Usually ointments for gums are used to get rid of the pain caused by various causes, to remove the inflammation and to heal the gum after surgery or before possible treatment to the doctor. Content: Ointment for gums for adults Metrogil Asept's Balm Elgifluor and Elugel Heparin ointment Ointment for gums after dental treatment Холисал Solcoseryl Apident-Active Related articles: Inflammation of the gums: treatment at home The better to rinse your teeth with inflammation of the gums Causes o...
Contents Morbidity in different countries Reasons for Ethanol metabolism in the liver Development mechanism of Symptoms of alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver Stages of the disease How to confirm the diagnosis? Treatment Forecast Related Videos Alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver is a chronic lesion of hepatocyte cells due to the toxic property of alcohol. The disease causes the death of the functioning tissue of the organ and its repla...
Marsh feared is a plant widely used for medicinal purposes, belonging to the genus of perennial. grows mainly in swampy areas, onshore river and lake areas. Initially, he lived in the territories of Asia, China and India, and later spread to other countries, including Europe and America. Content of the article: The appearance and composition of Collection and procurement of medicinal raw materials Rhizome in traditional medicine Alcohol tincture ...
So, in the Volgograd region, starting in 2014, social projects began to be prepared and new socially-oriented non-commercial organizations ( shortly - NCOs) social security subjects in the area of social services of the population of our region are emerging. We are aware that the operation of the main provisions of Federal Law No. 442-FZ of December 28, 2013 "On the Basics of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation" applies to citizens of the Russian Federation, ...
Wen or lipoma is a benign neoplasm that forms under the skin from subcutaneous fat. This problem can arise wherever fat is present in the body, however, wives on the back often appear. It is worth knowing about the main causes of lipoma and ways to get rid of them as quickly and painlessly as possible. Content: Causes of appearance Is the wen on the back dangerous? Can a wen on the back hurt? To what doctor to address? How to get rid of zhirovik? Do I need to remove the wen on my back? How t...
One of the main conditions for the proper functioning of the human heart is the flow of blood through the heart chambers and vessels in one direction. This is due to the anatomical structure of the heart itself and the presence of valves in it, which act as "doors" that open only one way. If a heart valve does not fulfill its function as a "regulator" of blood flow, a heart defect called "valve stenosis" occurs. Among such vices, the most frequent is stenosis of the mitral valve. ...
Contents of What is known about the causes of the disease? What does histology show? Mechanism of development of Symptoms of Whipple's disease Diagnosis With what diseases is differential diagnosis performed? Treatment Criteria for effectiveness Video on topic Previously unknown disease was described by the American physician pathologist D. Whipple in 1907. The findings turned out to be so rare that only by 1988 did they accumulate da...
Blackberry is a berry that has a juicy, unique sweet and sour taste and unique aroma, growing in the form of a prickly bush with dark purple fruits. During the flowering period, the plant gives the bees nectar, from which the honey, which is useful and unique to taste, is obtained. The plant blooms from June to the end of summer. Useful properties of blackberry are known since ancient times. Until now, many unique recipes on the basis of plants have come to preserve youth,...
Itching in the ears of is a kind of persistent sensation. At any of us sometimes the ears strongly inside are healed, it can be so itchy and itchs in the left or right ear, that immediately I want to put a thin, fitting object and scratch it hard inside the ear canal. Wait, though! Let's understand the reasons and the correct treatment of itching in the auditory process with folk and medical remedies at home. You can also watch a video of what to do if it is deeply itchy in the ear ...
Such unpleasant phenomena as ulcers in the tongue can appear for a variety of different reasons and before starting the treatment it is necessary to reveal the original source. Traditional medicine has its own, fairly effective recipes, tested by time and people. Content: Ulcers in the adult language - the causes of the appearance The child has To which doctor will apply Ulcer in the tongue, how to treat at home Zelenka against ulcers Soda against a tongue ulcer Infusion of coriander Glyceri...
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