Itching in the ears: the reasons and treatment, why the ears are scratching inside

Itching in the ears of is a kind of persistent sensation. At any of us sometimes the ears strongly inside are healed, it can be so itchy and itchs in the left or right ear, that immediately I want to put a thin, fitting object and scratch it hard inside the ear canal.

Wait, though! Let's understand the reasons and the correct treatment of itching in the auditory process with folk and medical remedies at home. You can also watch a video of what to do if it is deeply itchy in the ear deep inside, causes, ways of self-help.


Causes:why itches the ears

The reasons for the appearance of itching in the ears are many. The most frequent - increased release of sulfur. At the same time, a person tries to remove sulfur balls from his ear all the time. Usually for these purposes use a match, a pin or a thin stick. In this case, the skin of the auditory canal is necessarily damaged. In the microcracks gets sulfur and causes itching, itches deeply in the ear.

The more often an adult person or child uses solid objects to remove sulfur from the ear, the larger areas of the skin are damaged and the more it will be itching. It is necessary to get rid of the bad habit of picking in the ear with various things. From the same it is necessary to warn and children.

Treatment of pruritus in the ear

If you have a severe itching in the area of ​​the ear canal, you can wipe your ear with cotton wool soaked in 6% vinegar 2-3 times a day.

To remove surplus sulfur from the ear canal, you can bury your ear with a solution of baking soda( 1 teaspoon per 100 ml of warm boiled water).Stir. Bury in 4-5 drops 3 times a day. Soda destroys pieces of sulfur to small particles, which are then removed naturally( villi in the ear canal).

Another common cause of the itching of the auditory canal are eczematous manifestations on the skin with chronic purulent otitis. From constant irritation of the skin of the ear canal with pus it is macerated, there are eczematous changes and itching.

This itch is noted with eczema, psoriasis and other forms of dermatitis.

Itching in the ears can cause insects trapped in the ear canal.

Treating itching in the ears with folk remedies

When the itching in the ears starts to cause you serious anxiety, you can take the following actions.

Do not scratch your skin. If you clean your ears with a cotton swab and even more so with a key or a twisted piece of paper, you risk damaging the eardrum. In addition, the resulting microcracks will get sulfur and the itching in the ear canal becomes even stronger. The more often you use matches or stilettos, the stronger will be the earache.

Use oil. Instilling one or two drops of almond, olive or other vegetable oil can immediately stop the itching. Ask your friend or wife to dip your oil in your ear while you are lying down.

Washing with an alcoholic solution of ( 4%) significantly reduces itching.

If there is an ear in the insect

Remove organisms from the ear. You can get rid of insects wandering around your ear, washing your ear with warm water. This is done with a rubber pear or syringe. A couple of drops of almond oil can exterminate unguardable pests, you can simply drip a few drops of diluted alcohol with water from the pipette( the pests will float to the surface, and they will be removed).If this does not happen, consult a doctor.

If a sulfur plug is formed

Remove earwax. Sulfur accumulated in the ears can be removed by leaning your ear against a bottle of hot water. This heater softens sulfur and helps to separate it. After that, the cork is easier to remove. But do not try to remove sulfur completely. A small amount of it prevents the development of itching.

Try some commercially available tools. A half-percentage solution of Hydrocortisone in the form of lotion soothes itching in most cases. Carefully insert the twisted tip of a handkerchief moistened with lotion in the ear. If this is not enough, the itch can be soothed with a more concentrated solution of Hydrocortisone.

Next, you can watch a video on how you can remove the sulfur plug from your ear yourself. Why you can not clean the ears with cotton buds. Many believe that earwax is just dirt and you need to constantly clean your ears with cotton buds. Many mothers thus clean their ears, in spite of the fact that the sticks with cotton wool are not for this purpose intended. That's it with these procedures and are formed by sulfur fuses.

Medical preparations: ointments, solutions, procedures

  1. With otic itching, ointments are good: Lorinden C, hydrocortisone( eye), prednisolone. Lubricate the auditory passage 2 times a day.
  2. Oil solution of propolis( turunda at night in the ear canal).
  3. Intra-ear Ionophoresis with Calcium Chloride Daily No. 12.

Itching in the ears may occur with suppuration at chronic mesotympanitis.

In this case, do not delay the process of treatment, but it is time to contact the ENT doctor. At home, you can wash the affected ear with vodka( carefully, dilute with boiled water) or dilute alcohol( do less than 40%) once a day, in the morning.(See also treatment of eczema.)

Related videos

Elena Malysheva: itching in the ears, causes and treatment

In this issue of the TV show "Live healthy!" With Elena Malysheva, you will learn three possible reasons why your ears are scratched and how to treat properly.

  1. Fungal infection .Fungus settles in the outer part of the auditory canal. It feeds on particles of the skin and releases toxic substances, which leads to inflammation, secretions from the ear and itching. Fungus is treated with topical antifungal agents( ear drops or ointments).
  2. Allergy .With an allergic reaction, skin redness and itching appear. Often such a problem occurs in spring hay fever.
  3. The gray cork .Sulfur protects the outer ear from germs. Normally surplus sulfur is removed from the ear by itself, when we chew or talk. If this does not occur, a sulfur plug may form. It is dangerous to try to remove the sulfur plug yourself, as the cotton swab can push the sulfur deeper into the ear, and sharp objects can injure the ear and cause an infectious inflammation. To extract the sulfur plug, you need to seek help from an otolaryngologist.

My ears are very itchy: 3 reasons for itching in my ears

Why does it hurt to scratch my ear inside: what are the causes?

Itching in the ears can be a symptom of local diseases or pathological processes throughout the body. Its main causes are as follows:

  1. Allergic dermatitis.
  2. Without established cause( idiopathic).
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Mycosis of external auditory canal.
  5. Metabolic disorders with autointoxication.
  6. Accumulations of sulfur or gray-epidermal masses.
  7. Aged age.
  8. Chronic external otitis media.
  9. Eczema of external auditory canal.

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Source: YNGorgov. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.