Let's talk about how to properly pull and to remove of wood mite at home in an adult and children, and also how to remove and extract a tick from a domestic dog, cat or cat after a walk in the forest or in a park. With the beginning of spring, we all want to stroll through the forest, breathe fresh air, feel the warm spring sun. But do not forget about the blood-sucking mite parasites, which are located on the soil, grass and bushes and wait for their prey. Once the person is on...
Any cold in an adult person or child always begins gradually. After the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease, when you feel exactly that you are starting to fall ill yourself or your child is ill, knowing exactly what can and should be done will necessarily help either alleviate the unhealthy condition or even even prevent the disease, preventing its development at the very beginning. CONTENTS What to do if you start to get sick: causes, symptoms What to ...
Low pressure in medical practice is commonly referred to as " hypotension ", in which the patient under observation has decreased blood pressure. Blood pressure in medicine is usually measured with a tonometer. The units of measurement are expressed in millimeters of mercury. Thus, the upper and lower limits of blood pressure( BP) are fixed. Blood pressure values of 120 to 80( systolic and diastolic) in most young adults are accepted as norm. However, it is necessary to take ...
Hello dear readers! Today's topic of our conversation is devoted to the problem of what to do with high and low blood pressure( arterial and venous - systolic and diastolic) pressure at home using traditional medicine and folk methods( non-traditional). We will consider a number of issues related to increased and decreased pressure, useful advice, important aspects of not harming yourself! So, let's get started. .. CONTENTS Blood pressure: self-regulation Increase...
Kind time, dear readers of the blog! Today we will talk about the symptom of nausea and how to get rid of it at home. It is better to learn how to treat and remove or remove nausea at home by folk remedies. Information from the books of GNNyegov and video clips will help us in solving this problem. CONTENTS How to get rid of nausea at home with folk remedies Treating nausea with official means, medications, procedures Related videos What to do and treat f...
Any adult person sometimes has festering and sour eyes. It depends on a number of reasons. Isolation of pus in the eye area is always a consequence of the development of infection in the conjunctival sac. The bacteria in it multiply rapidly, especially at night, when the eyelids are closed. The body begins to fight infection, producing a large amount of mucus, which because of its specific composition at the time of the inflammatory process is sticky and very soon dries, gluing the edges...
Any of us have encountered or are constantly living with a problem when sweats heavily and armpits stink. Why is this happening? The reason is increased sweating! What to do at home, so that the natural processes of the body, designed to make our existence comfortable, do not poison our lives. Sweating is a real test, how to deal with it and get rid of it? Video: not to smell armpits: folk remedies for sweat You try not to wear light clothes for fear that wet circles under your a...
Zaeda ( cracks ) in the corners of the mouth are often found in adults and children. This infectious disease is not serious, but very contagious, transmitted from a sick person to a child or an adult person at household contacts, contact, violation of personal hygiene and nutrition. The disease is transferred by common use of dishes, handkerchiefs, napkins, with kisses. Here we will talk about the causes and treatment of zaed in the corners of the mouth with the help of folk and medi...
Any of us at least once experienced an unpleasant state of dizziness. The reasons that the head is spinning, can be different, physiological( normal and not dangerous) and talking about the presence of serious problems. It can be very dizzy, it may seem that everything is spinning around and it is not easy to resist without legs. The person is shaking and vomiting, it's important not to miss the time, finding out the reasons for dizziness timely to treat. In women, this vestibular dis...
Today, we will consider what to do when a child or an adult suffocates, depending on the causes of the choking, how to properly provide the first urgent help to children and adults at home in various emergency and dangerous situations. Choking is the inability to provide the human body, and any living being, with oxygen for the realization of normal vital functions and the performance of vital functions. Causes of suffocation are manifold: foreign body entry into the trachea; ...
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