedy also effectively fights against the unpleasant symptomatology of demodicosis. It is necessary to take 10 g of raw material and pour 200 ml of hot water. Insist 30 minutes. Filter the broth, moisten cotton pads and attach to the eyelids. Change them every 10 minutes.
Infusion of calendula.You can go through it in the medicine cabinet. Apply to cotton buds and treat the parotid region.
To get rid of the tick, you can clean the entire body.Do this with a decoction of birch leaves. Take them in an amount of 20 g and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Wait for 30 minutes, filter and take a dose of 20 ml 3 times a day.
Some folk remedies to cure demodectic eyelids do not work. So it's worth using them in combination with medications.
Due to simple measures, it is possible to prevent the development of demodectic eyelids. The essence of prevention is as follows:
Use personal hygiene items: towels, cosmetics and bed linen.
Regularly change the towel and bed linen. And after each wash, the laundry must be ironed.
Do not use cheap and substandard cosmetics.
Avoid overcooling, overheating in the sun.
To adhere to hypoallergenic diet.
Demodectic eyelids is a common disease, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms in the form of itching, lacrimation, burning and pain. It can be bought with the help of folk and pharmaceutical means. But to get maximum effect, it is worthwhile to direct efforts to struggle not only with symptoms, but also the cause of pathology.